Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1910, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUXE >= 1910. ------ ICUTICURA SOAP In the treatment of affec~ tions of the skin and scalp, which torture, dis- figure, itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for "preserving and purifying the com- plexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment are well nigh infallible. it the worid. Depots: Hg Farts, §, Rue jon: in usr, Towns & Co, Bydpey! i I il Chleutta: Oh ina, Houx Kong : Sa a Muruys, Tokio: Bo. is Li Alrics. Lennon, Cnpe town 'ete. U8 Bi Drug & Cham, Corp., ot »,. Hoston, tiours Bonk pont-free ry ving on, Ureatitent and if torturing, disl xan 43 humours of {ao skin ang sesip Bole I'Tops., G ARBAGE. COLLECTION. J ut SPORT AT THE CAMP. \ : h * | Guelplt's System. Advocated by Ald! i : Toye. Ald. Toye, who was a member the civie garbage committee which re- signed, is of the opinion that if his proposition hid been adopted, the city would now be enjoying a satisfactory} collection of garbage. He sargestad that Guelph's system be adopted in | Kingston, In Gaelph there is a satis Haetory collection of not only age, but of ashes, which latter ndded this car. The vents O14 charges each resident fiftoen cents Kings- +4 Donth for collection, and this vem extra [the amount is added to the tax hill, cake 18nd cheedfully paid. Last year Guelph teolleeted enough money to more than | on the 'main parade ground, fronting |SOVeE the expenses of the garbage pe the lines, and here the different events | bem, and everybody was pleased. were run off, running, jumping, wres- | ity Solicitor McIntyre raported that | thing and other feats of strength, by!® garhage tax could sot be collec ted, | men wha, although not always train {but Ald. Toye says it can. It may of as athletes, and men not al- | pot be collectable legally, but, he ways in training, still were all big, | 58¥® the people will gladly pay it, and strong, husky fellows, and enjoyed ¢ the easiest way to wuther it is by add tery event as much as did the speecta- jing it on the tax bills, Very little of : {it wonld he uncollected, for the peaple | iwould cheerfully pay if they were giv- FIELD EVENTS . WERE HELD TUESDAY AFTERNOON, of The Results of the Contests--Thére WHl be Nine Bands at the-Military , Tattoo This Evening---~Camp Closes Friday. The afternoon of Tuesday, Jarricfickd, was ined very successful ir turned out to he. "Any athletic always draw a large crowd in ton, but military sports get an lurge nuthher; and such was the on Wednesday. The ficld was laid out, garb has | western at Camp | to the f 0 Jeol they ee given over ports, tors, The programme opened at o'clock, and by thal time a large num on a good garbage system. : ber of city people had arrived, and by | Ald Toye sees no zeason why Kings three o'clock the people were 'standing {ton cannot be _ progressive around the enclosure about seven and { Guelph, and still advocdtes the adop eluhit deep In some of the events Lion of the scheme above outlined. | especially the wrestling, excitement var! Sixty -celitw- a year, payable by each] high, the different regiments, whose | resident, would raise money enough fo sons were entered, raaising a great old | the collection of garbage for six | row, cheering and calling. j months. About' the best man entered was] : Nn--------------. Adams, of the Royal Military College, GOOD BLOOD AND HEALTH bat, of course, as he has been in con- stant training for some months, the! events were familiar to him, and he had many other things in his favor. Sterling, of the 59th, a strapping big | good blood. It is only. when the blood chap, of about 210 pounds, and with is bad that the he alth is poor. The | a very happy smile, was also a good blood is the lile-giving fluid of the body | one, and when the sports were over he it is therefore an absolute necessitye had & row of badges across his breast, | that it should be kept free from alt im- showing that he had been in numerous | purities and poisons. To do this! events, and also' a big scratch across nothing cam equal Dr. Williams Piuk | his cheek that showed he had been in a Pills for Pa¥e people, Thwse Pills make wrestling bout, jnew, rich blood' with every he " Lisut.