- 3 = : ' . v PAGE TIGHT. ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1910. = VENT 10 KIL HNIOCKS WONT OPENHARBOR_EQUPNENT THE DAYS EPISODES ERBEDY - Ee En 3 MAN VISITED DETROIT WITH UNTIL MAY 1, AUTHOUGH ICE ORDERS PLACED FOR WORKS'IN {Locaw NOTES AND THINGS IN| MURDEROUS INTENT, i WENT OUT EARLY. MONTREAL HARBOR. | . GENERAL. NOT THOSE YOU ARE GOING City Authorities Have Np Knowledge Meet! ig TO SAVE LATER ON. WHY IN of Tuck or His Movements--Murs| of J NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT ray Kloped With His Daughter. | Wi HERE AND GET THE SAV- . : xy al Detroit, Mich, April 5.-Declaring | INGS HABIT? IT WILL PAY. 1,,.t be came to. Detroit for the | purpose of killing George Murray, Rr Interest Allowed on Depasits Foropto, who eloped with is young . . h-- | ITS THE DOLLAR SAVED AND TO YOUR CREDIT IN THE BANK THAT COUNTS [adies, We Can. Help You To a Satisfactory and Economical So= { -- | | of Newbro Council--Death | The Young Lady Taken From the | Occurrences In The City And Vielnity | ¥. Steadman near Newboro---| Stage in London Belonged to] --Other Briel Items of Interest | n's Institute Meeting. | Montreal--Talk of a Cotton Easily Read And Remembered. Newboro, April 6.-The muni ipal | Merger.- . i H. Hogan went .to Peterboro at} council tet on Monday evening. Hob | Montreal, April 7.--Orders were plac (moun to-day. : ert Parker was appointed street com- ld t,. day, by the board of huchor | rhossimng, almost as cheap as missioner, to succeed T. C. Singleton. - ou missioners, + for harbor jiiipinang - printing, at the British Whig. jt was decided to build gramolithic Lu unfing to about $250,000, «hich William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders' linm Tuck, 'of Hamilton, are in | walks from the end of the walk at j; part od the new loan of "$8,000,000 received at MeAuley's, Phone 778, : Detroit and went direct to. the [the Hotel Rideau to the end of Drum- '¢; 'be expended in frther harbor im- A. M. Patterson, has been appoint-| Central police station, where Murray | mond street and from the corner of | provements. To-day's _orderd iticlude ed to the teaching staff of Peterboro | and Tuck are locked up for the Uni- | Drummond and Bay street to Mrs. a new dredge, a werful tug, weight mstitute, : . ana : ted States immigration officers, | Hart's residence. A bill was presented | glevators for hoisting teams icon. the "Fry's Milk Chocolate," with out | Murray, when he eloped with Miss [by 'R. O. Leggett, undertaker, for ex- 'ground {fo the second floor - of the | melts, fresh, at Gibson's Red (Cross Fuck, left his wife and family in quar penses in connection with the burial of | wharf sheds and an excavator. Drug Store. . antine, in Toronto. He became ac { the infant child found on the street | Ruth Singer, the ten-year old girl A heavy two days' rain would do a quainted with Miss Tuck while she fon January 14, but the council refused | taken from the stage at London, Got. (great deal of good throughout the} was visiting her married sister, living {to pass it. {at the instance of the Sociely for the | countryside. : lution of the Problem © for th : What. Shall | Wear next door to his home during the! The ice went out of the Ridéau snd [Protection of Women and Chil-dcan, is! When you want your drug supplies time that his family was in quaran- | Newboro Lakes on March 31st, which la daughter of Albert Dallus," 469 | delivered (uiekly, 'phone 82, Prouse's | i { - opr , ¢ ) y . . " : : + ; > pe a ine 4 this city. The girl's | Drug Store. ~ i ' | h S sine. f is the earliest date in the memory of (Bt. Antoine street, this ity e gris 2 *s Pidgeon, the guest of | i 1S Pring ? Murray and' Miss Tuck fell in love | the oldest inhabitant; occasionally it [right ngme fs Clara Allice Pallas. The Miss E. with each other, and eloped to Ue: {does not go oul until the last of Ap- {Dallas family say they ~an eiplain | Miss Myrtle Morrison, Brockville, has S 11 S troit. Murray secured a position here | ril, but it has never béen in as late as {everything and will rec faim the child. returned home. > as motorman on the Detroit United May Ist, Although the canal is free {She was given to Mrs. Gerier, Toron- H. Cunningham,' piano tumer from Have been a great success and the woman who pays from $15 to $25 for her Suit 1s going to : oop vay instrue in i oy (ckering's. Leave 'orders at Me railwity, and he and Miss Tuck were of ice lockmasters have been instruct- [to in infancy, io keep. ays Chie 4 £8 living Nnrther an man and wife when | ed that navigation on the Rideau will| There is talk in financial circles, | Auley's bookstore. : i get better materials, better designing and work- manship, better styles and better fit than ever be- P od z here, of & merger between the Cena-| There was a very poor market on Boh rt Fach oh og 10s ao prominent and dian (Colored Cotton company, the | Thursday morning. The wet Feather) fore. Many of the latest models are plain: The designer depending on the perfect cut- : ; i ¢ n i ce | t Royal Spinning company and | was responsible for this. } police that she was eighteen ¥EArs | prosperous young farmer of this Pinee | the Gibaon Cotton company, a Master Harold Hobinson, Brock! ting and tailoring rather than trimming to give them their charm. old, but her father announced thal she | died quite unexpectedly at 3 } ok ti » bu . 3 i rg > B. 8 st, Se shy 4, last week, be- | 3 . . Women's Spring Suits, $11.50 to $25 . ' . . Girls' Spring Suits. daughter, Olive, last November wil | Capital ......... $1,000,000. Reserve Fands. |. $4,800,000 KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. tm ---------------- George B. McKay, Hy Manager. A N DD NEWS. Tuck said he came to Detroit for 'early hour, Sunday morning, aged | ue awh the sole purpose of killing Murray on Lforty years, Deceased had been ' in i jdoing nmively. | sight, but before he left home his wife poor health all winter owing to an gp, took hie revolver out of his suit case | gitack of pneumonia, but he seemed | and hid it so he could not find id. to be recovering and his friends were eg : He says that his daughter is under , in hopes of seeing him in his usual Wolfe Island, April 6. The dates fix the hypnotic influence of Murray, and good health soon, but on Saturday led for the Wolie Jeland fair are Sep- that she does not lave him at all, ex- | night he became worse and passed i tember 20th and 21st. Mr. Bryan, or cept as she is under his power. {quietly Away. News of his death came |ganizer far the Chosen F riuds, was Oks Nag BLOre. oniig wis seacee- After talking to the police, to-day, las a great shock to his many friends. | around here recently and enrolled guite Iv sufficioht for 'street = scraping to Tuck was convinced that is would not | Deceased was anmarried and is sur {a large number of new members. Syl- [ly su he k Fo s ng. : be the proper thing for him to #eek | vived by four sisters, with whom he | vester Staley and wife have returned Sutin ng, A i he goad who 8 | personal vengeance on Murray, ate he fived., His funeral was held under the {to Buffalo. Henry Fawcett has left for Nettie oy e ro he. aE the declared that ii the United States au- guepices of the Independent, Order of | Gananoque, where he will make cheese. B onl, gar Sub printing . the thorities meted out justice he would | Popesters, to the Methodist church | Joseph Greenwood has got the timber 11 : s © y the Nie stal- he satisfied. He insists, however, that here, Services were conducted by I'he contracts for the Nicol metal Make Lovely Work | ur: i» -- ------------ rass Craft New Art Work I'he north-east wind, this morning, | moved the floating ice out towards Point Frederick. 'By to-morrow the ice may have disappeared. "Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds." It pays to buy these at Gibson's Red | Cross Drug Store, -- Dates Fixed--Muskrats are Scarce. Fair YOU CAN DO IT, and : the lon the ground for a new 'barn, Her Ary ted r ' i. FE. Wood 3 x lurgy building at Queen's are to be prosecuted oh a EerIOUS pastor, av. (3. FE, od. | bert Leakey will raise his new barn em Th k i J ¥ Fiat; ros Tha am re scarce | Worded to-morrow. he work ol charge 40 be made in the United Messrs, George Warren and William | on Phursday. The muskrats are scarce erection will be started at once. States court, and the father savs he Packer will leave this week for West- {in this locality. Mrs. Ia J. Spoor Licut.Col. James Gullowsy, DAA. will remain in Detroit and see that ern Canada where they will spend the | and her two children have gone to GT WOC. Toroute Tormaily of Murray is summarily denlt with summer. Miss Marion and Harold No- Bufialo, where hav: husband i H. i Kingston, passed the promotion 2 . sit: i lan, spending the holidays at Philips- | heady gs pun Ras oh} u ne id amination held last December. Windsor is Growing. | ville, retumed home on Saturday. driving piri : nase Mise Lal hone 230 for Kentucky Lawn Grass Windsor, Ont, April 7.