KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910. LAST EDITION + ---- YEAR 77-NO. 195 = P-- Et ros: er - : eh TF Y wn 4 COUNT MONEY ONLY TWICE, PLAYED WITH DEATH. : WEATHER PROBARILITING. ---- -- Teronto, Ont, August 23. 10 am. --Ot- Treasury Will Save $30,000 B {John Moissant Had Thrilling Time Fhe Very Latest Oulled From All tana Valley and Upper ent re rauth fo 4 . Je . - 3 Change, ; in His Aeroplane, Over The World. winds: mostly fair and decidedly warm, By . About fifty delegates are in Ottawa, hu fool naar thunder storms, = Ty ---- ---------- BA --G » Washington, Aug. 23.-Paper money London, Aug. 23.--Fresh disaster hereafter will be counted one time lose thwarted John B. Moeissant, the Chi- at the annual meeting of the Eastern | ____ ea . often than is now the custom as it cago aviator, in his attempt to com Ontario Library Association. ' Ca i comes off the presses in the bureau of | 4 i i " plete the journey from Paris to Lon- «| Thomas Butler, struck by a Grand He Shot The ptain of printing and engraving, and the trea Hermit Kingdom To don, with a ig The his aero- Good Work of Sergt Fetuk oe near Waubsushing, last 3 2 'e sury department will save $30,000 a plane. A storm, de ing unex pect~ Maj friday, died in the general hospital, Steamer Dead year for the government. It has been Fly Flag of Japan ed, forced Moissant to descend after jor Dymond at Orillia. An inguest will be held. the custom to have the money count . having gone ten miles, with London The cruiser Rainbow, which sailed twenty-two miles awdy to' thé north- from Portsmouth, Eng., last week for Foo -- -- ed twice at the bureau. The machines a * count it sutomatically as it is print west. Moissant narrowly escaped Esquimalt, is due at the naval sta 0 FR ed, and it has been counted afterward death, In ing, he broke his tion on the Pacific const on November by a force of clerks. Then it is count . propellor and part the frame of the . 7th. ed again after it is delivered to the ------ 11 leriot monoplane. The wheels For the first time since be was shot treasurer of the United States, NO NEWS OF WHAT 1S TRANS. buckled under the chassis, and the [30 FAR MADE AT THE OTTAWA by James J. Gallagher, nearly two rudder was damaged. Ii was declared AWA weeks ago, the night watch upon May- AND SOON DISAPPEARED--A| Tieacurer Lee McClung would not COMPANION CAPTURED. consent to abolishing the count in his PIRING GIVEN. the machine was 80 shaken it might MEET. or Gaynor was abandoned by his phy- office and Director Ralph, of the Prove meal to the task of L carrying sicans last night : 3 bureau of printing and engraving has . oissant to London, even whén re- Lictite t-G ire at the will of Massey, e., N Fall Two Men Planned to Gain Control of [agreed to accept the a -- Territory Big as England--Inhabit- paired. he £ an od ernor Is to bel. Tuesday ora destroyed a Se. ew Vessel on Pacific Coast Route, but of the machines as official and the ed by 12,000,000 Persons, all of tei i Oy acetapr=1e Have anil, owned. by Senator Edwards, and ~¢ . Were Folled--Some Lively Inci. | manual count will be abandoned. Whom Will be Subject to Rule of TAXATION OF WOOD PULP. ne ne' Attendance | operated by the Montreal firm of E. 4 a ollowed Thirty women clerks, each drawing a Japan--Convention About to be : is Crowding the Ranges. A. Berry. The is about $30,000, ea es mn ents Followed, salary of 81,000 a year, will be % ' Lowered Duties to Meet United Spécial to the Whig. Four more Toronto bakerethave been Eureka, Cal., Aug. 23.~/The Alaska- | dropped as the result. Signed Soa States Tariff. Ottawa, Aug. 23~Hon. Mr. Gibson summoned on ch of selling light . ' Pacific Steamship Co.'s liner Buek. an iiSe------ |b Toki Aug. 23.