-Col, John Hughes was officer drive out every impurity--¢v. charge," and he made an excellent abc thus. give good health - | one indesd, Everything down to"the them Miss Bernadette Lapointe, of | morest. detail wns carefully arranged | St. Jerome, Que,, says:-- For several and well carried out. In each event, years my health was very bad----my two prized were given, a first and sec- System was completely run down. I hal two | as as w { The Result Obtained § When Pink Pills I are Used. To have go health you must have Sow; x ED in «neerp- ond, and each third was given a neat indigestion almost continually; m ¥ badge of white silk, suitably lettered. heats as oa I had hegdac hes and For the prizes, the eity council re ) oe an was sofe all tributed 2100, and then somgp was col- ie ant [oe very poer und lected, making in all about $250 for | wan once 1 was in despair. con: over, more tried | of ad- the day. Great credit is' due J. A.!many supposed remedies a non 10 4 . are # ag, A, 4 ; b < . ne dont Kneale and A. Simmers, of the Y.M, i them helped me. One day a friend For this week 4 Specials Ladies' Oxfords Ladies' Pat, Colt, Gibson Toe. $2.00 Ladies" 'Chbedlate, Gibson, Toe 00 $1.50 Ladies' "bong, Gibson Toe Also 'White Canvas, Strap Pumps. and Oxfords [Ur REET a Sole Agent for Kingston, "Ankle i $1.50 A. staff, for all the work they did in vised me to try Des Willins' Tonk A Pills, telling me that she had found | eonmbetion 'with the sports, and for se: } h ts for wrestling, the them good in a case similar to ming. | curing. the ma . a I followed boi advice. mad Eicon a | n g i Belen for ay {ing the pills, They soon gave me ; ' won. as fol {some slight relief, Encoitraged by this! The' different 'events were won a iI continued their use for several lows : Fonths and they strongthened my Putting 16h. shot-- 1, | whole system. 1 am to-day in excel teh regiment, 41 feet 5 tent health and always keep Dr. Wil- f- Sterling, 49th regiment, jliams' Pink Pills in the house for if I inches. ; feel a little gut of sorts I take a hox 220 yards--1, Adams, RM.C. of Pill; and am soon alright again." Coulder, 42nd regiment. - | Thousands of young girls through. Runnin: high jumped, Grant, Hoth tout Canada suffer just as Miss La- regiment: 2, Adams, R.M.C. . {pointe did. They are sickly "all the 140 yarde---l, Adams, RM.C; 2, time and are totally unable to take Craig, 42nd regiment. . {the enjoymeat cut of life that e ery Tossing cobers=l, Walker, B9th regi- | healthy girl sho 1 They net: a tons ment, 24 i t { inch; 2, Sterling, 59th li: wo build then ¢: to enabls them reiximen t¥ ¥at : to withstand the worries of honse- Relay rnc, one mile, team: of four | hold or Wuginess dativs to give them | men--Won by the 420d régiment team, | strength to enjoy social life, Such 4! with the 59th second. tonic is Dr. Walliams' Pink pills for} Hop, step and jump--1, Adams, R.| Pale People. These Pills give blood to M.C., 37 feet 8) ches; 2, Dillabough, [bloodless girls; they strengthen the 5th vegiment. nerves; banish headaches and baok- Sack race--1, AMC, aches; eure indigestion, rkeumatism, Proctor, 59th. heart palpitation and relisve the wa Wrestling events--1, ny ills of girlhood and womanhood. 2, Barr, 47th, Sold by all medicine dealers or direct Guard mounting--45th by mail at 50 cents a box or six box- gard won, with 59th second. The Dr. Williams' Alarm race--1, LaRock, 059th Jrockville, Ont, ment; 2, Hornbeck, 40th. Tug-of war--Won in two pulls by the 39th. MeDons ald, inches; fect 1H in a 2, Maxwell, Sterling, Hoth; regiments | jes for: $2.50 from regi- | Medicing Co, A Word to Auto Drivers. A citizen writes: "Kingston auto- The wrestling events were refereed | ixts are, as a rule, careful drivers, by Sérgeant- Major Instructor James but in the manner in which they K. McGowan, W.0., in a capa Isle man- {turn corners they leave much to be nar. dle is well up £™ all branches of {desired The rules of fhe road plainly the manly art and makes a capable 'state that a vehicle yiust keep on the referee. In the Inst event, no fall was | right hand side of the road till it has gecured, Barr, who weighs about 150, | reached the centre of the intersecting finally giving up, taymg he could not {road. In many cases this is not done throw "Sterling With his 210 ' pounds. | and may result in a bad accident some | The loser was by far the better [day." wrestler of the two, as he knew some- thing aboutthe game, knew the holds and how to braak them. With a man | near his own weight he would have put on an inferesting bout. It was af tor 6.30 o'clock before the last events wore run off, and then it was a Died at Kingston. At the Hotel Dieu, Barton Earle, u long-time resident of Peterboro', ard for twenty years English master