Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 77-NO. 149 AMA KIUED Horses Ran Away After Secing An Auto FELL ON MACHINE AND RECEIVED INJURIES THAT LED TO DEATH. S---- % Charles H. Dunwoodie, the Victim, Lived Near to Napanee--He Was About Sixty-five Years of Age and Was a Bachelor. Napanee, Jubhe Jot a distressing accident occurred with fatal results, Charles H. Dun + woodie! who lives about a mile west of Napanes, was loading hay in the field, when ihe horse became Seighten. ol at a passing automobile and ran away, throwing Mr. Dunwoodie, from the load. He alighted on the hay wad- er, ipiuring himwelf so badly that he died a few hours later. Deceased was about sixty-five years of nie snd unmarried. He leaves seve eral Drothers, William, on the farm, Archibald in Napanee, and one sister living with him on the homestead. --------. 29% On Saturday PUT OFF WEDDING, Couple Get $85,000 For Obeying Re- quest of Parents. Chicago, June 28.~Because they de- layed wedding two years as re quested by their parents, a nest egg of $10,000 in real cash and real estate and un $75,000 a House in Moline, Hl., was the rim present given to Miss Freda Brown of = Washington Heights and Charles Roy Kindt of Davenport, la. who were mArFEe . Wudnesdoy fvening. * Mrs. Kindt Is Re daughter of W. H. Brown, of 10824 Longwood avenue, and is twentyfyvears old. Her hus- band is the son of Charles Kindt, a business man of Davenport, ' He is twenty-two old. They were not told what r presents were to be until after the wedding. The couple have leit for Colorado Springs, Colo., for a month's stay. THEATRICAL. WAR ENDED? Open to Syndicate. 28, ~The A pi x an war that theatrical ble & Ex aw wigan ahd portuit a syndicate produc their aSatine in inde 'theatres 3 such towns as do nat have syndicate PU. jonte manager, Hewry W. made a Jefinite statement would book his attractions in syndicate - and independent hous- a SEEKS HIS SEAT. ---- Congressman Ames Launches Own Candidacy. Washington, June . 28.-Representa- tive Butler Ames of Massachusetts has publicly wood: his candidacy for the United States senate in a rial statement embodying an exceptionally bitter attack upon Senator Henry Ca- : Tae Mr. Ames in his state ment says ho bocomes a candidate af- ter having failed to snduce any else to "take up the fight against ws Lodge and his political wa chiny, he ie tairei LEFT $17,000,000. Will of E. P. Wilbur, Thousand Is- lands, Read. i" ueathed to his fami- vrs there was no was well known at the slatudy, heaping up a sum- Island, where he measure us | macadam, and ing evinced in the . iY 3 o ~ Savanpeh and each sentenced to rye and to pay a fine of 8875, jel ther 2.500 conviets in and State pri- will be affected excursion to Toronto on only $3.35. G. T. R. one | Daily \ + TT ITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. . An Fvaogeleai Lutheran university, toseost $1,000 WO, is being planned for Detroit, The prince regent of Chitia has re fused to accede to the réquest for®ihe ci lling of a rational uesembly. J, 1. Nush, lve of the Nash-Bur- rows Vandeville Co., offered $150,000 for the Canadian rights of the keno fight pictures. : Sir BB. E. Walker, C.V.0., is to be a Kmght of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of tt. John of Jerusp lem in Englanc. | Chgeto , pales ; Watertown, N.Y. He, tp ie; Manton, NY, 18e; Kemptville, 10]c.; Cowansville, 103c.; St. Hyacinthe, 10jc. Riga, Russia is under matrial law pre- paratory to the visit of the czar about July Ith, to unveil the statue of Frederick the Great. New York alienists, having examin ed Porter Charlton, express various opinions as to his sanity. The belief is that he will never be extradited. W. J. Westington, Plainville, has been appointed by the department of agriculture of the dominion govern ment. as weed specialist for that dis trict. W. H. Bostwick, who killed thee men who tried to arrest him in his Georgia home, was found in a dying condition by guardsmen who rushed the