Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1910, p. 1

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: YEAR 77-NO. 126 HEMET MANY Lord Strathcona Enter- tained Col. Roosevelt INTRODUCED HIM THEODORE SAID HE SWORE BY CANADA, Four Hundred Guests, Largely Can- adians, Attended the Reception--= The - Ex-President Had a Broad Smile and a Word for Everyone, jal to the Whig. rey June 1.~--Heow Lord Strath- conan entertained Theodore Roosevell is told in a Canadian Associated Press cable, reaching Ottawa to-day. Four hundred guests, largely Canadians, were on hand, The London cable says: "Lord Strathcona stood by Col. Roosevelt's side, introducing his guests as they filed past. Col. Roosevelt had a hroad smile for everyone. On being spoken to by the CT.A.P. man, who lisd been introduced nas representing the Canadian press, Col. Roosevelt re- marked : 'Press, eh ? I'm right glad to see you. Indeed, 1 swear by Can: ada.' Among the prominent Cana dians present were Hons. Sifton, Fish- er, Sir J, Grant and Dr. Powvil." ROOSEVELT TALKS AGAIN. And About Hritish Occupation ip Londen, Eng., June 1.-2If you feel you ought not to be in Egypt, and have no desire to keep order there, by all moans get out, M you feel that it is your duty to cvilizailon to stay then show yourselves ready to weet responsibility of your position." Col. Roosevelt, alter beir: honored at Guild Hall with the traditional freedom of the city, thus addressed hig distihguished audience, on a subject which everybody expected he would studiously avoid, having stirred up so much comment when he talked along the sames lines in Egypt a lew weeks ago. The utterances startled his hones ers. Mr. Roosevelt oul British rule in Ugands end the .. He also declared that Great Britain had given Egypt the best government that the country had had in 2,000 yeags. But, in vital points, it erred, he 3 dity 'and sentimentality, more than EE SRE mo |will also be given in June, July, and speech constituted expression on foreign Fh Jiatinguished visitor i are n tour. y with the British ppt, which is today one of mportant of qe £ 3 i EBLE i MADE A BARON. Sir John Henry De Villers Given a Th New Dignity. Loudon, June 1.--King George has created his first peer, conferring the dignity of baron on Sir John Henry De Villers an the occasion of the es ' tablishment of the union of South Africa. Sir John was chief justice of the Cape of Good Hope, president of . the legislative council, and a member "of the judicial committee of the privy cotipeil. He is now chief justice-of the supreme court of South Africa. _ DIED SUDDENLY, Former United Treasurer Stricken With Apoplexy. New York, Jupe 1.~-Stricken with 3 st before midnight, Charles He ex until last September treasurer of the United States, died, Tuesday, in the Victoria hotel without i consciousness, His wife and two daughters were with him when he died. He was sixty-eight years old. ---------- An Injunction Granted. June 1.-On a peti- right | horseback, will 1 Britai ns colon) = he i aily KINGSTON, 3 f ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JU NE 1, 1910, cy i ------------------ -------- WILL YIELD $1,500,000. Automobiles and Chauffeurs to be Taxed. Albany, NX... June 1. Governor Hughes, yesterday, sighed the Callan bili providing for the registration aml taxation of amtomohiles according 10 horse power und the licensing of ohal- fours a messore whieh, it is estimated, will vield annual revenue to the senie of about $1,00000, Chaffevrs are ito pay an aonval license fee of 85. Those coavictions for speed violation will riader the license of a Chaulieur void ior not less than six months. A chauf- fer may be imprisoned for & year for running a car while intoxicated. He may be ficed 320 and sentenced to two years imprisonment for running away alter sirihing a person and a second conviction for this offence ronhes him liable for imprisonment for not less than two years nor more than five yeas. A fine of $100 is pro- vided for a violation of speed limits and the method of procuring bail is made easier, LANDLORD USES A HATCHET. Thopped Female Tenant on Head Fought Back. Chicago, June 1.