Yes, We're HONEST PLUMBERS. : What's that---never even heard of any before? Too bad if you have formed that foolish idea. Yon mist bave been think- ing of old Diogenes hunt- ing for an honest man. We do tmsiness in a busi- ness-like way, do our work well, and charge moderately. DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. Store, 335 : Ne Residenos, 856 i | edly a THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. WHIG, ot D, : 306-310 Ki 4 ario 35 36 per Jar. lons at 2.30 snd 4 Gl, 16 pages ] xs ana ; tnt Suite 19 'and . te 19° 20 _Queen City Bh CTE yee, eB representative. - Daile Whig. A STRONG ASSOCIATION. The Odd Fellows' Relief Association of Canada, which held its aonual meting in Kingston, yesterday, is one of, the strongest insurance and bene- fit "organizations the country has. At its _ are leading men ol Canada. Thi Relief Assqeintion aimed at secur ing a membership of 25,000, and it has more than accomplished its aim. Its mortality rate is/low, and many of the deaths were due to What may be ealed accidental " diseases, such as pneumonia and typhoid fever, Mts death rate from tuberculosis is decid- low, showing the care exercised by its chief medical examiner. The as- 'sociation is strong in young membess. The best that choice logs. modern machinery, careful workmen can produce. The manufacture, grading and housing of LUM- BER is & science which we have | acquired by close study and long experience, SUPERIOR QUALITY. REASONABLE RATES, S. Anglin& Co. WeGive You Cash Coupons WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR DIS- PLAY OF PRIZES. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Eo Gage's Grocery Oor. Moutieal and John Sts. , "Phone G49. Prompt Delivery. SALE OF SUMMER -600D8 READ THESE BPECIAL PRICES: SUITS, FINE WORSTEDS. 'Were $15, now only $12 do. $12.50 do. $10 do: $10 do. $7.90 pF All latest patterns and best work- wwauship. OXFORD SHOES, Black or Tan. % Were §0, now §8.9¢ {PATENT LEATHER BOOTS. 4 Ware $6, now $3.15 ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS \ a EXOLR SUNDRIES . DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON FE lis Real Estate Agency © ESTABLISHED 1882. 'roperty. Also Insurance written in best companies. | GEO. CLIFF, 5 vagessesniesnsssenss) . : . drying, | | ffom Canada. fi certed movement has heen projected by li some influential syndicate, or probably | magnified, and for a purpose ll despatches from Washington, and | a semi-official sf TEASON Jt enters upon another yéar of its ex- istence vigorous and healthy. LYING ABOUT CANADA. It ig really most remarkable that the reports of short crops have been turned to account maliciously and for the purpose of diverting immigration It looks as if a con i : I | by offijials of the American govern- ment, that circumstances have been which will certainly misearry. The American papers have been sent of kind, representing the outlook in Westein Canada as very had, go bad that the people are de serting the country in' thousands. | Some time ago it was asked, in 'Washington, + What can be done to arrest the movement of our people "northward, and out of the United [States ? The answer seems to be in| , the lying reports 'which are in cir culation. They have not had much elicet so far. They have put a vheck upon the land boom, but that is all. | The people are holding to the farms, conscious that the crops camnot al wegys be enormous, and that the pro- duct in Camada will be very good. There are streaks jn the newer pro Vines, and inpall of them, where the "yield will be light, but there are di- visiggs | of land, and large divisions, i which the yield will be a normal on#. The crops in some parte of the ! United States are very bad, Is that the Canadian press sban- why should advertise the land as doned 7 A HEALTHY CIVIC SPIRIT. The Oswego Palladium dwells couragingly upon the improvements that have been made in the city in re. gent years. Many miles of pavement huve been laid and kept. Ugly fences are now the exception, vot the rule; private Jawns have been improved, and the parks have heen beautified. } | "In this conmection," says our con- thmporary, "attention has been called to a movement which is growing in other cities having 'for its object the adornment of grounds and buildings." | Two examples have been cited in Os- "wego, #hose . of the Oswego Machine 'Shop and the National Starch Works. This tribute follows : "Beautiful vines cover the entire building of the former concern and scores of trees, shrubs land plants have been. set out on' the Horder along the sides. Vines have Also been started on some 'of the build- {ings of the starch factory; flawer gov- en- * Ideits have been built and the pave ments are kept scrupulously clean, the company fhishing them at its own ex- Hense at least twice a week." 3 :Do_our people see anything sugges- tive in this? There are ugly spots in [Kingston that eould be made attrac. 