Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1910, p. 1

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ish 5 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1910. TIT -- - : MADE EXTENSIVE TOILET | WON'T PLAY RAGTIME. served in the apartments reserved for In GTR. Smoking Car and Con-| Will Leave That Style of Music to ional premier awa Valley aid Upper BC Lawrence 6: TR. ng © on ve y J The spirit of thoughtfulness dis.jtawa Valley afia U ! ¥ ductor Objected. Local Bands. played by Mr. McBride in all the] meen oiday and on Batarday. TF a8 i complicated and elaborate arrange Windsor, Ont., Aug. 19.--Because he london, Aung. 19.--Bandmaster Wil- h : started to make a somewhat extensive Mama of the Grenadier Guards who are ments was further evidenced in that toilet in the smokin; compartment, on to play at the Toronto exhibition, says stead of himself inviting the select By a Man to Whose/|th iol strength of the band is sixiy- To British Columbia [10 meet won doser wre of in| J OQu]YAOFTOW "Old Guard' Must As-|the eastern flyer, on the G.T.R., a i wealthy ianufacturer, f Paris, bs ix but only forty ing to Can tinmey the guest of the eveding, to ¥ nufacturer, from Paris ax but on'y ¥. ate: ging to, an Sir Wilfrid he gracefully accorded Te. oy egy 4 . Tt ' x - % came involved with retlway officials in ada. Only good music will be orm E a 6 . sume Responsibility, [came volved with reilwey officials in | House He Was Called. |sd. Only g ar sisi, will Si Oust Was Remarkable. |i, privilege. "Whom would 'you like ed and turned over to the police, The no. more numbers than are wamsolutely to. sup with, Sir Wilfrid 1" quoth he. ( sreat A necessary of whai ate commonly cail- "I huve left it to you to choose the 4 man and a companion, who gives his ; name ix McFarlane resented the inter. ad "popular aire." | . little party." Reciprocating the cour-} ference of the conductor, and the train The Canadian hands themselves PREMIER leny. Sie Wilirid avlected, in. additich : . ; was held for a full half hour, while the will be able to supply an abundance |. : to his travelling party, the lieutenant- Clearing Sale erew hacked by railway officials hers, ol 'ragtime' and similar music if the : governor and the provincial ministers, : with their wives, Senator and Mrs, < : WILL NEITHER ENDORSE NOR [tried to smooth out the trouble. Fin | RECEIVED BULLET IN BODY AND people require it." he said. 'At the INCE a INICLE wi n . ally, a call was sent 'to the police sarae time I will not be too austere in PHO INCE AND. Mi PALITY Riley, Justice Galliber, Mrs. (Senator) CRITICIZE TAFT CABINET. [Loaiquarters and both aon were plac. FELL DOWNSTAIRS, the character of the music I shall give| JOIN IN HONORING LAURIER. |and Mise Macdonald and Mrs. and Mr. ed under arrest. They probably will --i-- i them *' ; Harry Wright (conservative member be charged by the company with dis- . ll " for Nelson). Hon, Thomas and Mrs, A Political Conference Was Held at!orderly conduct. - Alfred Blondin, of Vars, Fired the TINY BABY BORN. Many Thousands Attended the Recep-| Crawford, "of the Ontafio legislature, Oyster Bay--A Plan of Action Shot--No Reason Can be Assigned =r. tion--Parliament Buildings Beau.|"™ 41% Rt, . Following the re- . . b . "Tis Said a Match Will Hide Her ngs ception a band concert was held in Which Will Hold Until the Sitaa - Dr. Empey is a Graduate of Finger. tifully Decorated, but Inadequate | pyrliament Park, and a promenade by tion Shapes Itself More Clearly. SF Queen's University, Duquesne, Tis, Aug 19--A baby | '© Contain the Large Numbers of|(housands of guests. Oyster Bay, N.Y., Aug. 19.--Theodore ; 3 Ottawa, Aug. 19.~Alired Blondin, a irl weighing one and half pound Citizens Whe Attended to Honor EE Roosevelt spent yesterday in what : workman - residing near the Grand od To eae wt Asem the Premier. 3 WONT FIGHT WINDMILLS. was probably the most important po- LY fd | Trunk railway tracks at Vars, at onelwas born, yesterday, to Mr. and MW™1. vieren: : kis 'wh fitieal conference he has held since he b / 0 duck. yosterday shot. and seriously | Churles Walluce, who lives on » farm Victoria, b.C., Aug. '17.