Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1910, p. 3

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Quick Clearance of the Balance of Our Magnificent Stock of Ladies' White Waists | We have hundreds of bzautiful designs. Neare 'ly as many as at the boginning of the season, so you'll be sure 10 ge rome that you will like at 33 1-3 Per Cent. Discount. | $1.25 Waists, now 84c; $2.00 Waists, now '$1.34 ; $3 Waists $2 and so on throughout the - whole list. Every Waist New and Fresh CRUMLEY BROS. LIMITED. ------ A ------ -- Dur Big Summer Sale Is a Huge Success Big delivery for city and county. Everything reduced. Ao THE BEST IN THE CITY Nothing better than our Ice Cream Sodas with : Fruit Syrups PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY, CHERRY, ORANGE, LEMON and CHOCOLATE. Mc A.J. REES, | the statement "of dia 166 Prices St § THE WAISTCOAT. Patronage of It Became Popular by Charles Few men realize how much' they are being influenced in their -dress by King Charles 11, and yet it is to that mon- arch we owe the adoption of the waistcoat as a regular article of gen- fleman's dress, "says London MAP. At least that is so if we are to accept Pepys, who in his ry under----date of October 16th, 1666, states : "The king has declared his resolution to set a fashion which he would never alter," and "This day King Charles 1I began to put on his vest. It is a very fine and handsome » te Prior to this date they were excep- tional garments, and there is even some doubt whether they were origis- [u'in_ parliament ds to -{ enormous ally worn" by. ladies = or - gentlemen, though there is good reason to believe they superseded the doublet, such as was worn by Eesex and other notables of the Elizabethan age. A neat waisteoat "wrought in silk and gold" is mentioned in "Patent Grissell;* 1602, and there ia a painting in distemper of a vest on the walls of Winchester cathedral, dated 1489, so that what Charles IL took was an existing garment, which he re and by his patronage 80 "it that it became a stan article of gentleman's dress. ------------------ dard ; -- Harper's Weekly. "Why is the large bell the -tower of the house o. riisment in J oudgh i Bi ? FC average Lot Salled Bog Baws. no iden how was designed Sie Benjamin Hall had a great deal to do with carrying out the ats oF the architeéts, ueiug bi | commissioner of putlic wos, and him the cit Rat) A ar 'him the city was largely m- name of bell that was to be hung in ite name. When the budding 17 THE IN MARINE CIRCLES THE STEAMER HECLA WAS RE- LEASED THIS MORNING. About 300 Tons of Its Coal Cargo Had to be Taken Out--It Fro- ceeded to Ogdensburg Towing a Barge---Movements of Vessels in the Harbor. The steamer Hecla, of the George Hall company, Ogdensburg, "N.Y, which ran ashoré at Oak Point, Wolfe Island, yesterday morning, was re leased at five o'clock this morning oy the Calvin company, which had three boats at work st the stranded vessel, About 300 tons of the Hecla's coal was lightered, and after some hard left immediately for Ogdensburg, tow- ing the barge on which the lighitered coal had been placed. It is not thought the steamer is injured. The captain was on the steamer Phoenix, when she ran into the gates of 4he Cornwall canal last week, lil fuck seems to follow him. Adjusted the Loss. Donnelly, of the Donnelly Wrecking company, returned this morning from Ogdensburg, where he adjusted the loss on behalf of the marine insurance uhderwriters, eaused by the steamer Phoenix, of the Geor Hall company, smashing two of the gates of the Cornwall canal last week. The total loss was fixed at $12,000. John Richlien Shows Increase. Richelieu earnings up-to-date show a grosy of $400,000 for the current sea son, being an advance of twenty-five or cent. over the corresponding .per- jod last sesson, when $300,000 repre sented the gross total. These figures were given out after the usual weekly meeting of the board of divectars. The R. & 0. business. has been par ticularly brisk this season, travel be ing heavy on all lines; particularly the western tourist business. There has heen an average travel on the western lines of four hundred passengers =a duy, while last season at this time the boats were handling an avefage ol two hundred and fifty passengers. Marine Paragraphs. The steamer Westport cleared for up the canal. The steamer Beaverton called ton her way to Fort William. The steamer Sowards amd Merrill are here with coal ford. The steamer Regina called here, ves- terday on her way from Montreal, to Fort William. Swift & Co.: Steamers Kingston