'PAGE TWO. * . Never in the history of the store have we shown such High-Class Designs and lower CARPET WAREHOUSE. A RARE CHANCE to secure some yery choice pleces of Old Antique Furniture at Bar- gain Prices before the Americans come over and get the cream of my stock. -As my r sri 18 too heavy, I have decid; io reduce. ft 50 per cent, apd Lave some very tempting Bargaius for my customers. All kinds of Household Furnl- d Sold. agar Furniture a nity. Goods called for and delivered 10 all parts of the city vr shipped to any part of the world L. LESSE S Car. Priscess and Chatham Sta, Kingston. urs STONE 'MASONS AND STONE CUT- TERS QUIT WORK. Cutters Claim That the Masons are Doing Work That Does Not Belong to Them--They Want the Lon- tractors to Settle Their Little Dis. pute. The stone masons and the stone cut- ters have quit work owing to troubles hate <b Ordered Now Or Old Furs Repaired, Stored FREE Until Wanted. JOHN McKAY. FUR HOUSE, Telepone, 489. 149-155 BROCK STREET MID-SUMMER SALE ALL OUR BIG STOCKS ARE IN IT: FURNITURE, CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUM, ETC. PARLOR SUITES reduced from rn SEEPS PEPPER REPRE REP MMPS (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. ant in rporation time. Call tion, H. ¥. SEPP PEPE PEP F EPP EI PI OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents & pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay cizhty-five? ANDREW MACLEANS, Uotario Street. CANADA'S BEST Grape Grow. 1 valid Port | ele. equal to he best norten at one-half the price. 5 Ww d Lion Blok. 4 R. 3. LA LER, Golden : Carters' Wild Strawberry Compound Cures all forms of summer complaints an? relieves the 8 pain, ; Harmless but effective. . 28¢ BOTTLE. A PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, Ongustte St. Andrew's Chueh. | "Money Orders Issued." p . $2,300--Johnson . Strest, 7 Hl § $1.000-- Montreal Street, : : GE $5 to $15 each. and an immense stock to choose from. PARLOR TABLES $1 to $5 each. Over 45 kinds reduced 14 select from. , BEDROOM SUITES, with Iron, Brass or Wood Beds, all cut from $2 i to $15 each. A chance to save. CHAIRS AND ROUKERS, 10 per cent. off all these Rockers, 8b¢, $1 up. CURTAINS. --Hun newest 1910 designe down. 1 "a Linoleum, Oilcloth, Rugs, Carpets all in this sale. Repair and Upholstering 10 per cent. reduced if done now. PHONE 90. YOURS, T. F. Harrison Co. uced away a. AT THE POLICE COURT. Campbeliford Young Man's Story Was Found Correct. This morning, the police magistrate announced that the story of Bert Cor- nell, the young man who was arrest: ed on Tuesday morning for stealing a 'nde on a G. 1. R. passenger train, a ee and han 2 Ci employers wan im back. Accordingly, the young man was sent west. Douglas McConaghy Johnie Brownley guilty being drunk, were given their freedom with the light touch of one dollar and costs, which they paid tothe po- live station cashier. John Wilson admitted being drunk, and said that - the only thing that would keep him away from liquor would be to subscribe his name to In- Spactar Wright's "Indian" register, he magistrate let him off on remand, and gave him a week in which to be come gu "lndian.'"* nn Would be Small at Ottawa. and to E Feil tH Bs gid 5 Er. i 2 # 8 of pairs in . {sweet music, if they ves. They are not asking for higher pay shorter hours but. for a rearrangement each other's constitutions, and they are in a quandary. The culters claim that the masons are doing work they should not do, and the masons say that their constitution gives them the right to do all that they are doing on the various buildings on which they are working. It is a case of the overlapping of the work of these wo divisions of builders, and it is purely a constitutional point. The masons cutters would like the contractors to pe to act as ar- bitrators and settle the difficulty, but the contractors do not like to inter- fere lest they 'should get into trou- ble, In the Meantime the building trade is suffering through the die agreement, for no masons or stone cutters are at work. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re porters on Fheir Rounds. Mf you go away have the Whig fol- low you. Order at the office. Bass of over three and a hall pounds caught near St. Lawrence Park, N.Y. Masons are pointing the stone and brickwork of the upper fire station. william Swain, plano tuner. Orders eceived at McAulev's. Phone 778. : Lime Juice and Lime Jute Cordial. