Ladies' Tailoring Department ob We take great pleasure in announcing that we have added to our already large store an- other department--A very Important Depart- ment, t00-- A Ladies' Tailoring . Department ¥e our patrons and the very latest we are prepared to the public in gene Parisian and New York Styles and choice of not only our own large stock but of every new Costume Cloth to be had in Canada. We Invite Your Careful Inspection. ~ Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. Give us a call when yon require Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Ccal Oil Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of the above goods at the lowest prices. Tile Sewer Pipe and Fittings Constantly | HAVE YOU GIVEN ------ Eddy's Woodenware ~==A TRIAL 7: IF NOT--WHY NOT? Are you aware of the fact that there is none better manufactured ? f Ask your dealer to show you " EDDY'S Matches, Paper of all descriptions, Paper Bags, Tube, Pails and Washboards. . ] He is not up-to-date unless be can show you Woodenware made at EDDY'S. Yeading Under- NEW YORKER. : Frank Dillon, of Seecley's Bay, Was que, Aug. 11.--The third of the sevies' of. . fourteen-foot dinghy races, under the auspices of the Gana- noque Yacht Club, was sailed yvester- day afternoon. The finish was :First, Chums, sailed by R..B. Britton; sec ond, Seat, sailed by R. M, Harris; third, Cuss, sailed by HL. Crittender: | fourth, Bus, sailed by N. Weed; fifth, Lollapolaea, Alfred Ogden. After the races, five o'clock tea wad served by the Indies. The Thousand Islands Gun Club turned out im force, yesterday after: noon, for the big competition match for the handsome silver cup donated by 'A. L. Sehwartz, of New York, for club members only. Some excellent scores were made, the handsome tro- phy falling to" the lot of Frank Dillon, of Seeley's Bay. a The races of the Frontense Yacht Club, Tuesday and Wednesday, drew quite a number-seress the line on both occasions. On Tuesday the Skid, of Clayton, a poor: third in the Gold Challenge cn raced, last 'week, came to' the fore, Ira Kip's Onion JT by about our as aver'a thir ty-mile course. The local merchants are complaining that for this season of the year busi nes WAR never Rhawn to be so dull, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutapson, Wil Ham 'street, are mourning the death of their "infant daughter, Olive, who passed away yesterday, after a short illiess. Interment took place this morwing, in Willow Bank cemetery. Nirs. William Abernethy and daugh- ter, Joy, of Sunbury, spent the past few days with friends in-tewn and vi- cinity, George Fales 'and son, George E. Falas, Mrs. G. E/Fales® and Ed ward Fales, left for their home in Syracuse, * yesterday, after an outing at Gananoque Lake. Mr. and Mrs Alired Baker, William street, left, Tues day, for a few" weeks' visit with rela- tives in Rome, N.Y. Miss Madeline Phillips is spending some time with Kingston = friends: James Turner. Montreal, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. John B. Turner, King street. Mrs. Thomas Scott, Victoria avenue is visiting in Sunbury, guest of Mrs. H. Lynn," Miss Elsie Salter, Tames street, hos returned from a visit at Sharbot Lake, guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. C0 Cornell." Miss Ross, Arnprior, spending the past few weeks in town guest of Mrs. Cornett, Charles street has retutned home. Mr. and Mrs, We +}. Harper, North Bay, spent the few days with friends in town. b ert Thompson, who left here u few weeks 'ago for Vancouver, B.C., has returned to town, not liking the west- ern country. LIVELY DISCUSSIONS On Theological Tea Teaching--Fate ol Dr, Carman. f Toronto, Aug. 1l.