~PFius TWO. " Mabel Laturvey, Solimwon 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ ne 0000000000000 OUTES00® i - ing « couple of weeks 7h ee Special Sale--Dréss Serge N in the histo with Mrs. C ikon; Juva.ry. of the store have fa aon, re. ER: We have on sale 250 yards of Pare Wool Dress Serge, in Black; Navy, Blue, Red and Cream. This Serge is about one and one-half yards wide and worth 65c yard: We are offering it now at a a. : Special Price 48¢ Yard. New Auto Scarfs Received To-Day dar he Belleitle, to visit her 'sis. In White, Grey, Sky, Fawn, Browns, Mauve, at Designs and lower pter; Mrs. 6G. WW, G. Grout, Broek | 50c. 65¢ and 98c. and certainly it is a delightful wpot]™, "Ue gl, Tomith's Falls, with ARASH EAT L00 0904947 ie Mr. George Lynn, Leamington, Ont., , iad : | with all the fasilition to make it. easy Mrs. Hagar and little danghter, Geral ! ¢ thr ise wae" gies S38 ee | u (apd Mrs. P. H. Rew. The party con- city for a few dap. > i wisted of Mv. and Mrs. F. W. Dobbs, | Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart | x oy , ¥1 KAY nd Tl tering Juan _ parties dine, have heen paying a short visit 9000600000000000000005000000000 ' happy time, = One party consisted |t¢ Mrs. Hagar's uncle and aunt, Rev. William and Mrs: Craig, Alfred street. PERSONAL MENTION. with Miss Murphy as their guest, and Leslie, Bagot street, expect to sail on chiefly of children, who enjoyed them- They little Miss Gwynneth Matheson, Mrs. 3 the 19th for the old country. Ordered HA Bes oh Nr ts Foam] Miss Gena Branscombe, Picton, spent wi ¢ Su Jew a a on the week-end in Kingston, the guest of Now Rew, New York; Mrs. W. Guan, Mrs. : her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Platt, Ports Or R. O'Hara, Hiss Canstance (Cooke mouth, » her guest, Miss Patton, oronto; r. binck, B oul dod Nee Arthur Klugh, Mee. J. ce ¥ _-- ows he es coke, Miss Mil errs, Miss Ada returned home, yesterday, and Qi FUR HOUSE ay vs will sail next week for England, where | Movements Of The People--What ' Mrs. Morris 'Woodcock, Alfred street, ti: Hogar will walk the hospitals. They Are Saying And Doing. , Telepone, 480. , 2a mall fn a Jen, on Monday, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Florence | i Francis La hay po. at home to skville: - A invi >| Hentig, with their brother, Mr. 6, "ye rh . it Mid-Summer Sale 149-155 BROCK STREET Braenvifle: Among awe _luvited were Hentig, Princess street, left on Satur- Wor: nik I 3 a Bouper, Elin rd, 3 3 » "hi -_m Gros, London, England, the guests of day foi camp. Weary." Loughhoro Norman. Burts, Collingwood, ofvect: 1 : For the next mon we Mr. i Mrs. de Carteret, Alfred * Se Arve On isiti Niag a it BLACKBERRY CORDIAL hold our Annual Midsummer Sale Mey 1 BH Saturday from Rochester, N.Y., and rn KT iy nl das last ii Furs J. Hates and little Wins Dorothy How.) ™ 0x wy Linen. - the guint of Repaired, i Huy (Gemaby Prof. 'William Way, Albert street, Jeft » Antique Furniture, Bric-a- A st F m ture street, st : * 3 went out to camp "Weary," "vester- ini ives in. J . ; ih 3 : : wn ; 8 : ven per, cont. off oi gouds ugu u i Miss Helen Gordon has been in town day, with Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, Mack NS it Dative ve ga ivi is |i This preparation will stop the _ Ll on: Stands, with from Montreal. street, Mr. Hentig returned bome and | pending two weeks visiting in Nap |fll PM promptly and it also re. ony (Landen. daughter, Mins i and Miss C. for his home of Saturday. wenty uring the Sa Johnson street, [left the rest: of the party at Lough- |, 0. } moves the cause. It in an anti: Fern Dishes of odd Dutch de. i 000000000000 0000000000 0000500000000 900000000000000000000 . Stored : Td y jolly Aime wan pent. [OL Ce ian amd. little hicce, ire a "sce what we have. 3 rng : 4 a - oss Miss Eleanor, left on Monday for Mon- FREE Picnics at Lake Ontario Park seem 1 to join Mr. Theod iy ed AST kina ot Household Goods ¢ * Miss Mabel Dalton, a { : I A a hth ght ana Cf is bei welcomed back from Winni- ro Lake. ss B 0 : sage 1 0 we bowels, soothes, d to us if you have arpe an U an 18 heing rom Winn : Mi rewster, Ottawa, is visiting ii er : a ¥ Diop a hd ¥ Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle, the guest Sergt. and Mrs. Hopkins, Hagot heals and restores natural con sign. Until Wanted. 