0000000000000 » * Never in the history o of the store have we o shown such High-Olass s Designs and "lower o 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000 Mid-Summer Sale r the next month we will hold our Annual Mids: nmer Sale hod Antique Furnitu: Bricsa~ Fo pM fe per cent. off All goods 3 uring tiie Bae what we have, come in an \ All kinds of Jiovsenold Goods ught and ® > card to us if you have a anything good to Sell or Trade. Don't Forget the Place. Cor pk: LESSES, s Kingston, SEPP PEEP PIPIEPIIEPIEIEY KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE . (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" : -Sixth . BEECHES SHEARER EEE OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eizhty-five? ANDREW MACLEA Ontario CANADA'S BEST FE aan galoid only bE RJ. LAWLER, Golden N, 3 Hireet. The Girl Who Is Pale She is In danger, her sys- "Bl nerve energy which rapid 4 | growth and study have ex- 1 hausted. The Sumo ¥igor, 3 spirits and new strengt! yr iA with Dr. Blair's Tonle 'ablets. The delicate maid is strengthened : Are they not worth while ¥ tyingr Sh - - | 28c. Box || PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, Opposite St. Andrew's Church. -- A and § The Poor Mars: Ordered Now Or Old, Furs Repaired, Stored FREE Until Wanted. JOHN McKAY, FUR HOUSE, Telepone, 489. a 149-155 BROCK STREET AUGUSTSALE Furniture, Carpets fa', Caf This week's specials in addition to our regular sale discounts, Here are a few extra inducements: -- We have a large Stock of Buffets and Sideboards, and we want to clear some. 1<k cut oak, polished, $55-- 1-4 cut oak, polished, $45-- 1-4 cut oak, polished, §40-- 1-4 cut oak, polished, $20 1-4 cut ouk, polished, $25 1-4 cut oak, polished, $28-- 1-4 cut oak, polished, $38-- until Buffet, uffet, utfet, Buffet, Buffet, Buffet, Buffet, Goods held free of charge wanted. Phone 90. Yours, T. Fe. Harrison Co. 2500.3 Ew £2 ~ CROPS"AT HARROWSMITH. Are Reported Good---Big Yield From a Bushel. Harrowsmigh, Aug. 10.-George Reynolds, from three bushels sowing of fall wheat, threshed on Saturday an oven 100 bushels. Rye is & poor crop this season in slugs locality. Oats are headed well, but short straw. ' Recent visitors: Hiss . Wager of Interprise, a B. ich's; Miss ie Scott, of Pakerham and "Miss Kate Rouse, of Toronto, at J. T. Gallagh- er's; Miss Myrtle Gallagher, at Port. land; Miss Myrtle . Bradshaw, Brock- ville, at A. Bradshaw's. Ross Wright, who has been employ: ed in the Metropolitan Bank here, left for his home in Picton, on Satur+ day. Miss Graves and Kennedy spent Sunday at Tichborne; A. Callaban and family and Wm. Lyons and family t Tuesday at Sydenbuin Lake. iss M. Lemunon, Kingston, is visit- nt her sister, Mve., Wrizht. D. Wood t for Kingston, on Saturday. E. B. Gallagher and family, of Toronto, at J. 8. Gal e's; Everet Guess, of oy at home with his hay returned; Mrs. ; hs fr, Curia Shem, A ------ -------- } out th» thieves allowed this (j they made the remark that Kingston Siri AFTER BREAKING INTO PRIN. CESS STREET STORE, Smee Thieves Entered Store of New York iy od When Going Out With Their Booty--Made Thorough Search of Place, and Left Small Som in the Cash Register, After making a thorough inspection of the store, and picking out four pairs of shoes, which suited their fapey, burglars, who visited the store of the New York Reform, at 209 Princess street, got the stolen goods ~gollected near the back door of the shop, and then took to their heels, leaving the g00ds behind. There is no doubt that the job was pulled off by some ama- teurs. The stove was visited some time be- tween 9 and 10 o'clock. Entrance was at the rear of the store. A re a dow was raised by the thief extending his srm op the inside. It was a Jong reach, but it was made all right. Once inside the store, a search was made. The boxes on the shelves were found to he in disorder, «nd there was every evidence that the lace had been well looked over. There were fifty coppers in the cash register, to re main. No doubt, they were in search of hills, but luckily the people in charze of the store, well looked after the financial end of the business and had the money in safe keeping. Frank McCue, of the Windsor hotel, aned the would be burglars away. The store is next to the hotel, and when Mr. McCue was out in the yard, about 1.30 o'clock, he heard a noise at the back of the store as if some people were at work around the packing cases A call was sent to the