Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1910, p. 3

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ve 28 Nothing i improves the appearance of of Yous home ( nearly as much as nice Lace Curtains or/Blinds. Window 3c, 50e, 6c, 73e, $1. Shades "All standard sizes al- ® ways in stock. Colors, White, Cream, Olive, Green © $ and Pea Green, Special Attention Given to orders for extra sizes or set in design Great Variety of Pretty Lace Curtains : 30c, 50e, 75¢, es 1, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 00 Pair. Oil Cloths, 25¢ Per Square Yard, 45c, 50c Carpet Squares. CRUMLEY BROS. SPEPRESEEERTPOIES 9e our Corset Booklet. Wo send it FREE. This book will comet is adapted to YOUR physique in order to rile THE DOMINION CORSET COMPANY, ge a WE AIM TO PLEASE, FOR THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT WE CAN HAVE IS A WELL SATISFIED CUSTOMER. > +0 RECORD VALUES FOR SATURDAY $$ ¢ % » SHOPPERS. SNAPS CHOSEN FROM ALI: DEPARTMENTS. Imported Toilet Sets (8 only), cholee 1.50 White Ironstone Toilet Set for only $1.25 Wide Curtain, Net' Lace both sides vee 10¢ and 12 1-2¢ Bro. 'Factory Cotton, FRR Bo 42 inch Factory Cotton. Sale 10¢ x4. Honeycomb Towelling .. .. 8¢ Yard Wide Fine Lawn only... 10¢ Yard, 10¢ White Steam Loom for .... @¢ Honeycomb Towels at. 10¢ Pair, - 10¢ All-Linen Towling to-day 8c Men's Sox, Biack and Colored, your cholce 10¢ Pair. Ladies' Tan and Black 'Hose only, .. 10¢ Pair. Ww ide. Satin and Silk Ribbon. All the newest shades. Your choice. . «sie. 15¢ Yard. New " Jabots and 'Stock Collars. 15 to 23¢ Special Dutch "Collars with Jabots, complete, for. 23¢ Men's Working Shirts, 80¢, 50¢, 73¢c. SPECIAL NEW LINES OF LADIES' CORSETS AT 50¢ AND 75¢. ASK TO SEE THESE. Mcintosh Bros. TEXDIRS oft DREDGING. RSEALED © READE ARG He henge nami ay ira 1910, AY at $40 i for cedslig red at the fol ng places in nthe. Province of On ins who os Narrows, Spanish River. River 3 As will be conaid made on ie supplied, ed with the actual signatures tenders pas mbined Mogi ification a and form of the Foy Fors of Public a ne nders must include t t Yo trom the 8. »> dre oyed of tna empl Taterad mn nada at the of tenders, Con- thin Ra avs ef A 2 a the acceptance oi un. and of ate the: pave > dit on oa chartered i 3 oo, Minister SA sia ue ET a The Department does not Bind B ir to accept the lowest or any + - der Guitars - the Ho in case of non- for t witho ays i Ri AN an at we Ra 7 Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land ¥ Regulations. N w! gia sole head of a family. A any be 18 years old, 2 ea vailable min atehewan or for the district. be ditigns, yy ya n, ter, brother or sister o other. sun. daugh- steaders. se Duties --8ix months' residence upon And 4 eultivation, of the land n each of yea r 'may live within nine miles omest e farm of at least 30 acres solely o occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daug! \ Brother or er. in certain districts & homesteader in ood stan ma. emp quarts : in Slonuside Bid a ead. Price He per mere. st reside ix months in each Bp Six years from date of ead éntry (including the time regu to earn homestead pat- ent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. 0 has exhausted t and annot obtaln hE 3 on certain con- daugh- n Aatriets Price, ah tles--Must reside six Of three years, culti- ue 500.00. Keres and erect a house © a W, pons 82 %Winint of the Jnterlor. N.B.~Unauthoriaed publication this advertisement will not be paid Prof. W. AI. Guborue, Manitoba uni of for. bi eg a Mominated Ey the » against for Alrner™ oF ite cream es at THE DAILY 'BRITISH 'WHIG, FEIDAY. MAY 13, 1010, CHANGE IN A BANK PUBLIC MOURNING KING IN FOR NAPANEE. THE] A Former Teacher is Back Renewing! Acquaintances -- Returning to, Their Several Homes. 