house. . At Bufialo, Raymond K. Williams, aged 29, a chauffeur, with his three months' bride's picture in one hand and a revolver in the other shot and killed himself, on Monday. A forty thousand dollar ore robbe ry from the Lucky Godirey mine. at Elk Lake, is reported and Georg: E (i. Rogers and Wilham Acker, empioy ees of the mine, have ben arvested The conference between C. P. R. trainmen an 1 officials refuted 'nn. th- ing and the men hive made a direct appeal to Sie. Thomas "Shaugnaz ay, The mén also have bad an conference with Grand Truk ollivials | IS IT FAIR? To-day men living in houses assessed at over §1,- 500 are paying the burden of the water rates It costs $9 per year per consumer, and many hundreds are paying for water only $2 per year. Now, some aldermen' want these -burden-bearers further taxed to pay for flushing new closets in houses assessed at $1,000 and under. In some houses of this class live men of wealth and men who receive high wages. Is the scheme a fair one? REFER P REBELS EHP E WF S342 302324044 F 42400 | At Windsor, Ont, Charles Lynch, aged twenty-two, porter at the Craw: ford House, 'was killed on Monday. While tending flowers in a second story window, he took an epileptic fit and fell to the pavement. : Charles T. Estabrook, Buffalo, N.Y, who pleaded guilty tq stealing $11,000 from the Sun Insurance office, of Lon- don, Eng., was sentenced to Auburn for a term of not less than two years nor more than four years, At Orangeville, a score of servants and guests in the Grand Central Hotel had a narvow escape when a myster ious fire broke out, on Monday. The porters woke everybody snd all got out safely, although some slid down the ladders. Horace Chevrier, Winnipez, denies, under oath, the charge that he offer- Mr. Prudhomme a judgeship ior tis brother for $10,000 and chal lenges the latter to make the state ment again, charging him with being an atrociaae liar, The Wright. biplane made the bes showing at the Montreal Aviation meeting, on Monday, both in speed and high fights. Young Dixon fell out of his ear and his balloon went i BR it Burst. Many people thought he was still in thg car. Claude D. Countryman, Watertown, N.X., has soed ms wife, Catherine Countryman; for divorce, Mrs. Cora M. Bacon. Syracuse, N.Y., also is tak- ing action against Samuel B. Bacon. They were marvied in Watertown on months ago. TARVIA PAVING ROAD MAKING PROCESS SIMPLE AND DURABLE. Samples Being Constructed to Show Advantages--Has All the Improve. ments of Other Processes With Less of Their Objections. St. Thomas Journal Owing io the fact that the majority of St. Thomas streets are paved with considemable interest is be sample of tarvia dressing on the lane in the rear of the "i , and numerous uiries are n as to the method of ap plication. 5 ; The roadbed is excavated and crush- od rock laid in two courses, the lower of stone between two and one-half and one and one-quarter ring, to a depth of five inches, two inches below the finished grade. This is thoroughly rolled with = steam roller. A thin of sand, two cubic yards to each square vards is spread, and Tar vin heated ahove 250 degrees Falren Beit ix spread over, one gallon to the second course of stone and July 10th, 1906, and separated some KINGSTON, Cholera Scourge Sweeps Over The Land AN AWFUL PLAGUE SOUTHERN RUSSIA STANDS AGHAST BEFORE IT. 6,000 Persons. Strickene--Physicians Are in a Panic--Frost Alone Can Check the Awful Havec-- Future is Dark. Odessa, June 28, With between 5, 000 aud 6,000 persons already strick- en, forty per cent. of the cases prov ing fatal and the scourge sweeping over the land like wildfire, southern Russia to-day #5 is. confronted by a cholern plague that rivals in horror the frizhtful visitations that periodi cally decimfited Europe centuries ago. Physicians themselves are in a van ic. Overwhelmed with the calls on them, hundreds have succumbed to overwork, and the disease itsell in the cities in the southern district. Frost alone can save the