~Within the week | New York, Aug. 22. The Swedish |licutenant-governor of Ontario has weight bread. Ald. R. H. Grabam sug- at or man, was held op at sea off this PRINCE PROSPER, ARENBERG. "the mit Kingdom," and the em: government has, it is announced, modi- written = Col. Hughes that he will be gests that if the bakers refuse to obey \ port, yesterday, by two. passengers, | 1 FP Sanitori will Go jPV® of Koreas will become historical [fied the taxation of wood pulp in Swe-lhere, to-morrow, to attend the D.R.A | 0° law civic bakeries be established. » 9 oy Captain Ward was shot and killed by |" ease rom it Mi *0 | terms, 12,000,000 people will be added den to meet the requirements of the [He will be one of the guests at the It is expected (Bat the hew Oltawa Ladi one of the men while resisting, The OTRoNtina, : to. the population of Japan and terri- |Aldrich-Payne tariff aet, which im- {luncheon that Col. Hughes is giving. [oC cent tow almost completed will es v e companion. was overpowered by the | Hanover, Prussia, Aug. 23.--Prince [tory as large as England will become [poses a countervailing duty on wood ! Sir Frederick Borden and Hon. Charles | ICT®8se the value of the taxable pro- : erew. 'I'he passenger who shot | Prosper, of Arenberg, who was con part of the Japanese emperor's do- (pulp and print paper imported from Murphy are amongst those who have|Fr >, © 850,000,000, an increase of the captain jumped overboard with a [demned to death by a court-martial in | minions, countries in which an export duty on [written that they will attend. Invitge|2000 $6.000,000 over the last assess-| Rough weaves will, no doubt, be life prewerver. German South-West Africa in 1589 for | The treaty of Portsmouth, which sét- {wood pulp is levied. By 'a royal or- [tions have béen extended to Gen Ot: [Mest valuation. Thi Duckman: was on. youte: from murder and other crimes committed dinatce the tax, previously paid only |ter and other members of the militia 'The tug Martha H., commanded by in great demand. The hard finished Beattle to Francisco. At 2.15 o'- [against the natives, but whose sen- upon exported wood pulp the pro-Jeouncil. Cadet Gibson, of the Royal Capt. Harris, sprang aleak, on Mon- Bradford Worsteds will be well clock yesterday morning Frederick [tence wae subsequently commuted, was ia coeds of which were used for the sup- | Military College; a son" of 'the lioutens day night, and sank in nineteen feet of Thomas, a passenger, went to the discharged: as cured from the sanitor- NG port of the Swedish department of | ant-governor, is here, and is doing water, in the slip of the Great Lakes | thought of. too. But for dressy Cos- captain's room, while an accomplice |iom at Oberode, where he had been : "1 forestry, has been extended to apply | good shooting. Dredge and Dry Dock Company, Am- descended. to the erginé room. Both confined since he was pronounced in- ta all wood pulp produced in the coun- | ~The erack 'shots are, today, discuss: herstburg, Ont. tumes the smooth face cloths have men wore armed and they attempted [#ane in 1904. The prince will go to try. Tt is 'expected this change will ling the eighteen consecutive bull's eyes| (| Cntrealers are to see tne real John: | 0 or 10 our large and well to take possession ol the vessel. Cap- Argentina, in charge of a guardian ap- EE ¥ satisfy the American customs authori- {made by Sergt.-Major Dymond, Hali- son-Jefiries pictures next week. Just : tain Ward refused to comply with pointed by the court, ~ where he will 5) ; if | ties. fax, formerly of Ottawa. In hitting what Meps will be taken by the au- | selected stock you will notice: Thomas" demand: and was shot dead. become a farmer, His title has been i the bull's eye on both sighting shots thorities 18 not yet clear, but there is Thomas ran out of the room and |dropped, the court having given him ; and the seven regular ones, at the 200 considerable opposition among certain CHAMOIS CLOTHS woeing his plans had miscarried strap- the name of * Blanden. The Arenberg CR itn: : XN BY HUNGRY DOGS yards of the Macdougall mateh, and Slasaes_agaiust their exhibition, . ' ped ona life preserver and leaped in- [08% hits several times been the sub- y ph J EATEN BY HUNGRY . doing the same at the 600 yards of on plouday next, Chairman Mabee BROADCLOTHS, 10 the 'utd. ject of discubsion in the reichstag, al that match, he made eighteon "fives," | OX . Mills, of the railway commis- anit In the meantime the accomplice had {legations that the prince was not hand running, the best record yet at] Se" will leave on a tour to the I'a- { BLENHEIMS, encountered: resistence in the engine | treated as other prisoners, but was this meet. pe coast. Sittings will be held in - ALVA TWILLS room, He was overpowered and place addressed as "Your Highnéss, and Dundas, Ont., cadets are doing great DES 2 illinm on August 27th, The . ' od in irons. The Buckman is now given an easy time, having been made work, and Cadet Liddy, Dundas, in Et he board sits in Ottawa, on |QUEEN'S CLOTHS, proceeding to San Francisco in charge [1 the press. winning the school cadets' match, pre-| "oh 3 . oe. ru of First Officer Brennan, She is ex BIT OF Rear vented several. English = compétitors he Right Rev. Arthur Foley Win- VENETIANS, _ pected to arrive in quarantine at noon fH, ay ho ite neat the Sop getting it. Pe ett hop of Loudon, DIAGONALS, Ete, to-day. y oi ¥ Major H, A. Panet, of the Dominion |. * oy , Miss The. attempt to rob dhe Buckman Workman Gets Free Tobacco When Cartridge company, Quebec, is here. Sinstahes Ingram, Gravesend, arrived was roporied to the steamer Presi He Tells Company. He is interested in the question of am- rp R mer, from Hamilton, over the munition and will probably be at the |} 'B., on Monday, and was met at Tp hush Watertown, N.Y: Aug: 23.-In tak- dent, northbound The President atertown ug n ta rang ont 'of "the 'week, the depot oy Mr. and Mrs. Frank The attend: eet | _| Ingram, of Gravesend. He will spend ROUGH WEA e attendance at the meet ig annu a K with his brother. | J i searched the vicinity for Thomas with [ing a chew of tobacco, an employee of ally getting so large that the ranges & & 2: Tang A shadow fell on the Methodist con- out result, the New York Air Peake company re- Word of the holdup reached this cently bit on a hard substance. will have to be enlarged or the meet t extended over a wedk. It will not be ference on Monday, when it was re- RATINES, ARGYLE SERGES, ported that J. T, Wilson, of Halifax, city from Fort Humboldt by wireless | He pulled it out, and taking it toa from Portland, . doctor, learned it was a human bone, to be on account of lack of from a fin or. toe, i food on the coast long before a thousdnd men will come i POSERS FOR DUKES The bn, reir to the company and EMPEROR OF KOREA. here each year to shoot. "It would be | Ys called home on account of the | BOUCLE CHEVIOTS, KINGSLEXS, : has received. a oun: of tobacco free. better to get mors ground and extend {fleath by drowning of a member of his | Jonas, IRISH HOMESPUNS, It is thought that an employee in |Hed the war between Japan and Rus- i } | 2 * vlthe ranges," said Secretary R. J. family. By a rising vote the confer y » the rary Jost the end of a |%ia, reads that Japan shall "have the |pm - OT TL Birdwhistle, "as the men do not like |®00® expressed its sympathy with the AIRDALE CHEVIOPS, Bie. i in a machine snd that it went ance, protection and control of i staying {rom over brother in_his aflliction. Re of the | PREP LBL 2209202902000 Halifax, N.C., Aug. 23.--- The officers and crew of the steam yacht Surf, which was in the North Sydney on Wed- nesday and was lately cruis- ing on the Labrador coast, report that the dogs in that country have become very wild, and that some of them are very dangerous. Dr. Mulligan, of the Surf, tells of a ¢ase where a little child was eaten alive by dogs be- fore assistance could be given the child. The cause of the dogs becoming so wild is said PEPEFPEPPIPPEP EPPS OPP RS Doheen ad 8 | | tory papers, ple are racking effort to un. Korean peninsula. . rm ers, ten range officers, forty-five ems COU SOL While tha entire proceedings ' are Romantic 'Story of a Mother's Love ployees looking after ten "phones; spe: Youn INSPECTION 1CITAD, cit huoeo. Ss " hocon 5 - en i : dois . {ity after three years of experimenting | pRSTROYED TO SAVE SON FROM [3500 a day to pay salaries and ah to discover a practical method of pre- WS. expenses in cohmection with the D.R.A, have ever shown FR sorving the national entity of the GALLO There ave eighty scorers, eighty mark- : " ravel the intricacies of the official REV. JOHN IRVING REFUSED TO |hrouded in absolute official silence, Brought to Light by Sait in N-l..