* Daily YEAR 77-NO. 108 _KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY : LAST EDITION Er a---- ™ c SE -- ---- -- - " Co - . men-- wo a Finduor, snd also for the public lying DRIVEN INSANE BY COMET. of prayer 8% the dose of the th | WE ATHER PROBABILITIES, in-state, in London. before the remov al] vice Prof. Denys plaved ** Pead Out, May 8 10 Ot of the remains to Windsor. If these Farmer, Thinking End Imminent. Mareh in Saul" o Vailey and Upper St Lay rr iplats can be carried through, the Will Not Pay Bills. | ------ Land» : st h % 1 bods of the late king will be placed a . At St. Andrew's Church. 2 ea Wes or Tale ob Masditlon, 0., Mav 9.--Having bear he y mn st Buckinghas ' ven a J in ih Eons Spams on Buc rd ham | driven insane hy the fear that the I lr --- St. Addrew § church worse every as P---- of BOP y 1 Sy . -- ect m ing. The ladies wee first part of the ving insinte. The jworld would be destroyed hy Halley" : 9 NRE Ehe Jaci a oy py " , lack be palpit, communion New Monarch Proclaimed| probability is that the throne room A Man's Second Self Went 0" Fred Bowers, a farmer, is In in The Churches To Late ll ahi -o ¢ pulpit, communior Ia L Ewill be reserved for the members ' © ling beld at the Police station here tab gad choix gallery were heavily n Logon the he i ickes al fH | pending the arrival of an order - com- draped in purple, the praise was plain-| i ud nl spesiat Bie " a Travelling imitting him to the state asylum. King Edward tve and . the whole service solemnly | : . ! hud v ently the oo ing v The immediate cause of Bow.rs en 5 impressive, Rev. Dr. Mackie preached {will be remove 3 Thestimnster y carceration is bis refusal to for -- from the text: "To die is gam," : av THE BEST IN INTERESTS nid the public lying-in-state will be | quantities of merchandise whit h le reserving his address on the Kang " i k | purchased. He declared that it wa A NOBLE SOVEREIGN for the memorial service on the day 1s understood that King George necless to pay for them, Yor §n fifteen and at the hour of buriar. He cop! {ani he a Jvisars have fille Ao the ~~ ays the world would be consumed by luded thus i OF BRITISH PEOPLE WILL BE ORGuROn Lhal. pubic opinion will ¢ fire, Bowers declares that he has a 3 tag . . "So spoke a man waiting for death, | I mand that some opportunity be al . mission from God to warm men. that REMEMBERED BY HIS FAITH-| oe at last--martvedom. But PROMOTED, tlorded the general body of the late HE CAME TO HIMSELF PENNI- ths end of the world ds approaching. FUL SUBJECTS. ; i Rrgec. all men have not ait for deatl Hing's subject to pay a last tribute of € © to wait for death, of | s ' to see the spectre slowly but certainly | y respect to the moparch's memory. The | LESS AND HUNGRY. 5 - "THE ' WORKED IT. 2 shes X ha : : ¥ George V. Annonces His Déterminas | \, (, contain the king's remains | Lay i Bow Tw (hurches Draped in Black and making Jou a hers oe am | tion, Under Guidance of God, fo wii be fashioned of oak, grown in| His Mind is Blank--Fishcr Seems | pine Switch Cloth i Runaway Purple--The Pulpits Sounded thé 4 i. hy : 3 soo, and in aj] Maintain High Traditions of Bris! the royal forest at Windsor, and will | ' Nor : ny a clutch that no hand can loowen the | \ Ly : i ) » anc 'wall 4 Normal in Mind Now and is at His Romance. Praises of the Good and Just prey is held, and with a flight that tish Court and to Fulfil to Best of [be - lowered to a vault beneath the Home Trying to Make Up for Lost| ow oo 1,7 May 0. The arewst Ruler of the British Fmpire. no power can stay, the soul is borne : i . is Abi the Great Trust Re-| {chs pel floor to be subsequently placed | { ham H ity ren in a tomb beneath the Albert Mamor: Time. en ' posed in Him, Lal chapel where rest the remains of | New York, May 9~--Alter days sance of 8g London, May 9. King Grorge | his late majesty's eldest son, the Puke | wandering, with knowledge of his | remarkable Ro yon Adin a gir} stoles of the priests told the congre was proclaimed Saturday Ege. of Clarence. The funeral will certainly | wy identity Jost to him, at the end and her twin brot ay : - sation of Bt, George's cathedral that The proclamation was approved by take place