13.--W. A. Wilson, . of Govan, Sask., who came home to at tend the funeral of his father, the late. Henry Wilson, left, yesterday, his home in the west, Since the news of the king's death was received Friday night, the flags on the public buildings have been at half-mast, the post office ix draped. in black yal purple in respect for his jesty, T. A. Gale, teller in the Rominion | Bank, has been removed to the head office at Toronto and leaves or Sn day. to wssume liz new position. Gale has made many friends in pange during his stay hers. Mr Mrs. Walter Toronto, spent last week with his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Belleville Road. F. 8. Selweood, Napanee, May and ma- Me. and | stitute staff, here, spent a fow this week renewing acquaintances, Aubrey Pringle is spending a few weeks With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fzra Pringle. J. E. Robinson is spending a few days in Syracuse, visit ing friends. Mrs, Robinson and daugh- ter, Dorothy, have spent the past two weeks there with her mother. She will return with Mr. Robinson next week. Mes. J. M. Lapnm danghter, Edith, Scranton, Pa., who have been visiting 'Mrs. Lapum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sperry. Rockwell ~ leave next week for their home. Judge Madden has a fine new auto, and is enjoving sping 'about town and country, Mrs. Norman Hagle arrived home last week after a vive months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. BD. Wilson, in Vancouver, B.C. Miss Con- stance Grange is visiting her brother, E. W. Grange, in Otiawa. Stanhope Anderson, has entered employ of the Dominion Bank, Florence Fraser left, vestorday, New York, after spending the few weeks with her parents, Mr, Mrs. J. A. Fraser, Bridge street. and Mrs. A. W. Caton moved to _ farm this week for the summer months, and the Miss for past} and | HEROINE OF CRIMEA. She Has Now Attained Her Ninetieth Year, MISS FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. London, May 13.--A steady line of messengers called at a little house near Park Lane, on Thursday to leave messages of congratulations and great hoxes of flowers for Miss Flor ence Nightingale, whose ninetieth birthday it was. For more than #f teom years, Miss Nightingale has never heen able to come outside her dwell ing, and of late she has been con- fined to her hed most of the time. Though her body is weak her mind is still alert and active. She expressod her thanks for the countless good wishes sent her from far and near and appearegl especially pleased at the felicitous messages. King George sent a congratulatory message to M Nightingale, whose friends had not told her of King FEd- ward's death, fearing the shock of the intelligence, = King George's message was, therefore, read aloud to her as coming from "the king." Died on Thursday. Mrs. Perry, Perry, Na- on Queen On Thursday, at noon, widow of the Inte Henry panes, died at her home street, after but two days' illness. On Wetlnesday she, was threatened with pretitnonia, a nurse was secured and on reday noon she suddenly ex- pired. The deceased.