Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1910, p. 8

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-- SF © EE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1910. ny eT M---------- wo i 11 NIV SEACH oe : INCIDENTS OF TIE DAY, OEY TAX -------- TTS THE Do Sp | ONLY SEASONS WORK, Toor vv. GRIMES PRISON Mayor Does Not. See Why They! porters On Their Rounds, $ - HE : : of i should be Exempt. i pe Sl TO BUILD LINE FROM OTTAWA 1ibbv's, the 81 hat store. HIN THE WORLD 1S FOI RESS OF ¥ AND TO YOUR CREDIT IN ef o hr " } New York, April 9. Maver Gaynor! Clean, clear cut | printing at the] SCHUSSELBURG. | said at a Meeting of the sinking fund THE BANK THAT COUNTS-- "TO KINGSTON. fh | omaniusion, that he: did met believe | 3 i AY Steshes Cayless d family, Ports 2 3 t chiarches od religious institu- | NOT THOSE YOU ARE GOING Vice-President of the GTR. Speaks | oleh [Loyien and Junilys J orts-| No Light Enters the Cells--Prisoners | (hat re and religious institu : . . dv { tions ghould be exempt iron Ving a i >» S 2 A Te oN 7 --Delay Owing to Enormous) Boosoinding of every description, at Whe Go here Have 's LAVIDE iosal taxes, . sei sof ! ur er upper €, . ACCOTN Amount 0: Other Work Under |reaconable prices, The British Whig. Peath. | "Why shouldn't the churches pay : : HERE AND GET THE SAV- Way. | Don Koen leit; yesterday, for Mid-| 3, the middle of the iver Bes, their assessments as weil as other puo- | ig INGS HABIT? IT WILL PAY. . 3 {1znd, where he has secured a good' (pie it flows out of Late fadoza, |pie?" be inquired. 'I don't see why \ . fo . A Ed : fbecia to the Whig. : | posi Son. ; | here lies & tiny island surrounded Ci there should be any discrimination, 1 : ™ 4 ] Ottawa, April 9.--* We have acquired ; Mrs. Jobn Bannister, of Livingston i... sides by the turoulsit water oi jknow it is the general policy of the ee i -------------------------- - on the charter and it is with the inten- avenue, left, on Saturday, on a visit 0 river and hemnied a spon thejstate to free religious institutions A g . of 0 Dolla \ i I rd tion of building the road, Just when 16 relatives and friends at Chicago. {sg urth by the cold and stormy lube, | from taxation, but I think that they 2 I'his sale stands for economy. There is a it will be done, however, I am not! Dr, Williams Pink PilJs for Pale is 3 tangs on very «wn |should be made to pay local asbess | ins Navi " ie : a ici vo state. 10 in for. the | Teopte. Sold in Kington ub Gib-l ot his ela ov igh wails mente." : genuine saving on each article offered, ---- directors to say. We have an enor- son's Red Crouss drug store. {more than twenty feet in whikness, The remark was made. when a pro- There is a little story about each of these : nts advent Gf eomsryetion work on Bibby's ¥2 hats are dunes. 3 _ Vihis is the fortress of Schlusselbarg. posal was made to give a pubh , lot Lago yd reason for cach of the special prices. sian h our hands giready., . {. E. B. Burns died of heart failure ini : d ni .ntinels, relieved {hearing to: the chiarch>s and i stitu- | i s Capita $4,000,000 William Wainwright, viee-presidest | Kunras City, Mo., on March 2st. Mrs. | oY oe hig They Singin whe rn tions desiring «xemption. The n or) Dut probably that fact does not interest you great- Reserve Funds. .. $4,800,000 | |of the Cran 3 rauk railway, this Jumes Nueris, Kingston, i sister. | of these walls, keeping a *wgiianii look- ret od For vie resolution «het | such i! ly. Yeu are more concerned with the prices them- morning spoke in these terms when} Catnip ba 15, athey can't leave them! a; 9 NO Oue fro caring at an karly date. i kn - ot . - - KINGSTON BRANCH: asked ne to when the mew line from alone. Pun for 0c. at Best's a avery. hay -> the poy A A hy. selves aad the savings you can make, ; 107 PRINCESS STREET. Ottana ta Kingston would be, ated you want 10 have the laugh of VOUE | dies or gendarmes, is, allowed wo MORE STRINGENT LAW : » - only rh Season 8 WOrk, : stated | life. : k a {communicate with the ueopie whe ; jo 4 i Bright, nd go we gtart| Mrs. Walter Creeggan, Quebec, Who dwell upon the banks f 10 ic | For Americans Who Bring Goods George B. McKay, the line wi rushed. "The main ob-Jhas. been staying with Mrs. O'Neal | the unwary fsherman chaneos > out Canadas drift in