Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1910, p. 2

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__T.F.Harrison Co. 8 shown such High-Class & Investment fe Storage Valuable Furs Avoid worry-- Telephone 489 or send a Post Card Oar Fur Waggon will call John McKay, 149-155 Brock St. House Cleaning Month%> Leave your address for the BIG VACUUM CLEANER. It will be here April 20th Our Spring Stock is in. It's great, We're in shape to help you in refur- wishing any room or the entire house. Our Parlor Furnishings Rugs,' Car- pets, Curtsing, Draperies, Parlor Suites, Fancy Chairs "nd Tables--is jarger and handsom © than ever { Bold in Buwilight FEE EPIL EEE II EEO ed - > - Ji Ihe marringe of Miss Anna Mildred MacPherson, daughter of Lieut.-Col aud Mrs. Pennington MacPherson, . of Jttaws, to Mr. Ivan Stuart Wother spoon, son of the late Ivan Wothe spoon, K.C., and Mrs. Wotbersooon of Montreal, took place, this week, at Uhrist church gathedral, Ottaws, and was exceedingly fushionable. Rev. Ca son hittson, officiated. . The bride, given away by her father, wore a gown of wory Liberty satin, en prin. conse, draped with Limerick lace, ber veil beng, draped over a wreath of orange bidssoms and ber orpaments pearls and ametbysts. She enrried # bouquet of white roses and lily of th valley. 'the waid of bonor was Mis 'th MacPherson, in pale bltie sath chaPmant,. and the bridesmaids, who wore pink, with fiehus of white net were Wiss Jessie MacPRerson and Mis Florence Kittson, of (Miawa, and Mis: Asie Wheeler, of Torouto. Mr. Llowé {Semin of Montreal, was best man and the ushers were Messrs, J. A.C MacPherson, th mand Hayveock wo thomas Keefer. Mick Bisie Necfa sang, 0 Fair, (Sweet. 0 Holy." Ai ter the Ceremony @& receplion was hele at the home of the bride s parents, fol jowing wisch Mr. and More Wother spoon left to spend the honey moon it Aew York. The bride's going away gown Was of violet? colored taglor made cheviot, with moon blouse wn Bal to match. The groom = ght te the bride was a gold watch, to the bridesmaids pear! and amethyst brooches, snd to the best man and ushers, silver mat hh bosses. SPECIAL PRICES to those furnish- ing throughout, - - Mrs, J Shine, dersleeve, Miss Marion Regiden, Marie Carruthers and Colonel Vv. Crowe busy peophe thes dave for another Daughters of the Fmpire entertainment which ix to come off ou April 15th and 16th, The first hati of the afiaie will be led off by » procession of He pmpire's lovely daughters, followe bv what may be called a variety show. fhe second half will include a play, with Colonel Crowe AF staged manager, ete. Altogether, Lis sure 10 be goot a good thing tov A rood cause, - -> -> The marriage will. take place om Weduesdiey April oih, afi Miss Naty Macuider, daughter of Mr. Wiliam y Shannon, MARRERY cof the Standart Bank, Chatham, "10 Mr. W. Rif Campbell, son of Mr. and Mes lan son (ampbell, of Chathant. Thix as nouncement will be of 'interest to a vers great number of Kingston peopl who kpow the bride-to-be, : io! Ky cand-danghipr of Mrs. Thos Shan: iy Pre and iiece of Mr. Charles i, Shannon, of Kingston. | i - - After the performance of Widow," om Thursday, Mrs. Harty gave a delightinl liftle supp party, with Mr. Charles Menkes, af guest of Homor. The others present in cludett Mr. apd Mes Corneling Bern inghaay, Major and' Mrs, Henri Panet, Major avd Mrs. Norman fesulie, Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Miss Frances Sullivan and Miss Marion Redden. - - : Vises Mabel Gil } Miss H re. very they are launching Repair and promptly done. 'Phone 90. Upholstering Work Yours, , THE UP-TO-DATE HOUSE. "Phe Mern J 3 Never in the history of the store have we 8 5 Designs and low ia ® prices @ Dr. Charles Dunham's friends will be . sorry to hear that he i= not very well and he and his father left, to-day, for the const. : He has =o many warm friends, made as 8 student, al Queen's, and ax house . surgeon at the geaeral hospital, that there will be BS hosts of good wishes that his trip may do him uot only permanent, but immediate good. - -w On Wedhestlay, Mrs. William Harty gave a Juneheou at the Conntry lub, when besides the guests of honor, Misx Keer anid Miss Kirkpatrick, of Toronto, those present were Miss Dorothy and Miss Macjory Hrpwnded. Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Marie and Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Charlie Short; and Miss Nera Mac: nee, -> - "-> Mise Mary Hora, King street, tertained the sepior britige club, last night. Four of the younger girls, Miss Flsie Pense, Mise Grace Pempring, Miss Marie Carvithers and Mise Phyllis Short were adie] to the ehub list proper, aml a few non-members, among the voumger mem were also m- vited. en: R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOU & - = - Mrs, Hamilton Macheriae was as : -- lbusy as a bride, yesterday, seeing all : her friends who went Lo see her at Real Estate Mrs, W. G. Craig's. West street. Every one waitted to see Mrs. Macherras' baby and grandmother and grandchild held court throughout the afternoon. Miss Jean Craig helped with tea, - - - Mrs. J. J. Huwrty, Bagot street, ask- ol a nimber. of the girls to tea ves terday, to meet Miss Florence Kerr and Miss Majory Kirkpatrick. - Misc E. Walsh, i= entertaining at tes, this aftemoon, in hoor of Miss May Wormwith, whose marriage will take place on April 19th. - . r , King street, gave a little ten, om Thursday, for Miss Florence Kerr aed, Wise Marfory Kirk: patrick, , - - - There was a little Dutch treat lun cheon at the Country. Club, yesterday You can't make a mistake fn buy- LE Kingston real estate. You know tid we know that it is the safest in- satment there is. The element of risk is reduced to eo minimum and wise purchases 'ade now and held on to will take sre of you in your declifiing years. You know how prices Nave risen Jere in the past. There is every rea-{ ' ] on why there should be a much ith Wien Amy; Metiill an risen "peatet increase in realty values dur-}. the next few years. Everything points that way. ; 'We handle all kinds of property 'business and residence, vacant and improved---and ean show you where | can get the best value for your -> -> - Mre. 1. T. Best, Uniofi street, will not receive again this ssason. i - - -> Wr. James Small, Johnson street, will not receive again this' season. - = Mis. John Gwillish gave a pleasant fitthe party laxf wight, : -- 4 Miss Florence ih dy Toronto, and Wiss Marjory Kir rick, also of g - ome, last Tuesday, ss expecied, wut | "sill probably return 10 "*Huzeldell," | to-day. : 1 Sr. Arthur Macoee Jefi for the west | his week, i Mis. Herbert Saunders is howe from | Miawn: and listle Miss Hilda alvin wttrned with her. : PE Mrs. Charles Bhaw, of Quebec, ix { the guest of Mrs. Hiram alvin, Ring | streets. Ihe Rev. W Hilvard Smith and Wes, Smith and dear little Miss Smith, the adored of evervhody, left, today, for Lyndhurst. Letters have been received from Mr. od Mes. D. Stewsrt Robertson. They save had a delightful trip and though there were some very stormy days, mal de mer was an affliction unknown | to our travellers. . Some old friends | roused with them snd so everything connected with the voyage was plea- sant. IN A SAD PLIGHT! MMIGRANT PLACED UNDER AR- | REST FOR VAGRANCY. --n He Has Only Beén Out in Country | Four Weeks--Could Not Get Along | © With Farm Work--=Served as al soldier in India. ft did. not take John Hewitt, oung man, who came ont from the' id country, very long to get acquain- ed®with the police, Four weeks ago | w landed at Halifax, and on Satur i lay morning he found himself in the ! olive eonrt." Vagrancy was the | 'charge. { "jm. not a vagrant, sir," said | fewitt to the court. "I'm an ima vant." He then went on to explain how he vad only been able 10 secure (wo jobs | vith farmers, in this district, Ie was | wi used to farm work, on this ount he was not able to hold yositions he secured. Hewitt earvied a large bundle, which wntained his wearing apparel, and, ndeed, looked the + part of a typical mmigrant, He told the magistrate hat he came out from Devoushire, | chere his father and mother has been He had served as a soldier in| owing to illudse he was! He taken on | was only able to] erve eighteen months, He said that | © wis not very strong. The magis- rate remanded him until Wednesday ext, The case of James Cambric will tenlt with, at the barracks. rathered in during the night for trunkenpess, and pleaded