Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1910, p. 6

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-- a em n T Ta 7 i iL Lt, ILWAY 3 EAL n accommodation and all ton furnished on appli~ <P. HANLEY. Agent, Sanson apd Ontario Streets. FREON LE SE LV 0's TEE Fol "p.m ve Ottawa ton 3.66 p.m. information at K. & P. and "Ticket Office, Dutarie Street. CONW Genial) gay Agent. Rp 10.45 am, arrive OF QUINTE RAILWAY, eaves Union Station, Ontaric excepted A Jour shipments via Bay or rd BICKSON, Agent SRINGSTON" AND STORONTO." und leaves Ki Kinguien . WEEK-END TRIPS, following are rates for week- from Kingston to 0 i «vs 35.00 Lee $3.50 ! voeeve $1.00 TERN... $600 "BE LEE" ™ 9 LLEVI una, Saturday... . 10:30 pm. bo und, Wednesday ... 5.30 p.m. a particulars; berths, ete, 3 P. HANLEY "Johnson and 6.60 a.m, , 500 pam. oie te, N. D0! lands' Ports le Kato Streets. asi Jolanda Rosheates =a You calling at BS of LR ocho: TI ts. tr. Aletha 4 + Mondays at § Picton and intermediate Bay po! 0 & Co, 3 ¥ P. Hanley, ht Agents. Ticket Agent. i ai 3. ims Steamboat Companies. With the: New York R. BR, Co. us Sunday, June 19, ton daily, except Sun- Sunday, 7.90 sm. Sh 8 aid rate, Fingrion i i is the bet wad safest powder foryou to use on your teeth, Its anti- septic proper ties arrest cay & Frasers the teeth, om At youy Druggiet's, 25¢ I TIS THE SPORT REVIEW STILL TAL KING GREAT RI, ABOUT | THE] : CONTESE"" i : Johnson Will Quite Vaudeville C. Jeffries, the Father of the De- feated Idol. f ii Johnson showed to advantage in ig action, he made his biggest hit in bid | moment of triumph, when, with his friends erushing about him to press thar congratulations; he brushed them aside, and studing across the ring, took the limp hand of his defeated ad- versary, shook it warmly, apologized for having had to beat him so badly, assured him of his appreciation' of his gumeness, and expressed the hope that i The Wretchedness of Constipation Cas quickly be overcome by. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable --act rly ed Swall Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. seouine west bear agnatute © Gol ' sess, and Indigestion. Tier thar day. there should be no hard feelings. Tha e was & gimplicity and ahvios 48 SATCOT- toabout th negro'd action thot show ed all the better side of his nature. To quote John L. Sullivan: Probab- lv never before has un championship been so ease won as Johnson's vie tory todayy He never showed the slightest concern during the [ftuen rounds, apd from the fourth round on Ids confidence was the most ting I +» sawn any | as the Gay jeson in the that moment who knew that Jefi's hig blow was packed away. Once in the interval between the fifth and sixth round. Johnson leaned over aod said: "John, I thought this fellow econli | fight." The talk among the tharities deals with the 'emmority of Johnson {battle It is agreed shat Johnson jeould have put his man out miuch } sooner, and it is said that he wished to give the moving picture films a pro- per length. Stories are told of attach es of Jelirie s camp Who Hodge sporting amazing sup: in yesterday' "wii ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The ~housewife"s delight. If you'll use it once, you will use it always. MANUFACTURED BY Maple Leat Milling Co ONTARIO ST. *Phone 886, {the last moment, being dissatisfied with their man's condition and tem- per and placed pets on Jounson. Johnson and Jefiries at Reno smash- ed all financial records to smithereens. More than tripling that of the next highests viz.,, Gans and Nelson, &n Goldfields, also in Nevada, the mar- gin being close to $200,000, To speci fy: Johnson-Jefliées. $250,000; Gans Nelson, 870,000; J hnson-Burns, $67,- BOG: Jolisies-Sharkey, $66.300: Jefiries- Corbett, $83,340, and Corbett-McCoy, £56,350. 1 | All Kinds of Sport. I The Swedish Olympic games will 'he held frdm July 7th fo July 16th, in 1912, | The AAU. all around championship meet will be held at Chicago on Aug- ust 13th. "Tommy" Burns--If Jeff. had been "the Jeff of seven yegrs ago he would have breezed in. t Before entering vaudeville in New York, Johnson will go to his Chicago "home for a rest. Detroit has four players among the Ciwelve leading batsmen in the Ameri can Baseball League, Rev. Alexis C. Jefiries (father of the loser}--It is the will of the Lord; let us not be downeast. To the vast majority Jeffries will re and. onbt fmow about the wa: ok edt, ee er lt partis Laokksealed, 18 am uli slurs and dwecrions invaluable to ladies. ery Woman main the same old "one man," for, in hig prime, none could. touch him,' Lou Criger, of the New York Ameri- jeans, is at his home in Elkhart, Ind., o recovering from an attack of appendi- Leitis. Sixteen National Baseball = League players have been fined and suspended for run-ins with umpires so far this season. "Sam" Langford--In his prime Jeff would have stopped Johnson in a few rounds. I suppose Johnson will keep WE HAVE PLACED Electric Light IN MANY HOMES THIS - SPRING, In ev case our patrons have pleased: with the fixtures. work and prices. Let us wire your home and | do your repairs. : "Phone 