country from semi-depopulation as the result of deaths and exodus from fright," de clare the health thorities, and frost, under normal copditions, is months away. . x General demoralization makes | ac- curate statistics as to the spremd of thie disease impossible. About '1,800 fresh cases were reported last week, and these, the authorities declare, can be but a fraction of the real total. HAVE FALLING OUT. Ome Italian Shoots Another and ; Steals $50. St. John, N.B., June 28. Andrew Rosen, an Italinn, was arrested at Welsford, thirty miles from. St. John, as he attempted to board the train for Boston, on the charge of shooting with intent to kill Diego Seracuso, a fellow countryman in the latter's store on North street, this city, en Satur- day night. : Rossa is also charged with stealing fifty dollars from the till. Seracuso is in the hospital with a gaping wound in the back of his head and is not expected to recover, The crime was discovered on day afternoon when the store forced open hy Sun-4 was the police. Seracuso was found lying anconscious on - his bed in a pool of blood Rossa, when arrested, made a rambling statement to the effect that Seracuso and bim- self had both heen paying aptentions to Mrs. John Grigor, a married wo- man, eighteen years of age, who resid- ed in the adjoining house, and that be- Seracuso was regarded with most favor he shot him. ' The prisoner was brought: to St. John at nine o'clock this morning, and he took the police three miles outside the city on the marsh road to a spot where he had thrown the revolver with which he did the shooting. One chamber was found to be dis- charged. His preliminary hearing takes place this afternoon. Mrs. Gri- gor, when interviewed, said she had not given either Italian cause for jealousy. She knew both as acquain- tances. Her husband lives in Boston, and she resides with her mother. cnase GAVE POISON TO SISTER. Girl Died in Agony "From Carbolic Acid. St. Germain dc Grantham, Que. June 98.--Corover Larue held an in- quest into the death of Yvette Lam- bert, aged five, who died - of carbolic acid poisoning. The child and her brother, aged six, were alone in the house when the Loy discovered a bot- tle of the acid. This he poured into a glass, and after diluting it with water and adding some sugar, gave it to his sister to drink. The girl died half an hour later in agony. Foe of Tuberculosis. London, Jund® 28.--Dr, Jacques Ber tillon the French. scientist believes that there is a close connection be tween alcohol and "tuberculosis and that the most smportant factor tifat favors the development of tuberculosis in Franee is the alcohol in beer and splrits.' " ) The foe of tuberculosis, he declares, is wife. In the twenty-eight depart- ments which form the northern part of France ;and in which cider, beer and spirits ave standard drinks the deaths caused by consumption 'were 239 por 100,000 inhatatants in 1906, while in the other departments whee wine is tis favorite drink the proportion was 140, Alter the age of 30, he says, con- sumption is two or threé times more t among men than women, une hecause the drinking of al- cohol is more common with the for- mer than with the latter. : > Lavender Gets $1,000, Chicago, Jane 28.--Mrs, Mary A. La- vender, who sued ths Rev. V. D. Crawford, pastor of the Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal church, for 33)- ry i Santer, , war nwaied y a pry 1 retur x "Hs eee Judge Manages comi ti . = 150--While 1t Lasts--13c. Chote rolls hacen 13e. J. Craw ir nn bi ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE GOING TO THE WEST. To Visit for Some Time----Personal Paragraphs. June B-~Mrs. K. J Stronz, who has spent the past éight oF nine vears with friends in this vi cinity, left, yesterday, for Manitou, Man., to spend some months with Ber brother. Mrs, James Douglas and two sons left this week to spend a couple of months with relatives in the west. Mre. E. Rikley, Minveapolis, is visit- ing friends in Napanee