Saya A ¥ # L ; Ts X : DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1910. mem wooena-- -- HER TWIN SO Distinguishing Between Her Babies, Lendon Mirror The" worries ani responsibilities of ocvupying a. bigh sdcial and" public position fall on nobody more hard: ly than upon Lady Dudley, 'wife of Lord Dudley, governor-general of Aus tralia. Eighteen months ago, om leaving for Australia, Lady Dudley had to leave her twin baby sons in England. Ou returning to England two months ago for a brid holiday on account of 3 : it Vind ill bealth, she could not tell one son | ear J "i " ; S$ % ; : from the other. Both had the same | ay ; Ft rd "Bx f 2 y ~ colored hair, eves and complexion. : : The twe boys, named Edward George, each two and one-half old, had become strangers fo mother during her long absence. It took several days for Lady Dud- ley to "get used to them' and fecog- pize one from the other. Only their nuise, it is said, can immediately dis tinguish George from. Edward, A short while ago the twins were taken to a well known woman pho- tographer on Baker street. The pho tographer in posing" them for their picture was uttérly unable to tell which was which. "I have riéver seen such" a remark. able resemblance between two chil- dren," she told th: Daily Mirror yes terday. Lady Dudley, who will be returning to Australia as soon as she has re covered from ghee illness, is fortunate- ly, according" to latest bulletins, pro gressing satisfactorily, She underwent a serious operation just over three weeks ago. Her sons will, it is stated, remain in Fngland and Lally Dudley will have to leave her children for the sefond time for an indefinite period. Ss, $ STAMINA IN MEN : AND HOW TO POSSESS IT. (From "Man's Maladigs.") A Jr Sminent physician being asked the question: "What are the things in life a man needs most answered "Physioal health, stro ficiency, 1 i cess." Any man possessing these five attributes Is a success. Any man possessing the first three A success and have the twa Posgession of a sound body wilh strong nerves is really the requirement which men need most Men peed stamina, courage staying quali- ties, endurance and perseverance but in order to have tiese guali- tieg the nerves must be strong and keenly sensitive to every emotion. Wher a man"has fore- ES, SsenRations of fear, tim. 3 accompanied with such symptoms as trembling hands and 1imbs, weak voice, nervous. ness, Kleeplessness, numbness, dizziness, heart palpitation. rest- lessness, forgetfulness, melan- cholla, weariness without cause, and many o rs of a similar na- ture. it can be expected that he will be a success financially, socially or otherwise ug virtle magnetism comes oniy to those whose nerves are properly nourished in a sound ody. Nature im her wisdom has supplied certain extracts, es- sences, ete. which, if propérly blended, will restore a normal keenness to the nerves so that any man can feel the rich red blood surging through his body supplying all the elements neces. Sary to derive the most out of life in all its various phrases For the benefii of those temp- orarily deficient in nerve strength the following ingred ients can be obtained of any good druggist and prepared in the privacy of home. Purchase three ounces of syrup sarsapariila compound In a six ounce bottle. 4 one ounce of compound fluid balmwort, shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not cardamom) and one ounce compound essence cardiol. © Mix, Shake well and take a teaspoon- ful after each meal and one when retiring. All distressing symp- toms will soon vanish and a com- plete restoration to' normal fol- ows CI TREITTR: steaty in " SYSTEM § / ' ha ~~ Homeseekers" Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST Tuesday, May 1th, and every second Tuesday theregiter during the summer Tickets good tor 60 days LOCAL BRANCH TIMZ-TABLE. Trains will leave and arrive at Ch) Depo' as follows i Going West, Leave City. Arrive C10 8 Mafl .... ..12.35 a.m. 3 EX... S41 RIN il Local 515 am 5.47 am 1 lot. Ltd. 123.25 p.m. 12.57 pm 7 Mafl .... 