Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 77-NO, 78 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1910. : ; LAST EDITION S-- Mp-------- -- . COOK'S FRIENDS Cp 21 PROSPEROUS IMMIGRANTS, : TRIPLE TRAGEDY. | WEATPER PROBAMILITIES o Will Put up a Fund to Prove His : First C.P.R. Party Leaves for Great Ballooh Pommern Plunges Tato Sea! tuna Satin thy Sh emt, ] East to south i showe é x Claim. : . : » West. After Mishaps. ths ih and on Nesdas th Tocal b J New York, April 4.--On the authori-| Montreal, / April 4~The first party Stettin, Germany, April 4.--The Ger-| thunder storms ty of Capt. B, F. Oshon, one of the for settlement 1, western Canada un man balloon, Pommern, which made most active supporters of Dr. Fred- | ler Sir Thomas Shaughnessy's ready: an ascension Sunday afternoon, met 2 The Montreal Bank Sunk ecicr A, Cook, the explorer, it is an- There Is Concer n Over made farm scheme passed through Roosevelt Would Not Agree with a series of aceldents which ended nounced that about $175,000 had been | Montreal Junction in & special train, ' {in a disaster under most tragic cur Good Money guaranteed towards a fund to help] King's Health. fwhich will take them through to Cal- To Vatican Restrictions cumstances in the Baltic sea. : br. Cook prove his claim to discovery | . gary from Halifax without chenge. p Three men lost their ves, including | | There ej thirty fhmilies in the the radical member of the rdechstag, | | ------ 3 TE : ern: man," Cupt. Dehon said, "had! . - party, btonsisting of sbout 200 indi- |. Werner Hugo Delbrueck. Herr Delbrueos M XI pledged $100,000 of this sum, and east- HE HAS BAD TEROAT yiduals. They carried with them an ARRIVAL : AT ROME and another member of the party were ern friemeds of the explorer the re. immense amount of baggage and fur- drowned, a third oceupant of the car maida. Much more would be forth- | niture, - which will enable them to "as picked up unconscious and died "Capt. Onbon explained that it was {AND ME FREQUENTLY crops {170i {le Joris Shh the Canaan | x. pRESIDENT WANTS INCIDENT | from bis Injuries while the four. vs BANK OFFICIALS DESPATCHED [proposed to use the fund inesuch ways | ¥ROM COMPLAINT. gated block in Alberta, REGARDED AS PERSONAL. The Pemmon. carrying Delbrueck, 70 MEXICO, thr tha oe, pout bet cm cate ogi butls th ai The records the explorer Toft oo Etag | The Rush of British Emigrants to|'™03! prosperous party immigrants | Refuses to Submit to Conditions | Herr Semmelhardt, an architect, Herr Faw 5 : which has ever come across the ocean : 3 Limi he, end a man named Hein, Mr. Saunders May Suffer as the Re- [would be recoveral and his Fskimo Canada Continues Unabated-- tp Canada. They bud with them from Which. in. Any Way Would t Bends, this afternoon at the gas " , "0 'ons " Vithis o / ate : - 'reedom Conduct----As : : sult of His Confidence in a Fellow mpasé aha Ioupht toh this sountry. Australia Cannot Cate h the | £50,000 to £75,000 in cash. His in gr nd oh works, The wind was blowing a hur- Canadian. e expetts the doctor home by the Cerowds--Rev. Thomas Law Found ental snes sult, nce Pon "Iricane, and the Pommern broke away latter part of the present month. Brownell: ; : Not Occur, - before she was completely ballasted. ; 4 . REMAINSSLONG AFTER THE | New York, April 4. Little by Tittle ---------------- b ¢ p a - Sad o : ing 2 % : ) . f adents began im- \ the detalls of the recent smash up oi History Once More Repeats. | London, April 4.=The king, who is i Rome, April 4.