police, but when a conple of constables appeared on the scene, the offenders had made 100d their escape, but the four pairs Wf shoes were found near the back door. Had not Mr. McCue gone out, the store, no doubt, would have suffered a 'ots. Some are inclined to helieve that the people who broke into this "store, alo committed the theft at Prouse's drug store a few days ago. -- DESERVES A BETTER OFFICE. Yankee Visitors Condole With the Yankee Consul. Consul Johnpon receives scores of United States visitors at nis office every day, and most of them condole with him over the fact that the gov- ernment. at Washington is too parsi- mopiout te furhish, an office that mou worthy its representative 'n this city. To-day a Whig representa- tive was in the consul's office when a party of New Yorkers expressed sur- prise that the government had not spent a couple of thousand dollars in making the representative's headquart- ers here attractive, as there are so many thousdnds of American visitors staying here during the season. Some of them were old-time visitors, and w n always did have poorly furnished warters for the United States consul. Kngagements Announced. The "engaj is announced of Miss Ethel M. Wa pe, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Winer Ward- rope, of Belleville, Ont., to Major J. A. Little, of Part' Arthur, Ont. The marriage will take place in the au- tumn, The engagement is announced of Miss Bessie Isola Halliday, only|N dnughter of Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. Sinclair, | - of Gananoque, Oot., to Arthur N. B, | K Rogers; manager of the Bank of To: ronto, at Dorchester, Ont. The mar- ringe will take place in the first part of September. Will Study for a Nurse. The many friends of Miss Ethel Jones, daughter of J. E. Jones, Alfred street, will be pleased to learn that she 'has been accepted as a nurse-in- training, at St. Luke's hospital, New York, whe: 1e_has bgen on proba: tion for several months. Miss Jones will arrive in. Kingston to-morrow to spend her vacation at her home, and afterwards will return to take up her work at the hospital. Married in Toronto. On August 9th, a quiet home wed- ding place at 3 Vermont ave- nue, Toronto, the residence of the bride's parents, when Edith Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Flint Jones, formerly of Belleville, was un- ited in to Rev. J. A. Stead Burns, son the late Rev. R.-F. Burns, D.D., Halifax, N.S., and of Mrs. sion. : A Huge Maskinonge. "The bi t fish in many seasons was ¥ ronio on land. spector, has returned from an inspec- | tion 'trip around Kingston Mills. ! _Isons," Masters Homer and J fisheries for this district, paid an ofli- | cinl visit to the city on Wednesday, avenue, and the islands, visit. $a visit to his Colborne street, evidently, wan the person who frizht- ces Alta., is visiting his very pleasant trip to the coast Edmonton. down on the visit to Mr. and Mre. D. Hutchinson, Princess. street. James Garvigan, Princess street, leave on Saturday for a few days' visit in Rochester, N.Y. Hoxey, 'both professional nurses in De- troit, are visiting Miss Whitfield's pa- vents, 108 York street. way but it was a canard. The only heart trouble the worthy governor has that. ates put Cal, and Miss Birdie Schryver, ipanee, who have been i (Dr.) Sneed, were Mrs. Burrows, Ki to town. Mrs. Robb will remain Cross Drug Store. row evening, Aug. 12th, Many a man keeps his keepipy his advice to himself. received at MeoAnley's. Phone 778. ternoon, picnic, at the fair grounds. C Aaley's The resignation of Miss Annie Hew- ton as teacher of a second class Louise school, has been accepted and the vacancy will be advertised. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Granite lodge of Oddfellows met in their lodge rooms main feature of the meeting being an address given by PG. Chicago. Mr. Reid spoke on Oddfellow- Shi. One new candidate was initia- Geo. Mills & Cos Friday and Saturday to buy a hat for | next season atq | the prices weare = Baa be Re tea tor # Movements 'Of The Peoplé----What hey Are Saying And Doing. Fire Uhief Amnstgong went to ednesday. Miss Jean Milne, University avenue, visiting - her brother in Rochester, | i NY. Dyes Reforms, But Were Prighten- LL akiind street, has | turned to the camp on Sugar Js | Miss Myrtle Stevens, B.A, of Napa- | nee; is visiting Miss Luella Scholes, | Queen street. : Jame: } Swift & Co., is back at work alter a McDonald, an employee