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The fishing in the St. Lawrence in the vicinity of Clayton, is at its best now, The lawn social which was to have been held "at Cushengall Wednesday evening, was postponed on account of ran. H. Cunoingham, piano tuner from Chickering 's. Leave orders at Mc Anley's bookstore The police rounded up a man yes ferday on Swift's wharf. He had such a jag on that he had to be taken to the police station in a cab. "See the window display' of cancel led Tabard Inn Library Books, on sale for 25¢., at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. George Mills & Co. are overhauling the store formerly occupied by Daniel Egan and intend adding a haberdash- ery department to their stock. rat Men's white canvas shoes, high and low, less than ever in Kings- ton before, $1.45. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. The storm last evening did not de ter a large crowd from going out to Lake Ontario Park. There will be a new amme presented to-night. Phillip Kennedy, the young man in- jured" in a runaway on civic holiday, Hook Books, in Gibson's Red Cross Libr Store window. These are on sale for 20. each. Six members of the 14th band are going to Loughboro Lake, next week, on a fishing holiday, and declare that they _ will draw the Bony tribe by will not take the hook. v : Special Sale, this week only, to clear women's white canvas siioes, $1; men's whitg canvas shoes $1.50. Dutton's Shee Store, 209 Princess street. Word was sent to the police station this morning. that two men were drunk near Richardson's elevator and that one was trying to rob the other. The police went down but could lo- cate only one man. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Highest Price 'Paid Was 10 7-8 Cents for White. At the Frontenac cheese board meet- ing = Thursday afternoon, the highest prices. paid were 10jc. for white and 10 13-16c. Tor colored. There were 1,367 boxes boarded, as follows : WhiteCataraqai, 50; Excelsior, 25; Hinchinbrook, 60; Pine Hill, 90; Sun- bury, 70; Reynolds' Combination, 150; total, 445. Colored--Battersea, 5); Elm ~ Grove, 40; Glenburnie, 00> Glenvale, 40; Gilt Edge, 50; Howe Island, 31;-Bay View, 60; Latimer, 60; Modgl, 60; Ontario, 39: Rose Hill, 50; Sand Hill, 15; St. Lawrence, 50; Silver Springs, 90; Thou- sand Islands, 59; Wolle Tatand, 7 Me- Grath's, 60; total, 922. The following sales were made : To A. Alexander, at 10 13-16c.--Bat- tersea, Sand Hill. To John Gibson, at 10 13-16c.-- Glenburnie and Glenvale. ToT. H. , at 10fe.--Gilt Edge, Howe | , St. Lawrence, On- tario, Thousand Islands, Wolfe Island. To L. W. Murphy,, at 10je~Fim HGrove, Bay View, Rose Hill, Pine Hill, Model, Latimer. : To A. Alexander, at 10§c. Excel F810. . At the General Hospital: Ambrose Killoran, of Tamworth, the Jong man who had his knee cap ractured at Smith's Falls, is doing hospital. ---- ---- , - 1 STRIKE OF THEIR OWN... 1... so 5s course a0 ws tary College, | { ofl CASC; Major T. Vien, 6th Regt., dueen in the city. A biozraph drama, THE OFFICERS WHO COME | In accotdance with s militia order of April' Jast, the following officers | will report at the Boyal Military Col- lege, next Monday, for the practical portion of the militia stafl course : Western Ontario Command--Lieut.- Col. 8. C, Mewburn, 13th Regt; Major C. F. Bick, 34th 'Regt.; Major W. J. Brown, 9th Battery, C.F.A; Major D. Donald, 45th Regt; Major H. L. Rob erts, 9st Regt; Capt. W. H. Gandry, Berd Regt. Quebec Command--Lieut.-Col. C. A. Chauveau, 89th Regt.» Major R. Guay, C.A; Major T. Rinfret, 11th Infantry Brigade; Major W. E. Date, 17th Hus- sars; Major F. C, St. B. Harrison, 3rd Battery, C.F.A,; Major P. Davidson, 5th, 'Regt; Capt. H. Harrison, ith Fd. Co., CE; Capt. H. F. 0. Stike man and Capt. J. A. Guan, 3rd Regt., V.R. of C. Maritime Provinces Command -- Lieut.-Col. C. W."Gunging, 63rd Rigt.; Major H. 8. Tremaine, C. of G.; Major W. H. Conrod, 63rd Regt. The course at the college will last til} the 4th. The officers will then pro- ceed to Petawawa camp, where they will receive further instruction till August 12th. . TOOK CHURCH ON BACK. Porcupine. Some ministers have trouble getting a church bilv,. but here is a case of where one carries his own church along with him. A wire from Cobali tells the stary. "Last Sunday servives in Porcupine were held in the first vhurch put up in the new. gold camp; the house of worship being a large tent about forty by twenty feet. A. P. Menzies, the Presbyterian missionary, and a Queen's college graduate, after trying for several weeks to get the heavy canvas brought up He creek for him, went out to Hill's last week and carried it in himself. He took gnother man with him who helped him pack the heavy {load over the seven miles of trail from Hill's to the town. "The tefit "will bé put up on the post office side' of the £0 where the Por- cupine Developmeiit company. have do- nated a site. The site has been clear- ed for some time, where the pews will be madé on the tree stumps which have been left standing for that pur