8 Every wonan who walaes her complexiot t should carry a parssol thepe siltry Augest days. : «Oui valaes in White and Colored Parasols are unsurpassed in the city. We Invite You 8 to inspect onr stock, 5 at REID & CHARLES We have really great values $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up. Black Parasols and Umbrellas 60e, 75, 85, 98, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 to 7.50, and everyone the very best to be had for the price. ICRUMLEY BROS! 3 Willian ROYAL SHO : Hand-inband with style goes wearing quality. This, together with the choicest leather and superb worl manship, places these grods in front rank of shoe perfection. SOLD ONLY AT THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. Manufacturers of Traps and Bends, Solder, Brass Ferrules, Iron nd Lead Combina- tion Ferrules. Write for prices. fay \ Men's Tan Oxfords, : $200 $4.00. Cut price, 2 $2.00. : | Men's Tan Cult Ox, Seda $280. Ous. price: OFFICE: 3 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. FOR Prices reduced on ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS By the way have you every tried toast made on an Electric Toaster, if not you have never eaten toast, Let us send you one. + Firm in the Clty. IN GANANOQUE ON CHARGE OF STEALING BICYCLE. Result of Cance Events--St. John's Charch Picpic--Thomas Baker's Dog Proved to be Not Vicious, Gananoque, " July 3--~Another inter- eating series of races was put on by the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association last evening. The events were keenly contested. First, pvent, Crab" Chadwick, Phillips, Wing. Donible blade, gingle--Chadwick, Phil lips, O'Brien, Rescue "raco-- Allen Wing and Phillips, race, single-- and Stunden, Chadwick and dohn's church held its annual Briustbin ho? picnic at the Gansvo- que public park yewtsrday. Dinner wag setved froni 11.30 to. 8 pm. and sapper from' 5.30 to 8 pan. A good programme of sports was provided, also & baseball match between two local teams, captained by Willism Dorey snd Wilbur Clow, the latter tot Winhing by 16 10 4, the heavy. shipment of steel unload- ed from the steamer Dundwrn on Sun- day aud placed in the freight shed at the station caused a collapse of the flooring, repairs to which are now being mado. In the police court yesterday after: noon the case against Thomas = Balke er, adjourned from last week, was given a hearing. The charge against him was the keeping of a dog that was vicious and & nuisance. On hear ing the evidence the case was dis missed, Mrs. Bryan, @& former resident of the town, was placed under arrest by Chief Rysn, yesterday, and a lndy's bicycle, Fumored to have been taken from a resident of Brockville, wag taken in charge and Mrs. Bryan was placed in 'the. lock-up, Some 1,200 boxes of cheece were shipped by focal dealers on the sleamer Alexandria and steamer Water Lily om Monday .evening. Appheations for the position of night police close to-day and a meet- ing of the police' committee and conn cil will be held to decide on the ap pointment, The annual medting of the Assodintion is being held at Alexan dria Bay today. C. FE. Britton is a representative from this section, Miss Rebecca Heaslip, traiied nurse, spending the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mere. John L. Hess lip, Aiclaria avenue, has left to re sume her duties at the Samaritan hos- pital, Philadelphia, Pa Mes. (Dr) Snider Pearl Montague, of New York city, is spending "a few weeks here the frost of Mrs. William Truesdell, King street, J, Bawden, C.P.R. conductor. #pent some' Lime in (own during the past week with his brother, W. 8 Bawden, Main street. A. M. Delong, Calgary, Alta., pai a flying visit here to see her gister Miss Essie Delong, King street, leav ing for the east on Monday. The Misses Janet and Susie McKellar Spetiding the past few weeks = with eir parents, © M¥, and Mra, James McKelldy, Ghrdbn 'street, left 'this, week to resume their duties in Montreal, * William DeGraff, Rochester, N. tv! joined Mrs. De Grafl hero as guest of Mr. and Mra. J.T. Green, at "Cedar Knoll." My and Mrs. H. Bond, To ronto, ake visiting the latter's pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. John LaRose, Riv * sireet, i On account of Jow 'water the Wate Power Co. shut off the supply at noon yesterday, giving the working men an opportunity to enjoy the pie nic. De. Nelles, of New York city, is spending a short time In town with friends. 