1, 1910, BA A ol THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST THE SPORT REVIEWSUMMONSES SERVEDIAN EFFORT 70 STIRNEW BRUNSWICKER DOWNED THE BULL ANIMAL AT ALEXANDRIA BAY. : | mene Baldheads Will be Scarce When Parisian Sage is Better Known It Keeps Women's. Hair Soft and Glossy, Says Elizabeth House. No man likes to look older than he is. Every woman on earth absolutely * a f # "a ¢ SEAN EY of BOARD, OF - HEALTH ON |THE CITIZENS TO. A SENSE OF prpscHED IN ST. FOUR PROPERTY OWNERS. | THEIR DUTY. CATHEDRAL ON SUNDAY. Pitcher; (14 Appear in Police Court for Fail. Some of Kingston's Needs Dwelt 1, pamgetic Young Clergyman ing to Obey the New Sanitary Re- U'pon---A Writer : Ww Ishes the Has Been Appointed Rector in an Gives the Victorias a Big Lead onl gulstioneThe Cases to be Heard! Citizen Could See With Strangers'. 4... jean City, and Goes There in the CL.C. Team, on' Tuesilay Morning. { Eyes. September, The biggest surprise of the season | This morning, Police Constable Craig | was handed 'out to the supporters of 'wrod summonses on two property hid C10, « wk the erieket eld Satur loners to appear in police court, to- {ny alternoon, when the Y.J.UBA. fu omow morning to answér to a THE IRISHMEN BEAT THE gy C.L.C'S BY FIGHT TO THREE. | hair restorer, will keep you looking young and attractive. It fs guaranteed by G. W. Mahood to make hair grow, and stop falling hair; to cure dandruff in two weeks; to stop itching of the Scalp almost instantly. Parisian Sage is the most invigon ating, satisfying and 'pleasant hair dressing made; it makes the hair soft, luxuriant and handsome; it is especially praised by women who have beautiful hair. Parisian Sage is for sale by G. W. Mahood at §¢ cents a large hottle, or charges pres paid, from the Canadian makers Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every bottle. "1 have only used one botlle of Parisian Sage, and, of course,'] can aot praise it as much as If I had ueed more, but 1 find it's good tonic for the hair. "It keeps the hair soft and glossy, the scalp clean; and makes the hair grow long, and stops falling hair. "1 recommend ft tO any one as a& good tonic." Elizabeth House, Man. chester, Conn, Partell, the Irishmen's Threw a Great Game--The Result] Took Strap From His Neck-----Motor Boat: Broke Down and Joe Wanted | the Strap, so He Took it From the Pride of the River Front. {abhors such a condition. sis saith 'unto him, follow Me, { 'Alesandria Bay, July 30.--Wnat} You may be and he arose and loft all and followed | "Fighting Joe" Aspinall of Brooklyn, | 30 in year, but Him," the call of our Lord to Mat | justice the supreme court, did to if. you are bald- : . thew, the publican, was the text and | the biggest bull in the Thousand! headed or grey, bast them in the city league baseball charge of failing to obey the regula- d the theme of a brief sermon, at St. | Islands will long be told by the na-| beople will game oy a score of 8 to 3, and yet tian of the board of health regarding S04i%, men who use old brieks, old George's cathedfal, on Sunday, the! tives there, and "probably put inte an surely: take you there wan no need for surprise when (he closing of pit closets and instal | >09rvds and scan miéchanics to do thou {preacher being Rev. U. W. Forster, of epic} when the poet of the St. Law- to be many oie saw the game put up by the Irish- (ling sapitery improvements: The | Work, It is a pity some of the old re-| oi Nutthew's ehisreh, Worcester; Mass? we gots down to writing. The Sull | years older, and mgr. It seemed ss though the whole |oharge is laid hy Sanitary Inspector [modelled eyemotes are not taxed for phe young clergymen, who has just | is Lnown as "Hercules," and it bas you will be gate rested on Purtell, the Irish | MeCammon, on 'behalf of the board of DON imProvemmesits, instead of the mod- oo "appointed to. St. James' church. whole eountrviide: about: Alexan~ | helpless to pre- iwirler. Many who watched the Vie ho lh. The two cases have been pick-{ ern Improvements put up by live men. ly idence. RE; where he will go in | dria Ray terrified, for its bellows abd vent. turin-lrishien game & week ago Sat ed from alist of fifty or more, be- | He further said that a oul a hundred | otomber, is 8 New Brunswicker, and | roars ard enough to sears a whole cir- | Dandruff is wrday were surprised to see the game 'eause there