3.17TP.m. 851 p.m * 48 Local cw. TI p.m. 7.38 i Noy - - v 8 a = - and years their Buy your Groceries from 8. T. Kirk, 281 Princess Street, and please see that yom get a Coupon with every Cash Pur- chase. Return $20.00 worth of coupons and get §0c¢ In trade free. S. T. KIRK, 277-281 Princess Street, 'Phone 417 me. The Coinat May contain a great many gases and have a long tail to « tell you about 3 a.m. when you are taking observation, But GET WISE, take it from us, that the only Gas Problem you want to consider seriously is to arrange about getting the pipes in your house before the warm weather arrives, Besse 7, and 8 run except Sun- voy rains 1, 3, 3, 4, 6 6 ly; other trains dally ullman gccommodation reserved in vance and all other information fur- nished on application to 1. B. JANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Stree» AE CL TARTU: RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Canadian North-West. May 31. June 14 and 28. July 12 and 26. Aug. 9th and 23rd. Good for 60 days, Why She Did Not Know. KINGSTON---OTTAWA. The following incident is recorded Leave Kingston 1201 p.m, arrive ot | f TA: ; ~ ei y that those who are unable to decide bp 10.45 iB 3 ) y gt 7 ' whether a woman has a keen sense 4G i Z - E a tawa 5 { | of humor, or none at all, may be left mn. Leave Ottawa am, arrive] still wm the dark. -- boat Co., Limited. Kingston 3.556 pm { Two burglars who were on trial in we co tei. HERD IS DESTROYED Str. Caspian ----- Fheoat, Full information at K & P. and | C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street an Indiana town had employed a PF, CONWAY, very sharp-witted lawyer to defend them. The complaining witness was 1000 I land R h t {JOHN HANNAH, A ST. JOHN MILK-{ Dr. Emil Buwi, of Vienna, Austria, | Cleveland Plain-Dealer, \ 8 A S~Roches er MAN. SUFFERS LOSS in speaking of diseases of the throne} A group of men were discussing bu- Commencing May 20th, steamer | a Ae a and remedies, said that yawning had (man nature and tho diffienity of look leaves Kingston on Sundave at 10:15! : A I Ask Pete Hunter, or call up 197 and we will send a man to give you the necessary in formation. KINGSTON _H.& POWER DEPT. C. C. FOLGER, Gen. Manager, Building? I can Supply Ready Roofivg, Wall Plaster, lime TEPER LL EPL R 0 BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unlpp Station, Ontari Sireet, 4 pan, dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Descr to, Baanockpurn and all points north secure quitk despatch to Bannock: ; burn, Maynooth, and ntral x Ontario route your shipments via Bay Quinte Rallway. For further parti- culars, wel R. W. DICKSON, ont 'Phone, No. 3. i Lake Ontario & Day of Quinte Steam- stantial story of the attempted bur glary, and had identified the prisoners as the men whom she had seen in hor apartmout. When the astute lawyer for the defence took her in hand for cross-examination he said' "And pow, mv good woman, you say the moon was shining brightly, and you were able to see every ob- ject In the room. I will ask you whether or not your hushand was awake." "1 do not know ness. "Ah," said the inquisitgr, "you do not know. And yet you could every object in the room. You have sworn, 1 believe, that you recognize 0 "LONG LIVE THE KING." NN BEN EFITS OF YAWNING not what you I is pay get, but what you get for a - SAW THE BRIGHT SIDE, cl what you "» Is Valuable in Diseases of the| He Made answered the wit- Mosc of an Unpleasant Situation. what you pay that counts su in buying a fypewriter, Buy an Underwood cere General Possenger Agent Te a woman. She had told a eircum- great ing always on the bright and glitter- value. as a.m. for Alexandria Ray, Gananoque, and Rockport. Returning, leaves = at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston, daily, except Sun day, at 3 pan, for Picton and inter ~~ mediate Bay of Qiinte ports, | ; Full informathgn from i James Bwift Wk Sow J: Po Hanley: x 4 & pam, for Rochester, N.Y, calling at Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. BARGAINS Used Five Octave and Piano Cased Organs ranging all the way from $20.00 up. Eagy terms of payment can be are ged. Purchaser of any organ will be allowed full value within two years' time stiould they decide to purchase a plano. We also have a full line of musical instruments, Including Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Strings, ete, No trouble to show goods. Kindly call and in- 8pect our stock. PS Wormwith Piano Company, Limited RETAIL DEPT, 232 PRINCESS STREET, Olives - Plain, Queen, Manzanilla, Stuffed Nut, Celory,! Pimento. Ripe Lyvola in tive : ; UPER"S, Yawning has recent recommended, independently # valuable exercise for the respira tory Fire