iy mier makes the mistake of his Ble 5 ALY cond Fa when he supposes" that any teacher is, ' : : : ieve ETRE Tv mmm ee WP ES S01 BIBBY one, who is locking for an appoint. | x BOX. 18. RED antly, and the 3 ; had ment, may tafly the minister of edu-| : a worst cough made ~ : y "#8 ation and his colleagues, but as = No Strikes are Anticipated in Any of i to vanish. if vou'll Our Store Clo.es Saturday Evenings at 10 o'clock. body the teaching profession is sio-| the Trades--A Compromise is Ex- five cents for a bo ! presses. | gularly independent. | pected in the Carpenters' Request. pay . x of Lid} The motion of the teachers, duly| 'he guilook in the building live, P ATERSON 'S moved, seconded, and carried, is{for this stmson looks fie," remarked 'that as the new Ontario Primer is a promificat lute man, to the Whi, 5 J COUGH DROPS og . i ta i he | to-#lay, Bit 1 cannot. say as to wheth- dvowedly of no assistance in t ec nore will be any strikes or diff. [ol] . Ca ndy Curve ; culty to meet with. You know it is Made by Paterson of Brantford Morang Primer has been used with'early yet, and there is time for lots : sitoodss for the past eight years, the of t to occar before May' lst. SLOWLY PREPARED DIVORCE government be asked to authorize bat 3 s 1 So sot expect that - there Ld : a « 'had | Will be trou Ha Between French Liberal O the Morang Primer." Bir James WEL about the demand of 'the wh ral and Ontario 4 4 <* 4 4 © * 4 4 * * + <¢ € bo <* Montreal La Presse ¢ 4 4 4 $ : < * i 4 € 4 A AN INI NINN [teaching of reading, and as the 2008 CO" UTILITIES N° DANGER. intimated, in advance of this action, carpenters, for more money ?" he was . : 5 that the government will not respect' asked. a . The resignation of. Ald. Craig. from at "he oil "Well. I think that matter will 'be The News and some of the conserva the 'cméil in ithe hatic this request. There will only oie tive newspapers of Montreal, who hold Paint Results rt hat has: a0, ar "heen ured joo In the public schools, the pri -- aia afhiee on both} ommon ground with the Toronto . a hod > {mer, which his editors (all good con] The contractors have until May lst paper, reproach Mr. Monk above ail We Sell Paints that show - . mt the Firste. thal srr Reso seivatives, of course), have prepared.!to consider thd request of the ar To his at itude on the naval guestion. their quality that gtand for iau.. The ruiiation : But the education department has|penters, for an increase, and as far as Ry re eed Again Joli eal excellence that improve the, council repealed, on 'motion of : ts and will | can be learned no action has been manoeuvre directed against Mr: Bor your property. Ald, Hoag, secontled by * Ald. Kent backed down in other respects and will | Lo cop den. We have always for our part WELL MIXED. { was the . ob ul: on have to back down in this ome. Sir] 5" Various lines of trade" the recognized the right of a representa WELL PUT UP. the part of the water ne It James professed a while ago to hdve | men are greatly pleased over the pro- tive {0 express his views freely, and SURE SERVICE. pas 3 Hal tite, such a profound regard for the teach- {spect for plenty of work this season, | 0 have always applauded the cone Get a card and note the fi wunitied by tae wiitiitirid 0) oe and their advice. He had better | Which promises {6 be one of the best age of those who dared to brave the colors, - Buy a can and ses 'a sound policy established notegremitts, : pursued in connection with, the water] Sherwin Willing Agetiey ! plant. A' commission, a bettée form of pi oi 5 lin seers, i party spirit to follow the dictates of be consistent and act on a recom | one will bo hci, dori he their conscience. All are willing to Fendation which -hwbesed vi the-ex=famer : recognize Mr. Monk as a man of con c . perience of the teachers. The Cam science and of race sincerity. Lovernmvent---fmonuse a -commisalon yo, man, or the party man, is pot But it ix evident that the naval < 4 ¢ : Lt : 9 A (an Hold up the counei oil 'when its ma-}. . : : : . question is not Lae only thing that < --y b Corbett's J imme som xh it vuln it vith the whe acing pric | (FEES ee bora om Nook | § : ; Ey #ion, 3 $ i < * als i ; i oo and the other members from the pro Lary a) 4 time. being--would have made a simi -------- . ; 2 in Bq | vince of Quebec. It is a fight between € : * * > . = - . CCC oad » {ar declaration, and it is 'well it . EDITORIAL NOTES. 