in Whitsun week, so that! of which time his normal mentality" SIFONE who is in the city clad in WEL He church was celebrating the wscen the privy council at four o'clock. { ombye the actual day remains to be pet al 3 26 d Walter J. sister's gown. : of her Lom. fut drap privy returned in a strange land, ro chillen of a wealthy faon feath came at last, anno meing with The ebuncil met in the throne room | fixed. Fick ac. Yack The pair : { oto the ' palleries ot f : y : ivhor, an merchant of Pontiac, Mich, - had | ings of violet on ve pgalle Be : nt Bt. James' Palace under the pre-! King George and his consort, acooin- | has returned to this country. j Baxter, la. "sto k Luyer. aFavn hie apart for the batteries and cadets wt a note of warning, that the hing | i widenoy of the Earl of Crewe, who of-| panied by their «children, drove froe Fisher d sappeared from his home on re turned from of yes of Ea west told that a royal member, "the de |W%¥ taken, and his brie at von . 8 gvnations of gomg x ' ris ficinted in the absence of Viscount! Marlborough House to Buckingham, (hy night of April 17th. For pine days 5ter imagrnations of gong ts | fonder of ths faith" had passed away titutional and pea eful in 8 The and becoming & OW Riv " ended. The-empire | 3 dun oh Folv sterd re Ww : : ' Wolverhampton, 1 o Ho mosiareh | Yass rday morning, and a thers after he w andered, eating, Sloop came a cowpuncher. Te avoid recogni: Ihrough the pricey Sain amd ag ip gE is as § E b ing, and travelling, his movameats ap- | © 0 friends aml to decstve their fa] the starthog truth, we king i Initns the life for the oni. wl { In Bastorn Ontard ought from . ; { f parently gove I by a second self. ther, 'the twine switched othiug. tor live the king"' was brought home Sai . he Jes or the. motuent vile | makers whose i on is to produes The king, who had driven over from | : ' He came himself at noom of April * --r-- to the people From the request at the | hr e's Waal A means 10. W #6} none but best Liddell's, for i abi * oe 30th, whe Neg ke fram Sleep beside bites eet E EEE Ete arly celobration that the people | and children, and a country that has! jngrance, the celebrated Old adjoining the council chamber while Ey stream in Cuba forty miles weet of | & hoad I for the royal family and | over loved to be loyal to the throne | Bleach Lia the lengthy formalities leading up to pe aveana : l# PAYING HIGH INTEREST. others inZirauble the nelsbrant went | and . appreciative of conscientious, | agent, thw wival proclamation were proceed. | > . : Flo | m, in the Prayer for the Church Mili- { righteous rule, In silent sympathy we ant, to pray for "Cleorge, our king." stand in fs within the dathe wd ad in the Litan. there was the pa. | palace, beside the royal dead, sharing Old Bl . h thetic chaunge: "That it' may please [the sorrow of the | wiloly wilowed eacC Fhee to bless and preserve our beloved | (deen and her fatherless children and - Jucen Dowiger, Alexandra, Queen Vic | bearing them. on owr hearts before Linens toria Mary, the heir apparent and all | God, thai effectual consolation, hs roval family." But dramatic in strengthening grace may be vo n Towsl ' Towellings Sheetings, feed was the vivid contrast as the | safed to them, during their awful days 'illow Cloths Embi#oidery Linens ongregation stood after the sermor | of waiting for burigl. Te them and L Dress Linens Every plece and the last notes of the "dead fio us as we gaze at ath, as we medi | rantecd grass bleached parch'" died away. and the organ and | tate on our: toss, may life he,dlearl; hoir led. the people in an outburst of | wen, may gain bevond the EIDDELL'S LINENS (GOLD 'God save the king." Few forgot | measurement of mind be revegled No (MEDPAL) hat it sis by the ovder of King Fd {hall sorrow be turned by the Divive vard that the pat'enal anthem has | ne into i and loss imo rich pos | Eabl i inens, Napkins, Bed- or some years heen sung in all | wesion." spreads, Pillow Cases and Fancy shurches, whore the troops attend ser The service 5 closed with ,{ Table Pleces of all kinds 1 z of Bernice Armstrong, filtemn years Ghd The high altar decked * with many ns : Has ot heen se tie va of