-Thé autlience whith A chapter ol ae ba = rd : PRICE I FORGOTTEN x ] : i ; jately. The balloon collided with recs the United States Banking company | pie, { now at Haritz, has nod been well for 4 it was believed ex:-President Roose Shaty wires, which broke, almost| 3 ; A of the City of Mexico and the = con-lygiy * wi, u century's ju fortnight. The newspapers say he is y . . velit would have with the pope, on overturning et. then dash. Years of experience in { nection therewith of the Bank of ' the bask EY We . ®® | suffering from a bad coli, but the fact > 3 Fuestiny next, will not ovtour, . owing 3 4 : igboring fac- | € Puring and selling has taught Montreal 'axe being received in this Nv are lon arthed on Wie (Poe of in his majesty has bad more then a i. 3 to comlitions which the vatican has $d ie the reat > a aegvaring tac } us this emphatically, and our city, how that a hich zou i AY. WINER! oli to cause his physicians worry. He : 1 mmposed, and which Mr. Roosevelt re- the basket swaying wildly, and half motto is to-day--always was It appears that President Ham, of ak wis § 8 fe on o Soot Aa {has not been robust since his recovery | - fuses to accept. oo ro fits ropes cut, the balloon soared to ) and always will be the defunct bank, is incarcerated {on ment filed dg : Noose. i A {irom the. operation. that nearly proved | v 1 ; Although the definite negotiations % Be altitude and cisappeared in| § GOODS OF QUALITY the famous Belom prison on the out-f 00" sighiod "rs en ho as Lat [fatal to him at the date fixed for his | { He _-- relative to the audienco:ended Defore i clouds at a terrific speed. 4 and STYLISH GOODS skirts of Mexico, where so many pni- olin, petitioning the a to "eet: | coronation. His throat is weak and | ; Me. Roosevelt leit Egypt, the an Thousands of onlookers, including a | 3 At FAIR PRICES. Jones Have Siterel sever again hay (any edd causes an flamunation off : Souncement was withheld until after | ent of militia, which was as- TO-DAY WE EMPHASIZE stipulated price on provisions for man | A i y . i and horse and on liquors in the tav- jthe throat that fi ently produces | ' 4 Roosevelt reached Rome last night at dsting in the descent, ran along the 3 80 fur us the reputation of the place the basket 'to break is concerned the old French Bastile was A {almost suffocdtion. The king's physi- | ; the solicitation of his American Cath- : >t . 1 i ; * A . : 0 ois of Ha gouty raved Tor rab cians always have a tonk of oxygen: EE slic friends here, who believed that in rods, AD a paradise in comparison. | prayed lor retires AWAY. ' day or two before the smash Mr. of the north pole. "A prominent west- | wv Perm., April 4. -- Records Ry 5 : 3 : . A however, was not a ) ; handy to relieve the choking attacks! bi the meantime th: vatican might iva . . 8: an egerted, © * ' | Fh rR ; py : 3 until &t reached Swinemun d asserted. "Jt is the consensus of | {hat afflict the king often nowadays. ! change is attitude, scen again until « RB ahr gun i of S Ham went to the Baok of Montreal, | 2020 that Ba jor a meal of | fi 'majesty's generdl health is. fairly | Ong of the former president's Ameri. | 4 thirtysts miles westward « Eh and, stating that he had three-quar- rl or ok ahd [= cenia lor a half Pint | good for a man of his age hut his fad EN, 3 can friends, who had been with him rt yd & in a direction of the ' ters of a million of dollars in gold de |? WM8Key 1s an extortion. | physicians never -take chances ang ° } WTR n Fgypt, came to Rome Saturday} %UW feet, ' R 0 03 posited In a New York banking {neti S---- {when be develops the slightest colfd En without, however, any authorization ht +« followed in its track, and one ; y tution, asked to have a draft cashed Died of Lockjaw. rigidly keep him in doous. | 5 ie # from Mr. Roosevelt, and interoeded ¢ br which had outdistanced the for that amount. Mr. Saunders, man- Beantford, Ont April 4.-A sad! The rush of British emigrants to Lf; with "Cardinal Merry de Val, the pa- her almost directly under it ¥ for ager of the Canadian bank, and his denth from loskjaw acieved oh a Canada Outinues unabated. Thirty or 7 pal secretary, in an entleavor to avoid |© 9 k L A ! 