Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1910, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1910. $ Wi ---- si 3t pd Ba oan Eddie PidRT Red sie 51.00 'Membership College Book Store Library . od 3 21.00 for Life Membership in the College Book Store Library. This rate will continue up to and including Saturday, August 27th. 3 ie selection from over 1,000 books. Any ibook in the store providing not over two of the same book av@#iready in the library; More than 300 Members now on the list who do not hesitate 10 say our service Is the best in the city. FREE EXCHANGES: --Up to including Saturday, August 27th we will give free exchanges to all members of our Library up to 1 p.m. of each day. No free exchanges if books are exchanged in | the afternoons vr evenings. Budi diovddRnnioee ' Cr Co iE CERERNC AIR YINIRERRRERR = ERR @ ee To -- a 2 TREE RR a i -- | THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN HASTERN ONTARIO. ¢ 'PHONE 919. 260 PRINCESS STREET. VEE PRPIEREIPRRERENDE MERRIER ER RRERTERR A TIME TO BUY : A FURNITURE AT A BIG DISCOUNT at OUR BIG MID-SUMMER SALE. COUCHES, . Fancy Velour and genuine Leather, with full spring seat and head. BED COUCHES, useful as well as ornamental, made into a bed in short notice. PARLOR SUITES in 3 or § pleces, in Silk, Tapestry, assorted shades, at reduced prices. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance, ERRRREERR EERE RRR RRR & 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "FROM MILKMAID TO HOUSEMAID." No More Trouble We are now gteting our MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, and ICE CREAM from PRICE'S WHAT A COMFORT. Phane 815 reds suvencsndrcssitnie 00000 POOOIOIROOOO i Princess St. ¢ Vebesessesssseccecs ° . . ® ® * ° ® * ® . . ° . . - EXTRA * is Se SATURDAY 3 Us : 40 Honeycomb Quilts -- Large double bed size, superior quality, heavy close weave, beautiful pat- terns ad nice finish. White only, Regular price $1.75 each. Special for Saturday 95¢ 25 only Turkey Red Table Uovers--Beaver 'Brand; guaranteed fast color, beautifully designed with border, size (0 x 82. ' Regular price $1 50. Special for Saturday 98c, » | jon hand. and an CITY AND VICINITY. New Arrivals. In men's fall hats at Campbell's. NOT YET RELEASED BEAR THE RECORD JACOB GUBLITSKY, SMUGGLER,' ak AY RH < y Connections ' : HAS INFLUENTIAL FRIENDS. Bandas © rion or Cape a " i} um., returning leave Cape Vinceni, 111 am. and 7 p.m. 50. return, | A Grandson of Mrs. Thomas Conley Cm aie to Try for the Amateur Cham Engagement Announced. pionship at Boston in September. Back all the Same. | The engagement is announced of| tiordon leslie Conley. of New York Sh . Miss Ethel Beatrice, youngest daughter f RT. Conley ond : i Jacob Gublitsky, the Detroit fur of Me. and Mrs. John P. Wilson, Ana 3+ 1 niaY, a grandson o smuggler, has not yel heen released Ompah, io George Alexander Grant, re. Thomas Conley, has broken the from the penitentiary, although the .¢ Clvde Mills, Ont. sold reoutd the Fronteuse links: on Canadian justice department bas prac y : | Round Islar » where with his parents tically decided to parole him. The A Word to the Clockman. he inv rustic: vg. His score on Wed- department first desired to know if the v : . : nesta) mol ne ! : United States authorities would allow athe, days are Ketling muth Jhewter, | Going out, 444433444; total, 34; Gublitsky to return to his home across of before 7.30 Welock: The eity od coming in, 45434 4553; total, 37, the line. but the United States eon- of 77 0 "0 nn To Keep the rf td grand total of 71. wul han been. notified that 'he can re i oh niche Kingsion must be like 8 | gop opiey intends playing for the turn only «1 condition that. it is vill od voected 'to be dead to amateur championship America, at thiage, ang 1s expec o-Be 9 Poston, during September. proven he is a citizen of the United the 'world at 1 san. Amb English Duke has Entries. States. In that case, he could be de, ported. As Gublitsky never took out Tae a 1 i. . izati : i ical: + g estminster 'era patusalization. Gapere. he iv techie The largest proportion of pitrogen in g4 jeg in the international a to Y rhe sosition of Gublitsky is rather Clark's Pork and Beans makes them .. imence at Alexsiidria Bay, on Aug: Wir Ay A year ago, the secretary of the most desirable summer food. They ..