i hon ius FARE for the 1 trip, good going June 20th and July 1st, and good to return until a Manus, July 4th. fssued at Kingston to inter- te es tate between Montreal and a will not be good on trains 1 * Excursions IADTAN NORTH-WEST. th August 9th and 23rd. Tickets ed to return within 60 ot full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. SEL rong Pt LLU sat | Aad "DOMINION DAY Hound Trip Tickets will be sold at SINGLE FARE all points in Canada. Good going : ne orn and July 1st. Good for re- turn until July 4th, 1910. en EXCURSIONS Catiadiah North-West. 2 23rd, 60 days. TON--OTTAWA. gston 12.01 pom, arrive Ot. Lm Bttaws 1046 am, Warfrive HW hutormation at K. & P. and G.P.R. Ticket Office, Qutario Street. Genersy Pe Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. } fon Station, Ontario alunday excepted) an or- 131 nd all} inte north. SPR on avira fants via Bay 2 HL of artis ent. i TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON." nd leaves Kingston . - 800 a xcept Monday, during June and Es 1st, between te, Charlotte. N.Y; 1,000 Islands, 'Quebec and Saguenay iver. MER "HELLEVILLE" . leaves Kingston 5.30 pm, ; leaves Kingston 10.30 p.m, Toronto, 'Mont Hamilton, termediate purts and berth Fesctvations -- tang Outs and Bay of Quinte PAE 1 14. Bteamboat 0 Tslands-Rochester mencing May 89th, steamer on on ad s at 10.15 kport to Returning ay a VE acy of Quinte ports. Te Str. Aletha thurs a Kingston daily, except $un- : tar fora Sm 1 fon from J. P. Hanley, 1 rege ats, Ticket Agent. § tm, and Hudson River Rn R, Co. Svaday, June 19, dally, except San- Rs nn Fiinton 2.00 p, Hifi. Sunifay, 7.80 am, frect connections at Cape o and from all points in New to. Trough sleeper Cape Vin- & G ror id trip rate; Kingston orow i. Madey Saturday or 1 Fock ville and ud ti o Thousaod, | ands Gr ons "| rE ar Matiea iu Cost Latitudes. ! ok 800 tons, 004, neni hall ie comforts HA RN August. and 12th and or Hick ra N&, calling Pe Perce, ramers Biwand m Que- '. follow By noon, =| WORLD'S DEBT TO GANADA AWonderful 1 Achievement Discovery of *Frult-g-tives" has ~~ meant health for all Canada's fame does not rest solely on hier furs and wheat fields. Her rise in the esteem of the world is not due to her Cobalt mines. It is the work of her great men that has made her great. A graduate 6f BleGill University has won lasting renown for his original researches in the realms of Physics. Everyone knows that fruit is whole- some, when eaten judiciously. Physicians generally recognize the fact that fruit juices have a beneficial effect on the various organs of the body. - It remained for a Canadian physi. clan to discover a process whereby the medicinal action of fruit could be so i i Lake. WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. fhe Tidings From various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Yoing And What They Are Saying. bgt ; Flower Notes. Flower, June 21.-Miss Durick at- tended the lawn social at Mississippi on Friday evening. Miss Fdith Apple by spent a few days in Renfrew, the west of Mrs. - Me Ainndn, Miss Annie Revill made a trip to Mississippi on Friday. Pertram Deachman, of Hall's Mills, was iv Flower on Sunday. At Walnut Grove, Walout = Grove; June 20.-C. Bell, | Bsthmaster, had his men nt work on the road. Mr, and Mrs. Thomp- son riturned home after a a with {tee father and mother at Pleasant Wilson Buck has the contract of cuiting the Grand Trunk hay and is making things go lively. Wild strawberries are reported to be very increased as to make the iaten sified leat. juices a wonderful cure, . * Fruit-a-tives"* is this combinatinn of fruit juices and tonics. Since introduction to the public, * Fruit-a- tives " has met with a suceess accorded to no other medic ine in the world, The reason is plain, *' Pruit-a-tives" is th one remedy that is actually meade oF fruit, and is the only remedy that naturally cures Constipation, Bi'ious ness, Indigestion, Headaches, Klicu- matism, Neuralgia, : Backache, Kiduey and Skin Troubles. At all dealers mt soe. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. " or fiom Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Let it be o BEER the best and purest lager brewed--a tonic as well as food and drink. Sparkling and full of life Salvador tories up the entiresystem. A light and nourishing drink for every member of the family. Brewed and bottled by REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO Sold Everywhere Local Agent, E. BEAUPRE, Kingston. Tel. 818, Suffered Terrible Pains From His Kidneys. Perhaps no other organs work harder than the kidneys te preserve the gen eral health of the body, a are troubled with some kind of kidoey somplaint, but do not suspect it. There is no way of getting the kidney They help the kidneys to flush of dle a clearing Raley: bladics and Unabry Sasanqeh Prices reduced on : ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS i By the way have you il every tried toast made on an Electric Toaster, if not you have never caten toast. Let us send you one. its | | J Glendower Items. ° Glendower, June 21.- {doing their road work in this viein- lity. Stuart Leemon's little bay re- {turned home from Kingston hospital, i where he underwent an operation, Miss alia Timmerman is a little better, Mrs. Annie Macgowan is on the sick list. | Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Leemon, Glen dower, visited at Allan Snider's, Ve- rona. CU. Babeoek and wile, and Mr. and Mrs. William Webater and family, at Sanford Leemon's. Farmers are Caintown Correspondence. Caintown, June 21.--Jdoseph Hull has had his residence painted and the new kitchen erected H, W. Powell had an accident while. coming from Brock ville, but he hag quite' recovered. Mrs, R. 1. Brown and Mrs. James A Fer guson went to Brockville, one day last woel., Mr, Miller and Miss Miller, from the states, are guests at Thomas Pickey's. Mrs. Nancy Tennant and Miss Mitnie Tennant, spent a few Jays last week in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. George Giraham, Brockville, spent Sunday, at Rockport. Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Junp 20.--Lewis returned on Friday from a the: maritime Clow visit to provinces. E. Challis attended, on Fridey, the funeral of his sister, Mrs. William Mellroy, who died suddenly Inst Wednesday after- noon, at her home near Verona, Miss Thora Clow, Albert College, Belle- ville, is home for the vacation. A meeting is called for this evening to make arrangements for a lawn social to be held in the near future. Mr. and Mrs, Grass spent Sunday with friends here, Rev. J. Waddell has been appointed pastor. Rev, A. Fokes will occupy the pulpit again next Sabbath afternoon, Brookside Lady Dead. Brookside, June 20.--A gloom was cast over this vicinity when it became known that Mrs. Ira Lake has passed away during the evening of June 11th, Deceased had been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Alfred Galbraith, of Cole- brooke, and retired to her room, seem- ingly in as good health as usual. In a short time she éalled her daughter to her bedside. Medical aid was sum- moned and Mr. and Mrs, Galbraith did all in their power, but death came, from heart failure, in about fifteen minutes. The funeral service was con- ducted on Monday, by Rev. Mr. Bat- stone, at the Methodist church, Cole brooke. The body was interred in Harrowsmith cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss one son and one daugh- ter. Deceased was born near Harrow- smith, in the township of Portland, January 9th, 1837, and on April 2nd, 1862, she married the late Ira B. La%e and resided, until her death, on the farm on which her son, Maitland, now lives, ' Crow Lake Budget. Crow Lake, June 20.---There service in the school house on day by Rev. Mr. Stewart. Shaw, of Perth, and George of the same place, spent a few. days fishing here last week. Mrs, John thicks and Mrs. Mary Bedour made a trip to Sharbot Lake on business, The township council granted J. Barr and J. W. Knapp a small" sum of money to apply on the road be tween Crow Lake and Olden crossing, which has benclited the mail route immensely. Several of the patrons of Grow Lake cheese factory are sending their cteam to the T. Eaton company as the factory here it not running. James Erwin, of Sharbot Lake, and Albert Watson, of Bolingbroke, pur- chased a load of hogs and some fat enttle here last work, Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, of Althorpe, at GQ. Bertrim's. 'Mr. and Mrs. George Gunn, Otis - Tharrett, Miss Alma Knapp, Miss Lisrié McVeigh, at S. McGinnis'; Miss Jennie Mahon aod Miss Vera Flaherty, and Archibald Sharpe at J. W. Knapp's; Mr. and Mrs. William Jones spent Saturday was Sun- Bourke, The Messrs. | | and Sundiy at her: wister's, Mrs. Bi NEWS OF NEIGHBORS Charch, of Westport Obituary Notice. Colebrook, June 20.