--Another red-hot battle of words over theological teach~ ing ifn Methodist colleges is '@xpected to be unavoidable at the genecal con: ference of the Methodist church in Canada, which opénd next week in Victoria, B.C. Another knotty problem that the ral conference must face js the ate of Rev. Albert Carman, the vete- general superintendent of church in Canada. While Dr, Carman is getting to be u very old man, there is no bound to the loyalty to him felt by a large proportion of 'the church members. While many do not agree with all his views, there is a feeling that the church should retain him as long as sible, The sugpes- tion will, no doubt, be made that his work should be eased by the appoint: nient of an assistant. The probability is that the grey haired superintendent will "not. be ask- ed to retire, or defeated in the elec tion. It is pointed out that the pope of Bome is never. deposed. He rules till death removes him. So do Ang fican and Roman Catholic bishops and archbish 80 do the Methodiat his hops in the United States. It is expected that the coming con. ference will be the most eventful held in the history of Canada. The pre- diction is made that almost all the clergy will be there, and that ninety per cent. of the laymen elected to-go will he in Vancouver for it. ib -- - HOCUSSED BY CITY. Wants Return of Money for Alleged Brother's Funeral, New York, Aug. SLAs Judi nant womaa in ngeles, Mrs. M. G. Donnelly, Uretong to bring suit against the city of New York unless the city taker. Phone; 577 |i, a in frre On Jiine 19th last John Te, M Bonnaliyes. hee brother; was a) to SHOT FOR SILVER (UP GIVEN BY]: Get = = AND FOLLOW Soh howe TO ORPHEUM THEATRE The Home of Polite Vaudeville and Moving Pictures.' OUR PROGRAM: August 11, 12; 13 Special Attraction The Pepper Twins Song and Dance Artists. Artistic, Refined, Graceful, Presenting A High-class Singing and Dancing Act Sm-- IEE OUR TWO NEW SENSATIONAL MOVING PICTURES, "THE WOMAN IN THE CASE" "IN THE WILD WEST" "SJORT POEMS INPICTURES" Str America THURSDAY, AUGUST 12.30 pam, four of the Islands. Oe wThIY, August A A B..., WHISK AT ROCRWOOD H BOY FOR GROCERY STORE. APPLY Box 108, this office. FIRST-CLASS COOK: GOOD WAGES. rs. MacPherson, 138 Uni- HERR enue iG LADY TO YOUNG, ALY TO O'Conner, . Manager. AND BROOM MAKERS: rk. HH Nelson & © HOST Sheet Toronto." ne ang os SELL TICKETS Apply to T. J. d Leundress: ene Saperionte preferred. Matron. fw ~ ) PETENT GENERAL MAID TO cours United 'States: good wages. £ovty,. at once, to 187 Johnson St. EXPERIENCED oe Ue AND } Ap- ply. Re ng. age my, $8 hone. Box 50, Whig office. "UPHRENE SMART BOYS ABOUT 1§ OR Fatt Sat WRN Lta,, ing + INTELLIGENT MAY earn ho monthly PERSON NER port, NX. BU TPERINTENDENT > PACK age nk oman with since toaln 8 capable of man- ing workers ind Keeping snp accounts. N & Polson & Cos Wholesale Druggists, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working gent ER vom salary per- afeht ork- for "oat ania . behind he NE tar, oud be you can fouble Your wages and ae dn OW Apply, Box "E. B, hig ol WANTED-GENERAL a mpnsane, Brockett, 2ud 0 SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 pn. four of the Sstands, Fare, oe ONTARIO AND RAN TR MoCenn, 81 61 to 8 Duy Zor ca for cash. SUNDAY, AUGUST 14=Regular frig te Cape Vimeent, 7.30 am. and 00 pam, Fare, 50e return, Meals on all Trips. TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BR RecEIVER BY he ulders, ned up to 4 pm of Wed- aday. the ae inst. for tu shingling Ta rhe 3 Yerba cet Eo Be rer dethod tC i and flings. Plans and spect fcation WW the office of the undersighed. The HORS TO RENT, A MEDIUM BIZED HOUSE, centrally located. Apply, Box. 85, Whig office. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM [SRUNSWIOK. Beptember 1st; no child Cann, Brock, Cor. King Street. ES TO PURCHASE. . I WILL BUY all kinds of horses. Will be in Kingston all summer. I. A. Jenkins, | cess Street, Telephone No. Swart, or any tender not necessarily ac- ep! POWER & SON, Architects. August 1ith, 1910. . BOD" PH AFRICAN © AND © ONTARIO Yeterans' Cobalt Stocks. Bonds snd eaiures: ls iy to St. Ringe Lo Hutton, 18 Market AAAAANAPPPOPPIPPPPIIP | DON'T GET Your House Wired for Electric Li ght Before you get our Prices. " Ww. ARE rn, 1 Tne 5, ge Seger 7S : 8IBBYS CAB STAND Phone 201 : DAY OR NIGHT. | ONLY $24,000, Saw It. vew York Press The president of - a -apall manuice- ory, with. head offices in New York, was returning hoine from church with us wife, and na they walked up Fifth wvenue their attention was drawn to a arge painting io s window of an art store. They ha Aoppod to expmine it itand dalk about ib 'he longer they looked she more. pleased they bechmie