i ! 1 r i To di OIL. STOVES 2-Burner, $1.50 * Wickfor Stoves, all IOE- Picks ICE Chissls 10E cream freezers * All the Cool Com-' forts At Eorocaannmeetans : ' { orbett's vr i THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. aD Te Le ER Ee ed r Year. Edi Select pun a ra, SEE Ip, 1 pat , cha. ; u morning at 'a as or post to bes Sed Son price of Bally » A is one of the best job Brint- stylish, 1 '4 in Canads; os ae. OTK: Alan Sr <The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. TORONTO OFFICE. P., representative. ~ Daile Winig. THE SIGN OF FAILURE, The departmental examinations are fover, and there are a good many anxi- ous hearts. And there are quite a few that are not anxious. These are in that indifferent class who idle away most of the study season, who show no ,8ppreciation of the teacher's work, who will try every new member of the staff and make his life as miserable as possible. For a long time current re- port had it that some of the candi- dates would be up against it when the testing time came around. Some of these candidates presented themselves | when the examination papers were handed out, hut. their stay was short, and their names will not appear in ithe honour list later on. The fruits of indolence and imattention will now <P Highest 4 Grades "LUBRICATING OIL, PROMPT DELIVERY W.F. KELLY, Io oye's Building. - Quality j teacher when. the sure dnd certain re- sult is failure and humiliation. AIPASSING EMOTION. A spasm of morality has come over the people. They do not want the moving pictures of the prize fight to be put on exhibition. All decently dis- posed persons appear to be ashamed of the event at Reno. Even Jefiries himself, howed shame, has in gone off to his home in Southern California and seems to be anxigis to forget about his meeting with Johnson as soon as possible. He should be willing to surrender the $86, 000 he received as his share from the ~ Vitagraph with his regrets that hy ever made a meeting with, thé negro possible. Who cares for! the pictures anyway ? No ong ho has any re- gard for himsplf, and society cannot afford to tandekle any more to the evil propensities of passionate men. Y ¥ geri dy BMa0gt, 2 RE It does not pay to roast the |] see Where. a siting can be effected. The 'general belief is that the civil There is not only a disposition on the part of men to crowd the departments but t6 live on a scale that is alto gether out of keeping with the salary list. Hence the scandals that have broken out from time to time. Hon. Mr. . Murphy may correct the levils in the printing bureau, but the need of the hour 'is a general purifica- cation or's general re-organization such as would tindoubtedly ocecur if the public business were ron like the A business of the individual or industrial institution, * DESERVED A SNUB, A while ago a Hamilton man, an ex-police officer, returbing to Canada from Earope, via New York, had an unfortunate collision with an American immigration official. So rough and uncalled for was his usage that he made a complaint about it, and the matter was referred in due course to the dominion immigration agent at New York. That officer has reported that the proceedings were not marked, in 'this man's case, by anything un- usual, which makes the Hamilton Her- ald express its surprise, "Is it to be understoodi" says our contemporary, "'that the customary procedure at the port of New York, in the cases of Canadians who are re: turning home from Furope by way of New York, is for the United States immigration officials to insult and browbeat them, fo hang huge labels on them, to subject them to rigid medi- cal examination, to put them into tug- boats and dump them on Edis Island, and keep them imprisoned there for hours without. food. If this is so Ca nadians who visit Earope would do well to steer clear of New York when they return home." A mild protest to-say the least of it. Had any Kingstonian shown a similar disregard for Canadian inter- ests and suffered in tonsequence.! the Whig would have been inclined to say, "Served you right." What possesses any Canadian stray off through American territory, spending his good money on American railways and ho- tels and boats, when there are oper- ated, in conpection with our great railways, and independently, some of to service in Ottawa is over-mansed 4 where these ave suppdged to be able to do ax they like! : "Ten of Hamilton's teachers have de- cided 10 see whether matrimony is what it is cracked up to be. It is fit- ting, of course, that the ambitious city should lead in a cause at once so pleasant snd popular. : amet. The arithmetic paper ecdonot have been so very hard after all when every candidate who entered ' at Preston passed the entrance examination. Eith- er that or the Preston scholars are