Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1910, p. 3

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Here are Dn that will gowith a ATER ~~ 3 Days Only TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. We will sive with every pair of Lace Curtains at $1 (0 or more, one four foot Brass Extension Rod With Fixtures . . Absolutely Fre: " Our Curtain department is well stocked with everything that's new for Curtains includin, Madras Muslin, Art Maslin, Sorim, Rete, Ete, CRUMLEY BROS, CASH COUPONS ¢| Salvation Army Officers Transferred --_-- and the New La Diva Re ih "A pudding bag witha around it." An old-time description which applies to many figures Scripta A to the ordin- corset. This "pudding fring" effect Wad both for health and for style. The corset to wear is one which gives | that smooth flowing physique--that holds one together comfortably --healthfully. On these lines Madam the new La - Diva Renaissance Corset will be 4 revela- tion to you, as to ftyle, comfort --health, it will give you » physique no other fe oe "corset an give, We ger up i studied correct ftyles Wher, J rs corset, Our de la Paix-- It will oly take a » quick glance at a few ne ments to convince you that the savings possib eare edly worth while, " Ritchen and Laundry Necessities, China and Glass, Dry Goods and Notions. Don't let to-morrow fade into yesterday,without a visit here, Mel ntosh Bros. | statement of 1 Judge ) It w TOWROF GME att FUNERAL OF THE Ww. Pr LAQUE. b-- ~--{ananoque Vault Had a Record "Nuwber of Bodies w Week Ago. Cunanodgue, April 1.--The remains of | te Mhe late Wilimd F. Laque, who pass away ai St. Agathe, Que, on Thurs day evening, srrived here on Saturday fadtornaon, and the funeral took place from the family residence, King stzeut, yeeterday aliernoon;, to St. Jebns church, where Tiers was sung by Roy. fr. Kehoe, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Roman' Os tholic buryipg ground. Deceased was a member of the Knights of Columbus of which otdér a number of brethren from serrounding sections were in attendance at the funeral. He was ass ® member of Gananoque lodge, No. M7, AO0.UWN. The funeral was Largely sitended and the floral tri- bites numerous and handsome. Marching orders came during the fatter part of the weék to Ensign and Mrs. John MeDonald, who for the past year have been in charge of the weal Salvation Army corps, and their public farewell was made at the "Bar- bracks last evening, and the ensign, with his wife and family, will leave on Thursday for their new sphere of duty. During this year in this lo cality they have made many staunch friends hy their untiring zeal and per- severance in the face of many serious tnd discouraging obstacles. Rev. Mr. Cassidy, of Catearaqui, fill- ed the pulpit of Grace church Sunday merning and evenlog. Rev, J. Tall- man | etcher vas in charge at Catara- ui. Fhe receipts from the sacred tata, "Light Out of Darkness," given Hinder the auspices of Grace Y.P.S., on Thursday evening last, foot up close to $100. Gananoque vault a week ago con tained the remaing of twenty-two per- sons, the largest known in the his- tory of that enstitution, which was bist about twenty years ago. Mrs. Amos Lalonde, Hickory street, was taken to Brockville hospital on Sunday for an operation far ~appen: dicitis. Miss Lillian Hogan, Stone was removed to Brockville for ment daring the latter part of week, The representative for South. Leds in the dominion parliament, George Taylor, celebrated his seventieth birth- day at Ottawa on Thursday last, by his usual treat of apples, grown in his garden on Sydenham street, Gan- whole, He was the recipient of a handsome cot glass water set and tray from his colleagues, Mr. and Mrs. John Post, of Empey, spending part of their honeymoon at the home of Mrs. Post's parents, Mr, and Mri. John Gray, Leeds town- ship, have returned home. Mrs. J. O'Neill and daughter, Miss Bessie (Net 1, Kingston, spent the weck-end with local relatives, W. 8, McDonald, sninding a few days in town, returned he Néw York on Saturday. Charles Haigh, Philadelphia, Pa., was in a the. latter part of the wenk, ar ranging for certain its at his cot: tage, Tremont Park. Miss E. Latimer, John street, spending a few days with Lansdowne relatives, has returned. tad town. + ean street, treat- last ---------------- WILLIAM. MeGARRY DEAD, Famous Stock Man and Sheriff Pass. ed Away. Smith's Falls, Ont, April 4.