clad iu boys' clothes has dist lonad Ja flowers, the festnl hangings, the white tn en SO In tle Mm our king? Twice over m his had his sickness nigh unto death, f ing the empive with anxiety and soy A ) ! To get acquainted with the best row, but with startling suddenness for which we are sole i He had no recollection of what had | + hertre a ii J gl |... [loo since he had left his|¢ Hamilton, Ont, May 3. jith Saturday's ceremony, and in ' Phome. When he tried to talk with |% For the use of $165,000, for his "forty-fifth year, the second son | A men whe. had > gathered : about hi. [® thirty "yours the city of born to King Edward a and Jen : Lome of them 'wire negroes, and]® Fiamilton hizg paid the neat A Raadom al Great. Britain and i" Hound 'that they spoke a strange % Sum of $351,00 3 interest land, he 'British "dominions be- | ¢ ty and could not understand | % slope, ong in 1880 water . yond the seas, king, defender of the | Sa 4 i hi ae a ni he was the victim of | works debentures to the of Indi i 5 4 halen) " | y $166,000 ware Tails und. sopueor ha oy council i But oh w1 the word "Cuba was re-| amount of HM aro belng re- was o brilliant fonction. The king [pes ated often it daw nedyupon him that deemed now. 'Tne city trea wore the uniform of an admiral and ? {he was on that island. He realized | surer was surprised to figure was surrounded by a large gathering! Ji ie : | he must have traveled to New York | 5 out that the city had paid of councillors, all in levee dress and | Ji . jor Florida, and taken passage for{ a such an enormous smount of wearing the ribbons of thelr oxders. Pe : j Guba, but he did not know, After | interest, City debentures are I'l lord mayor of the corporation was nt : {eating [ruil and Bread, for ha wa now selling at four per cent. in his robes 'of office. 4 ravenously hungry, Fisher set ou The councillors, having acquainted 2 ie d= penniless for Havana, . There ond TEESE IEI EEE IEIIIEIEY ros he | the king with the completion of the] %: ; i t Rn oa rey | m------ "he king putteth his trust ia. the 1 of a Lime AU I, = Ah ta . proclamation. his | 'mapsty entered | ° whe canted Fisher' ¢ brother in Pon Gh! Joy! They are Engaged. Cod a, BP oh Lu. - ih --- ng vi ih oe : I reg ] SPECIAL TABLE HINENS the oun] Shanbet me ime Tg ; % | Money: was gent to the consul wh New York, May pins Mary Be righest he shall 'not misearry," the : y a | From Oc to 81.78. proclamation, alter Which he confirm } C RY LWA 80 Bo R O01 iman, daughter of the -late 8 . | oraver book version of Psalm i,-7 t ors el : od in their offices. those who had held {Pavia Pas for the man 9 bo had { Hs Frm an, and Charles (\ Ramsey Pre the ook of the it A Ar C1 ners Church. _ appaintments under his Yather ot the Get hie - Fisher SS ROTI Tong Bufialo, are «nzaged. She met Mr] oko fire tame of the king's death. 3 pn yr 8 fu stint Soto 1 - | Ramsey when He was carving her fa Bing Seige delivered a brie Jot, URES MAUD OF NORWAY { eves he musi have undergone a long | her's tomb and the sequaintance tip nian ma he announced hin delgt, | Tho daumnter of the Jats King Ed-f © i : moll shen He re she wot ayers itt Tateaan: wunilor The gultl ward, who reached Bugland to-day GAK aNOQUE 18 HOWLING in stolid, hy We a to ascend to Almighty God that his | sub ect unto the higher powers, for | Very Special Lines at $2 and 88, ance of God, to maintain the high i AAS ' Sete fe might be spared. He seems 10 | there is no power but of God: the | LBBB BPEID REI bh hn Spestal 724nch Cloth at T5c Yard. ag: The sorvice was main! memorial, £ 1 ait y y of the difficulty of ade} 4 opened with the "Dead March in ately rg miidg r the shod} & that Ha "aul," the ec agrogation standing. Rev, words we king is dead convey Ww. Maegillive based kh dre: ' o " . Macgiiliveay based his address on £1.00 £6.50, No time for the prayers of his people Romans X11, 1. "Let 1 From 81 Ww N every soul be | BLEACHED TABLE NAPKIXS * -------------------- traditions of the British court and to panied by Queen Alexandra and thei yy Continued Poor Railway : have been taken when most needed to | jowers that be are ordained of God," | BEAUTIFUL TARLE PIECES other mambors of . faami a! 4 a) i still the unrest of the mother country found by way of introduction, the NV oe oh Shauher fi] eee eed or HY 2 Rand with (N07 FIne widdow 'ab eon | sreacher briefly referred to the dual | Th Mexican, "Taorn, Battenberg and "The "Jord Sancllor, Ford Hom king before attending divine service it | (ananoyur, May 9.