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DOBDS, KINGSTON. \ ¥ es | hey Injure Children O.dinary Cathartics and Pillsand Harsh Physic Cause Distressing Com plaints You eannot be over-carelul in the seleetion of medicine for children, Only the very gentlest howel medicine should ever he given, except im emergency enses. Ordinary pills, .catharties amd | purgatives are apt to do more harm than good, They cause gripihy, nausea andl other distressing after-effects that are fremently. health destroying and a Ih e-Tnsting aunayunce, : We personally recommend md guar atop Rexall Opderlies' as the safest and most depentlable remedy for feon- wiipation snd associate bowel dis TE We hive uch alwolute faith in the virtues of this remedy that sell it om our guarantee of money ek in every instance where it fails to give wative satisfaction, wl wege all in need of seh medicine try it at oar risk, Rexall Ovderlios contain an entirely nen ngrediont which is odorless, tastelbsg and colorless. As an active agent, it embraces the vahiable quali ties of the best known intestinal regu Intot tomes. Rexall Orderlios are eaten like cantly, They are particulasly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or mght; do not cause digrrhoss, nausea, griping, ex- cessive looseness or other unthesirable oles, They have a very natural ac tion upon the glands aml organs with which they come in conitnet, act as al positive and regulative tonic upon tim relaxed musondar cont of the Powe! and its dey mncous lining; re wove irritation, overcome weakness, thne ane strengthen the nerves and muscles, and restore the bowels and associate organs to more Vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies completely relieve constipation, except when of a surgical churacter. They also tend to overcome the neosssitve of constantly taking fasatives to kegp the bowels in nomm- al vowhticn. There is really no medicine for this purpose 80 good as Rexall Ovderlies, especially for children, aged and deli cate pervpns. They are prepared in tablet form, in two sires of packages: 12 tablets 10 cents, and 36 tablets 25 eonts. Remember vou can obtain Rex- all Remetlies in Kingston only at our stor, <The Rexall Store. Gi. W. Ma hood. we we ery, | Gordon, apt on the left of the ent v| tion of the chaneeller took place. List been reelected Herved to him as "Queen's Fman.'" {voumg {don placed the robe on the | and he was duly installed into : | Tha chaneeller returned his thanks, ir un Lihoology were announcerl by Rev. { Roz fin {ferred by Fie tamurs presented by Rev ani in a few lseited his own prize to AT CONVOCATION CONFERRING OF DEGREES AT QUEEN'S. Premier Whitney Speaks Out on the Party Government Question--Fre- faces His Address With Some Pointed Remarks. Grant Hall way fille] to the doors Weehnesday afternoon, for Queen ocation. Every both down airs, and in the gallery was occupied ad moeh taken in the tore resin. The students in the gall ' as per usnal, enlivened the pro ceilings with the college yells, and sil oe Sir James P. Whitney, on seat, interest was premier of Lomtario, oeeupied on seat at the right Sandford ry. chon Hon, Frank Cochrane, minister of mines, Hon. William Duff, minister of agriculture and Allan Studhabme, M10. for Homilton, were also pres of the aged chanceller Sir Flaming, and the pr incipnl, Rev. voller The procealings were opened with prayer be the moderator, Rev. Samuel Lyle, D.D., after which the installa The corsmony was performed Fleming te the position which he had held for thirty years, at the same time paying a warm tribute te his worth, to the university. He re gram old No person had discharged oe than One that Sanford fact Sir with more loyal devotion noeller, i there was atl won more devoted su Th chanceller in sympathy vouth, and in his desire for the good of the university. After these remarks, Principal chanceller, office ner in services, was still young far the Gor a neat reply. Afterwards followed the presenta tion of medals, prize and scholarships i the chanceller. The winners of tin iversity prizes were announced by Y. Chown, the registrar, the win of the scholarships und prizes hy i. net in Dr and prizes William ang] the scholarships medicine by Dr. A. R. B B. son. The different degrees were then econ the and tw Dr. Ross was present, words pre the winner, in 'honor chanceller, Melntyre, K.U., well chosen John Miss May L. Macdonnell, {elassics, ------ Honorary Degrees Conferred. Then followed the conferring of de grees on the honor graruates, Pro. Jordan, presemtid Rev, Al Love, B.A, of St. Andrew's church, Quebec, for the degree of D1. prof. Jotdan stated that Rev, Mr Loe graduated from (Queen's, in 1875, and then took two years, in theology, at his alma mater, His third year i theology was taken at Glasgow, and he was there licensed and ordained. He