great on mathematical trick problems. According to the Farmers' Advocate the present Commissioner of Agricnl- ture was selected because he could be re-elected, not. because he had any ideas he. could spread with satisfac tion. When the farmers' papers have no 'se for Mr. Duff it is time he pack- {ed his grip. The Ottawa Journal is impressed with the fact that Sir Wilirid Laurier would not spend 'a #ouple of montis in the west except on political busi- ness. Well, if he cannot make more of a stir than the Borden combination, a couple of years ago, he certainly will have lost his grip. : The Manitoba teachers, 165 of them, and a really good looking lot, have gone on a trip to England. They sail from Montreal on Monday. Some of them will not come back. They can- not fail to capture some of the young viscounts and marquises and dukes that have so far escaped the matri- monial lasso. : The United Statés state department does not know of any appeal that has been made to The Hague regarding the rights of the whalers or sealers in the Hudson's Bay. Uncle Sam is al together too innocent' for one who has his long andg varied experience. He really see that the boys are not must Washington jokes too far. at carrying their The Medical Council resents the cri | ticism of the profession, and. especial- lv of Dr. Young in his paper, the Medicasl Journal. But they have pro- fited by his charges of extravagance. There will be more economy hereafter: It was awful, "an absolute disgrace," to accuse the council of graft, but-- i } THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY. 9," 1610. Here is an opportunity for the _ host whodesires to serve 'some thing different "--and better. a The new biscuit made from cream of wheat. Crisp, dainty and ap- petizing. "They really taste fine," epicures say, Your grocef sells them--in tins on}. 23 Made by Paters« n of Brantford x JUST RECEIVED A Big Shipment of Table Linens and Table Cloths Size, 2} yards x 3 yards. Regular price, $4 to 85 each. Now reduced to $3 and $3.50 each, on instalment plan. For cash, 10 per cent. off. Also received new case of Clothing, which I will sell at low prices. Come and inspect it. New Ladies' Underwear and all kinds of Stockings, at low prices. * JOS. B. ABRAMSON, 41 COLBORNE STREET, one-cent afternoon, and see what hap- pens when a car arrives, and hun dred youngsters are ready to embark for home. They come at the car like a swarm of bees and are in possession in an instant, climbing over the dis embarking passengers and into thé seats. It is an. amusing sight to watch, ; The Lampman does not agree those town councilmen who are ever declpring that the street car company takes everything it can get from the town council and gives noth- ing_in return. He just wunts to point out that' the déffreciation iin property values in many parts of Kingston, if there were no cars runuing, would more than balance. anything that the council Shas given the ecyr company. with for ing the Soumpany when" it tells the peo- ple plainly that the profit from run ning the cars iz next to nothing, In a recent issue, the Canadian Free man editor made this statement: "I the city" council would reduce the water rate for baths, it certainly would be doing a wise act. Then there would be no excuse for some of our government. officials not presenting a clean appearance." When the Lamp Iman read this item a-weeR or 50 ago would be a police action entered in for pro he thought there ° court case, or an "Billy" Carson's division court damages, but he has heard no test as yet from. the government offi- What if the use, he asks, of hammer<§ A SPECIAL INVITATION | Artistic, Two-Piece Suits MEN WHO HAVE NEVER YET BEEN ABLE TO FIND ! READY - TO « WEAR GAR- MENTS THAT PLEASED THEM IN FABRIC, WORK- MANSHIP OR FIT ARE SPECIALLY INVITED TO IN SPECT/0UR) ELEGANT SUIT SPREAD, : THE MILLS HAVE EXCEL + LED THEMSELVES THIS SEASON BY TURNING OUT FABRICS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER BEFORE. EX. PERT TAILORS, THE BEST * THAT MONEY CAN EMPLOY, HAVE MADE UP OUx SUITS IN NEW AND HANDSOME MODELS AND THEY'RE . asing Fabrics d¥e Homespuns, Halifax Tweeds, Fine Worsteds, etc., pad- ded shoulders, half-lined coats, Trousers made with eunff buttons and belt straps, ete, SUITS, 4 $6.50, SUITS, - $8.50. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF OUTING SUITS, SUITS, $10.00. £12.00. TROUSERS, $2.00, $2.30, $3.00, $3.50. Lumber . - The best tifat choice logs. | Z modern. machinery, = careful © workmen can produce. : ~ The manufacture, drying, / ding and housing of LUM- ER is a science which we have . Acquired by close study, and long experience. A / ; . SUPURIOR QUAILATY. -- REASONABLE TES. the 'expenses will be reduced, Looks as if the wounds were deep. the finest ships afloat ? If one wants to smile upon his cous- ins to the south, and receive only|. ee tinel-Review, is a modest man, gene {snubs for his smiles, he should pre- | 0000000000000000000008 0 rally, but he is codgageous the while, [serve a discreet silence. This is plain | ® . : and deserves the thanks of all tra- [gpeech, but it is necessary occasion- : The Man * s "Phere § a custom i yelling persons for his effectual action lally. % 3 Ww h : against an offending government : : On alc e '® | raising 'coutitries," saifl a resident of | & J . - agent. This Agent ; vepresented * - the 0000000000000000000008 [Rio de Janeiro, Brasil} "which is un NEW GREY NEW BROWN Canadian government, and he roused The Jmpinan: notices that" Dr. known in other parts\of the world. WORSTEDS, WORSTEDS. vials. RL. CALLED TO ACCOUNT. Se THE TOWN WATCHMAN. * W. J. Taylor, of the Woodstock Sen- Nobby Three-Piece Suits. HAND TAILORED, COFFEE ON WEDDING DAYS. NEW ARRIVALS. - ; ; We ask Men who are "oveply clothes particular" in the coffee new comers, Countries Where They Raise It, Custom in to call to see these FANCY WORSTEDS, Fawns, London Smoke, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, THE NEED OF QUEEN'S, .. Every ome who is interested--and S. Anglin & Co. ." Foot Wellington Street. NM: Taylor un ly; was rude in + When a child is born in the coffee $15, $18, £20, $15, $18, $20. country, a sack of the best grain" is the extreme, and finished by putting i hint off the train at Windsor. ~~ Mr. Taylor laid his case before the government, dnd a prompt enquiry fol- lowed. It resulted in the confession of the official that he had mistaken his man, that he thought he was ad- T's Real Estate Agoncy ESTABLISHED 1862. _ GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St. t that kind, bags or bar. Atari erate dvessing one with whom he had had | a difficulty, and not until afterwards was he Aware of his érror. An in- spector of 'the department found evi dence in support of Mr. Taylor's com- plaint, apd the offending official ten: dered to him ,a written and verbal apology. | That may be the end of the case, _ and it may not. The government should not trust the enforcement of an act, a duty requiring diplomacy, de- liberatiogg and discretion to any rash one, and the Taylor experience may suggesg. a remedy. Canadians cannot complain of American ineivility when y Be (COANED BREF. wCetitat.. D. COU PER'S, may be and securing the 341.3 Princess Street. : their own officers are so lacking in the qualities they should so largely possess. -- b OTTAWA'S GREAT NEED. The suicide of a 'suspended official 12980 does not and should not affect the gov- end be {enquiry into_any department of ernment at Ottawa, and . to the 'that efficiency and economy may service commission | purposes for which it was designed, but apparently it is not doing one 8008000000000 00000 * thing. It is not discovering the leaks o im the"public service, and it is not ® reducing the cost of official supervis- esscenseccscesee Who is not who realizes the large place it fills in the public eye--will hope that and as a member of the university stafi. He was one of the happy finds which the late Dr. Grant made during the time he was engrossed with educa- tional issues. He saw in Dr. Jordan not only the scholar but the enthusi- ter the discovery until he was a mem- ber of the university staf. That he has won distinction in his department has been made quite clear by the call that now comes to him from Knox College. If he removes to Toronto the loss will be keenly felt outside of the col- lege halls, because he was a loyal and devoted citizen, modestly carrying him- sell on all occasions, yet not hesitat- wield an influence for good whenever he could. Queen's really needs him--the Whig will be excused for saying. this--and all like him, and if the conditions, that prevail, growing out of the struggle for separation from the church, operate against their ascendancy or contentment, great will be the regret. The average layman may not know what is for the best within the eol- lege and church, and may not be war- ranted in boldly offering an opinion, but it does seem a pity that when the question that divides the supporters of both was so near a settlement in Hali- fax it was not disposed of. Upon the result of that vote many contingencies depend. : hy EDITORIAL NOTES. The polling in Manitoba on Monday. It is time there was a change of gov- ornment when even: the conservatives are protesting against some of its ing to t | transactions. "Joliries Can't Come Back." ' Neith- er can the Borden tories, albeit they've tried often enough, remarks the To- ronte Telegram, in a moment of ex- Prof. Jordan will remain in the city! astic teacher, and it was not long af-!