and Caspian down and up today; steamer Glenellah unloading package freight from Hamilton. Folgers: Over 300 passengers went so Ogdensburg today on the steamer America. The steamer carried its lim- it of passengers on the Rutland R.R. excursion yesterday, The tug Parthia arrived at Garden island to-day, from Quebec, after ak- ing a raft of timber down the river. Another raft will be ready to go down early next week, M. T. Co.: Tug Emerson cleared for Oswego and Charlotte to bring across two coal barges: steamer Rosemount, and barge Melrose, cleared for Cleve land to load coal; tug Bartlett due Saturday morning with coal barges from Lake Erie. eee A SERIOUS CHARGE here schooner for Craw- Made in St. Thomas Against Belle ville Institution. St. Thomas, Ont, July 29.--The local hoard of healthy decided that there had teen serious if mot absolute Jy criminal neklect on the part of the atithonties st the Believille Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, which was responsible for the death of a child of one of St. Thonias' citizens. The child contracted scarlet fever from a sister who had been sent home from the institute, who was allowe to Oring home her dolls, ete., after an outbreak of fever there Stage Lures Young Mother. New York, July 29.1 would rath- er carry a spear than nurse a baby." With this note as his clue, Charles Westland, » chauffeur; is; to-day, look- ing for his wife, who, called by the lure of the stage, left her three-year old child with a neighbor, penned the above note to her husband, and dis appeared. A chorus girl who lived with the Westlands gave the young mother the yearning for the stage with stories of its pleasures. The husband is search ing all the cheap summer resort thea tres, confident that if he can find his wife he will be able to induce her to return to her home and baby. A Big Cotton Coneern. - New York, July 29.--The organiza tion of the International Cotton Mille Corporation, a combination of cotton interests with control over many o the textile mills in this country is an nounced by Myron C. Tayler, its presi: dent. The concern was incorporated, | yesterday, under the laws of New York, with an authorized capital of $20,000,000, and it will acquire eithe by direct: ownership or. by stock cow trol a large number of mills and com- plhies which handle sales and distri: tion in Canada as well as. thie country. The products Sf 'the combined mills: will represent about 3,008 varie ties of cotton labrics. Fined $30 and C Brockville, * July 29=-A% the police Acting M rate Murphy im- and costs or two en pulling the steamer was floated. It, book, Amusements. Lake Ontario Park To-Night POLITE VAUDEVILLE. NEW MOVING PICTURES. BLJOU TO-MORROW, Be "THE DANCING GIRL" Or "The Grandmother." being the story of a gilded youth whe worshipped at the feet of an elderly dancer, by whom he was almost ruined. La "THE' OUTCAST" One of those thrilling and beautiful "films d'art" by the Pathe Freres, of Paris, acted by the greatest French artists "JINKS GETS THE SHOOTING MANIA" and every Night at 8.80. A rattling comedy, showing that rifle shooting can be carried altogether too ar. Se TO-DAY, Be "Kit Carson, ihe Scout, on the Banta Fe Trail" or "The Cheyenne Ralders" "The Outcast," "Jinks Gets the Shoot- ing Mania" . GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUM THEATRE H. H. MORGAN, Mgr. 'PHONE 942, July 28, 29. 30th End Attraction Special Last Three Days This Week FOX & CARR in their new comedy sketch "It That Was" Str America WEDNESDAY, JULY 20a=1L153 a.m, for Glenora and Loke-on-the-Mountain, ane hour there; home G15 pam. Fare, FRIDAY, JULY 20th--8 nam. for anamoque, Brockville, and Ogdoanbu yg, Fare, 0c return. SATURDAY, JULY 30th.-2.50 tour of 1,000 Islands. Fare, Ufc. SUNDAY, JULY Sist--Regular trips to Cape vi 7.30 am. and 2 p.m. Fare, 50¢ return. Menls on all Trips. pam, AAA DON'T GET Your House $ Wired for Electric Light } Before you get our Prices. fo. We A SPRIGGS, =) c 167 Princess St. Bagot). ane h The public are asked to noté that I 30S raved ns Hite from:151 Wel- reet to - ton rst floor, 69 Clar 'Phone 331 HN A. JO! GARDINER, Real Estate i and Insurance, Auction Sale SATURDAY, JULY 80th,' 12 0"Clock, 88 BROUK STREET, Phaeton, Top Buggy, Road Cart, Har- ness, ete. \ALLEN, The Auctioneer, " PLYMOUTH BINDER ~~ TINE "THE KIND THAT'S MWS Goon" Silver Sheaf, 600 ft, Se Ib. Gold Medal, 650 feet, 10¢ Ib. NING-ROOM GIRL. Apply, British- In American Hotel office Kingston WOMAN: REFERENCES HEN A yy Apply, 207 Wiillam 1D FOR STEAMER NORTH LADIES MAID HOT, Steward, on