GANNOT LIVE When The Blood Is Purified With Stuart's Calcium Wafers. -- Trial Package Sent Free, Fimpl 5, | blotches, 'eruptions, ete, simply Cisappesr like magic when you shut = off the sapply of impurities which ecatse them. Stuart's Calciam Wafers the blood through the as food. They stimulate and nourish i. They desroy foreign and unna- tural bodies found there and remove all impurities very quickly, In many cases pimples tions days. Thee little wafers are so strong that foimediately after they go into the blood their beneficial effects make themselves known. The blood cleansed rapidly and thoroughly, the impure is separated from the pure blood and the waste matter and poi- soups are carried from the system. The person who suffers the humiha- tion of pimples, blotches aud erup- tions should know and feel that the biopd iv in bad condition and delay "is quite dangerous, and is Hable to affect many organs quite seriously. Purify your blood and you give na: ture the means to successfully fight all manner of Calcium Sul phide. is ofie of the ingreMients from Rehich Stuart's Calcium Wafers are made, and it is the strongest and most powerfal blood Invigorator known to science. This wonderful purifier is endorsed by the tire medic al pro- fession and is generally weed in all doctor's prescription Tor the blood and skin, Stoart's Calcium Walers peculiarly preserve the strength of Calcium Sul- phide better than other methods--thus ulving the most rapid cures owing to the purity of the ingredients and their freedom from decay, evaporation and vhemical weakness caused by many latter day modes of preparation. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are sold ley every druggist. Price 50¢., or send us vour name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail free. Address ¥. A. Stuart, 175 Stuart Bldg Murshall, Mich. eee See Our Display of Gasoline Engines They are the kind you require for your new launch. The Davis Engines are be- coming more popular every day because they are the most re- liable and give you the best ré- sults, Our motors others promise. Ask us for prices and specifi- cations on the type of motor boat which vou require for this "itassson. Oar prices will interest you, DAVIS ORY DOCK GO. "Phone 420. NO Is the Time go into same channel and erup disappear from the skin in five perform where When you will be requiring material ! for houses. We have at lowest prices, | all times, Doors, Sashes, Moulding, Frames, Base, Stairs, Porticos, Columns, and interior finish, Kiln- dried Spruce, Wainscotting, Coped and Bevel Siding, Matched Hemlock and Pine, Timber, all sizes; Shingles and Cedar Posts in all qualities, and Star Cement. The Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co'y., (A. Chadwick, Manager), Successors to the Rathbun Co. a he Peerless Palace Shoe! t man's delight, an the bést all Kingston. Men's Exclusive Shoe Store.' Jack c Johnston, IR SITET a THE CLUB HOTEL ST., near PRINCESS. a sagesesrs sonee 000000 There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur- "Located in centre of city and close principal stores and theatre. capensis WATCH FOR COMET .. IT W ILL SOON BE VISIHSE EARLY MORNING SKY. Queen's Astronomers Do Not Fear Been Much Discussed---Millions of Miles From Earth, Queen's university astronomers looking forward to having at least peep at Halley' 8s comet, Within =a few days the comet will be ghead of the and may be seen in the early morning sky. It will reach the near- est point to the sun on April 20th. It will then be fifty million miles from the sun, and will keep brightening up and going ahéad of the sun in the morning until May Ist, when it will then appear to approach the sun again. On May 18th the comet will pass be tween the sun and the earth about nine otlogk at night, but will not be visible Bere. It may be seen just befors' sundown #t the Pacific coast, but will be best observed in Japan. At the time of passing the earth "and sun the comet will be about fourteen million miles above the earth, and if the tail reaches out far enough it will envelop the earth, but the compon- ents in the tial will be so alternated that the inhabitants of the earth will notice nothing unusual beyond a hazy ap arance "or glow in the sky, It ill terminate at a pint pear An- i a bright red stare, which should be visible then. The relative velocity will