3 hk hen suddenly the balloon fell into advisory board, having explicit confi- hospital here. George Bennett, six- thousand' persons are hooked to sail 2 situation which, as it now . stands, rh sen. The tug steamed to the spot dence in Ham, cashed a. draft for year-old son of William Pennett, wa ifrom Glasgow, Liverpool and London | § ¢ a: caused a ional sensation in Rome, nickly, but the work of reseye was : ' $600,000, or sd : . "| during. the present month Alling the! 5 rn rr though it was bot entirely unex-| om. or d Ab k and Ben a 108 slightly injured by falling on the! gh : : CAISE : : o | difficult. Already Delbrueck am n prong "of a fork in a barnyard on {sten 8. The Canadian agents report | Who RAISER QR QERMANY, will weted, But his efforts. were unavail- duhn had disappeared, but Semmel- that, although Ham had shown them Good Friday last. The symptoms of | Only the best class of mien are sailing. | eciipse himself in doing honor tol'PE- . . hatdt and Hein were clingingf{to the n pasa-book with the amount of three v ; |The steamer Virginian sails for Can- [former President Rooseveit when the while at Gomgdokorg, in February i rte ; TH sowit in | the hardening of the muscles of the : ; { colonel re - : i ropes and they. were Grogged "aboard [4 Tailored ig ot a Million, su Tom i) ook and jaw 'were noticed, yesterday, | 24a. Wednestlay, with 1,500 passen- | CUAL ATTive so rn Rheem. ast, Mr. Roosewelt wrote to Ambas- the vessel. 8 i Now York, as he had alleged, not one and a doctor was called. It proved | 5% The Hesperian sails, Saturday, ihree days of his five day visit right | ador Leishman, saying that be would Hein died soon after being taken on cent was forthooming, and this is 2 * {with 2,000, All the - emigrants have: With him in the palace. Then he in- | re glad of the honor of an audience , } * : . , : . y T ' pis ; d Delbrueck's body: was { 9 why Ham is now languishing in pri- |! late, however. The boy doubtle % lmoney to take up land in Canada. |iEn9s to have ail the great men of | citi Kiny Victor Emmanuel and' the |% © Wf an y ) i S ps 4 i " y hy a x fod A > Let Germany Jerli « po ' 3 x was $ I son, whore his lawyer alone can see |™™ Haeulated ith the de diy tetan- Jay. efforts of the Australian ofan Drea nig ei athe former pope. The audience with the king was washed ashore this Jvemng. him, and only at rare intervals. us germs from the manure fork, {to divert some of the emigration {othe way of honor and decorations. rg nly arran le " When the 'run' started the Bank [ Australi falling bee hat | e's = Id be Bre uspicious. Beautiful Worsteds run starte he Ban | Australia are fallimg peause that EE E Pore an arrangement eoule z 4 Tho fre bo a sf Montreal, having no dea of the Fourth With No Noise. { country has served notice that if pre Monster Strike Threatens. ceached relative to an audience with gMontreal, Api 4.- ; five 8 ag Hoth French and... English wreck and paid ows 'som S000 tomo New York," April 4.--The nowy fers emigrants without children | Verlin, April 4h Eigantin lockaut, | he pope, several tolegrame wees pans. { 207s SOLU 0 LUN ory ire, | § Fabrics in rough und: smooth wreck anc pad out some $600,000) fourth of July in New York will be| The Methodist and other Free|initiated by 22,000 employers of labor | +, and the negotiations were ended ha : An arty firomion makes--in dainty checks-- more te the depositors, which, as a noielety Mayor Gaynor has decided [Church communities have been shock-|and involving directly and indirectly § vv Mr, Roosevelt refusing in any way | Saturday night, when a" ho fhe eh striped and Roverty etfects--in matter of fact, 'was so much good that the order of former Fire Com- ed to leam that Rev. Thomas Law, | 1,500,000 workmen, appears linevitable {| o be limited as to his conduct, anal | Were injured iy a Put : LE No colors Greys, Rose-du-Barry, money thrown alter bad. missioner Haves, thet no permits for 'Seoretary of the National Free Church [in the German building trades. It is nnouncing that an aurdignoe with the | plosion, It k Feit et 2 ad A » jh Amythist, Greens, etc. Many there is also"anothee phase of "Mie lthe retail sale of fireworks between | Council, has been found drowned a expected to begin April 1th. The war ope, 'under the circumstances, wa: | ing cloakmakers » bes, a ie of } of these are in exclusive Suit question, inasmuch as some depositors] joo. 10th snd July 10th be issued, pmile off shore at Brighton. Rev. Mr.