¢ 95} - He has made reservations state af Washington instructed ex- are extremely nourishing hut not het- for eight rooms at the Crossman house ting, and are so easily digested. NG and will be accompanied by several ave them on hand. Wm. Clark, ) Tis foreigners. Consul Van Sant to enquire into this Montreal. i Will be in Group. case, and do what he could to secure thé release of the isons, Quite n, lot of correspondence pa: ptween | EP . ! the consul and the department of jns- | A Au. Assauly Case, © Wolfe! Steele, of Parham, who won the five- tice at Ottawa, but the latter didnot! An dhsault case, in which two Wolfe [il 04 race, at the grocers' picaie, seem disposed to let the smuggler or Islanders ave involved, will come he- has entered the Marathon, to be held lis son go. Now, when the Canadian fore Justice of the Peace George Hun- = "v0 0 0 wos cons ago Steele authorities are willing to release the ter, at the. court house, on Monday: oa. 0 great showing at a race held elder Gubliteky, the immigration auth- 'afternoon next. County ¢ onstable . this city, and it was predicted at orities at Washington reply that the Smith, went over "io the island, on' ot Ge 'that he would be a leading prisoner = cannot return to his home Friday morning, and served the wit- runner in the fiear future. There ure unlass he can prove that he is a citi- | nesses in the case with summonses. {iow eight entries for the Labor day zen of the United States. Uublitsky Marathon. has had influential friends working for ; : his 'release, one being the secretary of Another batch of notices were served state for New York, and it is expect. (o-day on owners who have not vet od that it will: be arranged that he taken steps to have modern sanitary will he allowed to return to his family improvements installed in their houses when he is released from the penitén- as required by the board of health. They are given ten days gn which to {take out permits for the work. After " ' E] YR COUNCIL. that they will be liable to prosecution | TRADES AND LARC ' jin the police court. GORDON LESLIE COONLEY AT FRONTENAC LINKS. He is Debarred From Returning to 3 the United States, According to a Washington Order, But He May Go' More Notices Served. Mercantile Baseball Executive. | A meeting of the Mercantile base ball executive has been called for this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Stan- dard office. Several matters of impor- tance are to be considered. ---- All Kinds of Sports. The Belmont cricketers, of Philadel: !phia, will play four games in Toronto, | It is rumored that the American seball League will invade Pittsburg. "Ad" Wolgast and "Pal" Moore tinry here. Made a Snowball. } John McD. Mowat, who is touring ' po across the continent as the companion i of H. W. Just, OB, C.M.G., perman-{ iy eet in Philadelphia on August ent secretary of the colonial confer- o444 .ence of London, Eng., writes the Whig |" py... Duman, Torento, will. shal: from Loggan, B.C. saying "1 have lenge Arnst for the world's champion- , climbed the mountains, here, far en chip. ough te make a snowball, jordin. Pittsburg is only six games behind should parade to Brock Street Metho- The posteard is dated August 13th. [Chicago Cubs in the National Baseball dint church, for the morning service, | City Council Sent Wreath. |'SL wosdal ia to got a 8500 on the hrs 3 nay on os recent ine i On behalf of the city council, Ma, or ponus should Newark win out in the This action was wr i % Recs > Couper sent a wreath to be placed ob Fastern Baseball League. vitation snl hid he The sermon will [the casket containing the remains of ; There will be one hundred days' rac- en Ror TE. Bourke the late Robert Marshall, secretary of ing at Jacksonville, Florida, this fall. be preaches ny hs 1.2 tn charge be the Kingston Old. Poys' Association, | The Ontario-Quebec = cricket match = The SommiLides ot nn argo Jue of Toronto, whose funeral took place will be played at Montreal next week, hig. labor bo Lo hin ie a this afternoon in that city. A. VF. Acting-Mayor Mitchell, of New York, DO rhe printing cons; Roney went up last night as vepresen- gotly denied. that he had dune any- great cele deni ha a Ani tative of the Kingston Home Associa- (hing to stop the Lang-Kaufman fight mittee reported bai tad and that Hon 10 the foneral. A number of | 4 the Fairmont A.C, other than to rosters had been dis by a of na 'other vitizens also atiended. formally netify the police commission- programmes Wow as i Ie ------ er that the law must be observed, A Peculiarly Marked Colt. I The sculling match for the champion- Joseph Murphy, a farmer living at ship of the world between Richard Joyceville, has, what is said to be the Arnst, New Zealand, and Ernest most remarkably marked colt ever Barry, London, was won by Arnst, the seer in that Toeality," Ome side from champion, by Ng loge. The, race the backbone to the feet is a dark wus rowed upon Zambesi river in brown color, while the other side from Rhodesia. the