Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 77-NO, 147 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1910 LAST BDITION GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Boy's Eye Hit With Stone--An Inter. ference Case. Gananoque, June 26.--The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks hud his eye considerably damaged on Thursday by a stone thrown by an other lad, E. Britton has : Venezuela Is Charged With Backing Project ( purchased the thoiler taken from the Gananoque {Spring and Axle company's works recently and is installing it in his ------ factory, P ROPOSED BOYCOTT The case bet jen Fish and Game Overseer George Toner and Roy Shan- * Ion and Gordon McDonald has been {just half setiled, Sherman having been arraigned and taxed $25 for interier- ring with the overseer, in the dis charge of his duty and using violent land threatening language. McDonald was bailed in 8100 surety, to appear on Monday. A number of the local manufacturing establishments are closed down for their annual stock taking, which will be followed by the annual business meeting, Mis. Bryant is reported as quite ill at her home, Garden street. Mrs. J. Garrah, ceriously ill for some months, is reported as having taken a change for the worse. The coal schooner Britton light for Oswego, yes(erday, The steamer Mississiquol took out guite a number on her trip .to Brock- ville, yesterday. and starts her regu jlar Saturday trips to Kingston, to- day. | Joseph Floyd, River street, has sold i hi residence to ~ George Cartwright. . . and Mrs, Lloyd, with the family, purpose leaving for the west next week M | where they have a son located. riea ? Unle hee . 5 South America." Unless checked, hel phe matter of street decoration has United id TR os te popular in town. The Yoneguslan « declared, the o {grown gui States will soon try to dictate "ei Provincial hotel has set out an ela- v : 5 ier Ji : 3 hale course of South American poli {borate display of window gardens dur cs, a ing the past few days, and last REWRITES BIBL ON GooDs MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES. -- Alleged Growing Imperialism of "United States Excites South America~~Must be Prevented From Dictating Course of Politics, Valparaiso, Jane 20.A confedera- tion of South American countries to combat the alleged growin: imperial ism of the United States by a boveott on American goods was postponed hin ¢ to-day by the delegates from Venezuela to the Pan-American conference bezin- ning in Buenos Ayres to-day, H, on arriving at Buenos Ayres, the Vengzulans find the séntiment favor- able to such a plan, they said they would offer a motion providing for the confederation. The treatment accorded Venezuela by the United States in the recent trouble that resulted in the over throw of President course in the enforcement against Venezuln were cited as dences of "American ageression cJearad of oven ine W. ¥¥. Stevens, the International, added. another 'most creditable display in his windows. From the present list of entries for the ten'mile race here on Dominion day, under the sanction of the C.A.A. Us there is every indication of it be- TWICE. Minister Uses 2,170 Pages and 288 Pen Points, Alpena, Mich., June 25.---"To secure a deeper meaning from the Scriptares and a larger view over the whale," |, by far the best ever held here. the Rev. Lorenta C. Johnson, pastor | David Moors, Monireal, 'a former of the Norwegian church here, has just resident of the town, arrived to-day completed two long hand trunserapis eC Git A. B. Carnegie, Svdenham of the entire Bible. One copy is Wt LB fing a fow days in ten in Norwegian and the other in Watertown, YW. 6G. Johnston I Wa . . . book-keeper for the Parmenter & Bul- : io loch company, accompanied by Mrs, Sumizy church in On ois, Johnston, left recently for Deseronto "manuscript of 1,147 pages and the fin. (107 8 Visit with relatives. ht of LAM hoger wife! PRESIDENT TAFT ELATED. co % ys . . Though Mr. Johnson is pastor of two Dare - can Cineimnaty, Ohio, June 25-In a signed statement mm the Times Star President Taft is quoted as follows : Washington, June 23.