ix no chance for an objec. | Tanarale of such would hap our ety Bren coming ta Kingdon: same among | cox full of lions, and its horns are as the root of all pitohed by Purell, but the way be J tion on the ground that there are not Hot, but I do not know, some of thei oo 0 EE him first for | wide as the streteh.of a man's am hair evils. It it whiot the pall over the piste last Sat- Leander sewer facilities on the hlosks | JOUER rousters crow and croak just relation's sake, and later for his own. | Even 'he farmer who owns the bull] re hot © Jor urday was a wonder, Lalk about iy which the houses in question stand {hike their dads. i He isa brother of Mrs. W. Macleod, | is afrawd of it, and he thinks that any | br Sle de speed! Why he burst the skin on the There are cases where the city must | A business man took o trip west i Frontenac street, and a som of the man who would venture into the same | der is hey palm of Stokes' left hand and all the [Gro provide proper drainage before | ard for a week, and. Visited manyl, Gorden of Dorchester peniten- | field with the bull is either a John; Pp eral 't a knvickles were swollen, and all this un- unitary improvements ean be install. [#1 und hie rxaid he got bus eyes. B Macleod. © A cousin of his, | son or a Judge Aspinall. He bad not | worth . ™ der the heavy eatching decker. Awd to todd "in; certain houses. The prosecution | opened, Cities with no such natural}, Cooke. wai at ove time with | learhed of the judge Sefore the Scht. | Hoa g a see the way he watched first base: He jo (4king place under the Ontario advantages had paved streets, up be re Baitory bere. before going to South he now links him with the heavy. | there worl just kept hik eye on the bag all the health act, which gives boards of | date hotels, specigily designed for the | Africa, here be wai shot bos i broth | e + A - tht champion, and with Colonel | ho baldness time und woe betide the man who Leaith the power to do what the local comfort of summer tourisis, police i ha Theodore Roosevelt of African jutigle | Parisiaii' Sag asA wic od mote than six feet away, Pur "honed has Lack i forces active, glduun wert and arms ag wr is terse and vigorous in' fame ving fire plans to "F igs 2%. America's: greatest tell had good support. Tilson on first | "0,0 of the parties gninst 'whom ae. | OPeD for any mdustry that would Len- hi . urater i gore. po goto in nes g \ anny in «6 play ame ie sed. 2: : i ST leh their city; buildings of latest de (M18 Preaching, te ei io sit. La { Sia : as a he Karke of u on Hon is being taken has declared that fwigns and not all After one pattern; {abounding in illustration and owe ean, The whole Brooklyn contingent of | £ harlie iggested that it would be a dead) game: Millan at third is al he py Hot phey he health ponre | street car service quick avid prompt easily believe the report of him which Ea that just Peturaed from she = oad ae -- start for Alexandria EE th "order; ¥ $= 3 \ 84 je ual convention, wi ar. w as ay. The judg . ways right there with the §00ods; Doyle li 3 ia pnderstoed. thas the: and each street called out by men con. [romes from Worcester, "energetic and Big! oonven : mo ora he. ur ge pooh poohed at going . - Jinquents will be summoned regularly | idn't ! sopilar with the young people." | the truth of the story of bow TJoe" (so carly. Twenty minutes to six, h M " an: . s * ductors, so hat ye t ve jves) » . . : was replaced at" short-stop by Duncan; ' 4 Good until they earry out the new | I ' that you didn' have to | VOry POPAT Wi Fhic: serwl } : Barry, n new maw, was go little weak, arulation The board of health thinks 'rulsher your neck wondering when you | In the Segifining ol his = sermpn he { threw the bull. The judge has a wew said, was time enough. "But the : > a i : a VIapsLE hi { motor boat and he was racing with boat starts promptly ix but a little prastice will help Bim a "G00 when nearly 630 out of 750 own. | Should get off, as in the case with i to the 4 tion which hing star I ply ai six," demur- fot, lors in the prescribed area are obeying strangers. (ood macadam roads prop- | red all periods o thristianity R.A ie Charlie" De chief clerk of the red Charlie. The judge finally con rR SPE ' ¢ ok 3 p FR am to serve God in the éity with | county court, eateh a steamboat (sented to start some little time after Fhe CFC were in eriv. hutlt and oiled are in evieem § 5 . ¥ : 13 rudi § ite order, the other hundred will have [Leo ole oo 4 h BY IORN0R ¢ Life. or tn the quiet coun: | MEL starting from Alexandria Bay to five and, as the river was choppy 'the goo] fom, Mathis Awirled for them tittle chance to evade jt bat," ssid he "1 have the rrentest Ta 3 connect With a train Dave a, ® i and pitched a good game; "Debaney the Chance to Syme 1 faith in Kingston's future. The agita But the wisest christians The helt Son oti . . 