--Another exhibi- summate diplomatic ability he used | overcignty, that of king and peogile; frish Crochet Lave ! : oath to the| the palace chapel. King Edward's re-| tion of the inadeqhate service of the in his influence tow ards peace in Euro: | srevailing within the empire, and vor and, following A custom, the; mans lie in the room in which he | Thousand Island Railway Co. was of- | GEORGE P. DUFFETT, AGENT A1|oean affairs. When we add to the re- | siarked how well it was working out cabinet ministers swore allegiance to died: the windows overlook Bucking | ferred to 'the citizens of this town, MOOSEJAW, spect he commanded everywhere, thc | Lhe late "ing, like his august mother AW, SEE OUR MATCHED TABLE SETTS * t Ds 7 eB 5 . trust and confidence, the Livaity am wefore him, understood the mind of the | Table Clothe asd Napkins to the new sovereign, at ihe same time ham Palace garden and the Green| saturday and again on Sunday after . lava affection he ever evoked in hix | do, | secple, especially the middle class, the | mateh, hemmed and ready, 4. ar 3 tendering their seals of office, which | Fark, | poon, On the former occasion a freight | We -- . bia majesty ¥eturned, The ministers It is stated that Queen Alexandra | car at the siding near the cattle For the Canadian Express Sampans we realize that in no conventional | eal strength of national life where ver | sizes to choose from, 88 to 8233. kissed the sovereign's hand. The coun- will ghoase to be known in future as | faris was run off and thereby necessit- --Mrs, R. J. Wright Pead--Het io or we » nation in mourning, for | t exists, "Edward VIF ine astired p cillote, upon being reappointed, in turn the "queen mother," a title that has | ated a delay in a shipment of cattle Home Given to Town of Napanee. | we mourn not only the king, but a |to the best traditions of the Fmglish | . pr took the ath of allegiance and Kiss {not been used in England since the | heing made by Mr, Dempster to Mon " W. & Duffett ] faithful friend and servant, Under his | rown, and amply redeemed hi pledge | We Invite Inspection ed the king's hand. This concluded | day of Henrietta Maria, consort of | {eal on Sunday afternoon. Two freight Adolphustown; received Ale. sad ewe short reign the respect for the institu | io rule as a "constitutional sovereign the business of the council, and his | Charles 1. {| cnva went off near the pavilion, King ae oh 'f his oldest son, Georae tion of monarchy, which the long and | n the strictest sense of the word." majesty retired. The new Queen will be known a8 | street, at a very dangerous place over v Re an ie Ee Sask. Mr Du. glorious reign of his revered mother | Britons, the world over, wers proud mn 4 The Foie left 8¢. James' Palace 'on | Queen Mary. This title is taken by ths canal furnishing power for Jones fe he fo : ha i ' t phn the re | 1id 80 much to revive, has heen main of their king, confident that he would iE &° his return to Marlborough House at the expressed wish of King Edward, shovel Shop, Spring & Axle Co, th lott : x the Bh o 1 3 . tained, even increased by the remark | Always adequately and royally meet A five o'clock, having been absent for| who chose it somo time ago. It was | Cgwan & Britton and Shinner's. One Tn pi on ts onan able instinct he possessed for the | the demands of the hour. The world the ceremony just one hour. The mark- | nt first apreed that she would he known jear after running off ran on again, rd ie Cures age and for the past right fulfilling of the kingly office. | #a: profoandly moved by his wholly ed lack of display in the conduct of by her full name of Victoria® Mary, [leaving a GT. P, Ireight car over the t . Re he Pig Hor with the Do | Again and aguin he has intertened in imexpected death And democratic the monarch was striking. A single | hut this was thought to be too cum- | Rater, necessitating