--Max Kiarfine, a real estate dealer, went to one of hig houses to eject Flora Smith, a ne gress. Flora refused to move. Kiar fine, it is charged, struck her on the head with a hatchet. The blade stuck in the woman's scalp, Flora blinked a moment, then with the hatchet still sticking in her head, she kicked Wiar- fine down a flight of stairs to the street. Flora followed and before he could rise seated hersell on his body and drew the hatchet from her head as though it were a hair pin. She was beating Kinrfine with the weapon whep the police rescued him. The fight caused so much excite ment that a riot eall for the police was sounded. Kiarfine was arrested charged with assault to commit mur- der. The woman was faken to .an hospital, where her condition is re ported serious. A JEANNE D'ARC PLAY. Given in Open Alr at Maid's Birth place. Paris, June 1--France is to have something in the nature of a rival to the Passion Play 'ol Oberammergau. At Doremy, on the very spot where Jeanne d'Arc heard the miraculous voices urging her to go to the rescue of her king and country, an immense open-air theatre is to be constructed, in 'which the drama and tragedy of her life are, with the exception of the leading roles, to be played by native actors. About. 600 ms, 150 of Shetn part in re: il first of these, Tt 1¥] expected, will be giver on May 7th [next year. Two performances a month on August. A special train service will connect Doremy-la-Pucelle with every part of France and the neighboring countries. DR. COOK IN SCOTLAND. Plans to Prove That He Reached the Pole. . "ew York, June 1.--The mystery of the whereabouts of Dr. Frederick A. Cook, was solved last night. He is in Scotland, preparing for his trip to Etah, whence he plans to bring back his records of his discovery of the North Pole, and his instruments which are cached there. He also in- tends to bring back the two Eskimos who accompanied him on his dash to the North Pole. Dr. Cook's objective point, when he shall have recogered his records and instruments, says the newspaper, will be Copenhagen. There he will present his completed = proofs to the scientific world. WOULD LIKE PLACE. Champ Clark Believes He Will Yet be Speaker. Washington, June 1.--1 would rath- er be speaker for two years than United States senator for eighteen years," said Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, the democratic leader of the house. "Of course, there is nothing certain but death and tax- es, but the demoerats will: control the next house as sure as you are living, and 1 think I have a good show for the leadership," 1a this way Mr. Clark disposed of the report that he would be a can didate for whe senate to succeed Sena tor Warner, republican. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. Greater Demand Comes From This Province, mail deliver- more in On- because by far the comes from the pro- to the present 352 routes been put in operation. comparatively few petitions bec for free delivery and alsa d to the west where the rapid and the railways! io extensively, a conser ds being followed in ew Ottawa, June 1.---Rural | pany is starting the building LATEST NEWS Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS Twenty persons were murdered dur- ins the election campaign in Hungary. It i# rumored that Hon. Jacques Bureau, soligjitor-general, will shortly ta indges! 3 The ®rand Trunk has just placed an ordes for $2,000,000 worth of new cars , engines. a ad o adn has accepted an appoifitment in the United Free church College, Glasgow, There was a sensational break cotton on the New York Cotton eannge, on Tuesday. . : Andre Marcoux," of the Dominion police force, has heen appointed chief of police of Hull, Que. It is rumored that CO. W. Clinch will shortly retire from the managership of the Molsons Bank, Toronto. Wilson Southam, Ottawa, was elects od president of the Tax Reform and Dircet legislation League, Bowmanville ratepayers carried a by-law providing fo, municipal owner- ship of the electric light plant. Kev, Mr. Waterman, Anglican clergy- man at Carp, js seriously ill. He is sullering from pleura-pneumonia. St. Ustharvines, Out, strawberries will be on the market within two weeks. The crop will be a large one. Curtiss, the aviator, will next at- tempt. a flight of 235 miles, from Washington to New York and back Kym, At Louisville, Ky., relatives offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of Alma