4 { OFS, $s Faylor, Judg Aspinall played two inniags ot second base and 4 going on means business, If the [following Christ tecting some parts of and the mechunician were all envelop war then replaced by Saunders, up the live ones and the | depended oa the internal rather than the mach nery broke down five miles [in oilskins. Seore by innings: [the external. The spirit of constancy, Hit her up there, Lc SO many : Kingston, July 30.-One of King! a wet men said a few years ago (that Kingston's progress «a4 returaed 'hy a lot of 1s moneyed men, men of {property with little minds and small' i son's of e ut i , TE ---- { | referre ov, a oie to their "nena! sier |i tee | try | realizeds that of tion now showing from Alexandria Bay, as the boat was | said the judge ORE orders are enters racing at 30 miles an hour, and it be- (to his wmechanieian, and the mechani me pecessary to get a strap. Dr. jcian did hit her up, acvording to William H. Taylor went ashore from Charlie Devoy. the Loat to get a farmer, but the farm- | Then came the adventure with er 'said hoe had straps. to spare bull, which ended so victoriously when 'he reame down to the boat. Just | In about five minutes the belt : was at this minute a bell attracted the at [fixed and the engine cranked, The tention of the jude, Tt wae a cow- farmer' was left ashore, too astonished belt, he reasoned, and looking into a 'to speak. : nearhy field, he saw that it was hung | Just at six the boat at the dock from the neck of a tremendous voung 'at Alexandria Jay os crowded with bull in the full prime of life and + Elks. For sole time: they had won oe. The Oell must he hung hye strap, (dered where Charlie and his family wucht the judee, and he nsked the were. As the moment. for starting ap: farmer to get the strap from \ the |hronched some of the Elks got much butts eck. io 1 thes 1 concerned. The whistle of the steam- EH ve A a champion bull of the St. Lawrence » bod inthe Ea a mal valley. We only approach him after sal at top Ep he witve waa dark, with long-pointed sticks." sant > " Form th "Can I have the strap if 1 get it ¥" jReeting seat pats rs with _ a 8 ore his skins. fede a t asked the judge, who getting Mpar ag we g , "te . ro madder and {Within hailing distance the judge madder with impatience | : every minute : impatience | good the mechanician to cut "Sure you oan "grinned the farmer {the whistle, and its wild shrieks start In a jufly "Fighting Toe" 'wha A Jed the crowd aboard the siecamship, the fence after the bull. That he which didn't know what to make of ' e ag * i » od ~ > made for the bull. The bull did not 4 until the ! wer boat, + lowed a retreat, Instead, he looked it ongulde. anc. Myr. and. Ara. for a min- | " Jute at the grim face of the judge, as the two children emerged from: under {the oilskins. though measuring his man, and then oh 2 : he charged. Every one in the boat, | .Didn's : i J 8 get you here including the members of Charlie De {1amne : said Fighting voy's family, thought that the judge's mechanician off the last hour had come. Not one of them ver everybody aboard the ran to his assistance, however, not {cheered the judge until even the farmer, who stood wringing hoarse. hix bands. ! Sons ------------ The heavy thud of the bulls hools, | Barriefield Budget. as he made for.the judge, would have| Barricfield, July 30.