Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1910, p. 8

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TO THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF ! THE A0.H. Mayor Comper Addressed the Dele- gates at the Opening Session Delegates Paraded to St. Mary's Cathedral---Members of Ladies' Auxiliary Here. The provincial board, of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, is in session, in Jthe A.O0.H. hall, Brock street, with snout one hundred and fifty delegates in attendance. The entire building is {being taken with the convention. Down stairs, t is in session, the Ladies' Auxiliary, consisting of about sixty ing weed by he » upper ball ol - The opening of the sessions place, on Tuesday mors: when the delegates paraded to St. Mary's ea- thedral, at 10:30 o'clock, where high mass was celebrated by y > Halligan, chaplain of the Kingston branch. The choir boys rendered seve- ral fine numbers, during the mass and solos were given by Rev. Father Staley, of Smith's Falls, and Charles Cross, of St. Mary's choir. The convention proper, was called to order on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock by Provincial President Walsh, of Toronto, when Mayor Couper, on warm are be- ! | behalf of the city, extended a welcome to the delegales. The delegates in attendance are from all parts as fur west as Hamil- ton, and as far east as Ottawa. The credential committee pot com- pleted its duties, to-day, and as a result the names of the delegates could not be secured, but they will be published -in the Whig to-morrow. It is the intention of the convention to complete all (he business by Wed- nesday evening, if possible, as the made arrangements to entertain the visiting delegates on a trip down the river, on Thursday morning. In all probability, the delegates will be able to leave for their homes on Thursday night. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters on Their. Rounds, TOF. excursion Thursday with R. C.H.A. band. The exterior of Wonderland is ceiving a coat 'of paint. Wilbam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received a McAuley"s. Phone 778. Work on the pavement at the upper fire station has been completed. A thirty-two pound maskinonge was caught near Clayton, N.Y.,, with a in silk line, H. Cunpingham, piano tuner from re- Same sou etn Phil why Chickering's, Leave orders at Me Auley's bookstore, LO.F. excursion to Picton, Thurs [gay with R.CH.A. band, to meet on. E. G. Stevenson, S.C.R. Mosquito bites, burns and bruises stanly cured sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug t fii two large sewers, one / Barrie street, below Union, and the other on Pine street. SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. Applications Must be Sent to Toronto | Candidates intending to write : on the Queen's supplemental matriculation ex a8 ti mn September should i is is conducts but held ai. the university. bat 1 ey must ed; not by the university, he cducation department. orms of ap of examination, | {on application to. the deputy minis ter education 1 4, or at the res gistrar's office, Queen's University. Baseball Records. League--Nexark, 15-1; Eastern To- lyn, 8; Cincinnati, 5. Boston, 0. 8 League--Boston, i it, Tous, 2. W om, 4; Chi 3 Detroit, 8; New York; 5. Phi phia, 7; Cleveland, 6. ms ------ Ry took | Some of the Business Under Review ' at Ie Victoria, B.C., Aug. 23. Rev. A. E. ican Bishop of Columbia, dressed the committee on missions the Methodist general conferente, re the Indian titles of proparty in this provisce.' It rs there is some unrest in: certain places on account of the Indians hot receiving fair treat- ment in relation to their rights to property. 'A committee, of which Hon, Ww. B. ing is chairman, was ap. pointed to confer with the suthorities of the Anglican church and report to this conference. { It was decided to increase the num ber of field seerétaries and the art- ment of fempersrice and moial The intendent and weere- tary of this con ce were directed to 3 . authorities aski that all Rep possible he extended to Ching in "the effort to free herself from the opi- Movements Of The People-- What They Are Saying And Doing. John T. Le Fever, Brock street, is in Trenton. J. Moll Mowat was at Edmonton on {i 18¢h. r. Griffith, Verona, has moved his family to Petlapiece, Man. FOR STEALING MONEY "POST OFFICE. Bicycles--A Man Rum Over is Dead in an Hospital, Toronto, Aug. 23.