Kellner. A Chicago sunzecn has discovered a way of binding up severed arteries by means 0° magnesium couplers instead | of sewing them. kK. I. Borden, leader of the opposi- tion, has fecoverel from his recent ill pess. Arrangements for his Ontario tour are ted. The Canadian Northern railway com- crossing British Columbia. cans John Darton, farmer, Morpeth, is looking for his wife, who, he has been told, was seen at Chatham since leav- ing home with another man. At Pittsburg, Tuesday, was the cold- est May 31st in the annals of the office of the United States weather burean. A temperature of thirty-nine degrees was recorded. Allred Bellerose, « man of 75 years, was: shot in the head by a highway- mau, at Montreal, and prbbably fatal Iv wounded. The police locked him up all night on the charge of drunkon- in Ex- ness. : ) Rather than run into a group school girls on the street crossing, Frank McManus, St. John, N.B., driv- er of a delivery team, drove into a rapidly moving touring car, sustaining serious injuries, that may cripple him for -life. THEORY OF KOCH. World's Birth Rate to Dwindle Slowly. Ferlin, June 1.--That the: world's birth rate will dwindle slowly until the Liuman thce passes sway because of race suicide, is the theory of the late Prof, Robert Koch, propounded in some of the scientist's manuscripts to be published posthumously | within * a few days, According to Dr. Koch, man is steadily ceasing to breed. Civilization, he says, inevitably reduces the birth rafe, and the extension ivilization njeans the increase of ra icide till humanity, refusing to breed, will van ish. Dv. Koch cites oue tribe of Polynes- t.ns whith when subjected to civiliting influénces, committed race suicide by mutual agreement among the mem: bers. Br. Koth's theory is expected to make a profound scientific impression. A TERRIBLE CRIME. Strangled : Throat. Moosejaw, Sagk., June 1.---Moses Smith, living with his married son, six miles south of Brownlee, is reported to have stra his five-year-old son i Monday night and then attempted to suicide Hy eutting his throat with a razor. He sev the jugular vein, Lut will bly live. There were faint igrs of lie in the boy for two hours the deed was committed. Smith attempted suicide in a similar manner that | COLLECTION OF MEDALS. Presented to Canada by British Gov * ernment, ! Ottawa, May 31.--A collection of medals has been placed in the arch- ives building. It is the gif of the British government and comprises a copy of every medal issued during the ign of Queen Victoria. Therp af 214 medals in the ocellection, some of them gold, some silver, and some bronze. With the medals there are also clasps. One gold medal alone represents about $300. ' The collection is i by Dr. Dougherty as the Lest in the world. Of especial inter- est are the Crimean war medals, em- blems of we great campaign fought s.de by side with France against Rus- sia. there is the Victoria cross. There are the medals of the Indian wars, the Soudan, South Africa and the other smaller campaigns in which men of the empire have taken part. Those who are interested in Canada's part in the cause of Great Britain will find of peculiar interest the medals which the 100th Canadian regiment, the Nile Voyageurs, the South African con- tingents and others won. The ocol- lection forms a brief summary of the war struggles of Britain during the tong reign of Queen Victoria, POPE PIUS X The Pope will be seventy-five Years old on Thursday, having been bora at Riese on June Ind, 1835. LOST IN THE FOREST MADE SOUP FROM. FUNGUS IN FOREST : nN --Had a Lonely Time, Montreal, June 1.~Six months be- yond civilization in the frozen north of Canada, in which the face of hu man beings, neither white nor Indian, was Seen, was the experience related by Hon. Harold Cecil, the miner cou- gin of the present Marquis of Salis bury,and of the former premier, who bas had his share of perils and dan- gers on nearly every gold field in the world, and who frankly states that his remarkable adventures beyond the Porcupine . eclipse bas passed through. Tao a reporter he told his thrilling story, which he is on his way to re count to the family at Hatfield, who insisted on his going home before re- turning to British Columbia. He left on the fast express for New York last