~The terrified anyone but "Fighting Joe," Istarm that passed over Basriefiold des: The bull's nostrils flared open and !iroyed a lfge tree on the premises of froth appeared on his mouth, as he Major Wood. Miss Edna Stafford, thundered = heavily toward the ap-|Napanee, is visiting Miss H, K. Al proaching judge. In another second len. Miss B. Allen, Toronto, was they came together and the judge had [home for the eivie holiday. Mrs, the bull by the horns. He was not Hutton bas returned home from Low: even carried off his feet, but the bull loll, Mass, where she has been visiting was swerved and his horns described [her daughter, Mrs. Hamblet. Mrs. a curve as they strained back through [Pugh and the Misses Pugh have re the air, while he groaned . with the {turned from Uuebec, after, visiting struggle. {friends, A. Nelson has returned . to Then the judge was bent over back- [Boston alter visiting his motherin: ward as the bull heaved and got a 'law, Mrs. fi. Dowler. Albert Strader, firmer 'foothold on the earth. But the (Toronto, and Mrs. Charles Strader judge was not to be eaight on the and little daughter, are visiting her horns, nor lifted up by a swing of the imother, Mrs, sdluller. Mrs. Frances bull's head, when the infuriated Her- [Rickey and children, 'Toronto, are the cules tried to shake him off. {guests of her mother, Mrs. W. Medley. He allowed the bull to get his head | Norean Grange, of Peterboro, is vie down, aud then to maké ® short rush iting her aunt, Mrs. R. Gray. M. and suddenly jerk up his enormous [Turner and LL. Smith have been visit horns, wearing ont the strength of the {ing in Portsmouth. Mrs. Purdy, New bull. As the bull threw his head back i York, is visiting her mother, Mrs, for the thied "tine, with the judge | Byrnes. clinging fast for dear life, "Fighting Joe's" old training came to the fore. | He aided the bull. to throw his NO FEAR OF YELLOW PERIL S80 Long as Chinese are Educated! Before They Come West, Rev. Dr. Kilborn, a returned mis sionary from China, occupied the pul church the Sav all M od than lead ones. Rongsion 1s in the midst of a buld- ing hoom, and many beautiful tures are in course of erection, brick, and own Oepuliful lime Kingston has many of witlns and with these each oi the roadway it is an easy mat anil perseverance is needed, : { put their hand to the plough and look i ed and bills render Hamel. There ig many a one of whom | the Lord cde say, as St. Paul said of {his sometime companion: "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this pres i We are so unwilling little and sradgingls men, and for the 3. N. Mathis, p.; David 2 Laird, vi; nk, YEU. BA YhU Brown, ¢ rom, Ih; Delaney, 53 Josh Ewart 3h; Wilian, Ewart, ef; Cope, LE Y. LUBA Stokes, ec. Purtell, Tilson, - 1h: Ryan, 2h: Dupecan, Milan, 3h Joyee, rd: Barvy, el: Doyle, 11° Fred, Lumb, umpire. there are letters struc the { anent, ou writte: fence there j cerry ) no itten, ¥ th in doe. [pit in Queen Street Methodist {last evening. He spoke on tour's last command. "Go ye into the world and preach the gospel." The doctor veforred to the neral view taken by people of this eountry, with regard to the "yellow peril." He said as long as we educate the Chinese he fore they come out here; we need have ino fear eoncerning them, They are de iveloping their army and navy with startling rapidity, along modern lines, When we stop to think of it, Chinese tare inhabiting every country in the iNorth, South ard Central America iand they have become so nuimerous in ithe Strait Settlements, as to almost 'rom the Malay race. off. Rapid and effective moans are being taken (o spread the gospel, Schools are heing organized in China, (oves 40,000 in the past five vears) and medical stations are being established, The speaker said there was a great field for lady physi cians, as Chinese women would come more regcdily to a woman than a mad. stone, miles on even greater necessity of mest | {ter to make good roads providing our old roller is kept on the move m the Fhe rogd material is being stuff an top The nutos and the rest even that The bishops not for the best © Gf the preach the answer, tent world." dive Mittle ne ; having in your office an ' ® up even a given are eryviug for weakling, hat ra to send forth and gospel, tt to to, persevere in the work 1 : meant ime, Underwood Billing Type and writer, fe- | until tpoursd on with fine vg filled up. waggons will do rain oiled, = Lhe fu livery the roller Not Out of the City. wag our's Kingston, Aug: 1. (To the Bditor) : H you will contradict. the report, that the Kingston Irichmen's Baseball Club i# to play in Ottaws on Monday, you will gresily please the officers and members of the above club, The team is mot out of the city ~TIHOMAS LINAUGH, secretary. hen fap. The preacher touched on the of Heing and persever ing n the humdrum, > ordinary work of life, aml exhorted the congregation to so discipline their lives that we might present to God characters such as he wauld approve. {| Ramgsion patriotic societ {Will same good Jady, start it that motia be Kingston first in everytning | fwe buy providing they, can do as well And | say they can for in all something for nothing tytores east and there hook hid in all bargains. The only | snaps are goods out of season and you the same m of out. newls nn consiant UNITED TYPEWRITER C0. LTD. J. R. C. DOBBS, KINGSTON. 