Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1910, p. 6

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» x Every Few Days "At. the time 1 began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I was having sin'ing spells every few uys. My hands and feet would £ cold; I could scarcely e, and could feel myself gradually sinking away until I would be unconscious. Those about me could not tell there 'was life in me. spells I would be very weak and nervous, sleepless and without sppetite; had neuralgia in my head and heart, After taking disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone." MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER 803% 3d Ave. Evansville, Ind. For twenty years we have been constantly receiving just such letters as these. There is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is not some one who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc- cessful Heart Remedy. Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to forward prepaid, on Wicks MEDICAL CO., Toronto After these | the remedy a short time all this | The connoisseur, always insists ' is On BEER ~The favorite drink . for centuries ous : oW in vogue. : Money cannot buy a better, | "Ci, the Prince Regent seems. deter: aver or more nutritious beer. AN IMPORT INT O ) Clerk of Senate Chinleau Was Born : i In the United States. HOING OF THE PIGTAIL WARKS| + 1.4 vigitor from the United ! CHINA'S ADVANCE. States who happened to be in one of i tha 8 iste pelle ive of Ottawa 8 Eou- pie of weeks ago, wuva tne deputy of the Governor-General gave the assent | to, the bills passd so far during the | present session of Parliament, was | very much impressed with the rigidly | iladeiphia Record | A F ~ | formal way in which the business Coapsternation reigns among the Chi- | Lh | was transacted. As she had never | nese ut the announcement of the Prince | hoop familiar with ceremonial of the | Regent that he will endeavor to bring t kind she was disposed to consider it | | about a change in the nationgl all very ridiculous, particularly the | tune next year, as well as urging the! glenn' way in. which the clerk of the | abolition of the pistail. : Sencte, Mr. Chapleau, with a stiff | As if to show that he is guite in eat | bow to the deputy governor and one | inest, the Prinee Regent has himsell| nop guije so stiff towards the bar of | started to wear military uniform whey | the Senate, whither the Commoners | receiving foreign ministers in Peking. {had been summoned, declared that | With regaed to the pigtail, the abol-| "His Honor, the Deputy Governor, in ition of that characteristic appendage! Hic Majesty's name doth assent to | lis a much more popular matter than} thes hills | like adoption of customs of European! To the former United States lady [style. It is argued by the antiqueusi now living in Ottawa who had taken | {people that the pigtail is insanity, her to the function, she remarked: | that it is. an object of derision among Horeigners, sad that it is not in keep ling with modern sintiment, marking. Las it does, the servitude of China to { the Manchu, { Moreover, it is emphasized that the late emperor was in favor of reform in this direction; and, course, says | the Price Regent, in effect we ought to respect the wishes of the dead. The power of the "dear departed" is al jways stronger in Ching than any pos vible argument living. : { Up and down the country there is {much discussion on the pigtail ques | tion, and some students in Canton {have been putting their opinions into lossays. Ome young hopeful condemns MEANS : \ | me L | Prinee Regent Pas Ahsilhd Us Gielte and Wears Military Uni- form When Receiving Foreign Ministers, COs "Just fancy an American man going | through that performance without | laughing. I'll bet he couldn't do it if | he tried for a lietume." Imagine her | surprise when she wes told by her | friend that the very man she had | sten perform the duty was not merely | a native of the United States, but ene wha hud served im the Union army | during the American war. This is a | act not generally known in Ottawa, | most people supposing Mr. Chaplean | gained the renk of major, with which | hie is generslly. designated, by service | in the Canadian militia, Samuel Edmour St. Onge Chapleau, | whose ex-officio designation as Clerk | of