|is the culmination of a long series of | ow Jimpossible. nesses, the factory ping one of: the Lengths, so we advise an oarly seeing the Bank of Montreal in pos of 00 S Law had been depressed and melan-| disputes between organizations of | As a matter of fact, Mr, Rogseveit | lew which stood out against the re call * : » i } session, did not withdraw their mon: chely, He was fifty-six years of nge employers and workmen over the ques- | vile declining to accept any co wl | cent general strike in that tinde. ! ey, and now threaten action against x Leader Dead and Jeaved a widow and two daugh- | tions of wages and hours. The minié- | (ions in connection with his audicue: -- The . the Canadian bank, alleging that had 2 Ammany 1g fe ters, Rev. Mr. Law had travelled, tor of trade has been asked to inter- | vith the pope, had neither directly +1 Damaged by Fire. : Muscovite Suitings the ab, their foars they | New York, April 4.--John E. Sex- Luretty extensively in the United States | vens. as. mediator ; adirectly vefore, Juring ov after the | wiiia. Ont., April 4.--The rears of We offer: these beautiful would ® wa thei money, | ton, for many yeirs o pone in Tam- [awl Canada as well as on the contin: negotiations, iaade or considered of) | jh Rossel, Laplante and Cox blocks, materials for stylish suits 'In ¥ ich has now gone where the good | many Hall, is dead at his home here ent. Mr. Foster's Condition, ngagements wv. Rome except those of 0 00 Cole Gide of Queen street, were all the newest shades. inchid thiopians go. of pneumonia, after an illness of less ---- . 2 otficial character, and he actually np fi fly on 8 s op Mr. Sa who was in char tl than © ook. Hi fifty-th Ottawa, "April 4.~Hon, George E. | an official = 2 Y | badly" damaged by fire early mn yn ing those pretty soft: green y ge 0 one. weak, 8 Was WY Ve PULPWOOD EXPORT. Foster's disability may be classified as | 2ntered Rome to-night with but. two | =" 44. joss on buildings is estima tone which are so popular the branch of the Bank of Montreal at | years oid of FI ini s--the dience 3 . »ol the City of Mexico, is a Toremtorias. . te i May be Met by MeTVOus prostration. Hin ExFuistan jukinite agents rE ne be | ted at $6,000. now, h 8 elle | Exports Met bY enjoins absolute quiet and rest. Mr. | vith ing anc d > a brother of Dyce Saunders, the well: x On ba ¥ ; fnjons J known Toronto erioketer Counter Duty. Foster is troubled with pains in the | riven in his hovor by the municipali- - WE INVITE YOU TO CALL Several prominent: officials of the HAD DESIRE TO HEAR Washington, D.C., April 4.--Objec- back of his neck and has to lie prone) ty. . . JACK THE HUGGER These AND SE) A few days aMer they discovered + : : : : ; + by ito get ease. Rest and time may] The history of the negdtiations is smart and the Haak 2 Montreal. including Me. nr thon -- ade 20 ain of $95 000 by Dring recuperation, but his condition | about as follows : go : ' trimmings that were dyed to 100 to look dnto the financial catastro- | LOVE PROVED STRONGER THAN | ha appropriation under which the |i Dot without jis serious aspects. While at Caio Ms. Roosevelt nessiv: | __ _ "i AVED FROM] S 'I° tones, they tarp phe, and until they report definitely FEAR OF ARREST. stale department may encourage -- dd the following telegram oo ah S } TAY hd thore appears to be no method of trade relations, the diplomatic bill assador Leishman, dated March 2304, MAN BY SCREAM. finding out just how hard the Bank . ~ . | as sent back to conference by the FOR PARLIAMENT Mgr. Kennedy. rector of the Ammi --_ of Montreal has been hit by the| Man Wanted