3 wil the | EUlLY guess not tat home?' clear over thase large west Moa genuine was or- IN MARI loose Will Stimulate Interest, The Osweyo, N.Y. Palladium notes Major Carruthers' scheme to Arain sailors' herve, nnd vemparks: "If the plan provide snecess Kings... wi. not only have many exbellent young sailors but interest in the sport will be stimulated, for it follows that the] Duting the servien,: the choir: render more sailors there are the more boats! 4 (3 anthem "The Haven." in fine theve will be. Yachting is too clean a fatyle, and Miss Gertrude Laidley sang sport to be sidetracked, but therk { «Sve me" Jesus." y isn't any doubt but that it does not command = the interest on Lake Oa- tari that ib did twenty years ago, Major Carruthers" scheme should help considerably to revive the game." home of those {ran just than Along the CEES TORONTO ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL 100 WEST BLOOR STREET, TORONTO, ONT. of Vessels Harbor Front, The sloop Mary Ann bydon is load ing feldspar at Richardson's. Dominion government boat Simcoe is at Crawford's on : gel Movements now. All are guilty thi Wmying even Fngainst it I. Many unthinkmgly, ws stop and thing, if ats omiyv a clock, buy. # at home, Ther watch Kmyston { side who shout gaining is ut patriotism purchases are made et spool or | ground : it Lighthouse in future : her K jway to Brockville. The steamer Seguin ealled don an Sunday, and took Montreal, Fo'ger's: Steamer ning An exearsion from Iroquois Lo day; steamer the Cape route The steamer Heelan, of Opdensburg, which ran ashore at Oak Point, Wok fsland, a few diys ago, was not in ured. It passed up on Sunday for Oswerro with a licht barge, MT. Co.: Steamer Westmount vived with 72,000 bushels wheat, from Fort William ; tug Bronson arrival light, from Cape Vincent; tug Emerson cleared for Montreal with three grain barges: tug Bartlett cleared for Lake Erte with barge Quebec. Swit & Co, : Steamers Kingston and Caspian, down and up, yesterday; steamer Dundurn, down; steamer Belle ville, up; steamer Beaverton ealled, yesterday, on her way west; steamer Rideau King cleared for Ottawa this morning; schoener Keowatin expeeted {in from Oswego with coal | at the in} Joe," as painter boat they FEO : The late merchants convention Was one of the best King- ston hay had in vears and 1 feel proud of the spirit entered into the entertgin- inr of the guests who cathe from all over our fair "Jominion to spend two or three days with ws. A steamer was chartered and a fine drive given free, and &treet cars were handed over to us for a trip to the penitentinry and the guests left Kingston feeling that feeling that satisfies and weaving the smile that doesn't come off. Our old Hoys were here renewing quaintances and visiting old where scenes of childhood like moving pictures came up as in days of vore Dear old spots at Cataraqui were visit- jed and thoughts of mothers, fathers; ihrothers and. sisters long since dead lwought tears to many eves. Uar hearts are beating funeral marches to the grave, Next year let us do some thing | Do the merchants did with the deogates to the eonveution or better perhaps, let the ety be gai ly decornied. let the small bov bring on his fire crackers. oy Kingston must build a 'modern wharf t6 receive tourists. Our whart dry on a pilot for ' cast had were advertisements . . America is run Married at Kingston, Clayton to A very quiet wedding was celebrated Pierrepont on at St. Andrew's church, on Wednes- : day afternoon, July 27th, by Rev. Dr. Mackie, when Leo Mark Chambers, son of Thomas Chambers, Bradwell, Sask. and Miss Annie E. Hamilton, daughter of Robert Hamilton, Godfrey, Ont. were united in marriage. The cere mony was performed in the presence of immedinte relatives. At five o'clock the young couple left on the steamer Kingston for Toronto and Niagara; from there they will visit Rev. Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Bell, Guelph, at their summer home, Muskoka Lakes, after which they will make a tour cress the continent, Many friends extend to Mr. and Mrs. Chambers their best wishes. recent City Baseball League Standing. ~The result of Saturday's game be tween the C.L.C% and Irishmen gives the Victorias n pretty good grip on the eity league championship, = The only: chance there is for a tie is for the Victorias to drop their neyt three games and for the C.LCs to win two of the three games they have still to play. The team standing is : ar Massage, and » school for tojebing oc sage; is gymnssium for bbe training; fi rt ellen ward tomes Ac seen . AA AEA. VASELINE NO GOOD FOR HAIR. Ime Dandruff Germ Thrives In It, as Well ag In All Grease. A well-known Chicago Hair specialist invited the Inter-Ocean reporter to come to his office and see, tinder & microscope, how the germ that causes dandruff thrives in vaseline. The specs inlist said that all hair preparations contaiaing grease, simply furnish food for the germs and help to propagate them. The only way to cure dandruff = is to destroy the germs, and the only hair preparation that will do that is Newbro's = Herpicide, WUestroy the pause, you remove (he effect." Withe out dandenf no falling hair, no bald ness. Ask for Warpicide. It is the only destroyer of the dandenfl germ. Sold by leading draggists. 10c. in stamis-for sample to The Her picide Teo,, Detroit, Mich, One dollar bottles gnaranteed. G. W. Mahood, = special agent. SAIS E NE IRAE Don't Persecute yoar Bowels Cot oun cnthurbon and Ther wre oad selompnhy nmmOmc CY. w CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS Puede vepettie. Al wis an fe bars, rhe ute bile, ond seve the habe To : "Won Lost Play 5 1 : 3 7 3 Vietoriag ... ... . ALES aoe oo Irishmen ...... as Big Crowds Go to Cape. No less than four of the Thousand Hulud Steamboat company's boats took excursionists from the Thousand | slands on Sunday to Cape Vincent, | Hundreds were from New York. Most i lof these excursions wauld come to Jsprinkles coal dust on the y hite dress Kingston, if the Canadian law allow {ereivals and the other wharl, The ed them to land. If Kingston bad un | white duck visitors have td go throuzh open Sunday, this would be a very {a hen coop. Oh would that we had lively place on the first day of the | strangers' eves for just twe days, our week, The New _Yark state border [faults to criticize nnd see our own row towns keep open on ER Down in {ways T. AUTO RB. * Clayton, for instance, merchant | ------ - thinks nothing of having his store : A Close Election. front painted-on the Sabbath day. [Hamilton Times J All the stores are open in that little | Now that the Manitoba election re town. ' Citarns are complete, exammation of } : 'them diseloses the fact that & change Lad Thrown From Wheel lof lesa than 130 votes would have {enused the overthrow of the Roblin A young lag on 5 Wheel very nar- lo. cernment. Beautiful Plains constitu jrowly esénped serious injury Saturday nop gave given to Robiin by the re- evening. He was coming in Bagot turning officer in definnce of the dourts {street at u terrific rate, and as Brock, 4 4 fisrepard of an injunction. In L street wos reached, he attempted to olvi constituencies the majority was What would one turn up that thoroughlage. Right at less thaw 40 voles. In seven these Montreal Herald : want the Seawanhaka eup for any the corner, however, he encountered an' 0 oiiiioncios' won by' Rodina jchangs of W) voles would have coat way ? KH doesn't bring any gale re jmperidl laundry waggon. He tried ip | oripls, ; . ¥ - {make the turn safely, but just at the Jim seven sents, and seven sents would On Saturday. the Canadian Z'ugari fearner he ran into a soldier and Was juve wipell ont bis majority in the erickoters were Leoten by the Gentle thrown off his bicyele, almost under 0. : of Baseixy' at Leyton, fy an innings {the wheels of the waggon. Luckily, he | When, oven after the frauds upon sight runs, 3 escaped with a few bruises, | the liberals o 3 aia i) Ars ; J perpetrated in the revision to Jook as if the Chicago |- ---------------- fof "the voters' lets such a trifling Off on Long Canoe Trip. ; Record of Seawanhaka Cup. 1800 Ethelwenn, United States, I806--Clendairn, Canada. 1897 --Gleneairn 11, Canada. 1898 Dominion, Canada. 