of the collezinte institute, at the age isexenty-one years, diad on Monday. of He Do You Sufrer From H eadaches ? experienced = nhs hav A : or tie It efiscts a Agee al Doth sexes alike, but the female the. effected hurry to town and supper for the civil- ! twas a native of Geotzina tovuship, ans, county of York, and wis for many years, before going to Peterbore', a public school teacher in York and Sime coe counties. The interment will at Sutton on Wednesday. Notes of the Camp. Tuesday being the soldiers play day there was very little doing in the damp in the regwar line of work, no parades, no drills, ete. The long march in the morning did not cause| The Orpheum has a good show these any serious trouble to any one, only|days, and the crowds in attendance two men droppmg out from heat ex-'are very large despite the warm Laustion, and both recovered in a ! eather, The little musical comedy short time. Ty see the men out at ! presented pleases. As usual, the Or- sports in the afternoon no one would | pheum shows a fine line of moving pic: ever think they had been on such 8 {ures march' in the morning and they | " Lall dooked spick and span The ation to-night promises to be Trouble With a great sucess, There will be at least nine bands and as they are all good ones, some fine music should od Aignded wut. A large Muar was ped of during the day, where it will| phat can only be cand when: liver be Vek 1 a -- Spisy of fireworks and kidneys are set Right by DR. will also enliven evening AW. © ws ile and LIVER PILLS. 1 oe + Orphenm's Good Show, The camp is now drawing to a elose and thére has Yeen no serious accidents, no disturbances of any kind, or | hing that would in the least mat' thehame of the camp. This is certainly. a record, and will, in all probability, ast for some time.. Many ert baseball games are played during the day by different teams, and at somé the crowd scem greatly excited, especially if the regi oll rivals. It is customary to put all the re- ibility on the stomach for in dlgbtion and its accompanying dis sotnfores. is all wrong, for al -- es the liver and kidneys are to blame, and vou find amont Ihe symptoms constipation, baci I ments - iousness and he! The RMU. cadets: at Samp are mak: No other, medicine will so iguickly' ing exeellent fnstiuctors, the drill be-'py. . Chase's Kidney and Liver ing All porfoetly clear to. them and ils ll regulate the liver, kidneys easy for them to teach. and bowels and get the digestivo ays- have been made with'gem into good working order manager of the Bank of a 1 you are in earnest shout a cure representa t bother { steamer jing, leays that i Mr. 'and was going ta leave, {kept hotel in politics he | body. The Stomach| | RN ee Er FOUND UNCONSCIOUS IN. THE FIREHOLD OF STEAMER PIERREPONT. ire) John Shanahan Stricken With | Apoplexy While at Work--Con- | - veyed to Hotel Dien, Where He bied at Miduight-----Was an Old Re- sident of Kingston.* John. Shhnaban, 9 Gore was sdddenly sucken with while at work mn the fire hold « Piervepont, on Tuesday even and died iv the Hotel Dieu at midnight. When the steamer wag" a few miles from Kingston, en route from Cape Vincent, FEagineer John McEwen wondered why the steam was getting so low, and went down in to the hold. Hp was startled to see | Fireman = Shavehan ving unconscious in front of the furnace e. The stricken man was varriec up to the main deck and when the steamer reached Fol- tgee's what-if De. Kilborn was sammon- et to attend him. Mr. Shanaban was removed to the Hotel Dien in Cor- {bett's ambulance. For some time he was fireman at Rockwood asylum. Capt. Hinckley, of the Pierrepont, it was only yesterday that Shanahan said: to him that he could not stand the worls any longer, As the fire in front of the escaping steam boiled his bogs to such an extent that the skin peeled off. The deceased sON§, one street, ape HEX the | man lay unconscious forn ace is survived hy daughter, and three | His brother, William, who formerly this city, i= an invalid Dieu, The late Mr. a member of St. congregation, Ja was® an old liberal, He was one of the oldest members of the ¥.1.C.B.A The funergl will take place to Mary's eathedral, on Thursday morn. ing, The Y.LC.B.A., will attend in a two sistora, in the Hotel Shanahan was Marv's cathedral St ' WwW. H. DYDE, merchants reception com- ttee. Vans Are Overloaded. The city livery men should remem- ber chat there 1 a by-law governing how many passengers they carry ina van. The law says distinetly that oly eighteen cup