1. Lacombe, Syracuse, N.Y. is spending a short time in town, guest of his grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Lacombe, Brock street, W I'. Bartel, spending the past few days in town, left yesterday for his home in Waltham, Mass, Stewart Moore, Cleve land, Ohio, is spending & short time here with relatives, Anglers formerly Mise Sued for $25,000, New York, Aug. 3.-<A breach of pro mise sit for $25,000 damages has been filed in the United States circuit court, Pittsburg, by Mrs. Sally Klein, an at- tractive widow living in Prooklyn who says that after the wedding day had been set and she had completed her trousseau, William Friedman de cided to marry anotaer widow. Ne i manager. of the Hollander Drug com: pany, Braddock, Pa. Mrs. Klein's rival is said to be Mrs. Hollander, widow of the organizer of the Hollander - Prag - compaiiy. She ir said to be worth at least $100,000 and controls a lucrative business. it is said that Friedman and Mrs. Hol lander ave to be married this week. _-- Col, A . yer, a A hoving pie EEE J Louzhbore how FHmusements. Lake Ontario Park! ToNight= Night st 8.50. BIG FREE SHOW The Peoplé's Forum 5 CONDENSE™ ADVERTISING RATES ep Liesl PR------ POLITE VAUDEVILLE NEW MOVING PICTURES, GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUN. THEATRE H. H. MORGAN, Mer. Sli August 1, 2, 3. CE * : a EXPERIENCED LATEST POPULAR SONGS, Special Mttraction Miss Lillian Wright Messrs. Jack Morris and Lew Clayton Amerdea's Greatest Dancing * Trio, Diveet from Hammerstein's Roof Garden. 3 ¢ WONDERLAND 5c T. J. O'Conner, EXTRA SPEC i is TONIGHT. ROSBY and 4 O'CONNOR'S ORCHESTRA m 5 te 19 pon. SMART T ONCE, A FIRST-CLASS FIVE EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, : SA LESLADY WITH AN. CUSTOMERS WORK IN ICE 0 GIRL TT Apply Cream Parlor every day. 154 Prineess Street maker and Pork Curer. Apply 9 Andersen Bros, Division Streel. } PLY TO MRS. D Rt HRTiaon, corner Spapu: ham and West Streets. (WOOD HOSPITAL. A SE- a a dress; one having some experience preferred. Apply to the Matron. two chambermaids, two wémen washing dishes. Apply, imme i= ately, to the Gananoque Inn. Jewellery Husiness yeferencas. Avpiy. ve ght. odger & STENOGRATHER, immediately, khowleldge of Ji liee work, aceurate at £ uted, ay ix own handwriting, fice, i must by letier, to YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER ANF Bookkeeper for first class retall store. Write, stating age, SXpeii- ence and salary wanted, Box 100. Whig ollice. INTELL earn. $100 Son ha for paTticular or ar re $958 Lockport, GENT PERSON monthly pre EE CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MU H clally needed in every home, a ary; per- working men; good manent position; If y are work- ing for small Salary betind the counter, write to-day; you can double your wages and DUT OW Apply, Box "EB. CJ Whig office. WANTED--GENRRAL, ONTARIO AND S.A. FERRY: SCRIP for cash. McCann, §1 Street. te bu Brod FoR FRESH PORK Tenderivin, Hpare Ribs, Kin and Livers on Thursday morning st A. 