guilty. He was taken to barracks by an escort. A: great" deal 'of time was taken up i the «cake of a young man, who was barged with theft, but after the evi- fone of several witnesses had. been | eird the case was dismissed, as there vty hot Liflicient evidence to form a ouviction, It was alleged that the | "weeided stolen road scraper, ! { i al "a the! ving. nia, but lischarged. aght wk for but years, be NE v 1 Bale Goes to Peigan Reserve. A splendid bale, . inehiding a wtfit for a little Indian girl, in the Sietorvin, Howes, Veigan Reserve, was ent off hy the. Woman's Auxiliary and | hurchwoman's Aid of St, George's athedral, on Friday. The material vax provided by the W. A. and the senntiful needlework transforming the ame into pretty useful clothes, etc. vax done hy the Woman's Aid. This ciety also made some quilts which were artistic as well ax warm and omfortable. After the bale was sacked, tea and delicious cake were lispemsed," «Mrs. 1 Norton-Taglor, ovexident of the Woman's Aid, and Miss Annie Muckleston, president of hé W. A. doing the honors. The yourd of the diocesan W. A. was re wesented by Mise Macaulay. full A Kingston Nurse Married. The marriage took place on Wednes- lav, March 30th, at the residence of 5. Owens, . Calgery, of Miss Fmma Veale, daughter of the late Elijah Vea's, Kingston, to KC, Ludthe, no- tary public, Bow Island, Alberta. The wiemony. was performed by Rev. 1D. Hamilton, (Congregational minister, Mixs Veale is a graduate nurse of the Kingston General Hospital, and was! fornierly superintendent of the Infants' Home, of this city. Afterwards wax called to be superintendent of hospital in British Columbia, ee me-- Buckley's Celebrated Hats. A printed guarantee goes with every! hat. Sold only at Campbell Bros, | Kingston's foremost hat store, ------ - i Lawn Grass Seed. | Rapid growing variety, just received | at Mcleod's Drug Stores. ! she a The company that will present thud "url Question," at the Grand, this evening] arrived in the city this morn: | ng. : See Bibby's special $2 hats. The devil ix always "in. debt far as salaries are conterned. * sO APRIL IS HERE SG COMET) "THE} | HAT STORE" FOR A NEW SPRING HAT | : We have had the pick of the Hat makers to represent ; we bave picked the best blocks our picked makers had : 'that's wh you cad nowhere find uch DAILY BRITISH | trate Farrell, in | sympa {'siet in the work. . ' | manded, in the case of a second offence He was | | such persons hetat Island. 1 Pronse's drug church, APRIL 2, 1910, TOO MANY BOYS IN THE CITY $ i ARE 1 5ING THEM. : A W.C.T.U. Wish Steps Taken to Pro. hibit Sale to Boys Under Age-- Ladies Interviewed Police Magis- trate Farrell on the Matter, Je cigarette smoking among the boys of the city of Ringston an the mn crease? Members of the Wi T.U. ave of the opinion that there are a great | many boys in the city, onder age, who have been served with cigarettes, and they are putting forth an effort to have the sale stopped. On Friday afternoon. a deputation from the W.C.T.U. waited upon Magis 'vegard to the mutter, pointing oul tht many boys had been noticed going avound the city, using vigareties, and 1 was alko sta- ted that it was known that boys had | been sold cigarettes at a Stove, just | outside the main section of the city. Magistrate Farrell expressed his thy with the movement of the ladies, and stated that the police would do all that they vould, to as 75¢c a Pair. re have been From time to time the ' lads smoking complaints about youkg ' ; cigarettes ou the street. It is pointed out (hat The ity rouse has the su | thority to place a licepse fee on the sale of cigarettes, and it i= "believed that if this was carried 'out, it would do away with a great deal of the trouble. It will be rersembered that ome tine ago it was suggested that a license fee of 350 be placed on all ores selling tobaceos. A clause in the statutes of Canada, under the heading "An act to restrain the uxe of tobacco by young pe reads as follows : "Frery one ix guilty of an cfience | and liable on summary ronviction inf the case of a first offence to be repri- , If \You are a feeble Old Person we have an offer to make you. Because we know that our cod liver and iron tonic VINOL con- tains