board Saturday, at 10 am. ? COOK. APPLY TO MRS D. A Stewart Robertson, corner Syden- iam and West Streets, SEWERS HANDY WITH THE NEEDLE BE iE help on. costs. Apply at this of- fice, or at 84 Brock Street. EXPERIENCED CL ERK FOR GROC - a" Store; younk min preferred Apply Box 19, ig office. HOSPITA A SE- one having some Apply to the AT ROCKWOOD cond Laundress; experience preferred. Matron. EXPERIENCED Mantle Department. Al ¥ at Waldron's, corner Brock and Wel- Hington Streets. SALESLADIES FOR ppl SALESMAN AND WINDOW DRESSER wanted for ary i gt refara - enees, experience apd Salary, Robinson Co., Limited, Napanee AN. INTELLIGENT PERBON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvasiing. Send for particulars, Peas Byndl- cate, 3.969 Lockport, N.Y. YOUNG LADY AR CASHIER, WITH good Pablie School education: one willing to go to Toronto; experi: ence not necessary. Apply, in own handwriting, to Miss Piaiton, care of Wm. Davies 'Co, lid, 4 Queen Street West, Toronto POR MONTH OF AUGUST, A BRIGHT, quick young girl to make herself generally useful; must have refer- ences as to character; one prefer- rad who could sleep at home. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. BR. C, Debbs, Albert Street, corner Earl Street, CLERKS TO BHLL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work. ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; you oan double your wages and be your owl. boss: Apply, Box "EB. C." Whig 0 ce. WANTED---GENERA L. | The People's Forum | | LOST. NICKEL - PLATED OPEN - FACED Watch at Lake Owmtario Par Monday. Finder rewarded by leav- ing at Whig office IN WARBOR, SUNDAY NIGHT, A 16 foot Skiff and Pair of Oars; own- er's name inside. Reward if re- tarned at ones 10 Sharman's Boat House, West Street. FOX TERRIER PUP, WITH BLACK spot on forehead. answers to name of "Spiker," on Thursday morning Finder kindly return to 388 Uni. versity Avenue and receive reward FOUND. MONEY IN MISS Greaza's stove, Wellington Street same can be had by proving pro- perty and paying for advertisement "SUM OF FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steam ip Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street Kingston. Telephone 868. GENERAL INSURANCE --FIRE, LIFE Accident and Health Policies issu. ed; first-class companies; standard rates. T A n, Agent, 1568, Wellington Street. J. X. CARROLL, DISTRICT AGENT Dominion Life Assurance Company also Fire, Accident, Sickness and Plate GY) Insurance, 14 Marke! Street, ngston, GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- oF. Put your involces In an envel: ope with a one cent stamp on it and drop 1p the nearest letier box We do the rest. All kinds of Fir Insurance placed on short notice 'Phone 396. 67 Clarence St, Kings: ton. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire lasurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In addition i which the bollayholders have for security the limited Mability of all the stoekholders. Farm a city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new businéss get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents "Phone, 325. MEDICAL. [BAAC WOOD, M.A, M.D, CM, R. ARTIC eon; office King ine 2tod 263 St, E 'Phone 72 J. ¥. BPARKS, BA, MD, PHYS! IE pl ure: 0 3 and 7 tod pm. Phone 3 3 30 DRESSMAKER, BY FIRST-CLASS Apply, 20 Gar- sewing by the day. rett Street. ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8 R, McCann, 51 Brock Street. HORSES TO PURCHASE. I BUY Tis ar hoes TL ve Kingston all gummer, I. A. Jenkins, 0. rincess Street. Telephone No. SEPTEMBER 1st, A FURNISHED house for the winter; modern im- provements; central location; Mules Address, "Bell" Whig of- ce. SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veterans' Scripts, Cobalt Stocks, Bonds and Debentures. Apply to i O. Hutton, 18 Market 8t, Kings: on. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St. next Bibby's Livery. __TRACHERS WANTED. TEACHER, HOLDING THIRD CLASS ~eertificate, wanted, for 88. Ne. 1, Township of Clarendon; may begin duties at once. Apply, stating salary, to J. ¥. Fraser, Sec.