--~Death enterad midst on the elonng of Jane Frieh, 1.10, aud suddenly called away one gf our best known and highly we spected women, in the person of Mrs. Ja 3 Luke, widow of the late ira B uke, who predeceased her about thirty years, She had gone to bed feeling in her usual health when she suddenly called her daughter, Mrs, Alfred Galbraith, with whom she had been visiting about three weeks, ex- pitipng a few minutes afterwards, She was a faithfal member of the Me thodist church for about forty years, our ly, obliging neighbor. ' She was aged seventy-three years and five months, The funeral service was conducted at the Methodist charch, Colebrook, by the Rev. Mr. Batstope, and was ver. largely attended, She leaves to raourn her loss one don, Maitland, on the old homestead, and' one daughter, Mrs. Alfred Galbraith, and two step children, Mrs." Charles licks, Harrow smith, and Damon W. Lake, Syden ham; also two sisters, Mrs, Grant Day, Harrowsmith, and Mes. Edward tichland, Oswego county, N.Y. The remains were lajd to rest in the Har rowsmith cemetery. THE SPORT REVIEW, Notes on Baseball and Other Field Events, "Young King" Cole, the Chicago Cub pitcher, is still fooling the Na tional League heavy hitters, There i talk of a new basebali league being formed, with Ottawa, Smith's Falls, Gananoque, Morrisburg and Brockville, . Last year, Hans Wagner drove in 102 runs for the Pittsburg team. So far this year he has only se ng in four teen runs, accounting a great deal fo the poor showing made by the ales, Toronto Globe ;: Everlasting "Jim my' Reynolds, the veteran "walking barber," tried to walk from Port Hop Toronto, yesterday, but took a cramp at Newcastle and "chucked up' the job, ; The latest development in the hig fight situation is a report that the governor of Nevada will fellow the ex ample of Governor Gillett and 'will pre vent the holding of the fight either ir Reno or Goldfield, The Langford-Kaulman fight, sched uled for last Saturday, and preventec by the decision of the, governor, at San Francisco, will tak place on July 2nd, in Nevada, in the arena built for the Jefiries-Johnson fight. Hamilton Times : Cricket is looking up considerably, and every lover o outdoor sports should be glad of it, Cricket is a good old sport, British in origin and temperament, and suited to any country where grass grows and summer comes--and where there ar men who love a recreation that calls for skill and physical soundness. Like trade, cricket seems to follow the flag, and that is why it, has gone around the world, and wen in far off Aus tralia can now play: it as well as it is played in its home in the tight little island in the North Sea. to WELLINGTON NEWS. Summer School in July--Damage by Lightning. Wellington, June 21.~The summer school of about 150 will spend a week at Wellington, commencing July 4th, Some of the most talented men of On: tario will be in attendange. MH ram Kenabeck was stricken with paralysis on Sunday evening. There 'are no hopes for his recovery. The House of Refuge, Picton, was damaged by lightening on Saturday last. !. Spencer, contipues very ill, with no hope of his recovery. Mrs, Aminta Wilson, who spent the winter in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs, J. L. Hill, réturned home last week. A light board fence is being - placed around the grounds of Hotel Alexan- dra. Considerable damage the recent? electric storm. Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, son and daugh ter, of New York city, are the guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, East Wellington. Me. Jackson was one of the old hove of Wellington. He held a high and responsible position with the GN.W. Telegraph company. Mrs. George Noble, of Chicago, and child are visiting Mr. Noble's parents at Wellington. Lightoning struck W. R. Fox's house last week, also Williams Oliver's at Bloomfield. Strawberries are plentiful this season. The factories will not handle them this year. Two coment. walks will be laid on Bellevill street, East Wellington. was done by Cry TO LOWER COURT WAGES. Buckingham Palace Will be Child. ~ + rem's Playhouse. London, June 21 ~~Bing George and Queen Mary Propase Highign he purse strings of their Bho of the