For Forgery Crossed jo. stir all amendments except an Catholic College, in reply to an | pre. Elizabeth McGuire Grabbed by downfall of Mr. Ham's financial com-| Frontier Without Passing Immi- hat ane, had been, sifveed dor, whi Nich - A oan Stzanger an Was Mis. Yotmg on bination, ation Officials. n explanation of the fact that now iN W 3 CANDIDATES | frohests tha e oe 0 . " r N It is also rumored that Mr. Saun- oi J . etiony by the tariff officers of the Wonsk A ation be transmitted to you : The Wednesday Nagin. : ders is to be relieved of his position, | inneapolis, Minn, April A--Be government in their published state- 4 a . oly father will be delighted to grant Watertown, N.Y., April 4. Does this owing to his having placed implicit | cause his desire to hear from "a girl {font as to what was done iy the ' : wn audience to Mr. Roosevelt on April city posess a Jack-the-hugger ? Fos confidence in # fellow Canadian, back home was stronger than his {matter of the importation from Can- A Number of Notable Parisiennes Sig: | ;th, and hopes that pothing will arise | (10 second time within the past wepk ROBERT J. REID, The prime losses are understood to] fear of arrest, Eflward Simon, said to |4ds of pulp wood, it wat stated to- nify Their Intention of Attempting | to prevent it sich as the mueh re-|, «onan walking alone after dark has The Leading Undertaker, have occurred by investment in Mexi-| Pe Fdwand Stanton, was cleverly day that this question could not be | Sec a Seat fir the Chamber zretted incident which made the re | heen grabbed by a strange man, who "Phone. G37 297 Pr A can propositions which, have been | trapped at the postoffice by govern: |neanerly entered into the present »-| 10 Secure 7option of Mr. Fairbanks impossible." |, io of with all speed after the wo " , incess Street. - overestimated, > ment officials, and in default of $1,000 greement, as the only matter involv-| of Deputies in May. hoplying by cable to Ambassador man uttered a scream for help, Satur-{ -- oe tt---- bail, is pow in Ramsey county jail|.d had todo with the discrimina-| Paris, Apul 4.--Women candidates | Leishman on March 25th, Mr. Roose fay night as Mrs. Elizabeth MeGuire, JAMES REID FOR VICTORIA DAY. awaitine deportation to Canada, | jon against American goods. The for the elections to the French Cham-| elt suid : . of No. 117 William street, was going "a 2 dm : nn where he must face a charge of for-|statement was made, however, that ber of Deputies in May are to be "Please present the following to along High street near the railroad 254 nnd 266 PR 85 STRIIT. A Celebration Was Arranged Forgery. 5 the province of Quebec had not yet brought forward in each of the twenty | Igr. Kennedy : 'It would be a teal crossing, she was grabbed by a man "Phove 7 Tor Ras This Evening. Stanton came from Toronto to Rainy prohibited the exportation' of pulp|ditisions into which Paris is divided | leastire to me to be presente] to the who stepped forth from a dark A public meeting will be held in the River, where it is alleged he Passer] wood, but had put A stumpage taxifor political purposes. . aoly father, for whom I entertuinlizh shadow. "She Jot out a piercing seream DIED. } . oil chamber this evesite. § "| several worthless cheques. From there "of twenty-five cents a cord on such! The lst already made out includes espect, both personally and ax the for help. TURNER-In Kingston, 68 Apri 3rd, aolunelt « ¥e 19 evemng, to arf, crossed to Spooner, Minn., in a waded if worked up in Canada, and ithe names of several notable Pari [head of a great chureh. 1 fuily recog | °F. . 