night, sailing from there by: fastest steamer across the Atlantic. It was, he said, towards the end of last OctoBer that he came down from British Columbia, having heard of the rising fame of the new Porcupine fields. In November, pursuing his in- vestigations alone on the outskirts of the field, where for several reasons he made himself known to no one, he fol lowed the occasional cropping of reefs into the forest, and there he ut terly lost his bearings. In the cloudy days towards the end of November he wandered he knew not where, evidently the farther he travel led getting deeper and deeper into the woods. Ile was without portahle food but he had a revolver in his belt, a miner's axe, a hammer, and some matches, He came at length to a creek which ran through a lake. Out of this he got some fish by weaving a nét of boughs and grasses. After a week or two he was enveloped in a heavy snow storm, and he realized that his chances of reaching civiliza- tion at all were slender. He could not not get out of the farest until Som and Cut His Own | shack His greatest. task was to ovide himsell with dried wood for f ing. : At Torah uband of nc Sian passed on their way to act TIFMIng Advimture of Fark sues bury's Brother in Porcupine Wilds WISH 10 DIN General French When "He Arrives In Ottawa WIRED TO KINGSTON TO FIND OUT IF HE WILL AG CEPT. The General's Time is Too Much Taken up for Public Entertain. ment--Ottawa May Have to Pre- sent an Address. ' Special to the Whig. Ottawa, June 1.--Gen. French is at Kingston, to-day, and the mayor or city clerk will probably telegraph there this afternoon, to see if it would be éonvenient for" him to attend am informal luncheon the Ottawa city council would like to tender him while here. He arrives here at five o'clock, Friday afternoon and will remain until Sunday night. The city officials com municated with Col, Benson, 0.C., E. 0.C., to learn if he could give them definite information as to Gen, French's wishes and probable move menis. It is understood he advised them to telegraph to Kingston to his aide-de-camp e. It js understoqd that the time of Gen. French has heen so taken up with military matters in other Cana dian centres that he bas had to re fuse civic entertaining featuves, so it is hardly known yet what will be done here. If he finds himself unable to attend a luncheon, the city will probably present an address. YARKER CONVENTIONS. Camden Sunday School and Holiness Movement Affairs, Yarker, June 1.-The Camden Sun- day school convention will be held in Yarker Methodist church on Jume 20th. The Holiness Movement will hold a seven days' tent meeting at Yarker, commencing next Sunday morning. Byron Holden has purchased the shop and dwelling known as the Drury property. He will move there and carry on his tinsmith work. Two residences have been pointed heve: this spring, that of B. 8. O'Loughlin and J. C, Connolly. E. W. Benjamin is having his pointed now. There will be no service in the Me- thodist church here next Sunday, as Rev. ¥ atatons will be at confer: ence. Yarke Methodist ~~ Sabbath school will hold its annual lawn so- cial, June 14th. Well drillers have been busy here. C. Lee, A. Holland and Williams Smith have had wells drilled, all securing water. M, C. Dunn and family spent Sunday at Deséronto. Harold Old: ham was home over Sunday from Port Hope. H. Young left to take his | position as fireman on the steamer Caspian. Andrew Warner and George Snare are ill. 5 & Remains Brought to Eiginburg. _ Elginburg, June 1.--Rev. F. Danby is attending confererte, There will not be pny service bere on Sabbath Service "will be in the evening on June 12th. On Thursday the dy of the late David Allison, San Bernar dino, California, son of John Allison, reached here. The funeral was large ly atiended, 'The service was con- ducted bv Rev. F. Danby. Miss Clogy has returned after a week's visit in the city: Miss Lawson spent a few days at Mr. Bradshaw's, Harrow- smith. Visitors: Mrs. Moore, King ston, at J. Reid's; Mrs, N. J. Rut ledge and child, Regina, Sask., at Joshua Knight's; Messrs. Robert and David Caughey, Amberst Island, and Miss Allison, Kingston, at J. Alli son's; Mrs. Shannon and daughter Kingston, at M. Silver's. Peach Leaf Curl [rrencis Trees. Beamsville, June §.