was for three years, pastor of St. Stephen's, N.B., and then minister of [t. Amlrew's shurch, Quebec, = whan he completed twenty-five years setvice, last December, The quarter of a cen tury oi study and service, in an im poctant centre, applied ability and character of a Weh order. Tle dal con siderable academic work, when Morin ecllege was in existence, in the de pariment of Hebrew. In this connec tion, he was a member of the corpor ation of Metill university. He sue ceeded the late Dr. Cook, as member of the Quebec council ou He hax taken an interest in the varied Life of his vity, and especially in its alucation afiairs, Kev. Mr. Love, who, by the way was the only one of the four present to receive an honorary degree in pes sot replied in a fitting manner. He referred to the fact that he graduated frofr (neen's, in 18TH, and in a jocu lar way, stated that at this time, the onl thing small about the university whi the salaries of the professors. HM education province, and poke of the loval spirit and chara: or "of Queen's men, He had once been ated by a povernor of a sister uni versity, whaty it was that bound Queen's men =o close together, with such lave for their alma mater. He replied by stating that in this inst? talion they male everything about it excentional and excellent. The entire career at Qpeen's, was looked upon as a preparation. He expressed hoe that Quemn's would continue to prow strony. the Principal Gordon then the name of Hon, De. Pyne, 'minister of education, for po degree of L.LLD He felt sure that all woulll agree, that nk to the prime minister, there was ny podtion in the provincial cabinst, thy duties of which were of more es sential importinte to the people of the provinces, than that of the mimes ter of education. There was 60 posi tion which ofigad so many possinili- tics. The people night well appreciate the efforts put forth to improve 'le conditions of our schools, to raise to something like an adequate figure, the renumeration, of our teachers. In the university there. was a great oppor- introd 12d by | | Principal Gordon, who referred to the | had | © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1910. tures delivered at Queen's last winter by Dr. Park, Vice-Principal Watson miroduced the name of Prof. 1. R. Glover, lecturer in classics in 8t. John's College, ('am- bridge, England, for of LL.D. the degree Nelson Shields Presented, A ceedings the the gilt Very par the of the presentation Nelson shield, ard Foavign interesting followed, university of Sailors" Society The pro- m of brivh for Canadian was io the sehiools, on belali of the society by ibe moderator, lev. Samuel Lyle. The cf | the 1. on behalf of the aniversity | Principal announced that there was a similar shield to he pre to the Roval Military Colle, the shield was pres to Col. Crowe, the rommandant, by Rev. Al fred Hall, of South Africa, the secre tary of the has in jhix conntry looking after presentation made cellob received | | | | ried Cordon sented and ted nciwely, who ts in tergeis, Chl. fufnesd thank an able manner, re for the kind gift to the Crowe, in eollege. The handsome, and worthy On the upper oak and maple leaves, of special men- cornérs are the In tion. uppes entre i { der fall bust is the immortal the day ail. In of Nelson, on one lower centre ik a side of which flag signal, and on the the other Lhe date of the empire's history, Un upan a seroll the follow- ing words, "Made of copper, from : Hl. M. ships Victory and presented hy Lord Steathcona, and Mount Roval, G.OMG,, through the British and Fo Sailors' for ( wlign schools, in bottom, are Soety, i 1907. Premier Whitney's Address. At this stage Premier Whitney introduced by Principal Gordon, relured the prime nimster fistinguished honor graduate ity. Wis who in the to of wmver YVWe appreciate spirit of justice hown by thy premier his stration of the government of tario,"' said DMdneipal Gordon, is introductory remarks. He added that it for a speaker to deliver an inside building than in alr, it Kl also hetter hearers, and for Whitney had decided to give his ad: dress at convocation instead of at the ine the and public COMTARe, CNeTgy., SOrVice admin- On- during in much easier address open his wis th for a wou be this reason stone he did address than veremony of, laging Premier Whithey said that not propose 'to deliver an Nothing would please him more to hav heart to heart talk with audience. It appeared to him n the remarks of Prinsepal Gor: don he had keard an echo on politi al parties, and he could not allow it to pass without a reference. He said that under British institu: tions is scoured the greatest liberty by «)f government, and that the only Way maantuin this by X povernment. And wlile there no government that 'would be ne gx a political party, as soon as the pul lic recogtize this teemendous