me Excursions A CAANADIAN NORTH-WEST, Apgust §th and. 23rd. good to returs within 60] # apply to LP. HANLEY, Agent, : Johnson apd Ontario Btreets. | ron PEMBROKE RAIEWARY Cotnecidp Wht | ADIAN PACHAIG. RAILWAY. EKERS EXCURSIONS or £1 k y ¥u Cevadian North-West. August 9th and 23ed. [OOD FOI 80 DAYR {IN GSTON-~OTTAWA. i Kingston 12.05 p.m., arrive Ot 105. Ottawa 10.46 am, arrive 8.65 pn. {otormation at K. & P, and Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. MAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. ve leaves on Station, Ontario od 4 pom aally"Tuunday excepted) Ty "PORONTO. Bonne, eaves Kingston .. K-END TRIPS. following are rates for week- from Kingston to vas uns owas: $5.00 i vs sv eees 38.50 28 Fala) da' Ports LE Tho ne ade iin es JO00 [| (nu, Saturday ., .. 10.30 p.m. , Wednesda Wl particulars, berths, etc. P. HANLEY, Agent, hi and Ontario as on awe Streets. and Bay of Quinte 00s, Limited. ad Noh ng i June 26, steamars daly at 10,15 am: for Bay, Gananoque, ng, leave at 5 pm. Y.. calling at Bay-of|. 3 Str. 4 Soutars at & fon snd intermediate Bay Fo a. P. Hanley, ~ Ticket Agent. on, Sunday, 7.30 am, pt copnections at v x wll DOME in ov D ee] Cape Vin- «vs 5.30 pm. | ¥ A dui EN SORE FEET, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR Pianos THEY ARE Durably constructed, Artistic Designed, Sweet Tone, and REASONABLE PRICES, We Please our Customers. TRY US. All Popular Music direct from publishers. THE Limited. 232 Princess Street, Kingston. ¥ Summer Drinks Armer's Pure Grape Wine, Turner's Pure Blackberry Wine Turner's Pare : Blackcherry Wine, Turner's Pure Port Wine, Lime Juice, Lemon Squash, Raspberry Vinegar, Cop's Ale, Lemonade Powder. 8S. T. KIRK, 281 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 417. Get your Cash Coupons Building? : I can Supply Rai hot Wall Plaster, Ume ~~ and Porfiand Comet P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. COAL! Che kind are looking for is a TE Scranton Coal is. good coal a we guarantea prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, FOOT WEST STREET. } ALSO COAL AXD ALL KINDS OF WOOW, ll Oaoghter "| Mrs, Green's uncle, who witnessed the '| hasp, the joist of solid oak. 20x32 » nearly feluns to the undeveloped candidacy of the interior, 5 Frum oul and is the WIFE. AND! oR : iF RMER SHOOTS, i cnn, Dies Instantly awd Wife! | is Not Expected to Recover--- | Sheriff Hunts the Assailant. | } Athasngy. No Yo. July 29.Charles | Green, n favmer residing near Lees | Corners, fourteen miles from Albany, shot his wife and dsughier, Eva, ag od fourteen, and escaped into the woolls with his son, Chester, aged se- i ven, ascording to William J. Vadney, { tragedy. The denghtér was killed instantly and Mrs, Green is not expeeted to re covel, Sherifft Platt of this ety was notified and. went at once in search of Giraen. | Vidney, with his two sons and bro- ther, were working in. a hay field, when Green, carrving a rifle, came a fong with lis wife, son and daughter. According to Vadney theylwere dis- cussing théir family troubles. Green 'wanted 1o take his son away with but the wile would not consent. then told his wile t she refused. Vadney and wile | him, | Green, jt .ix alleged, to go to. the house, bu During the quarrel Green, says, shot both his daughter and then torped to him and asked him why he did not stop him. Be fore Vadney could interfére Groen setz- 'ed the boy and made his way into the Gerson. to the Ww - Vv . carried Mrs. atitiey, cn ician. Then barn ang summoned a phys he notified the authoritses. mete AN HISTORIC BUILDING. Such. of It is as Jt Was When Erected. Wellington, July 28. Messrs. Gribble and Graham ran over to Wellington in their auto, on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Boyd and daughter, Detroit, are the gents of Mrs. Boyd's mother, and other ro atives here. Mr. Robertson, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke, on Sunday last. Mrs. it. Kline and Miss E. L. Clarke, Port fovden, N.Y., sisters of J. 0. Clark, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. EB. (ar, last week. Eizhteen years had elapsed since the former visit and