--1 am elated at the legwlation whith hag been enacted by this congress, 1t has ful- filled the pledges of the party. It is a great satisfaction to me that we " ? have accomphshed so much, It hae is learned, has received a. commission | },0en the oustom in the past to try to of $25,000 for a mural painting for mifil party pledges during the _term the now Fifth-avenue Baptist Church, | the Brosideat elected; we have se which will be built on the site of the loured what wu set out to. do dus. present edifice on the south side: of [ing the first regular session of con- 46th-street, west of Fifth-avenue, gross. The title of Mr. Reid's mural decor- | "Wg have now the best railroad re- ation is "Fhe Sermon on the Mount " ulation law we ever had. The pro- It will be a large canvas, covering 30 | visions for the supervision of capital- by 36 foot, and will be ntact in the lization wete admitted, but this does centée of the church over the baptist- | not' mean that thes have been abdn- woned. Henewed effort to enact them will be made at the next session. "I think the partv in power haa en- octed logistation which will inure wreatly to its benefit. It has kept ite contract. Tho congress which is now closing its fust regular session has done what it promised the people to do. and the republican party has a good record to make to the people in the coming eloctions." points, Se manuscript Wall Be 'soat "to Abo 's ful at Christlania, Norway, EXPENSIVE ART FOR OHURCH. Mural Painting Ordered That Will Cost $25,000, New York, June 25.--Robert Reid, it ery streen. It is also learned that wellknown sculptors will be commissioned to ex- ecute sculptural decorations for the fa- cade of the church, covering an ex- penditure of ahout $20,000 PRIEST UPHOLDS RACING. He Says It Makes for National Cha- racter, London, June 25.Rey, Fev. Fathor Bernard Vaughan, brother of the late cardinal, has aroused fieredly hostile Siticiem, chiefly from the rup-tanor. mists, for praisi ing George for having decided a Maintain the royal racing stud, . Tver ything, that makes fr the na tional charcter ought to be support ed and encouraged hy Englishmen," Father Vaughan declares. "Every true lishmian has something of the man in his character. When it legitimate lines, it sell and gives - Jomething in deportment character which makes for the Ex manliness." NAVVY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. a-- King George Has Consented to Be- come Patron. H. J. Warde, sect retary of the Navvy Mission Society, says the society is endeavoring to an- swer the call from' Canada to send missionaries to the G.T.P. and | other large works of construction. King Givorge has consented to become a patron of the society. LOSS IN PENNY POSTAGE. Postinaster-Gicperal Says It Amounts tu $750,000, London, June 25.--<In the commons EE ------------------ FANS saw BAPTISM, the postmaster-general sald that im- Jrosint penny postage now entailed 4 rnd Converts to New Faith Dipped iv oss of £150,000, which would be _ i cronsed to £400,000 when the peniy - London, Ont, June 25.--Standing [post is extended to European coun: wast in the waters of the south tries. London, June 25. Albert College Convocation. Belloville, Ont. June 25.-The an- inual tonvoeation. m connection with was the closing excreises at Albert College was in Massey Hall when the i and diplomas were distributed. ing the vOming 0 were de- fivered be J. W. Johnson, M.P.P., and Rov. A.D. Traveler, Chicago. An in tresting feature of the programme was a tation by students ond a of roses {0 Principal ver and Lady Principal Miss Gardi- fond whe, Shaw year, are completing their semi-jubilee a« principal and | principal. ; ay St. Paul, Minn, June BW. © x of the New York Cer tral system, in-an adil: ss dlwer «d at thy twenty-first annual conven- tion of the Minnéseta State Bankers' ; declared that the food ption of the nation is rapidly . its production; 'that the 'so that its © materially gold, wut hed on FIT BINDING Veto Conference 'Is To Seek An Agreement BUT IF IT CANNOT THEN MATTERS WILL REVERT TO FORMER STATUS. Talk of Recalling Sir Eldon Gorst and Also Accepting Sirdar's Resig- nation--A New Treaty Between Russia and Japan, A MEDICAL COMMISSION. To Pass Upon Marriages in the Future, Guelph, Ont., June 25.~"That the system adopted in some of the states in the American Union, namely, that those about to enter marriage, before the proclamation of the Hanns, or the issuing of a marriage license, should be required to' present =a certificate, from a medical commission, to the effect that physically and inteileetu- ally, they are fit to discharge the du: tien of married life, be _ introduced among us." This radical resolution [was adopted by the convention of { charities and correction mecting here, emt get . RICHEST ON CONTINENT. Phenoménal Strike of Zine Ore at Kaslo. ' Kaslo, B.C., June 25.