his boat too near the wall. Washington, April 9 Herct {i re | 3 3 oo Jf the fortress he fs gieted by Lin ts SS H.oferetolore Lhe 1 with the Brockville connection Shien sending Joquey away use Seg ih autintl, auniny his ie : customs fogulations have permitted a} bg foam office money orders issued any "Away, of I shoot!" res of o ed States who NO MORE, TIME TO RACING. of the day at Prous's Drug . Store, | ot yo Folk ov SIREN she de. | goes abroad and stays ax shart a time 9 . Eo a i apposite 'St, rew & church, Feeris of Asia 13 § ttord lated and | 3* a weekK'io bring Aa Ath him as | 3 fe D y 0 Capt. Wallace's Bill May Not 'Come ibby's #1 shirts wear well. ho of oa the' Bing 3 wid ws as much as SHO worth of foreign made ! Up. : Isgae Snider, who boxed six rounds yo foqre.s of Schlerse fourg, whien lothing or personal effects without | To § 1) g i 0 Ottawa, April 9.--In the house, Capt, with Gunner Dumphy, at the Opern joo oithin forty miles of =i. _ Veueis | the payment of duty, ThE department | | British Whig office, { M ject will be to afford a direct line, attending the funeral of her uncle, has anager. to Toronto from Ottawa, doing away [returned home. "Tom" Wallace usked that the gov-| House, on Friday evening, leit 'at mid rg. wg Jearned that persons résiding | srniamt, in wigw Ly the situation in vight for Prescott, Hie Yilanider wo { "They are very ancient, the : ich walt lod the { sadian baie' hares heen which the Miller bill was @aced, grant wo steamer olfe ldlande #8! he foriress, An maay places they | makin weekly trips and thus im- | time for consideration of his or ilk {loaded down with passengers aud far, yo eraened from old ags, wird nthe | porting froesof duty stuli like woollens { which is ta limit the number of days mere pradues hen she arrived OR cracks litle tres hay 6€taken Fol for Snstitef Nits whit hh the American | . . : of racing at. a meeting. The premier] the Jirst trp his morning. hey look sullen aid omit y silent, | tariff runs ax hgh as h per cent. | replied a he. did feel Vike TL "Burdock with sarsparilla" ps. f Ee if they bid dark and ziuesome se | Fo-day's instru tions were issued to | 1 a ur 1S owe S ing any more time to racing. spring blood medicine; $i hotties or crets. And | in troth in the whol | collectors to the effect that persons ae NV : - The, ut Gibson's Red Cross drug' lo qq (lere are no other 4 dls thar | making fips across the border may | A good firm make, very durable and easily of Walter Wiggins, clerk of Far 2 1store, ; have witnessed so many wragsiiss af pot bring back more than $10 wrth | % 3 3 1 99 3 x ar iggins," dark of Faraday The anniversary of the oudieltows, > of the fortress of Schlussel | of goods, and even these must RY N ashed, sizes 42 inches long by 23 inches 'wide. for 'appendicitis' in. the: General Hospi: | "ii be colelivated on April 24th, with pq cared. These are worth 25¢ each. tal. S special services, the arrangements for | he regime and the aspect of - the T . o-Night 16¢c Each. A ---------------------------------------- or : rege whic ) OH vy . ¥ : vy ! ere rr The genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which have not yet been decided. | [prison were carefully thought out anc Sentences Imposed. Yours ¢ s in Ki 5 ' This' morning a waggon collide ; a h inisters visit » . " ] ¥ YOU CAN DO IP are wold in Kingston: at Gibson's Red | 4 Lo Wee | planned, being, as the MIN Belleville, Ont., April 9.--~Two month ; ' Cross drug store. Fresh there. with a street car at the corner of{l.. (he Schipsselourg repeatedly de | jail and two fines of 8 each were | A A A i ~~ SR Sg MEO Upion and Division streets, and WBS ired to the prisoners, intended 10} (ho sentence imposed on ex Ald. Me | wrecked. Nobody was hurt, however. | ...nsirate to them that it 'was des and . - " i op 3 : J ; Ginnis, charged with shooting up the! : T : h Make Lovely Work Bip oki das ten advised 130d to be ther graves. fhe celb local police station, The two months | ite ur. 1S Owe S y . $d oh - | Ee : ; | | were constructed to remind the pris |, jail were for assaulting one officer extension has been granted until April joy of a tomb. The stone floors) Pwo mouths more were given for | Came make as those above, only smaller in doh for allowing hoop net licenses. | 0 painted binck and the walls dark | oo licions injury to eity property but ' depend. Sold in three . . TT : : Complet =o 3 N 2 Bibby's #1 shirts .ave besuties. grey. the two sentences will run concurrent Blze, being 36 inches long by 19 inches wide, and ; e 2 a per I ne a ad on = De | (he window pure were opaque, $C oo MeGinnis must also pay all the! worth regularly 20¢. : . ; t we 1). McAuley, of Railton, were sold, lthat no ray of sun ever penetrated) al : 2 Outfit price. at auction, by William J. Murray, | thin the cells, and no trace of ORL, Yours To-Night 12ic Each. 4 f Kingston, aud yielded over $4,000. 