VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL ------ Is it Is it Is it a Door? a Boat? a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? 1s it a Store front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kooa: 's ~.adc as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. it nears WHIG, published at at at $6 I le Bree in SC Li0 and 4 WrERLY BR TSH nia. 18 day Ex Rhursdag me ye Shurssag moving af 8 Fou 32 to be added, 1 BF Bc thy the best best Job Print- anada; rapid, stylish, cheap work: nine improved presses. ™ The Brick Whig Publishing Co, Ld. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 15 and 2¢ Queen City Cham. bers, 32 Church Bt, Toronte, H. Smalipeice, J.P., representative. Daily Whig. sidency. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Bryan announces that he will not be a candidate again for the pre Wise man. For him the base ballers" parlance is appropriate. It's a case of ome, two, three and out. Bo Guelph's tax rate is going up, notwithstanding the profits from the municipal utilities. The Hamilton Times suspects that there is a lack of municipal efficiency. Iere's a hit, surely. ~ No one can tell what the king (Ed- ward VII) thought or proposed with regard to the political crisis. His A SHABBY PUBLIC ACT. Dr. Helen MacMurchy has been giv- ing the Toronto people the object les- son that Dr. Knight gave the people of Kingston some years ago--without any visible effect. She examined one hundred children and found only one girl with perfect teeth, forty-five with adenoids, thirty-nine with impaired Ww er seman SO LL 1x Agent, Corbett's vision, twelve with defective hearing, and twenty with defective speech. Referring to these again she says there are some too young to classify, two have been transferred to other classes with a fair prospect of doing well, four should go to the govern- ment school at Belleville, (wenty-six Hardwood Flooring Sanitary, Clean and Beautiful. Better than carpets. Can be laid on am old floer, Birch, Maple, or Oak. S. Anglin & Co. Wellington St. N. {need special help, thirteen are border- Il' can tell whether ll they can be developed--and fifty-two | are not normal but may be taught a good deal. li Miss MacMurchy grades the fifty-two "not normal," putting into the first those who are susceptible of some training, into the second those who are mentally lower and capable of | very little mental effort, and into the | third those who are but one remove il from the imbeciles. Her conclusion is ll that children should be taught or | treated according to their grade in or- der that the best results educationally li all round may be reached. Remarkable to say Dr, MacMurchy | was able by her report to impress the | school board, and to induce it to de- cide that a medical expert should be in charge of the schools in order to gradé the scholars and see that they :. were being taught to 'the best advan- tage. Then the board proposed to appoint another physician, a man, ; so that he might profit by her work, It is about the shabbiest act of which any public body could be guilty. CRITICIZING THE KING. The Contemporary Review is the 'most quoted magazine for the month, "and because the widest publicity has been given to the article it tried to suppress. Before it was known that King Edward VII was seriously ill one of its stall writers indulged freely in a criticisn of the king. When, about the time of its publication, and after some of the issue had gone out, it became known that the king's con- dition was giving some anxiety it tried to recall the article and the numbers containing it, and in vain. Sure Results oe. Sov colors, 19¢. for Nach, Foand L. Bonaire & Co, a A More than 20 years' ence has shown ns the best methods in dyeing and cleaning. We can dve or clean a skirt or silt and make it look as good ay new. R. PARKER & CO., : Dycrs and Cleaners, a Prince t, Kingston, Oat, experi- The curiosity of the people was thor- oughly aroused and the press, in America, especially gratified it. The article credits the king with many eminent articles. He is a power in' diplomacy, particularly in foreign affairs, but at home he has failed, for many reasons, to assert himself as . the Contemporary Review thought he should have dome. It believed that had his mother, the good Queen Vie- toria, been on the throne there * would have been no collision between the commons and the lords, because she would have plainly intimated to the peers that popular opinion should be respected and popular opinion was certainly behind the government of the day. The essence of the whole article is contained in this paragraph, which appears noar the close of it : "The trouble