the use of busses on Ex -- company for _soveral the interests of peace, and as his | though the homeland and the de BORN, carriage, oceupied by the sovereign, | bersome and thy shorter title was! , take passengers ta the junction. VEaTre Bi ? kag at Moosejaw He } great predecessor and namesake was | pendeficies have become, it was clear IL TRICE i Althorpe and witended by two royal equerries, | chosen. {as Ia LER. engine, which has feat - a il but no children The re [known as Fdwaed the Lawgiver, so | ¥ realized in the presence of this dark Mrs. Ja was drivén to and from St. James'| The dower house of the queen moth- [heen undergoing repairs at Deseronto, eaves a Nile, x 0 hil tT a and Wil will co Gowh fo pasterit Hn I ah X Palace. . Phere was no miktary es | er will be Marlborough House. It was! gryived he oon IY iday morning, and mans wi We : onli on Bun ny i the Pence ake x Amid the Sar} significan wy ingship had still cort and the only decoration which | her first home in London for she was! gn her way out to conneet with the Mrs. RK. J. Wright, passed away,8 a y 3H Ra) n . or h p> ament 3 ihe keri « how evailing s the Dent : i . : i esterday, after about a year's illness. | of armamen amid ihe bickerings of | ul row prevailing was the pe he monarch wore was the Order of brought there a4 a bride 3 ye ¥ 3 H . Yi ly eo g End ah de iu 1863. | loeals, being unable to keep up steam | [yo aacad, whose maiden name was finternational jealousy, amiil the dis | profound sense of loss. Deep and | i } ! Napanee, May 1 {bat 1 to twice make a full stop between : hstimer Locals. : | he re and the T. I. junction. On the daughter of the late Conrad John | was always one powerful voice lifted | DUS of the g ou and wise king Latimer, May 7.~The daily mail sys { latter occasion on the B. of Q. engine, yor of Ernest town, and one of thelior peace voies bound to be heard nderstanding of the people wa : i 3 tem has at last been established at! which was being returned hitched om |, nding familie: of Ernesttown De Jfor he had the fullest confidence not | element ii his success » Latimer. Too much praise cannot be! to the coach and pushed it out to the | aa sod was seventv-eight years of age only of hia own people, hut of all the | *F he knew just how far to In fact, the' lord mayor and the city | Flizahoth Jane Johnston, was the Jcordant eries of factions at home there flected was the sofraw over the aldermen furnished the most spectacu- | lar element of the ceremony. While his father was signing the proclamation | the young 'Pritce uf Wales stood on a given Dr. J. W. Edwards, who bas so | jenetion. Councillor M. J. McParland | Her husband died a few years ago, rulers of the world. He was no figure Id back. PF temporary soaflolding behind the wall kindly remembered his birthplace. Miss | was investigating the run-off Sunday | . his all he left the i an 08s head, but ohe ho throuph: nt andltie v kest known to posterit ¢ at Marlborough House and eagerly | : | ; 8 . | ana in his will he left the home, now [head, but one who through no undue § 5 . tohed h % May Taylor, Whitmount, spent Satur- | afternoon and without doubt there! .cunied by his widow, to the town |asseetion of prerogative left the dee y the = peacesanker an § ws auch: of the proveedings as | day and Sunday at her parents' home. | will be no way out of the difficulty of Noes for the use of a home for TovVerence oF tho hrone nator i y rest diplomatist of Earope came into his how, ivy council King | Arlington Sherwood is ill with{shart of an appeal to the railway} Be lies. The property is valued at our Ye. Ate strongly based. ao glory even for a king. Ir ihat hid emotion was tog, | measles, in the ~eity, where he is at-|commission. This will doubtless be | pout ~ $1,000. ls leaves no jdeep-rooted than ever ni internativnal temper, his him to sey more than! tending K.B.C. R. 8. Taylor and Miss done at once. tasnily. For the vost his life is Ms own and | Was supreme, and his death a o Tow hi. 0 Ho recalled the decla-| DB: Sherwood spent Sunday at Whit- 1 Court Thousand Islands, No. 66, C Mrs. George Exley, was called te lies between him and the God in whom nigh irroparibi™ioe