-8ir Wilirid | Speaker Cannon Makes Strong Re- left the White House. He gathered gt [younded Dr, William Empey, ove of the leqst of here. The infant, is so ty, a | haere triumphant tour aero the ply to Critic, shout him a group of his close friends ; $wo Pi ticinna practising in the vil- mateh will hide ore. of her fingers, gh rn a oh hain catmina Danville, TIL. Aug. 19.--~Bpeaker Can- and talked over with them the situa- jlage., Fy S4mpey was transferred 10! while 'the head is about the size of ai) 1 ti : NAEDINCENE Popu- 1,00, when shown the despatch from tion which is best expressed in the re " {the house of Mr, Fettorly - across the | en's ez. The doctor says she will iar Lunelion, prohably without B peer i peverley regardin the statement # that relations between Presideit inchs fram where the shooting took Jive, - : kn Canada s history. In picturesque given out in Repromntative Nicholas aft. and himself are strained to the iplace, and aid was quickly summoned el, 1 1 id: "Mr. C &i breaking joint. 'William * Loch, Jv., {from Ottawa. Dr, Campbell, the re- ; Longworth, said | Hr, Cannon decks Fe a s lt a ] - to answer any statement which Nich- collector of the port of New York; 3 maining physician at Vars, is away i : olas Longworth may or may not have Lloyd C, Geiscom, chairman of the J got present, and Dr. Wehster, of this HAS SEIGHT PARALYSIS. made until he sees it. J do pot ans- New York republican committee; He icity, was rushed to Vars on a special a gi wer any statements which I believe tof aresentative William :H. Cafder, Brook- {train over the Grand Trunk, Hoboken, N.Y. Aug. 19. be fakes that mischievous parties. yn; Frederick 7. H. Kracke, Brook. . It was learned from Vars that Dr. Robert Adamson, secretary to make : ! lyn, and Representative W. W. Coks, Z {Empey wat, about ten minutes to one | * Mayor Gaynor, in an official "It is time enough for me to ans of Mr. Roosevelt's home district, took 7 7 3 k jo'clock, called to attend someone whe |® statement, admits that there wer the president of ithe United States part in the conference. The ex-presi- 1 4 = jwas said to be ill at Blondin's house, | & =» h pat tial paraiyaie oF he he Hon any statement to make : . 4 right of the " 2 : dent and his friends are understood to 1 3 Tg He. however. Moclared touching on the repubficanism of the have agreed on a plan of action which : h . > + Sacian k { the house of represent 8: .s ra ! ro y - he Op stic bu ns A vataie will, hold: until the situation shapes i . that the optimistic bullets speaker of the ouse of representa- self moro clearly. Briefly stated, it in| I) 877 779 | issued by the physicians had A am J Nand 1 wil not fight this : Roosevelt is to stand aside in i "/ { breed, is said to have stepped out of} not been ovedrawn. der his filled a Td Jah the New York state campaign, and let ' ithe front room downstairs and fived al i Lo mt f salitia r o " sorsonal ei the "Old Guard" fight ite own fight, vi [revolver ut the physician. The latter | THESEGLSE0000000 8000000004 | | rr eal Or. pony i and thus shoulder all the responsitnlity Hd {received the bullet in his. body and] TS SEE . OX for the conduct and the result of the \F half fell down the stairs. In an effort TO SECURR ALLEGED CLAIMS. I THREE BOYS RAN AWAY campaign. He is neither to indorse rancis Joseph _l to reach the door the physician eol- Rumor of Gambling Concession 1 i ? nor criticise the Taft administration, Sear Yenersbie ruler of Austria ceie- lapsed. "Model City." nl 3 From Mimico Industrial School--| pragiy He is to keep out all around if he can: [gay | ° ¢lghtieth birthday on Thurs- Neighbors attracted by the shot| : el City, ! Made Clever Escape. ty Little Dresses of good washs . gathered in a few moments and the] Evansville, Ind., Aug. 19.