--The death occurred at his Home i in Perth of William McGarry, sheri® of Lanark county. The deceased, prior to his elevation to the shrievalty, was fa- mous throughout this section as a stock man, and there were few men in the county better known. Mr. Me Garry was one of the last appointees of the late Ross government, and had held the office of sheriff since the beginning of 1904. The deceased was seventy-six years of age. MUTINY IN MID-OCEAN. Ship Came to a Standstill Over a Bacon Row. Marseilles, April 4.---0On the arrival here of the Fraissinet line steamer Peleon, from Kotonu, Dahomy, the captain reported that the entire crew mutinied in © mid-ocean, complaining that they had been made ta eat too much bacon. By reason of their re. fusal to work the ship came to 4a standstill in mid-ocean, and for some time was in grave danger, a ------ IN BED THIRTY-FIVE YEARS. Man Had Not Moved Since 1875-- is Now Dead. oan, April 4~William GC. Park- house, aged sixty-five, died here after being continually in bed for thirty- five years. Parkhouse was a painter, and in 1875 while at work, he fell from a church steeple and injured his spine wo seriously that he could never move. Throughout his. illness he has been attended and eared for by the Oddfellows, to which order he be- January last, regarding this, the city asking him to strike out the ' claim in the action of Dulop, nthe of little Ae Bubbop # ea » TO-MORROW, "HARD CASH," Or "The Banker "snd he the Blackmalor. The sto ry made & grea novelist, ~ Wikis tina A fine one TWO PATHE "The Lottery oy nar and the Camera ns ie. all Pathe comedies are good ones. TO-DAY. The two Pathe © Woman Gambler™ Bridge Whist) ies and "The YA Veum ot Department of Militia and Defenc., Ottawa NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS MARKED ON envelope "Tenders for construction of an additional stop Butt, Kingston Rifle Range," and addressed to the Secretary att . MHitia® Counc, 'Headquarters, Jitawa, will be received until noon, the i6th ril, 1810, for the construction of mn RA earth stop butt, for the Rifle Range at Kingston, Ont Plans and specifications may be seen, wind full information obtained at the Offices of. the District Tider Com-« manding Military District No. 3. Kings- «an, Ont, and the Birector of Engineer Jervipes, Headgharters, Ottawa. Tenders must be made on the form supplied Hy the Department, and oc lompanie rd hy an accepted cheque on a Janadian chartered bank, for 10 per cent, of the amount of the.tender, pay able to the order of the Honorable f Minister of Militid and Defence, which amount will be forfefted if the party tendering declines to enter into a con- tract, in accerdahce with the tender. The Departmént does not bind itself to .aceept the lowest dr any tender. EUGENE FISET, Colonel » Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Ottawa, March a1, 1910. (HQ. 18-2 Newspapers 'will not be 'said for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the Department, TENDERS. TENDERS. ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned at Ottawa, in Sedled enve- lo] es, and marked on the envelopes ender fur a new, steel steamer for the Quarantine Service." will be received up to noon of the 31st May, 1910, for the Soustiuet ion of 'a steel steamer for the fresh water) Quarantine Service at rosse Isle (Quebec) of the following leading dimensions, namely: :-- Bength, extreme, 113 feet, § Inches; 23 feet, i Beam, Depth, 12 feet, § inches to be deliver- ed at Quebec, in the Province of Quebec Plans and specifications of this steam- er may be procured wposm application to the Department of pREichiture, Ottawa up, to the 30th April, Tenders will be received - only from bong fide, shipbuilders ewning ship- ya Bach tender must be et inpaniea hy accepted: eane woul fo sent' of the whole amount. of the to Le cheque will be forfeited if the fal Tdual or company sending it de- clines to enter yt a Fantract lon jhe to Mhe People' Ss Forum | Se | Firat Insertion ie » word. Esch con secutive insertion thereafter half cent sertion, 25e; three Insertions, 0c; six, $1; one month, 83. AT ONCE, a goad cook. Apply to the matron. A CITRISTIAN LADY CAN SECURE profitable and easy employment by addressing Box 442, Ww hig office. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL MP ETEN . references required Apply, at once, to 230 Barrié Street, A HOUSEMAID; REFERENCES RE- 8a Apply, Mrs. tage. Ri Macnee = word. Minimum charge for one In- | AT ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL | B 1J OU CONDENSED AVERTING RATES TEACHER WANTED. TEACHER WANTED POR SCHOOL. Section Ne. 5, Tawnship of Bedford Apply te Thos, Barrett Treas. surer, Sangester P.O, LOST, Ont TWO LAWN ROLLERS AND SEY mowers at Turk's. "Phone 1 LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR Ne Als BELT ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE B® . Reward uekie on Saturday night. Hu return 10 Whig oftice, . AW ings and Tents at 152 Ontario St, F. X. Bazeau. El BTRAM Yacay AND for sale Sure at AOUSE a Cigar LE A YOUNG BLACK AND TAN HOUND] information will be fladly receiv: at the Whig office nyons harbors ing him afier this date will he bros Te secuted. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS, J POR aD LORRMAN CANARIES IN ted ref ded. infin Ta snd' Bear them. W. I + Driver, Suse and Barrie ' sireets. Pronets 61s. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Lawrence Cottages, ne Street A CARRIAGE PAINTER; SPEADY JOB to an all-round mai. James La- turney, Carriage Maker, Kingston, ont. A FEW SM ART GIRLS. ro WORK IN finishing room; steady work: good xagen Apply to Kingston Hoslery Ceo. Lt $ ] GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, MUSY understand i rane) Je wired. Apply to Wales, Cor agot and Ea Streets, FOR INSURANCE THAT INSUR Market" Sasare Kingaton 3 phone 424. C8 RAR SR np loket A A 1, Sieh ately hp Kingston, ay IRE, LIF ADCIDENT AND HEALTH X uted oie a mpani T, J. Boon, Agent, 1568 Wel Raston street. BROOM MAKERS WANTED: PER- manent position for compstent, steady and energetic. workman, Apply Box 421, Whig office. FOR GENERAL WORK; understand cooking; refer- required Apply. to iss 191 King Street MAID « ust ences Ferguson, A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; must be good Jain cook and have references. RR in the evening, to 58 Clergy treet! OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM DE- sires the service of a hustler in Kingston; good salary to right party. Apply, Bex 411, Whig office. A BY AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM, young lady, neat appearance, for Ringaton good salary to right Apply, Bt once, to, Box 44 hl 414 office, | SALESMFN FOR THE BEST AUTO- matie Som ressed-alr Hand Spray- 5 ade; Ht erst term; sample mu ne to raved ents, Cavers fos Gare" " INTELLIGENT PRRSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. Ne rove. Byndh Send for particulars, Press Bynd cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y AGENTS CAN MAKE $500 A DAY taking Bubaciptions to The Com- mercial Month write for parti. culars. The Commercial Magazine Company, Limited, Montreal. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good income corresponding for newspapers. experience unneces- sary Address, Press Correspond- ence Bureau, Washington, DCC WANTED, PERSONS TO GROW MUSII- rooms for us; small waste space in yard, garden or farm can be made Riofuce from $15 to $26 per week. rite for illustrated booklet and 1 1igulars. M 1 1 fit Burtieuinr qutreal Sppply S555 08 5b bibibiidibddtsss Department or falls te the Steamer, eo Department does not bind itself to The in the lowest or any tender, Newspapers cop; ng this advertise. ment without oy hy from the "De- partment will not he paid A. L. JARVIS, Assistant Deputy Minister and retary of Agriculture, Ottawa, 21st March, 1910. 10 CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED .AT the office of the Registrar, Queen's Uni- Jeraity. where plans and specifications 4 seen, and at the office of tha ed, up to % p.m, of f Thur for the several trades Fis irs in the .arection and © pletion of the Nicol Building for the governors of the Sc hoa) of. Minin d a Rao & and Agrieyjture The lowest or An tender not neces- sarily accepted, PFOWER & SON, Architects Merchant's Bank Chambers. WANTED-SUCKLING CALVES Must be four weeks old dt older. Best prices paid for them. It you have any for sale, drop me a card and I ill call for them. H. BLATT, Moun- ain Grove P.0O., Opt. Diamonds For pil = PART OF OUR STOCK IVES GREATER . AT- TION THAN OUR DIA- YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ACQUIRED: IN THE, HAND- LING OF THESE PRE. CIOUS GEMS 'Gi STANDING IN ; EXC 'OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN CAN- ADA Aa THE OND, AONB THE BIRTH RIL. Rodger & Wright 847 KING $1, KINGSTON. SALESWOMAN WANTED, ONE WITH goods experience. Apply, J. LAIDLAW & Son, Sd bd bid bd ddd 8 a, WANTED--GENERAL. ONTARIO AND B.A, yETRRAN SCRIP to pur fo Lor cash. J. 8, R. McCann, §1 DRY TEReRere APP, =X TO JAMES ACTON. 184 COL- borne Street, to gét ashes cleaned au of yards or cellars. "Phone TINSMITHS TO KEEP AWAY FROM Encouver, BC; trouble on. Am- Alzamateq Sheet Metal Union SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Yeterans' Scripts, Cobalt Stocks Bonds, and Debentures. Apply to 4. O. Hutton, 18 Market St. King- ston HORSES TO PURCHASE. I WILL BUY all kinds of horses. Will be In Kingston for the entire winter. A. onking, S87 Princess St. Te pnone No. 960. p RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW and May 1st, small house, with fn' conveniences; downtown dimirict eT SEH red. Address, 181, FU RE COVERIN Ry tos day at nary Fao, oy Ta reed or hi Rs Se uli FH Daria sre TO BUY, A GROCERY STORE IN THIS eity, stoek and fixtures not to ex- cesd $1,000.00; umn Transaction. Ad- dress. Box " M. R. arp of Whig oH ce, EMEN TO BRING THEIR th and have it made up into up- {o-date suits. Price and = ri man - Ship gu. Juatainteed to plessd. an tonal rin LL on the oth cd Bt. next Bibby's Livers © ----tt Bebra livery TWO GOOD: FARMS, CONTAININ 30 acres to exchange for firstiélas city residence or Timer resort lace; will assy arms well improved: rH i endig: horses, cattle. etc Address, "A. H." 181 Salina o Broo Workers' . | MRS. Box |HAIR, MOLES, amo, > BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK Put your ifivoices in an ig obe with. & one cent. stamp on snd Srop in the nearest letter So We do the rest. Al 8 of Fire Traurance "piared on short notice hens 396. 67 Clarence St, Kings LIVERPOOL. JONDON, A Fire Jualirahce Ca valla assets $61,187 Tas. to which the polieyho ve rot 0 and security the unifmited llabilitr all the aockueldera, arm sn : city REoperLy at lowes posaible rates, Hore renewing old or te new business get rates from Sippse & Strange, Agents. 4 ARCHITECTS. HEMET King iret 'Phone, Tak TC: ARTHUR ELLIS, ARC: and residence, 1¥1 PEAS, ON, ARCHITECTS, MER- nk Building, corner Broc Brock ngton streets. 'Phone, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. Garren er and niger, hb Vinton for reasonable Sioa 5. Jobbing. a rh Tach prompti ITRECT, OFFICE niversity Ave. SON, ARCHI. 68 Bagot street. POWER & chants' and Well MEDICAL. 