truth there would be Ins public prejudices, Without party rule there would he staghation, and success would grow British people, no matter where theer lot might be east, should rea lize these facts and allow them dink deep in their hedrts. Premier Whitney = then referred the new chemistry building, and with a smile said that he was glad to know that the university now had an income of 280.000, and that it would not be necessary for any moré deputations to go to Toronto to se aid from the legislature. Proceeding, in his reference to the new building, he spoke as follows corne " has that to was party loss, to Laudatory of Queen's. FAs one of the alumni of Queen's university 1 ame pleased to come down to Kingston nnd take part in Tiese very interesting proceedings. Although my duty is to the province as a whole vet | cannot and do not wish to di- vest myself of the interest and © sym pathy I have long felt in {Lueen's university and everything connected with it to which I was long ago at- tracted as a resident of Eastern On- tario, . "Queen's has struck its roots deep- Iv into the intellectual and education al possibilities of Eastern Ontario and deed of the whole province. Seat- tered over Canada and the United States--fndeed over the world--her graduntes have reflected credit their alma mater and have vilued assets of the commundties which they live Long before the foundation of Queen's college in 1810 such foundation had become absolute- Iv necessary for reasons 1 need not recount to-day. Queen's came forth a practically Seottish and Presbyterian university. The necesrity for bigieal school for training was early son and the Scottish tle ave honorably distinguished upon become a theo- for gy. Accordingly the provincial act MAKES HAIR GROW G. W. Mahood Has an Invigorator That Makes Hair Grow in Abund- antly or Money Back. been out | hield is of 4 unique design, very | the the historic ship Victory, un- | momentous | the | Foudrovant, | i Premier to "| modern progress in tra ministers | peo- | their care in providing educated eler-| wr incorporating Queen's university = was | pussed was granted in 1541, {| "Many wellknown names are aswo- {ciated with the foundation of Cueen's Thoth clergymen and laymen, L Rev. John Machar, Hon w Vorrig, Rev. Dr. Mathieson, Rev Mowat, Chief Justice McLean Hon. Crooks, At the jubilee meeting of Queen's in December, 159, sir John Macdonald recalled " crganization meeting dn 1539. John gn his reminiscenses of woeting in which be had taken | and he concluded his stwech in these words : "1 look forward with the future of the university. stood at its cradle, and am proud + healthy child You yi t young, bat you are hPalthy, and active, and can look forward with hope to the years of strong, wigorfus before in the future.' the traiming school Church of Scotland, there { great ity with science and wedicing, The imperial an thorities realizing that the Church of | Reotland was an established church, showed interest in the establishment of (heen 's, "Ona of the {history of Queen's James re 1 mrt reminiscent h great tas to 8 6 such nre strong manhood "Around you of the ip oa faculties in arts, grew univer hest ihe that {from the beginning it was an absolute- ly tolerant institution and even in the early fifties Anglicans, Methodists and { Roman Catholics availed themselves of her advantages. There is not remarkable idence of Neat city and courage than in the when the disruption of the f Scotland took place in Is equally the Canadian chur church ueen's, tdents {the fight. weather traditions i University n 8 more tena that oh of sot in h aot ' tis ¥ the Free withdrew from left and most the Hut the trustees the there were forty-one matriculated , dents. Queen's, like all otheg -yniversi has had her periods of strain, but having, survived the disruption she can be hopeful of surviving i "The foremost been known the boundaries i! hurch. The names | cipal Snodgrass, ! udents She was with tafi eleven of gave up determined storm i 15560 "tu {to hy ties, anvthing. have outside men of Queen's in quarters the of men Prof. Prof. Watson and above household Ar of byterian like Prin Mavkerras, all Principal Grant, words in {ada. | are An Thrived in Adversity. "The outstanding feature in the tory of Queen's is the marvellous pow or it has shown, notwithstanding the acerdents and shocks il-fortune. | Fir there was { 3, it survived { the government gran IE of the disruption of this. Then it lost t in 186% when the Lprovinee, under Sandfield Macdonald, {adopted the policy ever follow fod, under which policy {public money- can {for the want of tealled sectarian colleges, the college, by the failure of the Commer- cial Bank, lost a lurge part of its tvenue. It is evident the lof (meen's that, it thrown most on its own resource Lthrove the best and I this is true of other instituiions well individuals. Under Urinciy {Grant Queen * made an appeal | {support which has ever since given her a recognized place in the field of uni versity work all this "Ro much for the college and uni versity. 