---Buildings Mimico, Ont., Aug. 19~Three in- | Ing materials of Ginghams, Prints, ay -------- : wounded man was carried across the designed as the centre of a model city, { the Victoria Industrial School DECAYIN {tracks to the home of Mr. Fetterly. Where there was to he "'neither pover- mates of the ictorin Industrial SC100k{ ege, All are well made and suitably [Mansion for doctors were sens LI4Y: nor gral h. presented: Ine A made a clever escape for freedom. last g ) , il night. They waited until dusk, keep- | trimmed.. Any garment in the lot is once to Ottawa and other nearby |} own, on the Kentucky side of the : iY V BP :p | points, " {Ohio river, opposite Evansville, were ings close watch on the attendant, | MANY VILAAUKS ARE FILLED Po in the perpetrator of the, MHtac ked in cout here 'by Brown's until he had his back turned and then well worth, the price. marked; WITH THEM. 'shooting, is & married man with a creditors to secure alleged claims, they bolted from their cottage. The 2c to $2.50. {large family. le has not the repufa- MMmounting to §0,000. It was stated escaped boys were Samuel Brown, aged Cholera is Very Virulent and is Fos of 'being o drunkard and abso: il court that the sale of town lots fifteen; Albert 'Thomjan, fourteen, apd Morris Matierson, fourteen. They were H ly Spreadin it H Fi Tatily » tive ¢ be iv ed for had not pros; because of a rymor . 3 & n. 5 Rapidly Spi ---- as Found lutily no motive can be advane or, Inge. gambling so a or serving an indefinite, term. Its Way Into Italy. {his deed. It is supposed that he had ' ROaSBIL y y suddenly gone insane. sold in the "Model City. PREMIER McBRIDE, BRITISH COL. Rome, Aug. 19.--The charge is open- Blondin has not been eaptured. Ne- : UMBIA. d_to approach ihe pines : ly made that the authorities are try- " "OVER TRAMP. ; $s g 7 i thugiasm, it partook in a peculiar Qu r, Aug. 19.--Nothing sense of & national tribute, Unique it|® new in the Crippen case; the cosmopolitan character, unpre- {by one of the voung daughters of the latter, The doctor . arrived shortly | # afterwards and was about to proceed! upstairs when Blondin, who is a half | esses' ssscace SELL 4009004 ABOUT 9,000,000, Ottawa, August 19.--The census and statistics branch estimate that on March 31st, when 'the fiscal year closed, Canada had a population of 7.480.781, it being estimated that there was a growth of 206,000 over the year pre- vious. 'These calculations in- census, which YOUR CHOICE TO-MORROW 24409000004 ALL SIZES FOR ALL AGES, NONE. SENT ON APPROVAL. CASH SALES ONLY. da to have a # on ' s- Inlinn hace constable: at A population of between eight Sities on "the const af the Adriatic. | M0 PUR Ce th indian w : : and nine ni There are said to be in the rn : 'MAN FROM STATES--SUOCUMBED |is to find a political knight sich as prisoners are still in jail, and > + 8, most likely sked ti d tabl capt t of Ae iA 0 send a cons e to capture J o + ment of Aeulpo several hundred cases in a. TO INJURIES. Premier McBride surpassing himself in the acting sheriff, Mr. Begin, #4 > + * * nearer the latter figure. alrendy under treatment with probably : : hin several' Limos the' number hob vot Mrs. Biorfdin was absent from diewme courteous homage and hospitality toa has not received instructions brought to the attention of the health at the time of the shooting and knows Heartless Clergyman--Man Left | chieftain of the opposition party. That yet to deliver the prisoners to officers, owing to the ignorance and nothing of the motive that inspired]! Tramp on Track to be Run Over a|50¢h a reception should have been of- the Beotland Yard detectives. 5 {her husband to attack the physician. Second Time. dered, accepted, carried out by the PITH OF THE NEWS, Suptentition of: the. people. Dr. Empey i ied, 3b y Prvativ ; ] y ! . Empey is unmarried, about foruy: : conservative premier and government [he disease was introduced from Emo, Ont., Aug. 19.<8trange re- [to the national leader, albeit of lib a ---- x * : a : (five years of age and has been practis- y : : Se------------ 4 The Very Latest Culled From All Dien and is of the greatest malig ing in Vars for the last five years. Ha Ports are in circulation with regard eral fuith, must have a tonic effect on : : ' Over the World, Me from Husain: say the 'vise. Je well known in Ottawa and King-|to the circumstances surrounding the the whole dominion. It 'bespoke Brit: The Danish Arctic relief ship Ala: once ag the disease is increasing there Stn. He was a graduate of Queen's death of a tramp here a few days |ish Uolumbia's faith in Laurier as a bama was wrecked on the coast of | oi that more than fifty per cent. of |UDiversity. ago.. The man's name is unknown, but {man and a Canadian. 