441. be first class. Send a card and we will call for and your lsandry. We sew and replace buttons UNIQUE LAUNDRY | | 'We recommend our work to ji na [ducking my challenges. | No cable entries will be accepted for the Swedish Olympic games. The Swedes are profiting by the experience (the English authorities had with the { American entries, | The pugilistic world is practically glean uw far as heavyweight fighters § are concerned. With the exception of Johnson himself there is practieall no heavyweight class. Tt is a thine Jf the past, "Tom" Flanagan says : Jefirids was out-fought, out-slugged, out-gamed, oul-genetalled and out-boxed from the moment the bell sounded for the open- ing of the battle to when Berger came on with the signal of defeat. Toronto Globe ; Montresl's ¢ham- pions left, Tuesday night, - for the const, after the Minto cup, but the general opinion locally is that they will receive the same treatment that Johuson handed out to Jefivies. The starters in the Marathon race at Stockholm will not be allowed attend- ants nor will they be allowed to take any nourishment from anybody along the route, No autos Or conveyances of any kind will be permitted on the course. There will be ambulance sta- tions at regular intervals along the route, and once a runner stops for re- pairs he wannot re-enter the race. This condition makes it look like a real en- durance test. At Athens, 101 candidatés wrote and he follaning forty passed : Olive Ang. ood h, Brown, Ling Clark, James Cobov, Lue Beatrice Dickey, Ouida Pun. Ferguson, - aed in Dodo er-keeper New York--~Comment of Bev.,"A Polleville, has been transferred to the | 115 Adams street, Ohi Erp em THURSDAY, JULY 1 ty -- NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Erste re Onlaiio. Pailesilie Y. M.C.A. fund ha reached $16,000, 2 William for some time Dominion Dank, Glenpy, in the | brane h at Montreal. Miss Sadie M. Whitworth, ville, bas hen appointed to treet ofipeh, Belleville, as deac to begin wark September lst. An exceedingly pretty wedding tod! lace on June 20th, at the residence of Mrs, J. Johnson, Frankford, when her volingest daughter Jean, was in marriage to Albert J. Brows, lath, Minn. A quiet wedding tool place at the residence of James 8. Cock, Belleville, on Wednesday, when Miss Adelaide Pringle, Toronto, daughigr of the late Lewis Pringle was united in marriage to Dr. Malcolm Wilsnh, a popular young dentist, Belloville. Brock Bridge ones, ani tedd Pu wt PHOTO BY CLINEDINST WASH. fAPANESE EMBASBY, WASHINGTON HOME FOR DESERTED WIVES. Fortune ot Devoted Pur- pose. The late Mrs, K. M. stead, hent, England, whose property is valued at $200,000, left her residu- wry ebtate to her exveutor in trust for charitable . purposes, desiring that some or all of it should be devoted a the maintenante of 'a hone, "for lonely ladies who have heen deserted sv. their husbands and have ho hom to go to.' In her lifetime, Mis. sxpressed sympathy ' with * forsaken wives, and spoke of her idéa of a ome for them. J. T. Jones, the ex: ator, said: "The money is left en- sirely at my diseretion, and at pre- wnt 1 have no plans. Until 1 know wxaetly how much is to come and have considered the matter 'carefully, 1 annot indicate how 1 shall decide to carry out the project." to That Russel, of Hal Russel often Cruises in Northern Seas. In connection with the inaliguration of the Grand = Trunk Pacific steam- ships on the Pacific coast, on June 12th, the wompany ' has issued a very yandsome and interesting booklet de: wribing the new hoats and the scenic rrandeur of the trip from Seattle, Vie- oria or Vancouver io Prince Rupert. There are thirty-two pages of {ext natter, full of informatiog and new aaterial, carefully prepared "after a recent trip over the route. The pub- fication is profusely illustrated with irand Trunk plates made from direct shotographs, and includes pictures' of he new boats, seenes in Seattle, Vie storia, Vancouver and Prince Rupert, orest seencs on Vancouver Island, In- lian villages on the route, pictures of he majestic scenery of the ihside chan- wel, and a series of beautiful scenes on he Skeena river. In addition, there wre diagrams of the steamships and a ww and complete map of the North 'acific const, showing in a clear wav he steamship route. The cover of the wooklet is a striking one, printed in our colors. Mark at Chevy Chase, jaturday Evening Post. "When Mark Twain came to Wash- 'ngton to try to get a copyright law yassed, § congressman Fone afternoon to Chevy Chase," 1 Porrespondent. "Mark Twain refused io play golf himself, but he consented to walk over the course and watch the congress man's strokes. "The congressman was rather dufier, Teeing-ofi; he sent douds of earth flying in all directions, Then, to hide his confusion, he said 16 his guest : "What do you think hete, pir. Clemens "Best T ever tnsted,' said Mark Twain, as he wiped the dirt from his lips with his handkerchief." ; We Should be Thankful. Stratford Herald. What a clever thing the people of North Perth did when they kept My. #| Wabee' ont of parliament and reserved him for the more distinguished said a of our links | Chicago, A auiry Ts to 1. Prospectus can be obtain the Cement Products Exbil ie band of 3 me ive a 'wor whieh Gxt celebration n nor of took him out | 1010, ( mr EE r---- -------- From the Atlantic to the Pacific -» Seal Brand Colfee finds a welcome in a hundred thousand homes because of its unvarying high grade quality. Sold in 1 and 2 CHASE & SANBORN, MON MONTREAL. 