Broke Out in Stable at Night, re Supposed to Have Been Started by a Tramp. ! {ing side of things when the dingy, 'dark brown side is uppermost and ! seems destined to remain uppermos. "It's a great thing to cultivate a disposition to make the most of things Bunzi, "yéwning brings all the re. | In this life," remarked a man who us- spiratory museles of the chest and {5 So drive n° trotting horse . for a throat into action, and is, therefore, Ying: ! The most striking illustra- the best and mpst natural means of Lion Lever hal ol shat was in a big dtrengthening them. He advises every. | horse, race. at a county fair down the gz Ae So body to yawn as desply as posdible J tate, about ten yoars ago. The mai in there to sleep and lighting a sgaten i 3 PY BS Posdble. Toviving . alongs of vme let his horse 'to locate a place. There were ru-{ it 1 Ars ahigirstched, in order to ! swerve on the back stretch and my "mors of a nian being burned to death "APE? completely the aj {in 'the fire, but search has revealed no and stimulate respiration. evidences. i cases ho has foond the practice to ve When the neighbors and firemen lieve the difficulty in swallowing and gathered it! was too late to save any disturbance of | the sense of hearing of the cattle, and the ruins showed the that accompany catarrh of the throat, havoe of the flames, twenty-two char-| Lhe "patient & induced to yawn | red tarcases being all that was lef through suggestion, imitation. of of the herd, with the busy season PiPlininary exercise in deep breath just opening. He valued the stock at 0g. . {31,000 outside the profits. He had] 'Fach treatment consists of from 2° 'Why only $500 igsurance. The building, six to eight yavhs, each followed by zled. owned by David Corkery, was insyr-, the operation of swallowing. It should "Cause, ed. { be added, however, that it is quite sright wha' { possible for deep breathing to be over-| thet®ll sen' Sore Feet and Chafed Places, | done, particularly by persons. with || {weak herts, and it is ut least, open {1 { "Zam-Buk™ in best for chafed pla "5. 1 to question whether. the obstaci to { "Sure enough they did, and when sore leet, or inflamed patches, caused froa respiration, which the yawning we drove up that home stretch in the by friction. For babies' sensitive cure is alleged '0 remove, are not use. open hack they sent for us that col {Skins it is espeoially adapted; because: py jp preventing the entrance of germs |ored man was the happiest person jit is of purely herbal composition. and other foreign bodies." > [ever saw. Now, that's what 1 ton t apply to the delionte skin 3 2 making the most of things." your children, either for cuts, sores 5 Beatin the Game. f= oy oh ol ngs. ot skin diseases, the crude salves made The Cece i Book . . . {up from rancid animal oils 'and fate, James Lack while with mineral coloring and scented mat- "York. State Folks." visited a county ter to hide their unpleasant appear- fair. Intent on the actor's ance "and odor ! Remember that | employment of "studying { whatever gets into the pores gets into! he (ncountered the man the blood. Stick to nature and pure the shell game, natiral products. Zam-Puk na-i green pen fture's own healer, and is, therfore, green pea" not only superior in purity, but also in strength. been | organs, "According University of to Dr. Naegli, Luettich,"' of the said Lr | St, John, N.B., May 28.<Tventy- three head of cattle, -comprisin; the {whole milk herd of John Hanneu, a milkman herve, were burned to death {late op Monday night in a firc which 'destroyed his barn. It is believed to have: been wsused by a tramp going | in the lungs {sulky was upset. That caused a gene; In many {ral mix-up, and a colored driver right behind me got unloaded - and his sulky broken to pieces. Well, | lay there for a minute, and then, as I , dicin't m to Be much hurt, I start {ed to get up. a * "Hey, boss, don' yo! go ged up!' yelled the colored driver excitdx 1 i} ! asked him, some puz- ~ he answered, 'vo' all lay : 'yo and in a minute roun' hyah and haul! us ok pas' the gran' stan' in a caih- ' is, ' les i call | A Scotch Anti-Golt Law. Scotland, as everybody knows, is the land where golf originated and the {land where it most flourishes. But if the law were strictly enforced north of the Tweed it would go hard with the players of the royal game in ol «Ronnie Scotland." Golf