- lady was a daughter of the late W. H. Clark, postmaster of Clark's Mills, Lennox tounty, and was a quiet, devoted and gifted Christian lady. She and her sister, Mrs. Davidson McDonald, widow of a Methodist Japanese mis- sionhary, who died suddenly in Toronto some years ago, have been living to- gether hore and the grief of the sister ag very great. They were devotedly attached. to each other, Mrs, Perry having lived for years with Mrs. Mc Donald in Japan. The decensed was a member of Queen Street Methodist church. She is survived hy her sister here and a brother, Dr. H. Clark, of San Francisco. The remains will be taken to Napanee on Saturday morn- ing for interment. The late Mrs, Perry was a niece of Mrs. Sydney Warner, Napanee. Don't Put Off. Buring your new hat. We have every new Joke} from the world's best known and most celebrated hat mak- A LILLIAN RUSSELL for) last | and ! Norris and two children, | Norris, | Cal- | gary, at one time on the Collegiate In- | davs | PAGR THRER 5 ---- Hmusements. | (aRAND_X OPERAY HOUSE ) 'WEDN ESDAY, MAY 18 JOSEPH BROOKS PRESENTS IN A COMEDY, THE FIRST NICHT ny rn VY. HOBART, na on Sale "Senta on Sale Monday. AN ALL Rn $1.50, STA CANT | Ma ORPHEUM THEATRE H.H Morgan, Mgr Mgr. - Phone 942] High Class Vaudeville - | and Moving Pictures May 12th, 13th, 14th, Matinee at 2.30 Daily, Sc. Evenings: Adults, 10¢; Chil- 'dren under 15 years, 8c. Campbell & Brown, Kings of Comedy. HAL MORGAN, Latest Popular Songs. Estelle Morrsell, Prima-Dona Special Added Attraction, | TANNA, the, Americtn.-dap-| BIJOU TO-MORROW. HEMLOCK HOAX An amusing comedy In which a would-be Sherlock Homes disperts him- self HER ARTIST LOVER tine, high-class ro- mance-comedy, beth Interesting and amusing, One of the best ever shown BIRDS IN THEIR NESTS A wonderful ture in colors, with wild birds fied many bundred young, ete. Swal as pigs Owls as big as bears, Omitted during the rush hour Saturday evening TO-DAY. "Moorish Bandits," Cook and Peary's Rush to the Pole (trick comic); "Her Artist Lover" romance comedy. Se. An especially Pp The People's Forum | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le 8 werd. Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Misimum charge for one In- sertion, 28¢.; three lasertioas, B50c.; six, $1; one month, §2. HELP---~WANTED, APPLY Om SECOND-HAND'® BAKER A P.O, Box 34, Portsmouth GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO J A. MacFarlane, 25 Brock Street. A you NG MAN TO LEARN GROCERY jusiness; good wages to the right Busia Apply, W. H. Spence, 308 Montreal Street TO WORK IN COTTON CAN earn 'Dominion A FEW GIRLS mill; experienced weavers good wages Apply to Textile Co, City LOST. \ ---- A GOLD SIGNET RING, INITIALS W McC, on pesday afternoon. Finder return to this office and receive re- FORE- or ht last from "past ure ar Cotton afd for mic wmnation to esrosiers, 138 Queen St ~ FINANCE AND INSURANCE. surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 43 Clarence Street, Kingston. Telephone 588. IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Liberal policies and moderate fates in first-class companies. T. Boon, Agent, 169 Wellington street. GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invoices in an envel- ope with a ope cent stamp on it and drop in the nearest letter box e do the rest. Al kinds of Fire InSurance placed on short notice 'Phone 386. 87 Clarence St, Kings- ton. YOUNG LADIES underwear in FOR FINISHING knitting mili; steady work; wages. Apply to Kingston osiery Co, iad. King Street West AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100- monthly corresponding for newspapers. No Shnvassing Send for particulars, Press Byud cate, 3,969 Lockport, LIVER POOL. FONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insuran Pmpany ¥. Available 61. 