v a INK Is Best Promoted by CUTICURA Soap and Ointment The constant use of Cuti- cura Soap, assisted when necessary by Cuticura Oint- ment, not only preserves, | purifies and beautifies the skin, scalp, hair and hands of infants, children and adults, but tends to prevent | clogging of the pores, the! common cause of pimples, blackheads, inflammation, irritation, redness and rough- ness, and other unsightly and Fmoying ¢hnditions. : Londos, 27, Charterhouse Sq. Parts, I 3 Chaos Iwi Australi, it. ros & , KK. Paul, aja; Ch EY doone a Moruya, ode Ly Ape Town, ete. - Botts Di & Oh ham, Corp 1s Colima Ave, Posto y~Puoet-ree, 33-hate Cailets nod. an Author 4y on the Core and Trontmiont of Bkin and Halr. TRAVELLING. a os HERG SYSTEM Homaseekers' Excursions | TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST Tuesday, May 17th, and Tuesday thereafter during the summer Tickets good for 60 days LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TABLE. Trains will leave Dopo, as fpllows: Golng West. Leave City. Arrive City | Man i 23.3% a.m. 12.57 a.m. i oh and DA; Wy B33 opel pom. as Local rien : 1 r Math Leave r= of a aoe wee LAD RY » 4 Vast Tix. .. 2.41 a. bal Trains 1, 4, and § run dally; A 3 as dally except Buns Re) i ) GE oo Sats Tobe £. 38% Toe ad "Palins necommodation reserved in pilvance and all other information fur. Sian on application to P. HANLEY, Agent. Cariior Johnson and Outario Streets KINGSTON PEMBROKE RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Canadian North-West. May 31. June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26. Aug. 9th and 23rd. Good for 60 days ------ KINGSTON ---OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m. drrive Ot tewa dd pm Leave Ottawa 10.45 Kingston 1.55 pm : Fall information at K. & P. and am, arrive C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥F. CONWAY, General Passenger Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontari Pre. 4 pm. Saily (Sunday excepted) or Tweed, am, Napan Moset- nto, Bannockburn and ail hor part? Lake Ontario and of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. . Str. Caspian 1000 PA + Commencing 29th, steamer Jeaves Kingston on Sundays at 10.156 a.m. for Alexandria Day, Gananoque, and Rockport, Returning, leaves at - Bb pm, for Rochester, N.Y., ealling at Bay of Quinte ports. a EE Str. Aletha * Teaves Kingston daily, except Sun- day, at § p.m, for Picton and Inter mediate Ray of-Quinte ports. Full information from © - James Swift & Co. J. P. Hanley, : Freight Agents. Ticket Agent, every second { pod arrive at Clty, a uy good, and large quantities. dihose here, while we spend a lot more! - (have been turned over this week. 1 fatnh, SKIN INO DEMAND FOR IT [EXPORT TRADE IN CHEESE . VERY DULL. TROCY nLE - j Cannot be Cured by Salves and Oint- i ments. IS A blemished skin Fritating sores, pimples, eczema, salt rheum and other skin disorders are all signals Ana, Therefore, the Trade in Canada tress, telling that yous blond is im: is Not Very Bright--The Qutput fs PU%e or weak. You cans re. SEO mn and other skin Moulins s with oint High Owing to the Abundant (ments and outward applications. These Grass, things may give tempordhy relief, but cannot cure; because trouble 'rooted in the blood and can only be week for chéese is opening wi th ap removed by purifying and enriching fecital for her pupils, at the home of jeasy tendency, and prices in the coun the bldod, Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills M ind Mrs. Edward Latimer, John try are sagging owing te the small speedily cure skin troubles begatise street, last evening, A number of par- inumber of orders coming from Great they enrich, purity and build up the ents of her supils were in attendance. 'Britain, and ynless there is a speedy impoverished blood that cadsed the | 1c the surro sate court, of Leeds ad- fiuptovemengwe may confidently look trouble. As they feed and cleanse the mipistration of tie personal estate of for Jower pies to rule this week than the blood skin grows fair, the bloom the late Wilivid Froneis La Que, of prevailed in the country n week ago. of health returng and new strength is Gananoque, was granted 16 Agnes iAt Campbellford, this morning, the (0Ud. No other medicine has ever Mery La Qua, widow of deceased. {offerings were all sold nt 10fc. = and had such wonderful results mm" "curing |' Row 3 Tallman Pitcher, pastor 10 11-160, but in the afternoon the alt tise aes due to in bad blood. Mise ieger church. 