Be carried bud many more are often crowded in and this is not always the driver's fault, as the parties running the drive or picnic often add 'a few extra = ones. The law regarding this will be en- sed ag the humane society is look- ing \into the matter, elaiming that anyth? over eighteen is too much for the rees, On retail At Lake Ontario Park. Lake OntaMo park was a gay scene, last evening. The pavilion was pack ed, and the grounds were crowded, The same elaborate programme gone and was enjoyed. night an entirely new programme: will be presented. Mme. Boohee will sing by request, Millard's beautiful song, "Waiting." New pictures and songs will be given. was over, To ALD. F. J HOAG, On retail 'merchants reception com- m Er Portsmouth, Clean Up. Residents of Portsmouth fhink that with an iesfhiatior full of ners the penitentiary shonld Keep 't ad- way in front of it free from. weeds. The tondition o: the sides of the penitentiary hill roadway is not ere ditable. A few prisoners could clear it in a day. Now that Lake Outaric Park has opened and thousands of visitors sre A from Kingston Rr five from the bank any thory with mere be at the Samp no office. Son i digetion. but rid the whole pom. x kom, on on ursday system poisoBous. i Dr. A, . Chase's Rt. ay 3nd Sa- I Pills, and vou wil Rey Epa ed ee Ai tien, as many trouble and makes re complete by | through the village the Portsmouth | people want their sire ag look na It is sug- that Fairhaven, '{ The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. -------------- KINGSTON GRA DUATE: s Of the Royal Military College in Past Thirty Years. It is just thirty years the Royal Military College fits first graduating class in which | thers were three Kingston young men lohan B. Cochrane (now professor at the college), A. | H. VanStraubenzee and J. «; Clark. @his war King has two of its sons in the gra ang class," "The total number of of the Military: College, the members of the class hat went forth today, is #86. Of this number Aingston bas contribu ted thirty-seven, Jr about eight per cet. . Two or The older graduates residing mm Kingston are Prof, A. K, Kirkpatrick, who graduated in 1552, and Major W. Bruce Carruthers, who was a member of the class of 183, This vear's, graduating lass bers twenty-six, ago sino sont forth de graduates inting num- who helong to cities and towns all the way from Victoria, BU, to St. John, NB. Toronto heads the list with eight graduates; Montreal has three; Kingston, Ottawa, London, Calgary. sontribute two each, while Brandon, Truro, N.S., Dundas, Victoria, B.U., Winnipeg, Quebec and St. John, N.B., each has one. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor Front, The schooner for Charlotte, The steamer Pellait passed, on her way up from Montreal. Lhe steamer Bowards arrived, kwego, with coal for Sowards. The schooner Merrill, loaded feldspar, cleared for Charlotte. The steamer Dundee loaded stone, at Howe Island, and cleared for Co- bourg. The steamer Saskatoon passed, her way from Montreal, lakes. The steamer Neepawah expected at Richardsons' elevator, to-day, from Fort William, with a cargo of grain. The steamer Cardinal and barge, un dergoing repairs here, cleared for to load coal for Cardinal Swift's : Steamer Kingston, down and up, to-day; steamer Dundufn, up; steamer Belleville, down, to-day; steamer Aletha, -from bay points, Tug Emerson, from light barges, cleared for Montreal, with three grain-laden barges: steamer Fairmount arrived, from Fort William, with 61,000 bush els of oats and 36,000 bushels of wheat; tug Glyde cleared, for Mont- real, with one grain barge. Major Ferry cleared from with on to the upper is T. Co's: Montreal, three NEEDS MORE ADVERTISING, What An American Has to Say About Kingston. A prominent New Yorker, who well known in Kingston, was in city, on his way to his summer tage at Sharbot Lake. He was speak ing about the city of Kingston, as a summer and stated that all that was necessary to make the place boom, was to do more advertising. "Phat's all the city needs," ho said, "l ave no doubt that if, in the winter, say in the month of January, the city would place an advertisement in the New i papers, they woul get a large number of New York peo- ple to come. The trouble is that the do not know about this district. As i have a deep interest in Kingston, and ite welfare, 1 have advertised the city as much as 1 could, and as a result of my talking, three families are com- ing to Kingston." . This little story is something which