dur- ing that time the old town has im proved wotiderfully. There are a large number of visitors at Hotel Alexandra. Hiram Wilson, one of W. PF. Niles' Jstnfi returned, after a month's travel amon: western farmers, letting out goed. William: Garratt and wife, Yonkers, (son of J. H.,and Mrs, Gar- patt of this place), arrived herve, on Tuesday last and will make a month or dix weeks stay with las parents, Mr. Garratt is the owner of one of the oldest houses in Ontario, it being between 130 and 150 years old. The first governor of Canada (Seymour), with fie wife, while making his way to Toronto, Mrs, Seymour was taken sick and spent three weeks in this old stone stricture sitnated on the banks of Lake Ontario. The house is about 30x45 and the rooms in the second story are just the same as when finish- ed. No changes have been made in the old floor laid and held down with wooden pegs, the old door with its wooden hinges and wooden lock and inches laid on a 3 foot stone wall with eeddr posts under each end, and the Dark still on them. Mr. Garratt is 10 be congratulated on being the possesser of this old velie.. The old fashioned cellar kitchen is the size of the whole house and many an ap- ple cut and dance have been turned off there, acvompanied by the lively strains of old black John's #iolin. Jolin Soperfon's new residence = is u completed on Mitchell street. Mark Pettit is erecting a new dwel- ling. The sad death of Mrs. Joseph Haight took place last week throumh paris green, Mr. Haightl has the sympathy of the community. rs, Annie Danning, who for some months has heen in Spokane, Washington, re turned here last week. D, IH. Sayler, and family, of Cali- forniu, are spending the holidays in thew summer home here. Dr, Garratt, Toronto, is visiting his mether here. Mrs. Boulter, Mrs. Bongard and Mr. and Mrs, John Bongard and Allan Muckie, of Belleville are camping here. Charles Corey, Toronto, general ad juster for an insurance company is to visit this place this summer; his ok birth place. Mr. Cory will searcely re- ecoghire it 80 many improvements have taken pinco since he feft. FOR GOVERNOR OF OHIO. Warren G. Harding the Republican Candidate. Co umbus, Ohio, July 20.---The re puilican candidate for + governor of Ohio is Warren G. Harding, of Mar- ion, Ohio, once lieutenant-governor. Despite the efforts of Senator Bur- ton's CoyahoPa county delegation to stampede the convention for Nicholas Langworth, and George BB. Cox's every effort in behalf of Judge O. B. Brown, of Dayton, a combination of the "progressives" with the national ad- ministration men broke up the fight on the third ballot. g The withdrawal of James R. Gar- field and Carmig Thompson before the beginnin: of the vote, brought about a Garfield administration combination that twenty-four hours age would have weemned to the delegates - impossible. All the Garfield votes, outside the Cuyaboga delegation and a few that the foriver sacretary of wera cast for Harding, Liewt Governor Francis W. Tread- war was renominnted by seclamation. Werren G. Hardine, 9% fortyfive | i is th i of the in, lire visiting frends here. {baseball was FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. 1 Glendower, July 28. Most of the farmers have their bi Horse hover Bio a an thas Viemity. Men wre scarce us help. Richardson's boat is fixed up, after being burned, and is running again. Berries are very seatve. Edward Hickey is home from the 'hospital at Kingston. Sanford leemon, at Verons; Mrs. Lasher Cronk, son and little daughter, Var- at Sanford Lesmon's. Sa ham, are - Rain Welcomes. Walant = Grove, - July 28 <The rain, on Wednesday, was welcomed by all (Quite a pumber from here attended the Union Sunday school pienie; and ail report « splendid time. Berries of ali {kinds are searce this year, on sécount of the dry weather. F. Buck, Roches ter, N.Y., at his brother's, A. Buck. Mr. and Mew. C. Bell, Mroand Mrs. E. Sharp, took a trip to Bellevifle this week, Bath Brevities. ath, July 28. Frank Covert wife, Medina, N.