1899Gleneairn HI, Canada. 1900 Redeoat, Canada. 1901 Senneville, Canada. 19002-- Trident, Canada. 1903--Thorella 11, Canada. 1904---Noorna, Canada. 1905 Manchester; United States: 1910-- Massachusetts, United States, 4 July Gratin Shipments, Grain sent forward from KinZston to Montreal as reported at canal office, jduring July amounted to 1.250.899 bushels, The total grain shipments from May lst to August 1st, has been 6,207,958 hushels. The ments here totalled 4, Tidings From Picton; upward and backward, and put all his | Picton, July 30.--The Citizens Band's strength into side twist, which annual excursion to Watertown, takes nearly "dislocated the animal's neck. [place, Aug., 4th, by steamer America. The bull staggered, and, still pushing, Rev. John Galt prea hed "an iehtrue: the judge kept his advantage, and in [tive sermon in No. 2, Hallowill, an instant the progd Hercules = went (Prayer meoting was held oh crashing to the earth, and the judge [Fox's on Tuesday evening with a Very unfastened the bellstrap The judge good attendance. Mesers Davis an did' nat linger to gloat over the out-|Usrson take the serviee in 8.8, No. 3, raged bull, but hurried back to the Hallowell next Sunday : Mins boat, and gave the trophy of hid vie Werden, teacher in Spellman. Sew tory to the mechanician. The mechan. (nary; Georgia, is visiting Mrs. R. 3d icinn found that with some wire and. ™9* Mrs. Gi. L. Collier is = convales Mgenuity the strap would serve, and cent. Some threshing outfits wre. wa fixed the belt so that the party canght [ing their first rounds. Mes. Edwin Me the steamboat. ead Nin Caw is visiting in Kingston. Hee son, William, returned home on the It all came about from the visit of inst. Mrs, Fox amd Mrs. C. Fox, call the Elks to Alexandria Pay. fod recently at Mrs. Dobney's, Black As "Charlie" Davoy was siancing|Creek Road. Mise A. Kenny wae A in the hotel lobby, who should come Kingston visitor on the 28th. up to kim but a man dressed in white | n --_-- ducks, vachiing cap and the fall ve- galia of a yacht owner, head | LO, THE POOR INDIAN. . | a WEE a Quite Weak After Four Days on Dread and Water ' Remanded prisoners in the police sta jon wet a fare of only bread and wa or. It seems that the old regulation has wever been changed, and alli the ipolice: are allowed to feed the cell in tmates is a loaf of bread, and it is well-known that the average bread not very noerishing. The redskin, who 'was remanded last Thursday for the Iparpose of trying to find out where the got his liyuor, has lost weight [sines being incarcerated. * He had no Hejends to bring him choice meats and 'dainties, aod he felt rather weak wien he appeared again before the magis- {trate this morning. In such cases, it fwould seem that' Wome provision 'should be made for giving the prison 'er more to eat than bread. Convicts in the penitentiary get better fare, and nse Sporting Notes. Renieaw defeated Almonte in an Ot- taws Valley Poague busebail game by Tob Lacrosse on Saturday:--Capitals 6, © Lornwalls A. Shamrocks 8, Tecumsehs Ellard White, Brockville, was tho 'winter, con Saturday, of the seven mile road race at Montreal : 8.5. 9 wr nk morning. } © Uncle Sam's Weakness. Cubs and Pittsburg Pirates will be the anne woul have ha fata a « chang : placed" Roldin in wo AthaL Langue tam 3 maka] William Bearance, Charles Moxley, F. + MG SNARES Cs PRinnear, G. Henderson, H. Bdgar, Dr: {A Publow, BD. Whitman and Dr. T. M. {opposition, Manitoba liberals have no need for discouragement. . nourishing, the poor Indian in the present (might have been given soifiething more ren poor . The police many a time prisoners, but they save Charlie, | { "Shiver my timbers," "that can't be Judge Joe "It is, i 8" replied the "didn't you get my letter 7" judge, 'the United States authori stampede of sidated by ws that a pnmigrants had Toronto World ] A false report has been ¢ ep | Shani Canathian a The Hetronalitan Boat Club, of New : -- York, has Sy ed awn and an Galbraith left, this morning, on a Should Have Cement Whar! Cima TH a bat ill abply. the Canoe trip through the Ridesa to Ot- 1 Citizens are wrging that the parks i naliar TTY, y PRY "tawa, down the Ottawa to Montreal, sommitiee rebuild the wharf at Mae- and up the SE Lawrence to Kingston. "donald Park, but making it of cement. kind could not be broken |, "4 this. J is suggested (nat the (M i : Fie, his