players there may not know it. but they are liahle] (to a sentence of death for their in- | dulgence in their favorite sport. Tech: is literally a fact. In when Scotland always starring in incessant character," who worke| "The pea, the Kttle who will find the lituje! Slowly 300 pounds i Lackave strolled forward and, with Cures where Sther things flourish, put down twenty: dollars in fail. Use it, also, for piles, festering] bills, The pea low from shell to shall { sores, varicose. ulcers, cuts, burns and keen was 'the disappointment of | 9! . fond every-day injuries. Every homu the faker when he lifted the shell Lack. | Meally this { needs it ! ave bidicated and found beneath it =u | 80eient times, "Doubles or quits!" cried {had work for the! her solders to do, all gambler, and Lackayve was on in a YOUDZ men wef required to perfect tify, Again the pea was manipulat- themselves in archery. They preferred od, and again Lackaye was the winner, [10 play golf, and so serious a rival The gambler wore a worried look. did the game become that it was for "Douldes or quits!" he cried again, n time suppressed and made a eapifal and doubles or quits it was, with the offence. That carious law never has sade rosull, "I'll swear I ydn't put béen repealed and may still He found it there," whimpered the gambler. "Ion the statute book. There seems know you didn't," said Lackaye. 1 he no record, however, of the law ever always earry my own pea." {having been enforeed. . -- i ~ in i | pha. i Jonah's Error. | Everybody's Magasine A water frout missianary in New Bedford, when that old town was the whaling capital of the world, was try- ing to make a Biblical start with & Kanaka hoatsteerer by telling him the story of Jongh apd the whale, ! I "fhat man Jones," interrupted the ; I listener, "why didn't they throw him | loverboard again ¥7 1 "For what '" asked the min'onary. "For letting the whale get away." Ask: for 'sample Wade's Ointment at Mcleod's drag store. hia fo Sala 43 ax. 4 Me Is Wb) RoatgpiiF is ¥ a Br oe} " The Trusts and Guarantee company, entra ate Stok n i " # | Toronto, are applying for letters of "id ne 5. A rg og en {administration to the estate of the 20) Princess street. : * late Peter Livingston, late of the vil- {lage of Baden, Oni., gentleman, who 'died on or about Match 5th, 190%, s » . 11 be estate amounts io over 370.000 THE: KING'S RESTING PLACE oes sue k 3 {amount of © 815,706; mortgage, #7, » -- - . $00: surance and other securities, ' . 86,500; money on deposit in bank, 5 17,000, and stocks amounting . to £26,000 Don't squander all your love on a mar during courlship, Cordelia. You'll need a bis surplus to draw on after the honeymoon has slumped the shonips. : To-dav--Sale w 's 82 Patent Ox- ford, $2.25. men's 3 Patent Goodyear Weil, 88.75, ere for union- made shoes. Dutton's Shoe Store, 200 shoes. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Prin. sign, . "Special value in Rasmor Strops" See the $1 special, at Giblon's Bid Store. these friends of mine, my clients, being in the room, and yet you not know whether your husband was awake. Could you not sce him ? Can . 8 9 - you explain that ? "My hushand was answered the witness, de not at home." Rings for Divorcees and Widows. The latest jewelery novelty in many #8 a special type of ring divorced and widowed persons: claim sot forth for these curiou¥ in n wgtions in rings is that they save the wearers, especially the feminine sex, from embarrassing or painful explana- tions, and delicately inform other in- terested persons of their circumstances, The designs are but slightly different frm th: ordinary ring, and the differ epee is not so marked but that ' they «an be displayed concealed at will. the divoreee's ee of gold with a broad strip of platinum or silver set in, so that the ring shows a white stripe, indicating that the marriage has been annulled and the ring divid od. Still another ring for the divorce bas two opposing halfsmoons, an looks very much like an ordinary sig mot ring. The ring for widows has a half-covered full moon. From Popular Mechanics for June. Ger for The Took No Chances. Cleveland Plain Dealer "Why don't you move up the aisle?" roared the incensed conductor om the Cedar line, *"'Yes, [ mean you! There's lots of vacant room between vou and the lady." . The little man with the sandy mous tache unsteadily shook his