3 Be the, of the duy at ti} route for Mount Desert, Maine. anything good to Sell or Trade. veg. | Mr. apd Mrs. George Ramsden, St. of her parents, Canon and Nis, A, street, ditions, Trays and Servers with porce- Dew't Forget the Place. Cook: Hazeldell," Pi h, Thomas, are in the city for a few | 00%e, - azeldell," Portsmout re- Miss Edith Wilson, Picton, is {he : 1 gh linings, wo L. LESSED. oo weeks": acation, 3 turned with her brother, Rev, : Alfred | puest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wilson, 25¢c a Bottle. aine and glass linings. " A . : ah c. Watkon, Cooke, o Westport to remain with |in Kingston, We will refund the price il it These goods are all new in ef- Kingsto Montreal, are at present the guests of [him for a week, Sergt. H. Hurd, of the R.C.H.A., does not give satisfaction. feet, and have bee ch » FEVTTETTOTITITY aad N 2 their brother, Mr. 'Knox Walkem, at] Miss Constance Cooke, "Hazeldell," |left to-day, at noon, on a trip to the soc : De : = rec » \ hn ts PO i Shnughnens Heights, Vancouver. is going to spend the weekend with old country. il . mm Mr. 'and oe Bore. W. J. Renton and fam- | Mrs. Henry Skinner at her summer | Mrs. F. Pollitt," Division street, is |i ---- KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE N20) a i a maont Ad le ra, Onole's Neat Cama" vias bet oats Divison set, in 1 : (LIMITED), - outing &t Dalhousie Lae, * » herst Island. i y HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. * Mrs. Jefferson Lotion, who has | A. E. Shannon, George street, went SMITH BROS., a " Fa Miss Ruth Martin, Spivision street, | been visiting her mother and sisters, [to Gananoque, on Tuesday, to spend | {li "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" | came home, yesterday, after a visit retarted to ons Falls, N.Y., to-day. |a few lie DRUG l Jewellers, enty-Sixth i 1 Ter £- with her friend, Miss Mabel Hender- iss va s, Queen street, has | + Herbert Lawlor, Charles street, is [IH 3 7 Zoe oth. in 5 y son, at Thousand Island Park. gone to visit Mins Lillian Reynolds, | visiting at Chatiey's Locks, Jones' PRINCESS | AND paGoT wie. { 35 RING sree, and . : Mrs. George Mills left, yesterday af-|at Cornwall, Ont. Falls and 'Newboro, g : lssuers of Marriage Licenses. got the -- ternaon, 4 to vidit her sister, Mra. David] Mrs. 8. A. Mitchell and little son, . B. McCallum, who is spending the CE ge 2000000 Both iy, at Selkir! Beach, |Allan, of New York, arrived, to- day, Summer in Gananoque, was a visitor if Hg to visit Mrs. T. A. Barnett, 300 Queen | in the city, on Tuesday. ---- oe. C. W. Powers, of South Hend,}street. Professor Mitehell is in Boston, Misses M. and o. ...msteondy, iofr, m---- I who has been visiting Mrs. E. attending 8 meeting of the Astronomi- { Monday, for Montreal, where they in- i -------- a Heaupre, Princess street, left, to-day, {cal Society, and will not arrive till [tend spending a few days. -------------- CHIFRONIER ohish. 8 far her home. Friday. Miss B. McKenna has leit for a A------------------------------------ Miss Kather Sdunpders, of South Miss Edith Pense has gone to Sea- [week's vacation visiting at Watertown i --------------------------_ 00, 7 4 i t 00, 1- ont awk, "Bri plate, Bent), Ind., is visiting Mrs. E. Beau. |bfight, NJ, 14 spend several weeks |N.Y., and Rochester, N.Y. I ---------- C--O i iid uf OUR ROOSTER BRAND y 00. Mahogany dinish. po... Princess street. with Mrs. S. Broadwell. Miss Ada Burch, is spending a few L0-nis 4 ilo ple To vais oer is May Weir, Alfred street, is home| Miss Macaulay, King street, left, to- | weeks with friends, on Grenadier Jo- Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at front, polished, for 404 rom a very pleasant. visit in Toronto day, for Charlottetown, PEL, where land, Rociport and Alexandria dy. $1 00 i 8. forty-five cents a pound is a good Many other designs then and Hamilon, and 'has now gone she will pay a visit to Colonel and | "Misses Maude Blake and Alice Vick Tobacco, Why pay Sighty-fite} : : ow the river to visit Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie. Later she will go |are spending a week with Mr. aad' ANDREW MAC 4d ' * Pury, at "Oak View Cottage," [to Halifax for the bicentenary celebra- | Mrs. Delbert Root, Grenadier Island. Ontario Vereat. 