~Phenomenn strike of prieh ore has been made on the Lucky Jim Mine ai Kaslo, the rich zine mina. The present strike on the big fissure is thirty-three wide, It is of phenomenal richness, exceeding fifty per eent found nowhere else on the continent, The directors - have purchased a tramway giving direct access to the railway and shipments will begin immediately. A oreentrating plant be be erect Karlo, the city givin liberal #5004 in tax exemption and free London, June 25.--It is hoped the lords' veto conference will be finished before the end of July. Augustine Birrell, a member of the conference, speaking at Dristol, said the confer- ence was not between popes or pleni- potentiaries, not between those wha could bind or loose, not betwpen those ou who could sign, seal or deliver, so. at there was no need for anvone to get | os agitated. The notion that any PRL water and a targe number of men will sons would meet at a round table to he emploved. try to discover a compromise, Mr, | Ra Sirrell declared' was ridiculous, ~The | object was to discover een ore, such as is -------- agree | ment and to find out how far it would carty them. The position would, in the event of a disagreement, revert to its former status. An unconfirmed report is in circula- tion that Sir Edward Grey, the min- ister of foreign affairs, has decided to recall Sir Eldon Gorst, the British agent in-Egypt, and™ appoint in his place Sir Avthur Hardinge, the Brit- ith minister to Belgium and a cousin of Sir Charles Hardinbe, the new vice- voy of India. The liberals scoff at the report, saving it impossible the government would respond so quickly to the criticismw of - the Egvptian ad ministration in Col. Roosevelt's speech at Guildhall. It is also reported that Gen. Sir Reginald Wingate, the sir- dar of the Egyptian army, is to re sign and will be succeeded by Gen. Sir John Maxwell, who, al present, com- mands the British troops in Egypt. Dr. Emile Joseph Dillan, the corres pondent and author, who resides in St. Petepshurg, will have an article in the forthcoming number of the Con- temporary Review, in which he states some is Saye have heen recently drawing stead- | 0 Non (hCENtVE, Read of his tather's ily together. This alliance, Dr. Dillon izing the London Umdergronnd. sad he says, is the unintentional result of | International Mercantile Marine Com- . tind . | paniy--the so-called "ship trust," He American diplomacy which' recently {is director of both the above ¢om has been inspired, according to Sec | ve 108, of pe [Linited States Steel Cor- retary of State Knox, with an altruis- on Lie Sorther acifis ailway, tie spirit towhrd China. but which, Mercantile Insurance ' Com- according to the anthorities at Tokio : and St. Petersburg, the United States has been pursuing with anti-Japanese and anti-Russian aims, Brits pany. NAPANEE BUDGET. Deaths Are Recorded-- Numerous Personals. Napanee, June 25.--On Wednesday, June 22nd, Mrs. (Capt) Rankin pass- ed away after severul months illness, at the ripe age oi seventy-five years, 5he leaves to mourn, besides her aged husband, one daughter, Mrs. R. Me- Conachie. Deccased was a kind and thoughtful nmghbor, a member of the Presbyterian church. The funéral took place on Friday st two o'clock, to liverview cemctery, » Another of the very old and. much respected residents of Napanee passed peacefully away on Friday morning, in the person of Jonathan Marcus Parrott, au the advanced age of eighty-cight yeas. Deceased had been in failing health tor the past few years and his end was not unexpected." He was born in krnesttown, of U, E. Loy: alist stock, and lived there until about twenty years agu, when he retired and eame to Napanee to reside. He was county treasure: for about fifteen years, and only gave it up when his memory began to fail, He Jeaves, besides his wate, two sons, Marshall Larrott, Ernesttown, and Frederick 8.., Belleville, apd = two sisters, Mrs. John T. Grange, Napanee, and Mrs, Isaac Asselstine. Aingstop, The fune- ral will take piace on Sunday after noon. Mrs. KE. KE. broshman, Buffalo, the guest of her msier, Mrs. James Daly. Mrs. b. 5. Dowling and daugh- ter, Isabel, Ottawa, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Rose Mise Moir and Miss Saunders, of the Collegiate Institute staff, loft, yvester day, for thew respective homes in the west, Miss Grace Grange is visiting hor brother, E.W. Grange, Ottawa. The Amatem Athletic Club held a moonlight cxeursion per steamer Sal- aberry, on Thursday evening. A very pleasant sail down the bay was en- Joyed. mrs. F. W. Howard, Los An- geles, Cal, 1s the guest. of her par- ents, My. and Mis C. A, Sehryver, Fredericksburg, At the chvess board, yesterday af ternoon, 1,720 white and 370 colored