-Treas., Ardoch, Ont. PERSONALS. FOR FULL "INFORMATION. ON patents, send 10c for booklet and wm ne. Ben. B. Pannett, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont IF YOUR: WATCH OR JEWELLERY REQUIRES RE- PAIRING BRING IT TO US. WE HAVE EVERY FACIL- ITY FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELING. MOUERATE CHARGES: EXPERT WORKMEN. J tren BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST opposite. G.T.R. station; one bloc) from C.P.R. on street car line hatal lately remodelled; ¢ erate; & ial rates by . John Cousineau, Prop. LIMESTONE ' RESTAURANT, rincess Street ay King Street; hot. lunches, 1bc dinners, 20¢; oysters In season, ice cream; soft drinks; privaire parties Saigred A apataii aliting rooms 3 , Props. ou age solicited. P r_ patron CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD Gorppater and Sutil Tad Blots .y onable cos. Ol } kinds of A kiide of Jobbing. all Work done ERNEST R. BECKWITH, CONTRACT: ing Engineer and Architect, Agen: for uilders' Specialities, 14 Sydenham Street and 292 } Street. Plans prepared and est mates given for all classes of work ARCHITECTS, we HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, BTC. 258 King street. Phone, 345: ART EB ARCHITECT F¥IC a 151 University tg . NEWLANDS SON, ARCHI. tects, te Gttige, 388 Bagot street _ "Phone, - POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER chants' Ba. 4 , COPD hd Wellton st re, coher Brook fresh f Symopats of Canadien North-West Land Regmintions, y ANY person who is the sole head of & , Or any male over 18 years o ma homestead minfen for the ey oo be made at of Cheats cop att ol: | A resid of the land in each of Day ive me on Jaasver section in Manitoba, The, - FOR SALE. RATTAN, VERANDAH ROCKERS IN \ Phoue, $3.50, for $2.36, at Turk's. ai -- TWO GOOD SECOND-HAND MOWING Machines, Apply, D. J. Hay, 13¢ Clarence Street. SKIFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR sale. Particulars at Godwiw's In- surance Emporium, Market A PIFTY-FOOT FLAG POLE AND SET of Pacing Hopples. Apply to J. M, Theobald, $97 Kiog Street, Kings. ton, Ont, $690 CASH WILL BUY A FIVE-ROOM- od, one: storey frame house, with good sheds; also extra building lot, at Lower De For particulars, enquire al this office R $3,500 WILL BUY A NEW SOLID Brick House, Johnson Street; choloe locality: § rooms, b. of hot water heating: 3 @ barn. Particulars at Mullin's Grocery. OR HANGE FOR oITY PRO. Tt ood . Grocery Business In g a Araain for. a ne po J, Tr gu rehase, ply, Box 296 Whis ce. LARSHIP (ANY SUBJ ) Int sraatiohat Corre : } if taken at once. ¥, Boy Appl Whig office. "p POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITY heap for cash sale; an Ilmpre askatchewan Farm, che for quick turn; tracts o Tand In th Last Mountain Valley district of Saskatchewan; Cobalt Brock: Bonds and Debentures; Houses bots. any part of Kingston; re, Ate, Accident and Sickness, Autos mobile and Motor Bost Insurance. Apply, J. O. Hutton; Market Street. T0 LEY. OFFICES, WITH Ak MODERN CON» reniences, In Orpheum in. J. Baker, Princess Street, APPIY, FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all modern improvements; nice location. Apply, 176 Clergy Street. SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING furnished and unfurnished, Storea, ge oo oCanw's, Brock, Cor. King ONE §-ROOM HOUSE, 11 MARK. jand intraet. alas three-room house, inside wo and sink iy, 103 Raglan Street . Apply -- pn ppp OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES, No. 34-38 Princess Street, suitable for storage, Cunn No. livery, stable or garage, ngham & Mudie. garag FURNISHED ROOMS, «ITH BOARD or without; all modern convenis ences Apply, 214 William Strest, corner of Barrie Street STORAGE FOR dry, airy rooms, eras ak Bross eh -- lock and ak 'Phone HS ma oh BRICK HOUSE, No. 33 DIVISION 8ST.: modern improvements, with furs nace: possession 1st of Beptember, Ani to L. O'Brien, 67 Union St. est. ' DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 230 1-2 cens AL sen Breet, Kingston DR EC Nas, DENTIST; DR. 6, H. «10 , Nae tes stant, 183 Princess ot. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING . @ither tosether or separate may had at 321 University Avenue, con venient to cars; bright, airy rooms; gas and modern conveniences. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS." forogl, 3 Pann 5 mbes the Founder of Yaten ss Sire corn: ne 44 ation aha A charge for ne : and Ite hy "9% to 15% to #{re.,. office . 8 Ts SUMMER BOARDERS. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT Rooms; nice locstion; near the park: five minutes' walk to the water front. Apply. 144 Barrie St. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYO! ANTWHE sm order Ee is Mined Coal ~ We carry over no old stock, - Our bins are filled with bright. mined Coal. Ask your neighbor about our Coal, SWIFT'S tarin of at jeast 30 acres solely owned abd occupied by Bim or iy father, mother, tor, r or sister, In certain districts a homesteader In

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