Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1910, p. 5

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¥ -- RD me BY AUCTION 18 THE DECISION OF ; THE COMMITTEE. Repairs Needed to Front df No. 2 Fire Station--Chief Reports as to Changed Locations of Fire Engines Work Done by the Firemen, The civic fire commitiee has at. last decided to put up at auction the horse being driven by the chief, and to pur- chase a better 'one, This horse has been the subject of several discussions, THE - DAILY CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY. CITY AND VICINITY. New Shades in Soft Hats. $2, 82.50, at. Campbell Brow'. Thousand Islands-- Rochester Str.Caspian leaves Sundays at 10.15 a.m, for 1,000 Island points and at 5 p.m. for ter, J. P. Hanley, agent, There Will be Interesting Themes -------- What No June Ball Means, The decision not to hold the Royal Military College June ball this year means quite a loss to the tradespeo- ple of Kingston. It was estimated thai last year's ball meant the spend- Gospel Message to All Peoples. St. Andvew's--Rev. Dr. Mackie. Sér- vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Strangers welcome. Bethel Congregational church, corner Jolmson and Barrie street--Services, Rev. J. E. Lid- : Cotisidered in the Pulpits--The! tor of the last will BRITISH WHIG,SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1910. SUED FOR CASH ADVANCED, [ Only a Portion of It Was Allow- IRISHMEN WON OUT | Napanee, Junk 4--The non-jury sit. | TN EXHIBITION GAME WITH THE { CLC, tings of the high court were held on! {Monday last at the court house, Jus- | {tice Middleton presiding. The only | Defeated Champions by a Score of 5 case was that of G. F, Ruttan, execu-|' to $--Mateh at the Cricket Field of 'the late Nancy on Friday Afterngon. against Dr. F. A, re The ti In an exhibition game of baseball, Boseneaih. The action fat the ericket field, Friday afternoon, the C.L.C. 8. Aylesworth, tAvlesworth, | was brought to vecgver the sum of $1, - {855, money advasked to the doctor, the Y.LC.BA. deeated PAGE FIVE. OF C..NADA ofa The Accounts of Corporations, Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Special Attention. and has received more newspaper com- 1l am. and 7 pm ing of $7000 in Kingston, ment than if it had a record of 2.08, It will be disposed of next Saturday. Beautiful Stock te Choosc From. stone will conduct both services. Seats | are free. Strangers cordially welcomed. |: amounting to 2250 only, and udgment goes for that amount to be | was on the slab for the Irishmen, and at times was a trifle wild. On one cee {who is a nephew of Miss Aylesworth, | 160% by a seure oh 5 to 3. The ory , ! {in order to put him through college. att acted quite 3 barge sind ~ . { Consent minutes of judgment filed, the | "Pd the match was a a a one, Be defendant acknowledging the indebled. |! 10Ugh at times very ragged. Doyle ; ness st Paul's church-- Morning Prayer | hei cead from the -doctor's si of | cB¥on, he foroad in a run, and dealt * An offer of 875 has been: received for and Holy Communion, 11 a.m., preach | [out many passes. Bowever, his work, Provost, Brock street, has a five as- it, but the committee wants at least sortment + Fort William, $100. The ommitiee members were afraid to sell the animal by private sale, lest -Ald. Larson would arise in council and call them down, «It was decided to ask eouncil for permission to eall for tenders to re pair the front of No. 2 station, upon Id, which a report was given by Clhgston. Chief Armstrong reported that the Waterous engine had been placed on duty in No, 2 statigh, and the Chat bam removed to the lower station, whete it will be examined and neces- sary repairs made as far ay possible by the engineer. The members of the department have conipluted 'ali the Thanges and repairs to both stations that it is possible to have done with the funds at the com- mittee's disposal this year, except the repdive ta. the front of No. 2. y In attendance at the meeting were ; Alds. Rigney, Bailey, Clugston, Givens