'Maclean's, Ontario Street. L8elig's Produetion, The A Shriner's Pligrimage,. showing the famous hing band and thousands of nobles in gorgeous costumes. also the 'amous: Arab dr..s. The feature pleturé of the season by idison, History Repeats Itsell. Wonderfand's Plotures are the hest money can buy. Bring your visiting ands to. the Special HORSES TO PURCHASE. , 1 WIL FURNISHED HOUSE, CENTRALLY located, , moderate size from Oct ist 1910, te June 1st, 1911, or longer: Apply to Box 726, whig office BUY all kinds of horses. Win in Kingston ail summer. I. A. Jenkins, ne rincess Street. Telephone Neo. roofest theatre ln the oly. Str America SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Cobalt = Stocks. Veterans' Scripts, Apply to Bonds and Debentures. ©. Hutton, 18 Market St, Kings-|" ton. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,-2.90 pm. tour of the Islunds. Fare, Soe, SATURDAY, AUGUST 62.30 pom. / BULLETIN: ! GENTLEMEN. TO BRING THEIR gan and have it made up into up~ te suits. Price and workman- Juarant to please. re Bent PERE ERE POSITION WANTED, - Tour of the Islands. Fare, fe. SUNDAY, AUGUST ToRegul Thine 'oe Cupé Vincent, 7.90 nan. snd 3 pm AS HOUSEKEEPER. APPLY, MRE. Bkeggs Fowler, 28 Quebec Street. TEACHERS WANTED. Fare, 30¢ return, A Meals on all Trips. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 88. No. 4, Storrington; duties te commence August 15, 1918, Apply to John Sleeth, Sec.-Treas, Battersea, Ontl N 4 AriPeniriinoinininiraviiiningy DON'T GET Your House QUARIFIED TEACHER POR Separate 88, No. 7, Wolfe 1aiand; Apply to John Quigley. Sec., Cent ral Post Office, Wolfe. Island. Wired for Electric Light ' Before you get our Prices. W. A. SPRIGGS, i a tom ae, (abuve >. 1.7 Princess 4; (aby Bagot The. pliblic are asked to pote that I ave r oved My my office from 151 Wel- ington reet to' first "tloor, $9 Clar+ Qu AldFIEL iD SCHOOL TBACHET i FOR 1, Storrington: duties ta commence August 16th. pply, taung 4 salary, to R. Allison, Inver- ary P.O. rs SE rh i mee Street. : 'Phope 331 = % 9 ™ JOHN A. GARDINER, Real Estate and Insurance. PORTLAN D'S TAX RATE Fixed at 17 sis any Accounts |' Passed. Huivoomiths Aug 1.~Portland ownship council het to-dity and ecom- firmed minutes of previous mesting and sassed the following sccomts: 818. B. Harrigan, 6 cords of wood fol erush" AN AND WwW a} 8106 Adin being er W000 & year in a safe, sound, honest: investment: latest. best opportunity on earth: write agiek i particulars. . BR. Ryan, Sec, ult Ste. Marie, Mich. w; 818, Jno. Devive, plank: and imber; $4, BR. J. Moon, services com- mission July; na on, McKim, re airs for erusher: SE85, Ri J; Moon, 0 pay Edley Chmpall for oad in winter 1 Hartington = te ndary s 20, Revell, charity: = MGM andl wile, harity: $4, 2% W. Martin, commission Taly; Sis. W. Martin, pay list 'of me Bd from Harrowsmith o Whe : ay B wtting Sn - it Cy one ; 3 Te 's wilaw Xo. ng hela d by he ir JEWELLERY REQUIRES RE- PAIRING BRING 1 IT TO US. WE HAVE EVERY FACIL-, ITY FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELING. MOUERATE CHARGES. EXPERT WORKMEN. BAWAGE] & A RNOWLEDGE) : LOST. 2 AK GOLD FOUNTAIN ia The AE on © Tuesday, i gach Jul between Portsmouth and Brest near Sydenham or Suiteble reward at & DER et es is office. POUND KIFF. ADRIFT IN KINGRTON HAR« 3 bor, Sunday night, July 21st. Owner : way have same by Mentifying pro- perty and paying for advertisement Apply, Box 18, this oftice, ' FINANCE AND INSURANCE. TR GENERAL IN- e 8 KIBKITATH ara Steamshiy t, 43 Clarence Street. TR ele one HOS. SURANCE FIRE, LIES as mo h and Heaith Roticjes ed; rat- cl companies: sta ates, * Bodn, Agent, 169, : Wellington Street. Estima h ni DISTRICT AGENT ¥ Thomigien Life Amare conpany Tso Five, und Plate a aay Insurance, 14 Marke: Street, fjom.s BATEMAN, Tivsions aan eaves a CO Shot Test. Al Etude at ¥ Fire on short Clarence St. Land Was . fo y Tiabhity of he stockholders.' : and city property Bofors a owest possible rates. ore renewing old A giving new ness get rates from Strange PS range, Agents 'Phone, 325. MEDICAL. - mAxC WOOD. M. A MN bp MRCS FOR SALE. VERANDAH ROCKERS. IN 5 1.50, tor = 25, at Turk's. 05. n ALEAN, -- TWO C00D SECOND-JIAN Machines. Apply, Te Hay 1 Wing n SKIFFS AND GASOLINE sale. Particulass et Emporium Zarmre FOOT LAUNC plember, equip) Hoa) Box AT A BARGAIN. A hull new last with a 10 hp en Rae ight ur teh pe Co AL Wiis Ottis: SCHOLARSHIP (ANY, SUBJECT) oo ern ante Pe Pa. EF Tor any young ma of Seman: or iil dispose of at ie rics Ww taken at onoe. APDIP, « Whig office. . *» Todt FINE GABGLINE MOTOR BOAT, x 6 3 23 in. draft: iran or {mrdedtate sale: canopy, curtains, car«nlush cushions, velvet carpets, new: full » lpm} sa handsome, Somtortabl commod!