--Peach leaf curl has again"made an appearance in the peninsula orchards, and is unusually severe. Some orchards have been at- tacked through and through, while in others only an occasional tree is no- ticeably damaged. All other varieties of fruit .trees are in excellent condition, and the berry crop, especially the strawberries, should be the largest and finest ever, Niagara strawberries should be on the Toronto markets. by the 15th of the month, perhaps sooner. L. N. McEwan Shoots Himself. Lethbridge, Alta., June 1.--Lawrence N. (Larry) McEwan, who came to Lethbridge from Winn in the late head, Monday. The od to be the result suicide is suppos- of business wor. He was a noted la- crosse player and sprinter in Winnipeg and Eastern Canada in earlier days. Five Years for Attempted Mwurd v Regina, Sask. June 1. Chief Jus tice Wetmore sentenced Frank Mu. ur to five years in penitentiary for . tempted murder. He tried to shoot a man named Stilka Inst Thurkday, and then followed it up by stabbiag him fin the back. : George Kelly, an Ottawa young man, arrested on the pominal charge of remanded. We will with arson. MINISTERS STATIONED. By Bay of Quinte Methodist Confers ence, Napanee district--Napanee (Trinity), Geo. W. McCall; Napanee west, Wm, H. Emsley; Deseronto, Geo. H. Cope land; Morven, Geo. McUonpell; New burgh, Marquis E. Sexsmith; Odussa, Joseph C. Bell; Tamworth, Soford F, Dixon; Selby, Chris. L. Thompson; Adolphustown, John W. Bunner; Bay, Charles W, De Mille; Wilton, Wm. 8, P, Bovee; Yarker, James Batstone; Enterprise, Jos. M. Whyte; Roblin, Gilbert Horton; Arden, Rufus Gar ratt. Picton district--Picton first, Yerooun Emory; Main street, John GG, Lewis; Bloomfield, George R. Clare; Wellington, D. Scott Houck; Conse- con and Carrying Place, George Nickle, Reduersville, FE. W. Tink, B.A., B.D.; Ameliasburg, Frank J. Anderson; Hal lowell, Anthony Hill; Demorestville, Wm. V. Sexsmith; Northport, HH. B, Rowe; Cherry Valley, F. H. Howard; Milford 'and Point Traverse, Alf. L. Brown; Cressy (Glenora), A, K, Ed- mison; Claremont, Grant, Victoria College, Sidney, E. B. Cook; Bayside, Wm. H. Dafoe: West Huntingdon, W. D, P. Wilson; Foxboro, Chas. E. Cragg; Plainfield, Jos. Ward; Cannifton, S. A. Kemp; Shannonville, Wm, T. Wickett; Melrose, W. E. Honev; Flinton, R. T. William; Cloyne, A. E. McCutcheon. TIMBER BURNED. Blaze Around Lesser Slave Lake. Edmonton, Alta, June 1.--Accord- ing to J. K. Cornwall, M.L.A., for Peace river, who, is in Edmonton at present, "immense forest fires have been raging for the past few weeks around Lesser Slave Lake and doing great damage to timber in that coun- try. : "There has, been half a million dol- lars' worth 'of timber destroyed in the past six - weeks,"' said Mr. Cornwall, "and unless some steps are taken get the fires under control, the loss will be much greater. Forestry con- ditions must. be looked into or the timber districts in that region will be wiped out before long." FLUE BLEW OUT. Tmmense to Accident on Steamer Off Thunder Bay Island. Detroit, Mich., June 1.--A flue blew out on the boiler of the steamer Bul garia, while off Thunder Bay Island, in Lake Huron, yesterday afternoan, and James Burns, Cleveland, a helper in the engine room, was literally cooked to death in the escaping sleam, Another man, Frank Cassidy, of Chi- cago, 'was seriously scalded and is not expected to recover. The accident oc curred during a stiff gale and for a time the Bulgaria lay helpless in the trough of the sea. She put into Al pena for repairs. Died at London, Wilton, Mav 31.--Bernard Mills re- ceived a telegram to-day acquainting him with the sad tidings of the death of his father-in-law, Rev, J. Teasdale, London. Mr. Teasdale has spent sev- eral summers in our village and has endeared himself to all. Sincerest sympathy is felt for the eorrowing widow and daughters. Besides Mrs. Mills there are two other dauprhters, Mrs. J. Lettenev, London, with whom decvased resided, and Mrs. (Rev.) D, Flemming, Dauphin, Man., who is well: known here, There will be no service next Sunday evening in the Preshyter- ian church, as Rev. J. P. Maclnnes will attend the general assembly, at Halifax. Mrs. Baxter Redden, Florida, is worse again. Mrs. C. Ward, Cole brooke, and Mrs, CC. A. Baker, mos- cow, spent a couple of days last week i 8. W. H. Neilson and Mrs. W. Forsyth, Mr, and Mrs. 8. Storms were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, Colebrooke, on Sunday. Pigeon's Long Flight. Ottawa, June 1.