187, 256 n addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habllitr of alk the ae ers. Farm elty operty insured at possible rates. Before renewingol or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone, 326 TO LET. AT ONCE, A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN Picture Machine Operating; must be 18 years of age, reliable and steady Apply. between 8% and 11 am, at The King Edward FIRST AND SECOND VIOLIN 1st 2nd Clark ist and 2nd Cornet rombone Flute Viola, 'Cello, Bass, Plano, Drums for Orchestra rehearsal Monday night Address, Box "G." Whig office AND AGENTS WANTED of King Edw ard and King FOr THE Queen Alex V.: largest best book terms; credit given; prospectus free; send 10 cents to AY mailing charge World Publishing Company, Guelph Ontario. LIFE WANTED PERSONS TO, GROW mushrooms for us; small waste space in yard, garden or farm car be made produce from $156 to § per e Write for illustrate book and full particulars, Mont- real Supply Co. Montreal. OF KING ED- Caste Hn Hopkins in r large volume, illustrated; liberal commission 10 cents to pay outfit; ) be AUTHENTIC LIFE WARD VIL, by J 8.8. has been several years; pages; superbly spectus ready; can ¥ and secure The John rri- 1 Winston C Limited, Toronto, Can WANTED--GENERAL. Shooting of the 14th Regiment will rt at the Jarrifielq Ranges on Sat- y afternoon, May 14th A van will Armouries at 1.15 ALL Saturday ;,, NOTE THE BARGAINS, CHOICE WESTERN BEES. Steaks. 13¢ = Ih, and up. Fines 12 1-2¢ to 18e Ib, Jolling Pleces ,. «+. Ke to 10¢ 1h. Sweet Pickled Cor ed Be ref 16¢ 1h, Pickled Beef Tong 10e 1h. Pickled liocks. Te 1b. Pickled Pork for HM i-2e 1b, Pickled Bean Ne ib, 6 Calves' Tu De Fresh Pork urds leave o'elox Roast Beef. Boiling Pork, ngues, . all cuts, a great snap . 15¢ a Ih. up. He un th, Veal . Bausage from ol Fresh r Sausagy M: de » « 10e Ih, {nom Pork Sausage Fresh Dripping. . 5ib. Pail Lard, Shoulder Hams 20 lbs Table Pure pure smoke Oranulated Sugar Butter ,. * ; i Flour--Speeinl. 1 Sack 50c¢ quality for ; New Cabbage, New Pickle Try our 49¢ Binck Tem. Tr Vv our 40c Coffee, Order early. Come all day Stare ¢loses at 10 p.m. Anderson Bros. Always Ask for Anderson's Lard. X ; p Look ASE asate | COL ATTE AE DERIRS, Yoefik SPIICGS, = OLD. SPRICGS, Kk Klettrient Con. Street (near 4 -- A Walking Hotel. Yorth's Companion After g visit to a fam moly- gist whose wonderful deve proved that there is alwavs some hv: ng being to | be found previag on the | last of the minutest creafure last seen, an x nglish writer turned to him and sac "1 cams here, believing be an individual. 1 leave, knowing myself to be a community." ! foods" and everything for, sold at Gibson's Red Cross | mysell to "Infants" the baby, drag store, There is no reason why you, should ask me ia ee your enemies mine | without. up to 10e| CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES placed with us for sale. Carroll & Forneri, 14 Market Street. ! (ONTARIO AND BA VETERAN SCRIP | to buy for cash. J. B. R. McCann, 51 | Brock St, SOUTH AFRICAN AND ' ONTARIO Veterans' Scripts, Cobalt Stocks, Bonds, and Debentures. Apply, to ©. Hutton, '18 Market Bt, King- ston. HORS TO PURCHASE. 1 iLL BUY 1i kinds of horses. Will be ih Kingaton for the entire a A. Jenkins. 687 Princess St. Tele: pnone No. 960, | t GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up thto up- to-date suits. Price and workman- i guaranteed to please. Pressin and repairing done on the short notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock Bt, next Bibby's Livery. IN TWO WEEKS TWO CAR LOADS of second-hand s juare planos and organs for the Canadian North- West: will pay big prices Apply stating where they can be seen | also "the make of Instrument, 16 i Box 624, Whig office. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTI en Princess St, Kingston. Phone DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; J. Gibson, assistant, 188 Dred street. 