and Robertson, ARRANGED A SCHEDULE, Baseball Games in Sunday, School League: 'There was another meeting of the Sunday school league at the Y.M.C.A, on Friday night, when the schedule for the semior and junior series was ar ranged: D. A. Shaw, the president, occupied the chair. According to the games arranged for, there should be plimty of baseball for the fans. The schedule is 'as follows : Senlor--Group A. June 9-First Baptist George's. June 16-First Baptist mers, June June bist. uly July For or ve. St, ve, Chal 22--8¢. George's, ve. | Chalmars, 20-8t. George's vs. First Bap- 8--Chalmers va... First Baptist, 16--Chalmers vs. St. George's, Group B. 10-8t, Andrew's va. St. 17-8. Andrew's vs Cooke's. 24-8t. Luke's vs. Cooke's. 4--St, Luke's va. St. An- " x 11=Cooke's vs. St. Andrew's. 18--Cooke's ve. St. Luke's. Gromp OC, 13--~Queen's vs. Bethel. Yue it Th. St. dui; une 3 ihel va, St. James', ay ai, Gt. y 13-84 James" va. : July 20-8¢. James' va. Bethel." July 23-Winners of group A play B. July, 26--Winners of groups A and B play C. 1 1 Junior Series--Group "A." . dune M-Sydenham vs, St. George's, June 18--Lueen's vs, Princess, June 4 denham ve, Queen's, June 28-8t. George's vs. Queen's, Juiy 2-Princess vs, Queen's, July 7-8 m va. Princess, July 12-8¢, 6 's va. Princess. July 16-Gueen's ve. Sydenham. July 21---Princess vs. Sydenham: July 20+-Queen's va. St. George's. July 30-Princess vs. St. George's. Aug. 4-8t. George's vs. Sydenham. Group "8B." June 16--Cooke's ve. St. James'. June 21-Brock vs. St. Andrew's. June 25-Cooke's vs, Brock. June 80-81. James' va. Brock. duly 5-84, Andrew's vs. Cooke's, July 9=8t James' vs. St. An drew's, . July 14-8t. James' vs. Cooke's. July 19---Brock ve. St. James'. July 28-8t, Andrew's vs. James'. Aug. 6-88. Andrew's va. Brock. Aug, 9-Winners of group A play B. IN MARINE CIRCLES. St. The steamer Sowards arrived from Damage with coal for' Rockwood asy- J" steamet Gordon: cleared. from ille with a cargo of coment for down [following officers were installed er; Rev. Percy Isherwood, B.A.,: Sun- day Sehool and Bible Class, 3 Evening Prayer, 7 p.m., preachai, the vicar, First Baptist church--Rev, Laing, pastor, at both services. am., "How the Father Is Seen Christ;"" 7 pan. "Christ's Use OF Boy's Contribution; Bible school 2:45 p.m. Strangers cordially mvited to all the services. : Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock stréet--Rev. W, 8S. MacTavish, Ph.D., pastor. Rev. J. A. Shaverm B.D., will preach at both services. Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m.; Young, Peo- ple's meeting, 8:15 p.m. Strangers welcome at all services. St. Luke's church--Rev, viots. made clothing " and gents' furnishings never bett.: assorted, Hdmi The Bridge Question. The Cataraqui bridge question was informally last evening by civip finance committee and the marine" committed of the board of trade. It is not likely that anything will be dome this year, as the city is not in a position to deal with the matter, Lm. Douglas 1 In einirte------ King's Funeral at the Bijou. Motion piétures of the funeral page ant of King Edward VII, Monday, at "The Bijou." Go afternoon and avoid peri B.D., rector, Services, 1I a.m. the rush. See description on other | 4nd 7 p.m. Holy communion, at 11 fee. The Bijou & pictures are by the lym, Rev. William Lewin, M.A. 'will nagraph Co. of America, 'and Wilh! oo iuiot the moming service. 3 pum, not be lshown by any other Kingston Sunday 'school; 7 p.m., Rev. MAR. house, Sherwood, B.A, will preach, Strangers welcome to all services. St: George's cathedral-Second San- R. 8, For- ------------ There is a Difference. At the meeting in Toronto of the s after Tyinity. Holy »mmunion, Canadian Medical Association, Dr! 0, Mer Teinity [ : es 1 : 8 am; mating, 10:15 'a.m.; choral Isaac Wood, Kingston, nan mterest: |. union, 11 a.m. Sunday 'school, ng paper, said appendicitis in ohil-! so Bible class, 3 p.m.; baptisms, 4 dren was different from the same dis- | m. Evensong, 7 p.m; preacher at ease in adults. Investigation