were bearded: ail'sold 'at 10fe. ~ Several BUILDING COLLAPSED. Architect Making Inspection--Seve- ral Men Injured. Brandon, . Man., Juve S8c=W. IL Shillinglaw, an architect, narrowly es- caped instant death in the eollapse of the top floor of Nation & Shewan's department dove. Shillinglaw, for merly city engineer, is the architect in charge of the alteration of Nation & Shewan's block, where another wing is being added to the present estab- lishment. He was inspecting the work when the floor ahove fell and he was buriefl beneath the debris. Workmen hurriedly dug him out. He was badly hruised, but conscious, and was re- moved to his hotel. It was learned later that four persons were badly in- jured. One man had his hip bruised and all were severely cut and bruised. The building undergoing alteras tions at the time. The section where | the accident occurred was in the hands | oi the contractors. was Labor Organizations, Washington, organizations D.C, June 25.-Labor were declared by the house to be not immune from the anti-trust and interstate ecommerce laws. The house, by a vote of 138 to 130, on a motion to concur with the sohate's action, defeated the Hughes amendment to the sundry civil hill, which would have exempted labor or- ganizations from the effect of those laws, 3 - Five Years For Swindling. Rochester, N.Y, June 25.--Philip 'vitelbadln, of New York, convicted of swindling Morns, Lefkowitz out of $3,000 by means of an alleged radinm process for making money, must serve five years in Auburn prison. Sup: Lourt Justice Benton denying his ap- rlication for a certificate of reason- able doubt, Curious Fatality. Winnipeg, June 25. --Sparcing with an eighteen-year-dld yotith, Fireman W. J. Pelan, aged twenty, twisted his foot, and falling, struck bis head against the walls of the fireball, theak. ing his neck. He died instantly. Plan came {rom Beliast two years ago and N\ ~~ SPRANG A SENSATION. Six Persons ave Indicted as Accessor was attached to Hall 5. Lord Brassey Coming. os murder: of Clarence F. Glover, = London, June 25.-Earl Grey and! Waltham laundry proprietor last fall, Hon. Clifford Sifton called on Lord] The Middlesex county slperior court Brassey, who will visit Canada at the mdistment warrants against end of July and will make a tour of lakes on his yacht, the Sunbeam. Mrs. Lillian M. Glover, widow of the Lhe man, and six others, e goes via the Straits of Belle Iso. i i 3 oth Dispatches From . Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS Matters That Interest Everybody---- Notes From All Over--lLittle of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. Cyclones have done great damage in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, There were thirty failures in Cana- da this week; same week, 1909, 32, A.0. Graydon, city engineer of Lon- don, Ont., has tendered his reshgna- tion, A bronze statue of Champlain was unveiled at St. John, N, B. on Fri- day. Hon. Clifford Srion has sailed from England for Canada on the Virgin- ian. Cheese sales: Alexandria 10§c; chester, 103c; Belleville 10¢ 15-16¢. Joseph Verner, Hull. was arrested on a charge of stealing a quantity of boiler fittings. Little Rock, Ark., travelling have raised a pool of $10,000 to wagered on Jolirus. Dr. J. A, Amyot, associate profes- sor, has been promoted to be profes sor of hygiene in the University. . Three men were killed and another seriously injured in a powder mill ex plosion at Valley Falls, N. Y., on Fri- day. . hongboat, the Indian runner, has been matched for a 15mils race wien Johnny Hayes, at Buffalo, on Jul 20th. The T. & N. 0. Railway, -it is an nounced, will not _be extended to Por- cupine and Gowganda for the present, at any rate, Manager Gauvreau, for a number. of years parish priests of St. Roches, Que, is seriously ill, and has received the last rites of his church. - It is not believed in railway circles that there will be a strike of trainmen arising out of the present deadlock over the guestion of wages. A regular sux sia Win- to IV men be will be established within two months, The United States congress has vit ed $10,000 for the expenses of a com mission to be appointed to investigate the means on promoting univers peace. g The Bhoenix Bridge company has appeal® from the verdict recently ren- dered by a jury in the case of Haley against the Phoenix Bridge company lor $20,000, Nearly three thousand men 'are ex- pected to be under canvas at Camp Sussex, N, D., next week. The Army Service-Corps goes to-morrow to make preparations. Frederick Mills and William Hark. ness, players on the