5 Greenland, the expedition escaping. the cases are proving fatal The death he was stealing a ride from Fort | Sir Wilirid was much moved, in re | LEADING CONSERVATIVE ORGAN The relations between President Tal fist in many Ressian towns is so The Doctor Dead. i {Frances on a CNR. freight. He was [plying to the civic welcome by the | IN WEST SHOWS APPRECIATION. ROBERT J, REID, and ex-President. Roosevel heavy that the suthoritics are unable] Dr. Empey, Vars, summoned to the Mnade the influence of liquor, and foll mayor on the arrival of the steamer The Undertaker. to bury the victims, Many villages [residence of n patient, named Blondin, rom the car to the track, the trainin the early evening, as he expressed Worthy. Canadianism | Phone 577. Princess treet, » v purchased Rem | (0 cht 10 be filled with decaying |and shot by the man, is The | severing both legs and one arm. appreciation of the honor done him y == Premier's Brandt's portrait, "A Polish Cava VINE doctor in. his ante-mortem statement | It is: asserted that a local elergymantin all his long public life be had ex Policy of Racial Harmony is Re- "lier" for a million and a half francs. corpses. anid the shosting 'was deliberate, but |¥o8 passing at the time, and saw the | perienced nothing like it, and he wish- cogniged as Great Work. JAMES REID Two hundred Sons of England sailed | xO FIGHT SHOWS IN YUKON. | Blondin glaims it was an accident. man, but didnot go to his assistance. fed to hasten the acknowledgment from Victoria, B.C, Aug. 19.~The Colon The on the Canadian Northern steamship ; & He saniehded Bidhitll ; rh informing |a full hunaiet of the more than courtesy |. the. leading OR canis organ ne 254 and aN Royal Gaongn, on Thursday, io Can | Pictures Ars Not fo ba. Allowed ete an "iii Mette Sd taken ih 'proron, atyn, Sihetily St | mm an he ; . There. . o! : R HH + ilfriv urier is very welcome to wR Sir Wiltrid Laurier and Hon. G. PV. : A was given any attention another train | adequately express my sentiments. Mey. . t A lot of Oak. Sects Graham visited the Methodist general] Ottawa, Aug. 19.-The Western ho passed over him. He was still alive {has furnished a striking illustration of Yiotia. og Somes a8 the Pitinies_of aldo a lot of potigue Fibre real neer and the hardy men of the Yukon and a number of men carried him tothe amenities of public life, as under a BD 0 - 'political Bargaing at TURK'S. one 1085. conference at Victoria, B.C., on Thurs ou ' who looked forward to whiling away the doctor's office. He was conscious, {stood in the cradie of party politics diff i $ : but died in two hours, in the old land. 1 shall carry home i orepces Bad. We lay aside the wea- The authorities decided that an in-| and ever retain happy memories of this thre or ad sxsund a pi us a the tedium of the coming winter by uest was unnecessary. The deceased | unprecedented i sx peri A Wiha J a 8 : A and happiest experience statesman, In Sir Willrid Laurier we Ys : 5 3 Makolm _Melntyre, Canailian am bang able to see moving picture re i w, states that . h ving i i gration agent at (Hasgow, states tha presentations of the Reno conflict on had come from the United States, and |of a long public « life," was Sir Nil i : . . " difficulty, was. experienced in making |frid's tribute, ave a fine type of Canadian. To kim and to others of his race Canada 4 teh people came t i Year 14,000 Scotch peop - July 4th last, are doomed to disap- . pointment. arrangements to bury him. The re-] Vietoria's greeting was on a big and : 3 mains were finally interred in the Pot- [enthusiastic seale. As the steamer one Weshe somethidg, not Huite the same - ter's field. No minister could be secur- | tered the picturesque, sunbathed har |®* it does, to: those of us who are of | § Does away with | BQUALS BRITISH. London, August 15.