showed morning and evening service, Wery that in the larger European hospitals Rov. the Dean of Oniaric y he death rate from a dicitis "was! ya hiiet Soientd hs , 90 " ADpen es 4 IYirst Church of Christ, Scientist -- only 2.9 in adglts and 19.23 in chil- Sunday service, 11 a.m. "God The dren. The doctor said that the Poo noi" Cause. And Creator." Wednesday ple should wake up to the fact thatl ening, testimonial mefting, eight there was a difference and that they o'clock. Free public reading would have to meet it. | every afternoon: except 15 o'clock. to the services and the reading rom. It is understodd that the Loard of Chalmers Presbyterian, corner Barrie visitors to the Royal MiV'twy Col-' aud Earl streste--Rev. M. Macgilliv- lege, whose metnbers recently- visited roy D.D.. minister. Services, 11 a.m., the institution; will report to the mil- "Cd's Watchwosd 'For a Living itia dopa tment Sasaimenditiy addi- World"; 7 p.m., "Some Notes on tions to the staff the * college. In! Clweeh Union From a some departments there are not. e-! Point of View. Sunday School, 3 p.m.; nough instructors to give the cadets Prayge Meoting, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. the individual teaching that is requir-| Strangers cordially invited to all ie ed to do them justice. Two or al Strange asittants are required, even with the| Kirst Congregational church--Morn- prose amber of cadets, aiid if the iny service, 11 o'clock: Subject, "The number of cadets is increased next sion, a sill" larger staff will be od, A Larger Staff Needed, and and 1 need- 17 o'clock; Subject, "The Chuech The duties of the college stall 15 the Immigrant'; Sunday School So. that the professors of to-day "my wore to. do than thoss of 850. have Monday evening, 8 pum, Sermon years Rev, Hugh Pedley, B.A.; Midweek sdr- vie, Wednesday, 8 p.m., pastor, E. Le oy Rice, B.A, St. James' church, Cor. Union and M ngs Arch streets--Ven, J. Ker McMorine, ¥ Am ericans Desire to Spend M.A, D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street gv Summer Here. hit Rev JB W. Savary, BA, vicar, The Whig is in recaipt of many en: (hs ohage, Cor. Union and Barrie quiries as to boarding houses, rates, |atreets. Second Sunday After Trinity: ges from Seaidents in he United 11 o'clock, Mornin, Frayer ad Holy States, who desire to enjoy, for a few | Communion, preacher, Rev. - Canon weeks or months, our beautiful Cana-| Grout, M.A; 3 p.m., Sunday School dian summer. hh Sommnunications and Bible Classes; 7 o'clock, Evening are now arriving daily, ollowing | 'rayer and Sermon, . preacher, ev, are two samples at hand this morn-| Canon Grout, M.A. ing : York Gite. 3 2id--Kindly Brock steve Mithodint church--Pag- / "New York City, June 2n in tor, Rev. T. E. Burke, B.D. Morning send me the names of a few private' service, at 11 o'clock, preacher, . Rev, houses at $4 and £5 a week ' Geo. Edwards, of Ottawa; evening ser- Ig e, 7 o'clock, preacher, Rev. J. H. illar, Almonte; 10 a.m., Class Meet- kindly send me a copy of your paper ing; '3 p.m., Sunday School and Bible which will furnish me with addresses! (lasses; Monday, ® p.m,, Young Peo- of suitable boarding houses in or ple's Society; Wednesday, 8 p.m, hou K hon. 1 wish te pond ns Prayer Mesting, Sirangers made wel- summer there from July lst. mi come at the services, a Canadian and, although having no Sydenhah Rt. Methodist church-- folks," 1 long for my native land, and Rev. C. A. Sykes, B.D., pastor. 