16h Monday, buyers" limite were generally reduced, --s th, iltis, Reneington, P. ul. Proekville, to attend the session fand the top price offered was 10 & 160, grateful t fool an rai Y or Willi Pas the stationing committee in conngetion jar which _ price the factorymen were Fink Pills have done "for ho, : For vith ths Montreal conference. (obliged to sell or go home with their sinen years before 3 higan their use 1 Loan + Councillor fullock, spending fcheese. Kven at these prices there the past two months at his ranch, at f ' i 1 was troubled with salt rheum. My y A) : : no demand a cables s dire Sak A o demand for export, and cable © Wands and arms were nearly alway Pinche Creek, Alta, has. returned to own eallir Toon his way back at ifar this week bave been few and far go oF Vortiring cracks and Sores 5 between whatever have come this way (ind wver: ul dn tors snd -- spent a | Uerth, where Mee. Bullock: has heen being of @& decidedly blue type, great deal of money without getting visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. and have all talked lower prices, poor gny benefit. Indeed my hands ssemea | J. Drammond, and hringing her back { trade, ote, The course of pri here 1, he getting worse all the time. Fin- | with him { depends entirely upon the demand ally my brother persuaded me to give Miss IL. M. Beerman has from Great Britain, and if 'there is no Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial and 1 Woation in Kincston, with the improvement in this respect we can am happy to sas they have complete | Vrlophe ne company, and left on not expect a very lively market in iy dured me. 1 used in all seven box- | av to ter on her new duties. My. Canada, The rieeipts are increasing es, and i would not he without them | mt Mrs. A, E Jackson, Stone street, very rapidly and this is having a de- Wm 8 case of this kind ib they ent the past lew days in Brockville torrent effect upon the trade here and five dollars a box instead of fifty ard] Ogdensburs, NY. Mrs, ©, V, 'om the other side, and most people tents. 1 hope experience will be | Lotclm, spe eli the pnat few weeks (talk confidently of much lower prices of benefit to some other sullerer from |v'th Toronto friends, has returned in the pear future. skin trouble Lome. The receipts of cheesé into Montreal | These Pills are Mr. .and Mrs. W. ¥. Bullock, (Charles Hast week amounted to 45,679 boxes, dedlers or will be street, were summoned to Pittsburg, as compared with B37,154 boxes for ® box or six boxes for by the aceidental death of the latigr's the corresponding week a year ago, an VT. Williams. Medicine heather | indaw, William MeAdos, who lincrease of over twenty per cent,, the ville, Ont. « killed nde Barriefield, on Monday Hfotal receipty | to date being 101 508 srr Apia coo: evening. . " i {boxes as compared with 93.952 boyes we i a woughout the township of Tage J po B fiod last year. - This » - HUROPE'S HOTELS LEAD. ; prospects for A wire - > » r ihe Se bit Hhely a Continued . Joe Better Food and Better Servants, || ¢ Fo the ors some time, as ors y é s 3 lol the country tell of exceptionally Says Mr. Marshall. the last few favorable conditions for making. 3 London, June |.--Walton Marshall, farmers to disp { The shipments to date have not been ot fhe Waldorf Astorts Hou Suiled for of their stock: lquite as heavy as last year, the total ew York on Friday after a nionth in Ee for this year being U3,711 boxes as | Furope, partly on busin ss and party | Gold Pin Identified. {against 101,166 boxes for the sanse OD pleasure. The latter consisted of | Laopisville, N. Y., period lat year, and is probably due a motoring trip while the former had! { Wendling, forty-three old, but Ito the small demand from Great Brit- | 88 ite object the studying of the prin-| looks more than sixty, admitted io tain for immediate hipment, the sup- | cipal hotels in Europe with a view to! walked over to her father with ver iply of cheese on the other vide at introdudng the latest iuovations for of assis sting in murdering Kttle Annie | press wt being' somewhat heavier than Soipfort and expedition in the Vander- fe lner, that she he washed blood it wax a vear ago. bilt hotel, which is being erected in| rom her hushand's clothes aftor the | The market for 'butter is still in New York, and which Mr. Marshall | disappearance of the Kelines child. At istrong, in spite of the heavy receipts, will manage when it is ready npext!first che declared the blsod cam: op Ee Ma al his arm where he nad accidentally shot and prices have been well maintained yea Mr. Marshall says that he has epi y information on vimself i gained a lot of useful mar