pose." as ------ Good Musical Act at Wonderland, Fhe Calvert-Parker Musical compan Pe pleased larze audiences last evening at Wonderland, despite the inclement weather. The musicians were greeted with full houses at every periormance. Miss Mildred Calvert is a talented young lady, and her selections on the violin and" mandolin, showed her to be complete master of both' these instru- ments. Mr. Parker in his banjo selec tions and songs, won the deserved ap- plause of the people. » This team will be at Wonderland for the balance of the week, and should. be heard Hy all lovers of good music. Frunk Woods' sang two splendid illustrated songs, in his usual .ontehy style, and the ig tures shown were two of the best ever entitled "The Two Brothers" and a comedy called "Gallagn ." The enter tainment provided at Wonderland this week" is refined and. neat, and is de serving of liberal. patronage. Kingston Oddfellows. Joseph Powley, Toronto, and a for- mer Kingstonian, and a member of Cataraqui lodge, is one of the candi- dates for the grand mastership of the LO.O.F. of Ontario, whose grand lotige will meet in Torent, during the second week in August. R. Meek, se- cretary-treasarer of | the Oddfellows' Relief Association, succeeds to the grand patriarch's chair in the grand encampment in August. -------- Dance at RB, J. Reid's Camp. On Tuesday night, about : twenty five yong people drove in a van down 40 R.'J. Reid's camp along the river and had a merry dance, The plat form was built within ten feet of the water in an ideal spot and as the night was perfect, everyone enjoyed themselves. immensely. McCauley's or- chestra furnished the music m_ their usual catchy style: Has Gone to Montreal. John L. Pope "has recovered suffi- ciently to be able-io go to Montreal where he will recuperate at his daugh ter's home: Mrs. William Spooner, his daughter, and Fred. J. Pope, his son, accompanied him from Kingston. Frank Jones, Division street, has gone to Ottawa on a business trip. Special Sale, this week only, over 50 kinds of corsets to choose from, all greatly r , Don't - miss _ this chance. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. "Pollantine eures hay fever." Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Feminine conceit is often fie. resalt of masculine flattery. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." ~ Good Furs Cost less in Kingston than ins any other city in Canada. A this store is excellence and va-} of its Fars. eal. Persian ' Lamb, Mink, Sa- bles, Fox, Lyax, bd How Minister Carvied Gospel to the | inough." evening united in marri - Children's Wash Dresses 3 Special Lines in Children's Wash 3 No. 1 Special Children's Print Dresscs, guaranteed fast colors. 2 to 4 years. Special at 35c. No. 2 Special --Childron's Heavy Duck Print Dresses, fast colors. 2 to 5 years. Special at 50c. Special No. 3-- Children's Pink and Blue Chambray Dresses. Guimpe attached. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Special 75¢. -- Sammie aim ss ------------ e---- " 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 e000 enel Sizes Sizes White Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Alma Hastings, Redan street, left yesterday for Stella for a short visit. Thomas Reid, Cobalt, is visiting his parents," Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Reid. Victoria street. Mrs. J. Whitcomb, the guest of Mrs. W. Cockburn, Bagot street, has. re turned to Toronto. Mrs. W. Burne and daughter, Nellie, Montreal, are the guests of the Misses Greaza, Wellington street. Arthur Deeks, of Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and' Mes. William Deeks, Johnson street. Miss Henrietta and Master Howard Graham, Gore street, have gone on visit among the Islands. Edward Bward and bride turned to Toromto after visiting parents on Division street, Mrs. f. Towriss, Glen. Buell, and Miss C. Taber, Athens, are guests of Mrs. N. Jackson, Sunbury. L. J. LeClair, Klumston is spending his holidays in Brockville the guest of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 1p Clair. Rev. Oscar Gessener and family, New York, arrived to-day and proceeded to their summer home on Milton Is- land. f* Congressman Lowen is entertaining Congressman J, 8. Faspett of Elmira for a few days at his island home, Castle Rest. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Surachan re turned, last 'night, from Minneapolis and other western points. They had a most delightful outing. Kent McArthur, London, who has been visiting his unele, W. C. Wrignt, Colborne street, left for his home last night on the steamer Dundun. ® Mr. and Mrs. T. Robinson, Bagot street, who: have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bastow, at their sum- mer home, East View Park, have re- turned home. « : Jeremiah Decks, son of William Leeks, Johnson street, has taken a position as stenographer in the office of the Dominion Express compasy, at Montreal. Misses Minnie Murphy and Fitzgerald, of this city, are expected home the latter part of this week al- ter spending their vacation - with friends in Smith's Falls and Ottawa. S.J. Kilpatrick and G. A. Bate man purpose crossing to Victoria, B. C., with the party going to the Meth- odist general" conference. They will be away for six weeks. Rev. Dr. Ryckman, on his six weeks visit to Victoria, B.C. to attend the Methodist general conference will be accompanied by his daaghter, Mrs. (Dr.) Alexander, of Lachute, Que. Mrs. John J. Shea, Belleville, in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, undergoing an operation for an affection of the eyes, has returned home, greatly improved, much to the joy of her many friends. Forrest I. Dryden, second vice-pre sident of the Prudential Insurance Co of America, passed through lere, ves terday, on his way to Sydenham, where he intends to spend a few days fishing? Rev. - Dr. Kilborn, the well-known missionary to China, has goné to his old home at Toledo, He will be in Kingston in a few days. On Sunduy he preaches in his foster church, Queen Street Methodist. a have re- his Jewsie For Sunburn Cold Cream This is soothing, healing and cooling, and when applied after a day's outing and ex- posure to the sun it stops the burn and keeps the skin smooth and clear id It is composed of the purest ingredients, and is most deli- cately perfumed 25¢ and 30c Pots, MAHOOD'S oro PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. CORRIGAN'S. y 1 | Mr. and Mrs. William Baynard Scott, and family, 350 Givens street, Toronto, have gone on a visit to the! Thousand Islands, and will spend | some time in Kingston with Mrs. | Scott's brother, R J. Elliott, of the Kingston post office. : 3 Mme. Rejane at Rehearsal. Mie. Rejane &t one of her - rehear- sals was endeavoring to impress upon a young actor the Wecessity of a tra- expression. "Put yourself in his she place," said. "But 1 have never been through such an Sxperience," the other plead ed. "Well, then," retorted the agtress, "imagine you have lost 300° or 400 louis at beecarat and that you have been dismissed from the company." His face. fell. © "There you have it," seid she. "Keep that expression jon and you will win." : For a young woman who could not wi to she toed a heroic cure. | ery well. I will take the part a way from you. You are pot preity e This hat the desired effect, and the "Weep like that and you will be the hit of the pides," exclaimed Rejane triumphagtly --London NM. A. P. Married Last Night. Rev. Dr. MacTavish, on Wednesday , Alexander Hord and Miss Minnie Wiley. The oe remoby occurred at the house of the bride's uncle, William Anderson, Prin- cose street. Mise Nellie Beriven and An- drew te, We have a great ar- ray of Ladies' WHITE UNDERSKIRTS at prices'ranging from €9¢c to $8.00 Each. See the special in White Underskirts that we will run on Friday at 98c each. They ave very neatly made, with two rows of Lace Insertion and finished with wide lace, nice fine cambiic; and made in all lengths, not skimped in any way. Regular $1.56 Skirt on Friday for 98c Each Br ---------- & Shaw | THE AKWAYS BUSY STORE. A Summer Tonic For that worn out, tired and run down Igeling there is no better tonic than a combination ot : Beef, Iron and Wine. Ours is deljgious in taste, con- tains iron to enrich the blood, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues, and choice wine as an appetizer. In a re- cent Government analysis a bottle taken from our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved io be a superior article ranking as first class. ; TRY A BOTTLE 506. - Dr. A. P.Chown, Tome Sh (IIIT Setts | An ideal Personal Girt for a Man. useful General and the Or a suitable Ornament for Library. We have them all prices, SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. works ING STRERT. AAA IAA NNN FURS. - W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. JEFFERIES DIDN'T COME BACK NEITHER DID - . Doctor Cook but we're like Bernhardt and Patti, we're vaming back and going to keep coming till everybody in your district decides to use GAS FOR COOKING Cheap, Clean, Convenient Call at the Office of the Works, Queen bireot, and arrange to have the necessary piping installed In your home. : Kingston L. H. & Power Co. C. C. FOLGER, Gen. Manager, {i Half done is a palpable i weak-kneed, dirty-facedl mis | chief maker' He's not toler. H 1! ated in this laundry; we wash i him out. Everylhing Is fully and perfectly done. Spates face curtains. ixquisite shirtwaists, Smoothsedged collars. SE wm