10 have picked (out the Thousand ls-|4m., Junior League and class meet- lads 4 the ideal spor. hich jing; 11 a.m., public service, brencher, ouses which carry an' gp, tor. 2:45 m., th Bibl advt. in the Whig are practically the schoor, 1 ye Ry Pile rin proach vd ouss such freaple will loars oe. er, the pastor. Music: Morning an- ' oo se BT Hom '* them, "Brightest And Best;" solo, peapaper TS, al there forc1 "Behold, 1 Stand At the Door," Har- ies, yd yoime sive ct gnghove. vemng ansbn "ihe » whl 10 "advertise | the Whi King Of Love My Shepherd Is;" male and the pat JO. Bxivertise. in ¥ 'quartette, "The Sabbath Day," and in touch with the class "0 . of people who write such letters as Housre. Rn, Jyiatrong: Harold above. Phone or write and a -re- Er i 3 presentative will call and supply ai Qgeen Soret Se thodiat dhurche-Rev. the information you require. Remem- 5: Sellery, M.A, B.D, padtor. y this is the time of year whon|8:™ Rev. B. Eyre, Montreal. Subject, the papers are being searched for! The Central Magnet; 7 pm, Rev. boarding house ads. by people who|B. Eyre, Montreal, subject, "The wish to spend their vacation here. |Quickening Spirit" 10 gm., monthly fellowship meeting; 2%5, Sunday F Asim. OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED [school and Bible classes; prayer meet- ga wr ing, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Music: Morn- At Assembly . Hugh de Payen's Pre- ceptory, COMING TO 'KINGSTON. hoarding and obli "Now. York, June 30th--Will you ing anthem, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" 'solo, "Will There - Be Any Stars In My Crown" evening anthem, "No, Not Despaivingly;" duet, *"Be- fore Jehovah's Awful Throne," Miss Hinckley and Mr. Shea! At a regular meeting of Hugh de Payen's Premier Preceptory, of Knight Templars, held in their asylum ut the Masonic hall, on Friday evening, the by for The Salt Charm Failed. A. Shaw vincial grand prior re I London Spectator. 4 Cranbrook, B.C. at | room | Sunday, 2 to | All are cordially: welcomed | Presbyterian | ses- | Reinhow of Promise"; evening service, | further increased by the staff courses, Biplo Class, 2 pun: @ridination service | by ithe estate, the action being otherwise {dismissed, Costs of 'all parties to be paid out of the estate, 1=A small blaze was extinguished, {en the whole, was very good. Ewart did the twirliag for the C.L.C., and on [peoyed a good, stew; Lame, but the bo : : . . [team was minus their batting ability, | Thursday night, in a house occupied | und failed to tally, when runs were 'hy Mrs. Blakely, on the Belleville!® > fixie tx aama A | Road. Very little damage was dose. [ys a. cio. 5 alls oh Tor too Sure {LawYence E. Wright Jels, Suseduy for | ot get around the bares after this. ob. Harshaw was | 1. 4 L 3 vs wtp fave in fe, opus 5 ER a | am He on, amd (this week. Misg MeLiver re: |" Therel was nothing doi i : g doing for either turned to Toronto, today, after spend- | of the teams, in the first innings. 'ing ten days the guest of Miss Myrtle {Williams and Sullivan were setired at 3 first, Turcott made a good hit, but Knight, Two deaths ocourred in our: midsi , Kune failed to connect. For the C.L.C this week. John Hambly, North] Saunders gained first and hi i Fredericksburg, passed away on Mon-{ Hughes' fine hit. but was nipped mak- | day, aged seventy-eight years. On ling home. Brown and Dehayey both { Tuesday, Artemus W. Granger, Cam- | flow out. ¥ (den township, died after but a short | The Irishmen scored two! in "the Bb i 3 { illness, aged sixty-six years, jrevond, Tilson and Gratton made vood | Wilson McCracken, Selby, left Wed- | and reached home on Hunt's drive to (mesday for Webbwood, Oni. Winnie {left field. The C 1.C. went out in one, {Chinneck is spending a week with her two, three order, mother in Toronto. Mrs, Chinneck is! In the third innings the Irishmen slowly improving in health, Mis | sdored ony Kane making home on a | Kathleen Wagar left last week to at- [timely hit by Gratton. Ewart - scored tend a business college in Peterboro. {the first run for C.L.C., and Hughes | Notice of Meetings: A Meeting.of the Liberal Electors of §ydenham, Ontario & 8t. Lawrence Wards be Will Be Held On Tuesday, June 7th, at 8 p.m. In the Reform Rooms, for the purpose of electing representatives to serve one year on the Ads ministrative Council of the Reform Association, Rideau & Frontenac Wards, Wednesday, June 8, 8 p.m. Cataraqui & Victoria Wards, Thursday, June 9, 8 p.m. - - Adjourned Annual Meeting On Friday Evening, June 10th, at 8 o'clock, the Adjourned Annual Meeting of the Reform Association will be held inthe Reform Rooms, All Liberals Respectiully Requested to Attend. R. F. ELLIOTT, President. Mrs. Savage, Buffalo; spent this | the second. In the fourth; fifth = and | week with her mother, Murs. Lee. sixth innings, there was no score on {Thomas Jamieson is visiting friends [either side. The Irishmen scored sain {in Ottawa, Frank Stevens returned, in the seventh and eighth, but the C. {Monday, from a month's visit in the 1 C. failed to connect. The teams : west. Mrs. Clark and baby, Belleville, ! C.L.C.