Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1910, p. 2

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shown such High-Class Designs and lower FINKLE'S LIVERY AND SALES STABLES Having good-wi wuce Street, purchased 1! ot ve and A. Melua and having ber of new and up-to-date vehicles and fresh horses, seeing Motor Car, we are prep furnish the also a 20-passenger si hts a first-class public with turnout of almost any kind upon short- €st notice. We have a man at the of- fice at night, so that calls may be at- tended to promptly. Soliciting a share of your patronage, We remal Respestiully yours, T™HE FINKLE CO. SPEER PPPPRIPPEP PPI PNNS KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term t. 30th. Courses Jin ot Hosihand, Tele~ corporations In C time. C tion. H. F. M. H, Principal. SEPP PPEP PEPPER PPEP PIL INS -- -- Wah Long's Laundry First-class work nt 1 me bn card and 1 will oail a, Per a an Four laundry. 156 W. NGTON ST ween Brook and Clarence Hts. escent A Pure Food Tonic Garling's Malt Extract Enriches the Blood, {Aids Digestion, Gives Strength to the Weak, Nourishes the Conval- the System. 25c bottle -PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, Opposite St. Andrew's Church. "We give you just what you ask for." and Builds Up ars in owning land, because Ay Exclusive Furs DESIGNED MADE TO ORDER. John McKay, THE FUR HOUSE, Comfortable, Siceprall : - night Kind -- The Health Brand. absolutely sanitary $8.50, $4.50 and $6.0p. Ostermoor 1s the name of the only Best on Earth Mattress made--$15.00 LAWN SWINGS, $7.00 and $12.00. VERANDAH CHAIRS, SETTEES and ROCKERS, . . $1.00, $1.75 up. PARLOR. SUITES. --That. hand- gome $30.00 and $35.00 American Suite has no equal. Our Solid Ma- hogany $65.00 Suite is a beauty. RUGS, CARPETS in Wilton, Ax- minsters, Brussels, TAPESTRIES, ete. LINOLEUMS, all widths and de- signs. CURTAINS Chenelle, etc. Repair and Uholstering - promptly done. 'Phone 90. T. F. Harrison Co. POLICEMEN WERE SWORN IN, Swi Allegiance to King George V. are on Wednesday. in Laces, Tapestry, Yours, A solemn and impeousive sore mony took place, in the police cour cof at eleven o'clock, on Wednes- day morning, when the members of the police force were lined up and being sworn in by Magistrate Farrell, swore allegiance to Ring Geotge V., All over the country police constables, officials, and public servants have had to take oaths to serve the new sov- ergign. The oath reads : "] do swear that I will well. od truly serve our Sovereign Lord, King, in the office of police constable for the city of Kingston and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and will prevent all offences against the person and properties of his ma- jesty"s subjeéts, that while I Shall continue to hold office. 1 will to the best of my skill and knowledge, dis- charge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. So help me God. STREET LIGHTING QUESTION. Not Likely to be Considered Until Autumn. It is not likely that the uestion of improved street lighting will be con- sider sd until the affumn. The city council is likely to adjourn for the summer at the end of this month, and the Light, Heat and Power committee is not prepared to report. It will cost $10,000 or $12,000 to renew the system and that means that a by-law for de benture issue will have to be submit ted to the people, which can be 'done at the January elections, The are lighting system can possibly be made to last another year, but it can scarce- 1y be depended upon. Whém - Manager olger is away to attend Zhe gas meeting at Hamilton next week, intends going over to Buffalo to view some new arc installations. To Wash Money. Peterboro Review, The United States js going to laun- der its paper money, Omly silver cer tificates will by washed, however, as the ink on the yellow backs: and na- tional hank n aes will not stand it. Machins wili be etabli = sub -treasuries ijgave a 1il | were prettily -affair. The sweet scent of lilacs per- he| lost of June 15th, and her guest, Miss Barrie street, gave a tea and hand- Shs echiol . { i Bold i i Guwilight} * * * 9» Mrs. Herbert Robinson, ot street, very delightful 'bridge, . last in honor of Miss when everything splendidly. The rooms decorated with tulips and white Jilac, giving that spring- like air so welcome at this season of the year, and so suitable for brides- elect, of which the guest of honor is one.