Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1910, p. 7

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i Summer Dresses" The Finest y ike We Have Ever Made Lovely Princess Dresses, in Mauve, White, Cxéam, Pink and Black. £1.00, $5.00, $3.50 up to $10.00, New Two-piece Wash Costa tn Blue, Pink, Mauve, Grey, Tan, White and Cream. Long Linen Auto Coats, in White "and Cream. White and Cream Skirts. $1.50, 82.00, $2.50 up to $4.50, Handsome White and Black Lawn Waistd at $1.00 and up / D. M. SPENCE, Tue bending Milli: eryStore : HONUMENTS : : Granite and Marble mr Latest Designs ana oighest Class (of Memorial Work. We have modern equipment fou or Marble. Our business success 18 due to fur nishink first-class work. 5. 1 KILPATRICK & C0 Cor. Clorgy and Princess Streets. Kingston, Out. ---- AMEALEEALILELELERELELLARASAREREARIRRRRARS Warm Weather | UITINGS Large Sclectiop Prices 'Reasonable. CRAWFORD & WALSH, ; Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot sto Seeseres Posse Poe ¥ OOTOOICHO0 OOOO OOODCOTOO0 Elliott Bros, - Telephone 35. 717 Princess Street. Give us a call when you require Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Co:l Oil Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of the above goods at the lowest prices. Tile Sewer Pipe and Fittings Constantly On Hand. GOOOOO0000000000 0000000000000 DOOOIOD FOOT VOTO TOGOTOOOOOI000 QOOOOCOOOO0N -- 'Gasoline Launches Marine and, Stationary Engines A full line of Launches in stock, from 18 feet to 35 feet, ready for quitk delivery. Marine Engines from 3 to 50 horse- power. Stationary Bagines from 3 1-2 to 35 horse-power, at attractive cash prices. Apply "JOHN MACH AY, Liquidator. Lanadian Gas Power & Rabon. Limited, 1456 Dufferin Street, 7 and Lake and York Streets, Toronto. sssessesancsscinnsaene S00000s000000ROOORGS Davis Motor Boats Our reputation and fagities are of the first importance to you. hey guarantec ECONOMY, COMFORT and SAFETY. The suppe~ acy of our Motor Boat is ever questioned. Our 1910 fite a x a iy success. Have you ad one for this Fo i nat, Dt ts receive pro atten Buy vd Gasolin pm adit and SUPPLIES from us et 38 da your a frasine work and and save gmoney Tor you. . . . 5 . * : . Ee Fmmanafacture of auythiug in Granise | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, en RSDAY, JULY 7, 1910. -- ---- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG "CORRESPONDENTS TELL Us, ihe Tidiags From Various Points tn Kastern Untario--What People Are 'wing And What They Are Saying. Massassagon Items, Massassagon, July 6. --Rain much needed in this vicinity as every- thing is drying up in the fields. Mal com Thompson, of Harlowe, called on iriends here last week. iss Violet Bishop "is visiting at Mrs. Thomas Perry's. Miss Myrtle Webster leit for her howe in Oso; on Friday, to spend ber vueation. F. Babeock spent Sun- day last, at "Maple Grove." Miss H. 8. Critchley is home from Flinton for hey holidays, William Salmond is home from Kingston, where he has been at tending Business College. is Very Donaldson Doings. » Donaldson, July 6.~Mr. and Mrs. I Morrow, sr., held a reception in honor af the marriage of their daughter Mary Ellen to William - Thomas, of Clyde Mills. Miss C. H. Nicholson, has gone to spend her holidayg at ber home in Sydenham. Mrs. F. Hamilton and little son, Herbert, of Kingston, are at her home here. T. Sargeant hell 5 successful bee, on Tuesday. Visitors: Miss Bertha McKenzie, of Smith's Falls, at her sister's, Mrs. James Allest's; J. Allen and Mrs, F. Hamil ton, at Mrs, L. Brownlee's, Elphin; Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, at A. Thompson's, Elphin, Went Through Arm. July 6.--~While loading hay last week, 'James Cummins Had the misfortune to run a pitchfork tine through his arm. Earl Burt lost valuable Rorse fhis mor Mr. and Mrs. Collins and family, Trenton, ar- rived in a motor Saturday afternoon, to 'spend Sunday with Mrs. Collins' uncle, Overton Babeock. €. W. Jul lech and Master Charley, of Lyi, sunt the week-end at W. H. Noilson's, Mrs. Bulloch and litile" Margaret returning with them to their home, on Monday, Mrs. W.. Tooping, Elgin, is visiting her parents, Mr. apd Mrs. J. Wallyce, Me. and Mrs. Anson Guess, Sydenham, spent Monday with Mrs, Bust. Walter Shibley has returned to his work on the railroad. "Wilton, -- Kaladar Catchés. Kaladar, July. 6.