the Parliemente gives him prece- | the queue because if mesus shaving the | denee us senior deputy minister in the | head in front. This, he argues, allows! Dominion. civil service, was born at! the cold to get to the brain and pre- Syracuse, N.Y. in 1839. His father, veat clear thinking. § x the lete Pierre Chapleau, a French- | "Fhe Prince. Regent's. vila 'on the re-| Canadian, returned a few years after | fokm of the national "eostume * meet His son's birth to Canada, where he | (with greater opposition, and one can-| became a well-known builder in the | | not. help feeing that. it is justified, the | ¢ity of Montreal. Major Chaplean, | present Chinese mode. of dress being | Hike his elder brother, the late Bir | certainly comforiuble, graceful and hy-| Adolphe Chapleau, was educated at genio, "No Chinaman will cut a very the Terrebonne College. In 1860 he smart or dignified figure in trousers | Feturned to the United States, and in | and a bowler hat. Most Orientals | 1561, earried away by. the prevailing | who don Western clothes become liv-| War fever, joined the U. 8. regular | ing caricatures, and. anv change in| 8rmy. Hig regime, the 16th Infan- China's national costume, will certain-| #y¥, came in for much service and he | ly diminish the world's sum of the pic: | fapidly gained promotion through the turesque; virions ranks to that of, brevet cap- | Chinese themselves, who wish things] tun, which was epecially awarded for | fo reman as they are, state that, a gatiam and meritorious services at the | part from considerations of sentiment | battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Later | | and dignity, the general adoption of | eRe the brevet of major for gallant | Western clothing would mean serious | Services during the Atlanta SHNPAT, Joss to the silk and linen merchants in | ore particularly at the battle o China, who manufacture the bulk of Jonesboro, Ga. He also participated | she material for the "flowing robes" | IR the siege of Corinth, Miss., and the | d battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga and. | Chattanoogo: He was on service in | Memphis in 1868 during the riote in | that city, and in 1968 was in command | | mined to have his way. At first, be de- [olaved that the change of costume or teases the palate, | should begin among the police and mil} of the troops at. Augusta, Ga., during | igestion. and tones up ! Healthy | those services in comparison with the the riots which took between the white and colored pepulatigns on the occasion &f the first tion 'of | President Grant, He retired from the | itary; but, it being represented that {such uetion: woulds tend to belitale 'country st present | a convietion for v H_WRIG. MONDAY, MAY 9, 1910. LAND WITHCUT A PRISON, Dr. Grenfell Tolis of the Eskimos of the Labrador Coast. "The best-educated people in the are the Eskuno,' sais Dr. W, T. Grenfell book, "Labrador," recently published by Messrs, Macmilan It 1s » startling and mortifying sen. tence, for along that rugged coast the | seene of Dr. Grenfell's seif-sacrificing labors as a medical missionary, there is a considerable, i temporary popu- | Iatiof of whites And many of the the land. : They are a generous, open. handed growd of men, bat. "they go fishing and working on Sundays among our people, who, though poor- ier and far more needy of material wehlth, are wise epough to know that life does not consist in the abundance | of things man possesses. "Almost without 'exeeption, the Es. kimo can mond and write. Many can i play musical instraments, share in' part-singing, ands ave well able to keep accoums, and know the value of things, ; ; "1 have known an Eskimo called in to read end to write a letter for a Newioundiand fisherman; and I have had more than once to ask 'one to | help me by playing our own harmon. ium for us at a service, because not one of a large audience could do so. "I have heard 'more than one Eski- mo stand up. and deliver an excellent impromptu speech. Our white popu- lation is still very largely illiterate, though some'*headway has been made of late years, . "There are practically no alecholic liquors: sold in - Labrador; not a licensed house exists. If liquor is sold at all, it is in very small quan- tities, and. clandestinely, in what we know as 'she-been,' "Thousands of our fishermen are absolute