will verify the old saying, that it pays to advertise. is the cots resort, Beautiful Stock to Choose From. Prevost, Dreck street, has a fine as- sortment of tweeds, serges and che viots. Anyone in need of clothing will do well to call on him. Ready- made clothing and gents' furnishings never bett.: assorted. The Knizhts of Columbus are boli ing a state council at Brockville. Dr. Ryan, J. J. Behan and T. J. Hen- nessey, represent Kingston. TR Summer officially began Tuesday, Hut one would think it came along a week ago. FALLING HAIR STOPPED. Baldness Cured by Destroying the Parasitic Germ That Causes It. Baldness follows falling hair, falling hair follows dandeufi; and dandruff is the result of a germ digging its way into the scalp to the root ofthe hair where it saps the vitality of the hair. To destroy that germ is to prevent as well as cure dandrufl, falling hair, and, lastly, baldness. There is only one preparation known todo that. New- bro's Herpicide, an entirely agew, scifn- tific discovery. Wherever it has been tried it has proven wonderfully sac cessful. It can't be otherwise, because it utterly destroys the dandruff germ. "You destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold vy leading druggists. Send 10¢, in stamps for sample to One Dollar Bottles guaranteed. At dimmer especially gs at aay "mest meal" -- Hegnl Lager proves a real help to weak digestions. "nt tones the stomach and does the nerves good. Yet it Is mo mere stimulant, and certain. iy moan intoxieant. Woman Would you restore your falling beauty, bring back the fading bloom to your cheeks? Try a box of Fig Pills and you will be amazed how quickly they will perform these functions. Fig Pills are a never-falling remedy for Comstipation. ete will' e carried away by {One 25¢, a bor. 'at all TT ar or buscar orien. : for free copy of Dr. 2 st.| For a SEE OUR MEN'S FINE SHORES, * $3.00, " WHITE CANVAS SHOES, $1.75, Boys', Youths' and Little Gent's, Boots at Ele Sang will surprisy JOHNSTON SHOE STORE, 70 BROOK STREET. HE man who buys a T about it than anybody else typéwriter knows less in the office. Let him re- ly on the advice of his e/\NS/\®AS Hib eed fefste]i] ete -lotlala'alw' 4 stenographer. She knows the best machine -- the . : Underwood, Peete vr UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. LTD. 4 BR. C. DORBS, KINGSTON. Flower Hed Border from Fences and Gates of al ki factured CRESCENT TRON WORKS (Pw riridge & 'I'hone 380. Te Aft m - A ). PPP EBM M0 we H PARKS & SON, | Mort gm tn season. and yuue signs a specially ne ee pas 126 King WAM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Sales given special ate tention jSvuintey Sales of Farms, Stock etc, have beqn my specialty for lug years "it farmers want the high dollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. EE § Sre-------------------------- ett Nourish and Satisfy Yo ur System by Using RANGE MEAT It is made from the whole wheat and is easily converted into rich, red blood. Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. SHOE POLISH For Ladies Too Won't rub off on frilly things, or stain the skirts. Waterproof Contains no Turpentine, Proserves the loather. he F. F. DALLEY 00, LIMITED, Hamiiten, Ont, and Buffale, B.V. 7 Little Digesters | At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto S¢ a box, or five boxes for $1.00. sale at drug stores. Ice Cream If you once try our Ice Cream you will be convinced that it is the Purest and Best. | : SAKELL" SO Pron ol €000000000000000000000 csessccsscsssssesssssi DAVIS ENGINES The DAVIS Gasoline durability are required, are desired. Davis engines always run smoothly weather and in any sea. sults. Do not forget that we carry a complete line of Gasoline Fittings and Supplies, and can make prompt delivery. 1 ¢ THE DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. "Phone 420. A scatetsssssssssecerse 0000000000000 08000060 "FROM MILKMAID MILK | TO HOUSEMAID." | CREAM You want the BEST Ours stands the TEST So leave the REST, AND ORDER OF PRICE'S, 288 Princess St.: [Buttermilk Engines are always found where strength and and where pleasure, satisfaction and comfory under all conditions, in any Put pre in your boat and we guarantee re 2000000000000 0000 Ice Crea Phone 845. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. «Manufacturers of Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Tin Pipe, Tin Lined Pipe and other Lead Rroducts. 98 3 31 Wilkie Siret, Totonta

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