from which we are now suffering is that, whether from the defect . of his qualities or' from .gome other cause, his majesty was not able to bring suffieient personal in- 'fluence to bear upon the leaders of the ooster fer two things 'crow that is in him -- he's 8 Bot to back peers to induce them to 'recoil from i the adventurous course to which | they were impelled from the sick-bed of Birmingham and its sounding-board in the press. ble." The death of the king, later, made il the , publication of the article even {i more regrettable, and yet the point ll of it will bear consideration. It is Hil that the king is the power that can if be depended upon to break deadlocks ff or prevent them in parliamentary life. A Wictator is not desired in England il or anywhere else, but some one is fl necessary when political parties men- ll ace the public peace and disorganize | the king's government. The king's | wn ll advice is not asked about the rejection | °™® i of a bill. He only comes.into action fl when a bill has been passed and his | approval is desired: How is this I relationship to be changed, and by a peaceful process ? ~The Orange Sentinel does not ap- prove of a Canadian navy. It be- lieves in Canada paying "her share in i cold cash toward the maintenance of the imperial force upon which we have as in the past, und must in the future, Hence the present trou-| hare co ications with the government are confidential. Nor 'can the under any circumstances be :emoved. seal The Forget broking house, Mon- treal, has been able to impress French capitalists in Canada and they are about to invest fifty millions in Cana- dian enterprises. It is money that talks, and it is money this country wants: lots of it. A temperance wave is sweeping over England. Its effect is shown 'in the shrinkage of the drink bill by $25,- 000,000 a year. Some attributed the slump to the bldget, the higher tax on spirits and beer. But a tax usual ly does not vitallysafiect the People' s thirst. Roosevelt spoke English everywhere he went in Europe and was under- stood. This shows. the partiality of the Europeans for languages. In this country most people confine them- selves to one language or dialect, they do not, generally, know any too much about it. and If a medical inspection in Kingston BASEBALL SEASON revealed the defects that have discovered among the school children | of Toronto great would be the as- i tonishment. All children cannot make the same progress in school. Failures | in too many cases lie with the pupils' physical conditions. bee: on 1 . i to have disputed | to what they | Two men are said on the way home as saw in the sky. One the moon, and the other said he saw | the comet. They hailed a» third | : | 2 | said he saw | party and asked him to arbitrate. He | begged to be excused because he was a stranger in. these parts. amazingly like a good story Mr. Wal- kem tells, but npt about the comet. nt Sous | "FLIES FOND OF TRAVELLING. 5 | i Sounds | Their Habits Watched by a Sanitary, Expert. Edward Hatch, Jr, in Suburban Life in the summer of 1905, as chairman of the New York Merchants' Associa- tion Committee, on water pollution, I was engaged in an effort to induce | two of the railroads entering , New | York to remove the huge manure heaps which they maintai on the | Newark meadows near the tracks. i I visited the place one day with an, inspector, and after we had looked it | over we boarded a street car which! passed it, bound for Newark, about | five miles away. A woman wearing al new alpaca dress got on it at the | same time; so did forty-two flies, | which my companion and 1 gion after they had settled on the new dress, which seemed to attract them. had the fresh silvery look of the | newly-hatched fly and the fly instinct | which moves them to start on. their] travels at the earliest possible mo- ment, and thus keep the species from | dying out in any given locality. We both watched those flies caroful- | ly. Eight left the car when we reach- | Sacramenta Times. . three | The membédis of the Retail ed the ¢ outskirts of Newark, miles away; about half a mile further | on seven more got off. Others left at] intervals until nearly all of those left got out with the majority of the pas- left the car at the end of the route, five miles from the point from which they had started, and I suppose they went home to dinner with her. One Summer morning last year | dining ear as it started from Albany | for Lake Champlain. Segeral Albany flies were fellow passengers. der of the woman who sat opposite me at table, Evidently it was not vet their breakfast time, for they kept their places all through the meal. Those flies didn't shift