--J oseph Quinn, of the atation staff, spent Sufiday at his home in Tweed. A number from here attended the Roman Catholic picnic at Flinton, on Wednesday last. Mrs. 0. H. Dunn spent one day last week with friends in Arden. Mr, Gibson, Springbrook, is 'here loading several cars of lamber for Bufialo. P. A. Wickware, Cloyne, gave our town a call to-day. B. Thompson left, last week, for Napanee, where he has secur- ed a position. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodcock spent. a few days of last week, in Enterprise, with Mrs. Wood cock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parks. Miss Rendell, Deseronto, and Miss B., Campbell, Ottawa, were guests of Mins | Fleming, on Saturday. Messrs, Wil liam Dafoe and Lee Norris came home' from Bannockburn for a few vacation. . His First Sermon. Hartington, July 6.<Rev. Mr. Wad dell delxered his first sermon to ni peorle here last Sunday evening. He spoke from the words "Men, whose hearts God had touched," and was listened to' with much pleasure and in- terest. Next Sabbath afternoon sermon by Rev. A. Fokes will be' de livered . to the Orangemen in this church. Members of lodges from, Syd- enham, Harrowsmith, Verona and Pei- worth are expected to attend. Tle Free Methodist camp meoting. at Ver ona, has drawn a lares number of our villagers thither during the ast two weeks. Quite a number from wre em- | braced the oppo Laity of "svemy the wild beasts" affosdsl by the Mighiy Haag show in Niagston aa Dasemon Day, Miss Booths Jove da srviong in normal entrance at Sydenlam, and Master lan Revelle on Faculty of Ed- ucation, A pienic was held last Thus Jay at Cosey Isladd. 8. Ban- | sock, Seattle, who has been guest «of | his brother, %: son Baboock, for a number. of weeks, left for Western 'On- tario this morning, Benson Babeock accompanied him. They will visit friends in those parts for a short time. i John | Allisonville News, Allisonville, July 5.--Mrs. Morvan and daughter, visited Mrs. Morvan's daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Phi- | Lips, on Sunday. Mrs. 8S. Dumphv,! visite} fer Inther fast week. Mis, A. ! Murphy visited her father,- KE. Pine, | Saturday and Sunday, Wesley Boyd visited his parents, Mr. awd Mya | Boyd last week. Miss Alice Boyd and | gates to the Sunday schogl conven: | tion, at Wellington, Miss assel, West- | brook, visited her friend, Miss Sadie! Forshee, on Thursday night. from around here attended the funeral! # Mrs. Locklin. She was aged 90 years. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond went | to Rochester last Saturday to spend ! a week, Mrs, MePoint is very low. | Mrs. Herbert Fox, is very ill with no] hopes of getting well. Mr. and Mrs { Asa Broad. visited Mrs. Broad's moth-| or, Mrs. Sarah Babcock, on Sundav. alsa Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks and Mrs. Helen Forshee. 4 + Bethel Briefs. Bethel, July '5.--Berrics m this see tion have suffered very much for lack of rain. Master . Fi Galbraith, still "ill sustinus to Mm.jvove after a - ty tion Jor a Mondas wedka' | States Miss Mabel Morden have gone as dele |. N Varty Lake, Mes, A. Alhon: bruck, Camdnn Fast, visited Mrs ob Salsbury, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Max- well MacDomald, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Emberly, Sth, at Denbigh Doings. Denbigh, July 5--~Mrs. Wm. Lane passed peacefully away at her home, on June Zh, after sufiéring several months from anemia. = Her funeral took place, on the 20th, at the Metho- dist church and cemetery. It wr at tended by large number of sy path izing Ir ends and the church was filled to ats utmost capacity, Rev. C, Huyes officiated, Miss Katie Margu: ardt, who haps been attending high school in Renftéw, is enjoying her va- cation at hér pareptal home. Miss (Jara Fritsch, New York City, who ab so enjoyed a visit to her parent's and rzlatives here, returned tu the aty again, on the 30th inst. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rose have just returned from a good visit to friends and telatives in the vicinity of Napanee, nnd in Prince Edward County, Mrs. William John, has been away a goaple of weeks, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. 8S. Byerd, near Douglas. Mrs. Henry Bartsch is away 'cu a visit to her sun Charles, at Verona, Wm. John, Sr. who has {een away near Sault Ste, Marie sinee last fall, has arrived home to assist his father on the farm fora few months. W, Adams, of Kingston, who has beeti the guest of his som, Dr. ! Wedding of Miss Lewis an?! William on Sunday. | » fof this place, and during oy residence i BUDGET FROM NEWBORO, McDonell, NeWwboro, duly S.--Albert Gamble, who went west in the spring, intending to homestead, returned, on Monday. Since going west his House and near- Iy all his effects were destroyed by fire. The many friends here of Richard Bell will learn with regret of his death, which occurred inthe Wesiern Cited States, last week. Mr. Rall was voungest son of Robert Be the » formerly here was very popular with all classes Miss Jean and George Bawden spént the week-and "Id Frankville, the guests of Hal. Bawden, who recently opened a store at that place, and is meet ing with good success. Henry Leggett and Mrs. (Dr.) McGee, Elgin, spent Sunday the guests of R. 0. Leggett, James Bell spent a few days last week renewing acquaintances at Addison. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bass and son spent a few days last week the guests of friends at Lyndhurst. J. A.-Shav- ver left, on Saturday, to spend a few weeks the guest of -his daughter at Iroquois. Mrs. Shaver left, the day, to visit her sons, at Syracuse, NY. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Welsh died at their home here on Sunday. Robert Bolton, Brock- Joseph Adams, for a couple of months, bk 8a Returned to the Limestone! city. KE. G. Wagar, who for upwards of two years has conducted our vil lage school te the satisfaction of evervhody concerned, has terminated his engafrement and left for his home | near Deseronto, He made a' host of friends during bis stay bere, and © his| "rem oval Je very much regrettéd. vet no' spccessor- has been engalind. Fred. Wenslev-Wensley, has again con- ucted the enteipnoe examinations here at the ol8se of the hao! Tor m. | Joscpn Rahm. has beet away 5 week | nea: Rackin, in Renfrew County; ami just Fétmned with a belpmate to pre- his household. Invitations are out for a ding to take on the inst, Performing statute labor is the order of the dav hero some farmers have net finis Sei hoeltiz vet, white others have moneed. their hnying. side over tions, wed 14th nov though | thei com place here, : Hinchinbrooke Council. { Piccadilly, July 2Z--Council "members all present. Minutes meeting gdopted. © Moved, Knight that communications he Carried. Moved; Clow<Wagar, reeve notify thd K. & P. R. Co., "re level crossing, at-$. Turner's. Carried. Moved, Clow-Wazar, that these orders be drawn on treasurer for work 'on roads, Jos. Jeffrey, £90.83. Thos. Breen $2137; t.. R. Clow, $35.30; D. Dewyer, $9.35; Jos. Cox, $10.56. R. MeCullough 8; 4. Au Kennuly, on east boundary, 323.12, Carried. -: Moved, McKnight- Wagar and resolved, that council ad- jurn. to meet at. Parham, Aug: 27th, met ; of last filed. that the on -- Wild Things ut The Hague, Ottawa Cltleen, According to a despatch from The | Hague, 'the contention. of the United ul "connection with the New- foundland fshing dispute is that Am- erica is entitled to send warships into Newfoundland waters and soldiers to 1 Newfoundland shores to protect citi zens of the United States when they are exercising the liberties granted to them of fishing in Newfoundland wa: ters and of drying and curing fish on Newfoundland shores. : It is possibly a good thing that this dispute was re ferred to The Hague tribunal when it was. A few more years of uncertainty and our friends, the Americans, might he claiming ownership of the big is land amd -egntesting the rights of Great Britain"%o control of ev erything : in the viciffity, "Only ope _gtore in Kingston" can upply vour