Dainty Chambre 40, 12}, and 115¢. va. Pretty Scotch Ginghams in Plaids, Checks, and Stripes, and in a great Variety of Pritty Colorings 124, 18, 22¢. yd. | y E Repps 25c. In all the Fashionable Shades. This material is especially desirable For Wash Suits. Pretty Linens Look just like the Famous Rajah Bilks, Every New Shade 25¢c. yd. THE FAIR WE WANT MORE THAN TRIAL ORDERS, FOR THAT REASON WE SELL ONLY RELIABLE GOODS. + 50 0000 BEFORE YOU START YOUR BUYING DON'T BUY WITHOUT SEEING WHAT WE OFFER. Here are a few lines of Goods that Bedroom Toflet Sets for only. . $1.65 97-pleco English Dinner, Ten d. Berry Set for "45.50 Pretty Fancy Bedroem Lamps, . . 18¢ and 2c Clover Leat Nappies, 2 for..... Be 16e¢ Scrub Brushes at 2 for... . 15¢ Large Turkish Towels only 12 1-2¢ each. She Bax.Lindn Notepayet and. Buwel viv 19 142 % CRRATA HOUSE. IN TOWN FOR prneworis ANDFLAGS, are real good value for your money: Long White Curtain Poles for 2 for 13¢ Madras 'Curtain Maslin 'only 8c Yd. Wide Curtain Net, lace both sides, vv ov. 100 and 12 12 New Lines a 'taLiesd' b mhTPA New Lines of Ladies' Corsets at 50c and 0c. Black and: White all-Silk Gloves. Line Fh a, Hai) Ale 25¢ Pair. ite... . SE vous en Mcintosh Bros. FC To-Night Synopuia of Canadian tek dest) It your back aches, or you feel eh ras or have smarting or fre- tally or ton artes egstion owe kn og pep haader ik Soest d in Manitoba wrndus sent Fig Pills getiegre AEs 1 = EY bY Brain don | aad you will feel fine inthe morn~ tone, | ing. It. you dom't, your money 25¢ a box, or five boxes for $1.00, For sale at sll drug stares. who fs the sole ead 'male over 18 ¥ of 1atending & 8 mapas fines, vet Somesteuder his hi & CAN TXTERERET. T THEM. * | Deaf Telegraph Operator Depends on rice, Sight and Touch. Rallway Man's Ssht-aud To Peter A.-Foley of Portland, Me ln. y ne a telegraph operator, though to j Soc he hecame deni, however, he as developdd so won y 4 of touch and of Rak ph ne tect the finest movements of the strument and correctly interpret thom. His Serva Srstom ian past, aud pareel telegra vy the sense of touch in his finger tips he takes messages tranamitted from the ends of the continent, Ho can also read a message by tehing the sounder. With Sage left, ia fit roe En "yi §ie ertain aiperle ene rice, reside six years, eultl- be: i » Roba Jal Fon $300. are, - Dep Miter 13 sds gamilon ou rn ears gait ry that he needs no more tion than any operator, HK he can read the wl without the slightest difficulty, and his of mistakes in a Yous is said Jo be smaller than that of any oho operator in the office. } Mr. ih 4 5 i et of SRE tn 3 as was unable to hear even t here appeared Ba lle tes but fastest transmitting 14s PRICES ARE LOW oF APN] APRIL. Eyerything Offered ered This Week Likely to be Picked up at Current Rates-- Butter Market Suffered Break in Prices. Special to the Whi Sfontreal, May . 11.--The market for cheese, last Aly closed with a slightly better feeling apparent, ow- ing to a visibly increased demand at the lower prices reached, but the opening this week has not been quite as auspicious. The demand from Great Britain seems to have fallen off somewhat, and trade is qiiet. paratively low, and most dealers feel that everything available this week should be picked up at about present quibtations, and are taking their usual lots at 'tountry markets. At"Campbeliford on Tuesday morn- ing the offerings were all picked up at 10 5-8c per 1b. at factories, and at i Stirling fu the afternoon a portion of the offerings sold at the © price, but the best prices offered Tor the balanée was 10 9-16¢, which price the: factorymen finally accepted. Un- less there is a speedy improvement in the demand from Great Britain we may seé even lower prices at the markets at the end of the week, as 'buyers will not maintain prices un- less they have some encouragement from the other side. The receipts of cheese into Mont- real during the past week showed a glight falling ofr as compared with the corresponding week last year, al- though the receipts during the month of April were heavier, the actual figures for the week being 9,855 as compared with 11,036 for last year, The shipments for the week amounted to: 16,791 bozes, as compared with 17.045 boxes a year ago at this time, practically all the raw cheese that have come into the city have been shipped out to make up this quantity. The butter market suffered a gevere break in prices last week end owing to the increased offerings at country markets, and a great variety of prices was paid