and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Trelowven left to-day, for a trip to the west. They will visit W nnipeg, Regina and other points. Mr. Grosart, and two nephews, left to join his sister, Mrs. Fraser, at Regina. Mrs, (Dr.) Ruttan, Woodstock, is dnding a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, South Napanee. D. H. Preston leaves to-day, for a month's trip through the west. He will visit Winnipeg. Saskatoon, Edmontcn and other cities. BEACH PROFITS BY LAW. Napanee, $3,000 a Day for Six Days of Married Life. Kingston, N.Y., June 28. Five thou- sand dollars n month for cach day of his magried life ie the amount De Witt Beech, of Haigh Falls, Ulster county, will réee ive as the result of the New Yory lw by which a will made by a spinster or widow is ine validated by her marriage... Mr. Beach mamnied on. May 3lst last Mrs. Mary B.- Krom, a Kingston widow, Prom her former husband, Captain. John B. hrom, she had in- herited over $30,000, He died in April, 1908, and Lis estate was not settled untiinst Cetober. Mrs. Krom then mate a wil leaving the éntire estate to the ch. dren of Krom by his first wife. EE SEES PPLE EPE RHP EPIPS TO PLACE BLOCK. : + Ottawa, June 28. --Sir Sandford Fleming has receiv- ed word from the premier of New Zealand that that coun- try will place a granite block in the Memorial tower .at Halifax: Lasse teetas debe rbate Tea Contained No Poison. Brockville, June! 28.-~After being in jail nearly three weeks on remand, Charles Landon, charged with gdulter- ating the tea of his employer, Thos. Sheridan, has been 'admitted to bail until the 30th inst, ~The report has heer received from the provincial ana- lyst, to whom was sent a sample of the liquid.~Fhe nature of it has not been disclosed, bit it is undorstond that he found no traces of poison, DAILY MAIL OFFERS $50,000, PRIZE LONDON a---- For Races Beginning at London and Covering Much of England and Scotland. London, June 25.~The Daily Mail announces the condifions for its $560, 000 aeroplane race. The course will cover a distance o 1,000 miles, be- ginning and eading at London. The different cities to be covered along the route are Fdinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Bristol, Exeter and Brigh- ton. .The time set i the second week in July. Whoever covers the entive distaite in the shortest time will win the big prize. May Prove a Failure. Berlin, June _ 28.--Count Zepplin's groat airship Deutchland, which made two succersful tips with passengers, has been held up for three days by the weather, and there is a growing feeling here that the whole schéme will prove a gigantic failure. Pros pective passcugers are becoming dis- gruntled. -- An Accident to Aviator. Buchamest, June 88.--While making a flight, yesterday afternoon. Guille mone, a Ferneh aviator, fell 500 feet. He escaped death bv falling in a Jake. One of ls legs was broken and his aeroplane was 'wrecked. Voted for Dirigibles. Rome, June 28.~The Chamber, ved terday, unexpectedly, voted thé ox- iture of 10,000,080 live, (ubout 1,193,000) for dirigi'd batsons for the army. The soclalists and republic cans opposed the proposii. They de plored increased army oxpenlitors as useless weste being pracuicaily. im- possible. They advocated disarmament The discussion arose during the ab" gonse of the minister of war. He was summoned from the semate and made an eloquent appeal to the country's honor. The vote was then passed by a majority of 200. Saved Man's Life Balleville, N.J., June 28.--Falling 1, 000 feet from a balloon and clinging to a parachute which failed to open properly, G. Tayler, twenty-one years old, an aeronant, of Phi ia, Was seriously. if rot fatally, injured at Hillside Park vesterday. 'The para. chute opened slightly when within a hundred fert of the ahd this saved the man from instant death, Opening of New Locks. Ottawa, June 28.