'tive. There 'are dirty and : fences that eould be changed. There od {are abandoned plices that need the eo . touch of an artist. "There ave build ings, the outer walls of which eguld bs hele . onday ng af a year. a | ile as a part of the confederation petitive rates. Now the farmers sy they are at the mercy of the railwayx, | and there is bo redress for their griev- ancés while the roads are under pri- vate direction. Incidentally the Intercolonial rail way was quoted, and as a means of securing to the people of Eastern Can- ada reduved freight rates. The reply to this was the Intercolopisl was compact, and that it' bad beet run generally at a very serious loss. The experience on this was not to be tak- en as a guide in conpection with the Hudson's. Bay venture, which involved not only the building of a railway, but of a steamship line as well. The reply of Mr. Ross, st Lanigan, Sask, , indicated the hold which the gevern- ment ownership idea had taken upon the grain growers. They had meditet- ed Jong and anxiously upon the sib ject. They were willing to forego some things for which they ere look- ing to the government, including aid J for the chilled meat industry; but they had set their minds on two things-- public ownership of the Hudsons Bay road and revision of the tariff. Reciprocity in trade between Canada} and the United States has been re garded in the east as practically dead. THE DAILY BRASH. WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. REMAINS OF JOHN CASEY, OF WOLFE- ISLAND, Picked Up dn the Harbor Last Even- ing--Deceased Drowned on the Night of the 16th Along With Michael Hennessy, Also of the Is. land. The body of John Casey, the com- panion of the late Michael Hennéssy, who was drowned on Saturday night, July 16th, while crossing the harbor to Wolfe Island, in a skifi, was found, Jast evening, by W. Yellowley, Jr, who was out on the harbor in a gaso- line Jaugch. The body was foating out opposite the locomotive works, He towed it to Swift's wharf, where it was taken im charge by Police Consta- ble Timmerman, and removed to the establishment of James Reid & Co., where it was prepared for burial. This morning the body was taken to Wolle Island, where inter ment took place. It was éxpected that body would be found in the har just.the Same as that of the late Mr. Hennessy. Both bodies wese found floating in about the same place. The late John Casey 'was thirty-one years of age and unmarried. He lived all his life on the island. Rewards of fifty dollars were offered by each family for the recovery of the bodies. SKINNING UNCLE SAM. In the west it is a 'very live subject, and at "ome stopping place in Shs farmers would organize an independent party with reciprocity as ita slogan, if neither of the present parties took it up. ------------ EDITORIAL NOTES. Mt. Redmond is making another tour of America. Telling the people of the progress of home rule? If the sources of supply were cut off what would hap+ pen? Would there be an end of home rule or the agitation for it? The Grand Trunk company is said to be loging over $100,000 a day during the strike. How much the men and the merchants are losing no knows. Isn't it surprising that some means cannot be found 'to put an end to the strike? . one The disposition of some papers is to repudiate the idea that they are "or: gans" of the party. An organ is something which grinds out a series of and over again without variation. Is there any paper which gives 'a' performance similar to this ? tunes over The province "of New Brunswick should not only aid" the people of Campbellton who are homeless and friendless, but it should lend its credit to the town, pending the time it can redeem its debentures. The loss by fire should not be-allowed to destroy the town's credit. | Visitors to Kingston invariably ex: press themselves as pleased with ihe city and its beautiful location. They see, of course, where it can be im- proved, and the change will come when the peoplé imbibe the civie spirit and it shows itself in 'the desire for public taste and orderliness. Mr. Bourassa has been - sadly upset because of the manner that Mgr. Gau- thier may be removed from Kingston to Ottawa, He is not French enough for Mr. Bourassa, but he has what that gentleman does not possess, an amiable and conciliatory spirit. His place--in 'the affections of the people-- in Kingston. Here let us hope he will remain. . e------ Infant Paralysis. ; Washington, July 27.