for the offerings at the different country boards. At Cowansville, the largest market in the 'eastern townships, the ruling price paid was 26c per 1b., at which price everything offered was sold. At St. Hyaeinthe, on the same after- noon, the offerings were all picked up at 22 3:4c per 1b, or 2 1-4c per Ib. less than was paid at Cowansville a few miles away. The lower prices, however, were certainly the most reasonable, as at Farnham on Mon- day morning the offerings were all gold at 22 7-8¢ per lb, and on the Montreal market the top price asked for creamery butter was 24¢ per lb. delivered. There is a very good de- 'mand at these prices, and large quantities are being shipped all over the country to supply the wants of the various communities, Any fall- ing off in this demand or any large increase in the receipts will bring about another break in pricas. THE DELUGE. Queer Old Australian Tradition About the Flood. have a queer tradition about the flood. They say that at one time there was no water on the earth at all except in the body of an immense frog, where men and women could not get at it. There was a great council on the subject, and it was found out that if the frog could be made to laugh the waters would run out of his mouth and the drought be ended. So several animals were made to dance and caper before the frog to in- duce him to laugh, but he did not oven smile, and so the waters remain: «ld in his body. Then some one hap- pened to think of the queer contors tions into which the eel could twist itself, and it was straightway brought before the frog, and when the frog saw the wriggling he laughed so loud that the Tiel earth trembled, and the waters poured out of his mouth in a great flood, in which many. people were drow The black 'people were saved from drowning by the pelican. This shought- ful bird made a big canoe and went with it among all the islands that ap- peared here and there above the sur- face of the water and gathered in the black: people and saved them. Incidentals to Navy Building. The extravagance of the militavists will bring about their ruin. They cry for battleships at ten milion dollars each. and parliament or congress voles them. Battleships are worthless without cruisers, cruisers are worth. less without torpedo-boat destroyers, all these are worthless without col- mers, ammunition boats, hospital boats, repair boats; and these are worthless without dedper harbors, Jongee docks, = more sovacions navy yards. And "what are all these worth Yi thout officers and men, upon whose education millions of dollars have been vished? When at last the navy has boon fair- Jv launched, the officials of the army come forward and demonstrate that a navy, after all, is worthless unless it by a colossal land force. Thus are the Wovernments led on, step step, into a treac oils morass, in = tangled, and finaly: overw { ferson, p.D., >" im American Association Se oa) Conciliation, 3 Corns Disappear. When Peck's: Corn Salve is used. It | takes them out, root and all, snd without possibility of injury to the foot. In big boxes, 15 Senta. Sold by Jas. B. Me a he rem, hunter seems to ye stay Being ul The prices current, however, are com- |' The sboriginal blacks of Australis powers. tive does not prove Popular you | Hmusements. RECEIPTS HEAVIER FOR MONTH GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUM THEATRE 3 Reels New Pictures, 3 High Class Vaudeville Acts. Omar Dervish Danes Lovett & Falls Novelty Comedy Act. Special Added traction, The Royal Japanese Tro Matinee at 2.30 Daily, Sc. Evenings: Adults, 10¢; Chil- dren under 15 years, Sc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Mattér of the Estate of PAT- RICK McCORMICK, late of Lhe City of Kingston, Gentleman, Deceased NOTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR- suant to "The Revised Statutes of On- tario," 1897, Chap. 129, that alt Credit- ors and others Busing claims against the estate of the said Patrick eCor- mick, who died on or about the 15th day of April, 1810, are required, on or before the 18th day of June next, to send by past prepaid or deliver to T. 3. Rigney, of the City of Kingston, Solici- tor-for the Executor, their Christian and surnames, addresses and, descrip- tions, the full particulars, of their claims, the statement of their 'accoimts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice, that after sueh last mentioned date the said Exe- cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the sald Executor will mot be liable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person or per- sons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. J. RIGNEY, Solicitor for Daniel Keenan, Executor Dated 7th day of May, 1910. KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE IRON MINING COMPANY. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF the shareholders of the Kingston and Pembroke Iron Mining Company will be held on Monday, the 16th day of May. 1910, at 11 o'clock im the forenoon, at the Office of Macdonnell & Farrell, 3§ Clarence Street, in the City of Kings- ton, for the following purposes: --(1) consider, and if approved, to accept an offer for the Rprchase of the "Rorth Half of Lot 21 in the Tth Concession, and the North Half of Lot 21 in the Sth h ean hip of B of Bagot in : Renfrew 2 ratify, e by the Ir o i iain; Mines, M Rights, Machinery and Chatt perty of the Company in the Township of Bedford in the County of Frontenac. (3) For general business. J. M. FARRELL, Secretary. Dated at Kingston this 1§th "5 of April, 1910, ¥ y TENDERS FOR COAL We are open to receive Tenders for 3.000 tous of Genuine Westmoreland Gas Coal (Irwin Basin) to be delivered in coal pocket in mill yard at Kings- ton. 'Tenders to be received up to the 16th. day of Lowest or any 'tender not necessarily accepted, Address, Dominion Textile Co., Purchasing Dept., Montreal. VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION A Meeting of all Committees will be held in the Commitige ooms, City But digs, oh Wednesday, 11th thst, at 8 p.m. A full attendance. is requested. 5 D. COUPER, Mayor and Chairman. Ptdndndningiy NAPPA Look For The Date | b ) on the bottom of > » COLUMBIA BATTE Ours are never ov 4 WEEKS OLD, W. A. sriigos, Electrieat Con~ tractor, 167 Princess Street (near Bagot), 'Phone 08, ATES, p The People' s Forum CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES First fusertion le a word. Each com secutive insertion thereafter half cemt a word. Minimum charge for one ia- sertion, 20e.; three insertions, B0e.; six, §1; one month, $3. HELP--WANTED. RAL SERVANT. APPLY TO J gENE MacFarlane, 25 Brock Street. GOOD, SMART BOY TO LEARN Riacksmithir jug. Apply to Wm Cookburn, ontario Ystreet. A A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN GROCERY Business, good {neon to the right party. Apply, H. Spence, 308 Montreai Street. A FEW GIRLS TO WORK IN COTTON mill; experienced weavers can earn rood wages. Apply to Dominion extile Co., Clty. you NG LADIES FOR FINISHING underwear in the knitting mill steady work; geod wages. Apply to Kingston oslery Co, 4d. King Street West. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No can yessing Send for garticulars, ress syn cate, 3,969 Lockport, AN AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE © of King Edward, Queen Alexander and King George Y.; largest and best book; best terms] credit given; prospectus free; send 10 cents to pay mailing charge. World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. WANTED---GENERAL. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES yiaced with ws for sale. Carroll & Formers 14 Market Street, ONTARIO AND B.A JETERAN, SCRIF to buy iy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 rock SOUTH 'AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veterans' Scripts Cova Stocks Bonds, and De entures. APPR J. O. Hutton, 13 Market St Ing- ston. HORSES TO PURCHASE. 1 WILL BUY all kinds of horses. Wiil be in Kin ton for the entire winter. 1 A. Jenkins, 687 Princess St. Tele: pnone No. 9360. » FURNITURE COVERING, ETC., DONE by the day at customers' borhes. Fo! further particulars, Sngiiey ub Ontario street, or calls will be A in response to letters. - PI GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth und have it made up into up toe date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressin nd repairing dons on ihe Short . oe. omas oOWa Broa BE: heat DiDoy's Lavery. in TWO WEEKS TWO CAR LOAD® of second-hand square planos and organs for the Canadian North- West; will pay big prices, Apply, stating where they can be seen, also the make of instrument, -to Box 624, Whig office. DENTAL. BPARKS AND 'SPARKS, DE ji Princess St., RE Nh DR. C. C. NABH, DENTIST; J. Gibson, assistant, 153 street. 'Phone. 736 DRM LOST. FOR SALE. A GOLD SIGNET RING, INITIALS W McC. on Tuesday afternoon. Finder return to this office and receive re- ward - ON EITHER Victoria JOHNSTON, FRIDAY, Park, of Alfred Streets, Mack Street. a Pearl Crescent Gold Brooch. wir finder kindly leave at Whig office? FINANCE AND INSURANCE. . 