--The official open- ing of St. Andrew's Locks on the Red River at Winnipeg, has been fixed for July 14th. ' . Children's hose supporters misses" corset waists, at Be. wammer ih. | eriand, 50. Princess. corscte, 2c, with hose Forse Ali at veduced a aud Ssiurday. Miss Suth- Delivered 28, 1910. By The Report Of Con ciliation Board PENSION RIGHTS: Work. Montreal, tives of the Grand Trunk are now 4n fegotiations with the © vials with resnect to fhe increased wages. pot take any Shaughnessy told would gtand be the nection, , Sir the increase too lurge. lieved there will be any strike. men are said to. be afraid of their pension nglts to go on strike Enquiry rvesjectung the complain made in the Ooty council, telegraph eowaries against the Krovch lan ing to accept might in that iangurge the determmaton only gages in English was first the Western Umon and Portal panics in the Uhated States, | started the servicc. These compan will not tak: letfer messages Frenth from the The not so much agamst the the German language. French It is in both countgics by operators. a foreign languages have a tendency delay their work they will have to stick to the although it gives an appearance discrimination which is not ed A. rul (i. Hubbard, a Boston plane, PR time at the Bleriot machine. Cromwell Dixon terday, was found, this morning, fiv miles from tie park. The motor all Pht, but the gas and cannot be used Ohio. | ---- pesto Sr HANGED FOR CRIME. Assassination. Cairo, Egypt, June Wadani, a nationalist student, assassination, early in the year Premier Routros Pasha ealled for scathing denunication at the hands Col. Theodore Roosevelt, when latter spoke University of Egypt, to-day, for hi¥ crime. occasioned intense excitement. government made ample provision an there has not yet been the least order, although the nationalists holding meetings throughout | "} die for the cause of Egyptia liberty" were Wadani's last words. -------- GREECE SUBMITS € Roumania. Constantinople, June tone prevails, between Greece and mania as to make full for the looting of t boat, the Pierause, 98. 1 Turkey ang indemnity to Roumani he Rouvmanian ma ten days Roumania and Turkey and the mand was accompanie in case she refused. Toronto Street Market. Tosonte, «une 26.--Wheat, new. $c. to $i: wheat, red, to #1; oats, bush, timothy, ton, $18 to ton, 912 to 81%; dressed hogs, dairy, 2le. to Re. to 20¢.; eggs, doen, He. to 2c. chickens, «pring, Ib. 27¢. to, 3c ducks, spring. 'b., 2c. turkeys, 1b. To. to MWe.; tow), sh, quarters, . $1! 50 to $12; beef, uarters, $8 to $10. beef, case, $10.50 to $11.50; beet, $11 two $i4; 50. to $12: spring lamb, 1b. Ie 1c. 150--Rolls Bacome--i5¢. Extra fine roll bacom, 15¢. by roll. J. Crawford. t charges of - defranding dealers, by meens cour discharged in Teionto police worth calling evidence. Come in anc ser on infants' cloals, Saterday. oeas street. The states of haleton, Revs De. Swihoriand, of the' Tow: Mat lie arpty mirsion Ie cannoli live WIL STAND MAY BE NO STRIKE OWING TO LOSS POSSIBLY OF Night Letter Messages for the United States Will Only be Accepted When Written in English--Foreign Lan- guages Have Tendency to Delay June %8.~The represefita fh- demand for The C.P.R. men will Thomas the men the C.P.R. conciliation board awards although the railroad thought 1t is yot be- The losing against the of diseriminating mage in refus- titer messages elvits the fact that to accept mes: imposed by eom- which Canadian companies. discrimination in the states was as urged whut English ts the better understoQ to The companies say intend- amateur milliopaire aeronaut, will sail a mono of his own design, for the first Aviation Park this afternoon It ss built somewhat on the lines of dirigible balloon; which exploded ves Was hag was a wreck again, The dem- Lage is about $1,000. Dixon comes from A Nationalist Student Answers For 28 Ibrahim whose the before the students of the was hanged here, The execution The dis- are the city. And Will Make Full Reparation to -A better to-day, in the gelations Rou- a result of Greece's promise ago This indemnity was demanded by both