1b. Cans only. 116 DI. J Collis Browne' 8 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA .... so Specie « CAHOLERA DYSENTERY. Checks snd wrresty those" "tou ites fatal divenser---- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chilorodyne is a ligrnid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady, It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind; creates a calm vefveshing sleep: allays irritation of the nervous system when all other vemiedies fail, leaves no bud effects; and can bz taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. NSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemiste. Prices in England: ul, 209, 46. Sole Masufacturers: @ J. 7. DAVENPORT, LONDON, S.E. The immesse seccess of this Remedy has given rise to maay imitations. N.B. --~Every bottle of Genuise Chlerodyns hears on the stamp the name qof the investor, Dr. J, Colin Browne. Wholesale Agents, Lyman bi os. & Co, Limited, Toronto. Coo k in h Comfort ho gia intensely hot kitch- Here is a stove that gives No oulside heat. Al its heat is concentrated Bt the Sumels ho Sass Hue Gain (Hotnet fun either white or thrown upwards but 360 Spy the Beat is utilized in cooking = pone in. outside hea al You no loess need wear youre self out with the weakening entirely removes 'the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is pro- jected Jpwards against the pot, pan, kettle or bailer, and yet there is mo surrounding heat-- no smell -- no smoke; 'Why? Because The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is scientifically and practically perfect. You cannot use too much wick it is automatically controlled. You get the maximum heat --no smoke, The burneris smpls. One wipe with a cloth ck quently there is no smell. The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is wonderful for year-round use, but especially in summer. Its heat oper ates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but not beyond or around. It is useless for heating a room. It hgs a Cabinet Top with ghelf for keeping plates and food hot. It has long turquoise-biue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimoeys; makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet, Ee ry hanat if not at ours, for cular to Nears pay Cautisnary you get this stove soe that She name-plate reads "New Perfection." Llesariptive Cir vite The Queen City Qil Company, Limited, Toront: 0. The Crimp In the Zinc Is theeflectivepartof a Washboard EDDY'S 3 IN 1 AND 2 IN 1 WASHBOARDS Are so named because the Good Featuresof the Crimpingofail others are Combined, consequently are the MOST IMPROVED AND UP-TO-DATE. - Ask for them. Give them a trial, Also EDDY'S FIBREWARE Tubs, Pails, Handy Dishes, Etc. THE E..B.EDDY CO., Limited.,Hull, Canada Monuments Iatest in Design and Best Wo bt. manship Guaranteed at Lowest Poss. ible Prices. A Call of Inspection Solicited. JAS MULLEN HAVE YOU SEEN OCR Piar 1aNnos THEY ARE Durably constructed, Artistic Designed, 7 Sweet Tone, and REASONABLY PRICES, Please Sir Customers, TRY US. All Popular Music diveet from publishers. We HH WORMITH PIANO C0 Linted, 232 Princess Street, Kingston, 1T'] THE KNOW HOW oF GOOD PLUMBING that we pride ourselves upon and keep on talking about. « No matter what pro- hlem arises, if it's In the Plumbing line--we "know how' to solve it. We know how te charge moderately and we do. DAVID ALL, 86 Brock St. Store, 385 : 1 Hesidance, 856 BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIO PLASTER SALE, ALSO COAL AND rv KINDS OF WOO! FOR Che kind you ure looking for in the kind we sell Scranton Coal 1s good coal ahd we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WES STREKT. THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none spproach the Club for homelike sur- roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Bpecial rates the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. SPECIAL <« '« Bargain Sale of Waggons. Any reano: yale offer fakes them 1 Sling Waggon in good oh ondition, Factory tik Delivery Waggon. Business or Daitvéry Waggous, Second-hand Buggies. Becond-hand Runabout, Also New Waggons of every description. Hubber Tires a Speein inter. Mothers, we are prepared put Rubber Tires on your by cou iat on shortest notice, Bend your carriage along. Repairs and Painting \ all Kinds done Give us a call, JAMES LATURNEY Carriage Maker, sop PRI NCESS STREET, You Can Get everything you want for your Picnics and Camping Parties at the Unique Grocery and Meat et, Cor, Princess Street and University | Avenue. "Phone 530, C. H. Pickering an 1 2 3 I Sowards Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. © HAVE YOU TRIED HIM?

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