'Phone. DIRECT From Old LONDON WE HAVE JUST PASSED IN- TO STOCK SOME OF THE 'LATEST PRODUCTIONS IN ENGLISH GOLD JEWELLERY NECKLETS, BROOCHES, TIE PINS, VEST BUTTONS. MANY OF THE DESIGNS YOU will. FIND EXCLUS- IVELY AT OUR ESTABLISH- MENT. | ESTABLISHED 1886. SEVEN. Apply 79 Clarence Street ------ 35 MACK STREET, A room modern brick house te A. F. Bond, EARL STREET, 6 rooms, w.c., gas Apply at 224 Earl Bt HOUSE, NO 1230 brick veneered; for cooking. INDID fune 1si, monthly Welltogton: 7-ROOM HOUSE with good barn, Chas Bell, 17 DWELLING, FURNISHED AND UN furnished, Stores, Storage for Fur niure, etc. McCann's, Brock, Cor King street. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- able for light housekeeping, $5.00 pe r month, including gas. Address, ox 65, Whig office, BOAT HOUSE FOR LAUNCH, ft.; deep water; sliding Rathbun's Dock, Grave Inn Lockett, Midland Shoe Co. 28 x € doors FG BRICK STORE Street (r rent mederate Webster, 81 208 WwW BL LINGTON Crothers' Bakery) Apply, Mr. C. R Princess Street STORAGE FOR TURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, absolutely mot! roof, your own lock and ke 'rost's §ity Storage, 299 Queen Bt Phone b26D. HOUSE, West, rooms; No. . 187 UNION STREET at Street Car Junction; nine modern conveniences possession May Ist. Apply #9 pre nilses, NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE with modern Improvements, corn Quebec and Division Streets; re Apply, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 10¢ r Btreet BRICK HOUSE, No. 15, COLBORNE Street, between Clergy and Syden ham, with all modern convenlences possession immediately Apply tt I'. Lyons, 146 Ordnance Street FURNISHED, FROM September 15, eleven-roomed provements; Hight. Apply, at Whig office. MAY 15. UNTI or for shorter term house; modern im- Eas range; electrk 153 Alfred Street, or THAT LARGE STONE BHOQP ON corner Queen and Ling Streets suitable for garage, machine sho sales room or factory of any kin Apply, James Laturney, Carriage Maker, 390 Princess Street. 806 PRINCESS STREET, N house, modern improvements; eight rooms; furnished if desired; auto ¢ shed and horse stable on ises Apply to C. W. Grass Princess Street ee -------------------------------------------- TWO FURNISHEI Wolfe Island, tive post office and ferry look; veranda, bales terme reasonable; aiso house in city Apply, Island, or Bex 214 W BRICK HOUSES ON minutes from pleasant out- and lawn furnished P.O, Wolls Whig office. BOARD AND ROOMS. F IRST- CLASS ROARD AND LODGING either together or Separate may be had at 314 University Avenue, eon- venient to cars bright alry rooms; gas and modern conveniences OSTEOPATHY. HE ALTH WITHOU z DRUGS." Asheroft, DO, Edna E. Ashcroft DO, Graduates under Dr. Sti} the Founder of Osteopathy. 435 Princess Btreet, corner Division Phone 447.. Np charge for con- sultation and, iterature. Office hours, 10 to 12, 216 5, 8 to § -R." G FOR SALE OR TO LET. BOATHOUSES FOR. LAUNCHES TO rent Gasoline Batteries, Ofls and Crease or A. CK Boatbuiider " Boat Livery Cataraqu! Bridge. 'Phone 767. NEW SUMMER COTTAGES AND Bungalows at East View Park, on the St. Lawrence, § miles from Kingston, ali furnished and from » to £ rooms; terms easy aise je veral fing lois for sale Apply. Rev. J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine Stree or y cut in the C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN-| FOR SALE. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR AWN- v ings and Tents at 152 Ontario St F. X. Bazeau AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR Particulars at Godwin's In- Market Squars SKIFFS sale surance Emporium, PARLOR CABINET China Cabinet at a at Turk's. 