-On December 10th a homing pigeon escaped from a local loft and was last seen flving south- ward, apparently making for its for mer home in Aurora, Ill. Nothing fur ther wos beard about it until yester- fay when the owner received a letter stating that the bird had arrived at Aurora on Friday last, having taken nearly five months to find its way hathe, Memorial Window Dedicated. Brockville, Ont., June 1.--There was special service in St. Peter's church ast night, when the Bishop of Ontar- 0 dedicated a memorial window re- cently placed in the church by Judge McDonald to the memory of his wife, and also the marble tablet erected in memory of Hon. Charles Jones, of Toronto. : Baseball on Tuesday. | Eastern-- Rochester, 30; Taronto, 1- 9; Jersey City, 2. 1. Boston, 1-2; Philadelphia, 0-1. De troit, 2; St. Louis, 0. National New York, 4; Philadelphia, 2. Brooklyn, 4; Boston, 1. 716 Annuities Sold. Ottawa, June 1.--The total revenue from the sale of government annnilies to date is B545,877. The sumber of 411 are from Untario. ---------- Appointed Acting Mayor. Belloville, June 1. Owing to the of this wity, Ald. Ackerman, chairman of the executive committer, has been by by-law appointed acting mayor, An unkoown man stepped over the rail about ten feet from the heink a4 Prospect Point, Niagara Falls, X.Y, on Wednesday moming, and went over the Falls. : Tan » 5 Bored Claes dasten. Sod 3t Gibson's Red Cross w.! Montreal, 3; Baffala, 0, Newark, American--New York, 5; Washington annuitants is 716, and of this sumber | LAST EDITION r-- rr-- -- WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Torents, Ont, Jue 1, I sabe-Ot« fawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrenocs- h-west to north-west winds] o00- I showers and cool to-day and ursday ENTHUSIASTIC OPENING r 4 SUMMER SUITS AND DRESSES Time Place AND THE Prices Summer's late coming. Has one bright side anyway---it forced the producers of ready attire to unload their lovely creations at big reduc tions, much less than expected and reasonably expected, too, because no such engaging style has ever heen shown in Womans' or Misses' Sum- mer Dresses and Suits, Even 'the lowest priced garments possess an astonishing amount of "snap'" and "smartness." As a Fashion Show our display will call crowds. We Invite you to call and sve these beautiful garments, The Low Prices will as- tonish you, We are values In offering Extraordinary SHIRT WAISTS, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, VEILS AND VEILINGS. SPECIAL TAN HOSE, Embroidered, at 20¢. * ¢ 0 Steacy's BORN. Cobalt G, BATEMAN---At Mr. and Mrs. son MARRIED. REYS8--On May 31st, 1919, Methodist Parsonage, Wolfe y Rev A Topping, Ph. , Biville ta Miss Flor. only daughter of John 11 of Wolfe Island May 20th, Cecil Bateman, to a SIVILLE DIED. ered into pen rest, Harriet beloved wife of ry } from her late resid Johnson Street, Thursd ", Thurs lay, Ji Frienda and qualntinces are re- spectfully requested to attend, WICKHAM --~In Portsmouth, on June 1st, 1910, Charies Wickham, aged 44 Years Funeral from his late residence, Thurs day afternoon § 230 o'clock Frien and acquaintances are res specifully requested to attend CHAMELY-~At Hotel THeu Hospital, on May 21st, 1610, Peter Chambly, aged &¥ years uneral from his late residence, Duf- fevin Thursday morning. at § o'cl {0 the Church of the Holy Cushendall, Friends and ace n respectfully res ce at 2.20 p.m CROW E~At 1910, Mary Bunbury on May r a Name, Buffalo and Belleville papers please Copy ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 377. 230 Princess Street. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertake 254 and 256 PRINCESS STR 'Fhose 147 for Ambulance. "FROM THIS ODT * Ray reasonable prices. 105. ------------ COFFEE Our Java and ocha Is roasted and ground by ourselves, long-continued illness of Mayor Marsh, | thus ensuring perfect freshness. The price is 40 cents the pound. The value cannot be expressed In figures. We would like you to try it. Ea Joi. Redden & Ko. ' - France still has 11,000 men cncamp, od on Moroccin soil. A

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