Apart irom ration by his father on the similar oc- | mount. Bn. Jd. Hughson is spending alo, F., to the number of about 150, | Kaladar, this week, owing to the lhe had the sirongest faith. "The kix omacy, little was ever hoard -- casion, to the effect that so long as few days at Lake Opinicon. Mrs. Kilpeaded by the Citizens band paraded] illugss of her mother, . putteth his tenst in the Lord and io |YMws ou the geeal, absorbing, (OBERT J. RD, there was breath in his body he tianley and Master Denzal Dixon are its Christ church, yesterday morning! At the cheese board, Vestérday af- [the mercy of the Most Highest hej lotise gu stions of the day, relig y . . . would strive. to promote the best |Visiting at Milburn. Mrs. William | jor divine worship. | tertioon, 521 white and 375 colored | shall not miscarry." But for his love jor othirse. But how beautiful il The Leadiug Undertaker, interests of his people. | Fons and Master Walter spent the! 7h. various churches of the town | boarded, gales 450 nt 10 13:16¢.: bal [for his people, his deep Interest inj rel g ous 1% i and de 1 'Phone, B37 B27 Princess Street, The new monarch declared this, his | week wiih her mother, Mrs, Lyon. Mr. pu on their mourning robes of black | aves sold on eurb at above price. everything that interested them, the [made for svmputby and oc a meinen emt father's promise, had been amply ful- {and Mys, Niram Spooner have taken byoy roval purple yesterday, in mem Harry Preston leaves, Monday, for jconviction that d he thought highly [tween kine and peaple, for kine ! JAMES REID filled and that it would be his own [up residench in the city. Sacramental ore of the demise of King Edward. Fore Frances, to act as fire ranger for Jol his offive he never dorgot that hejarong men and for peace and The Oid Firm of © {wowvices will bo held on Samlay. Wil Rev. Mr. Pocock, of Lyn, filled the the summer months. was the servant of his people and one jwill amons the rations. Could Eniat 254 nnd 256 RINE a liam and Samuel Taylor have the pulpit of St. Andrew's church, morn- br. R. A. Leonard went to + Momt-| with his people, for these things we ard kn lines have higher offices tha Ln. hone M7 tor ambulgses. * : # contract for putting up a cement silo [0 gud | evening, yesterday, Rev, resl, vesterday to consult specialists shall gratefuily give thanke to God, Vaese * And other peoples womid jai CEROM THIS OUT? & WILL ATTEND FUNERAL. # for My Orr at Sydenham, J. Taylor | Winey Gea bey acting in a like capa: and if pecessary undergo another op- joow that he is gore. We have lost a | With us In loving regard for nis nag I sould use some Pretty fond Pur "$ asic & | attended a meeting of the iddephone city at Lyn. eration. friend as well as a King. Mt length |and memory. He had passed awe: ay ail 4 ie Stoves, for which * Emperor William of Ger- #& directors at Battersea on Thursday odiey Hill, Napanes, addtessed of "Howard Cleland, bookkeeper for the [at the call of Him to whom he owed Humbly we would bow to the will pay reasonable prices, & Tusk. 'Phous + many, King Manuel of forces { night. ficors : and teachers, of ( Chiist church, Napatnee Canning company, for the | Supreme allegiance he has laid his | Him by whom Kings reign and prices ' Albert of Belgium, on Saturday evening in the parish post thre ars has severed his eon furthers dawn, Nay he Jen in peace. | deere fustice Datifully wo wo At Chaffey's Lock . . . nection with the company and leaves 'he dean then asked for the prayers |«ympathize with Quegn Aexatxira a Chalfler's Tock. a 6 The steamer Rindiny Sddeamted Ah A a next week for the west, of the congregation for the famile] ber children in their brreavement 4 Jeska, of Kingston, was the first boat | at conducted" a service for the par- Mrs. Joseph Magee ex cts to leave who maurued Sard ng king. i "ky aL profess ig Have of the season to pass through early ents at the evensong session, on Wednesday next for Winnipeg. The [Put #2 husband, brothet, ther andltion to the throng end Whe person of Mowsday moening for Smith's Falls, | The camping season has started with funeral of the late Henry Wilson will [also that George 3 may ¥ealize, ns lthe wow