--Saunders, 3b.; Ewart, fare guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. { Wilson, ¢.; Hughes, r.f; Brown, 1 Carson, E {| Dehaney, 1bh.; Mathis, s.s.; L. ir; Coyne, LE. 1 - | F900 0004000000000 00009 YV.LCBA. Williams, Ib.. Sullivan, {He arent, a Rui cH Tilson, ¢: . iGratton, c.f; Palmer, 1£.; Doyle, p.; Gold in ew Buwili wilighy Hunt, 3b, | FHELEEIIEEEIIL LEER IRIN H.; ef. ; Ewart, Y.L.C.B.A.- CL., Sporting Notes. { The Montreal Blue Bonnets' meeting { will begin this afternoon. { The Hamilton Derby will be en Saturday, June day of the meeting. But two men, the latp king and Lord Rosebery, have won the blue 'ibbon of the turf, the Derby, twice. Philadelphia National baseball club has fined Pitcher McQuillan, their star bunter, formerly with Jersey Lity, $250 and suspended him indefin- itely for clique work. Jeffries is now in magnificent con. dition and if no accident or sudden illness befalls him he will enter the ving July 4th for his championship tattle with Johnson in perfect physi- cal trim, Over bne hundred of the +. trot. ting horses and Pacers Tn America have beew entered in the Grand Cir cuit meeting at Empire City, near New York, in August. Nominations have come from the south, the west, the middle west and from Canada. Frank Goteh says he will pow re tire to his farm in Iowa. In a state ment after his defeat of Zbyszko, he said: "lI won and now I am through with the wrestling game. 1 am thir- ty-throe years old and it will be the smply life for me in the future. A good many wrestlers have waited too {long and have been boaten. 1 am go- oF to try to avoid that. The first fall with Zbyszko came as 1 had planned it; the s:ond was hard--in fact as tough a bout as I have been in. 'There was no time wasted or 1 could not have thrown the Pole as 1 did, leave for the coast to see if The score by innings : { | Miss Sara Hazicti, Prescott, gave a i dightful tea, on Friday, for ner visi | tor, Miss Rhea Crawford, Kingston. In the drawing rogm weré quantities of white and purple lilacs and the tea table was most attractive with its | centre of red roses. run 15th, the opening | Mrs. James Stewart, Stuart street, asked old friends of Mrs. J. 8. Pateoh, of Montreal, to come, yesterday after- noon, and have a cup of tea and 4 chat with her, The hour. they spent to- gether was a Very happy one. > + » The croquet enthusiasts have been enjoying themselves during the few houre of sunshine the last week has al- lowed them, private lawns, and the park lawn are in *Plendid 'condition. Mrs, Patton, who 1s visiting Mrs. E, 'T Steacy, has bern entertained in a quiet way, during her visit. * +» Mre. Richard Hooper, Albert street, will not receive again until the aut- mn, Ly * > "9 Mrs. William Keith, Smith's Falls, aftey a pleasant visit with Mrs. James Massie, "Earl street, went on to Tor- onto to-day, Mrs. J. G. Ellioit and Mester Court- land, Barvie street. have gone to Montreal, on a ten days visit. On Fri. day, Mr. and Mrs, Elliott had their | silver wedding anniversary, Mrs. J. L. Haycock, Kinjr street, is the guest of Mrs, J. E. Richardson, METEI---- New, New, New, For Summer Wear Parisian Mull and Muslin Princess Dresses Latest Styles Iu five colors, Pink, Mauve, Sky, Ecru and White, all daintily trimmed with lace, tucks and embroidery, at $4.00, 5.00, 5,60, up to 10.00. New Two-piece Wash Cos- tumes, in Grey, Blue, Tan, Eern, Mauve and White, at $5.00, 6.00, 7.50 up to 18.00. Latest American styles, D. M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery Store SPECIAL