---Roswell Gifford, Ottawa youth, sentenced Friday last to serve eight months in the Central FROM Mrs. John Armstrong, Pine street, has returned from a visit at Maberly. Mr. J. J. McCann, of Westport, are in the city on business. Harry Smith, snoque, spent al few days with his parents, on Prock i street. the discovery that the youth had rob- Misses Dora and Ada Cook leave for [bed his late , Charles Gra- England, September 3rd, to attend iss Helen Butler, Brock street, his returned home after visiting friends in | Buffalo, : : Miss Flossie Sharman, Rideau street, admitted his guilt charged in court with the theft. Peter N not yet Jupietenting : of At present the. mginger i y t oit; 's Bas in: hand struc on and other particulars may be had up- |¥ St. | leaves: Thursday to visit friends at lexandria. Mrs. W. T. Hubbard and children, Buffalo, are visiting Mrs. F. Butler, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McCarey are home from Syracuse, N.Y., after a month's vaéation. Charles Moxley left, to-day, on the noon 'train, for Peterbore, before pro- ceeding - to Yorkton, Sask. 3 George of the staff of the Chicago Tribene, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ® J. Reid, Princess street. Mrs. Frank Dempsey and children, fiom Watertown, are visiting Mrs. T. E. , of Rideau 'street. | Miss Lorretta Graham, York street, has returned home, after a three weeks' visit with friends in Ottawa, J. H. Tarrant, Watertown, N.Y, spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs. Frank Lalonde, Orchard street. Frederick Slaven, who has gen visit ing Iviends here for the past four has returned to his home in Montreal. members of the Kingston branch have!' § 1, Jackson, of the New York World, staff, who has been visiting re latives in Kingston, for a wees, re turned home, to-day. of a fall on a vessel, at Garden Is land, several days ago, was able to leave the general hospital on Monday. Miss Lizzie Bowman, Princess street, his returned home after visitin friends in Brownville and Dexter, N.Y. Miss: May Savage, Dextes; came back with her. Thomas Hamill, who hus been the guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs, C. Diamond, for the past six weeks, left for his home in Montreal. 15 Rideau. street. : Miss M. A. Walsh, general agent of the New Yark Life Insurance company, Ottawa, has been in the city, a few returned to: Ottawa, to-day: Robert Marks, cousin known actor, Thomas, Marks, with days in home, the city. They will return to-morrow a Mrs. (Dr,) As 'No White arrived in hotel. Dr. White, now visiting. , may join his on: : 1 m-------- STREET RAILWAY PICNIC To-morrow, Street Railway PEmplayees" picme, Lake Ontario Park, Wadmedey, Aug. 24th. Programme : Baby show--Beést baby, one year and ) Nail driving is rg On al or women pries, 8. . 100 yards dash--Boys, twelve y be fd a catebiog glove; Yond, 500.; 3rd, | 100 yards dash---Boys, sixteen years nd under, 1st, 75¢.; 2nd, 50c.; 3rd, Men's race--lst, 83; 20d, 32; 3ed, Fat man's race--One iption to Daily Standard. yards dash--Girls, twelve years , 1st, 7c; 9nd, B0c.; 3rd, prize, one year's 00 yards dash--Girls, sixteen years and under, 1st, 75¢., 2nd, S50c.; 3rd, Be ladies' rabe--100 yard dash, Yon one $3. Married Ladies' race--83. Human wheal barrow race--25 yards and return, wiv is driv Wilirid Randall, injured as the result |P: and a street car, on ween street west, result 'that be was thrown under the which he died two hours afterwards at. Ss right foot was crushed, known, got between a heavy waggon jum his left arm of costly The request of the Montreal confer: néar Elizabeth, this morning, with the lence, that the secretary of temperance and moral reform should reside at Ot- car wheels and received injuries, from |16Wa, was not concurred in. ite a bright discussion arose over ich dealt with the wearing This is not the 'badly cut, and his side torn open. The item in the rules 'which speaks of put- man wes arrested last nighy for in- toxication and spent the night in the 'ting on of gold and costly apparel, but another aph dealing with cells at Agnes street station, whence (he Same subject. The proposal to de he was discharged, this morning. He told the police "his name was Peter { Turner, that he was a Scotchman, and {3hat he had no Home, McKinnon, be- ore ng ed, last night, was at St. Nhs boupttal, gy |two cuts on Kis head sewn up. The! horses after the sctident, and no one knows who he was, Mrs, Keely, 143 Adelaide street west, was found dead in bed, this morning. !Inmates of the house say she bad =» fit at midnight. ; Representatives of the Toronto Kail- way wes" Union, to-day, affixed | their signatures to the t Soached at ithe mans i ast Sat- urday morning. 'Manager Fleming or t Mackenzie will sign for the company to-morrow, ia mormale by his sister, Mrs. Ir- vine, 17 4 , stretched out on the. floor where he had laid down Inst Mrs. Irvine's sob, John, eleven years old, was drowned while swimming at the island a week ago. # Herbert C. Hughes, chaufienr George A. aveghue, was court, this morning, to thirty jail on chirges of 'giving wrong ers property. Hughes on three tive department that" while damaged sonditiofl. rider" 'and arrested him. ws, pleaded guilty in ihe police Emma, and' Jane Grimes, sisters, tng ros ax Weins- rg, Pa, appeared in thé leourt, this morning; charged with |shop-litting at the T, Eaton 'Co.'s | store. The girls, whén arrested," had The Programme 0 be Carried Out three or fou, pluges with other arti indide their waists, guilty sod Weve or , conce They pleaded not committed at. their own request trial before a jury. teat WORMWITHS VS. PRINTERS. These Teams Will Have a Clash To-| night. Wormwiths and Printers baseball jeams clash in the cricket field this evening at five o'clock, 'in scheduled igame, I, Wormwiths win this game they have their group cinched. MH Printers can manage io come out on | top it will iv ¥ . a. chance Jet. Prin! ay their last game