backbone to the feet is entirely New York Telegram : 1 "Rube'" Wad- Rhits, ch the exuapition of ide u dell ean forget that there are any SE t > the foreleg. Mr. Murphy has been of pivers, ponds, and an ocean well of vagrancy was ceported this, tao fered $50 for the animal, but refuses stocked with fish within & half hour's Pic Constable Bacson and Hine! 0 part with it at any price. journey of Newark, he will be the 5 y i hoer ey right man in the right place. If he in Sharge Pa se departing sleet Appointed Teacher. can pitch as well in his future at sho will be taken in charge by the ol -| At a meeting of the school hoard, tempts as he has already done, there ficials there and sent to her home neay (8% Portsmouth, - held, on Thursday will be no complaint against him. / i p tw reeks [ ould 's sl a a fonqienter of - the street, was appointed teacher at the with McGinpity and Lee in fine condi- ; ] school and will commence her duties tion the prospects for Newark's win- im snd | Sahnot Come Bak nt when the school reopens. Thomas ping the pennant are much brighter to arrest. Her companion has still McCammon, the chairman, presided at than they were before the trades were two mofe weeks to serve in jail. the meeting, which was for the por made. . : eine Sh pose of making the appointment, ul: The United States rughy fiving tne y 1 v though some other routine business kle has been entirely eliminat y a WAS_ TURNED BOWS. was 'disposed of. new rule, which provides that a player must have one foot at least on the lground when tackling an opponent. The new legislation governing the for- ward pass, which a number of experts were inclined to abolish altogether. will materially alter the play and aspect of the game. This year's rules provide that a player is only qualified to receive a forward pass who is at least one yard back of his own line of scrimmage or. occupies the position cn Whalen, of Piceadilly, The mare took !the end of the said line. No man may the pole in the first heat and kept it "make a forward, pass or kick ihe hall for the entire race. {unless he is five ards back of the line {o se-immage, i -------------- The Labor Men Will Parade to Church. The regular meeting of the King ston Trades and Labor Council was held, on Thursday evening. The pre- sident, George Lewis, occupied the chair. There was very little business early adjournment was made. It was decided that the labor men the week: GRACE FORGETT DEPORTED. Yankee Companion of Mrs. Odell Sent Home, Grace Forgett, the young companion, of Mrs. Odell, both of whom were ar- rested two weeks ago on the charge A Horse Dispute at Verona. Two horsemen, got into a dispute at Verona, the other day, about the speed. of their respective horses and agreed to a mat race for ¥350 a side. Three heats were run over the half-mile track there, each heat being won by a mare called Lady Belmore, owned by Mulville, of Westport. The | other horse was Dublin Dan, owned by Proposition to Have Dancing at True Blues' Meetings. Dancing is prohibited at all meet- ings and gatherings held by the' True lues. It is understood that the matter Sromsight out quite a discussion, at the convention, here, this week, when some of the members made the request that {ancing he allowed, but according to what has been stated, nothing official- ly dealing with Lhe matter, having been given out, it appears that, the request was turned down, and that the rule against danaing will continue to anld good. He Was Nearly Drowned. evening, Miss Edna Fleming, Division Spade should fill Mueller's shoes, and | MOVEMENT OF GRAIN. ---- Has Been Quite Slack, Bat Rush is Expected, The grain traffic has been slack, the past few weeks, but it is expected that there will be quite a rush of grain from Fort William in the course of a very short time. "During' June and July, it is always quite slack in the grain carrying busi: ness," remarked one of the shippers, to-day, "but it has been fairly good this year." We have been able to keep all the vessels going all right. In a short time, now, the grain will coming down with qui@® a rush. The steamba Navajo arrived, light, from Port Hope. The schoouer Cornelia cleared for Sodus, with a cargo of feldspar. The schooner Keewstin is at Howe island, loading stone, for Cobourg. The schooner Freeman, oleared from Howe Island, with stone for Cobourg. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon is at Richa~dson's elevator, loading felds- ipar for Charlotte, quite dred passengers on her trip to Ogdens- urg, N.Y. tod The steamer Port Colborne arrivid from Fort William, and is unloading grain at the Forwarders' Limited com- pany's elevator, The steambarge John Randall, the steamer Sowards and the schooner Merrill, held up by the wind storm, were able to clear across the lake, to- day. Swift's : Steamers Toronto North King, down and up, to-day; steamer City of Montreal, up, last night; steamer Britannic, up, this af ternoon. M.T. Co. : Tug Emerson, from Mont. real, three light barges; tug Bronson cleared, light, for Lachine; tug Hall, due, to-night, from Montreal, with two light barges. THOUGHT THEY WERE Owners Were Surprised to Wheels. Two citizens were given a little stir prise party by the police, on Thurs day, when they got back their wheels, which they feved had been xiolen, and which they never expected to see again The street STOLEN. Get Back wheels had heen loft on the and were takén in charge of the police, 'They stayed in the police sta- tion for some time without being claimed. It appears that the two wheels were hot even enquired for. The story in the Whig, about the wheels having heen recovered, got the owners on ithe trail, asd now they have their wheels once more in their possession. AT THE Y.M.CA. Preparations for the Fall and Winter Work. The appointment of a physical in- steucior, at the Y.M.C.A, has been received with much interest, by the members of the associatibn, as pre. parations can now be made for. the fall and winter work, In the sammer months, it is very quiet around the association's building, but in the win- ter it is one of the busiest places in the city. All the classes have to be arranged, and it will take some time to get everything settled. Basketball pro- mises to be a popular game this year with the Y.M.C.A, boys. LAST THAINLOAD OF BALLAST. For K. and P, Railway Was Drawn on Thursday. Du Thursday, the last train load of ballast for' the Kingston and Pem- broke railway line was drawn here. For the past three years. the company has been ballaeting its line, which is pow in the best condition it has ever been in, The last of 'the ballast was dumped near the overhead bridge. It will take about & month to level what ballast row lies along the tracks. Sale of Summer Hats, Straw and Panda hats being sold below wholesale prices at Campbell Bros' clearing sale of summer hats. be the steamer America had four bun-| and [not specified that it must be used . The chances are that the cit not get the old Collegiate school The board of cation to the eit the builds which - building ould purposes and thus relieve the present tion. No application has as yet ads to the governors of the ining for' the bui wl facy i it A but one is to be made by the finance ittde this week. I is pretty well known, however, that the governors will not give up the tmiid- ing. © More thai one of them ai that the old Collegiate will pot transferred to the board of educa: It is understood that the city so licitor holds the opinion that the goy- ernors of the School of Mining ere quite within their rights in using the building as they are doi The ony granted it to the school for PRIPOses of mining and agriculture, but it jis mediately for those Srp. J at present the Seba) of ining Yo not need the old Collegiate oe, but it may require it badly ten years from now, or even five years hegos 'The governors are i k perty with an eye to the future. school is expanding and the BY come when it will require more : ings than can be erected on the ub} versity grounds. It is hoped that within. a couple of years a : of agriculture will be establi have, with assistance from the Ontario . ernment, which last year made a for a cold storage plant at the school. Is looks as if the board of el would have to ask the city for two new public schools, and the idea of getfTag the old C wilding for remodelling, The' population is steadily i more school room must be scoured ad onoe, a IL A -------- KILLED BY TAXICAB ---------- Father of Dr. Guttman Died in Bras. Word has been received in the that Prof. Guttman, father of Dy. F. Guttman, professor of chemisiry st Queen's University, was run aver aml killed, by a taxicab, in Guttman's father was a great au ity on explosives, and was work of this kind 81 the big sxhibi- tion, Fag Dr. Gutiman has been der in land for some time, Stone Cutters' Strike. If the present wtriké of th stone tters continues, ildi Ac in the fall will be very much affected. The board of trade president t be asked to appoint a board of arbited- von. A street car ran off the track at the corner of Bagot and Princess st Jast evening. It was some time bifaes the service was in runnibg | A again, AS Men's $5 patent and tan $2.95. Dutton's Shos Store, Se cess street, Jt ahs September 3rd, is announced, by Shuberts, as the dete for the : of