abstiiners tn principle, 'and a very strong anti-liquor sentiment preveils alufost universally. The re- sults are obvious in the fact that we have not one policeman stationed along 'the whole coast ; not one among twenty-five thousand people. "We have, no penitentiary, and there has net been, to my knowledge, drunkenness. Dur- ing sixteen years 1 have, personally, not seen one fisherman drunk."s Dr. Grenfell's chapter on the Labra- dor missions contains striking butes to the brethren, a small hospital, the Eskimo at first would not subject themselves to the necessary hospital regulations. "We carried thither the first pa. tients in our little hospital steamer It was & new experience to see an Eskimo 'trying to accommodate him- self to a bad: The warmth of the ward was objectionable; the addition. al heat. of the bedejothes was inteler- able, Covering of any Kind they had long disposed of, and even then ghey warn petspiting dnd panting. "In 4 trib fatal epidemic of tri- | work of the Moravian | Ag Okkak, where they have | ! ! THE REASON WHY IS BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed tonics -- the medicinal, strengthening, building elements Liver Oil and 'Ionic -Iron, without oil or grease, tastes good, and agrees with every one. : We return your money without question if Vinol not accomplish in his new . visiting white | fishermen, chiefly Americans, do not | set a good example to the people of | all we claim for it. GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, - Kingsion, Ont. It Suits Them All 4 Old and young delight in the rich. nessand delicious- ness of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA. it suits every taste. Le al 1 HPP The Cowan Co. Limited, . 138 SYSTEM Victoria Day joR i Trip Tielpes will he fssued at Single First-Class Fare Good going May 1rd and fay ih 2th and Kingston to hetween Muonireal with the ect ton no irains 1 and IAAL HORSE SHOW Round Trip Tickets will be Issued, ding ore admission to the Horse $5.80 Good goly g May ith and good to re until May 16th, Homessekers' Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, 9 Mu Mth, and every secon wreaflter during the summer good: for 68 days For "fall apply 10 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, Show KincsTONG PEMBROKE RAILWAY : In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Victoria Day Round Trip Tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare | Good going May 23 and 24, good to | return May 26th, 'HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Canadian North-West. May 17 and 31. June 14 and 28. July 12 and 26. Aug. 9th and 23rd. Good for 60 days Full information at K. & P, and m™m i GERMAN AIRSHIP FLEET Will All be Used for Regular Pass: enger Traffic. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. The wonlerful progress which is be- ing made by Germany's airship fleet is tshown by the announcement that four | new dirigthles of the Parseval type are { be ny constructed at Bitterfeld They will be named the Parsevab VI t VII, VI, IX, respectively. Parseval Vi, , which will be seventy-five yards C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, General Passenger Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 pm daily (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanes, Deser« nto, Bannockburn and all points north. Fo secure quick despatch te Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points en Central mtario routs your ADI PmantS via if Quinte Rallway. For further partis eulars, apply IK. W. DICKSON, Agent Thone, No, i tong, will have a diameter of thirteen yards and have a capacity of 6,700 cu- hic metres, is to be sold to the Mun. | ich Aerial Navigation Company, which Pwill start airship cruises in and a L rouhd Munich fof passengers. Parsaval VII] is ordered by a t lar company: in Berlin, which will 355k Dizas- : 0 bile vess, and Indigestion. They do their duty, as Wormwith. Small Pill, Smell Dose, Small Price. U. 8. arniy in 1871 dnd 'entered ' the | tiphaid Thad tried Ww persuade. some { gin Berlin; operations at Whitsuntide erin saps bay ighatire's civil service of Canada ws { of my patients | toyremain dn thér | by initiating regular trips for passed of the Department of Public: Works | tongs when very feverish. In.one casa i gers in the. vianity ef ' the ' capital. | in 1873... A few years Jater he was ap | I. had rendeavored, ta enforce. sy rul- the Im ) yoeak, 19s very nig a ee rest of the nation, he has A stuted) n . Salvador that there Sak athena tion; i : . id od and jal costume in e : Reupirs ie Pianos i Pagseval VIII is otdered by tion is in d {enlightenment and prosperity. and, in turning 1 civilize 1 of dréss * oh wood: A fro bewi ie pathetic; i tn Yaad : . 