their posi- sions materially until we reached Saratoga. There, as the train stop- gation as it seemed to me, the mem- of which apparently conversed with them in fly language--if that is what the rubbing together of their probosces means. Perhaps they were a reception committee recommending the Saratoga hotels, but if so they were disappointed, for the Albanians shook them off, as if assuring them that they were satisfied with their accommoda- tions, Other flies drifted in and tried to interest their travelling brethren as we stopped at various stations, but with no more 'success; train reached Bluff Point, which hap- pened to be the destination of my un- fellow ywelf, the: faythint ® two were with her. they were when she re- gistered at the hotel desk, and for all I know they lived happily with her ever wfter. Certainly their attach Judee McHugh, at Windsor, an order for the extradition of Ar' thur Best on the charge of wife mur: discharged. The = ifie we of bis influence fell sengers in front of a church. Four ve- | principally to enforce mained on the dress until the wearer | toration ordinance along the main bus- i | | { proper helmet and star, and have her took a seat in a Delaware & "Hudson | that they are violating the 1 obsiry- | ed to be sufficient punishment to avoid i od two of them resting on the shoul: {3 ped, 'they were visited by a local dele used the sentence, "I am not going to 1 vou there's some, 1 expect, WILL BE OPENED NEXT SATUR- DAY AFTERNOON. Victorias and C.L.C's. Will Meet on the Cricket Field Diamond-----The Spectators Asked to Fill the Coin Boxes. The City Baseball League fans will be pleased to hear that the Victorias and C.L.C. teams will open the league on Saturday afternoon .at the cricket field. The dismond has been put in. first-class condition, and is now one of the best in the district. This year the executive have gone to a great expense, in fixing and aranging things for the benefit of both crow and Players. The executive will this vear be under heavier expenses than ever, and_as the games are all played in an open field, where no gate is charged, the fans are requested 10 remember and contribute as liberally as possible as what is put into the boxes is the only means of revenue. The Vics' battery will likely be Gil- lespie and Cotman, with Sullivan or first, McCartney on second, Pound at short, and Dick on third. McMahoy and Nicholson will again be in thei old field positions, and Reginald Craw- ford will hold down right field as he did so well last year. So far, C.L.C. is somewhat of a dark horse, but of the old bunch, there is Mathis on the mound, Dehaney, Esford, Wilson, Laird, Saunders, Coyne and a few unknowns. The opening game should Be a fine exhibition and will draw . a great crowd. The juniors will also play a game the same day. Executive Meeting. A meeting of the City League base- ball executive was held on Tuesday; evening in the College Inn cigar store, the president, William MecFederidge, presiding. The representatives from every team were present, and the few matters up for consideration were quickly attended to. The following board of umpires were elected : George Sullivan, Harold Nicholson and Sergt. { Brown, R.C.H.A. George Sullivan will handle the opening game on Sapundyy between the Victorias and C.L.C's All arrangements have heen Bs for the opening game, W. F. Nickle and . R. Givens -béing the battery for tthe ceremonies. These gentlemen have not decided yet which-ene will stand {behind the bat and let the other threw at him. » The Peacemaker, {Edward VII, 1901-1910.) was the word that the heard, Of Britain's crowned head-- Like a bolt from the blue the flew-- "The king is dead !" Sad nations tidings For a short decade on him was laid The weight of a kingly cross; And he Dore it well till in death he fe An empire's loss. He leaves his dower, the fadeless flow- er Of a pure and blameless life; An honored name, a deathless fame, Hatred of strife, Like the Master's "Peace, Be Still." 