> The hostess' sister, Mrs, Ber- nard Browne, helped in the entertain- ing. There were three tables, those laying being Mrs, Andrew Forman, IL Miss Lettice and Miss Cod- stance Tandy, Miss Fitzhugh, treal; Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Mildred Macmorine, Miss Lorefta Bwift, Mise Bessie Smythe, Miss Fran- ces Sullivan, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Carrie Waldron and Miss Aileen Rog- ers, Miss Carrie Waldron carried off the first prize and the second was won by Miss Bessie Smythe, while the "good luck' prize fell to the Jot of the bride-elect, Miss Constance Tandy, who will pass it on to her brides- maid. Mrs. Forman and Mrs. Browne were the only two married ladies in- vited. Saturday evening, Constance Tandy, passed off Mon- + + + Mrs. Charles E. Taylor postnuptial reception, yesterday, at her new home on Earl street. ' The youthful bride wore a lovely gown of ivory paillette, en princesses, the yoke and sleeve puffs of German net and trimmings of = silver bugles and pear!s. Mrs. T. ¥. Harrison, who re- coived with her, was in mauve silk voile, trimmed with satin and lace. In tho tea room Mrs, Albert Scott pour- ed coffee and Myre. Oliver Chown tea, the girls assisting being Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Pearl Oldrieve, Miss Addie Toye, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Laura Nicalle and Miss Mildred Sellery. The mahogany table with its centre of point lace, made a perfect foil for the mass of gorgeous parrot tulips in the middle. icate sprays of lity of the valley were also on the table, the vases standing on Mexican doylies of exquisite fineness. White lilacs filled the drawing-room and were massed in the grate, and above the mantelpiece. - Mrs. Taylor had a very busy afternoon for throngs of visitors came and went to and from her pretty home. * » held her Ms. William Martin, formerly of Kingston, gave an enter- tainment at her house, last Monday evening, in aid of the English chureh, her daughter, Miss Helen Martin, came from Guelph to sing and a very inter- ssting lecture was given by Mrs. Yates. A few of Mrs. Martin's friends remained after and enjoyed a dance in this beautiful and hospitable home where Mra, Mpttin is an ideal hostess. Mrs, Charles Lowe's dance on Mons day evening, though small, was most enjoyable, it being a very jolly little vaded the rooms, and added ' that finishing touch which flowers always give, and a very pretty and quaint deg, carried out in the drawingsroom was that of no modern electric light, but simply candles, and the warmth and glow from the fire. * 0 A small and very informal was given by Mrs. H. A. Betts, Al bert street, this afternoon, for Miss Zellie Burns. It being the hostess' re- ceiving day, 'she asked a few of Miss Zellie's friends to drop in and give her a small gup and saucer shower. Of course, usual verses accompanied each parcel, and were read out, caus- ing much amusément. * * 9 Mrs. J. B. Walkem and Miss Maud Betts asked a few of their friends for a game of croquet anfl a cup of tea on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Walkem's pretty home, "Keewadin," is looking ts best just now, and on the good smooth lawn the game was much en- joyed by those present. LI Rumors are current of a dance at the Yacht Club about the second week in June. This will be highly appreciat- ed by the girls, especially (as one young lady was heard to faintly mur- mur) if enough partners are provided for all to trip it on the light fantas- tic toe, La The mess dinner at the barracks, to- morrow evening, promises to be more brilliant than usual with such dis- tinguished" personages as General French and Sir Percy Lake as guests of honor, \ *e @ A small luncheon was given, at the Country