8 N freak leader. to co-ordinate and direct 3 the new lores at work sinfe the awaks ening of her civie conscience, How many 'commissions of inquiry {she Qispatehed abroad these. past few wears! How many of - their reports ave been ignored and phgeon-holed? If, instead. ofdissuing all these big worded Tees a. pigtails and clothes, and so on, the Prince Regent concerned himself with problems such as that of the currency and its stan dardization; the establishment of a na tional bank; putting the finances of nation in order-- then we might hope that the 'great and ancient nation would soon be on the way toward true Not Only m Bunches. Boston Herald, A good story of a specimen of the ordinary theatrical landlady is told by J. L. Shine. One Saturday evening he and a fellow actor purchased a pound of sausages for their Sunday's break- fast. There were eight to the pound, bus when they arrived at the table there were only five. Thereupon the landlady was called in, to, account for the missing links, "Madam," said Mr. Shine severely, "I gave you eight sa last night; hers are only five. hat has become of the other three The lady of the house smiled an in: nocint smile, mingled with pity, and ied : Rey You see, sir, Sausnges alwave {do ink in cooking.' ich infor- mation had to suffice, An Obstacle to Success. Utlea Globe. Senator Elkins, deplori ner in Washington the me- thods of one type of business man, said with a smile "It all brings back to me a dialogu [ once heard in a southern school. " "Children," said the teacher, 'be diligent and steadfast, and you will succeed. Take the case of George Washington, whose birthday we are soon to celebrate. Do you remember my telline you of the great difficulty George Washington had to contend aRainst - " 'Yer, ma'am," said a little boy. 'I: couldn't tell a lie, A Man of Weight. ne World. x w stor; that t t Norman Macleod, hg Chambers' every wi Ettle in ing Loch Fyne in a rere caught in a sudden and severe squall, His companion, somewhat alarmed, Moposed to engage in prayer, whe upon the Highland skipper dri: re minrked that "the wee man conll Fray. but the big one maun tak an at wu dr. Dr. rase, "'n man o wecht" powers! Lidity' in fhe Febelli 2 us BNC has! emphatically in Or. | pointed sheriff of the Northwest Ter-.| ritgries, and as such, had charge of | rarer do pind el and the others r me ap na re- marksbly varied one; and it certainly curious that the Canadidn state dignitary who acts:as the mouths pices of the representative, ph the { Crown in his moss important fune- | tion should be pot only a native of | the United Stiles but a fetired, pen-' | sioned officer of the regular army of | | that country. And no one could act | , the part with more decorum and dig- | { nity. Mrs. Chapleau is a daughter cof Colonel George W. Patten, of the United States army. i The Father of "Bugology." | Canadians at large know very little about the science of Entomology, but it is a very important one in a young rgricultursl country and has been an organized study in Canada for nearly | balf a ecentry, and the man who is | perhaps more responsible than anyone | eles for this orgapization is Rew, Charles J. 8. Bethune who, since 1906, hes been professor of entomology av the Ontario Agricultural College, fiuelph. As early as 1862 Mr. Beth- une, then a resident of Cobourg, wrote an article for the Canadian. Natural ist published at Montreal, naming thirty-six Canadian devotees of what had compiled with the assistance of 'William Saunders, of London, Ont. The article ended with the s that these nature students in modern parlance "ge M. Walker, of Teronto, took over the reins of editorship. Mr. Bethune has thie. vulgar call "Bugology" which he |' to put ing by removing .the patient's gar- ments. Such a trifling 'impediment' had not da att him, © Why stdy un. 2 un der cover when vou ate hot? Next | FOF { shrorning when 7? Mrlrivy 1 found several years he oocupied