--Windsor's Miss Jean Bawden, spending the week {his to a ungston man. ° - 1 A Cel. Sold in Kingstar © only, ut rapid growth during the past few | at her home here, returned on Sa- Pyke has gone i her = hoo nda Citeon's Bad Cross: Drug Store, years, and the prospects of still more | turday to resume her dutigs as teac b- 14 oye, alter spencung a. wee wilh Up to date there are five civie cases marked development in the future, has | er, at Woodbine. ther parents. : \ and one criminal case entered for the atiracted the attention of bapking in { The April meeting. of 3he jocal Michael Griffin JE Shases : na high court of justice whith opens bere stitutions not represented here and | branch of the Woman's Instiute, was Black Sh from Jue " Greenwood betore Judge Britton on April sth. they are secking locations for branch- | held in the court house on saty lay | Lichare Pawson HC WH ae -- Bookbinding of every description, at es. While a good deal of secrecy is be- | afternoon and was one of the best and | @hildren are here on a visit from New |, nonable prices, The British Whig. meetings ye held. | York. Pr. Matthew Grimshaw, Port The prisoners at the county jail have ground, it is known that three char-| Over fifty ladies from Newb 0 and | Arthur, is here on a visit. Grant Pyke, the grounds * surrounding ~ the court tered banks are looking the ground |vicinity were present. The president, | the wonderful berry grower, has had | house in fine condition, and will fix over. It is said these are the Bank of | Mrs. R. G. Leggett, officiated as tall his berry rigs newly painted _ 8 | the flower beds as soon as the weather Montreal, Molsons Bank, and the Im- | chairman. The secretary, Miss Dar- John Briceland's shop. Capt. Mis hael | permits. perial Hank. I gavel, Elgin, read an interesting paper | O'Shea has left for Oswego to fit out When sending money away use post -- {on "Agriculture." The Misses 'lett | his boat. Ernest Crawford, IL Davis | office money orders issued any hour The Captain's Body Found. | favored the. meeting with a duet, land J. O'Shea, have gone with him. | of the day at Prouse's Drug Store,' Niagara Falls, April 7.--~A body, be- which was mich enjoyed. The two re- Mrs. 'William Hennetey, an. old resi opposite St. Andrew's church. lieved to. be that of "Captain John citations by Miss Rea Stanton and | dent, of the foot of the island, ia very Rev, Prof. E. Albert Cook, Ph.D., of Complete Outfit for - 25¢- Designs all ready In Picture Frames, Boxes, Panels, Candle and Lamp Shades. » W. A. Mitchells Hardware, 85 and87 Princess St. ------------ POPE ORR SRR Don't Pdrsecute New Spring Under- wear for Women , The needs of our large circle of customers for 'comfortable, casy-fitting Spring- Underwear _ were never more amply provided for than now.: Fine White Cotton Undervests and Drawers. Fine White Merino Undervests and Drawers, Fine White Unshrinkable Wool in different ing observed by their , agents on the | most instructive ------------ were also well re- low. The barn on Isido Larush's = te ----_------------ your Bowels cathartios and Bo BE Headache aid ldigwetin, so sillces know. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price 7s. A HORST, Makes the Weak Strong ROYAL FOOD is a preparation endorsed by the entire Medical Profession, and 4% the practical result of long experience and speeigl study by one of the most reliable Pharmmcentical Chemists on the Continent. CANADIAN MOTHERS Give it unstinted praise and we are constantly receiving letters of endorsation and gene wpb it ix readily digested a similated, and is of the possible value to CHILDREN, IN- ALIDS, CONVALESCENTS and those with weak digestion We regomment Io to give it a trial snd to-day for full pound package, post free, price 35c, to Re aneth Campbell & Co., 1833. . Montreal, Mcleod, of the Marquette car ferry, which foundered betw Conneaut and Port Stanley, on Pesgamer Miss Lou Spicer, i place was burned to the ground | Thilrsday last. R. H. Spankie | brother, Herbert, have gone to cen | ceived. Tt was decided to hold a con- De. | cert next month, in aid of the Brock- on and He Calvary Congregational chureh, Mon real, will preach at both services yexi- unday in the First Congregational hurch here, night. lives, wae found in the intake of . the Niagara Falls Power company, The body was badly decomposed but the clothing wae inthct andl in the pockets were found $125 aml a bundle of docu: was attached to the body. nb tb------------ Late Bishop of Antigonish. Halifax, N.S., April 7.