the very elements needed to rébuild wasting bodies -- ward off dangerous colds -- and replace weakness with strength --we make you this offer: -- st rons,' | to a penalty of not exceeding due dol- ar, and in the dase of a third or sub seqlient offence, "to a penalty not ex- ceeding four dollars, who, being under the age of sixteen years, smokes or chews tobaced in a street or public place, or purchases or has iu his pos | session, whether for his own nse not, atv cigareties or cigarette papers or purchases for his own use tobacco in any form other than cigarettes. "11 «hall be the duty of the justice to-gxamine' upon oath or affirmation Come to our store and get a bottle of VINOL. If it does not help you wonderfully -- you need not pay us for it. That is -- we will refund your money. VINOL has actually prolonged the life of many old people for séveral years. ~~This is a fact. . | Mahood's Drug Store; Princess & Bagot Sts, or | or has in his possession | $00000000000000000000000000000R00c0RRORRNRS SEP Rs IA e will lay aside any $ Cloth Bound, Copyright Fiction and : Standard Authors at 15c, 20c and 30¢ BOOKS AT 13e. ty Charles Dickens Oliver Twist The Old Curiosity She Cities A Tale of Twi A Child's History of land By George Elllott Adam Bede Silas Marner Hy Vietor Hugo! Notre Dame Tollers of the Bea Ninety-Three. The Laughing Man Lex Miserables AT Se. The Great Boer With Kitehner 'ulture and Anarch The Life of Gladsto NOOKS Wa From the Cape to Cairo The Life of Lord Russell of Killowen Letters and Recollections Wp Eng- ¥. by A to Khartoum, by GW MATTHEW by b y, ne 120 pair of Long Waist Corsets, worth One Dollar a pair, in sizes 18 to 30, white only. Special at Ladies' Trimmed Hats Before buying your Spring Hat come 'in and see | our wd : : Hat you may choose by paying a deposit 6f One Dollar. "CORRIGAN'S. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000007000000400000 Hv by E of Bir Walter Scott 2000000000000 0000000000 00 Corsets for 75c. ® -- . . * * . * * . * » » * - ° ® e ® * * . » ® * * * # * » . s : BOOKS AT We. By Anthony Hope The God in the Car Quisante Miss 8, McNaughton The Expensive Miss Cane, The Fortune of Christina MoNab Sela Harrison A Lame Dog's Diary By Leas Malet The Gateless Barrier The Wages of Sin Frank Norris The Octypus The I'it Clarissa Furlosa * Hy Du By ONAN DOYLE STEVENR ARNOLD RENT WW. PAUL 8. Grogan 260 PRINCESS ST. all persons brought before him, who | ave found guilty of a violation of this | ection. -we: to | where or from whom | purchased or obtained | the vigirettes, or cigarette paper 'or! tobacco found in 'the possession of any such person, and the refusal to give such 'information ta the satisfaction of the justice shall be deemed a cons tempt "of the court." $ 4 &! & &) { 3 * INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters On Their Rounds. A oN MONDAY eth its # Bibby's $2 hats are dandies. ; | 3 Neckwear novelties ut og quits. ; ;: IG Sale of Drcss Goods, Combort and style in every hat. viv | v mgston =, : { about 400 y be. dandy and wife left, on on a Arp to New York, Visit Anox's daring their sa'e, week of April Teh, The boartl of health has been called | to meet ou Theaday afternoon | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | recerved at McAuley's. Phone 778, Leorge BR, dones, of the "House of Hobherlin,"" Toronta, is en the city on | business, : Bibby 's #2 hats for style, tleveland Metealfe, of Detr vt, spending a few days at hix home Brock street. Bibby's $2 hats are wonders, 'Owing to a severe blockade of ice, there was ne boat from Cape Vincent, | Satmday afternoon. | Waggoner = special serge suitings, | 2%, guaranteed indigo. { Samuel Kearns, of the MT staff, has returned from Wn visit Sault Ste, Marie, Our $2 hats best on earth money, Livingston's, | Rev. C. A. Sykes went to Hamilton, to-day, to preach in Centenary Me- | thodist church on Sunday. i Your money will go a long way at | Knox's spring sale, all next week haratio O'Dell. of 351 St. Denis | street, Monreal, is visiting Horatio | Staley, 70 Ordnapee street. H. Cunningham, piano tuner (Wokering's. leave orders at Auley's hookstore., { Miss 1. Critchley, visiting her friend | Miss Eves, Livingston aveaue, left to- | dav