the position | high dtutk naked, straddled up iin: the of Clerk of the Orown in Chancery. at | cold, 'waiting for the dpetor pnd the \ Gttava and in 1900 he be { 8 ¢| to, his present. position. Ib; will be | | noticud that hig career has bin ravished clothes. (He evéntullly, re govered, in spite of me." § Of the famous. Labrador dogs, Dr Grenfall hints, a8 some gruesome gloried, "They are of doutse, 'flesh. eaters, and, by nature, purely vhrniv. orous. During my yeéirs in Labrador thoy hase killed twe childrtm and one man, and eatenanother. of the second man, the evidence went to show that he was not killed by the dogs, theugh his body was devoured by them. Only his bones were dis. covered in the snow; but as his dogs returned in good condition after & ' fortnight's absence, all of them were shot "Like the dogs who will even eat their masters' whips when hungry, the cod oft: the Labrador coast have marvellous digestive powers. 1 have myself taken three small ced and twenty-seven eaplin from the stomach | of one postprandial fish, and seen an excellent 'gold ring taken [rom .an- ther, "A book in three. volumes was taken from the stomach of a codfish off Lynn, England, and presented to | the vice<chaneellor of Qambridge Uni- versity. Scissors and odeans testify to the catholicity of the ood's. ap- petite." One of the Mysteries. Speaking of interruptions, the men- tion reminds one of a story which Mr. R. L. Borden, the leader of the Opposition, tells concerning one of the most highly-respeeted of his follow- ing, Mr, Uriah Wilson, the veteran member for Lennox and Addington, Ontario. Mr. Wilson rarely speaks, and never was known to interrupt ex- cept on one occasion. The occasion was when Sir William Muloek, then Postmaster-General, was making a speech in which the sins of the late Conservative Government were expos. ed without hesitation. Rising to his climax, he demanded, "Why did the le of Canada return the Liberal While the orator ny A wer?' neither land, mor forests, nor mines, nor power privileges, nor trade privi. leges to squander. Her resources are but not without Hmit, "and n Administration fod soon commit great ¥OC. . eed. these has already been far too much reck- less waste. -- Halifax Herald, Election Needed. the debate on the naval question the Canadian Commons proved ing, it was that the «till fuller conclusive consideration of & general election campaign is needed that important matter om a and useful bams very community has its seal dase too shiftless to de depetident. would rather have to go hare In the ease | Berlin vessel perial Automobile Club, the members having the use of the Vas an aerial yacht. Parseval TX. iv ordered by 'the Brus- dels International Exposition, and will bogin passenger craises in the Belgiaw {capital at the end of Apil or the bes 4 winning of May. It isintended. to be tone of the pisucipal attractions of the {World's Fair there. An immense airship savented hy Her if Schuette is approaching completion. It has a capacity of 19,080 cubic metges, Farid will be alle to ascend with a buy | den of thirty fons aboard. Here Parsoval has invented a { machine wiseh is approaching comple f tion, It is fitted with a 114 hp { Daimlor motor, and. the trials will be | gin this week at Plau, Meckledbury, i where a factory for constructing Par seval aeroplanes has been erected, ving A Sure Sign. Tha Argonaut | Once upon a time, when Robert Tavior, of Tennessee, | dling Bob" Taylor, and on a lecture | tour, he picked up an old railroad {man who was on the bum and trans | ported' him north from Louisiana. The bum was an interesting fellow and the | gavernon his immensely, While the train was rolling along be- twien Lake Charles and Alexandria or a branch of the § Neaator was "Fid enjoyed conversation Texas railroad, it tenterod a thick pine forest. All of a f pudden it stopped. A flagnminan's | shanty was the { habitation. . A passenger on the train grabbed a small handbag and got off the train. "Governor," said Senator Tavior's bum irtend, "a man that gets off at a place like this is gmity of some thing." lone only sign of human Eminent Toronto Physicians Failed to Cure Rheumatism Miss Flora Chapman Vividly Des. cribes Her Sufferings and Ultimate 'Cure With "Nerviline, "After being an enthusiastic user of Nerviline for years, 1 feel it my duty Tio tall