de- 1 by a threat of s military movement against Greece white, new, 98c. ave, to 0c; bay, $21; hay, mixed, siraw, per ton, 816; 212 to $12.50; butter, 24¢.: butter, inferior, 15¢. to lie; por atoes, bag,~hy load, 4bc. to 5o.; on- jons, sack, 32.50 to $2.75; bee, hind- fore choice, car- medinm, carcase, $9 to $1J; msiton, per owt, veal, prime, per owt, $0. to m Ottawa and taken to Toronto on second-hand of alleged paste diamond rinss, which he pawned, was The evidence traind him was hardly the reduced prices children's under- wear, children's dresses, THursday aml Biss Sutherland, 90 Prin: Kodak, Per- lis and Trenganzs, sn Siam, have been transferred trom the control of the t of Siam lo that of Great a. bo "secre bosrd jf big LAST EQITION we mr _-- | wear me-- DO NOT DENY IT. HER Ont. June 28. 18 amt. vy and Upper St. Lawrence -- westerly winds: fine and day dnd on Wednesday. > Tor tawa Moders er 1 The Union and. Royal Banks May | Splice. Montreal, June 23--Offidals of the Royal Bank of Canada, in this city, preferred not t, discuss the report, from Halifax, to the effect that nego: tiations were in progress for the am-| algamation of the Union Bank of Hal- fax and the Royal Bank. They do not explicitly deny the report. Numerous assumptions might be arrived at, but it is quite evident that if a deal is on between the two banks it has not reached the stage where a public an nouncement can be made. The Union Bank of Halifax, of which William Robertson is president, is capitalized at $3,000,000 of which $1,500,000 is paid up, and has a ve serve of $1,250,000, The net earnings for the last fiscal year were 14.30 per cent. E. L. Thorne is general manager of the bank. I, WZ BATHING SUITS for Ladies 'Misses and Children At Special Prices SHE TOOK POISON. And Ended Her Life as a Result Took Carbolic Acid. Iroquois, Ont., June 28. Mrs, Hugh Collison, of Dickson's Corners, Dun das county, a village, a few miles | north from Troquols, poisoned herseli, | Sunday morning, by taking a dose of | strychnine. It. seems het - husband had | the strychnine in the house to poison | rats and while he was out at the barn| Mrs. Collison took the posgon. The neighbors were called in but the wo | man never regained conscipusness and died in great agony before the doctor | could get there. Dr. Harkness | thought it was such a clear case of | sulcide that an investigation was un-| i necessary. Mra. Collison had threat- ay aes Fee ened several times to take her own | LADIES BATHING SUITS fe. She was a daughter of Willinm | of fine fast dye Lustre and Alapaceas, Thompson, of Dickson's Corners. | neatly trimmed with white, waist and | bioomers dn one and separate skirts. Very Specie! at 83.50, KNIT BATHING SUITS for Misses, garments Navy Blue, trimmed with white, Special Prices, $1.25 to $1.75, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES BATHING SUITS; made of Lustre, guaranteed fast dye, in Navy Blue, trimmed with white or red Price Without Skirts . Price With Skirts SPECIAL SALE of CHILDREN'S ROMPERS, ~ made of good wearing English Galetea, a great washing fabric. 75¢ Qualities for SOc. CALL AND SEE THEM. trainmen t, pg plece How It Came Out. Ottawa, June The first dion of Gouldthrite arose from a £1 800 fence he put around his perty. Then he gave pink teas people commenced to talk. The "faithful" talked about lack of pat ropage and then came the. enquete. It i& said that Hopr was supplial to bu weal people and char ged for as paste. 28.- suspi- fancy pro- and 08 in in two-piace nd wd rede LEFF EPEEPEEPEPEIPES AN ECHO OF '67. $1.50 On Thursday the Whig will publish a cut from a photo- graph taken on July lst, 1867, of the market square, showing the assemuy of troops and citizens present at the reading of -the official notice proclaiming the con- federation of the "Canadian provinces. With the cut will be am article on "The-First Dominion Day in Kingston," written by ote who was pre- sent at the proceedings. # re WE HAVE WwW E / VERIISE 4 -- Steacy's MARRIED. DOYLE---DELPH--~In Kingston, Juns 27th, 1810, by Rev. Pather Hanley, at the Archbishop's Pulsce 168 Victoria, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, FP. Delph, Stephen Street, to Thomas Dovie, of this city PIED, SON-~In Kingston al, on June 2I%th »ifi, William ry Grimason, sen of Thomas amon, 18% University Avenus d 13 years and 4 months. Thursday, 2.30 p.m ROBERT J, REI, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phome 577. 