18AAC WOOD, Man (Eng). Hin in. >. king 8 A and sitgeon; 2to & wr I » SPARKS. BA, MD, Sesion A i and 1.403 pom 'Phone 34d. OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O. Edna Earle Asheroft, D8: Gradu; ates of the American hool of Osteopathy, Kirksyille. Missouri, 468 405 Princess street charge for consaltation and tone ture regarding this new manipula. Bre treatment, "Health Without rugs, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite GTR. station, one block from C.P.R. on ek 14 car line} hote lately re led; charges moderate; special' rates by the * week. John Cousineau, Prop. HUBS HOTHL RESTAURANT Now eh Apt tosduie wer ice at popular price; Private 4 yoaty. | oF Dirance Bon Rin ioeol Red © Drug next con on Haak Prop. M.R.OB ric nt os PERSONALS. HEROD, RBEOOMMENDED BY leading physicians of King: Roni face and deal gatagel ha Bives marvellous resu % wi hamp, bo . BIRTIMA manicure. pedicure, ohinson St. warts ete. removed tl; without sear. Twent FHF ok prisnce. br. amet J. Eve _ishe Specialist, 3 258 Bagot roar PRIVATE TUITION IN SHORTHAND Ty ong toueh ewritin > ures NoHo and transcribed, all kinds Sf Cvpaeriting Wor and reasonable rates ar i rire Avenue. n ud, --e---- EE Te BUSINESS CHANOES. ; et ---------------------------- AN ANT UE hcl RST 08 JOB bookie Falls Row ow Hoaeook, 738s sare lucky. real fire 186 UNION STRERT, NEAR ALERT. $-room ted house odern fonven! Apply on the prem ag CYCLES English, ; PO ye Up-tow pn a ® ances, ONE T0P 8UGAGY AND SRT ar Ringle Harness: both in good con dition: will sell cheap, Apply rg EH Dufferin Street ane. MOTOR BOAT MULL TR Wee or ERs i" 3 an.l = GE $1,900 WILL BUY mo oath» hd KIND hava Ih the Shy * myers PURE DOMESTIC EE THR our family shoul ind ie keep, at x . Uppy, or or Meat MEA, 80 Brock pices TR cniut liek ae oy hiaraau; perpatusl ea ! re Le nable » . aa of Jonn Heaton, Wardens, TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUR medern ¥ prove nie nig eorner - bec and vision Bt eels; wine hE lots and furnish Apply, Rnghign on pa NORTH. WHET. RARB--A LE "OR rt of the in Alberts, own y tha [Ty A haet Conroe land, being situated nea and guaranteed first-el land: prices low; further par Po Monroy TORPEDO TN LAU Nor by # rt beam: Built of best cedar; AL with 12 a. Hm, engine; capacity, 12 Ret Bons; 14 miles per hour; tr ood as new; ry ptt wide lined and quartered oak; Sut good working ord ph & bal exhibit at Jas Knapp Barriefield, Ont POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDIT TION, cheap for cash sale; 14 shares Frontenac Lean n ka irony germs ean 30 ol Kits: a y life and ja ¢ AbBiy, 4. 0: Hutton, Market a TO Lm : .- TAR SLEVEN-ROUMBD. HOUSE ROUMED HOUSE AT Bagot Street; hot water h ¥ Siover improvements, Apply, A. DWELLING, EURNISHED MD furnished, St guns, le Molann' TE NIC RIY FU RNISHED FRONT ROOMS, a conveniences; ver, nt with or without bemrd ca 3 S jerex Street, near Ageia ure DENTAL OFEICE, NO. 148 Whit ton Street, formerly accupin Dr. Clements; aise fice pi Wellington Street Pr iy to Mundell, Barrister, 93 Narn 1h HEE EM RER. agg a i Storage. 388 nv RNISHED. | ofl Craigylea, Loughbaroni Tre Aree sd ou Eimtree. House Alwinaton HO king URE: pr Apply LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE. - nished, containing 12 rooms at Phon S18 ply at Avenue, FURNISHED, electric 1 . water heat modern ences; Baar § rallw at 113 Alfred Street ih stat For particy) i Lawrence Sian Sh M, Dayle, on suitable for Barag a. machine . sales oom oF A A Ea » Maker 3 90 acarney * w.e, clothes presses, irs, feed cellar and 1 gd arge "Dl vista Ne 2% 4 tention kitchen, 16% house THAT LARGE FOR SALE OR T0 or Baloony; opposite C.p R STONE, BH corner Queen and SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSH, Itit is a Coal or "Wood ral kinds of COAL AND WOOD for GRATES Prices moderate. Fire There is nothing like a the grate, We have seve-

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