pomp of Buckingham A uh past will necessity ym ut iiss ho hat t is to seal ning, dowy of salaries for 4, ral 7 us imonial services. The food Py ownni. lord Shambetiyin, aster of the house and others of the functi aries, jSousen, will be 1s to be a ly ww note in the domestic A | im pala, I'or the first time in more than a gea~a tion on on) "Pile ai of that externally ) pi resound wit children. a loving wife and mother and a kind- | Pir, regular use of Abbey's Salt "for. Biliousness, Constipation and Stomaciy Trouble, will rid you of these distressing com- fe at the same time, benefit the wholesystem Abbey's Salt is pleasant to take and does not cian will wi Effere gripe. you that the a age: and 6oc.-- sin Seem Sall What You Should Take ! "Any physician will tell you that the constant use of liver pills, purgative tablets and powerful powders are . injurious to the system. Any physi- You are the Man we Want to Shoe Some men, wha don't know, have an idea that all Shoes are alike, They think that when ruey pay 33, $4, or $5 for a pair of Shoes, . that it doesn't make much difference where they buy them, that a Shoe is a Shoe and that's all there is to it, THESE MEN ARE MISTAKEN, It's true that all Shoe prices sound about the same, but there is as much difference in tHe Shoes as there is in the Men who wear them. Our Men's Shoes are the choice products of - THE WORLD'S BEST SHOE MAKERS, We select the best Shoes t hat the best Makers turn out, are no better Shoes than ours to be had anywhere, If you've never worn our sort of Shoes, Sir, suppose youn test us this season. We'll promise you the best Shoes for the money that ever covered your feet, J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. There Spring Tonic for Run Down People Are you feeling tired, weary, miserable and run down? Is it hard for you to get up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed ? The winter months have tried you sorely and robbed you of more vitality than your system has been able to replenish. Your blood is sluggish and must be purified and revived. You are in need of PSYCHINE, the "Greatest of all Spring Tonics, and Blood Purifier. It clears the system of all traces of winter colds. Banishes that tired, weary feeling. Restores yourappetite and brings youthful- ness, vigor and health to you again. Take PSYCHINE to-day. For sale by all druggists and dealers. 50c. and $1. Dr, T. A. SLOCUM, Limited Warm Weather SHOES There is no article in footwear so cool and _comfort- able as a pair of white or grey Canvas Boots or Oxfords. Try a pair and you will like them. REID & CHARLES P.S.--We have many lines of children' 8 "white Canvas Shoes. It Suits Them All Olid and young delight in the rich-_ ness and delicious. | ness of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA. it suits every BARGAINS Used Five Octave and Plano Cased Organs ranging all the way from $20.00 up. Easy _ terms of payment can be ars ranged. Purchaser of any organ will be allowed full value within two years' time should they decide to purchase 4 plano. We also have a full line of musical instruments, including inling, Guitars, Banjos, andoling, Strings, ete, © trouble to show Kindly call and in- pect 'our stock. Wormith Piano Company, Limited RETAIL DEPT. 233 PRINCESS ST - Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OfL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. Building? I can Supply Ready Roofhg, Wall Plaster, Lime and Portiand Coment P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. DON'T FORGET TO TRY M. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffee at 26¢ and 35¢ cannot Che kind 3, You are looking for 1» ® kind we se Scranton Coal i» good 1 and we gukrantes coal prompt delivery, ROOTH & CO,, OLIVES PLAIN, QUEEN, MANZANILLA, Stuffed Nut, Celery, Pimento. Ripe Lyvola in tins. D. COUPER'S, 341-3 Princess Street. 'Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none approach the .Civb for homelike sure roundings, ted In contre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and AFPRAISER. Po iia Tort at Fo dis yo eT Henderson's Stores prompt attention Beat refe) wiven, i | i LOAN o INVERTRRNY 1 socwry. war gue on us Te Lounty eben os, pos 4 ise sure Shined {ures 8. C. MeGILL, Managing Director, £7 Clarence Street, OUR SALT 5 ALL SALE. If ant 1 '. oe, Fe SEIS Kit, buys or bu : PL Dn