Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jun 1910, p. 6

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- t 2 inie. Five Octave and Plano i Organs ranging all the from $20.60 up. Easv of peyment can be ar- d. Purchaser of any _ will be allowed full @ within two years' time | d they decide to purchase We also bave a full instruments, Guitars, 3 Strings, . No. trouble to show Kindly call and in- stock. Wormwith Piano pmpany. Limited TAIL DEPT. | FLOOR OIL.' GREASE, ETC. i PROMPT DELIVERY. * PLAIN, QUEEN, MANZANILEA. Stulted ¥. Pimento. "Nut, = Celery Ripe Lyvola fu thw. COUPER'S, - re pallet: "Phone 76. ad ; ik OOOO ODO 00000 | BADLY CRIPPLED WITH LUME BACK CANCELLING ORDERS. Could Not Walk Straight | Very few diseases can cause yof1 ne yee peiniet a Lame D iwig down is worture--getting up pretty nearly | kills ou--walking i agony. BE oes | you in , that gagging pain | up its ache, ache, ache--and when you | roll over or try to get up again, well, | it brings teafs to your eyes, Mr. Mackenzie, an old resident of Elms- dale, Nova Scotia, knows what it is to have a Lame Back--and he knows, too, what to take to cure it and be free of pain and suffering. es z "1 was badly crippled up with pains across the s of my back. I could not walk straight of lie comfortably in any position tht 1 would pldce rayse!f. 1 was recommended to tev Gia Pills, which I did, and I received immediate relief after taking four doses, and by the time the first box of Cin Pills was finished they had rade a complete cure. ; I can with pleasure recom Pills to any person troubled as 1 was." GRO, M. MACKENZIE. Gin Pills cure Lame Back because they cure the Iiipeys. Lame Dack js just another name for Sick Kidneys. Hard work and oll age strain and wecken the kidneys. These important organs need hiclp, and the avuie pain in the back is a sign that they are being overworked, Give your kidneys the help they need, Get Gin Pills and take them regularly. In a very short time, fo will be free of pain, the kidneys wilf have gained new strength, and the Bladder be fa excel lent condition, Dealers everywhere have Gin Pills at 50c. a box--6 for £2.50. We don't ask you to buy Gin Pills but to try them at our expense and only buy them after they have proved' their value, Sample box sent to your address, abso- futely free of charge if you write the National Drug & Chem. Co. Limited Dept. B. Toronte 81 mn etme eet em tenet? FREE TRIAL OF OUR Electric Irons In order to. Introduce our Electric Irons wé Haye deelded to offer a Frée Trial to any electric light consumer in the city. They can be attached to any electrit¢ socket, and are al ways ready. If you wish to try one "Phone 94 Halliday Eletrc Company 345 KING STREET. Longest Established Electric Firm in the City. ery salesman at Toledo. Had Given Up All Hope of Living. Heart Trouble Cured by Mil burn's Heart and Nerve Pilla. "Mm, Andrew Savey, Gmttan's, N.B,, She. yout 106,134 taheh 1 could live any trouble with m i i : E gr iif ¥ ii Es ik 131 r iis 6 ing sud Chewing 41 forty. ns 3, Pound. laa Amare adieu, | granted a Shartsr wits $20,000 capital ch lS NEW YORK CENTRAL HOLDS UP nG EXPENDITURES. Bond Negotiations Of i--Presidbut | Brown Believes Reasonable In. crease in Freight Rates Will be Authorized. New York, Jupe 7~W. CU. Brown, president of the New York Central railroad, has issued a statement "on- Frming a report that the New York Central has cancelled orders for freight ears costing $3,000,000, = and that in addition, instroctions request ing bids for freight cars totalling in cost $4,000,000 had been withdrawn. He added that expenditures for im: |rovements amounting approximately to $8,000,000 had been held up pend- ing settlement of the freight rate ques: tion, He also sad authoritatively that negotiations in Paris affecting the sale of bonds and debentures of the Cleve-| land, Cincinnati and Chicago railroad and the Michigan Ceniral, totalling 427,500,000, had been discontinued in. view of the unfavorable impressio ni ea sted in France by developments ere, 1 In addition to these retrenchments,' Mr. Brown thinks that the air is clear- "1 have no doubt whatever but that a reasonable increase in rates will be authorized by the interstate commesce | commission," he said, "and the work! temporarily suspended resumed. Until assured of this, however, the only safe course is to postpone all expenditures | which, while important, are not indis- | pensable, and husband resources : provide for those things waich must! be done." i CHIEF KOHLER HAD DOUBLE. | Visited Tenderloin and All Night Grill Rooms. Cleveland, June T.