18,000, offers the advant- of its large resources, the © of wmervice and every HEH ult Med For the children. All ds of fon or the kin if [1 -- lw TO SHARE IN 'THE FUNDS OF THEIR TRIBE, 'Because They Migrated to Camada and Were Not Fniolled on the Last Records of the Tribe Prepar- ed in 1876, : Detroit, Mich., July 14.~A Washing: ton on says: fttawa and pins pewa 1 ns, who long ago cross the border to Uanuda, are pot regarded by the interior department as United States fedmen, entitled to share in the fundé of their tribe. This position was asserted by the department some time ago amd affirafed by Acting-Sestetary Pierce, to-day, after hedring = the re preséntatives of the Canadian Indians. The Ottawa and Chi ras, who in earlier days migr from hidtigon tg Walpole island, river St. Clair, in Canading waters, claimed they should share in the tribal funds aggregating $131,158 awarded these tribes by the i eonrt: of claims in 1907. The depart- ment held they did not prove that they or their aneestors, were Shrotied in 1876, when the lad reeo of - the tribes were taken. They had probahly moved out of the country before the treaty of 1585 and 'they had been receiving benefits from the Canadian government, 5 Baseball Records. Fastern lemgue--Montreéal 11-5, Tor onta 10-2; Rochester 5-2, Bullalo 2-1 , Paitimote 7; Jersey City 2; Newark 9, Providence 4. bi i American league--Bogton 5, Chicago 1: Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 1; Betrois 7, Washington 6 Cleveland 9, "New York 2. National leatue--Philadelphia = 2, Chicago 1; Cincinnati 2, Boston 0; Pittsburg 5, New York 0; St. Lodis 9, Brooklyn 3. x FE. J. Duval, of the Canada Car company, Montreal, formerly inspector of accidents on the board of railway commissioners, will he the chairman of the board of concilistion which will deal with the difficulties between the CP.R and its commeerial telegraph- ora. The Ontario railway and municipal hosed has received a letier from the Toronth railway in which the latter agites io lay the additional tracks ordered by the board. ZIT (AEA ood Flooring in end | cut White and Oak sn@ Select Birch for | Also h Floor. finch end they. Jad 'Maple Flooring 0. "1, junliti Mid Summer i r and Select || mL ~ or B | {NEE CHURCH, STORES AND HOME OUR SPECIALTY * | [ The Very Latest Culled From AN Over The World. James Doyle, sa Toronto employee The body of an unknown Indian was taken from the Niagara river. The health of Quebec's lieutenant. governot ir improving, secording tv the latest news. H. C. Mcleod, Toronto, was robbed on & Pullman sleeper between Toronto and Cleveland, haa. 'n ro Alfred Cooper, ing clerk. biirrested for stealing a Bros", leather © warehouse, Toronto, pleaded ¥e ; Ahout thirty Doukabors at Vi are preparing to go on march They bitte burned al their dothing Xo agreement has pot been signed between the C.P.R. ils men. Ee NEW ORLEANS GIRL SHOT HIS ASSASSIN. < zetia, proprietor a saloon and gro- cory, lel} - & victim of the soca Black Hand society, yesterday, but his death wae avenged un few later when i seventeen-year-old daughter shot and killed the assassin as he was attempting to escape. Munzella bad recently received many letters signed "Black Hand Scuiety," . jand yesterday an Italian called st the store and demanded tative of ihe M. Kilpatrick was sentenced to four [dered to leave the plave breast. As months in jail at New Liskeurd for an unprovoked assault on License Inspec tor Blackwell. : Walter Northrup, said té have lived in Toronto for ten years, diappenred Ww ufysteriously fram Syracuse a ter he had been married. The trainmen of the Pennsylvania railroad have voted an agreement as to wages and working conditions is reached with the company, - At Montreal, United States postage stamps valued at $100,000 were "seized by representative of federal govern ment on suspicion that they are for David McKinley, a Toronto ~bank- rapt butchef, was oft for trial on a rge made by assignee of ne ering to keep proper account books usiness. : The body of J. N. McKendry, the Toronte dry goods man, who died in London, Eng., is being brought across on the Lusitania, which reaches New York to-morrow, A Because of a wave of crime at Pitts. burg, Pa., recently the authorities have prohibited moving picture of train robberies, safe cracking and oth: or excitable events. Pulpwood concessions, around Lake Nipecon, are to be sold by the pro- vincial governnient subject to the con- dition that the wood is wmenufsctured into paper in Ontario. 