the Seerk, 3 hie Suny his trip. A s old pin found in a frank MAreets jas | "1 am very pleased with 1 Wendling home, has also bech (22 to 23fe. per Ib, at factories, have seen, andl think that fieduby the mother of the Fan on Monday the ruling price paid things might be applied to ths Van- {child ad one her daughter wore when | was 20., and on this basic consider derbilt with advantage," he says. !she left her home to go ta the St. able husigtes has béen done locally, | "While it is manifestly unfair to com | John's church on December Sth. { the prices here for fancy creamery be- pare the New York hotels with those! ing 234. per Ih.) for solids in round |G, Europe owing to the tremendous! lots, with prints quoted at' one-half | dig once in size, I must say that' the {cent per pound more, A few small European hotels ave ahead of ours in lines of undergrades were offered at | {ha restaurant de spartment--especially for a cireurnylantial story of how lead 'about 2e., but the quantity was in regard to mutton and poultry. In has at lenyth beer. transmuted into small, and was soon disposed of. fact, I don't know why it is, but the Zoid : There is still considerable businr<s food material all around Europe is a-: Scranton, Pa, ik also: the soure ing with the west and several more hesd of ours. (Irom whence the Toronto Globe de felon, have been' shipped out frat, "From the view [tived its eolebrotel procoss of burning "The local demahd Was 018° 6% | Roy Y of j¢0 Mf ashes. The Seranton romancer can ; trans money in providing music for our] mute lies iuto money a good deal more | guests. Another point in favor of Eu- | suvecssfully than lead ean be trans j ropean hotels is the exeellence of the! Tuted into mlver or than the Globe servants compared with the average Was able to transmute coal ashes int Xow York serv itor. The trouble ig|fuel. that American will spoil their vants while here they are kept a Heroine Drowned. vi ously in 'their place. But then, again Ashlan'l, Kv., June 1.--In a vain ef the supply here is far in excess of the {fort to save the lite of William Jack demand, the opposite being the case!son; Miss Clara Simpson: a leader ir fn America." i A«hland society, wa: drowned. : Mr. Marshall is to refurn hore r {Simpson saw Jackson fall into * in the year anothe. a Plunging hte the stream, ver 1, | joo Sa i 4 butter, inferior hr Ib before opening the Vaal swam to him and 'seized kis body. She : - attempted to cet Kim to the shore 4 N Ae : on to Ho age, ie : Son, ig ta] "Tike a Safety Razor to Camp," became evhausted and both drown 20c.: tarkevs, perth, 1c. to 200; | dane: of culting the face. See the as- fowl, per Ibi, 150. to 17¢.; apples; pr | sortment at Gibson's Red Cross br ur bh, Bl to $50: potatpes, bag, bv! I oe x load. 40c. to 4Bc.: onions, sack, £2.50 | urch Bros. & Co, have leased the to 32.75; beel, hindguatters, $12 1, OPO'2 house at Napanee and will con- | $13.50; heal, forequarters, $0 to $10.50. Vert it into a moving picture house. hef, choice, carcase, $10.50 to $12: beef, medium, carcase, $8.30 to $9 :! niution, per ewt, 811 to $13; veal,' , prime, per ewt., $11 to $12.50; vearling | per ¥, 18¢. to: Te; «pring lnih, per 1b, 18¢. to 21, Th pc Masonic Lodge Pays Visit to Alex: andria Bay, N.Y. soly eontingent of Leeds Todge, AF. & AM. Ld last even: = on the steamer Yenbek, to pay a nal visit to theif fellow crafta- of Alexandeia" Lodge, Noo 9297, AJA NM., of Alexandria Bay, N.Y. were Accom]: Litied by the Mas orchestra, in charge of W. FE Ag Ne | 20), a of dis {in frater mrn AF They the Whig. Sane Montreal; June L>The market this Special to the is i 4 | Rees, Miss Essie De Long held a 'piano of for of on Says 3 is taken pa Bell Mon cost my | sold by all medicine sent by mail at 50e, $2.50 by The Co., Broek- Leeds a bumper hay crop andl this means g moderate erop of years, causing many se ol the greater part the 1.