| Ryan, of the Rockwood asylum, d clared an old Midland townsman in- sane when he married a thirly-year- old lassie. There are hushands in Kingston, he says, who wish that the good doctor would get into the wit- ness box and declare that they were insane when they wedded their wives, and secure release for them. However, the Lampman thinks that the old Mid- land lad, who is just eighty-two years 1 old, was quite sensible when he picked jout a thirty-year-old. Since the town fire brigade has had no work to do for forty days, the | Lam in is of opinion that its mem- | bers should have been put to work to {dose water on the burning sod in Mac- {donald park during the past ten days. In former years, that park used to be watered, its bewnly has been marred by the lack of water this summer. Since Councifihan William Craig re- signed his leather-cushioned chair mn the town council chamber, there is no one to prevent the town fathers from taking a good long vacation of three | months. Last year Councilman Craig {brought the people's representatives to timg and the result was that a "aca tion of less than two months was taken, saben, The kids of Kingston are lucky little beggars, the Lampman thinks. They do enjoy the one-cent days on the street cars and their rides to and from Ontario park, where they can frolic, and buy peanuts and ie cream The poorer kidd of Montreal would envy their little Kingston comrades enjoy- lake breezes. And by the way, the Lampman asks, did you ever see the kids swarm on the cars? H you have not, just go to Omtario park on some A Pleasing Combination Post Toasties Adding strawberries or any kind of fresh or stewed fruit makes a delicious summer dish. The crisp, golden-brown bits have a most delightful flavour § ----a fascination that appeals to ing the pleasures of the parks and the | {set aside as part of the inheritance to be received oh atlaining its majority.' "Usually the sack iz the gift of some dose friend, or relative, and it is guarded as sacredly as if it were a gift of gold and bonds; No stress would induce a Brazilian parent to use coffee which was made the birth gift of a child. ~ "Ag a rule, it is sealed with the private seal of the owner, and bears a card giving all particulars about the variety of grain, its age on being sacked, the birth of the child to whom it was given, and other details, which are very interesting when the seal is broken, oe "Generally the coffee is opened for the first time when the child marries. The coffee for the reception 'or mar riage feast 3s made from the legacy, and, according to precedent, this must be the first time the sack is opened After the cofiee 13 made for the wed ding feast the and sent to the new home of the young couple, and should keep them in the staple for a year at least." JUMPED HIS HOTEL BILL. And Did a Little Borrowing on Prin- cess Street. A 'man who went under the name of Devlin, of Montreal, worked the flim flam game on several parties in Kings- ton on Friday. He was staying at the Iroquois hotel, and got away without paymg his bill. At a' Prinedss street store he ordered a large number of articles, which he was to call for, and incidentally borrowed | half a dollar from the mapager to pay a black- smith who was unable to cash his cheque. He failed to come for the goods or to return the money. Up- town he called at a house and tried to borrow u little from ons of the family on the pretence that he was the friend of an absent member of the household, and was a little short, No doubt he stung others herve, Clancy-Hyland. A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage, Newburgh, on June 29th, when Rev. M. E. Sexsmith united in marriage Miss Bessie Clancy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Clancy, Wesley, and Elmore Hyland, a pros rous young farmer of Reidville. The Pride was becomingly attired in a travelling costume of blue, and was assisted by. the groom's cousin, Miss {aura Hanna, while Duncan Clancy ably assisted the Toronto and Niagara Falls, returniog by Kingston. On Monday evening a jon was tendered the happy sack is carefully closed OTHER LINES, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00, - Real Panama Hats CLAIM TO HAVE THE BEST $5.00 PANAMAS IN CANADA. The H.D.Bibby Co: ~ The Big Store With Little Prices. Abernethy's Shoe Store Ara AA A al NAN Nl Saturday's Tempting Offers---- . $3.00 New lines of Men's Low Summer Shoes, in Patents and Tans, just arrived: Special $3.00 ~ Barefoot Sand all sizes, just arrived, for men, women and children, boys and girls 65¢ Childs' Brown Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, 65¢ Baby Sandals, 3 to 5, $3.50 and $3.00 Women's Swell Tans and Patent Ties, just arrived this week, Best value in town. $3.50 and $3.00 Trunks, Bags, ! Suit Cases All Prices. ABERNETHY'S