is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. N. Thurs: | @ ton, 355 Alfred street. i : visiting: her father on Johnson street, | & left for Toronto, i Mrs, John B. Brennan, who has been Seoecvvoeve yes ¥ : John W. Taudvin, docal fishery in- | A. K. Routley bas gone to Toronto | 1a, business trip, ivompanie by his ohn. "Harry" Williamson, of St. Paul, inn., ix on a visit to his sisters, the | isses. Williamson, Alfred street. Capt. Hunter," inspector of game and Mise Margaret Tetlock has returned to Perth after several weeks' visit to her cousin, Mrs, James C. Bennett. Mrs. Al oF. James, 230 University | left, Tuesday, for Rockport | on a two weeks Henry Hogan, of Michigan, is on a brother, John Hogaa, and old acquaintan- Charles S. MeCormack, Edmonton, areuts, Mr. and MoCormack, = Collingwood 8. street. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Sirrefi, of Ot- tawn, who have been visiting the lat- ter's parénts hete, Brockville, i Mrs. C. W. Lane and daughter Eld- | red, & vacation at Macdonald's Cove, on the lake shore. left to-day, for Gore' 'street, are spending their Mra. and Mise McCormack, Colling- ood street, have returned, after a and Miss, Gertrude Whitfield, professional arse, Detroit, is on a visit to her rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitfield, ork street, W. W. Swift, St. Catharines, excursion and paid came a "Bert" Derry, Barrie street, and Miss Gertrude . Whitfield and Miss C. H, Corbett, governor of the jail, reported ill with heart trouble, is of tenderness for the unfortun: in his care. Mrs. F. W. Howard, Los Angeles, Na spending the t week at Frontenac, Alexandria y 'and Thounsund Island Park, are a few days in the city. . D. 'Robb, Westmount, who, with rs. Robb and their daughter, ' Mrs, vigiting Mr. = and kton, has returned mn ingston for a few days longer. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, ewsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re. porters on Their Rounds. "4711 Cologne" sold at Gibson's Red Council 0, C.O0F; will meet to-mor by Orders friends Willinm Swain, piano tuner, Please do not eall on Wednesday af am ing to the Grocers' H. Cunningham, pisno tuner from ing's. Leave orders at . M.: re. i in "Camphor Ice," English make, soll last evening, the James Reid, Half Price 2 Day €0000000000000000000000000000800000000000000490000000000d i . ' , "S8 : ; . 3 % Ladies' White Chanticler Collars . 1arrow and wide pleating. Special at 50¢c, 63¢c, 75c. Ladies' Black Silk Chanticler Collars : wide and narrow pleating at 30¢, 65¢, 7§c. Ladies' Black India Silk Shirt Waists, inch wide tucking back and front: Special discount of 50 Special at $2.75. ee A MS NEN . Sale of Wash Suits r cent. on all our Wash Suits. $5.00 Suits for $2.50. 25. Ee th tren age a a $6.50 Suits for BATHING PLACES KINGSTON SHOULD HAVE THEM BY ALL MEANS. A Generous Lady Had to Secure Pro- tection--Bathing Places Shouid be in Charge of Officers--Let Us A lady who generously allowed the use of a big boathouse at the foot of Centre street, in conmection with bath- {ing pleasures, has bad to call for {protection from persons who have {been bathing without covering and {who have been committing nuisances. The lady is an advocate of free bath ing privileges for Kingston boys and girls and has been doing her hest along that line. She now wants the city council to take up the matter and make the provision that should have been made years ago. The Whig has, always, stood firmly behind any movement having for igs object the encouragement of swimming among the vouthful population. We have aided schemes for buthing places but they have always ended with the same result, exposures and nuisances. If Kingston is to have properly con- ducted bathing houses, they must be in charge of compuivnt persons and to do this will involve cost. The com muhity should bear it, the council providing the funds. No citisen would begrudge a mite to give the city hovs and girls suitable places to bathe. in the beautiful water before our doors, Mavor Couper, in sympathy with the plans, should get busy and leave a name for himself among Kingston's juvenile population. By all means, the Whig and all citi zens say, let us have proper bathing spots, FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD, 7 ----------- The Sales on the Board on Thurs. day, At the meeting of the Frontenas cheese board, held on Thursday after noon, there was boarded 717 boxes of colored