'E MH | difierent mentalities. It is the slowl; - c should be quoted hbre | The Grand Trunk railway company prepared "divorce between the French pp "That this council affirms the prac- will only get busy on the Smith's 0) > Canadian liberal spirit and the On ws | where: thé revesiue of the de- | Falla line when business: interests make | : J | tavio tory spirit. These two were uni Talk It Over... ~~ WHERE ARE YOU GOING FOR YOUR SPRING CLOTHING? ' ted in 1854 wder to make he partmést "is raised 'wholly, shy © rates it necessary. But it should not be wih in erder ARE % liberal:conservative party Rut for i , Lied - updn, + antl' paid "by =. section ' allowed to hold a charter and make no E several years past the conservatives of « only of the people, any; surplus rev: ; use of it. . : 3 the province of (uebnx have thought ® ene of . tha! . department. shall be usal nn i that the other members of the pact, weluaiWely for those who y thede Sir James Whitney has learned some- | the conservatives of Ontario, have not ts running Tull tale We make |i exe s vt = oa 3 Lia ' ; § espectéd th old p conventions. a varfety of other things, too. rv asa} that, therglard, ay 1 thing he should not forget, namely | reshectec tie Pafty convention RANI S plus 'revenue of the Publie, orks, Pe-| that the sc ol teachers will not stan OFFICE partment, over and above t} rannjog ' his scolding. What do they care about STORE ' expenses, shall be devotédl * esclugively to. the benefit of the waterworks we | Filet VOIP GIIIBIIIIIVY FIOPIFIPIVIFIFINIIGIIN PIII And to see that they are right, it is i only necessary to follow the develop ment of the policy of the News, which his proclamations ? | is also that of Mr. Porden. Little by | little the chasm has grown larger and Come, See Oar New Spring Suit at any rate. Beauties at 12.50, 1500 and 18 00: . i? Cw fikeal year is over $100,000,000, il will separate the liberal-conservatives COUNTERS, | It may be argued: that the 'system is ea) | 8 3 and and the tory-conservatives. This, complete; : and Als "ithe surplus "in consolidated account | § 4 Sir opinion. 3s axl iol =~ i a | #1 be about . #20,000,000. The coun . F, Jour opinion, ia sa evi anation 0 on ance purposes. Far ffom this. It io i 1TY has entered upon another period | A TAR SRE A A A At A NN NNN NNN NN STAIRS, er WOODWORK- ' present crisis, and it may be found G, Be REBAR ADMIRAL LENIZE, that it has considerable historical im a s a ' itv | Who holds the unique position of be- |poriance.. said that of the $316,000, which the of 1 perity: Ting the commandant of the New York } o orm | The H.D. Bibby Co g2 "> ih i vd Washington navy yards. hay S A i & plent originally cost; - $108,000. has! The misuse of trust fund - a" on ry Beautiful Stock to Choose From. k : ' i nds by , the : . ngl fl Co. beet paid, and that. the Heit , of "the sodneil ought to. affect the credit of + 4 4 4 <® 4 « 4 : SHOW CASES, v Hl ten." "The revenue of the dominion for the BH larger until it is now so large that it 3 <4 4 4 4 ® 4 < 4 < FOIIIIIIIISPII II FHI The Big Store With Little Prices. A Just Fate. Prevost, Brock street, has a fine ns & department is: being, paid off as fast the ily, to- some. extent. It is an in- Taropto Gjohe.. E1813 ative. stunt of wads, seveed add che FIFI IIR VIII III VIII {av it falla:die, One' Wonders: if the. dicstian of the. high faancing which |Uiaterr "States. and Canada. a battle | v4 do wel | i Reade average tif 'in' aware of : tthe! ; 3 ge g el United: States and Canada a battle |¥ o well to call on him. Rea y- : RE . . wha eo! obtains in conpection with our muni- was fought on the Atlantic seaboard | made clothing and gents' furnishings situation is. Ald. Oraig tried to let is ipal affdirs ihetween a Canadian and an American | Dever better assorted. 4600000888000000090000 ess eey eee the. fight: at: the 'city aounei) meeting, | Tr vend, On board the Canadien vessel hat it did not seem to. itflaence the " The secret ballot. is only now looked | Wa% an old colored man who was not Use Phonetic Spelling. CHANGE IN BUSINESS foufteen 'meinbers who' hit *their oyés ' for in the, rural districts of Quebec inated fof his tralifulness, m Jas he Ropaiiie woe, A AA A 3 i i . ola . n : was OWN Aas © her Ol ars int teachers Oo ake eo upon the: water departments treasiry ! for the municipal elections. There is a) amcngst 'the men. - AOR a bin a ke = and were 'determined to 'rhid* it. Look | front Jove . in Quelpe apparently for{ After the battle was over and the | Why not try simplified spelling saul at these figures : L 