be. fifty miles a second , as the tail sweeps by, and on May 6th, as the earth crosses the orlit of the comet, afew metecrs may reach the earth at that time. After May 15th Halley's comet will appear to go away from the sun, and finally dis appear. ; a sur, Fey FIRST VESSEL TO ARRIVE. a------ The Steambarge Hinckley From Oswego. To the steambarge Hinckley goes the honor of being the first vessel to 1 rive in the city, with a eargo. Hinckley arrived in the city, turday, morning, withua cargo of and cleared for the cargo will be unloaded. steambarge encountered a great of we on the way, but was able make the teip without any mishap. Capt. Martin Olsen, of the steamer | Advance, has returned from a holiday trip to Detroit. Capt. James Smith has left for Rideau, where he will take a vessel. | None of the local boats have cleared ! as yet, The schooners and vessels are | waiting until more of the ice has! cleared away. The steamer Scout ix still tied up at the Kingston and Pembroke wharf, ! and is unable to do much work in the harbor on aécount of the ice, Many buoys are ready to be laid out by 'this steamer a8 soon as the weather per- mits. in Port on | wal | i The' deal to he | charge of { I The Trusts and Guara intea company, Torontg,. have been appointed. admiy- istratofs of the estate of the late Andrew McLelland, late of the town- sip of East Flamboro, county of Wentworth. The state consists of real estate in said township to the valuation of $1,600, See Bibby's dlegant $1 shirts. SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL Is the sews herewith of the visit Mr. Frank Pember, representiog widely known PEMBER ART HAIR STORE. of Toronto. The store that makes the aghion in hair goods Ladies who would view the daintiest and most ot the alluring hair pieces ever shown here, beaut) to quality, beautiful in de- n and beautiful when worn, will see oe display Gentlemen whe are losing or who have lost thelr hair will be interested for business andl soclal reasons in the Pember Toupees, the Most skiliful and natural hair pieces not be told from natural growth when worn, Priced very reasonably. phdvies upon halr and scalp troubles e. Don't neglect to see this rare Siar. Nothing lke it elsewhere. Kingston, Randelph otal Friday, » Millions Say So When millions of people use for years & medicine it proves its merit. People who know CASCARETS' value buy over a million boxes a month. It's the biggest seller because it is the best bowel and liver medicine ever made. No matter what you're using, just try CASCARETS once-- you'll See. 17 CASCARETS 10c. a box for = week's Sragtumant, all 4 seller in the world 'Jon boxes a a fat us help keep the hame ht by occasiopaily cleaning your plane covers, cushion ceov- ers, silk tapestry. curtaing ete. Ne, ean dn right and at small rer devi Can- R PARKER Rk & CO, Pe nt nk IN the Power of the Tail, Which Has onty, are Alexandria Bay, where | row sleight and { Skinner, by Col. Cunningham, {hindsome jar wved, | regumen tal 1 sorry CASES ENTERED FOR TRIAL the Non-Jury § Sittings of the County Court. The following 'is the docket of civil cases entered ee trisl" at the non- sittings of the cosaty court on tuesday next, before Judge Madden : tbhrem Lyin, plamntiff, and Alexander defend: The plaintiff's clan 38 tor ¥ZOY for goods pur chased and: services performed. De feadant counter claims for an ac- count of XUAN, and has paid into court ¥.5 in full satisfaction of any claim of the pluintii. W. M. Ewart, Westport, for the plaintif. Hutcheson & Fwher, Brockville, for defendant. Jerome Erowk, plaintifi, and James Rose, defendant. The plaiotili's claim is for $476.55 unlawfully secured from the plamtii by the defendant ander false pretences, Defendant alleges hat he pail oat large portion of sald money behall of the plainti't and that now has oply ®22 ax a bulunce and that said balance wes loaned to him by the pl vintiti be ppaid at the expira tion of the pleictifi"s tor of im- prisonment in the penitentiary, with interest same rute plaintih was receiving from the post office depant- ment. Defendant further al ezes hat the time for repayment has net ar rived and plaintiff has right of. aciion whatsoever until thet time Cunningham & Mudic for the plain til; Archibald Abbott, Trenton, for the defendant, Jury a the on he ito at » no THE NOTED GLOBE EDITOR Is to Preach in Chalmers Church