4 Trannt tion. Mrs. King and Miss Edith King, * % 9 Colborne street, have arrived home .f ig atte Bronte. of -- Ber- + Ho BR. Tram ue. k, Ralerhoro, ie [ter visiting friends in Syracuse, N.Y. Di vib She is now visit- | spent Sunday in town. days. " ed : sister, Mrs. Marshall, Prime Hy 8. Broadwell, visiting Mrs. E.| Miss Nellie Burns, Rockwood, _has Rl ry 3 4p VLER, Golden BEDROOM BOXES, & B. Pénse; "On-gwa-na-da,' left, on returned to her duties, after a few ng . We have made up 8 special line of Mies Mary Pearson aid her little Sia for her summer home, "The |day's visit with friends on Wolfe Js. Bedroom Boxes for the sale at $3.08, looukin, Mise Kathleen, of Merrickville, { Highlands," Seabright, N.Y. land. ' $3.30, and $4.00, Noa ate the guests of Mrs, Edwin J. Mc. | Mrs. Frederick Pirkett and little | Mrs. Edwin Moonéy, AlMeed street 'Phone 90. Yours, eMami Alfred street. daughter, Vera, Ottawa, arrived, to and Miss Edith McCartney, Farl street 3 . : Mn Charles Olmsted, 'East View, {day, to be the guest of Mrs, "Hugh are visitng in Napanee for A Jew See the nobby line of ave a Good ; T.F. Harrison Co. Cifpwe, the guest of her daughter, |Praser and Mrs. Charles Taylor, King days. W. R. Givens, of the Kingston "Stand ee guest ol Rev. ~ R, Forneri, Al- Mrs. A. E. Elmer and dav htér, a a a Juet or | ing tet, Miss Florence, Division = street, Have Ty" Mr. R. yd Dr. Leonard Fors: Rochester, N.Y., | 7one to Adams Centre, N.Y., for u few dob EB a W. ¥Y. Daykin, Collingwood [streel. . . 4 : a HR - : ' . | a left 'on Satnrday for her home.:| Miss Nollie Cartwright 'returns, ard went to Galt to-day, to attend » y C m lexion TO APPLY TO GOVERNORS 8 Misi Elspeth Short, octert Satutily;- to "The Maples," after on meeting of the Canadian Press As Ladies White WwW F Gourdier a M------ weit down to Brockville;' last week, delightful 't#ip' to Prince Edward - Js. |*OCiation. . . . . First of all you need plen To Give Up-Old Collegiate Building |,.j is the guest of het aunt, Mrs. |labd and Canso, N.S. Mrs. A. E. Elmer and duvshter, Waists 76-78 BROCK STREET Blood--the red kind. plenty to City. © + Mortimer Atkinson. 3 * Miss Lena, Division street. returned . . | or otherwise blotches Nothing has yet been done regardi Miss Dorothy Curry, Brockville, | Mr. and Mrs. T.'W. Bowie, 320 Ear} | ome yesterday, after visiting fwiends x E pimples will render your| J iihe TE from "the boasd of -- visiting Mrs. i Wade, Brock street, | Street, . antiounce the engagement ' of in Toronto, ! . s natural charms unavailing. No- Inors of the School of ir the old [left for her home on Fiiday. their daughter, ' Bessie Mabel, to Dr. ewum A. Guild, left, to-day, for Galt that we are cleat ing Collegiate Institite building, which the * 0 James Reid, Englehart, Ont. The mar- 10 Sepresnl tile Whiz at the annual oit at board of edueation is anxious to se- | Miss "Ada Cotter, Ast street, leit, riage will take place in September. = ing of the daily newspaper section cure for a public school. Thin build: |ta-day, for Sault Ste. Marie, to visit a e-------- - e Canadian Association. ing is no lohger used for School of ives and friends. ' Miss Cotter ex- Established for 'Themselves. imeon Givens, of Bagot street, Jit, - - day, o trip to the old countr . L therel ar 8 to 'make a letigthy visit. Charles Hebert and Fred Camic, who | 1t. La dry ld country oi ry nebweta buck %] Taste to. eor¥pet one of our | have been connected with ' the Worm: He wil sail on the steamer Roval Ei the city. Tt will' be necessary, how- |itéms in" Saturday's column. "The favte| with Piahia #Wpany's works for the --atdy rom Montreal, oh Phrureciuy: . J ce the nourishment and building ever, to make an sirangement with of in connection with Mrs. de|last eight years, have severed their Miss Pine Rd nioial : A they contain Dr. y ot for "Da i " the: BOVErROrS ard transfer. 