Club, on Monday, in honor of Miss Constance Tandy, the bride May Fitzhugh, of Montreal. * * 0 Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Wellington street, is giving a small bridge, this afternoon, in honor of her sister, Miss Grange, of Napanee, who is visit- ing her. for Miss Zellie Burns, the Dridesieet, of Sune. Th, . > Mrs. John Macgilliveay, Albert street, was hostess at a small bridge last Friday afternoon. at the 2 i Bowmanville, }. affair {4 55% ronto, "left Bowmanville about They i twelve o'clock, and luached at Whithy, artiving in Toronto about o'clock, « so + 2 5 Miss Muriel Iredale, of England, a visitor at Principal Gordon's from Tennessee, is leaving on Friday to re- gurn to, her home in England. ' Some of the second class cadets, ten in number, and ten young ladies, left, early this afternoon, for a picnic at Yates' farm. They went down in a van and were chaperoned by Mrs. Ed- ward L. Fortt. Capt. and Mrs. A. de Mowbray Bell, Mrs. Shine and Miss Grace Hemming are back from their fishing trip down the Rideau. Mrs. Breden Galbraith, the guest of Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, erly street, will leave on Thursday, for her home in Toronto. + & 9% Mrs. Jlerbert Robmson, Bagot street, left, on Tuesday, for Brockville, where she will remain for a week. Miss Olive Burns arrived in the city, today, from Toronto, and is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac street. She is to be one of the bridesmaids at the wed- ding of her cousin, Miss Zellie Burns, on the 7th of Jane Mrs. James Third, Wellington street, returned last Friday from visiting in Campbellford. Mrs. Henry Skinner and Miss Nan Skainner, West street, will leave on the 10th of June for their summer home, "'Oriole's Nest," Tananoqgue. Mrs. Skinner's grandson, Master Keer, will follow later and in the meantime wifl: stay with ¢his aunt, Mies Shaw, Willian street. Mr. Wil lam Skinner will be up from Mon- treal to see them comfortably set- ted. + + + Mrs. Karl Kramer, of Dansville, N. ¥., ir visiting in the! city, the guest of Mrs. D. J. Dick, Nelson street. Miss Gertrude Drury, Queen street, is spending a few days in Brock ville. i Mrs. Clarke Taylor; Gananoque, and son, Keith, are with Mrs. N. F. Wil- mot,, Clergy street. They have been here since May 20th owing tethe ill- ness of the lad. Mrs. William Keith, Smith's Falls, is coming up to-morrow to be the guest of Mrs. James Massie, Earl street, for a few days. + * Mrs. J. 8:7 Patch, of Montreal, is visiting ner brother, Mr. James Stew art, 104 Stuart street. Her som, Dr, F. 8. Patch, who is on his way to Toronto to a convention of medical men, stopped off for a day on "his way up. e Misses Macpherson, of King ston, are going to Lindsay this week for the Mi'pherson-Spier wedding. Mr. and Nes. Walter iidvd are leav- mg Ottawa on Friday Aor' Toronto, where Mr. Boyd eaves for British Columbia. Mrs. Boyd will spend the summer with -her mother, Mrs. H, A. Calvin, in Kingston. + + Dr. and Mrs. James Shira and little son will leave at the end of June for a trip abroad. : Mr. Alwyn . Forneri, of the Mer: chants' Bank, Montreal, returned on Sunday, after visiting his father, Rev. R. 8. Forneri, Alfred street. Mrs. staying with her sister, Mrs. R. 8. Forneri, Alfred strect, left, on Mon- day, for her home, Miss Margaret Fairlie, Brock street, left, to-day, to spend three wecks in Gananoque, She will be the guest of Mrs. Ketchum at her summer cot- age. Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald, Uni- versity avenue, expect to spend the summer months abroad and will leave Kingston in June. * + @ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson are expected home from their trip abroad, on Sunday or Monday next, Mrs. Thomas Benson and Miss Ben- son, of Ottawa, are expe to ar- rive in the city, en SaWgrday, for a few days; they will be pension at Mrs. Campbell's, Farl street. Madame Panet, King street, will leave next week, for Montreal, Captain Panet will go at the same time to Petewawa. Mis. Herbert Pense spent Sunday in Gananoque, with Mr. Pense. : Mrs. Androw, Forman