To- Morrow. < Rev. J. A. Macdonald; L.L.D., the td editor of tie Toronto Globe, guest of Rev Dr. Macgilliveay, street. He will preach at hota ne Is the karl league composed of sweh good REV J. A. MACDONALD, LL.D SOTVices Chalmers church - to-nior the twentieth anniversary of dew church and the sixty-seventh of Chalmers as a congregation Ir Ma donald a very busy mau, but | he likes to proach in Chalmers, and always (hjoys his visit to Kingston. mw is WAY CIRCLES. Reference to FF. Conway in Railway and Marine World, In a recent number of the Railway awl Marine World, there appears a fine cut of F. Conway, the acting general superintendent and geperal passenger agent, for the Kingston & Pembroke Railway... The Werld says: "F. Conway, acting gemeral superin- tendent and general freight ond pass- enger agent, Kingston and Pembroke Railway, at Kingston, Ont,, was born at Ernesttown, Addington : county, Nov. 10th, 1850, He entered railway scrvice, Aug, 1869, simee when he has ben, to Feb, 1882, operator at Cotean, Quebec, relieving and station agent GUT.R., Yeh. to May 1882; (, P. R. Peigut department; May, 1582 Jun. 1883; agent Midland Railway, (now part of G.T.R.} Markham, Ont; Jan. 1883; to date, general freight and passenger agent, Kingston & Pem- broke Railway, Kingston, Ont., and since Cet. Ist, 1906, also actin~ gem- eral superintendent." EANCUET TO MAJOR SKINNER. Presented With Gold Watch by 14th Officers. evening Major W, was tendered a banquet brother officers of the Mth regi- ment in the anti-room at the ar. mories, on the eve of his departure for Mohtreal. Lieut.-Col. Cunmingham presided. A pleasant feature of the evening was' the presentation to Major of a gold watch, suitably ens und bearing on the back the crest. Col. Cunningham, in presenting the watch, spoke of how he. and all the officers werd at the major's departure, and what a foss his going would be to the regi: ment. Major Skivner made a neat speech of reply, telling of the many pleasant years he spent while con: nevtid with the regiment. the On Friday Skinner B. by n= DEATH AT WOLFE ISLAND. Late Mrs. Greenwood Was an OM Resident. Another old resident of Wolfe Heiand passed away in the person ol jas Elizabuth Greenwood, who died on Wednesday morning, Decensed was eighty-six years of age, and had lived on, the jdand. for many years, was well known and highly 'respected. She is suriv hy five sons and two daughters. The funeral took place on Friday morning. to' the Sacred Heart church. Mass was sung by Rev. Father Spratt. , An Evangelistic Campaign Discussed. A meeting called under the auspices of the Evanfelieal Alliance, was held in the Y.M.C.A. building yesterday afte The purpose of the meeting a consider the wisdom of plan ning for a simultaneous evangelistic campaign in our <ily next autumn. There was a goodly number of pas tors and Basivess men present and the ides of such a campaign was very fa- vorably received. Tt was resolved to call another meeting at an early date ,when it ix hoped some definite action may be taken. | YY. W. CoA Come, come, come, and see what's YW A HOCKEY EY BANQUET ROYALS By W. F. Nickle, Was Held at Iroquois Hotel--A Five Time Was Spent. The Hotel Iroquois was a merry place indeed on Friday evening when the banguet of the Kingston Amateur Hockey Association was held, provin one of the most enjoyable affairs the kind ever held in the aty. the third year this league in existence, and ix now the strongest hockey association wm the city. The. season was so successful that the officers decided to have a big banquet and it was certainly a great success. The spacious dining room at the Iroquois was tastefully decorated, thie colors of the different teams being veatly used around the walls. The table, seating fifty guests, ass "id the long way of the hall, and was beautifully arranged, ivang decorated with carnations, daflodi's, tulips, ard streamers of ribbon. ihe repAst was perfect. . The presiflent, Stanley E. Troms; | fren, ide with the guest of honor, W . Nickle, M.P.P. and the officers of the diffrent teams on his left amd right, It was about 9.30 o'clock when the doors to the banguet hall were oprtied and from then until the "wee sma' hours," it was a merry time, time passing altogether too quickly on the flesting wings of somg, jest! and story. After full- justice had been done to the pood things provided, the