head. "All the room that's there shtay there," he called hack thickly. "1 know when I'm well besh your life." "Nothing's going to hurt you!" cried the conductor. "Nothing's going to hurt me," little. man vepeateu. '"Whash vou those four hatpins 7" with an unsteady man's hat. Of course, there were only two Pins, but 'they were long eriough to scare a much braver man will rather off, the call And he pointed finger at the wo Free Ventilaon, The people of the New Englund states are proverbial for their venera tion of trees and in these days of ruth- less destruction of woods it is refresh. ing in the extreme to hear of a case like the resident of Kennebunkport, Me., who, rather than to disturb an old tree which grew on his farm upon a site desired for the location of a barn, built the structure around the tree. The barn wall completely cir cumseribes the tree, hut Hes at suffi cient distance to give the tree plenty of air. The age of this particular tree is not. accurately known, but it is one of a pair which are said to anve been full.grown trees at the time of the American Revolution. Injustice in the Army. UB Army and Navy Jourual. 2 recent order prohibits gambling among the enlisted men stationed at Wis! Point. An old negro sergeant of. a regiment recently sent there sugze. oi a game of craps soon after his ar. rival. He was informed of tha rule, ane violently protesting, went to see the captain about it. With some show of heat, he began. "Cap'n, ah under stun' gamblin® ain't "lowed here 20! mo," : ""Ihat's correct." said the officer. "Well, ssh, dut's an ivjastios to en- listed mea, sad. canse I'sé got a lerz fanily to suppo't." 7 tainly. PEEP UNITED TYPEWRITER C0., LTD. 4. R, C. Doans, KINGSTON. z Why Allow Your Hair to Fall Out ? Did you ever stop to think that every hair that falls out means one less, and if it continues there is only ope ending----bald spot will ap- pear. The germ has to be killed at once, and there is only one prepara- tion, as far as known, that 1s guar- anteed to kill the Dandruff germ, and that is SALVIA, the American Hair Grower Your money back if it fails to cure Dandruff in ten days, or make your hair grow abundant ly. A large bottle, 50¢ at The Best Drug Store ; Meat and Groceries Fresh, Salt, Smoked and Cooked Meats. ' Our Western Beef is the best Fresh Butter and Eggs Fresh Garden Produce every day Old, New and Cream Cheese C. H. PICKERING, Cor. Princess St. and University Ave. "Phone 530. ood Time? Last night--eating big dinner is often the maker of a BAD TODAY. Why not? Over-eating means xtra work for the stomach and bowels. You've got to suffer if you don't help nature unload with CASCARETS. "They work while | you sleep' --you're O. K. in the A. M Tonight's the night to take care of to- " and Portland Cement P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. OOOO VO0VOOO0O000V0 COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell, Scranton Coal ? is good con! apd we guaranties prompt delivery t 'S BOOTH & (0, L FOOT WEST STREET. 000000000000 VOO0OO000 THE CLUB nTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none spprouch the Clvd for homelike sur- roundings. Located in contre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. FOR SALE, The Albion Hotel corner Montreal and Queen streets, Kingston, Will sell at a sacrifice. For particulars wee T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent, 159 Wellington St., Kingston. property, WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Sales given special a1 tention. Country Sales of Farms, Btock.eto, have been my specialty for lon jos. If farmers want the high ollar, get my services MARKET SQUARE. s400be | y . H PARKS & SON, | Florists | "5, "on All kinds of out Powe and Panta | in season Wedding and Funeral De- signs a Speciatty ipped to all parts 128 King Street case six | New namphic SNe Oo. rat SICYCLE SUNDRIES i DISC Records i - BICYCLE MUNSON Prices Y : Semdtor Cut Price Catalogue. "Yosoure : Wealth is a grand thing, Sut it wae Hever intended for people io roll in, 8 CYCLES coax a IS imazTERse, President--Sir Cart Money issued on City and Farm perties, Municipal and County Deben ures. Mortgages purchiesd. Deposi interest allowed, TLL, Managing Director, §7 Clarence Strent. JUST A worn» When you want a good Whiske: Fo can £1 nothing than "Old Gaelic 'hiskey." few of Bcotiand, and car . fied b