- ous; cheap to run and ehsugh: open to offer; write today. th wh wy ars but once, ress, Ov Box 323, Brack rile: ony POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDO he fr onan ; wn jmbreved Busklekiwiy 1Shaap for uick turn; tracts n ox the Mountain Viney diving nd and urd Lit Aocladnt Pes 5 Suton 4 kn mobile and Motor ALAND. Apply. J. O. Hutton. ot Street. 0 LET. OFFICES, WITH ALL MODERN CON- veniences, in Orpheum Hall. Apply, . 4. Baker, Princess Street, FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all © modern rovements;: nice focation, yO 76 Clergy treet. SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING furnished and unfurnished, Stoves, etc. McCann's, Brock, Cor. King Street. a] 1 yy we bh Fy dr net ing' ), F.O8 > fol CX J.P an nn, Ba Ofteg 3 ure: ' 10 to pm. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. he BRUNSWICK H ONBARIO ST Sopoults SI ons blac) strest hotel Iniely emodelied; ¢ moderate week. hn Donsinene, a aM INE RESTAURANT, NOL » Erincess Street, one f z St Tan 1 te . etn oR ERs . 2 Mai Tops. Your patron sie sollefted, OR FOR LEASE, wu PREMISES, Neo, 4-28 Princess | trast sultable for or very, sidble or aTagy. Cuaninaham & Mudie. . FURNISHED ROOMS, ITH BOAR or without; all modern oonveni- aRGeE. opt ¥. 2314 William: r Street, corner of Barrie Street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. ry, airy rooms, absolutely a Ter roof; your own lock rosi's 17 4 Blorage, 259 a 'Phone § BRICK HOUSE, No. 33 DIVISION BT. modern imprévements, with fur- nace: possession 1st of September. {nly to L. O'Brien, $7 Union St. FOR HALE OR TO LET. FARM OF 300 ACRER NEAR BYDEN- ham and Harrowsmith, huif mile from schoo; chess tach tee neay; nd ult orchard: App € oN. mvy, DENTAL. - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS W. KBLLAR patter and Sqtfver, 166 Pivistol of jebbing. All work don Jromptiy, : ERNEST R. RECKWITH, CONTRACT ing Engilnasr and Architect, Agen for ders' Specialities, Sydenham Street and 293 reel. Plans prepared and est mates given for all classes of work ARCHITECTS. J HENRY P. SMX ARCHITECT, BTC 258 King a 'Phone, 345. ARTHUR BLLE ARCHITECT, OF FICS nA 181 University Ave, WM. NEWLANDS & BON, 4 tects, ate. Office, 2308 street Vy od oR SPARKS AND BPARKS, DENT! 330 1. 1-3 Princess Street; a: DR. C. C, NABH, DENTIST: DR. C. Weicker, Assistant, 183 Princess BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST-CLASE BOARD AND DGING either together or AE eT be hed at 321 Uhiverstt Avenue, con~ venient to ears; bri ght. al airy rooms; Sas and modern conveniences. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS "RR. 0: ATH WitHO Edna KE... 0, uates - under Dr. 11 he Sounder of Osteopathy, 43 } treet, corner Division. Phone 447,. No char or sultation and _Hteraty hours, 10 to 12, 2 10 6, e os Of. = LEGAL, NAL 8, SUD Saw, PATENTS, ' To tosis. send "105. Zor" LL tor Rookie ---y a. b Fundeil, Patent Of awa o come to us for your Coal _ this winter homestsad entry (inet lag the time wired 10 earn homest ad raging he ni) and SHE --_ , xh t, homestead right ag CRnROt a tains re-emt may enter for a in certain ®. 33 a it ust reside six months in each of three years cultivet f acres and erect a house worth Pesuiy of Fife Miniatér of Be _ N.B-linauthorized. publ i thin advertisement will het a » Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Granslated Sogar Is un: excelled for preserving or table use, ANDREW MACLEAN, Y Ontario Breet. Jette gh Pat AE en Bons 1 ioe |