3 anti : or the exitement | American vessel sank, the captain of | save fhe time wasted on ° dR \ antique things and for \ t r the pre ~ ach gra qty £ the th ; Me Canadian vessel ordered the deck | ent illogical syseem, that is the av ; NS of the open vote. to Se clea ed, all the dead put over-| stumbling block to both children and : Hy The Royal Arcanum, a fraternal so- hop und the woulndal-4 aken do tho | foreigners 26 : 05 Aer apem 3 s eo hospital, so that the boat would ke ee Ralanoe due i ciety, has been sustained in its laws, ..ady for aclion' at a moment's notice. Tarine moth bags, all sizes. Me Thint Lis thé . statement, 'of * the, raid-gbarring from - membership those sus- After this was don: he ask? that the |Leod's Drug Store, corner Montreal ! ers, hut it, dots not 'ju all + the | tained in. the liquor trade. A reflec vigger be sent to him. and Princess streets and corner King y : ; h gee] The Ned, "1 threw 'the nig- . facts. . Ateotline to fhe' tnformatith | tion upon the innocent respectability A iii "The sigan the nig- land Brock streets. 1 beg to announce to the public that 1 haze taken into active Partnership in my Wholesale Bread and Fruit Busi ness Mr. John MeDonald, who has been my City Represen. tative for the past nine years. The Firm will be known in future as R. H. Toye & Co. R. H. TOYE. ~ RHTOYE&CO. r was not 5 ; / Which in' contnined Tn: ube' Auitor's 6-1 of the license holders: dead, was he?' the captaiw asked. © om Everywhere, meron ag conta | port the exhibit: ia ns follows : ---- "He sdid he was not," the man re- | ' , ) : i » ssion- | plied, "but he is such an infernal lar | Water debenture paid _BW0199.99 The councils and water commission: | PRES, ch an infers dient paid ... "963,802.00 {ers all over the country are surprised that _I could not believe him. os { . 'a ge oe | HE "Invictus Shoe" is an honest - : . + * y en | with the action of the city council in} ' k . Y, : ' Carriages For Sale Total .... rs AST3,002.19 - | misappropriating the water depart- | The Dutch Treat. spre) \ shoe Made by a Cututiian firm-- - « crssnant® adaies Cuiiun er oR¥ - ; P 4 . 2 i ' % Shap "int y ir Tie tor Ir. other "words 'the adcount runs ment's trust funds. They expect some- Utics Slob. ok the habit: of each 3 : Non by oul Babions- . ion made ' and-Low Down Waggons. {hus ¢ a . | thing to happen, and they will not be member of & party paving for food nud S$ 4d Ma e¢ only by skilled workmen--- nly . 1s I) Owing on the plant... 205,100.00 disappointed. (deink oi to he formation j of alk Cl £3 | solid leather of best grade used in s oe mt. 19 oO) ea ub. he practice 18 NN - " tn 8 8 » ' Puid, _ pe'nciple whi ft. 3F09.1 F.Hugh O'Connell, in a book which getimg to Be uke popular. One up NS ; Invictus Shoes. ; sssherAdge s+ 1 § h ' : : er 5 of it: 3 b 3 is finding a large sale in Ireland; says YORD restaurant Keeper ays i : "Rubber Tire a Specialty. Total cost to' date. ....., $581,102.19 ik being demoralized with! Four men came here the other 3 4 Invictus Shoes are made for men, 4 REPAIRING OF ALL : Mark these points antl wark © them the Irish are being evening. and to do something new, te & . - pit THE PLACE xn | well. The plant is teteriutating all | American money. This is the thanks as: they 'thought, agreed to pay dor ; B\ EN SERA in pate.t colt, and tan leathers, $1 50, wie 3 IE. ie ivi f tpe meal individually. They did xo, and TAR 4 5 a 5 5 hw. while. I 1902 Where 'wi geperal | the American people Arh SCE LL thinking. to startle the head waiter A ae Ie t 5.00 and 5.50. 'James- Laturney recaluntion, 4nd (the depreciation up| the Bhancial aid She? hate given he one of the diners told him of the omy, 5 | : The Maker. ? | to that time was figured gt $03,566.93. | Irish arty eT - Ae le att Luong, He smiled and said: fo Bmp ed : 5 Invictus Shoes for women are » : . * Li TY . LE at sn nev re, ne ar " , i 3 101 1 390 PRI STREET. It shld have Tadd he pidat ™ EE . {ty, ering. from four to a EE A ET ) th fhe made in velour colt. viei kid and patent = rien write down the vate of the phat E The Toronto News says that Mr.'comes here regularly once 'a week, RE Li a " AI ro b colt, prices $3,00, 3.75 to 5.00. 3 SBR i yond this sum wold 'have invited the Monk is an impossibility and that has a big dinner and then each one | J " . Cliff's Rail Estate Agency seviovs atiention of Ale people to the ither eo or Mr. Bord not go. The PY his share to the man who acts Dee . Ob r {yet debenture debt whieh at dFat tide § either he 0 » as treasurer for' that - evening. The : \ HAT DeR ¥ erg hit | Invictus Shoes for boys are $3.50 & \ ' ALi * tea Ottawa Citizen says the party needs Dutch habit is growing and no «ne (RR | IEE N i i . ! 