'eolor from without could- be caught Storrington Notes.' or - 25¢ Rev. Charles A. Sykes, of Sydenham jy the prisoners, The iron hadsteac Sai ak 5 ili i . street church, will preach educational 4s re up by day and chained {EOL Apt a Cwiviopiv 5 Whi I; Designs all ready In Picture {unitary Jormons, 0 Janancaue against Ae 4 wall fod only =: i Ap Sh oo gi at uy Sor is . 22 Yards ite Mus in o 'asl on Sunday, and adnires er sac gaol, also fastenee in its place, a : a 1 L ia a1 x { . s i . HA 5 Bases, Panels, Candle and 'rament, lowed the prisoners an oc casional rest or adiste Psories i this Sst fin | With Fine Cord and Ov ercheck, all white. mp Shades. ! Clean; clear cut printing at the from the incssunt stride backward and | TF urs: © Rey ml ia apially i Jat - dy * ' BICYCLE SUNDRIES Pritish Whig office. dm Ne ow Ahofloor of the ool, fed at bor gromimother's, Mra, J. | This is especially used for Shirt Waists and Sam iW A Mitchell § Hardware DISC Records BICYCLE MUNON |, Ur Ait: Binnert hos purchased a This paciig back and forth was in [LSU 8 Cos and Mrs. Bortrin alls mer Dresses both for women and children. Itis a ire i . ile POLE o x ok 3 'e Wo mis of 2 nincing . - » = ae Te ? «| at Cut Prices 2490 Yonge St. ° fine Cadillac automobile through the [iit the only diversion permitted he happy pare A bouncing novelty this season. 97 inches wide and good Va~ x § " iq 3 baby "boy. « Send for Cut Price Catalogue. TORONTO | local agent, H. Angrove. The | car he pisoners. No books were given ) i 85 and 87 Princess St. gl will arrive in the city in a few days De except the Bible, whith they lue at 20c ya rd. A Great Catch of Seals. ' 3 from Toronto. | had already learned from cover to cov » TY "Good tooth brushes." You can' in the fortress . of St. Peter and St. John's, N. F., April 9.--That Yours To-Nigkt 12ic Yard. depend on each and every brush you} paul, no work for their hands, nw 'he seal fishery this season will be the) buy at Gibson's Red Cross drug'oglor for their eyes, no sound for | largest ever known in this country, is : WE CANNOT ACCEPT store, | heir ears. wsured by the news received to-day! Prof. Adam Shortt is in Boston, the] ('ut off from >the living world, bur from : the sealing steamer Labrador, ! Any telephone orders for any of the : ! 4 : r @N\ o J : " fruest ol the Hansechuse tis ' Jeeta: od in the black stone cells, clothed hat she his a catch of ig thee. above three lines, or place any aside. un. ¢ 18 speaking on apada s 3 the dingy wison garb, with one | an seals. is, Wu make a total r * ¢ inka i system of dealing with labor dis pl _-- rv a other yellow, they _atch for the season of three hundred This is a cash purchase. y v putes, "corner to |taousand. | ' 3 = 'strode to and fro from Great sale of corsets, Friday and .crper of their cages. Their food { AN -- ieee. | Saturday only; $1 corsets for 69¢. | was abominable--bread, hall raw Looking Over Mines. i < a York Dress orm, 209 Princess!) + water, in which floated =» few | with his two sens and Mr. Wilmot, | street. ' | shreds of meat or the traces of an | nineralagist, are here, yesterday and | y The death oceurred, on Thursday, in| rion.