president called the boys to order ani the toast let commenced. After "The Kn," Mr. Trotter made weloome re- prisontatives of the different teams, telling how great was his pleas ure in being presislent of a sports. Mr. Trotter reviewed the history of the league, for 'the past three years, tell- ing of its progress and development, and prorleiving a grand future for it in the coarse of another vear or two. Mr. Trotter then called upon the sj e ker of the ewening, W, F. Nickle, Mr. Nickle sid that he regretted very much that the duties at Ottawa of Kin-saton's first citizen, Hon. Will- iam Harty, prevented him from bein: present to present the cap, and in hus absence it wag fit that the remaining member should present it. "I Fave al ways taken a great interest in sport," said the speaker. 'There is always romething in it that makes a man's bloat dingle, and when I become so old that | have no interest in a base ball game, a hockey game, or a foot ball game, then will T consider it time that | should go to my father's and forget my interest in every thing. Mr. Nickle mare a very interesting ad cress, dealing with sport, its advant ages, which if not properly used could be made disadv: antages. He then pre rented the han some new silver trophy on Lkehalf of the leagné to Frederick Muckler, manager of the Royal hockey club. Mr. Muckler made a neat reply in accenting the trophy, congratulat- nz the president for all he had dong during toe winter. Th: next man called on was Fred erick Milo, president of the Rdval club, a man who has been well kmown in Kingston sporting circles for vears. He is always one of the boys, and altbonghy a very busy man, he always ta' es a great interest in clean amateur sport and does all he can to advance it. oF This has was heen Pollowin~ this came¥numerous songs i and soe hes by George Soott, "Monty" Airs'ee, Sergeant Jordan, Sergeant Brown. Gunner Gray, Gunner Dumphs and others. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Girl Question" to be Produced To-night. A ge maine novelty of "The Girl Ques. tion," the delightful musical play b, Hough, Adam and toward, which comes to the Grand, to-night, is the musical typewriter +number, which opens the third act. The chorus girls represent stenographers and are seat- ed at machines, and as they operate the keys, chimes operated by ele tricity and placed all over the house chime an accompaniment to the words of their song. The audience is always mystified at this number and in- variably demand a dozen encores. Fhis play is unpretentious in its than the average musical comedy. lis characters are men and women of every-day life whose closeness to na ture make it of intense human interest and it ix full of the jingling tunes, pretty dances and dashing chorus givls which have made it predecessors such phenomenal money-makers rot only in Chicago but everywhere have appeared. Re-opening of Batescourt School. Batesconrt school, corner Barrie and Clergy streets, will re-open for spring term, Monday', April 4th. Sev- eral young lacees will avail themselves | of this opportanity to join the ad- vanced classes in languages, history, fiterature, ete. Also some of | the wee boys and girls of the city will make their bow to school life that day. Parents will do well to call and a prospectus' before deciding upon a school for their children. . Toft at Hockey Banquet. "Jack" Toft, the ex-Eastern League catcher, leaves Sunday for Lowell, Mass., where he will manage a team in the New England League. His many friends i in the city were pleased to'see him. "Jack'" was a t at the K.A H.A. banguet on Friday even- B.A. Hotel Arrivals. MN h, Oswego; Syl. Belleville; C. M. NeMillan, Cn wife, Dunbarton, | Seotiand; Jas. P. Dunne, J. R. Phillips andl wife, Ottawa; W. T. et, Lonflon: J. E. Ha Hamil ton; J. D. Johnson, Toronta. Get a Hat With a Nalne And reputation behind in. Buckley's, Christy's ake our included dards of style and Sality. doing on Tuesday, April 5th, at 196] Johnson street, 3 to 6 10 \ J £3, $1. Campbell Bros', Kingeton® ! foremost hat KAHA CUP PRESENTED TO in M.P.P--Banquet will preach. : street--Pastor, Kev {Etroets. 