--Appalled and nonplussed by the rapid spread of in infantile paralysis, which, is is "esti mated during the last week has struck down an average pf ten children daily in Washington, local physicians ap: pealed for aid to the Rockefeller Tne stitute: for Medical Research in New York, city. The disease is considered by doctors to be as contagious among children as scatlet fever, It attacks children from babies in arms to nine or ten years of age. ------------------ katchewan it was intimated that the - J entin of ties in Mr. King's shoes. - {000,000 Hatpins - Brought in as Needles to Beat Tanff. New York, July 28.--Several million fbatpine with eyes like needles are im- ported into the United States every 'year. The device ix a strange bit of tariff foolishness which saves the man ufacturers many thousands of dellars at the expense of Uncle Sam. It be came known through a customs report just made public bere. There is no tariff on imported needles, but there is a tarili on hatpins. : Therefore the steel shanks for batpine are made with eyes: 50. that techpically they 'are needles and come in free of duty. The holes are filled with soldér and heads put on after they have passed inspec tion. ~ NICKELS COUNT UP. New York Cars. New York, July 27. the forth coming census should show that the pation has a population of 100,000; 000 the number of passengers carried by. the transit lines of New York cily for ten months will be nearly twelve {ime greater, Statistics issued by the public months 'ending May Ist last, 1,250, an_ increase of the corresponding months last year. The fighres are an eloquent explana- tion of why New York is still admittedly inadequate, Jobbing Headquarters' Staff. Ottawa Citizen. It must be highly satisfactory to the people of Canada to krow that at re- cenit camps, not only were the soldiers not allowed to have beer, but so thor- oughly embued were officers in high command with the temperance senti- ments of the minister of war, that they actually searched -officers' mess tents like ordinary whiskey informers, and employed professional policemen to hide about in ambush to "make cases" against ' the militia. Still far ther safeguarding a dissolute soldieryy in at least' one oafip, a dry canteen was closed up because it sold ice cream that was not sterilized; and still another dry canteen, which did sell sterilized 'ice cream, was closed up, presumably because any such form nN dissipation might be injurious to the service. To he sure if the soldiers had got tummy aches, the country might he. bereft of their services for one or two drills, and,. if looked at rightly, this was a great compliment to the militia, seeing that the headquarters staff is allowed, to eat ice cream - all the year round. ---------- Mr. King is Not a Czar. Waodstock Sentinel-Review. ' The minister of labor is coming in Sor some criticism for having permit: ted, or for not putting an end to, the Grand Trunk strike. But the minister of Jabor is not a czar gf a sultan, or a dictator by 'any other name; and he gems to be doing all that any man could do with the means at his dis posal. He cannot say to the men that 'they must not strike; he cannot say tb the compnny. that it must vield. All he ean do is to use his best endeavors in the interests of peace, and that he seems to be doing both wisely and energetically. It is an old saying, shightly modernized, that the he grandstand can play Apes ator on t ) i. {the game better than anyone in the fiold--in 'his mind. Tt might be inter: to see some of Mr. King's evi ------------ Canada's Growing Trade. Toronto Star, : % 2 The aunouncement from Otiawa that the first quarter of the present fisca year shows an increase of nearly $3H4,- in Canada's total trade is a ance the ser |' vice commission show that for the ten 126,598 passengers bought fares, being |] about 116,000,000 over {| spending | { {the ; a F Telegram. 