National and Shamrock lacrosse teams; of the Ot tawa City League, were cach fined $3 and $2 costs for assault. On June 16th, Mrs. William Holthy, Ottawa, received a telegram from Chaplean, Ont., announcing the death of her grandson, little Nelson Dafoe, through a drowning accident. Brooklyn surgeons are astonished at the vitality of Solomon Levy, 106 years old, who has been discharged from a hospital as active as 5 boy, af- ter a fall. down two flights of stairs, Conditions seems favorable, to-day, for the opening of the aviation meet at Lake Side, Montreal. There is a light breeze and plenty of ganshine, This afternoon Mr. McCurdy will give exhibitions. - Horace Cheviter, liberal candidate in Carillion, Man., bas entered suit a- gainst Attorney-General Campbell for stating that Chevrier offered a sup reme court appointment for a ecam- paign fund contribution of $10,990, A sale that has created a good deal of interest has just heen nmmde in. the transfer of a claim owned by the Green-Gordon syndicate to the Jig Pete Farah company. 1i is located in Guibord township, is smid to have plenty of quartz showings and = to have yielded some high gold values. George Brown, twoeniy-three yomrs old, was driving home from Tilson- burg, Ont., on Friday night, when his horse, startled by an approaching train, ran to the track right in fromt of the train at the Wabbsh crodking. The horse was killed instantly and Brown was thrown from the buggy, but not killed Two young men and two young wo- men belonging to Montreal, summering at St. Rose, were boating in the river near St. Eustace, on Friday, when ft was proposed to run the rapids. The ladies declining they were landed aki the men attempted the feat them- pelves. The honl struck a rock 40d Was overturned and Ernest Gibbins why drowned. Ilis companion escap:!, HIGHWAYMAN'S HOLD-UP.™™ The Men They Shot amd Robbed are Lynn, Mass, June 25 Thomas Landregan, a wealthy shoe manofas- I. Carroll, accowpanving him, wer containing between BL000 and 35,000 by two big highwavmen early, to-day, heart of the i turer, of Lynn, cod Policeman Thomas shot and robbed of a leather satchel! business section ] SHOTS WERE FIRED . ... At the Horse Killed by a Soldier on Friday. Dr. G. W. Ball, V.8., made an ex: amination of the mare, owned by Mr. Druce, which met death, as the resuit of the carclessnéss of a soldier, on his way home, on Kriday, and found that two bullets had been find into the animal's body. One huilet was found in the shoulder, and the dther in. the hip. The mare was valued at $150, and naturally, Mr, Druce is making every effort possible, to have the matter traced to the guilty party, It is un depstood, that he has placed the mat- ter in the hands of a lawyer, and that he will seek damages from the govern: ment, if the guilty party is not brought tq jystice, and made to pay for i rash conduct. It was reported, to-day, that a wit- ness could be secured, who saw a soldier fire the shot from the train, as it was passiny out. The affair has caused considerable talk around the city, and the general opinion is that a thorouzh investigation should be made, "A man found guilty of such an act, should be given five years in the peni tentiary," remarked one citizen, day, in discussing the 'matter. The Whig was informed upon relinhle authority, on Saturday, that no thin five shots were fired from one of the trains goiny' out of the city, with | soldiers, and that all (ho shootings was done just a few' blocks ont from he staiion, fo- long CHICAGO FIRE CHIEF HERE. ---- He "Was Horrified at the Condition of City's Roads. Fire Chief James Horan, Chicagn, and party of six, including City Elec trician William Carroll, Frank X. Mudd, Robert Macey, W. J. Carney, Frank Doherty and John Amburyg, were in the city on Friday afternoon and evening. The chief and his party had been out back of Newburgh on a fishing trip, and on the way. back went to Brockville, coming to the city by the steamer Kingston, k aving on a special car attached to the oxpress going through to the west. The party will go right through to Chitage, While in the city the chief and party were driven about the city by Chief Armstrong and Capt. Reid, of No, 2 station. The chief was greatly pleased with the city, but uw the roads, which would: ruin any fire apparatus, He reported having fine week's fishing and will make an other trip over ag soen as possible. Chief Horan has 1,500 men under x was horrified he gaps tne Ser wel day. Automobile tracks, Le says, are no use for a five department; They are not relivhlc, op -------- STORY OF