8. KIRKPATRI surance Asent icket i) ingston. Rejephone IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Liberal polictes and maderate Fates in Firat class I Boon, Agent, Joo Wel Filet street. BO. A. BA CUSTOMS BROK By Lo a oo in +3 BRON o h A one cent. stamp on It Sbq mit in the nearest letter box We & The rest. Al ki Insurance ced on short "Phe hong 386. Pi Clarence st. GENERAL 1IN- a Steamship Clarente Stre phone 588. & a i ] Ph Pdi gine nsured at lowest Before renew ing old XS P47 : c PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. APPLY TO Edw. J. B. Pense. HOUSE, NO. 230 EARL STRES brik veneered; Bhs for cooking. on Ti at 24 Van WELLING, HED AND UN furnished. Sires, Bon es for Fur ure, etc. McCann's, Brock, Cor K ng street. able for Nght housekeeping, $8.00 per month, including gas. Address, ox §5, Whig office. 28 x 6 oad HOUSE FOR LAUNCH, 3 sliding deers: déep water; Raibnans Dock, Grove aon, Lockett, Midland Shoe Co. 203 WELLINGTON Street (next Crothers' Bakery): rent moderate Apply. Mr. CR Webster, 81 Princess Street, BRICK STORE, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ry, salry rooms, absolutely motk pret, your own lock and ke Post CII Storage 299 Queen Phone No. 1837 UNION STREET West, ar Street Car Junction; nine rooms. modern convenlences, possession May 1st. Apply on pre- mises. HOUSE, NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE with modern improvements, corner Quebec and Division Streets; rent easy. Apply, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Sireet. BRICK HOUSE, No. 15, COLBORNE Street, between Clergy and Syden- ham, with ail medern conveniences; possession immediately. Apply to P. Lyons, 148 Ordnance Street. PURNISHED, FROM MAY 15, UNTIL . September 15, or for shorter term, * oleven- roomed Route; modern im- ravementa; $2 gn, electric ight Apply. 53 Alfred Street, or at Whig office. THAT LARGE STONE BHO' ON corner Queen and Kin Streets suitable for garage, machine shop sales room or factory of any kin, Apply, James Laturney, Carriage Maker, 390 Princess Street. $06 PRINCESS STREET, NEW BRICK house; modern improvements; eight rooms; furnished if desired; auto- mobile shed and horse stable on premises Apply to C. 'W, 621 Princess Street. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT. Grass, = GALLERY PHOTOGRAPH IB ment. Address, Edw, Set iP. Pense. AVE YOUR ORDER FOR AE ings and Tents at 152 Ohtaile F. X. Bazeau SKIFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR sale. Particulars at Godwin's Ins surance Emporium, Market Square T™O SECOND-HAND LADIES" wheels, in best of condition, ene at 13 one at $12, at Turk's. one 05. ONE SECOND-HAND MANURS Spreader, In good shape, yw 4 ral horses and colis. EARL ST.; 126 Clarence st $ rooms; choicp location; hot water furnace; - electrie . light: b. & os Parti eu lars at Mullins Grocery. $2,950. BRICK HOUSE STRAWBERRY Write or 'Sate SENATOR DUNLOP slants In any quantity. Booke Bros, Catarague ony orders taken on the market ardays, HOUSES AND LOTS IN ALL PARTS of the city; good farms in differ ent localities: bonds, life, fire and accident insurance... Carroll & Forneri, 14 Market Street. SUMMER COTTAGE (FURNISHED) Rideau Lake; wind mill and all modern conveniences; two aere is- land: best locality. Apply to Ogle Carss, Smith's Falls, BRICK MOUSE IN De. locality: 10 roomy bath; large garden; shade a * hot © water heatin ugh, celia: 32,500. Address, Box Whig office. WELL-BUILT sirable $2,400 --IF BOLD WITHIN THREE days, will accept $2,400 for solid brick house, Earl Street: 8 rooms; furnace; b cholge loca~ tion; worth, Mullin's Grocery C.. gas; $2.500. Apply, IF YOU WANT A PATENT SEAR Roller Awning or Boat Awnin Canoe Boat or os on Cover, Cork Fenders or Life Preservers for your motor boat, Capt. Joseph Dix, 211 Nelson Street, makes good onese LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE FUR. ni containing 12 rooms and ex- tention kitchen ite Evia and alcony. opposite ation, Sharbott Lake. part A apply M Doyle, St Tawrence al Quyon, Que, SCHOLARSHIP (ANY SUBJROT) IN International Correspondence Schools of Seranton, Pa. would make a handsome and brofitable gift for any Young man or Woman; will dispeosa of at reasonable pri if taken at once. Apply, Box #4 Whig office BOATS. 