8 got up the ughters connéetion with that firm and have es- . po ihe Fouts Tabiois rine the The Ye a a not yet jot of the E Empire," and not "The Kings|tablished a business of theig own, in has wu ieluttid to lextadria Bay, af Knocked Out in the First Aystem to a AER po vim, ambi: had a conference with thé hoard of Da Babine. Talord, 1 wo K Hooper & § Slater's building, on Outario Suir Vini ng Miss Florence Smith, Earl - . » + from which G tativ rding the | Mrs. Louisvil en- |street. Both mén are ex finishers, \ ic : : 5 a Ne in el fr gion tacky, arvived, today, amd in the guest jad have then over the Tnishing 0 Pw Sictuie So Normai Nomnwith, In the lot are $1.50, Round 25¢c. Box: | {the convenience of the boamd of educa: [OF her sister, Mrs. A. J. Matheson, | partment of the H & Slater com- |ororl tiken "Bf the arbitentors os 1] 1:73 and 2.00 garments. Hold on! Perhaps you. think "Hite shin semi ee ee hn For U Tp will be weeti | the British and United States stafis, || All izes in stock. we mean Jack Johnson: No erguson, mion street, | on ano page. Both are well known |. The Hague, New Fall Goods ar- chance. This last battle was ---------------------- PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, . Never Thought Of It. is; visiting Mrs. J. Richmond, at her) in the city theif friends wish them Misses SN. Armstir : fought out with the Coal Pile : x wses | strong, Belleville, A. daz . Moyer. Cahper, when: asked: "hin ae Hoatwich sland. success in their undertaking. and V. Prout, Adohonamtors oad a riving daily. and the Ladies gave a unani- Opposite St. Andrew's Church. morning, il there 'was 'any possibility jerules eg A day this ree Armatrong. Rocksifl gh . = mous decision in favor of Gas eV Ll his boing a mayoralty candidate ne. Lanon and Mw. A. Cooks, Fruit a e * jof Mrs. Foo. Pnivamity En for Cooking for the AhIT. tern; satel that." the rte on his way home to Cali-| Dn Thursday "we. offer 50 baskets on Friday last. G CHEAP --CLEAN--CONVENTENT. matter had never enteved-his head. At pears, 100 baskets plums, 300 baskets | Mr. and Mrs. G. Blake Sills, Hay t, his intentions were otherwise. peaches, also melons, blackberries, burn, Ont., who oe beens visiting Mis sweet corn and two dozen' bananas, for | Jennie Burtch, 214 Division psn. for had Even a great deal of time to . v ' . : : I int ad di mor Think on. Lo 2c, at Carnovaky's. i past weak, let, Saturday, to visit Newman Kingston L i & Power Co F 3 riends on Wolfe Island. ; | Houston. Singer Needed at the Bijou. MN. Autindules editor of the Ro- - : ! & Shaw C. ©, FOLGER, Gen. Manager. There is a vacancy for vocalist, at BY Herald, and family weve | the Bijou. Apply evenings. in the -- Today, en route { Be is at aby en ae h Whe er: a Echo Hotel, 10 spend an holiday Mr. -- 4 Boy camp, Jha berries in pails. J. Crawford. | Antisdale called on A. Strachgn, col THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Mr. Robert Young, of the lector of customs, - ment of interior, Ottawa, will be the | tests FELL DOWN A HASCHWAY, _d-siii-id Children' S Gordon Randall, Charles ys : mes A Summer Charles street, was taken to he gene: ral hospital an Tuesday y suffer ~ e ing from severe injuries. yo em- on C loved os one of the vessels running i out ingston, and last night had : {ihe --jortuse hall ite one of the |4 por that worn out, tired and |} j natch: a severe injuries ran down feeling there is no Edges of collars sawing your to hin head. nese ogee easel better tomte than a combination F il neck? at Cuffs rasping your wrists? ai hatden toby eD Hogar This Beet. Tron and Wine. ll Shirt bindings pricking lke _ Ours Is delicious 1n taste, con 7 |jil chesnut burns? in how the accident occurred. is | tains iron to earich the blood, ! cred warps and Wools." : peptonized (digested) beef to erhaps You have a scraping feed the 'tissues, and. cholce Acquaintance with them? Yes? wine as an appétizer.: In a re- il Then wé are not doing i eent vernment analysis a our bottle taken from our stock of ¥ ; Laundry Work Beef, Iron and Wine proved to Let us introduce you to our | be & superior il smooth ways and your acquain- | ance won't be a scraping one, but a welcome, permanent, | pleasing relation. | Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenliam Sta.