--Attorney W, H, Poyd, principal counsellor of Chief of F'oice Kohler in his" trial before the civil service commission on twenty- ti ree charges of official and personal n isconduet, to-day bezan an investi- tn! all-night grill rooms by a nian lv. good authority Boyd learned this afternoon that the man, a double of the . suspended thief, posed as Kohler and succeeded in deceivin't even the Lihitues of the all night saloons. This man was formerly at the head of Clevelnnd manufacturing concern, but ol inate has been employed as machin- In company with another man he is said to have continued his visits to the Cleveland tenderloin after his vemoval from the city, TO GIVE A TRIP. Steamer Rochester to go to Char- Totte for Colors. Ogdensburg, N.¥., June 7.--As soon as "the steamer Rochester is painted the boat wll leave Charlotte, where tue ity officials of Rochester, railroad officials, invited guests and newspaper met will be given «trip on the lake. This trial trip will be made the oc casion of the presentmtion of the hoat's colors and clock by the city of Rochester. This outing is scheduled to take place June 17th, and on the fol- lowing day the regular schedule be- tween Youngstown and Ogdensburg will go inte effect. Pension for Mrs. 0. O. Howard. Washington, Jute 7--The widow of Major-General 0, G. Howard 'will re: cere a pension of $100 a month Ny the &ection of the house. The commit- tec on pengions having adopted a rule against pensioting widows of general ofticers the union army at wore then $20 a month, this rule was in- vobed without success in opposing the allowance of a larger sion for Mrs. Howard, By a vote 84 to 52, the Louse agreed to th: senate amendment to a pension bill allowing Mrs. How- ard 83100 a month. A Big Family Means Much Cooking. It is wonderful to what an extent Clark's Mears have simplified the pro- blem of cogking for a large family, Clark's Meats cost much less than butcher's meat, have no waste, satisly the most exacting and are all ready for the table saving the ordeal of cooking over a-hot stove ina hot kit- chen in the hottest weather. Fined $35,000 for Smuggling. Trenton, N.J., Juné¢ 7.--Judge Rell- stabt, in the United States court, im- posed a fine of $5,000 on Hiram A. Lyon, a prominent bankér of Mionea- polis, on the charge of smuggling. Lyon was detected in the act of ai- tempting to smuggle two pearl neck- laces through the port at Hobokon. When . arraigned before Judge Rell stabt, Lyon entered a plea of non vul' and 'the toury fixed the sentence. A New Idea. Tn the West Indies people who have long worn co and linen clothing in the hot' weather, are now Leen to ortzanize parinutuel ten on any horse race, of bet- t race, ada in any po- ion of the a June TA silver casket, | «+ TTR. PATLY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. JUNE to ccort to the copper works at Alepaje- gutisn of the visits to the tenderloin | who | masqueraded as Kohler. On apparent-| ali ; or «ther games sllowed by law in Can- Hs, Priv OF THE NEWS. ep---- The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Lord Sefborue is mentioned as a suc- cessor to Earl Grey, f aay esulis have been killed in an Indian rising in Mexico. The Hamnlton Methodist conference | w.l meet next tear at Galt. Heer Von Demmbiirg, the German ec lonial secretary, has resigned. There was a coating of ice on Mon treal harbor on Monday morning. s A Grand Rapids girl died of erysy-| pelis after being bitten by a mosqui- | to. i it is rumored that the Somali Mul- | Joh is being pufued by 11,000 friendly | natives. ) 2 » Wentworth county defeated the by - law providing for the bwlding of =a house of refuge. 