3 "My special duty here, to-day, of the since no i made better grants of be to whe a name hen are re- history was it that from whenever uspe 1 tor as Over content, . is to {lay the cornerstone fmaeal laboratory, convected with the | Schoo! of Mining. I the first chemical building was really the Frat | laboratory erected in | for the teaching of new che believe Ontario purely chemistry. F'ipe government hax appropriated 100,000 {for the new! building, payable in five Panna instalments, and bedide this building will stand the new min and metallurgy building, rendered | sible by fhe princely contrfbution of Prof. Nicol, head of the department lof mineralogy. "1 believe the total of the School of Mining was in tthe beginning, $9.00; it $25, LD. The original stafl of four profes 1 and occasional new | ing ! pros in | come i IX nOw has ex panded to thirty-six professors and as Instead of 'students in the first three. hundred and | progress is at once satisfactory (astonishing. The jistry are very import: SOT lecturers sistants, five engineering there are twenty. his and chem factors in and manu: in line with the country and, all po } en repeal then tt SESNION now discoveries in ht factures. They are clos the advancement deserve great y of ih that { therefore, o couragement affords there and take a formal part in these proceedings. The government of On tario feels convinced that the shadow of Queen's University and sub ject to the good influences which dinte froin it, the and the departments conne twill go gn and prosper." Premier] Whitney was warmly plaudied &n-taking his seat. I This conchided the programme me satisfaction under m School of Mining tech with it ap- and to close with the singing of the National { Anthem. the proceedings were. brought AT SA. BARRACKS. Commissioning of Band and Local Officers, To night, at the S, A. Citadel, the of in 1840, and the royal charter = th 1 Cawthra Mulock & Co. § OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE At $3,000 a Yeate--Sinclaif Laird, of | AT PAR, $100 PER SHARE. Scotland, Ase ™ | $2,000,000 of the 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock, with a bonus of 25% Common Stock, of MAPLE LEAF MILLINGCO, LIMITED (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario) Head Office Toronto, Canada. Capital Stock, Issued and Fully Paid Up. Preferred (7% Cumulative) $2,500,000 Common - 2,500,000 $5,000,000 THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED. UARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limited "pn ve subscriptic or $2.000000 of the above seven par cent. eferred stuck at the price of $100 for each share, with a bonus © k eq mr value to 25 per cent. of the par value of the preferred sted of pay went of subscription in full ut thre preferred stock from Apsil 5th, 1910, ns will he W per cent WO per veut W. S. ELLIS IS DEAN OF QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY FACUL- TY OF EDUCATION. Dundee, Appointed sociate Professor--{ hanges Queen's Theological Staff Made. f Queen's University board of its annual mesting, on ppointed W. S. Els, the Kingston as dean the F to suoeved Prof { at y M principal of ate Institute, of Education, favell, who resig wo. The salary of the been lived at $3008 4 has been mentioned for Some with the his of some Lime pew deat M: tune faculty; and yey mn commection it} did Bot wai choren to fill the important posi to which he hae he appointed He has been a leader in Ontario edu-! cational matters for Sivas 1503 ne has been principal of the colle institute here and the faculty was established Quiew thyee years ago, he has been in charge | ol the students' teaching training at! the. collegiate. The trustees appointed! Sinclaire Laird, Dupdée, Seotland, as' of education. This! ix an additional appointment to' the] staff, : Owing to the increase in the number of students in the wuiversity it | was] decided to appoint a lecturer iy Eng. | Ligh, lecturer Frimeh a hee | Fostament surprise friends when he LB - Lion £1] Years of Since Wt education - - associate professor a n ami in Ih professor of turer Animal Biology lev Ross presented his tio as of ~ New Criticism, Exegesis a \1i¢ getics 4 red to Aiticism and | a commitie was appointed a profesor Chnirch and History of Dogma Pr. Malloch presented his resipmation | ns a trustee, aml W A. of Hamiltom was elects] in place. | Hon. W. A. Chalton elected | trustee to sueceerl his brother, Hon. John Charlton. The retiring trustees, Wardrope Rev. Dr. Campbell, Dr. Mcharen, Dro A. T. Drummond, J K. Macdonald, George Gillies eclocted Motions condolence were passed | in connection with the