--The Morning Post says there is nothing wrong with the staff of the Canadian army except numerical insufficiency, which is far too limited for the opportunities. It thinks the fighting value of the militia equals the British territorials. ' i, FPP E4400 44 40 Y. Rockwell, wominent . Arthur: ¥ 2 nl The comptroller of the Royal North- British: origin. When we try to mea- silk manulncuirsr, ie dead: at his home | oot yy Ll port (oy iusved a tir- ed to take charge of the services, bor whistles screamed a weltome and sure his statesmianship and discover D } Sw. . g PEEP PLPPPEIENN fous Ten h Moissunt; flying feom Paris warning them that exhibitions of these at Glenham, X.¥., ut the age of lorty- | Ce "heads of all Givisions, London, although a Chicagoan b, pictures are illegal, and instrueting the throngs lining the shores broke he: ; a g birth, hak nos bean there. for. a num. | them to prosecute any shows. which ex- iT SO into echoes. For half a mile in every [Le motives of bis policies, and speci. hibit them to the full power of the PELIBERA RDER, WERE IN TROUBLE. dieetion humanity was massed. The ally of those sat have an imperia o aspect, we may miss their full mean- ---- : ber of years, i il- jaw. ¥ REE city tu out to greet ant]: : y ns Gi Prodariek fi. Apparently Due to Politics--Waited id Sty. juve ote ge Froln 4 ing if we lose sight of this fact. Sir Tio had been committed for trial on a Oldest Mason in State. for Vietim. MONTREAL PARTY IN DISABLED the public press the provincial pre: Waltwial Laurier never Xiten. of preach, serious oh Cape Vincent, N.Y. Aug. 17~Yes-| Chicago, Aug, 19.--Daniel Cummings, mier bad. called an the provines tof ME: 0 ¥< may sO way, (fe Coctrines ation of about 500 |terday Capt. James T. Borland eele- said to be one of Senator Lorimer's give him welcome. The people had Canadianism aud racial harmony, and brated his ghghty-sevonth birthday. lisutenants was shot and killed by . responded en masse. At the head, of] 2 One need hesitate in conceding the The captain was in this village, Thomas J. Bent, alleged to be allied the great assemblage the mavor = aod Worthiness &) such an. fart 0A In has resided here with a faction opposed to Lotimer. avic officials and officers of the Ji|SORR EE that he has done a great is [in worsbdp. prasiated. the. ie ad |a% one hesitate about expressing the Bis es Responding, the premiv. ex: that, whether his future term of s {pressed his appreciation and pad a on Teo Jong ot short, he may, ba 3 p is tp Vira ie sais AYE fr po, To an OF le hi i termiviated by the ins on magaetio: pemonatity nd commanding Thursday, to 4 talate. the. v o the boy scouts, who were Rn lime hogy in the promotion: of & broad rable : Br wor Poaneie J gies RE ah he ¥ Canadian patriotism. and the develop:| Pe mperor Franc ightinth ire Memorable nde was the 'provis-| nent among those. people Fhish: go ol day wial reception givim: at the parkament Tike Sp the population of Canada of "Wii reine baby foods Willinm buildings by Hremige MeBe; 1 hiej fire and abiding faith in the value of | 1" pr ng ' i EN il a int "nind bis iiritish institutions us: the best ex- |O0bouche. Ninuipeg. spilled a opic mificent architectural. Pile and sus.|Preimion of human govemment, that the LIED 08 CG LLNS ith Rated 4 pile a sur) orld affords." raed. 0 & rounding park wees a blaze of bril- to pt out the blaze, but bis i i {rewtilted in death. . incandesseot ¥ ball Re il i : 1; To 'pany directors have Giant, lights, with the emblems "Canaan" aan . and the "Maple Leaf," upon wiih] Eastern Leéague-Providence, f aver ten thoysand colored lights « crejtonto, 8. Montreal, 4; Jersey City, 3. [gular quarterly used. Within, the legislative | .dis|Baltimore, 7-6; Rochester, 0-5. {one-quarter per cent., payable Were transformed, Vafmw,. fol ige, Nasional League--Pittaburg, 12; © a TR illa- japnaty, 2. and| American League--Washin y 6 | Cleveland, 1. Detroit, & Boston, -f Philadelphia, 2; Chicago, 1. iL ETEEgEE : iE HE , was con Will soon be completed, 3 ight in| "Nail broshes," "sail Piha ; Buy thems at Gibson's Red Drug hy " ¥ oath Wa %

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