¥Y., mre visiting at H. Covert's. Mr. and Mis. T K. taker and daughter, Guelph, and Misa Hattie Smith, Toronto, are spending a few weeks here, Dewitt. Tulmage, Albauy, , N.Y. is visiting at «James Graham's. Missés' A, and M. How- erd and Miss Rabajotta, Renfrew, . Mr. MeNeil and son, Severn, visited at A. Me Cangher(y's this week. - Misses ' Let tie and MeCaugherty are visit- ing friends down the Rideaw. . George Harper, Prescott, visited: at EE. FP. Shephard's this week. A game of played this afternoon between Bath and Odesia teams. Mrs. Frwright and children, Kingston. are visiting at W. S. Toplifi's, S-------- Hartington Happenings. Hartington, July 28.--Miss Dottie Campsall entertained a number of the young girls at an afternoon party, on Tuesday, in honor of the little Misses Holliday. Mrs. McQuaid, of Kingston, who has lately recovered from an at- tack of typhoid fever, is visiting friends here. Farmers are about through haying and have begun their grain harvest. A number from here attended the B. of Q -. exeursion down the river, vesterday. Miss Jewel Sigs worth « left for the North-West, on Monday. Her brother, Frank Sige- worth, accompanied her as far as Peterboro. A severe hurricane, last night, proved somewhat destructive to orchards. Rev: J. A. Waddell and bride arrived -at their home, at Har: rowsmith, at. noon, yesterday. Con- gratulations are extended, and sincer- est wishes for their happiness. Miss Craig, Godirey, has been the guest of Miss M. Campsall for the past week. A FALSE ALARM. and No Exodus of American Settlers as . Reported. Winnipeg, July 29.--Immigration ol- ficials here issue vigorous denials of reports that settlers are returning to the United States in large numbers. J. Bruce Walker, commissioner, has official figures to show that in six months to July lst, only 261 farmers went back to the United States from Canada, and of these more than half went before May lst. William J. White, supérintendent; Ottawa, now here, says that offices in the United States have not 'Been able to find traces of any movement back te the republic, as reported in certain papers there, WILL FIGHT FOR PERMIT. Man Who Paid $60,000 Shut Out by Chicago. Chicago, July 29.-Unless Mayor Busse consents to the exhibition of the Jefivies-Johnson fight pictures in Chi- cago, Aaron Jones will institute man- damus proceedings in the couris against the mayor and Chief of Police Steward in an effort. to compel the is suance of the necessary: permit. Jones, who has paid $60,000 for the exclusive rights to the Reno 'fight pictures in Illinois, reached his decision to take the matter into the courts after mak- ing a formal application, yesterday, first to the chief and then to the mayor, for the required permit. Error United Brothers. Pittsbbrg, Pa., July 29.-As a sult of "an error; - Amos and Cyrus Lape, twin brothers who had not seen one another for thirty nine years, have een reunited. Thev were born in Black Lick, Ind, but on account of their mother's death were given to other families to raise. The families becama separated and the brothers would probably never lave met had not a stranger found Amos at work in Export sand exclaimed : "Hello, Cy, what are von doing | here?" Amos denied that he was Cy and explanations followed which re sultal in Amos being taken to las brother's home in Dunbar, Pa, ite county, ' y "wn ree Indian God Rock. There is a famous historical rock on the banks of the Allegheny , river, near Franklin, Venango county, known as the Indian God Rock, which it is proposed to move to Franklin to insure its preservation. Tt is fig- ured that the rock, which bears In dian h lyphics, weighs about 125 tons. It js believed that it can be lifted from its foundation, in whole by one of the railroad loaded The Dessert That's Taken The Country By Storm i Wafers: | | | cool drinks. 4 WHAT 1S A LADY™ Various Definitions of the Much- Abused Term. This question was put by a teacher to her girls, and some of the replies were admirable and some exiraordin- ary, Here are a few: "A lady is a-woman who has a lot of money and looks after the people, and has good manners." 