on Fri- day ein the Posties. Wednesday evening, Retailers and Wormwiths play off a postponed game. Yacht Race To-morrow. There will -be another. race for the Carruthers trophy, sailed on Wednes- 'day afternoon. At present the Kath- leen and the Isis have each won a race in this series, and tomorrow's contest should yy as to which boat will hold ou next year, the cup for the » | | "an hotel at miles south of here) The report of ference portant changes: The inerease of the igircuits and missions in the avest de: manded a plan for division during the vaggon whipped up his at four years, night to sleep. The man was in his of the British cruiser Bedford, usual health, according fo reports, last struck 'on Quelpard island, off Korea, evening, and an inguest will be held. [Mithea toss of eighteen lives. for ill for some days past, Shoemaker; 34 Brunswick rapidly. : sentenced, in the police)! Many American tourisis were forced days in to flee for their lives early on Tues infor- day when the fashionable Star hotel, days, staying at the Avonmore. She ! mation atid illegally using his employ- at Nowport: Isle of Wight, was des- iffer- troyed by of the well- lent occasions complained to the detec- | Many iwoms in New England woolen' his em mills, which have been idle for weeks, Ewen Blair, and Archibald Johnson, ployer. was qui of towh strange men or have been operated on short time, all of Perth, have been spending a few |camé to the gatage and took out the are again in motion, indicating that automobile, bringing it back once in 4 business in that industry pect purchaser for the Port Stan: ey he Haughan, and | lace and Wg. 28.Martin Hel | Fernie, B.C:, Aug. 28. lete the entire paragraph was carried by 165 fo 101, the commitiee on con- suggested some im- Power was given to the general conference special commit- tee to increase the number of eonfer- ences should occasion demand it. The most radical change was a pro- position to combine the Bay of Quinte conference and the Toronto and sub- divide into two, to be known as To- ronto and Toronto East, Yonge street ito be the dividing line. This was un- {der discussion at the time of adjourn- t PITH.OF THE NEWS, Robert Spencer Fox was found dead, 'qpe Very Latest Culled From All Over the World, A submerged rock caused the wreck which The Pritish campnign in favor of conscription is taking definite shape. Dr. Beland, M.P., Beauce, seriously is recovering y, five. 18 improv. ite upon 'ing. decided | i It is reported ut London that the C. P.R. will ran a spur ling from Rel mont to C Reach, Lake Krieg, The company §s also said to be a pros« railway. $ train service of the . Grand {Trunk has been extended west Lo Fa- son, 126 miles west of Edmonton, ¥d- son is at the foot of the Rockies, and is already being called the Calgary of British Columbia. The Grand Trunk Pacific is reported as having purchased land at: the' cost of a quarter of a million dollars, op- posite the parliament buildings in Vie: toria, © which they rose to build en hotel, py Mrs. Rogwell P. Flower, widow of former Governor Flower, died at her home in Watertown, N.Y., of « heart trouble, 'aged seventy-four years. She leaves an estate estimated at $4,000,- 000 and is survived by a daughter, Miss Emma Flower Taylor. MENACED BY FIRE. The Situation is Gravest in Western Spokane, Wash., Aug. 23.-- More than ninety persons are now koown Lo be dead with 100 missing and 200 mjuc- ed, and with a half a dozen towns des- troyed. and a score or more menage, the Pacific + North-West, to-day, faces the most terrible forest fire situation itants. are bei driven from their homes and oe Pies panic. stricken toa any place which offers a chante for . The number of fatalities is in- destroy ' Mont: Lolo, Idaho; Debergia, Mont. Mont. The towns of Wal- in its history. Thousands or mhab-{ Everything You Require in Sheet | ings, Pillow Cottons and Linens Is now ready for your selection and by long odds the most complete and va- ried: list we have shown. White Cotton Sheeting In all wanted widths and a gredt variety of makes, both twill and plain. ©. 25¢, 30¢, 33¢c, 35¢, 39¢. HORROOKSES' Famous English Sheet- ings, in 3 widths, at prices that mean a sav- ing. Pillow Cottons Circular makes or plain widths, from 40 in- ches, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 in. Prices that will prove economical buying. PILLOW SLIPS, both plain or hemstitched ends, in a great variety of makes and sizes, PURE BLEACHED IRISH TABLE LIN- ENS, direct from the makers, many very pret- ty designs, 04 to 90 inches. 35e, 50¢, 60c, 75¢, 95¢, $1.25 and up. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS, special value at 25¢, 35¢, 39c¢, 0c. aad Table Napkins In a great variety of designs and sizesand at equally good values, 69c dozen, $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 and up to 8.00 dozen. Towels Plain Linen Towels, 10¢, 12}c, 15¢, 20¢ Hemstitched Towels, 20c, 25¢c, 35c, 40e, 50c and up. sssnscesee 0600000000000 RRROEY vases Suit Case br » 3 RR Fn 1 [000000 ceencescecerreniaceencectscssocesn A great Bargain, Solid Leather, 2 Strapsall round. Linen Lined. Sizes 24 inch. »

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