--Right Rev. Dr. John Cameron, R.C, bishop of | Antigonish, N.S., died suddenly last | He was the oldest living stu- dent of the prepaganda in Rome and the oldest bishop in America. He was in his eighty-fifth year and had been bishop since 1870. Bishop Cameron had been in failing health for the past fow months. . A Clergyman's Retirement, Atlanta, Ga., April 7.--Rev, Allan Shuler, pastor of the Western Heights Baptist church, has resigned because a wiek ago two deacons of his church advertised that they would put on a prize fight in the pulpit before services. Wheh the time came the dencons con- fousenl they had made the announce ment-merely to draw a erowd, Sar a------------------ Identified Her Assailant. London, .Ont., April 7.~Miss Eliza beth Franks, wentified John Prodgers as the man who fired four shots at her. Tuestlay afternoon. Prodgers, in charge of Detective Egelton and Down was taken to thé Franks residence in a hack. Prodgers appeared at police court and was remanded for a week, Eleven persons were injured, three probably Tatally, when the roof of the big new oar barns of the Shore Line Trolley company, at Saybrook June | tion, Conn. collapsegl and fell to the ground, burying the men underneath. "Redlitz powders," the strong kind, are. sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Put up in tin boxes Daniel Miller has tesigond from the Jorantd license board, i We've gathered the $ Best Spring Hats from the Best Hat. ters. The Hats that Fashion says are cor- cember 10th, with a loss of thirty-five ville hospitals. ments, One of the car ferry's life belts block last week. William Topping has moved his fam- {gina. Oliver Hawkins sold a team to ily to Westport, where he has secured | Mr. Patterson, of Pittsburg. Peter a position with W. H. Fredenburg. | McDonald baby's remains came across John Haslett is having his house onjthe island on Tuesday from. Cape Vin- Drummond street, near the Rianton |eent. Mrs. Herbert Dawsop is the renovated. A large cottage |guest of Mrs. M. Flynn's. John King- rool has been placed on thé building. jsley is confined to his home with a Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt, Southworth, severe cold. John Colfar has leit to werg visitors in Brockville a few days |fit out his boat at Buffalo, N.Y., after spending a couple of months here, Wil- J. N. Knowlton is in Brockville at- {liam Clark is here from Buffalo on a tending the . assizes, J. F. Graham | visit. was a Tuesday visitor in Brockville. -- Mrs. T. P. Kelly and son, T, P,, Jr, Charges of Usury. spending the holidays at their home, | Toronto, April 7.--Some extraorin- "Erin Cliff," near here, left on Tues-{ yry evidence was given in the sessions, day to rejoin the Shamrock Concert | to-day, in the charges of usury against company pt Shawville, Que., where Merrill J. Tuther and Norman Smith the company is now giving a week's | of the Brokers Agency. One witness engagement. Miss Cathavine Landon stated that for a loan: of $65 he en returned on Monday from a prolonged | tered into an agreement to pay inter- visit with friends in Athens. Miss {est at twelve per cent. made a chattel Fdna Fleming, Chafiey's Locks, spent | mortgage on his furniture aml pledg Sunday with relatives here. The Odd- | el nis wages for five years and - in fellows lodge room has been moved | addition paid a fee of $17.50. In an from James Bell's store on Main | other case in which a man borrowed street to the rooms over Mavety & seventy dollars the same proeddyire Paul's shop on Drummond street. So-| was adopted in regard to the chattel lon Lehigh is spending a. few day<| mortgage antl os fee of twenty dollars with friends in Brockville and Fraok- | wha paid. The defendants elaim they ville. Pesmond Elgin, has merely actetl as agents in arrangiog been engaged to work this season for | the loan which was muwde by amothe Stephen Ripley. Claude Nrownbridge, | party. Lyndhurst, was renewing fcquaintan ces here on Saturday. Schools re- opened on Monday with the teachers in charge. Joyce; Admitted Her Offence. Toronto, April 7.-Gecilia Katherine Grifith was getting rently to come acim down to the pelice court, this mom ling, to. see Herbert Varley, her alleg- Hartington Child Hurt. | ed fourth husband, who is in custody, Hartington, April 7.