death of John | Charlton and Mrs [i resp od combining re 8 r y Pr olessor Or oR wn Scott $ New ani secure wa won b pti us Tollows und lu payable Festaament XOgE oh on A lustallments as follows, in which case interest at the rate of 6 per cent. will be charged } per cenf. on Application per cent. on allotment per cent. on Ist June, 1910 fi per cent. on Ist July, 1910, and 256 per cent. on 1st August, 1910 : ppileation a Hottment d | o History ~300- per cent or Logie, his was ; -- " 100 per cent. The right is reserved to allot only such subs ay be approved aud to close the subscripti pplication will be made for the listing of the onte Ntock Exchange the late | riptious and for such amounts as mi book without notice securities of the Company on the Rev. Ih tev the th at subscription list was opened ; Toronto, on Menday. April the Uth day of May, 1910, office 1910 I pm To ihe of the Guardian Trust Company. ate and will be ciosed on or before Monday , Were re Bankers of Company: Imperial Bank of Canada and Bank of Montreal. . . Board of Directors: CAMERON, Winpipeg, President, JOHN I. A. HU President Rat Portage Lumber Com President ! pany, Limited. &it CAWTHRA MULOCK, Sr President Director Imperial Bank of Canala. Di recior Confederation Life Assoclation HEDLEY SHAW, Director Vice-President and Managing Direc tor The Maple Leaf Flo 0 jor Jue ple a ur Mills Co. 0 { also of Gordon | i i ¥ " | D, { NT, London srich Elevator & Tran. Comp Vice-President Hunt Limited, Millers . WURTELE, Toronto sident tonal Iron Limited JOHN CARRICK, Teronto Secretary The Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company, Limited CHARLES W. BAND Vice President J pany, Limited, Grain Security and - Earning Power \ The assets of the old Companies taken over as above stand In excess of all la- bilities and without any allowance for good-will, trade marks, ote . wt $3.770,- 24.11, this amount being ascertained on the basis of an appraisal by the Canadian American Appraisal Company, Limited, as of March 15th, 1910, of the capital nasets taken over, and the certifiente of Messrs Price, Waterhouse & Company, as of February 28th, 1010, as te current asseis and current linbilities, with a JNiberal allowance for all contingencies There has also been placed in the Treasury $1,000000 of additional cash, which, besides permitting of the completion of a 6,000 barrel mill and a million bushel clevator and storage warehouse at Port Colborne, and of fifteen addiiional elevators in the West, will provide The Dew Company with farther working capital As per certificate of Messrs. Price. Waterhouse & Co., of Londen, the earnings of the old Company en the present plant amounted from September 25th, 1908, to August 20 1999, to . +o $218,845.38 And from August 21st, 1909, to February 28th, 1910, te . cease JB106,790.29 being for the latter period st @ rate equal to ever IS per vent, on the preferred plication mar be obtained at any branch of stock of the Company. ke ranpectuses und forms of ap Imperial Fie Royal Bank of Canada, from Guardian Limited, Torouto, and from Cawtbra Mulock & Company, A meeting of the finunce committee of the Victoria Day celebration was held on Wednesday evening and some matters of importance arvanged The military committee presented programnge eight events, and they are all mounted they likely be run off between the heats the hors: races "The programme the sports committees will be present ed at the meeting on Wednesday next when the full programme in order and printed It has not decided yet the troops will be put up, but they will « at the dif Toronto, Vice we 's Works, n : of ns will ot of ones Toronto, Managing Toronto nies Carruthers Com- Expuariers will be put been span Ontario ball and ea ent hotels Two Patrols Organized, There Very ing, In St. George's day tight, Boy Seouts Starr was enthusiastic hall, on when two patrols were organized presided and explained the na- ture of the organization. Keith Licht, son of | Bandmaster Light, of the H.A., was appointed leader senior patrol, with Richard corporal. I'he junior patrol under the leadership of karl with Alfred Harvey as corporal. number of the non-commissioned cers of the battery drill, ete., of serit number a meet Wednes the Canon of » the Bank of Canada or Trust Company, Toronto Applications for shares should be made upon the form prospectus and should be sent together with ihe ines For ables tie Any Branch of The Imperial Bank of Canada, or The Royal Bank of Canada, Guardian Tru:t Co., Limited, Toronto, or to Cawthra Mulock & Company, Members Toronto Stock Exchang Royal Bank Building > Ashley, A ofli the pre will oversees who at The Automeolile probability. hold another parade this Victoria Dav as it did last year ing the dwrphans from. the Hotel and Orphans' Hom the city. the wood-finish that endures-- M L Floorglaze