3 "I think a lady is very kind, rich. They are kind to the servants. The servants have to be clean and tidy in work as well as ladies." i "A lady js a person who has man- ners; it 1s pot monev which makes people ladies; it is their manners. La dies can afiord to keep servants, they are pearly always out walks." "A lady is a person who lives ina big house and keeps servants." She names three persons who, she con siders, are ladies, and continues +1 think these are ladies because they af ford servants to wait on them. 1 think ladies are kind, and they help some of The poor." "1 think ladies should have good manners and a high person; (tidy clothes, and live in a large house. | think they ought to send a lot of presents to poor people, and send Christmas cards, because they have no- thing else to do." "A lady is a person who has good manners. A lady ought to be kind, goad and gentle and wbedient, A lady poor 80 for ey and with very nice clothes. Ladies live in great big r*h houses." "Alady is a woman who is always dressed respectable, and who is rich. Some ladies make custards far poor people who are ill. Ladies are very gentle anh have beautiful things." The Dollar Gown for Girls. In one of the great high schools of New. York city {wenty-seven girls in a glass 'of 240 have just distinguished themselves. by graduating in © gowns the materials J which cost only a dollar esch. Among their classmates were some whose gowns cost {rom $50 upwards, but 1t was ssid that the dollar gowns looked every whit as ddinty as their more luxurious rivals and could not be distinguished . by the committee delegated to diserimin- ate between them. The cident i= only one of many that indicate a radical reform in the matter of commencement costumes for girls. The elegance and elaboration ol these gowns during re- cenit years were alarming thoughtinl observers; but in many of our. high séhools warnings have been issued on the subject, while at Wellesley, Brin Mave, Mount oke and other col leges stringent were made this year concerning the cost of grades ting gowns. At Bryn Mawr the speci- fications were most minute, the very height of each collar and chracter of each tie being indieated. This movement for economy ps 2 our girls is ah encouraging sign, of 'the times. -- Christian Herald. : E Slaughter Prices. On summer hats at Campbell Brox', -§ There is more sincerity in the war ol a dog's tail than there ie in the fhandshuke of » politician, We are almost overwhelmed with the tremendous demand for Mooney's Sugar Thousands of families from coast to coast are enjoying them in place of pastry and cake. There's a reason for this Sugar HTN TEE Whenever a toothsome dainty is want- ed--at luncheon, dinner, tea--or at your next party--serve Mooney's Sugar Wafers --with fruits, ices, sherbets, tea, coffee or Mooney's Sugar Wafers are made in THE MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY €O,, LTD, > : 3 E is a rich' person with plenty of mon- Wafer hunger. Get a package today and note how crisp and dainty the crusts are -- how delicious the sweet cream centers, You never have tasted such a delight- ful, satisfying confection as Mooney's Sugar Wafers hat 1s Asked For Agan the finest bakery in Canada. You can be sure they are pure. "You can easily get them from your grocer in 10 and 25 cent dainty, dust and damp-proof tins. Put Mooney's Sugar Wafers on your shopping lists NOW, STAATFORD & WINES, GAD Is the best and purest of all drinks. Salvador' tones up the system---is a food and drink as well --always appetizing and refreshing. Brewed and bottled by REINHARDTS" OF TORONTO "THE BEST BEER SOLD." -% Are selling like the proverbial " Hot Cakes" just now at our Summer Clearance Sale The best shoes in Canada at the lowest prices. Buy now if you believe in faving money. "J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000O0S 'ORANGES, ORANGES Just received load of late Valencia Oranges, second to nono that grows, Large and uicy, Prices from 30e to 75c per dozen. R. H. TOY E, 302 Ki a1. P000000000000000008000 CONNOR AN00O000000OPOY - -- ------ S0000000000000000 S0000000000000000 * w= Ice Cream Bricks Maple and Vanilla, Strawberry and Vanilla. Imperial Pints Take one Home and try it. 25 Cents PRICE'S 288 Princess St. - Phone 845