15 FT. LITTLE SPEED BOA 2 h.p. engine, complete, $75.00; rs 3 h.p. engines, $20.00 each; one 3 h.p. Palmer engine, $25.00, Bar- gains, spark plugs. batteries, colls, netos, everything for & boat sy price dealers pa . Call at A bicron s "Phon for the t Fact- POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION, cheap for cash sale; rf an Frontenac Loan and In ostinent yielding 4 3-4 per cent; yroved Saskatchewan Jor quick turn; tracts ol nd Last Mountain Valley dis- ® of Saskatchewan; Balt stocks, bonds and debentures; houses and lots any part of Kiaoge- ton; fire, life + accident Insure ance. Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market Street. MEDICAL. [BAAC WOOD, M.A, MD, CM, MRCS, Bae) . F.OB. Sain), sonsuicant urgeon; office ho t LE to 4. 363 King St % "phone it LEGAL. | CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST ers and Bolicitors. Law Offl Clarence St, Kingston. ine, u BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, GAN STAR a 1 Jhdar bis business at home, No vassin our own Send for Sree Roker Tells now Heacock, 2.968 Lockport. N.Y. TWO FURNISHED HOUSES ON Wolfe Island, five minutes from ost office and ferry; pleasant out- ook; veranda. balcony and lawn; terms reasonable. also furnished house in city, Apply. P.O, Wolfe Island, or Box 214 Whig office. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING either together or separate may be had at 314 University Avenue, con- venient to cars; bright, airy rooms; gas and modern convenlences. OSTEOPATHY. SIENNA Unscientific Election Methods. Londen Punch. An American gentleman this country is vastly unscientific way 'in ¥hith 'we carry on our elections. He declares we are ba- bies in the art. To mention but three points. If you are a. conserva- tive, and a radical canvasser calls onl vou, you should; it seems, not dismiss) him at once, but detain him 1a argu ment as long as possible; fac as ta' pre- vent his canvadsing' "other" Ultimately you uld tell him fr you will vote for "his man, "and so make him over -gorifiaont. i ore gn tho day of the vero yo the radical agent to send a ie to take vou to the poll, keep it waiting a good hour, and thep vote conserva five. s . MTS visiting mused at the Bell Rock Budget. Bell Rock, May 19.--Frederick Clark, Moscow, has the cheese fact _-- running in order. A of milk is brovght in daly) Switzer, Echo Lake, hae moved tha village. Quart: held in the Met next Su conv seuts Bronchitis, on wecvices will he ist urch here ge ins En uimetay i A a Rock -------------- Album of royal palaces of his late ajesty, King Edward VIL obtainable at Ootmas, King street. PERSONALS, MOLES, SIBTH warts, etc, removed A rms; without scar. Twent nant jerience. Br Elmer 7 Lake 55 ye hn Blea Throat and ishe Bpectalist, 258 Bagot street. Hondguartors Wain Gifts ! A few aa tiois in sterling, ranging from $2 to $5. TEA STRAINERS. CREAM LADLES. ; CHIPPED BEEF SERVERS. TEA POT STANDS, BEAUTIFEL GOODS ! "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R. G Asheroft. DO. Edna E. Asheroft, D.O., Graduates under Dr. Still the Founder of Osteopathy, 435 Princess Sireet, corner Division. 'Phone. 447... No charge for con- suitation and lHerature. Office hours; 10 to 12, 2to 5, 6 to 8, FOR SALE OR TO LET. BOATHOUSES FOR LAUNCHES , TO rent. Gasoline, Batteries, Oils and Grease for Bale A CC Knapp Hoatbullder and Boal Livery, ataraqul Bridge. 'Phone 767. & SPARKS. BA, MD. Burgeon, jos Uttice eure: 10 ¢ and 7 to § p.m. ay Yellingon 'Phone oT HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL. ONTARIO ST opposite G.T.R. station, one block ro CP.R., on street oar line; iately remodelled; char moderate; special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. PATENTS. FOR FULL INFORMATION. ON patents, send 10¢ for booklet and magazine. Ben. B. Pannett, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Carpenter and Builder, 256 Div tal, raasonshle J floes on. in wor promptiy. ' * BECKWITH & GODWIN, CONTRACT. ing Engineers and Architects, Agents for Builders' Speciaities, 14 Sydenham Street and 292 Street. Plans prepared and esti mates given for all cinsses of work. NEW SUMMER COTTAGES AND Bungalows at East View Park, on the St. Lawrence. § miles from Kingsten; all furnished and from B to 8 rooms: terms easy: several fine lots for sale Apply, Rey. J. Ib. Bayd, 106 Pine Street. | TWO NEW EFIgAT. RBOOMED HOUSES, modern rovements, corner Que- and sion Streets; also uit. ARCHITECTS. HENRY Wt Ring SMITH / IT BCT. ETC, ARTA tostdince, ayaa WM. NEWLAN tects, ete. "Phone, 08. Otthos 158 yg bee ing lots aud furnished & Fast lew Park: § tics wrence Apply, J. FSTABLISHFD 1866. "EERSTE Cheap Fuel Use your Cooking Stove and burnCat and Split Sound Dry WOOD $2.75 worth will Jast. 6 weeks. SWIFT'S