| work, ete., and 'about twenty on there no longer can be any doubt that linois Probate Court, the statistieal and executive staff, THE BRIDE-TO-BE WENT WITH Lomi EAT. } exemutiv ho Toran emberoe. dus agreed 0] surars, TIL, Aug. 20.--A mothers | StafiSergt. Skinner, Kingston, is ANOTHER. (ri Hpi 'op tl o onshire, w is " sign a convention by which he and his : i voll at the D.R.A., and, yestée. i i i Was Leader of Sect Styled "The Dis-|®gn a y as love for her erring son, her alleged doing wel ' » yO nl h According 10 one of his lend | ciples of the Holy Ghost With the [Eovernment and Be eonsont, to the | sielding to his importunities to des. [lay headed (he percentage on 1 After the Trio Had Gone to the 'Q forms, each containing filly questions | Gift of Tongues"--Feared Others] yy; dynasty in Kora is Lad troy her husband's will, which left all [mate ho 8 br le 34 i ow Police Headquarters to Consider in regard to the vavions values of his | May Die ' for 518 years, Seven branche of the of his, property 18 is ar cn minaville, pv Frog ellen Matters Seeking Wharf and i ee i: of ms uh. snow ho, Jie Ave. 2, don mi Lh Bede, of ths avy ve Bin fom ho pues | iocnans are entre in acl al © Wrst Ruling om, total of 40,000,000 will have to he [ONE TeVing, WEE wat 0 LC an, |mumber of 'other. Korean officials will |UAry" or the hangman's yope de the [NSH oo Windsor, Ont., Aug, 23. --Wedding ar- | KILCAWLEY-In Kingston, on August Juntos a Bap oh, ' romantic story told in « petition filed KING REVIVES CUSTOM. rangements of Albert Yakes, twenty- 33 kd ie. 3 pit oie feaidence, written, of the equivalent of forty : : {tage on | be elevated to the Japanese nobility. |: ; ' ; . vegan pong 1 (odie tod ino outage on [be Seve hn Sapa mobility, "Che probate sone of Kine county qi yours oid._and Mew: Tal Cm. | saiers lel n : The bill contains but one-sixth of | oR he result of 4 fast which | mass of the Koreans have been kept in [a0 te (OF °F HITE | Cabinet Minister Will Attend Majesty | "0¥e0; & Colored deal mute, were PETER rr nf Tor hong fe the total number of words required to [IPS 80 Be. 'I. utler, Mrs. |entive ignorance of what hawheen hap- 1 5>"Y, Hunt, to recover the estate o Everywhere, interrupted when Chatles Boyer, claim: Friends and acquaintances respect he, together with J. E. Butler, Mrs, their grandfather, Richard Terry, a London, Aug. 20.1% is apparent ing to bo the husband of the woman, fully invited to attend. Requiem satisly the revenue officials. To com: [Ru Fa lhe "og" Alice Griffin, Mrs, [pening. The newspaper consorship is ' " : : ey OF Greate an plete this herculean task, only thirty Bovle's ieton year-old niece, had ob- feomplets and Japanese newspapers Noulthy Aurora land owner, who died jhat King George does not intend, as or Ca hamg Wf Jee Me. Thursday morning at 1.30, 8 pon Th OB pene peman, sttved for more than six wets. He hava not been permitted to be sold in The mother's. alleged conlession: on his Tather hd, to dispense ith the ate thodist * durch. oa oi oe he . i he ; died refusing nourishment whic the . . he th hit she destroved. the |tendance of a member o e cabinel i iat. Aoad his numerous stall of land agents be police attempted to give him. : It i# not helieved, however, that an- | *S Shon hips! ya on might have | hen he is away from London. ; wagon Ru . unequal to the task, All are members of a sect of which Hoxat oh by Japan will valve dis- | ney to fight a charge of murdering |; Mr. Asquith, the prime, minister, it sight at Windsor police headquarters ving was lender, and which he styled | furbances in any section o orea, !i 5 a: = lis annow , wi a oral for g tat POURED OIL ON CLOTHING, er tr of the Holy Ghost With Whish in. thoroughly policed. Coriainly his wile led to the filing of the peti Jun dae in tventiaiics pou the king. pray ihe a an daimed JAMES ELD the Gift of Tongues." la ng cnet oicln In, the | "By. the term: of the will, which it jn [1O10W MIR Uk FOUALOR, Ro Tmt NS gy, ed' for polite 'head The Old Firm of U 4 0 . sul y y 3 : k o ate P ly ey start Or polite On Arrested After Death of His Invalid| worth tives entered the cottage [Peninsula are quite complacent. asserted. was: destroyed by. his widow Be ys Jil have minister at 254 Asa 356 PRINCESS Wife, they found the fasters lying on pallets The vast majority of the people of i A T il of Rich ters ied T 3 K io : iis 3 . and son, Arthur Terry, all of chard y et quar , accompan by Boyer. The orea realize that conditions in their Formerly the sovereign 'when away Woniah declured 10 the polios she was TAKE NORAD Macon, Ga., Aug. @3.