'fhe 'mills of the Knthony Lumber company, at South Maitland, N.S. were burned on Monday. : i The first cabinet nieeting since the death of King "Edward was held in Downing street' on Monday. i The sale of government house pro- | pecty at "Toronto to the CPR. for | $800,000 is officially announced. ; The London Methodist. conference selected the Central Methodist church, Stratford, as the mext place of smeet- ing. Capt. post office, ant inspéctor sion. Colonel and Mes. Roosevelt were en- tir.sined at luncheon by King George and Queen Mary at Marlborough House. > 2 Robbers have succeeded in stealing 18,600 pounds being conveyed under ! | WwW. RR. Ectlestone, Hamilton has been appointed assist- for 'the Toronto divi vek, Russia. 4 James Harding, wife and son, living sixteen miles south-west of Marshall- town, Iowa, were found in their home } murdered. Gr. Goldwin Smith, Toromo, bad a turn for the worse, but the con ditions are not regarded as immediate : eritical. © bY he Ontario and Minnesota Power colnpaby has obtained permission from hon -- As A Newspaper ANADA"S financial and com- mereial interests are world wide and vast. In every part of the globe Canadian money is invested, and Canadian interests are involved. That is why the finan- cial and commercial pages of the ne s in the centres of Can- ada's population have assumed an importance second to no other de- partment of a well conducted journal. Tue Grose's financial pages are noted for their aceuracy and for the thorough care with which they deal with matters. Tue Giroee has no axes to grind, no particular institu- tion or interests to boost. Its finan- cial -and commercial news and comment are impartial and untram- melled. + L | 8. David, London, Ont., writes: *1 am thankful to The Globe, as it en- abled me to gét a buyer for 'Dreamland Theatre." ™ the the Dominion government to' export 3, ov orse wer. \ 4 ils N.Y.. Wilbert Shuaier was killed and three laborers injured, one seriously, whena building lupred on Sycamore street: |" Two battalions of infantry and =n leavalry regiment have been _ordefed to Egypt. The British authorities fenr an uprising of the Nationalists. For distinguished services during the | the earthquake in Calabria, Sicily, the {king of Italy conferred a gold medal on the Canadian government. {| Nearly all detm have been perfect- {ed for the mierger of twenty of the [large oil' producing companies in the Oklahoma field into a company with its own refineries snd pipe lines, The tyustees of the Bank = street «Burch, Ottawa, which" is in the busi- ness district, are considering an offer of $125,000 for the church and Sanday cehool building which is wanted for un cheap theatre. : gi : James B, Hunter deputy minister oi public works, "is mértiondd' as a rob. ale member of thé permanent com: inission to be appointed to desl under ! the waterways treaty, with interna tional disputes respecting waterways boiwesn Cane. la and the United States CR GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the Little River Town. Gananoque, June 7.~Thomas Hickory street, Has puréhased the handsome residence, on the corner of First street and Victoria avenue, from Mr. Shortell, of Piltsburg, who: pur- chased it some lime ago from J. J. Johnson. Mr. Seott will take pos session at an earfily hour. Miss Blythe Battams, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W, V. Battams, . South street, 'who was operated on for ap- pendicitis in Brookville general hospi- tal six weoks ago, arrived home on Saturdav much improved. Miss M~ud Barnes, trained nurse, graduate uo. St. Luke's hospital, New York, is spénding a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnes, Princess street. . Grace church male 'quartette has started a bLommendable 'course of ac tion, giving an hour after church Sun- day evenings with shut-ins and aged members of 'the congregation who can not" get out to the services. George F. Dean, of Ilion, N.Y., e»- cording to custom for a number of vears past, has put in his appearance for the summicr among the islands. Miss Keeler and Master Goodspeed, of Boston, have taken possession of Rev. J. M. Hager's cottage, on Tre mont Park, for the season. W. S. McDonald and .iwo daughters have arrived here and taken posses sion of their summer 1 