'y ; ESFABLISHED 1882. was: estimates] ut. $937,000 [ecucting organizing. The Mail wekes up long likes it beter than the waiters for IER RL Hae | and 4.00 in calf and patent colt, Where oa - {ths dépreciation' up 10 1902, however, 3 i k Gis | the tips at adinner where four or 4 % sw Pro an Jug or Sell = | eaves the full: value ate SIT8EN.4. sigh y Voge achat - The talk dix pay are always | larger thav Invictus Shoes are told in Kingston at xd - rance about ! es a family qu . s ' i 9 pb k cele 8, when one man foots the bill' : i y 2 written in besé companies. | Sion: Shen Shee hi: hon ing BIB, £00 ree, others fe not supposed to FOR MEN, WONEN, BOYS. Lge } yous 3 ! Sturdy Children. sti i CC depreciation, and 'tha result is a plant know anything about it. GEO. CLIFF F that is. worth now. not. more than BA errr ee wmtaesessemsevesm -- . po . { In every home where Baby's Own , A Mare : The Quebec legislature 1s proceeding 'Tablets are used you will find rosy ~ " "ee Nt, $275,000. $ : Ai i +. hy law to abbreviate the hours of ser- sturdy, good-natured children, be- i In most cases. a business that Ss © cause the Tablits cleanse the stomach "i Two Second-hand Rinabouts fo good order, Second-hand Spring Wag- gone and Buggies. : = | s ae { women and children in ad z s | w: isn n il- vants and of . and bowels, aid digestion and thus ER RIN saci - on an Thos nin i the factories. The cotton mill men are bring perfect health. And yon esn > in 3 {he grabifing. SEE axeited and have sent deputations to (give them with equal safety to the intensifial. by : a \ to protest, but the scandals Mew born baby or the wellgrown rc rm------ - cts ---- Quebec to . oh | ehild. Mrs. A. E. McLeod, Woodstock, si soported by the factory inspectors cat [ons "gays: 1 have used Haby's + {not be waived aside. Eleven and a Own Tablets sinee my baby was two a . RET day for any-jweeks old and have found them of res onsi ec ea ers {half hours is. top re a y great benefit for the ailments of child- J ! ye ec etait for. stomach And bor. | oe ---- RE el troubles and when teothing." Sold The paper which is supposed 10 ree by medicine dealérs or by mail at 25¢. flect vonservative - sentiment in Ov- a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine tario. which ustirps, if it does not |Co., Brockville, Ont. Who are looking only for the preseat sale of a gait of clothes, and have no repu- fll; 'the place of the chief conservative A Sirens Wager tation to be injured by "shoddy ' transactions, are ready enough to offer the most organ, is moved almost to tears Over... ... News. : preposterous bargains' at the most ridiculous prices. Good clothes cost money, the. proposal. to dispose of Borden. |: A .cenfury and a quarter afc ao because the best materials and the most expert workmanship command their value, Ba sug ui oe > Me oy and the labor on a well made suit costs almost as much as the materials, Now we do way, when did Sir Alexander Coste |% hugs sum' of money as. a wager | NOt claim to be the "only" clothing dealers, who are handling the best goods, Lut we t h } C 4 € 3 : * « . * i become 8 grit? - He is the leader of hat os would guns = letter_4 > ros | do claim to sell you the vest in Canada, at lower prices than any responsible dealer £2 Convince You Only "pérsbnal experience l wager was eagerly accepted: A letter in the city. he Jo up in a cricket ball, a num! r of cricketers™stood at' wide See our m n's and young men's Suits at 7.50, 9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15, 16.50 and $18, intervals in a large circle. on ome of bin the Soon commons, ond The bull] See our Top Coats at 7.50, 9.50, 11.50, 13.50 and $15. h mah, By esreldl eeu See our Special Black Top Coat, silk lined, at 16.50. It is a beauty. 3 mister that _the bull, Sud wih| © Pit the boys out for school, in our boys' department, we have boy's Suits that than 112 miles. will stand the wear and tear, prices 2 00 to $10.00. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days. We want mothers who are hard to please to come to us. OUR MOTTO--THE BEST FOR THE LEAST. a i our s what we know: 3 i ssh $1.1 ig! Sale of children's waists, Friday and LHEEE DONEY & CO., 127 Princess St. - ©. THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE J - $ier tb,