THE POLICE COURT. a v Two Women Figure in an Abusive Language Case, "I guess this must have twen 1 brought on by the hot weather py marked Magistrate Farrell, in the po" lice court, on Saturday morning, He had reference to a case in which Mrs. Mary Coulay, charged. har nugh hor, Mrs. Maria Tanner, with using a- buslye language, and pointing that the two women had been befors the court, just a year ago, in a siniilar mix-up. Although neighbors, the two women are not at all friendly, as was shown all during the session, when there was considerable cross-firing be- tween the two. Mrs. Tanner denied the charge, but Mrs. Coulay swore positively that Mrs. Tarner had abused her, and hor children. The words alleged to hava been used, would not look int print. nioe " ------------ Pacific Cod Fishery Union, Seattle, Wash., June 25.<-The I"ost- Intelligencer says ; > A deal which aims at the wnifien- tion of all the cod fishing in the Paci fic const is pow in progress and near ly completed, backed by San cisco and Poston capital, On Pugét Bound five enmpanies have been engaged in cod fishing in the Debring sea, and the industry has | grown from two schooners half: | dozen years ago to a loeally control led fleet, numbering over a dozen ve sels. ye Fran Excursion to Picton. Four hundred people left ] steamer Amerien, at 5.15 o'clock oft | Saturday murninig, on the excursion of tae Kingston Hesiory Co. to V arvl Lake-on-the-Mountain- and se Weallter man favored © the employee with such a fine day, a great outing was looked for. The steamer will stay at Pictom two hours, and bn the way bame a stop of one hour, will be made ab Laké-ontheMountnin, The King tion hox factory, closed down for th day, and joined i% the excision. . en pret The Strawberry Season. Strawberries have been quite plenti- ful this week, far more so than at | this timo last year. The general pe | tail price has been three vogés for twenty-five cents. Crates were sold At seven conts a box. Not so many | berries wore received Saturday. Deal | €s expect that next Tuesday will hie! the big strawberry day. 11 is possi ble that the price may be four boxes! to quarter, hut this cunt be pry on the ttan, the i i i Obtained Four Prizes. Miss Florence M. Elliott, danghteg of | Mr: ano Mrs. J. G. Biliogt, Harrie! street, returned from 6. Agnes Schou; | Bellville, on Friday, bSowging = with, | hier unr prizes, two fop OM and New | Testament, ome for order gid sestness | during the year, and one for stesdy | and consistent work in musics 3 i iden Bed' tment WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, June 25 180 am --~Ot- tawa Valley and Upper St. Lowrence----- Idght to moderate winds; fine and warm to-day and Sunday. 2 "To-Night 2 HotWeather ITEMS we AT... Sale Prices Ladies' Linen Collars Best ' English make, beautifully em- broidered, medium height, all slzos 38e Qualities. SALE PRICE, 20¢. Ladies' Lisle Hese Fine French Lelsle Hose in all the New Shades, also White or Black, all A great stocking ht 34¢ SALE PRICE Oe SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Ladies' Underwear Fine French Lisle Hose in all the med, knee length drawers to match, Regular 26¢ qualities SALE PRICE, 20¢ PER GARMENT. SILK SPECIAL 150 Yards of Fine White Chinese Bilk of beautiful finish, containing no 25c¢ and sizes Pp o ing sure A really great Silk for a cool summer waist or aress, The width is 27 inches. The price was b0¢ per yard. SALE PRICE, 85¢. wT. Steacy's BORN, WESTLAKE---On June §th, Mr. and Mra. deorge Portsmouth; a daughter 1810 to Westlake, MARRIED, -ARNIEL i, 19106 3 Arnie Daker H In Kingston Hev., Dr. Mu of this city, Hand, Ports HOLLAND SB LAWBON--At the Methodist i HO Eiginhurg June 18ih, F. W. banby, Albert in, IngRtor Fownship 10 Hie Lawson, of Kingston Town RA Tunsday {ey Mr Cooke, « vldest daughter of Mr Liberte WK. Walker, this toy Harrisor f Montreal CONS chad Toronte Father 1810, Margaret Jeremiab formerly Hazeldell, june 1th Grace SHANNAMAN to n, both BOBERT J, REID The Leading U aker. 'Phone 577. 230 Princess Street, JAMES REID The. Old Firm of 1nd 254 and 298 PRINCKSS ra A "Phone 147 for Ambulaner. ANTIQUE FURNITERE. Mahogany Hook Case and Desk come bined aise large Hall Table, dt Turk's. "Phone, 795 For making perfect ICED Use our ** Blend" The popular Tea at the 'popular price, 35¢. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries A Peculiar Drowning, 2 Special to the Whig. acter, OTTER ®Amprior, June WA Peeling drowning spoident Aptos od here, Ellen five, 'migting death WA

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