on Main street for the season. Miss Margaret Fairlie, Kingston, is the guest of Mr, and Mes. C. V. Ketchum at their summer cottage. Mrs. W. W. Squire, Pine street, and Mrs. B. O. Britton, King street, spent several davs in Brockville last week. J. J. Anderson, who left here for Al- berta early this spring, hes returned to town, not liking that : Mrs. A. Dorman, Thousand Is! June- spe a short time with To- y has returned home. Ar- Stott, ~¥acation with his parents or hye. George L. Crawlord » i col- . - wide to spare in your kitchen, will fill it to your entire satisfaction. simmering burner. crowded for room, '! stooping."' You see how carefully we studied and convenience when designing this range. door handle and catch. And you can change the craulating oven to direct action by simply moving a slide inoven bottom. What more could you desire in a gasrange ? ET A TAPE LINE and see if you have a space 48 inches If you have, Model H Model H is a new 1910 style of McClary Gas Range. has a double cooking top--equal to eight burners and a You, can cook a big dinner without being The broiler and oven are elevated. can put in and take out pies, cakes, steaks, etc., without k your comfort Like the other styles of -McClary Gas Ranges, Model H has the white enamelled broiler and drip pans--Anti Rust linings--spring balanced oven aud broiler doors--new style i - | A# An Advertising Medium T is somewhat rare to find the two essentials -- quantity of readers and quakty of readers ----combined in one medium, Some papers have quantity of circulation, got by reducing 'sub- scription rates below cost of paper, or through guessing competitions or gift enterprises. These readers are of little value to a business man. Then again some papers have quality or class in their readers, but such papers are generally of ve Limited Lilie y y Tue Grose is the one outstand- ing medium of Publicity in Canada which combines highest quality and large quantity. The Globe's Circulation Has Class and Crowd Thos. MgAuley. The Collbge Hook Store (J. Nash). ) . Misa ucknell, Clarence Street News 252 King Street, YY can now procure our delicious Soda Biscuits in a size and design much thinner and more dainty. than the ordinary soda biscuits. Just ask your grocer for McCormick's F-A-N-C.Y Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits -- neatest, crispest, tastiest. The "Little Lord Fauntleroy" on the package guarantees McCormick- Quality. Sold only in 10cand 5¢ Blue Label Packages. oe 'cream soba BISCUITS FACTORY AT LONDON, WARRHOUSES AT MONTREAL, OTTAWA, BAMILTON, KINGSTON, WINNIPRG AND CALGARY. SITTIN To Builders PRESET We have secured the Agency for a Pulp Plaster that does away with lime, sand. and hair it makes a hard, solid, dense, fee proof wall at low cos It \ | t a non-conductor of | heat | | and cold. | i A deadner of sound i Tt makes a wall that will not i crack or crumble. You it contains no sand and can be cut into lke wood. It dries in less than one-fourth | the time required ordinary plaster Carpenters can follow plaster without any delay. It is omly one-half as heavy an other plaster It will go twice as far per ton, reducing cost Call and 'see sample at T™E | Frontenac Lumber& Coal Company, . | Successors to the Rathbun Co. (A. Chadwick, Manager), the BUY YOU R Meat and @Qroceries AT see the eight styles of McClary Gas Ranges. [Each style can be supplied with or without two burner extension, oven thermom- .eter, water heater, reservoir, high shelf, high closet and canopy top. Can be changed. froui artificial to natural gas in a few minutes. 'Whichever style yout choose your money cannot buy g a MADE IN CANADA Loudon, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. Vindouver, 88. Joba, N.3., Remilion, Caigary. For Sale by J. B.BUNT & Co, Kingston Pickering's Special Value in Teas this Week. { SPECIAL © "e Bargain Bale of Waggpons De taken them Fagaon in geod condition. Me i Vaggon. BROOK, Any 3 Becond-hand Buggies Becond-hand Ranabout New W -_ Adie : new RgEons of every ription, Robber Tires a Specinity, i" Mothers, We sre prepared put Baby Rubber Tires on your 3 ng. al kigte

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