'The democratic state convention of Wisconsin has voted in favor of nomi- nating a state ticket, and unanimously named Adolph J. Schmitz as their candidate for government. The negotiations between Spain and the vatican the church question has been sus dn account of the ill- ness of Sen Ojedali, the Spanish ambassador/at the vatican, The or ure theatres of Hull Que., Mave decided mot to . show the Jefiries-Johnson fight pictures there even if they are permitied by the Quebec government, Two more small-pox cases have been discovered in Torgnto and now there are four small-pox patients in the Swiss cottage hospital, including one from the to ip. of York, W. G. Trethewey, owner of the farm at Weston, where the aviation meet is in progress, has made a present of five hundred dollars to Count De Les seps in recognition of She count' D. Whitnal Bynum, aliss Whil Bry moff, alias Guy Cecil, pleaded guilty to assaulting and attempting to rob W. L. Gage, of "in Ki Edward hotel, Toronto. Bynum will be sentenced after inquiries into hiv t would naturally be quiet this month if it was not for the special Every Line Reduced inducements - 'The'latest and best at {liament buildings, Toronto, on which {ron Gen, Baden-Powell and his renowned scouts will be seen at the Nations Exhibition, Toronto, this season. The little fellows, in uniform, will atten: 'from all parts of Ontario, 500 of then bei gv on the groms for th # of air. a TE Society has decided to-send a petition ts the Ontario government, making that a last bronse shall monument in stone or erectedsnear the par- | may be placed the names of the vie tories, won hy. the Canadian forces in the war of 1512, together with the names of the who then fell in the deferice of their country, including Brock, Tecumseh and Maedonell, ------------------------------ INDIAN EDUCATION. An Endoaver to be Made to Better it { . tered 2lla in the | he drew his revStver and fired. Young Josephine Manzella rushed into the store and gave chase to the assassin, firing si him 89 she ran. hiner When "the police arrived the girl was bending over the body of father, weeping. The slayer Jay in the gutter near the entrance, with bullet wounds near his heart. Mr a t-------------- ® News From Cushendall. Cushendall, July 12.o Farmers re aged haying. oth) pom this gt Re end the celebration in Brock- ville on 12th. On . Sunday evening, Woodburn Pine Hill Orange lodges at- tended service in Zion church. William Gordon, who been so seriously ill with t id-pneumonia, is recover- ing rapidly. St. James church held a Lawn Social on Wednesday evening at Todd's Hill, Mr. W. Gordon recently purchased a new corn silo, Arthur Ger- main, a hay-loader, John Ward, a hay-rake. Mr. and Mrs. G, McClymont and child, Ottawa, are visiting at 3. Woods, Ms. F. Garner and chil- dren, Hamilton, are spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mus. Doherty. William S. Ward, of G. T. R. Mont- real, and wife and child with his mo- ther, Mrs. Ward. Miss Odette, Kings- ton, at James Gordon's; J. Whitney, Portsmouth, at a y's Miss Matyoerite Martin, ston, is § - ing vacation at home; Master A. Ec- clos and listle Miss M. Simpson, King- ston, also at A. Martin's; B. MoKane, wife and baby, Kingston, visiting ns mother, Mrs. McKane, last week, Miss J. Jackson returned to Sunbury after i few with her sister, Now. W, Gordon, Miss