the fifth season of the New y H n Free exchanges on all College Book Store library books il presented dec ing the mornings up to Auguit 7h. yreat sacrifice, men's $3 boots, laf sizes, $1.75. Dutton's Shoe Store, Princess street. A lad running the footboard of ' & street car, this morning, wis theown off and severely shaken up. Brains Rule This World-- Two strangers moored their gasoline MARK TWAIN'S DOUBLE. # a leaving Lot of 250 yards Persian Lawn-- Very fine and even weave, 40 inches wide. Sold yacht at Richardson's slip, the ather | evening, and, while,praparing to land, one oF He was nearly d¥owned. He| STILL IN BAD SHAPE. Visit Queen Calls on General Grant at Pine Plains, Not musele, but brains governing muscle, Authorities Should Street Slip, The health authorities should make a trip to the slip at the foot of Queen street, It is in a terrible state, and {this morning, Robert Crawford, noti- fied the medical health officer about it. It is terrible the amount of filth and AW 25 and 30c yard. S Clearing everywhere A limitof 10 yards to for Saturday 15¢ a customer. re 300 Hair Nets--- Large size, favisible and prac- tically untearable, all shades. Regular price 15¢ : Special Saturday Sc 300 Ladies' Fancy Belts --¥il ¢8ided braid and different fancy desig: s and Maoy differ- ent colors. Regular price 23 and.35¢ ; Special Clearing on 'Saturcay, Sc will be on sale just the had stepped off the boat, and, after]! A: Pine Camp, N.Y., near Water making ber fast, was about to step on yey, N.Y, Gen, Grant had s strange hoard again for the parpose of getting caller, Monday, ahernoon.. He ye something on § , When he Mai. James . rham, ape in- ee Re LR I DT El | Re moormg line, and, MN 'wain. People arow ith the help * of his fellow-traveller, She te Ra iled at the wonderful dirt which = accumulates in this slip {managed to get out of his uncomfort- nce. In a white flannel suit, nd as a result make: it very dis able itian. Afterwails 1 was Noi Durham could have passed any- ruth ble for the people who are found that the boat had drifted some hore as the great humarist. The working in that neighborhood. | distance away from the wharf without aioe was asked if he had ever been lunid the old soldier, ------------------ the knowledge of the man on land. Clemens, "Often," ON SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS. -------------- "and the re : 'semblance led up 0 a very A Protest From the Evangelical Al} [loi the heavy ruin, last night, friendship between Mark Twain and lance. udience The qbality of hrain ean be changed by certain selection of food. 'y * A food expert perfected a brain-bhilding food by preparing certain elements id wheat amd | mistaken for Nr. barley in a way that nature would make use of. pb At Lake Ontario Park. great there were a fair a at the per- my That feod is v: formance in the pavilion at Lake On-| '"T will tell jou how ii started. A 'tario Park. The AMime Was en: new MAS seme years ago no tirely changed. Om and Fletoh- ticed the startling likeness between Grape=N uts , rapese artists, ood myself and Mr. Clemens and wrote « . Be of thet Sty Pete ore ey about it whirk was published in : : : ile certs, was h: and nd Lavell. in their somely sucoms, | the Yiu Jock Heald. A short "time In it the Potassium Phosphate, obtained from wi arden 7 ereat ae recei 2 » i" i -- v nature's grains (not from the drug shop) is re- tained in minute pgrticles. This has an jan earnest hope expressed that h " nr snl Mai 1 Poar-sie, 1 said Jumat quit and order of the Loris Amusement. Mies Aa firitr, So MSE ever find a man shat for Albumen, and these two with water make the soft gray matter in the brain and nerve centres. day in Yor - ny again "he - "Busy Little Cunid" looks like me, 1 am going. to shoot doa oe . . At a meeting 'of the Evangelical Al- liance, held Thursday afternoon, the matter of Sunday band concerts came _fup for consideration. A nesolution, . [strongly protesting against such con- unanimously passed Bo ures were him on the spot. I am going to presented, "and shoot you--~Mark Twain." and "The Empty Cradle" being wor-| | » him immediately thy of mention. > the following communication, ibis Mark Twain, Dear sir, I 1 look like SANG AY THEIR MEETINGS. ion | want (0 be shot.--James Dur . : Be ham" : . Saturday or sunday, re- ith lg - turning Monday, $1.66 return: } Swith's Falls tax rate is o be fwen- 0 asks the council for £15, a ta sis.) There the College among A solid fact you ean demonstrate by the use o A In 10 Days : jou ean see the difference in yourself, and | There's a Reason." Canadian Postum Cereal 3

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