'It brought a calm and a soothing Im Earth's heart to fill, His sceptre and cross he here down, To share Christ's heavenly throne,-- To reap of peace a large increase From good seed sown. O blessed dead ! thou who hast led The conquering hosts of pe ace, Rest from thy toil; may war's tur moil, Forever cease, W. Weese, Bishop's Mills. lay: Policewoman for Sacramento Merchants Association are going to ask the city | trustees to appoint a woman police of- | ficer, according to tho announcement | made recently, and her duty will he the anti-expec- iness streets, The plan is to dress the cop" in a neat blue uniform, feminine with call the attention of expectorators law as well as spreading disease. The oem-) | barrassment thereby inficted is deem- repetition of the offence. She will al- 0 be a valuable aid to women stran- gers coming into Sacramento, Mr. Balfour's Dilemma. London Chronicle At Manchester recently, Mr. Baliour weary you with antiqualian--was it that the spealer reporters gave the' Mr. Balfour probab- ly meant to say law. If he did, he sounded the superfluous "'r." If, howev- er,he meant the word "lore" Jun the prossman who wrote the wo "law" attributed to him an error of articy- lation. The context afforded no defin- ite" indication as to .the right word." Either might have been u But Mr. Balfour has the phonetic Jaziness 1 ht Max Muller raised into a linguistic inciple, and--yes--this writer has Pear him speak of a "dilemmar." | United They Stood. New York Times. Out of the Grand Cenfral station he other day came a couple, evidently ey Te eal et Dus carpet 2 ng' green umbrella firmly, and looked wp and down the street, mouth agape. "There's a heap a' sights in New York, I guess, Maria," ho said. "1 misdoubt #f we see them. ae ald 's mouth set yy, ** i EE TD er more sigfificant, "bein's as" I'm with that you "law" 'or "lore" meant? Different different words. ain't goin' to see! Rubber Heels are the only Rubber and Canvas Heels on the market. The Canvas does the trick; they won't slip.--All Shoemen. 8 wash 1910. VV after-dinner Coffee and Ice Cream will be far better relished with these dainty confections. PATERSON'S Cambridge Wafers A delicious new biscuit made from cream of wheat and sold by all gro- cers. In tins only, always fresh and crisp. You'll like their flavor. dt THE COVETED PLANT. Bit of Human Nature in Florist's Shop. New York Times Two little girls entered a florist shop. So near each other in size were they they would have been taken ior twins. They had twenty cents-- ten cents apiece--and with this sum saved from penkies some time sack they were going to buy a plant for mamma. Ope stepped a little in advance of the otheg when the door dosed bohind them. The other was shy, looking timidly, but confidently, tt her sister. 'The woman in charge f the small shop looked up as the two mites of humanity paused in front of her. "Well 7' she said encour agingly. "We want to buy a plant," the little spokeswoman. Then added, in order to avoid later arrassments, "The - cheapest ou've got." "Ah," said the the window, "here plant for 25e. The little sister turned quickly to he other, but still smiling bravely. laby, we've just missed it a vick- 1," she. said. Yet not three minutes later they {s- sued from the shop bearing 'the plant between them, and as the woman de posited the two silver dimes in the aught their gleam, for there was drawer her eyes must have something shining there. said she em- one florist, going to is a mice little Natural Kesults of Old Age. With old age comes feebleness and oss of power. The organs act more slowly and less effectually than in youth. It is hard to get sufficient| aourishment from the food to keep strong because the digestion is weak. We want to say to every aged person n this vicinity if they only knew 10w our cod liver oil and iron medi- | 'ine, Vinol, strengthens the organs )f digestion and creates strength we vould not be able to get it, fast nough te supply the demand. G. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston. ------------------ Rev. Dr. J. A. Turnbull was elected moderator of the synod of Toronto and Kingston, whith openedein Toren to on 'Tuesday night. "lee Cream Bricks," from City Dairy and Neilson's, Kingston, at Gibson's Drug Store. Brandon College, Manitoba, was sranted affiliation with McMaster uni- versity by the senate of the latter in stitution, "Physicians Recommend" lee Croam Bricks for patientsedluy them at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store. A jury in Toronto found Pasquale Ventricine guilty of murder but at- tached a recommendation to mercy. (Get the Poisons Out of the Body By the definite and certain action of DR. A. W. CHASE'S KIDNEY and LIVER PILLS, Toronto Sold in Rod Cross | Until you have tested Dr. A. W, Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills you cannot know the satisfaction that comes with the use of this direct and certain regulator of the liver kidneys. Once you have found suited to your system, pend on getting just the right results every time, without increase of tity You ean be sure and || out' the dose that the action of the bowels will be prompt, that the liver will be awakened, and that kidneys will join in thoroughly clean- {(, sing the system of poisonous impuri- ties. « Because of this dependability, Dr. A. |} W. Chase's Kidnev and