has returned to Montreal. Mrs. E. Beaupre, Pritvess street, has returaed from Cleveland, Ohio, where she attended the wedding of her sis- ter. Mrs. Douglas Young, Kingston, is staying with her gon, Captain Q. Young, Glen Road, Toronto. ' * + + Mr. and Mrs, Francis W. Marshall, Nelson street, Kingstan, announce the engagement 'of their daughter, Eliza- beth Leah, to Mr, Charles E. Elliott, of Brooklyn, N.Y. The marriage will take place in June. + + 9% A number of fashionable. weddings are to take placéiin the early autumn among them being the marriage of Miss Marion Lindsay, daughter of Mrs, Arthur Lindsay, to Mr. C. E. Thomas, manager of the Dominion Bank, Van- couver, B.C.; Miss Ethel Jones, daugh- June the First, Summer [Is Here Now for Light Felts, Pana mas and Straw Sailors. E C0000000000000000000000 00000000000 0000 ard Phippen; of Conway REMNANTS OF Corset Cover Embroidery In lengths varying from one and a quarter a half yards. Your choice for to one and 5c each i ' Special Sale Of Long Corsets in white, cut in the latest style, always sold at $1.00. Special sale price only : - - - Children's Wash Dresses from 30c up. 75¢ CORRIGAN'S. 0000000000000 0000CRORIOGOROGIOOIRITRDS C0000 P0000000OOROOOOIOIIOIGOIOOSBRERDS esssseessdoont COOP OOOOPNOIPOPIOSOIIOIODES ter of Mr. and Mrs, I. K. Jones, to Mr. Gordon Richardson, of Wimmpeg; Mr. D'Arcy MeGee to Miss Elizabeth Long, of Toronto; Miss Claire Oliver, daughter of Hon, Frank and Mrs. Oliver, to Mr. Allan Keefer; Miss Fay Christie, daughter of re. Alex. Christie to Mr. Symin , of Winni- peg; Miss Madge Morse; danghfer of Dr. and Mrs, Charles Morse, to Nr. Charles Tupper, of Winnipeg. * + & The marriage of Miss Ida Nudell, only daughter of Mr. and Mre. M. Nu- dell, of Aultsville, Ont., to Rev. Fred. W. Bates, B.A, M.Sc, of Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, is an- nounced to take place townrd the end of June. The marriage is announced of Miss Hazelle Laing, danghter of Mr.* and Mrs. George Laing, Yorkville, to A. Gordon Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lee; of Smith's Falls. The mar- riage will take place quietly the 15th. A wedding is announced to take place on Tuesday, June 7th, in Tein: ity church, Colborne, when Grace Me- Tavish, daughter of Mr. Donald Camp- bell McTavish, will be married to Dr. McCullough, of Port Arthur. * INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters on heir Rounds. California chervie , Carnovsky's. Lake Ontario Park will be opened with vaudeville on June 20th. Williara Swaine, piano tuner: Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778 The straw hat is very Jittle in de mand as yet, but overcoats are stil} in use. The Dominion Bankers" Association has decided not to close the banks on Friday. Jd. G. McNulty, manager of the Wil- bur Iron Mines, was in the city, 'on Wednesday. James Derry has returned to QOswe- go, N.Y., after visiting relatives and i in the city. . Cunningham, Chickering's. Auley"s bookstore. Furnaces have been relit houses this week. otherwise, indoors. The cily property committee was to have met this afternoon, but the meeting was cancelled. Constable Timmerman and Me Carey are makin; very good progress, in their sanitary inspection. » Major 'Sharp, of the 47th Regiment, in Living is many chilly, Eczema | Ointment Cures all distressing skin dis- eases. A well-known Kingston lady told us on Saturday that she had suffered for years with eczema. She tried all remedies without success until last sum- mer a friend in Rochester re- commended Rexall Eczema Ointment, which cured ther quickly snd wonderfully. This ointment, is guaranteed to cure || or money refunded 50¢ BOX. MAHOOD DRUG STORE -7 0000000000000000000000 7 » Ladies' Home Journal for June Fashion Number Now on sale at Gibson's Red Drug Stove. Best's Drug Store. | The College Book Store Cross Popular Electricity for June Contains Thomas Yai- son's grout article, "The To-morrows'of Electric- ity and invention." 10c. + COLLEGE BOOK STORE 0000000000000000000000¢ PO00000000000000 2000000 OPOIOIOOOPIOPOGIOESODS # wen' to Napanee to-day, on business, in goanection with the militia. 