230 Princess Street. PEP EPC AERP EPP I OY SFE 242TH E42 N CLAIMS HER SHARE. A Boston Girl Says She's "Lucky's" Daughter, Boston, Mass., June 28.--Accompan- ied by her mother, Mrs. Lillian A. Turnbull, Miss Beatrice Anita Baldwin Turnbull, a sixteen-year-old school girl, will leave for Los Angeles, Sa- turday, to start a Jegal battle for a share of the $11,000,000 estate left by "Lucky" Baldwin, tum turf man. Miss Turnbull, according to her attorney, claims to be the daughter of Baldwin. fhe was born December 7th, 1893, in Los Angeles, where her mother, then Lillian Ashtry, was living as the wife of Baldwin. of a of d n Baseball Record. Eastern League loronto, 5; Newark, 0. Buffalo, 5; Providence, 2. Jersey City. 5; Mootreas, 2; Rochester, Baltimore, 0. | American League--Dhiladelphia, 63; Boston, 2-1. New York, 4-1; Washing- | ton, 32. Cleveland, 7; Chieago, 2. i National League--Brookiyn. 3; Bos ton, 2. Philadddphia, 3; New York] 0 Cineinnats, 2: Chicago, 0. Pitts St. Lows, 3. GRIMA ts hi o General Hos- 5 ax Hi Funeral a il JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undert PRINCESS ry burg, 7; 254 And 256 'Phone 147, for Ambulanse, | -------- Why Men Stay st Home. | Hamilton, Ont., June 25.--A tendon ay in certain quarters of keeping ow | gregations exclusive, is, necording to ANTIQUE ov. A. FE. Mitchell, of Knox church, | Mahogar the reason why so many men stay a- [Rined: als way from church . | va : HURRY ON SCHEME DEPUTATION WANTS THE BHEAK WATER COMPLETED FURNITURE, Book Case and Desk som- large Hall Table, at Turk's, For making perfect B ICED - ------ So That Port Arthur Shipbuilding Company Can Get to Work----Amn | Appeal is Pending in the Supreme | sent a sutation to this city to bor | popu ar price, 35c. in order 'hat the new shipbuilding el Judge of Coart. Use our "Special Blend Ottawa, Juve Sh--Port Arthur has! 'The popular Tea at the ry along the government toward thej completion of the breakwater there! company may begin operations on ; Ho new vac. |Jas. Redden & Co. x Cassels, this morning, re fused to hear en application the Importers of Fine Groceries city of Ottaws to disobey an order : of the railway commwsion and run its} Gatineau frame nto the central sta-| Lijon instead. of the outlaying stations | Toronto Sar. ; as nt present. The company eppmaled| © Mackenzie Bowell's comparison @ the supreme court from the com- of Mr. Dolwrty to Bir John mission's o der and, owihg to 8 tech- SON Wag unfortunate. Sir John was a nicality, the spyaal is pending there, | bold, as well as a brilliant orator. Mr. In view of this oudge Cassels declin- Doherty's speeches during the Borden ed to inteciere. tour have been tame snd colorless. Mr, The town of Fort Frances will go {Borden ws soldom guilty of such pal- to the railway commission with as pable exaggeration as he in appeal against the Minnesots and On-| wibing his new lieutensut as "'mak-, tario company beimys allowed to ex-jing his mark in Canadian [bie ifs over port power across She bigger. The | as probablywno othet man elsim iv (hat an age and statute dome." : : ; i ------ : { A marrieps of interest Yo Prockril. bisve been violated 0 > Bir; Jans took place at Det oit; Mich, on : Whitoey, i» very -Jow hold turdey Jost Reference is ' to resiar's hu in Be. Goonye iat saptids of Mise Helen jane Thom : Es ; om ywide- | as, to E. H. Disset, formerly Brock spread pubeeslcri, valle dE sad James Murrey, alias Burke, arses cd Inclined te be Sloppy. t.

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