you personally what yvoarwon derfal preparation has done for me, "i suffered torture from rhetwantism andi heart, trouble, tried scores of ro called remedies, consulted for weeks en | months with Toroato's most {mnt physic ans, but derivet only slight berefit, "A friend insisted on my uwiiog Nero vilise, and to my sarprise a Vigorods ruthing of this powerful liriment ens of the pains and reduced the stiffness Jin my oints, | continued to use Ner | vilide and was permanently coped i am sow perfectly' well, and for three years have had no rhesmatism at olf | F know many families where ! CURED po other medicine but Net- i viline is kept-it 1 fy use 3 ful In minor ailments ik oe earache; toothache. ney YEARS. plein, coughs; colds. Itm- ; : bago ant sciatica. call i Nerviling my "Life Guard" and urge all ty try ats merit." Dee. 13th, 13 Palowerston foas Avenue, Toronto. Redage, anything cise offmred instead Nevwiline. Largs bottles, 50c., trial HALLEY'S COMET May be bard to find without a tele. scope, but you do not need one tol ses the auclionears comission, it's a big thing---~too big to lose You can save all expenses and Inconvenlences of publie auction by selling your effects to me "en bloc" Antique Furaitore sad Arficies a Specialty, Come and see me. 1 buy, sell and trade all kinds of household goods, LL. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sta, Kingston, odd TORONTO ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL 100 WEST BLOOR STREET, TORONTO, OKT, Equipped for the treatment of the Lame, Ruplured, Crippled or Deformed Massage, and a school for teaching mas- sage; orthopedic gymnasiom for physical training: five expert echasics, excellent an war vally Plain, Queen, Manzanilla, 'Pimento. tins 0. COUPER'S, Tones snd invigorates the whe ous aystem, makes na a0 ood i wl Votan Cures Ner Diebil ental a rain Worry, er Woniaens, Foviswions, Phone 78. v Jeon Tovonto. Ont by "JUST A WORD." When you want a good Scotch Whishke On can get nothing better than "Olid OGaelle Whiskey." It's ihe produce of Seotiand, and carries with it the wild, rough scent of the Highland breezes. You will be perfectly satis. fied with it if you try a bottie Sold Sa $n wier, Golden Lion Bleck It. bs now. estimated (hat 1 her | of persis Billed Lin tly Pride Stuffed Nut, Celery, Ripe Lyvola in| new ere | will enre. Sold by all dmgpias or mailed fn sadn pig. on ET New tmphiet ie ma The Modicine Co. Watch this space for Bargains in slightly used Pianos and Organs, Wormwith * Piano Company, Limited 232 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-8ixth year. Fall Term begins Auglist 10th. Courses in Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Tele. wraphy, Civil Service and English Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sisty secured positions * with one of the largest railway corporations in Canada. Enter any time. Call or write for informa- tion. H. F. METCALFE, Principsk PEPPER REPE PLP P IPE RG00 THE CLUB noTEL WELLINGTON ST, near PRINCESS, | There are other hotels, but none | approach the Club for homelike sure | roundings. | © Located fn contre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. i Charges are moderate, ! fpecial rates by the week P, M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, H PARKS & SON, Florists | NR The Th. { All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants in Season Weddink and Funeral De. {#igns a specialty shipped to all part [396 King Street » i i i ! THE PRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTARLISTIED 186%, President--Sir Richard Cart Money Issued og City and Farm fro- periies, giiunteiyal and County Deben- tures. origages purchased. Deposit received and dn allowed is SC, MeGILL, Ma ox Director, ¥7 Clarence Sireet i nudory esa, ects of Abuse gr Exoezacs, | Price $1 pe "id One will please, six IL OUR ROOSTER HRAND OF i TOBACCO, Fmoking and Chewing at forty- five cents a pound, is a good iobmeco, Why pay eighty-five i cents Andrew Maclean, One turic Street LEEPCL PELE L GIRL DEG 0409 J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER sad APPRAISER, i ------ rd sent to 51 Prem rafarehoes. given A om 1 earth [88 order left at IH. binge oe quake at Cartago 4 will Thy bh at least 8. He tion Stores receive 1,500, aa) # -- - CP

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