Katie Hamil ton, who has spent several months in Toronto returned home recently. Miss Gracie Weir is visiting in. Brockville, Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, July 18~NMrs. W, J. Paul and sop George, left, on Monday, for Winnipeg, to visit Iriends. Rev. R. Ballantyne, wife and family wre visiting ut William Brown's: M7. Hassard, of Selby, is visiting here. R. N. Miller, of New York, is visitinz bere. Robert Kilpat, in jumping a rail fence to catch a horse, was thrown and broke his leg. The Orangemen of this place celebrated at Moscow, on July 12th Sim a large tumnott. Mr. Anderson, county 'r master, the jobs of tearing down the old bridge Main street and replacing same with a new steel structure. Mr. Humphrey, of NewYork, is visiting at Herbert Stinson's. -------------- Sf Captiired a Gunboat. Bludfields, July 14aThe Estrada forces have éaptured the Madris gun 3 according {0 wiessagos received. here" to-day. The 'eft New Orleans two months ago 32 a filibustering expedition as been activly: sngaged with the Madris forees since' that time, The capture was 'made, alter a sharp battle, in which causulties were heavy, ad ng to despatches recéived at Colon to- lay. : J ------ "Items From Flower. Flower, July 18.5Mrs. A. Leakey and Miss Hazel ave retorned home from Ashton. Frank St, Pere has re heeturned from working on extra gang, Murvale. Mrs. Howard Metionegal is visiting in Aroprior. Mrs Etsie Lee, wesday with Miss Leno Lyon. Miss Sadie on ha# return- ad from visiting friends at . Howard McGonegal hus gone to Reun- irew for a few days. a ---------------------- a Ottawa, July 14--It is that the government is considering thi question of Indian education in the) west with 4 view of its betterment An increase will be made in the grants to intial ls. for Indians pt: C, Scott is leaving for the west in this connection to-mor- Yow... Tifa, of te i tion department, the man wi t In ible with J. Taglor, of Woodstock or, Ont., been month for incivility. . : in Ottawa Ee i Saxon been destroyed by an Montréal, July M.~It is expected that the vote of the Grand Trunk trainmen will be all in by: to-morrow aight. It is claumed thet the mien are standin' behind the general committee in insisting upon their original de mans, aul lyvos a. strike if these are has | Spri . in Kingston. , ; A meeting of the eseeniive of the and council of ~ the Catholic Mutual Association - of Canada was the ston; Geo. Lynch-Staunton, grand legal adviser, Hamilton, Ont. Hon. J McHugh, Windsor; J. T. Hallisey, Travo, N.S; J. W. Mallon, LI.B., Toronto; Pr. Alex. Germain, {| Montreal; and J. A. Murphy, chair man, committee on laws, Usyuga. A number 5l important matsves deal ing with the internal, work The report of: the auditors, for the half. year ending Jupe 3th, was pre- | sented, showing in-détail the standing of the various funds of the association on that daté. The auditors, state: "We jare pleased to note the great pro- gress made by the assqciation during ; the" three years since the last conven- tion statement, June 30th, 1907. The surplus of the association has increas- ed during that time feo 822840743 to ¥522,531.66, equal to 129 per cent. increase." X thrée years ending 30th June shows that during that time he has receiv- ed: Beneficia fund, $1,123,113.13; reserve fund, 106.08; general fund, $31,137.33; sick benefit fund, $16,430, 21, making a total of $1,329.965.75. During the same period the dis bursements have heen: For benefi- a fund, -$1,005,058.13; for general fund, $117,217.76 for sick benefit fund, £11,498.01, making a total of $1,133, 773.93. v The membership on the 30th of June had reached 22,252. 