'Phone OUR MAHOGANY and one Oak reasonable price 10% bE, BECONB.GAND Jin reader, in go ™ horses and colts, Se 126 Clarence street. POCKET KODAK, No. 3A. KPK., IN good condition, and complete out. fit Ap ta 24% Wellington St. between 6 and 7.390 pm DUNLOP STRAWBERRY in any quantity, Write Cataraqu Ont, or Bros, taken on the market Sat- BENATOR plants Cooke orders urdays. AND LOTS IN ALL PARTS ¢f the elty: good farms in differs ent localities; bonds, life, fire and accident insurance Carroll wrneri 14 Market Street YOU WANT A PATENT GEAR Roller Awning or Boat Awning, Canoe Boat or Waggon Cover, Cor Fenders or JAfe Preservers for your motar boat, Capt. Joseph Dix, 211 Nelson Btreet, makes good ones, HOUSES LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE, FUR. nished, containing 12 rooms and ax- tention kitchen and lee house and L. Balcony; opposite C.P.R. station, Sharbott Lake. For particoula apply M_ Doyle, St. Lawrence Hal Quyon, Que SCHOLARSHIT' (ANY SURJECT) IN International Correspondente Schools of Scranton, Pa: would make a handsome and profitable gift for anv young man or woman; will dispose of at reasonable price if taken at once. Apply, Box 43 Whig office BOATR.--15 FT. LITTLE SPE "HD BOAT, 2 hp engine, complete, 5.00; two 2 hp. engines, $20.00 sch} ons 8 h.p. Paimer engine, $25.00 Bar- gains, spark phigs, batteries, colls, magnetos, everything for a boat at the price dealers pay for the stuff. Call at Coward's Boat Faot- ory. 'Phone $69. POOL TABLE. IN GOOD 1 SONPLTION. cheap for cash sale; 14 'Frontenac Loan and Investme Boclety," yielding 4 3-4 per ced an tmproved Saskatchewan arm {heap ror quick turn; tracts of 1 nd > lam Mountain valley is trict Saskatchewan obalt stoc ks, on and debentures; houses and lots any part of Ki ton; fire, life and aceldent insur. nee. Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market ree MEDICAL, * (BAAC WOOD MA MD, (Eug.), F.O8 and surgeon 2to 4 263 CM, MROS (Bdin.), Songuitand office hours, 10 to 1 King Bt. E. 'Phone 18. I. F. BPARKS, BA, MD. ington th and Buargeon, 100 Neliington | utfies hours: 10 to and 7 to § p.m. Phone ihe? HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite G.T.R. station, one ap from C.P. on street oar hotel lately remodelled; ha moderate; 8 recial rates by £0 week. John Jousineau, Prop. PATENTS FOR FULL INFORMATION, patents, send 10¢ magazine. Ben B Attorney, Ottawa, ON for booklet and Pannett, Patent Ont CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. OROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Carpenter and Bullder, 266 Divisk Bt, for reasonable Bfices on al kinds Rid Jobbing. All work done promp -- BECKWITH &-GODWIN, CONTRACT- ing Engineers and Architects, Agents for Builders' Specialties, 14 Sydenham Street and 202 Barl Elreet Plans prepared and esti- mates given for all classes of work. ARCHITECTS. HENRY P SMITH, ARC BC BTC, 258 'Ph 343 King street | ARTHUR BELLIS ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 151 University Ave. RCHI- na 268 oy street. WM. NEWLANDS & BON, tects, ete, Phone, $08 POWER &-8SON. ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 31 BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN BT a mall ardor un business at home, Ni canvassin our own Jos Send for on ne Lor Tel Heacock, 2.988% Lockport. ve h PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc, without scar. flenca, BIRTHMAR! removed permanent Twent: eary' 4 on iid 8 roat an § ishe Spaciatist, 258 Bagot " > LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, Law "Otic ne A ers d Bol i Clarence Be, Gut Slabs $2.50 BUYS A LOAD, &4 cubic feet, of DRY NEW WOOD, lengths required. Have you ever tried our wood ? SWIFT'

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