1919, Sarah Amelia Turner, wife g range for a Victoria Day celebration ' t ¥ F 3 : A . : B a 3 The man, who looked to Mre. NM G. W. Turner, aged 44 years It depends to-night' coting | Post, and went first to Duluth, later {wenty-five cents a cord additional if igjennes. Mme. Pelletéer, one of the ize Lis entire right to reeeive or not Guire like a Chinaman or negro, took | Funeral Wednesdays, at 3 o'clock. from Oh COMIRAES meeting, | oo ming here. Two weeks ago the bu- {exported. The United States, it was first women to be oslled to the bar, | receive whomsoever he choos, ic he ok 4 auitkly disap: 131° Alfred prreet, to Cataraqul whether they will bo a celebration Off ronu of immigfation 8h Minneapolis explained, could meet that tax by im*| and one of the few women to con] my reason that seems good 16. him, | °F 3p a iy y Snap Cemetery rest iionds and acquaint not, buchaep those behind the affair {yo Lotified from Washington that posing a countervailing duty under tinue in general practice in the courts, | nd if he does not receive wis I shall | P*® the he hon ot "end. 0 camo it all d hele the Font Stanton was wanted for crossing the [its present laws, {ill seck election in the fifth division | aot for a moment question the ;re- ig to wo Ss. Mrs, A. W.] GRAHAM --Opn Sunday. April 3, 1830 u_y iin ub and htt: hel the aa boundary line. This made him liable meee ln the ninth division Mme. Marguer-|ricty of his section. On the tier wt x Bosdioy Bight. Tn Joseph Bakes Graham, . late of nicting ail hel things Oh . to arrest under immigration Jaws, DOES BRITAIN OWN OREGON? |; , Durand, founder of the women's | and, 1, in my turn, must decline 10 bed ng. she was whaiking slong Me ners rivate) from his brother's Many new B a. for | Which will bo sufficient to detaie him Russell Say Title ts paper, the Feonde, aid who is now {make any stipulations or submit to r nee (ldward Graham), Front » : "| pending investigation of his identity. | Lord Russel s nmise| + "the head of the ily newspaper,] ny conditions, which in aay way chavic street near the home of Cassiug Riad. Townstip of Kingston. to this season would add greatly to At the ¢ anil R32 & T v ii : Fuller. The assailant was described as raqul Cemetery, on Tuesday ) a ¥ At county jnil Simon denied that takeable, the Nouvelles, will represent the fem | vould: limit mfi freedom of conduet. J ald after At 3 o'eloek the weieeation, Ho tnmit tos thie fhe was Stanton, though he admitted | "1 0, April 4.--~In tho® House of ist aspir ations. frust that on, April Sth, he wul fin! }a large gry and. "shisiidend and | rene In Kingston, April Ind yeas wih a Ax good a slart = asd. ..sing the frontier without examin c ¢ Lord John Russel called] Mme. Hubertine . Auclere, . another | ¢ convenient to reseiva " wearing a black derby. 4 Fe feheook, aged 18 any committed ever had, having $800] S. Fo "0 : AL ommons Lor hn Russel ca 3 4 0 ] : ACH Bitchevoki 'aged. 71 in the t from | The] 2000: He vas quite optimistic, say: | yention to Polk's 'words. Polk had |leader, will stand in. the eleventh] On March 29th, Me. saul ny i a : wall ihe late H. O celebration of 1000, was '& sand woe |I"% that arrival of identification from (uid" "our ithe to the Oregon division, whilo, the other , aspirants | "air received » ablekram from Am: MAY LEAD TO TROUBLE STL of Da Smite Taos . ol 4 ol 1910 © grand oe Lhis family would clear up matters. country is clear and unquestionable." {for parMamentary honors are Mme | saseador Leishman giving & message -- oH (TH Ferguson, 154 Johnson St _ he he S316 ab be made -- Now title to a country like Oregon|Youtbler, ' a wellknown parliament d rom Mgr. Kennedy, which concluded | The Overcrowding in the Local he alien 4o -Woite Island == ---------- ® Give Obsolete Warships wight be acquired in three ways--by {ary correspondent, and Mme. Chemo | by saying : : Theatorlams. ous ie ie ls 1alandes, ami Apel Hon {ancient discovery, by treaty, by oo-{and Mme. Lenoir, of the sufiragist| "The audience cannot take place ex-| oor owding at the, local thea Api Bey hepa RAB © DAILY MEMORANDA. 3 Liowlon, 1 4.