'The total amount paid out for death claims. and sick bedefits is $4,634,059.09, FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Sales Made on the Board on Thurs. day. At the Frontenac cheese board on Thursday the following factories hoard. ed cheese : White--Battersea, 35; Excelsior, 35; Glenvale, 60; Sand Hill, 60; St. Law- rence, 55; Collins Bay, 35; Model, 60; Morning Star, 50; Reynolds, 90; Pine Hill, 90; Hinthinbrooke, 35; Sunbury, 60; Arigan, 20; total, 625. Colored--Battersea, 35; Elm Grove, 60: Glenburoie, 50; Gilt Edge, 72; Howe Island, 33; Latimer, 60; Ontario, 46; Silver Springs, 80; Thousand Is jlands, 70; Wolfe Island, 79; Glen- dower, 40; Arigan, 20; total, 675. The following sales were made : At 10 13-16¢c,, Mr. Alexander secured Howe Island, Battersea, Excelsior, Latimer, Model, Sand Hill, Thousand Islands, Wolfe Island, Gilt Edge; at 10 13-16¢,, Mr. Murphy secured Ari- gan, Eln{ Grove, * Glenburnie, Morning Star, Pige Hill, Collins Bay; Mr, Gib- son secired St. Lawrence and Silver Springs, at 10 13-16c,, and the offering of Glenvale at 10%c. The president, William Craig, noti- fied the members of the board that the city council had decided 10 make a grant of $200, for the convention the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's As so@ation, and his report was received with much enthusiasm, ---------- No Action as Yet. The police commissioners hud an: other meeting, to-day, in reference. to the granting of a license, jor » laundry, on Barrie street, near the corner of { Earl street, Hut no final action was taken. The proprietor of a hinese : Inundry wants to mous into the block, hut some of the residmnts are making a strong protest. The board will give a decision, in the case, in the course a few days. The commissioners vere given the power regarding the location of laundries, at a recent meeting of the council, aud this is the first case of the kind to come up, since (the power was given. 2 Sir Frank's Ready Wit. M.A. PF, London. ° Probably no: one had more ready wit than Sir Frank Lockwood, lawyer. He was a tall man, and an unruly member of his audience ence "Vealled out to him in the middle of his 8 , "Goit, telescope!" "My friend is mistaken in applying that term to me," Sit Frank quietly said. "He ought to claim it for him- self; for, though he cannot draw me out, I think I can both see through bin 'and 'shut him wp." = To Secure His Release. Petitions are being culated in To- Jronto for the -xelease of. Dr. Stephen B. Pollard, serving a five-year. term I i 5 % i 5 iH i 3 : i i : i : F E t Ke€.} of the ns sociation were dealt with. "3T The grand secretary's report for the] 100000000000000000000000000000000 GO" Is the Word Now. Sum- mer things "Are Hurried kJ Out With Scant Cere- mony In. the Way of: Prices Rewnants of Prints, Remnants of Ginghams, Remnants of Lawns, Remnants of Wash Goods of all kinds. To-Morrow at greatly reduc- ed prices. What Woman isn't interested in bargainsif they are genuine ? Come To-Morrow. a 45 Ladies' Stylish Wash Dresses All different and all up to the latest notch in style and shade. Colors are White, Cream, Pink, Helio, Blue, Linen Shade. $1.50, 5.75, 7.50; 6.95, 8.95. Every Neckwear Need. Is satisfied here. This summer's fashions allow a woman to display her dwn indi. viduality in 'dressing her neck. We help her to the most becoming. New Dutch Collars, New Embroidered Collats, New Lace Jabots, New Oollar and Cuff Sets, White Silk Glaves, Long or Short. r White Lisle Gloves, Long or Short Special Values in Black Silk Gloves Very satisfactory makes, double finger t'ps and a quality above the average. 49¢, Tbe, 99¢ The Etiquette of Clothes What to Have, How to Make Them, When to Wear Them Answered by an authority, the woman who knows, in the serial articles, Dress Making Made Easy, By Eleanor Chalmen, In the August Delineator Just received. RLEPRLLADPREPRBLBLLEBDNENILNVRININEDERM 00 0 £ All redaced 20 per cent to 25 per cent, - Men's $5.00 Tans for $4.00 and $3. 5 Men's $4.00 Tans, $3.20. Ladies' Empress, Dorothy-Dodd, Children's Rochester and other rae . * High Grade Shoes Try a pair of Tan Shoes for comfort. er Resoennencocnccccceton 0000000 OCOOOOOOOIROTY