SPECIAL FUNERAL OF KING EDWARD VII. This pageant has been pronounced the most gorgeots of mod- ern times. The Monarchs of the world in full royal regalia follow- ed the dead sovereign to the tomb. Everyone in Kingston has read about this wondrous procession in which rode nine kings, four queens and thirteen other rulers, to say nothing of seven crown princes, all in regal splendor. At considerable expense the King Edward menagement has arranged to have this film shipped direct from Quebec on its arrival there. It will be shown at this Theatre Monday and Tuesday. Mothers with children will kindly attend in the afternoon to avoid the rush. For the convenience of the school children, the theatre will keep open on these two after- noons until six o'clock. FERPTERLPRPELIRPRP REPEC P REPRE EERE EP PEPE LP RIPE Napanee. Mrs. J. J. Robertson, of Tweed, hiss gone to New York. After visiting friceds there she goes to the southern states on a trip with her brother, Dr. MeDowall, Mi. and Mes. J. T. of Nepanee, have becu spending few cays with friends in Kingston. Mrs. Davidson Macdonald, of King ston, is the guest of Mrs. Sidney Weoner, Napange: \ . «70a * + 2 ' Archdeacon and Mrs. W. B. have returned to town. Canon Loucks went down, yesterday, to Prockville, anl picking up Mrs. Loucks, they went on to Willlams- 1 can help Jefivies out, and then there will be a long res. coming to me." ------ Some Large Incomes, Brockville Times, The czar oi Russia has sh income of $10,000,000. The German emperor gets $4,500,000. The emperor of Austria gets $3,900,000, and the King of Italy gets $3,100,000. So that the modest $2,500,000, estimated for the main- tenance of the monarch of Great Brit- ain and his family and household seems but a small sum by comparison with other powers. Compared with the mammoth incomes of United States millionaires the British mon- arch is by no means a rich man. "He Grange, a Carey, y _-- = -- --- A ------ 0000000000000 000000000000QCCNOONORROOOOOOORS THE DAVIS GASOLINE ENGINES The Davis Engine is an Engine of QUALITY. It is made of the finest materials, carefully inspected by the most skilled work- men under careful supervision. The simplicity of the engine ensures long life and small re- pair charges. ! Place your order with us and we guarantee to give you an engine which will give you entire satisfaction. When you require Gasoline Engine Fittings and supplies try We carry a large stock. | : THE DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. - - "Phone 420. $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 r us. Veoeveseoncssensee town, where the canon will marcy Mics Hattie Weagant, this week. The bride-to-be was baptised by him, and is Mrs..Loncks' goddaughter and name- has far less to spend upon himself than the republican platoerats who make so great a boast of their demo- eracy. Wo. Mise Annie Muckleston, William street, who has bern staying with Mrs, Mortimer. Atkingor, in Brockyille, came home to-day. -- The Rev, Percy Isherwood, of Ban- nockburn, is in towr and is en pension with Miss Busts, Union. street, Sharpton Tidings. Sharpton, Ont., June 2.~Measles ave quite prevalent around here. J. Stal- ford is very ill with pneumonia, Visi- tors : Miss Huzel Morrison, Odessa, at J. Graham's; Mrs. (Dr.) Trusdale, and little son, Ivan, at. E. Taylor's; IN CHARITY WARD WOMAN UPON WHOM WARRINER Crying for Help. Distracted Woman the window for help. A bi collected and Patrolman Cu called. He entered the flat and ene deavored to guiet the distracted wo man, who wi to unlock the door until Attorney Thorndyke arrived. The latter declared his client to be in a state of nervous hysteria, br about by her physical condition. She refused to go to the tal and wae crowd way LAVISHED FORTUNE. Refuses to Open Door of Room Until Airival of Her Attorney. Towed te. allo . ey y an Wm Jackson tawa district : veep J.B _W. SR. Murch, eminent ; Bn J. Evans, sub constable; marshal; HOR Stewart, chuplain; W. FR fafa Jno. Hewton, treasurer; W. Y. Mills, captain = of