--MoClure's. to-day, looking after mines. A gang| Paronio, of Mis. Coultharg, widow | of Mebaughlin Bros." river drivers got at , Me----------a--cmet of the late Rev. Walter Coulthard, ofl PITH OF THE NEWS ff here to-day on thelr way to Middle | i } / \ Several styles, yhite and drab. New| de of rotten flour, and a plate ol Flower, April 7.7. R. Caldwell, | | Picton, She was seventy-two years Branch lake. Mr. McGregor, of Me-| TO-NIG / 7 3 OCL K of age, Five sons and four daughter jo Very Latest Culled From All Lachlin Bros., was in Flower to-day. Men S nderwear at 9 . * T---------------- Over The World. Smokers' Notice. } \ Married at Brookline, Mass. | Thomas Scullard, Chatham, has been |. (wing to the retirement of Daniel | | { appointed local master of the supreme | Goan, the pioneer tobacconist, a full | C riage of George Barrett McMullen, son | court for the county of Kent, © sue | ijne of cigars, cigarettes, smoking } ea of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. McMullen, long | ceeding Judge Bell, resigned. tobacco, pipes, etc., can be bad at} i oe re Prooklive, Mass., April 9.--The mut- ---- -- AA AA A AA NNN So . 3 ye ' Bone of Picton's prominent families, to | Sault Gouin, tried at North Bay as | Best's drug store. i , This 18 & popular price and we have an at- : 1 18 y 1€$ and Children Ss Miss Herberta Roblin, tanghter of [sizes on the charge of having murder: mi mien | | tractive line of Men's Merino Unkershirts and Road, Broekline. It was a yuite home Florence A. Nickerson were placed onthe county of Leeds, passed away | fitted with crooked handles, steel rods great favorite in Picton, where she | of interest than that allowable by law. | Hollow. : : 4 Augusta o | S 0 wt pe i mT value 75¢. {two years. Her bridal gown was of [88 a forgery suspect. Mr. Brown is a| Friday announced the death of og Seamless Feet, Extra Spliced Toe and y 7 3 # : carried a beautiful shower of white the New York Central lines. vicinity. He had been in failing health | ' : : roses, The young couple were' unat- | Ten thousand Turkish troops - are|jor three years. - ' | Sizes 10, 10} and 11 inch. or C aC tended, the father of the bride tying | being mobilized to go as reinforce-| Spe the spring medicine window at] 7 A : the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. "Me. ments to ihe soldiers who are trying | Best's, PRs . : A to Detroit. and Chicago. In May they Turkish government will also bom The death occurred in Prescott i : ; Mr. McMullen is, at present, installing At Berlin, Ont., a fatal accident be- popular young lady, Mise Ethel Prouse | de-' half an hour later. ing in Europe Can Be Saved With | kg | importance. 1, against ths contention! The propased Scottish aviation meet- | America ? Ask any dogtor or live | A ; | Rev. Dr. Roblin, Brookline, Mass. {ed Mary E. Smith, on Nov. 12th, 1908, | Ernestus C. Sliter, an elderly and| 0 . 2 . took place, Saturday, at the home of feos. = verdiet of " not guilty. . for many years a L rdent Frown | Drawers at 50c each, all sizes m each, and just the Umbre as « tho Pride's father. 48 Manchester | Miss khoda 1. Higgins and M(ss]in the commercial and social life "| | right weight for early spring. : affair arranged only for the immedi- | trial in Toronto criminal court On | Thursday night at the residence of his | Tr Sighting iii ty Suitable for school and general use, Re family. The young girl bride is a [four charges of exacting a. higher rate) daughter, Mrs. D. M. Kilborn. Phin | 25¢ M 's Cash gq ; : € | has spent many summers. She attend- | Edwina A. Brown, a Denver million See Bibby's handsome $1 hes ! Cc ens S mere xX and fast colored coverings. Regular «dl St. Agnes school, Belleville, for aire, was arrested at Spokane, Wash, | A message from North s Bos : Joh white meteot over white silk, antl she | COUN of W. C. Brown, president of | Chapman, a life-long resident of el z Heels, e- : Ao To see is to buy. Come and | Mullen are now on a honeymobn trip| lO SUPPress the Albanian revolt. The| see why. i . on a will go to make their home in Cuba. bard the Albanian coast. Thursday night of a well known and § 4 series of mills in the islands of the ill W. Ponto, aged seventy-five years. | aped twenty-one years had. been] . d ' West Indies, for the dryimg of hamber When closing 'his window he reached ill for some time. | i ar S a ra an ng under § new process mntle patent by out to vet something which he thought i ; his father. €G." W ow } had fallen out and overbalanced and . | : . y GW. Jen. fell on the roof of the verandah. From D i Ch i i 1 S . this he rolled off to the ground, ying 0 0 era : Looking for a Ruling. alighting on a fence. Several ribs and » ' i . % 2 Menires) Gazette. also other bones were broken, He died | Local Physician Says Thousands I, el Real Japanese manufacture, natural | he Bewhijoh government has 3 ye / P| cided to refer to the supreme eourt for) ---------- : eslors. bits opinicn the question 1aised by the! 4 Proper Medicine. 