with it. a exactly. what hey both thought, they ghonld like to wve on their own walls, and it was specially gratifying that their tastes 0 petiectly agreed. When they reach- ad their home--a well farnished but GENTLEMEN Clot! FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION, Knew Good Painting When They EET FI REPL BS BRING THEIR ave It made 4p into inte up $0-date ha ha Price and workm guarante LOST. i gt LE: N'S GOLD WATCH, AT- pea sched bite ribbon name inside case, 'between Kin and pA Re Finder w award: ed by returning to is office LADY'S. CRE COLORED COAT (ne } between Portsmouth and St. ry's Cemetery, returning Elliot's Lane Sab August Tt turn to this office and be rew FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C. 8 JKIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN. ce Agent *4mship Tigh at 1 Sevag GENERAL INSURANCE. FIRE, LIFE les lssu- freddie pan ye fos. Agent, 159, Wellington Hier hy J. K CARROLL, DISTRIC Asmuraes AGENT. Domin Bs Ri Rae ident. Sickgegs, Ad BO. TEMAN, CUSTOMS BRO a wl A Sour invoices in un on ne ahd drop Ih ihe nearest letter mos. We a a6 the rent, a Hx kinds of Fite o 9 Fd FIL None ow aes. AA Pa SOLER LT S818 Me 7) fi saditlon vo aecurity 8 the & ho Aalmiied 1 hid i Sut Ha od orares resbuiy : old frgh 8 irangs a. ae at MUSIO. you 3 LADY, WITH FIRST CLASE v ha ong, w will take Publis in plano- fo! of 20 lessons for four nae "Awply, m2 ATnirarsity Ave "1A 'BANNER TO. S0C ROCKE $3.26, at ™ RATTAN, VERANDA $3.50, he urk's. - "Phone, LL Fyne Rr TE AR SAREE Jere on '8 UNION rst comer, Ap- men, a ba in vo piy this office A FIRST-CLASS LIVERY AT HAR. smith, a fo Evert Guess, Harrow amit: FRAME ROW, ON "YORK STR » Nos. 6X99, and 14 rout Jor $8 as Yoar; owner out of city an anxious 16 Sell Apply, $08 Martie Stree DOUBLE HOUSE Nox 107.100 "Yi city and the, emage ma closed u Apply, ee ( ABOLINE Clarence Street. 3 al Fo for 3 in beam. A s ana Tn gs AN UNFI ERED caulk Hah ) IN § lou inf. pan on} i Hn SE EE Apply, J. O. rely arket TO LEY. ven Grobe bed HI SON, Fogel. in Baker, Princess Bi OFFIC. Jeni w. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BO. modern vemen' location. Abply. 178 § Clergy bos aS: MRCS re) Renton A: Son Rien 0 nein 8 Ran 18 to 15) iam to's RS nd eureear to NY HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. fon aap. "sae heal ES a peng Ga usineau. Prop. NE RESTAURANT, NO. 8) ane Beats hot Jour fie sters in cream; aah On inks: pri eal = partier TI Rathi gr patron a SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWERLLING roished and unfurnish IMMEDIATELY. GROCERY STORE and 83 Barl Street; Sheds and. stables attached; rent moderate. Apply, 333 Brock Street FURNISHED ROOMM, without; ail. modern Apply, 214 W rrie Btree wiTH JOARD {iam Street, A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING Crothers ales v). A. wr. 's' ory R. Webster, 81 Princess Firoet a SroRAgH 8 Fon Rr Hf nh de : CARPRNTERS AND BUILDERS. and re hatrt SETAE Sa a next Bibby" TO rent, house, within one and. a hall mils from SHIREY Sanne: +4 tin, com x r pe iehen, ** bathe room, ete: Capt. 'Wolff, King Street. TEACHERS WANTED, ' TEACHER FOR THE KINGSTON PUB- at least second-class ii sie $325; maxim increase, $25 Apply to ne AAT Boa of Education. nt UT DRIUS_R a Fada uaten eT Be Bait rests corner as Phone 447... No goinitan Cond ET "oltic BOARD AND BOOMS, fs AND LODGI Bad at 30% yefilem | to Cars; STI a gas and modern aaa BY GOOD WATCHES WE © MEAN DEPENDABLE TIME. KEEPERS. WE HAVE A EVERY POCKET BOOK. e000 csssbsssescoee rd; WM. "CERE ed Ww C\ EE Bat enham Street NC Co A iaaaes of oo work ARCHITEOTS. a A Foaidonce IVT Dare oa & Ave | oP Mee! 208 Blgor stron Es Se re BR LEGAL. CUNNING & MUD ers lieitors. w Clarence St. Kingston. ® 0000000000000 000000 ERE ks ork FOR SALR OR 10 LET. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS mises f PAN BPARKS, DENTIATS, "Phone 346 noes Strest, ngston, OR. NASH, DENTIST; Foil? Tf tietant, 183 rincess PERSONALS, HAIR, Tha eae Shh patents. " anSaine. oy TENDE ns WILL BE RBC he andersignod # wm aay of August i LA Anthracite C of Hard Wood 1 one br is be Arlive quantities and | od 48 the City Burdings Fire Halle. co August 10th, 198