17, story, though it has more of a plot | they Pine, Carey, New York; W. i T. 8. Shows, | Secolt's ronto; Senator wn. immense stock and these makers! stitution of are recognized the world over as stan- | made by the Ontario government. | peri $2, 2.50, SUNDAY SERVICES, J ine St. Aadrew's---HRev. (a.m. holy communio [ing service, welcome. St. Paul's--Morning prayer, clock, preacher, the vicer, sthool and Bible class, 3 p.m. ing prayer, 7 o'clock; preacher, vies. Monday, X pm., A Y.PA. i ferst Baptist church---Rev. Douglas | Laing, pastor, both services. 11 ! m., "A 'lhreefold Exhortation"; 7 m., "Things Christ Appreciates', ble school, 2:45 pm. Strangers dially invited to all the services. Bethel Congregational church, corner | Johnson and Barrie Stfuste Norming | service, 11 o'clock; evening service, 7 | o'clock. Charles J. Stephens, evan: | gelist, will preach at both services, | Seats are all free. Strangers cordially ! i Pr. 7 Strangers _ Hae chie, even- student =] 4 J il o'- Sunday Even- the! a, P| wil | LOor- at Welcomed, . Luke's church--Rev. nevi, D.0)., rector. Services at I am. and 7 pam. 11 am, holy com- munion; 3 p.m., Sunday school. At! the: evening service Rev. Prof. J. E.| Burgess, M.A, rector of Thamesville, ! Seats at' all services are! free, Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock | R. 8. For} W. 8S. MacTavish, | A. Shaver, BA. will con duct the morning service and J. G Robinson, B.A, the evening scrvice. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 ms Young people's meeting, m. Strangers always welcome, J¥irst Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday scr dee, 11 a.m, Sunject, * Un. | reality", Wednesday evening, testimon- ial meeting, 8 o'clock. Free . public reading room every afternoon except Sunday, 2 to 5 o'clock. Monday and Fhursday evenings, 8 to $:30 o'clock, All are cordially welcomed to the! services and the reading room, Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner rie and Karl streets--Anniversary ser- vices. 'The Rev. J. A, Macdonald, [. L.1., of Toronto, will pee. vh moriing and evening. The offering at both ser- vices will be special in view of ex- denvive repairs to be made this sum- mer, Special mudc. Sunday school 'and Bible class, 3 p.m. Students and strangers cordially invited to all the Services. Princess street Methodist church- Pastor, Frederic H. Sproule, B.A. Ser- vices, 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday school and Eible class, 3 p.m. Pastor will preach at both services. Junior bristian Endeavor, 10:15 a.m.; lass meeting at close of morning ser ale, Epworth League, Monday evening: prayer andpraise service, Wednesday, ¥ pam. Good music at both ser vices. tirock street Methodist ner Brock and Montreal streets--Rev, I. E. Burke, B.D., pastor. Services at, 11 am. and 7 p.m. The pastor will precth at both services. 10 a.m. class meeting; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes. Monday evening at 8, ¥.8, Wednesday evening at 8, prayer meeting. Fiiday evening 7:30, boys' brigade. Strangers welcome at all services. St. Lieorge's cathedral--Low day, holy communion, 8 a.m; 10:15: choral celebration, 11 preacher, the Dean of Ontario. Sun dav school, p.m.; Bible class, 3°15 p.m. Evensong, 7 o'clock, preacher, the dean. The Feast of the Annuneia- tion of the Rlessed Virgin Mary will be observed on Tuesday by celebration of the holy communion in the [Lady 'chapel of the cathedral, St. James' church, Cor. Union and Arch streets--Ven, J. Ker. MeMbrine, M.A, D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street, East; Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A. vicar, tie parsonage, Cor. Union and Barrie First Sunday after Easter--11 Morning Prayer aml Holy Commun on. Sermon sub.ect, 'Sorrow n Transient, Joy a Permanemt Guest": 3, Swrday School and Bible lasses: Evening Prayer and Sermon--Four Appearances of Christ, 11. To Peter the Penitemt. Queen street Methodist chuveh--Rey S. Sellery, M.A, B.D, pastor, will conduct both services. 11 a.m., sub rect, *The Sabbath Question' the value of the Sabbath to the individ ual, the home and the nation; 7 pm. Sinning Against Self: Physical, Men tal and Moral Sulcide™ 2:45, Sunday | school and Bible class; 2:30, young | men's club, The regular week-night| services. Music, choice hymns, an| thems and solos. Mr. Shea and Miss! Hinckley will sing. Briel, = bright, | attractive, helpful services. invited, Sydenham street Methodist church- Rev. C. A. Sykes, B.]., pastor. Rev, iWiliam Craig, church secretary. An- niversary Sunglay, 10 a.m., Junior League and A. Shaw's class. 