renovates shabby furniture--makes worn woodwork look new -- finishes floors with beautiful gloss that lasts--has a | hundred uses right in your home, | And itis so very easy to apply! | ML Floorg Won't fade --won't crack-- won't mar easily Comes in little and big tins. Seventeen | handsome solid enamel colors to choose from -- also seven shades of Lacs that simulate hardwood finish--also a Trans- parent natural finish. Gallon coats 500 #q, feet. Good for use v outdoors, as well asin. IMPERIAL | Ask your paint dealer VARNISH AND NT or diop us a line for COLOR Co. 1a Club will, in all give Bien a ride around . Toronto, Ont. Our Spring Costumes Are Unexcelled. Pretty Costumes at $12, 15.00, 17.50, 20.00, 22.50, great valueé and choice goods. Spring Millinery Or stock is unequalled, Great dis- 'plav of Trimmed Hats this week for lacias and girls ; also Children's Headwear, D. M. Spence : « nnd COMMISSION f smbers interesting news of Aunity 'of testing the worth of this de- annphal co i g of members € Na : New Spring need far a N Our French Dry Cleaning ~ will make such a change in your last season's Suit your Triends will think #t is new R. PARKER & CO., a Dyers snd Cleaners, partment, There was still much to be desired in the public schools, Principal Gor- dan added, but we must recognize the fuse that much had been accomplish ed. "We regret very much that Hon. De Pyne is unable to be with us in per son. He is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism, and he has our sympathy, but, no doubt, arrange ments will be made for him w ad dress the students some time in the future, in recognition of the distine: tiow bestowed upon him." Premier Whitney then arose and said that Hon. Dr. Pyne had reguest- od him {0 express his sincere regret at not being able to be present, and at the sme time to express his appreia- tion of the honor 'onferied upon him. Dean Connell introduced the name of Br. William MH. Park, professor of bacteriology and hygiene, 'in the ai- versity of New York, for the degree of LL.D. Dr. Park was unable 16 be present, but would seek an early op nity 30 visit Waeen's. He a | ports Ao series of very insirmctice lee If vour hair is thinnimg ont grada- | ally it won't be long before the bald! spot appears. The time to take care of the » when you have hair to Take Hair care For thin falling hair the best remedy known to mankind is Parisian Sage. It is compounded on scientific pronciples and furaishes to the Mair root a nourishment that acts quickly and promyitly and causes the hair to grow. But remember this dardlrull germ, the pest that appro printes all the natural nourishment that should go to the hair root. * Parisian Sage is sold by G. W. Ma hood, untar a positive gaaranies to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back. | It kills It gives (0 women's hair a lstre nl radiance that is most lascifiating and camses it to grow abusdantly. Parisinn Sage is now sold in every first-class town in tapas. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and Be eit oy bottle. with Aubsirn hair is on every the | tha based, and local officers, will take place. Commissions for the different hiranches of the army work in the city will be as follows : ighteen bandsmen, 16 Sunsiay sthool teachers, 5 war ory sergeants, 3 prison sergeants, § league of mercy werywints, 2 orderhies, 1 flag Sergeant, also treasurer, secretary and Sergt. Maior. : ' A new flag will also be presinted to the corpw. All are invited 10 this interesting ceremony. Fire at Cataraqui Bridge. At 830 o'clock Tuesday' might firemen were given a ran to the Catsraqui bridge, where fire ad broken out under the swing section The vontents of one Babeoeck and few pails of water wire suffident to kill the flames. The fire started in some straw and chai under the bridge, ignited, it is thought, by -a cigar or cigarette stump. The dashsge | was very shght, © --------) No matter bow much a woman loves her husband she just can't help aig ing him pow awd then, i witness the a M L Floorglaze. TORONTO | Recommended and for Eale by W. A MITCHELL, HM. W. MARSHALL, | J.B BINT & CO, The Leading Millinery Store SA08L084080080000000000000000000000800000048 Royal Food Suits Every Teste and iz postively unequalled ss a giver of strength ar sustaining energy to CHILD INVAL- IDS, CONVALESCENTS, and ail persons of weak digestion | It Strengthens, Nourishes and Sustains Is naturally rich in the ingredi- ents necessary for ithe perfect putrition of the HUMAN FliaME It de easily and guickiy prepared digests ropidly, and ie assimilated Postage paid Lo any sddress in Canada. Price 15 cents Bend irikl order to-day to « Kenseth Campbell &Co., § Established 1838. Montreal. »> For Your SUMMER SUIT veadily CRAWFORD & WALSH, SOARES 4408080 LAARSAALAALANAS : Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts. | 4