Ring, George. V. The 4 9 . loaded with coal. Mes. Philip Brady [a rush this week and gives promise of take place. this afternoou at 2.30 pan. | Hie futher realized, the obligations of was closed With the natichal mats anrnagh tet sudediot Cg God, to purd SHEE LC anos built, which greatly | being % record one. Mew. F. P. Aylwin, | Hix son, W. A. Wilson, Govan, Sask., | 0 tremeuiious position te whith he land Chopin's foseral march, Frais to the En adds tis the beauty of her mew resi | and two children and Miss Yielding, of | frrve home last might £0 attend the [hos Doel cate At St. Paul's Church. al the dence. The farmers are delayed with |fittaws have the credit of being first {00 0" At St. Mary's Cathedral, At th vgul'e| Will be demonstrated in our Stors i" 5 I heir seading on atccunt of so much {of the season and have taken Jas. : . the morning series jn £1. Pauls rain. Manford and Miss Mary Kerr {Donovan's cottage, on Tremomt. Mrs. In Bt. Mary's tathedeal, at 1 jchwech Rev. W. F. Fitsgorald gumach-| (or'n t6W days. They sre unequalipd- are ill with measles. The patrons of | Welter and daughters, of of California early service, Rev. A. J. Hanley. ro lod from Il Rings, 0,2: "Behold | : Clogs Take Shoes factory have engap- | have taken possession of Sidney tor of the cathedral, woke feeling go the way of oll the earth. Die for their Purity and superior Quality. of H Fi e tok the. hooks 1Ad * housek at the Sist . for of the sad visitation, cealling me v |strong, thou, therefore, ad show thy | ¥ Hg declared hat he would, for the season. A new Peliry and flag | the season. A of New York a noble deed in the. vet re (self a man." The preacher reviewed COME IX AND TRY THEM. Bt of his- ability, strive to pole have been | laced th hoa City, has secured he Manion 4 dr markable career of the peo BR sav- [the lila of his late majesty, the pust * 4 : the constitution. on te xe 3 Cottage, nm. Under his benign sway all jand present history of the empire, house. Belfic's Islahd and with his had met with consideration and no |and the fetare hope for 3 o {rnd otare hope for it, emphasized Ossis Was Awful, Jainily pv a Joneses, hare Muir Trad us the by the fact thay he Protestant sue Jas. Redden & Co. i ¥ ' hearts the people than hig late ma [teksion was assured by the at of tol. New York, May 9.--EBecause Cwsis| $0 Sujucied as samp. Hoguuis shortly. jesty. At high mass es Fr. Mes Isettioment ma Importers of Pine Groceries Herson Saw a picture of his sweet Henry . Skinner, ton, and likewise briefly siluded to the gemuine| In the evening Mr Fisage rald proacis | mewee---- haart in Russia in the watch case of have taken the Hall cottage on sorrow feit by all class at the grestied to a very large congregation or Chirese Faefory Burned, Foomsate a row followed, and in | Taylor' * Island for the season, while Boy of Fifteen Hanged. loss sustained. With pathos in theithe teed Tuts vot uside from Ldkeille Ont. X « the watch, escaped Ha William Byev's cottage, on Beli's| De Land, Fla, May 9. Irving Han [voice and poesy in ithe expression, he|foMowing the Lord, serve Him wiih Sam Chconsd wy ay 3th Bar -- ail, and ix now lang, sy heen secured by George | fett, the fifteen-year-old Connecticut | touckingly retraced the Fruitful reign [all 'your heart Aud all the! vaiuable of th . Prockilie sertion, a! # charge of larcency and ae ocd and Limily, New York Boy convicted of the brutal murder of |of the benignant ruler whose nim in [peopl shouted God Save the King:'| ct 7: destioyed Oo Peder: Mr ond Mes. W. V, d 1 Clevie Todds, a thirteep-year-old el, file had been to ereate odivinat and thers wept with the king a band | The o rysd by Toe 1 OTE aa t know: near OE a a. vid hy of a who hearts God had toueh-§ quer So, Ae Sgro OU do Bo was thankful to i AN FARLY ISSUE. The Whig z will g0 to press at neon to-morrow. Ad- vertisers will, therefore, ob- lige by sending in their copy - at as early an: hour in the morning as possible. Sessssssss oo y ---- "Canselled Tobard Inn Like At Bt. James" Church, Bouks,!' on dale for 2e; earh. These At Si Jomes Shunk. on Sunday | books fte Luihine $1.5 eml $1360 r avBry books. 1 the over ut Glbaon' on Page 3) i Ag Sore. 2s