1 » finance committee of the Vie tdfia day celebration will meet on Thursday evening Lo pass accounts. Mrs. Albert Nicholls, 214 . William street, has leit for Calgary, to join her husband, who left a few weeks ago. Kcv. Father Kelly, Smith's Falls, wil! leave the first week in July on a trip to his old home in Waterford, Ireland. W. C. Martin har been laid up at his, home for several days, with a severe illness. He was able to He out on Tuesday. June lst was not ushered in with very good weather--cool and cloudy, with a few rain sprinkles. The sum- | mer. seems far away. | Chie! of Police Samuel Taylor, with wif: and family, returned to Trenton, | 01 Tuesday afternoom. They will take! up house there at once. Mrs. A. Hamilton, living on upper Johnsoh street, was removed to the Hotel Dieu, on Wednesday morning, | in James k s ambulance. ? R. H. HatW®vay, succeeds R. F. Eas- son, as superintendent of the G. N. W™ press service. He is a tried official and was for vears Mr. Easson's able as sistant. Stanley Mills, avenue, | left, on Sunday, for Niagara Falls, ! where he has secured a position for | the summer on construction work ip | the park. Capt. "Dan" schooner Charley University the re- Rooney, of Marshall, was today, His vessél is at yhe pemiton tiary loading stone for Cobowrg. A retired sergeant says that he was asked to-day to giv ilitary ysocrets | away. Three men we in the party. | They and the sergeant had drinks to-| gether and afterwards $50 was offered | the sergeant for inside information. A cheque was made out and then the old veteran broke out and threatened ta smash toe bribers. He was not, he wid, he kind .of man to disgrace the king's uniform. : A Dr. Ross Was Ubder French. | De. AE Rose is probably' the only Kingstonian who was under General French during the Boer war. The doe tor was connected with the field am- bulance of various composite ' regi- which belonged to General division in several Paris of ments, Froneh.s the £3, "More Summonses ids the ramus. of the. window smash ing on street, on Tuesday vight, the have jssued a bath or young men, who nee have had a hand in ) place. ? i Bride Will be even more attractive if she procures her Outfit at this Store. We show the swellest range of Dress Goods in the trade. The Newest ideas in Wash Dress Goods The . Latest Novelties Whitewear. White Waists in a great variety of dainty styles priced in CLO So 3 Every Description From. the smallest Travelling Alarm Clock to the large Oak or Mahogany Tubular Chimes Clocks in Brushed Hrass and Porcelaine with White and Gola Decorations for the Bedroom. Clocks, for the Mantel and for Diningroom in almost endless variety. Prices to suit all purchasers. \ SMITH BROS., Jewellers. op 850 KING STREET, Issuérs of Marriage Licenses, : : 200009 at $1.00 and uy Fine Table Damask, yard and up. Fine Table Napkins, £6.00 a dozen. Fine Damask Tablecloths, with Napkins to match, reason- ably priced. Be a 5c to Tray Clotns, Sideboard Scarfs, Pillow Shams, Dresser Covers, Hemmed Sheets, Hem" med Pillow Cases! Towels, Quilts, Comforters, Lace Cur- tains, and many other articles to make the néw home cosy and complete REASONABLE PRICES ALL LINES. ON Newman & Shaw | Remodelled and {also stored for the summer. W. F. > + 9 repaired Gourdier. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. newing 'old acquaintances in the vity, {i "STRAIGHT BACK SHOULDER BRACE The "Straight Back Brace" is light and cool An ideal brace for the sam- mer as well as winter season. Affords a Chair Dack Rest in addition to effecting & Btralghe Back and Erect C ge. Instills oxygen into lungs, elasticity of step afd a more youthful appearance. 3 Stays are light, flexible and Bon-rustable, covered with Tubular Web. 4 % Pure white, ' thus insuring Sains any fading or disclor- 5. £ COSTS LITTLE, DOES MUCH, LASTS LONG. For Women, Men and Children. Jf PRICE, $1.50 EACH. Why, that's one of our fortes--washing | Jace curtains. S ERR AOE ce

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