orders for ice cream As Congratuln- | fhaly. Clow-Me- | ville, returned home, on Friday, after a short visit with relatives in town. A number from here intend going to | the garden party at the Narrows to- sathe | 'morrow afternoon... J. W. Church, of and 8S. Bishop, the guests far a few George Bilton. "Mr. Te ve Haute, Ind., | Peterboro, are days of « Mrs, | Yager' 8 new launch has been equipped | with one of the largest searchlights on this part of the Ride hu, 3 Miss' Bella Landon, North Tonawan- da, N.Y., is spending her holidays at hes home 'here. | Syracuse, N.Y, renewing acquaint- {ances here. Dr. and Mrs. King leit, of Thursday, te spend a few days with relatives in Toronto. Dr. Preston is {speading a few days in Montreal busineds. Mr. and Mrs. tter, Westport, were recent visitors jhere. "Miss CC. M. Sturgeon returned, on Wednesday, from a short visit in Toronto. Mrs. Henry Bolton and Miss I Mc Muljen, Perth, are the guests, this we'k, of Mrs. George Bolton. Mrs. {Burns Westport, 'was the guest, last | week gof her mother, Mrs. Annie Gil- Mirs Ida Gallagher, Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fifield and family, Watertown, N.Y, are the guests of Mrs. LL. Fifield for the sum- mer. Miss Frances Gratwick Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lewis, and William ger of the Jaw, Sask. were the wedding, «On John Forres- second Sydney McDonnell, mana: Bank of Montreal, Moose formerly Peterboro, principals in a very pretty in St. Mary's Anglican church, Jere, Wednesday of last week. T ie core mony Was pe srfor med by the vector, Rev. J. C. Stanton. The bridesmaid was Miss Bessie Lewis, sis- ter of the bride, and J. M. Creighton, Picton, assisted the groom. Miss Jean Lewis, Brockville, was flower girl, and {Cameron Fields, Ottawa, was page of honor. The wedding march was play- ed by Miss Mary Teit, and Miss MW. Taplin, Ottawa, sang the solo, 40 Perfect Love," during the signing of the register. of on Cause of Disgust. Peterboro Review. The heavens are bright with rockets, the bars are full, men are full, the streets are full, and the uation is full of joy: And lo! The Puritan Fath- ers rose. from the grave and Walked upon the sons of men, Then they went back again disgusted. Someone, had told them that the main thing on was a prize fight for the championship of the world. "Fresh strawberries" dispensed at Gibson's. Red Cross Drag Store foun ta'n. It" pays to drink there. Lricks in any quantity. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, It's easy to love our enemies--after the undertakers get them. : Some |. of STROHS Bohemian Bex SERVED WHEREVER QUALITY COUNTS Jess an 3%2% Alcohol = ® "Phor2 '304 for a case delivered to your 02 rm Mrs. Arthue-Wallaeot---- 3 A TRUE TEMPERANCE' DRINK Distributer, a --. Seem hy Geo. Thompson, dr., IMPORTANT. HINTS ABOUT PRESERVING When Canning or Preseryi arc: Sound Fruit and Good supply the'one and in ne. two essentials to good resulta Sugue. Canada's orchards -- Bra Gramutated Supar-your ve the other: "Teltyourgrocer plainly **Redpath's" Extra Granulated, = Wheh you want Loaf Sugar ask for "Redpath's" Red Seal Paris Lumps in Dust Proof Packages. <m The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal Established in 1854 by Jos Redpath "S008 DS000OO0COOOOS® 'Hot Weather Shoes oe We are showing some very swell lines of Summer Shoes, suit-- able for the warm weather. Smeg and look them over, J. H, SUTHERLAND & BAD, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES, oooscsdocescecscronee 0006000000 RCIRIGIGQRIIYS Kingston, July 7th, 19h0. Public : Notice To the Wrapped bread i from Tre market on account of the new bread by~law. R- H. TOYE & CO. 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000080000 is writhdrawn . ® . » . ® ® * * o ° . Ask for Prices for We supply Cones Creamery 277 Princess St Phone 845 "FROM MILKMAID = TO HOUSEMAID," Wholesale z and Retail Ice Cream EXCURSIONS GARDYN PARTIES PICNICS PRICE'S 288 Princess St. Stewart's and Webb's fancy 50¢, 60c and 75¢ boxes Only 40 cents. 'GANONG'S N y OH ; SEL pound. Phone 58 AJ. REES', Nn

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