wile and the two children ~ money to send the oarsmen to Phila- | TE etpiia or, the middle sites regalia They will be away two weeks {me of thie Ee pr i il haw jap. Much of the old wharf could be yi lice commissioners should add a hit- ; i Tabor hat anitvbe wil be re- | Visit Wolfe Island. utilized and the expense of putting (1 to the bread and water meow. a run up and. back. mwa. The visit 'of the westerners will] After an extended wedding tour My. down coment would not be large. A 7° "And 1 have got the speediest bost o ] and Mes. M, G. Dealing have returned wharf at the park would be very con | British Argument. about here," said the judge. to Wolfe Tdland, whive they will spend venient. There ix no landing plice M. AT. Landon, = © v ey » "fs slic' fast enoigh--to: get us back | . ng bn Round Lake. afew dys with the Bride's parents, from Swiit's wharf to the breakwater | At a recent English _chetion two Is- hors in time {0 catch the boat for ae Mp Be Mes. Eoulprs: Cai Mr. and Mrs Richard Lavghling Their for small erafts, exosjit at the Yacht boring men were discussing polities Clayton at six o'clock," asked Char | rom ers -- a I ie. hr Ne. hrother at Parhem.' Howard Melons _waouse additional intevest, while it ¢ 'ean't help but stimulate athletics in 4 . " in the publie bir of the many friends are ghd to see them Club, whers, however," only members (and four ale} in the publ : gan lone Re on ens vaat of Th *1 van "get you np hete in lesa gal is home from Renfrew. Mrs J. than twenty-five minutes from Doc's Heid and litte duighter. of Wake ply end at Fra Prssdl, Vhs the 'Whntacy n 2 : Harlem Club's rv. while Smith was a radical of the ds it dye. The argument was fieree. wharf," replied the judge. with em field, Que, were guests of Mex. Apple » . phasis. by for a few days. Quite a crowd of crack double erew, hate planned an. extensive European éam- 4 remarked Jones, at length, eg, - *, " from Fe Ch Get ana With that Charlie corralled his fam: Renfrew people sre camping on Round paign for next season. The pair will | wal the Healey, Berlin nnd other | ths, The tour will last about J the facts robbed Prouse's- drug store early on Navigation company, says that _ the tha Ne, on tort. 3 He Only the Cth: Ty and they boarded the power boat. Leke. Williun Roche, of Wilbur, is mn = Saturday morning: | "thief © left. steamers North or day '¢ sent mé a rabbit for ry |? beautiful, craft about thirty-six leet Flower on ness. Islands--Rochester. othing behind (0 cotablish bis iden- a splendid passenger + dinner "ON, "a did. did 'et snapped long: The judge took the wheel) -------------- and North King leave tity. : : yThe travel wae much larger than it Seay "Well, that's wot we calls bri- fond his mechamcian wan &t the en-| Saturday Liberal News, Watertown, 1,000 Island | was in July a year ago, and ib Was perc" Jones hounn fo get alarmed. [Zi0E. he Y., in ity last issue, bas pictures of tiifle "Gee," suid Charlie, talking about Lisut.-Col. Cunningham, Robert it this ~~ morning, reminiscently, "we All T. J. Rigrey 89d J. 8S. McPur: a fe. pretty: good then, : He Jooks for 1 ; : ; en's. ¥ gu «Ha oe a ve "Well, the rabbit AH 2 Tor Ausuch SEC "Well, the ins I must have gone about thirty miles au land, of Kingston. Ald Rigney is dex; hour? eribed as likely to be Kingeton's mex: Al day the Devoys, as guests of mayor. the Taylors, had u most delighifali Humility Tooks good fo we wien it 7 time, but when it got to be about five breaks out ou our eeemies, Am ro, 8 Prien % back to the land of Uncle Nam been started. As there is no founda- tion for the report, Unele Sani's sabe jects will begin to lose faith in his declarations. It is 4 poor policy to for rudy on falsehood. And it is not a cording to the tradition of the cherry ree, 'cannot be expected to do what {he city should, Where prisoners have mo Charlie said he did not, and he iney ot friends they can send out. for then learned thai the judge had run idown from Dr. Taylor's place, ten Umenls, hut there are others who can (de 1 , miles up the river, just to take Char -- pm n-- H PARKS &SON, Florists | ™e, Those tif, BEL ued CI This! Yer Undiscovered. = 1. Good Seasow of Travel. sve so fur Boom wighle' E. FE, Horsey, general manager of (to get ny clue as fo the purty 'wha the Lake 'Ontario and Bay Of Quinte i 1 The pidice bh ly "Wass Si Nuey still." That's + ie