cheese and 397 boxes of white The following factories boarded : White-- Excelsior, 25; Hinchinhrooke, 60; Morning Star, 42; Pine Hill, 35; Sand Hill, 35; Sunbury, 35; Reyuolds, 10: Collins Bay, 25; Forest, 100; (ptal 307. - Colored--Battersen, 5% Flm Grove, 40; Glenburnie, 58; Gilt Edge, 25; Howe Island, 53; Latimer, 30; Morning Star, 20; Ontario, 45; Pine Hill, St. Lawrence, 35; Silver Springs, Thousand Islands, 30; Flgioburg, Wolfe Island, 73; Mciirath's, 30; Glen dower, 25; Madel, 60; Glenvale, 10; 1 ial, 747. The bidding opened at | Have Them, | i Wie. and i sales were made as follows : | At 10%c., Mr. Uleall spewed the offer ing of Howe Island, Ontario; Se Lawrence, Thousand Islands, Wolle Island, Forest and Gilt Edge; av 19fc, Mr. Alexander secured Battersea, Elm Grove, Glenburnie, Glenvale, Morning' Star, Elginburg, and McGrath's; aq Bfc., Mr. Gibson bought Sunbury, Reynolds, Pine Hill, Collins Bay, -Ex- celsior, Silver Sphings and Sand Hill, Get Together. George Lennox, a Kingston barber, speaking to a Whig representative, to- day, said he thought all that wus ne cessary now was to call a meeting of the boss barbers to decide which day should be taken as a holiday. He said he was quite willing to close any day decided on. The barbers ean have a half holiday if they want it. All they | have. to. do. is. to get together and come to a decision." Every progressive Kingstonian would only be too-glad to go without a shave one afternoon a week to give the barbers a holiday. When one stops to think of it, the bar- ber has longer hours than any trades man (except newspaper men), and the ane afternoon a week would give them the recreation they need. | It will pay you Think of It $5.00 Papamas for $2.50 for $3.75 for $5.00 $250 Light Felts tor $1.25 And Linen Hats at 13c snd Thought it Quite Pretty. About eighteen young men, belong ing to the YM.CA eamp, at Rook- port, came up on the steamer Miguis- quoi, Thursday, and spent a few hours in the city. There are sbout iwenty- five from Rochester camping among the islands for two weeks. They were quite taken with Kingston and thought it a very pretty spot. : O'Rourke and O'Keefe, the two young men convicted of breaking isto MeCarey's stove, corner Princess and Ontario streets, were to-day taken to CORRIGAN'S. | BLACKBERRY CORDIAL This preparation will stop the | pain promptly and it also: re moves the cause. It ix an anti- septic to the bowels, soothes, heals and restores natural con- ditions, * 25c a Bottle. We will refund the price if | does not give satisfaction, DRUG || STORE PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. : CRP VPPIONINOONOONIPIDP PROD ONIOISIIDS Holland Brass Tea Kettles on Stamds, Ebony Handles, with Fern Dishes of odd Dutch de sign. Trays and Servers with porce laine and glass linings, These goods are all pew in ef fect, prociated, and have been much ap- { i | | i SMITH BROS., 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. P90909090000000494P 0000000009000 204009 i i I. the very newest styles, ||" $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 each. All sizes, 31 to 40. To clear ON FRIDAY - 'At $1 Each rm See window display. Newnan & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE, TA Summer Tonic For that worn out, tired and run down feeling there is no Detter tonic than a combination 0 Beef, Iron and Wine. * Ours is delicious in taste, con- tains iron to enrich the blood, . peptonized (digested) beef to Jest the Sapueh, aa, chofee wine as an app: r. In a re cent Covermment analysis a bottle taken from our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved w be a superior article ranking as class, EE a happy one. they were one who did not ¥ injustice you have wife range to have the pipes coupled up #0 that she can use purposes * W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. Doctor Crippen us by his actions led people to be- Heve that his married life was not a It may be possible that of the few families _ Cook with Gas ou will never % know what a great been dolug your all these years until you ar. the gas for all CHEAP--ULEAN--CONVENIENT. Kingston. 1. & Powe Cn. C. C, FOLGER, Gen. Manager, Half Done is a palpable weak- | kneed. ~~ dirty-faced' *mischter Hl maker. He's pot tolerated In | this -laundry; we wash him | out. : { Everything is fully and perfectly doge Spotless lace curtalds, Exquisite shirtwalsts, Smoothecdged colinrs, Snow-white shivis, Beautiful linens, ¥