'R. I. Borden in {of Quebec. y + | ; The discontinuance of the leadership JUST RECEIVED A few Dozen Nightdresses at Bar- gain, Prices. Regular price, $1.28 to $2.50. Will sell ar 25 per cent. off on the instalment plan. | Men's and Ladies' Summer Under- wear. a large Stock of Ladies' Lisle Thread Stockings and Men's Casb- mere Socks at very low price. Come and see my stock. You will find my prices 25 per cent. lower than elsewhere. Ten per cent. off for cash. JOS. B. ABRAMSON, 4 COLBORNE STREET. Highest Grades COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. F. KELLY, THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. Theres sre other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur roundings. Located in centre of city and closes 0 principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P.M. THOMPSON. Proprietor. omni ear ---- WHAT FRENCH CLEANING MEANS, Here's a process of cleaning specially suited for fine gar- ments--ladies' choicest: cos- tumes. The richest fabrics can be treated in a manner that was not possible under old methods R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 89 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. " FOR SALE. The Albion Hetel property, Monten! aud Queen streets, Wingston. Will sell af a sacrifice. For particulars "or J. LOCKHART, lieal Fatate Agent, 159 Wellington St, Kingston. corner Wood's A ths wats NOrvous € m, makes new one Debiity, Batya ody) ole Prey Deo. ity J and rin Worry, pendency, Bera Weakness, Friiswions, Sper nd Rifects of Abuse or JFircesses. six for One will please, six al #1 per bo ou *gaid all druggists or mailed iu le a 'v Win ont "Wah Long's Laundry First-class work Susiantecd, Drap me a card and I will call promptly for fou: laundry. 158 WELLINGTON ST n ween Rrock and Clarence Rie "A CASE FOR THE SP.C.A. oh my" Jamsie-- "What you makin' such 4a fuss fer; kiddo?' Kiddo---"'1 bit Into a worm in mie apple." Jamsie--"8h! Don't tell §t so loud Dere's an anti-eruelty officer over dere." A Great Man Gone. Watertown Times A great man has. just died. Harry W. Cox, only forty-six years of age, is "dead, martyr to the X-rays, of Which he was ong of the pioneers. He was & man who devoted his life to the alleviation of suffering. His name de- serves to be remembered. About Gi teen years ago, Me. Cox, as an sue thusiastic = electrician, threw himself into the work of Xeray investigation, and during his researches contracted X4ay dermatitis, which has now re silted in his desth. But though he knew that he was afflicted with that dread disease he continited the work of perfecting the X-ray apparatus, and was so successful as to invent iwo eadiographs, which not only locate the yaition of 'a bullet, but. also . its th, #0 that a surgeon ean remove obstacle with the minimum of probing. This invention has proved of inestimable value, especially during South African war, and as bu- manity will benefit from Mr. Cox's gepius in the future, it well to learn that the country has contributed to the keeping of his family. A Miscalenlation. he F. § Monk leadership of ihe Ottawa opposition was eveated and continued in the hope that ¥» would make enemies for bLanriér in Quebec. And the F. D. Monk leadership of 511 the Ottawa oppesition proved to be enemies for Mr, | provinces outed: A Monk marks the collaiwe of The Queber fos the « means of efiort to = ot 1 jeeieionining BIBBY'S JULY SPECIALS A NBA i 4 > Came > . omens ¢ iit POSTED! Toni = - Men's Suits, Special $7.5 To-day we offer a rango of Men's Two- Piece Summer Suits in the new shades of Grey, Homespun and Tweed. Beautifully tailored garments. Suits that are sold in most stores for $12. Bibby'S Price, :$7.50. Alt our $16.50, $15.00 lines now $12.00. iriiiririelniinieiriimi drivel ie iii ii sv + Sale of Men's Fancy &° Nn Ee . . Hosiery 50e. Qualities, for .. 25¢. 50 Dozen Fancy Hosiery, travellers' sam- ples, that have been well cared for, in the very newest colorings aud designs. Sizes 10, 10%. 11 (regular 50c, goods), while they last, » Bibby's Price, 25c. IA Fr | | nm Headquarters for Panama Hats. See our $4.00 dnd $5.00 lines, The H.D.Bibby Co Ietegas, NE jeje ABERNETHY'S ] | ' Who wonldi't like to own a Suit Oase of their own? Everybody would. We have them at all prices. See our $5.00 Special Leather Case Oar $6.00 Suit Case is a beauty, Other grades $7.50, $8.50. $9.00, $10.00. Fitted Cases, $9.50, $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00. Specials in Low Priced Cases Matting Cases, light, handsome and serviceable, $225, $2.75, $3.00, Fibre Cases, $1.50. Karatal Cases, $2.00 and $¢, We also carry the largest stock in Kingston of Trunks and Bags. : RE _ ABERNETHY'S |