-W. B. Walker, | too weak to move. Irving invited the reali 1 ! 1 their batate. was: Mik to his. grant: ] a wealthy lanter, 'was: arrested, leurses of heaven upon the intruders. country will be improved and it will } Savghtars, who are bringing the suit from London, in the country or on the nbver 'murried to Boyer, but after A Lot of different Old-fashioned cha with having burned his wife |The four, he said, had not touched be impossible for the malcontents to $0 " tv valued: at thou | Tor Unent, Wak always attended by a conversing with Bover ih ihe sign | FUFRiture, all ready polished. Bargains to arouse sufficient feeling to create up- proper) minister. The minister was usually Kg EL 1h 180 {for Cash. Turks. Phone 105 vied 'and, in order to settle the dis th. Testimony of servants, who food for six weeks, and for the last | 2 sands dollars in the heart of langage for a few minutes she walk x 4 kd their jrisings, a tf the secretary of state. nghag % teh hte . -- th tk Uhh, dm ave bw tr, on th EE King rand dd aot, always. Iolo [84 088 of the tation with vim, Too: | p47 ge Sg Og while was asleep and then apply 8 [had not been aived since the fast be- TAXING OF RAILWAY LANDS, Were Barely Saved this _teadition, and as { Re a Se Doms of trade he appointed a S © : ---------- o there was no mem of the cabinet 3 . fH I alkor hat reonte i Tot | "Mice Griflin said sho had boon forced | A® Important Case in Decided on Ap-| Eason, Germany, Ang. 2.--The In: [with him when he spent long periods committee omipontd of 0. E, Fem years and was sleeping in a roller {to fast When food was given her she peal. boratory of the proving grountls ofthe (at. Hamburg, Marienbad or Biagrits ¥ CG Hende te pepiosant the ir when she was burned. Walker [ate ravenously. It is feared that she es Arts Wan, Aug es RE Hows id i twice a year. bhatd in urging oH i 4 hey ieighh i death} will: di Lai on ing | axa , , mes ini C1 ps y 3 that pe In Seah il dis frou oweraquing siar her railway proerty bl great Tateeest a ing subsequently destroyed ' by fire. |' WASP SPOILED THE PIE. Pugsley, minister of public works, IN ALL SIZED BOTTLES. : ong abstiny ll the towns and cities of Saskatche: |The powder sheds, nearby, containing | . -- abe divs mead of 5 Public duck and Queen Ofives. N.W., M.P. AGREEMENT. wan, was decided here before Judge |s great quantity of explosives, were | Stung a St. Throat, n front the bosrd of trade' will act Manzanilis Olives, I Can 4 Forbes, on the appeal of the Canadian [barely saved by the quickness of the ps 4 A Will be Renewed With Saskatchewan | Northern against the decision of the {iremen. y St. Thomas, Dut., Aug. 23.<D. Roly {With a committes from the city coun: Piijed Oftves, ot Alberta. court. of revision. The court decided ee inson, head waiter at the Hotel Inver: |: C Ripe Olives. 1 Ottaws," Aug. 93.--Col. _ Frederick | hat Fuilnay combany must pay taxes ort Stanlpy; Newspapextonn Dien Tn Renfiow. Olives Staffed with Nuts. White, comptroller of North-West "purposes, and {THAW IW RMUIVD XN ¢| Renfrew, Ont, Aug. B.--After a Olives Stuffed with Celery. : teat passing thencé to tbeishort illness Patrick J. O'Dea died Olives Stuffed with Pimientos, JHoanted px ob, has Routed. Tom. = "trip of inspection ns far west as the , The compan *s stomsich, and the effects of the here, on Friday, in his sixtieth iiaibing | Pacific const. fore: " Inaact's. poisca passed entirely through year. He was born in Ireland, June, MATEY gi ao ite. reports dhat the furek : Sa : i A' physician injected mor- 1850, and the next ves: came to Ren- Jas Redden & a IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCK The Forest Fires are Very Devastat- ing, : stove. £3 : 8 ¥ «morning. He opened his stove Saturday as usual, but soon. uf ained of being ill | Fe i of H