guard; it, J, Gardiner, almoner; Pr. AW Winnett, standard beaver; Dr. J. Sparks, organist; R. Bunt, guard. AN ORDINATION SERVICE. Be Congregational. A Rev. E. le E. Le Roy Rice at First no Mion srvich. in be held, in First regational church, on 3 Ay evening, for Roy y | danger Mon: Some three years before the Franco. German war broke out Count Seeken- dori accompanied King William 1. on his visit to Napoleon III. -and was present at th: celebrated dejeuner giv- ©n in the Pavilion de Diane at Fon. taineblean. King William, who was sitting next the empress, was asked by her to pasa the salt, and in com- plying with this request he threw litte salt over his shoul empress exclaiming, "Why do vou that?' the king explained that in his country it was the cutom to do go when passing the salt to ward off bad Tues and ny Shins of gaged © a prettily tu speech at En der. Upon the Big Men fn Demand. Journal, Ottawa Mw tay, anaounce the eng: tleir dunghter, Bavie E., WwW. HC place at Bethel, late in June. i it of p a pe Maud, Ag i the Rarsast, of Belleville. Their marriage, . "Bui surely thers is no |T. i in Mr. and Mes, David Murray, of ent of to, - Lieut, rews. The marriage will take & * and Mrs. John B, Parke, of vi a aan nee the o> i ter, Lil Frederick Stanley Mr. hi take place. die 2nd. * * » The marriage of Miss Annie Irwin, or the late Capt. youngest daughter of John Irwin and Mrs. frwin, Sydenham, tario, where loans to grain raisers are street, to 3 Joseph Arthur Wallace, take place, June 29th, * 0 i= oronto, wi in St. Paul's iy : atinounced to take y. June 22nd," of {Campbell Bros', Kingston's store, 5 2 @ Between twd evils it's | Mrs. J. Koen and daughter, Kathleen, are visiting at Belleville. Mrs. E. Vrooman has gone to North Bay to visit her daughter, Mrs. Donaldson. Miss Mary Moban is on a visit to friends near Napanee. How She Booms! re Beas, of Canad dak 3 wi 'anada in ion and artis is dicated Ny. the progress of Canadian banks, which now have 2,326 branches, all but fifty of them in the dominion itsel, Of the 2,276 in Canada, 747 are west of On- Cincinnati, June 4.--"Ward N, Cin cinnati Hospital, charity ward," is now the only home of Mre. Jeannette Ford, who, less than a year ago, a¢- cording to her own admission, spent $1,000 a month for her living ex penses, and when thot was gone "got more." Mrs. Ford was the chief figure in the trial of Charles IL. Warriner, convicted of. embezzling $643,000 from the Big Four railroad. * Mrs, Ford is also under in- dictment for attempting blackmail. Moaning in physical and mental agony 'smd declaviog that her children had taken from her and that she a profitable source of income. i thad been desefted by all of her iriends, Se --- the woman was removed from her flat in the Sun building by order of her sitorney, William Thorndyke, and tak- the. victim en to the ital for treatment. "ove affaivs. My first sw Mrs. Ford, by her own statement, the second fitted me and i sh &) " vame my wife." [Warriner. 'She now says she is penni- less. She has been living for the past Light-weight Derbies. ; months on secured by the sale To: the pew styles, $2, $82.50, at "Yes, my SY of her diamonds. Thursday night Mrs. hat Ford sent her servant away, and the latter took ber daughtér, Jeanneite, 'the Central station, declaring that child's mother was too illl to care jeve that she was being taken to an hotel, : Puzzles and Answers, When and where are the ladies up- happy I At the operd® when they ire in | tiers, Why is a minister nearly alwaye truthful 7 Because he is generally se curate (a curate), i What should always be looked into ¥ © A wiirror. Why is a minister nearly always like & frying pan? Decguse it {rreece on bottom. : 1 partake glike in your joy your sorrows, and no home ete without me. What am ter 0. : How many youn az lative would take to reach from phi New York ? About & indi a mive is ns good as & mile. congrogation was for the death of the firet hymn given out was God From Whom All Blessings

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