1st Lot, Regular 45¢, 50¢, : «matter of incorporating companies. | Aviation 400 Years Ago. What is it that keeps down cholera, | 3 | The ese is not one of great niaierial| Glasgow News cramps, and summer complaints in | For 33¢ Yard. ion] The c {ol some, it is held that a company in- ing will not be quite the first gather {druggist and he will tell you *"Nervi- | 20d Lot, Regular 75¢ quality, carporated in one province can legaNy' ing of the kind in -that country. At |line." Just fancy, a million bottles | 2 oN For 49¢c Yard, establish itsell in another, the matter least one of the French favorites of are sold every year to people who -- ; is one to worry the other province] Jamis iV, the luckless hero of Flod- | Nerviline for stomach disorder, cramps, : ; be a Si tather than the dominion as & whole. rien, summoned the Scottish court {0 | flatulence, and summer complaint. For -_Waeconsider both these offerin, s tobe ' Hi is held ag Fong B. N. A. ian axhibition _- Stirkog, here : he fifty years in most Canadian homes no it Res , - Act a company that wishes to hy' bus proposed to fly by means © a pair of lother painrelieving medicine but | mach the t we have ever seen in 8 bie: everywhere in Canada musy have 'mechanical wings from the wall . of Nerviline is kept. Nothing cores the | Bhantungs. ; a federal charter, men proposing tp the castle, This was exactly 400], ches, pains and sickness of the entire | form large companies will get federgl [years ago. g family so quickly as Nerviline. ! ei charters, as most of them do now. if The' rash inventor Wprang boldly "As far back as I can 4 4g forth from the wall with his = two LETTER remember, at least fifty Big Place for a Big Man. great wings upon his back, But they years ago, there was 300 P = Bl k hm Oviawa Journal proved quite insafficient for. the som. No. never time that our} 1 ams ac ere Sir Wilfred Lawfer has given notice test with the force of grumaty. an house was without 'Ner- 5 : of the organization of the new (naval | the inventor was. lucky to fe off with 1672 viline." In the summer a bh . = 8 | department of the government. This | nO wors» hurt than a br he thigh. time, when the children ; department will be under the minister | He ascribed his failure >= 3 ADWAEY late green apples and got sick : [Hof marine and fisheries, but will have '™ o the feathers of mene poet with diarrhoea and cramps, it was | a i ais : u Separate deputy ininister, and Apo ions eather than the feathers of some Nersiline that cured. hem, Ny iathes | : All Pure Wool, light weg ky suilable ] TE he of depend, to of. the nobler birds, History does not ' erviline frequently fo gure gas : wear, sizes 81, 9, 04, 10 i Satin and alc ul organi: |©cied, however, that be made any se (1 his stomach and acute indigestion. LLM. ° R sunshine or" storm, for" work ng v BlZes i, § 10 1n., zation and pin en of po ana: © ab gi . hate ar but few minor ailments that ' C. 4 uk igre v dian navy. position is a big one Attempt. . INerviline does not cure, and I know a " g and will 'require a big man to Bil it. ; of no medicine so useiul; in fact, so | JS ' or play, for day or night. | Dor- : ; . Notice to Students. : _ {indispensable around the home as! J x " . Men Wi Aad Opders for papers containfhg Juwn's Nervi : i . othy™ Dodd styles in stylish shapes Who shave 40 try the examination results may be left at . i by i. CIS x new razor than stage sharp for twol Whiz office, or mailed 10 UE; amd the Butcher, a well-known resident in Bat- | HE .. and all leathers. For every" occasion. {years without . Ask 10 see Tequired gies will be carefully post- tersea, shows the high opinion enter- : them at Best s, and take one on trial ed on the dav the results ave announ- itained of Nerviline by those who have if you wish. ced. The price per copy, Prepeil 1olused it constantly for nearly hall a) any address, is three cents, ma fl When a women delivers an ultima: : 3 { tum it indicates that he is willing to! I people take yom Jor an easy get busy and acciden! Just. whose | is to

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