--The youngest! on a charge of wounding, when Acts child of 'dley Compsall met ing Detective Miller placer her under with what might have sroved a very, arrest. Subsequently sbe was brought serious accident last Motos. She before Magistrate Denison on a charge was seatetl on the front of a roller of bigamy. The woman promptly en- when the horses, taking fright, ~ranitered a plea of guilty to hewing goue away, throwing her off, and firagging through a form of marriage with the henvy roller over her. Dr. F. Varley on the ground thst two other Trousdale was called but pronounced hushartds had deserted her, ithe wounds not She is! pow doing well | He Was Aequitted. Soho! reopened on Monday with: Mansfield, Ohio., April 7.--Rev. 5. the largest attendance for years. Miss p [ong pastor of the First Luther Dottie Campsall hus returned to ber ion church, of this city, was sequitted school at Wolfe Island. Farmers are py the Lutheran conference, this morn sowing. Dr. and Mrs. Trousdale Ar iing, on a vote of two to ome, on rived here on Monday. Mrs. Trous | harge of immorality and ignoring the dale will remain here. Dr. Trousdale! oder of suspension by the synod : : s \ wT s ¥ } intends going to British Columbia In; pending trial a few days. The early spring flowers 3 are 'here in profusions much earlier than last year. Me. Mi i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Trous-| dale. : ------------ Beautiful Stock to Choose Frém. Prevost, Brock street; has a fine as- sortment of tweeds, serges and viots. Anyome in need of will do well 10 call on him. 7 same SOTIOUS. " Ottawa, April 7.--The dominion an a AP id To er 1 jornth fo die Clean, clear cut British Whig office. : Rev. Dr. MacTavish has completely recoveréd from his wns able to er meeting at Cooke's nesday evening. "Sweet Pea Need," individual colors, fresh, at Gi Store. George A. left for Picton, to-day, to resume his position as freight and ticket for the Lake Ontario and Bay of Quip: te Navigation company: "Mixed Sweet Pes Seed," fresh, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The board of works was called to meet this aftérnoon. propriation ed, it will have the amount "Kentucky Lawn Grass Seed" in shady set will not. Sold only at gon the C,P.R., on the trai Winnipeg and the west on April 16th, for the benefit of students home. FEmbosaing, printing, at The bunch of rubber found blocking the drain o twien Prine caused much neer was to report upon the find to the board ¢ The officer units word when to Kingstor rumoured that he would pe here on May 20th but this is not decided fully yet, Chamo's, Mitts ang] Bath Sponges. A good as sortment- at Prouse's Drug Store, op poste St, Andrew's church? Work is the new sh The voMeret building is carloads of plant. Superintendent rushing things along and will oon dw ready to repair ships at the dock. Re! Cross Deng Store. Arrangements he have printing at - the sevpre illness, and conduct th regular pray- hurch on Wed- pson's Red Cross Drug Gould, Colborne street, agent Now that its ap- for the vear has beeg fix- to decide as tohow 14 to be spent, will where other Gibson's Phone, 210, have been made by to have a through sleeper n leaving Kingston for places, returning almost as cheap as the British Whig. n Svdenhar "ireet, he ess and Qu 1 streets, has inquiry. The eity engi of works this afternoon, & in charge of the different received no definite General French will y for inspection. It come was Rubber Sponges, . Bath progressing favorably at ipbuilding company works o foundation for the new down and every day brings new machinery for the McKellar, is weights. New Spring and Summer Wash Dress Goods Have been drawing a number of buyers to this store during the past few weeks. We never before had such pretty thi<lh, and already hundreds of yards have been sold. , Just now is a good time to make a selection while the assortments are complete. "WHITE WASH GOODS ---Poplins, Royal Cords, Linen Buitings, P.Ks., Repps, Crystal Lawns, India Linens and many other materials. COLORED WASH GOODS -- Anderson's Famous Scotch Zephyr Ginghams. New Linen Buitings--All wanted shades. Soielles in the popular summer shades. Foulards in many new and pretty designs. Satin Finished Drills for Suitings in colors English Galateas. : Fine English Shirting, novelties for Wash} Saits. ! A A A a ti A-- 20006800080000020808800000000000040040000004 The New | tyle For 1910} Ladies Patonit Leather and|Ladies' ; Gun Metal Calf Ankle Strap Pumps Makes. Prices range from $2. uf to $4. The same Style for Big Girls and Children, ay The Lockett Shoe Store vi ITLCIINIRNRIYIVeY » : 'We Hive all the New American and Canadian | v