--~Mrs. June Years at the identi myrdered what many A Story From Scranton. Toronto Telegram Scranton, 1'a., ix the point of oriz'n Ga struetural point of ork hotels ate away ahead Toronto Street Market. Toronto, May «31 Wheat, white, per bush, 93¢. to 95c.; wheat, red,| new, per bush., 93¢. to gbc.; wheat, i goose, por bush. , 900; oats, per bush. ve, peas, per bush., 70¢.; barley, per bush., 48¢. to 49¢.; rye, per bush., 65¢. hay, timothy, per ton, $18 to $224 new, ser-| 22 4 hay, mixed, per ton, 812 to $15; nine | I ton, 811 to 816; dressed hod,' 12.50 to $12.75; butter, dairy, le. to 2c; the look she 'bite, for no | bu el. A prize of £30,005 is being offered for airship flicht from New York to Louis and one of $25,000 for { fight from New Yor" to Chicago. an Se A preity. wedding took place May 25th, at the bome of Mr. Mrs. John Delong, "Woodmere," brook, when their Violet Alfretta, was united in mar | riage to Rev. George Charles Welsman, B.A. Everton. Cal. Sheridan, eldest son of Mr. Mrs. James Sheridan, Brockville, on Monday, at Syracuse, N.Y. due to diphtheria. "A beautiful Violet Teoilst Ihe. nn cake, at Gibson's Red Drug Store. The county cowneil of Prince Fd: ward, will weet in Picton on June 16th. : ! on and Elm- | eldest Jdanghter, and died | it was | Soap," Cross | To Really Cure | Sick Kidneys You Must Also Get the Liver And! Bowels Right With DR. A. W.! . CHASE'S KIDNEY and LIV ER FILIS. ; Strange, isn't it, that the intimate | relation of the liver and kidneys should | have heen sb long overlooked ? And vet Pr. A. W. Chase's Kidnoy and Liver Pills owe their wonderful | sucomss to the reeogmition of most: esscntial point. ensire regular, healthiul action of the liver am bowels, emi thereby | at once raise a burden the kidneys amd restore them = to strength and vizor. There is no way you ean so quickly rea Sytseli of backackss as by using W: Chase's Kilney ard Liver 5 SILK BLOUSES THE LA CRY. ----AN own at leastone A A ah GAN ANOGUE TIDINGS. ---- ~ "GOOD FOR LEATHER -. STANDS THE WEATHER" INVIGORATING TONIC Mies Ella Muriel W af Bros | Ont., says: A into a decline. 50c and $1.00 FOR RUN- DOWN PEOPLE . Dr. T. A. Slocum Lisaited," Torente PSYCHINE Miss J RESTORES THE APPETITE * If cocoa is your favorite bever by all means enjoy it at its best-- as made with Cowan's Perfection Cocoa. The acme of purity, richness and flavor. THE COWAN CO. Limited, 138 SHOE POLISH Mo instantly and gives a hard, brilliant, lasting, wa Contains no Turpentine, Acide or ether injurious Ingredients. ALL DEALERS, 10c, 1 THE F. Fr, DALLEY 00. LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y. Another Lot Of These Big Solid Polished Oak Imi- lation Leather Morris Chairs and Rock- ers 16 Sell, $6.50, Worth $10. Sundryarticlesfor good house. keepers : Bissell Carpet Sweepers ; Home kissed Lace Curtain Stretchers ; Tar Box Pillhw Sham Holders ; Liquid Veneer and F urniture Re- storer, at James R eid's, Phone 147, The Leading Undertaker | ------ The Comet May contain a great many gases and have a long tail to tell you about 3 a.m. when you are taking observation. But GET WISE, take it from wus, that only Gas Problem pon want to consider seriously is to arrange getting "the pipes in your house before the warm weather arrives, ' Ask Pete Hunter, or call wp 107 and we will send a man to give you the necessary in formation. KINGSTON L.H.& POWER DEPT. C. C. FOLGER, Gen. Manager. Building? I can Supply Riady Roofing, ~ Wall Plaster, Lime ad Portiand Cement P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. The kind you are looking for Is the kind we sell , Scranton Coal coal! and we guarantee haa") delivery BOOTH & co, DON'T FORGET TO TRY M. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffees at 25¢ and 36a canpot beaten, THE CLUB HOTEL WELBINGTON ST., nest PRACEA There are other hotsia, but aone proach the Club for homelike Located In centre of city and oles: to principal stores and theatre, Charges are moderate. Speci rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer, Furniture Bales aixen special at- tention. Countr les of Farms, Stocik.ate, have een my specialty for lon Jears If farmers want the high ollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. H PARKS & SON, Florists | "Ey Phone 10. All kinds of out iowa and te " season. Weddin and Fu age | a 8 Specialty shipped to oh Darts, be 0 0 THE LOAN & I SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1563. President--Sir Richard Money issued on City and Farm Fro rties, a iinicipal and County D Debens ures, Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed 8. C. MeGILL, Managing Director. 87 Clarence Street jury A On, Whiske bg than das can ed) rit .. ' R Golden Lion Bleck hone Tor wier, Do You Ever Borrow A "Recipe, Mad Of course, you know, a borrowed receipt gives you only the quantities. The Quality of your material depends on yourself. Show that you are well- informed, that you know good flour by always Don't chance failure where your friends have "good enough" for you. If you are tired of working fruitlessly, tired dil Let FIVE ROSES flour second your hidden abilities. You take no chance with FIVE ROSES -- you'll know at last what it is to be a good cook. But be sure to get FIVE