11 am, pubic service, preacher, Rev. J. W. smith, D.D., of Hamiltow, subject, "Christ's, Interpretation of Life." 2:45 {p.m., Bible school, missionary. day. 7 pm., Public servibe, preacher, Rev, tr. Smith; subject, "The Supremacy of the Best." Anniversary organ and vocal recital in the church Monday, 8:15 p.m. © Music : Morning anthem, 'Ye Shall Dwell in the Land'; solos, Mixs Gertrude Laidley and Harvey Angrove: solo, "Nearer My God To Thee," rw. Jomes Small. Evening anthem, "Praise the Lord, derusa- lem': solo and quartetts, Peni Fendt," William Eva, Mrs Miss Laidley, Messrs, Armstrong aud | Angrove: { --- i Scaly, Blotchy Skin. | 1s A type of icritating skin disease that's becoming very common. | spready rapidly and efiects different parts of the bods. Mf your 'skin is PhD. J. Bar- ¢huvh, cor at made Son matins, a.m., o "The Angrove, | Xou are |¢ itchy and irritable use a Le acting remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Ointment It penetrates the skin, allays the itching, gives relief at orve. Far any '«kin irritation, roughness or chapying {there is nothing . so certain as | Hamilton's Ointment. Sold Wy dealers in 50c. boxes. ---- Governors Appointed. The graduates "of the School of Min ing have appointed the following as all Shawnon, Smith's Fails: R. W. Coop-| their representatives on the governing | -- § 'hoard of that institution: RK Brock, i + Pe | { 4 : l } i M.A, of the Geological Survey, | {Ottawa; John Donnelly, : i ston; J. C. Murray, B.A, o Edwards, ME. hing To h- inl tawa. By as recent change in the oon the School of Mining. wurnhe? of goversors was rr ERE ay . and 5, ya ware tl to sleet four. Hiren yin right THE STANDARD BANK Esablihed 1873 OF CANADA 80 Braached .. A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tarmers and private individuals. Savings Bank Depariment st every Branch. RKRINGSTON BRANCH H. E. RICHARDSON, Manager Crem on Puinence fA Rado jy New Tailored Costumes New New Lawn Waists, Underskirts, New Trimmed D. M. Spence ~ The Leading Millinery Store FREE HANDSOMELY DECO- RATED DINNER SET 4 Celi Sy FREE Wwe will give you this beautiful full sized disner st absolutely without cost, i: a Eton of a Lifetime. Wewill give 44 fete 1 USS0f Hee Windsame Hinher RRR Lived Bh imaiate the sppetite, et wil asks eer home, absolutely of Dr. Burdick's famous New Life Vegetable Pills. sive firm i#Canada, and to gain a wider dapat S assist you to sell our medicine, Aud 10eate (ils wh he will iia svory purchaser to receive A Sa engr. aved, as and 'Shaved of se Jat vi es nas » hin adsome gol ied or hi ir the I oon ey 1 tie of scarf ory new bh. drone sh AS, | wid 25h ol our King in his Tora] waiform, and An Honest Proposition. i SE Ensen a MA WE ASK YOU JO SELL 13 ONLY § BOXES at 25¢. per box Being determined Bn Ee Rel RR vary a 'we wil send fully prepaid ww ewery one ho certificate with only 50¢. to cover wonderful offer Jo induce pote so try out will get whenthe port 'our friends will ie defughred with this Dont miss the op " Shouts. and ura t mosey, only §2.0010 us. and the ave been returned to us, we wy ment "of a1) trelght charges to your nearest station. s matter what it costs ww and Shen we W. we iy Eve eauey Shineha method, The Dr. Burdick Medicine Co. is re honest. The MADE BY * 3 rl valine retur ied to us, New Toasted Corn Flakes Package, THE LATEST PROCESS FROM THE CHOICEST WHITE CORN. Each package contains one high-grade semi- porcelain, white and gold, fruit. dish, plate; cup, saucer, porridge bowl, or glass tumbler. We will mall free on request the latest ao information en the following Stocks, which we consider good purchases La Rose Chambers-Fertand. Temiskaming. Fleming & Marvin 88 Victoria Sireet. Trethewey, Cobalt Lake. City of Cobalt. Special attention giv 'Phones Muln 4925-4929 Great Narthern, € ter, Cunndian Geld Vicids, n to Unlisted Securities. Masbers Mandard Sock snd Mining Exchange Torouts, |GORMALY, TILT 8 00, . 32-34 ADELAIDE STREET E. .. TORONTO, Members Standard Mining and Stock Exchange. | Write us for up-to-date information on lsted and unlisted stocks. -_ paca rest Stoek of Columbia. Batteries. : See Our Crystal Window, Everything Electrical for Motor Boats and Automobiles. Agent for Davis Gasoline Engines. Better than ever. Electric repairs quickly execut- ed, 2 H.W. Newman Electric Co, 'Phone, $413 79 Princess stresty