--In the Hovis of [ovipation and settlement. The speak-| newspaper, La Suffragiste. an spt on the understanding expressed in | (ining, may lead to some trouble, al ure respectfully requested to at- © « 2 esd Lords, Lord Brassey suggested that Fons on fo declare that in alt| Apart from their - feminist opinions, | he former mediage." GC police constable paid a visit to these | Lene Shr lewd om 4 tn iebping vesslt, the Ad jthren of those ways the title, of Eng. ithe candidates represent dificvont | "Tho following day Mr. Hoosevelt | Poa "0 mamment on Sacurdn, | -- a Beg BE i riralty should make a free gift otf io Oregon was _ superior to [Political parties. But it is significant | sent another message to the American three of them. ovencrawied, and that] sxiivs: IX MEMORIAM. Li oh nd ow mnt them for service in colonial waters. tf (he "United States. He had{that they have modified their other | smibmssador, saying : . ye and 3t ie al that he found] ~ 0 a AK amare. Stour dens pm, : * | The Earl of Granard, replying on Be '50rd "it romarked that it was a mat- political views on the general politics} "The proposed presentation is of -_ opristors alg have Ao answer | : Smith, Portamouth, whe Reoltul ham Sireet Methodist [half of the government, said: "There '(er of ; to E of the day in order to unite on the} ourse mow. impossible." ., ein the alee court, * heavenly hems, 'Apri) ehurel has been no demand by the domin-| ooo fon. But § a feminist question. Thus it is under |' My. Roosevelt particularly desires To owners: of Shiektoaiums ave. 6; hone. but nt. LorgDtien Remember sale at YW.CA. to-mor-|ions for such ships. If they really! tier stood that they Wil all ke anti-cleri | hat the incident shall be by). he a aL ro 3 "4 $ na Jo sons meeting wanted them the dominions would Should 'surrender of her cal and radical. : his iricods, bath Catholic sad Tro right to Slod: b pres Be haw been | FROM THIS OUT" i city net I chamber. Spam. "have asked therefor. SSeS i Pollution of Nia testant, in America, as rersonsl, and Shhimed + the aisles were blocked in | tt Guid Lae acme pretty Sood Furi. . les from' Parls, : ha . Save ' "hat it shall not give ric: to an ani time of a fire, i, would be sure to) bay reandnable prices. 4 Fork Pha idee hin imbler." or "A ¥Vietim] | At Face Value. gic Washington, April 4.--Bepresentative | nonious controversy. 05 ! g-- Portland, Ore, Xpril 4. Portland i are Falls di Se I . 1Canadian currency at par. A a meet- the presideft in 0 Clegislati Tweed, Out, April 4.-William Cold co, Cuihatines, Ont., April 3. Mas {ing of the clearing house this week, it "jo stop the Pollution of h well, an employee of the Seymour| = NcBride will | present Be Gal | WwW was agroed to put Canadian coin on Guelph, April 4.~Over one han-{t Ver, Mr. Light and Power company, warking O08 lagher, aged over seventy vears, with ! : An equal hasix with Sind tates Sits dred men--inmates of the 1 : nt Rulphite, the bronze medal of the Royal Hu- | : recy wm RNSAOLIO ! busi pt onwill vel to , undet : . mane Solely for conspicuous braver, ! ness throughout the city. This will i to nd President - KeR | iv to-night's en of the cig ap e {mean that merchants generally will be ! 3 - §: Gallagher Joaped into the | he Causing. mou * ot 1s _ fuse Pomme amd nk F ; hydraulic rasewaSone day, last win '$value. . , . . 3 in, . ; condi Aetna Still Active, A : thr, mod wt the risk of Josiog his S Was Friend of Lincoln. : ich imi Catania, April £.--& heavy fall of aa. my n own life in the swift current and ic; | yrup banks have decided to accept all i Yo : Drowned on Sunday. For Conspicuous Bravery. N ' T ter, i Margnrel Thom, soow througho ut the night: min led | recovered. 0 tent velour ou gery Irom drowning. . iy on Shottones and cinders, | years of age and unmarried. Hix howe . Pure and Good. Buliving from the eraters of Mount | was in Queenshoro: 3 "Moth Camphor" asad Pouble Aetna, of the flow of Str Tarine - Moth Proof Bags. ent flava hs in go Fl : y Somaliland | gy, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug

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