Liver Pills are certain to make fast friends wherever their merits have been tested. Stomach troubles arising stipation, torpid liver and deranged kidneys soon disappear, biliousness, backache, general 'depression The portrait and signature of A. W Chase, M.D, on the box stands for the best there is in medicines pill a dose, a box, all dealers, Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. as do ako « One |° 2c. the lieved to be mass. to attract ed letters patent by which groups of South Georgia, South Ork government. without buying an annual the' Falkland islands, take possession of which was annexed to the saw it, and Captain N. B. young American the | light the reson of which the For three wisn whalers have from econ- | quarters on South Georgia, they send whales and tow them to the headache and | Thera the oil is tried out -- prepa ed for market. or | group, with tea tedde The H.D. Bibby Co Our Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 10 o'cl More and more Men are cor hold our trade by offering impe year, but rather by constantly Just note the splendid values in West of England Worsted Suits, best, hand-made button hole, New shaped trousers. $18.00. It's such le ndid offerings treatmenty that keeps more and $08680060600606000000000004 De ride 1 fitting, and our business grows and hand more The H.D.Bibby Co} The Big Store With Little y FIFIIIIIIIIITIIINIIIIIIIIIISIIINIIII SI 9Y ning to sible our Brows THEY'RE COMING! this Store for their We do bargains every striving to offer our patrons bettie values and better service than can be obtained elsewhere Then we are always satisfied with a very modest profit THIS SQUARE POLICY PAYS US AND PAYS OUR PATRONS, $15.00 » » 0: 8» » > =~} » » > 3 » > » ie i » > > » » > > > » >» ». 3 > 3 > > ® i» 3 > » » : » - > > win aud the Tailoring and Workmanship of the These are Suits that are be ing sold n as these, tailored 1081 » » » > » » » 3 Out- » » » » » » » } shoulders * places in together with buyers coming our way lapels Canada at » our fair : » » -- -- GREEDY FOR LANDS, Eugland is Laying Claim to Islands. Scottish Geographical Society Any nation desiring a slice of the new Antarctic lands had better lose ne time in filing its claim. A great colon ial power is already in the field. land has now appropriated some of outlying islands and an area be a part of the continental It has done this sg quietly as little attention, The British government has publish- the island Many Eng- ney, South Shetland and South Sand- wich, and also Graham Land, in that part of the Antarctic continent pear est to America, are declared to he a dependency of the Paiklqal islands and to be under the jurisdiction of their be allowed to fish in those coastal wa ters or to make use of the harbors license at This is the first serious attempt to any considerghle The islands and th Antarctic area known gontine tal coasts have been a no-man's hand. The only excepion to statement 1s South Gegrgia, Falkland i England this ands many vears ago. can base no consistent claim of priority of discovery, for her explorers were fore vou can de- |yost there in the while only Sandwich groups, {ick utd the Dutchma quan- | Gerrick visited the large Shetland ar- taken. ¢ hipelago long before English sailors Palmer, the sealer, brought to so-called raham Land is a part. England has, in fact, watlving poriwons of the ly because large revival of claimed these Antarcthe sign they are now the scene of » the whaling years Argentine made trade and Norwe- their head Jrom which paste to kill slulwon, out their Last full the French ot, on bis way south, stopped at De eption island, in the South Shetland where he found 200 Nrwegians whaling aml explorer, Char vessels other 2 Lebips # Hereafter no whaler will |. bri lor earryi | bhasy to~cay w wor Far {terested firms, ent acti y { Store, The doi funeral. ctlled o Timoth shooting Connell South. "Tabard nging ng whale fd to the ith this There is something to be This fact the vities, ke that would regularly and $1.50 minion nu' sale coal to South cancelled, at Gibson's Red Cross . Inn Library at e,, son's Red Cross Drug Store y Candy has two Montreal policemen, and Fortin, America I'he touch Antartic, gamed in the was discovered by Captain Larsen six years ago, {he kept his secret well till he had Argentine which have established the and ins eirian cost vou ile, Drug government has order- od every public' building ih Canada to be draped in mourning the day of (he ean: Gib confessed? {o ow. 65c Specials 65c¢ 65¢. "Don't fail to See These" 100 Pairs Baby Boots Black, brown. button, and laced, Sizes 3 to 7 1-2 real good values at 90c. and $1. Special for CIN ha) »