for her school at Flinten, Bibby"s new Oxford shirts, Sl. Mist Annie I. Joyner has returned | from "l'oronto, where she was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. Trovsdale. Our spring neckaear, they're differ | wit. Livingston's, Sale of women's pateot) leather $1.50 boots for 3, men's $5 Goodyear welt. patent leather boots, £3.75. Dut- ton's Shoe Store, M9 Priocess wrest, | Miss J. Eves, who has been spemi- ine the holidays with her parents, | Friday, i i spring | is fon up to $1.50 sweep of the Co. ws at | for the | from | Me- | 50c a The Always } } } | saul ards in the lot, including plain and fancy weaves, in many of this sea- son's most popular shades. 45 inch, 50 inch and 64 inch goods, priced 75¢, 1.00 and a yard. We give a big cut in the price in order to make a clean . . lot. Monday Morning at 8:30 Your Choice For Yard. A A A AA AH tPA HANNAN A Newman & Shaw Busy Store mn BOSSI IIIIIIIIP INI IIIVI SII IVIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIS Livingston avenue, left to-day for Am. SPSS ISIIPP Ribby's new $1 shirts are fine. For hot, also for corns and bunions, Pr. Hog- ex asbestos dnsoles. Sold only at Duiton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. See Bibby' dainty $1 shirts. | ndal 6 A prosperous year in Kingston is} Sale of leather post ecards, 3° for inevitable. Get. into the prosperity {10e., picture » post cards, 12 for 5c, band-waggon by Buyfng a home in (beatity pins, 2 for Se: Friday and Sa- Kingston upon our easy payment turday only. New York Dress Reform, plan. McCann. 200 Princess stivet. Exclusive designe in shirte at Wag-| Bibby's for the hest $2 hits in. Cane gon s. . " | mela. Extra strong hose supporters, 2c; | Rev. J. \. Smith, DI, pastor of ldren's « stockings, from °10e. wi y | Centenary churth, Hamilton, who is men's 50c. socks for We children's | 0 ihe city for the Sydenham strect vests from 106.; two pair dress. shields {Chueh anniversary on Sunday, is" the for 2%. New York Dregs Reform, 200 | guest of Mr. and Mrs. WAL Mitchell, Princess street. rd | 'Miam street, Some spring hoslegy that § © new. | Bibby's for the best #2 hats in Can Itvingston's, © © hada. Miss Spray Boyvee and Miss Florence, Pay & Martin's Shoe Polish, black Knapp have returned to heir homes | and tan. Wear Wood-Milne Revolving at Svienham after spending the week (hesls, save money and strength, from with friends in the city, {15¢. up, pat on without-extra charge. Pr. Luxe Eradientor removes stains, [Sole agents, Dutton's Shoe Store, grease spots; from clothing, makes Kid 1299 Princess stoest. gloves like mew. In 25c. boxe at | store, opposite St. Ane | perspiring and. had feet, [university will give the address {the monthly meeting of the Methodist mintsterial association Monday | morning next. . Bibby 's for the best $2 hats in Can on The Exclusive Agency. draw's i We have it for the ""Heat¥' Eng Nhirts for men of your taste Liv {Gish hat. This hal we consider the ' "8: fest $2, 929 and 53 hat ever mud, We carry a full line of MICKING TUBES. TEAT SLITTERS. TEAT DILATORS, and ? CATTLE SYRINGES, Praggist and Optician 'Phone 343. ingaton s. $ Rev. Prof. Jordan, 1D, of Ajubens, jor wold in Kingston. Livingston's. : oP 183 PRINCESS STRYFT. GEREREEES PIPPI IIIIIIIIIIIIVIS THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. bo SEGLPLLPECLLG0 0000 ) 4 SARIAEIAEERIEs III irtaeeiitreestitsintittite ' Asal asa asa s as sss dd POPP OVVPIVIVIVITITTIYYY AA LA LASS SSS SSS sis d POPPI ITIIVIIVIVTIVITIYTEYY | *PHONE 910. | ~ EEE EIR IPREREIRNIREY DIANOND RE RET Our Stock of " Diamonds Mounted in Rings is most com- plete, a 3 Many people think 'that a Diamond: Ring. at" §25.00 or $30.00 cannot he good, but we assure you that it is The prices can go up into the hundreds of dollars if desired SMITH BROS., rrr Sn Ee Jewellers, Opticinne. 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. | R al emodelled and repaired 80 stored for the summer. i 1 { i W. F. Gourdier. i -- Good system is not a ques- tion of doing well, but of doing the utmost. ' . i In This Laundry . i we do -our utmost io i: avoid errors in deliv- ery, and it is seldom ~~yery seldom--that mistakes in this divec- tion occur: but when they do, we quick- iy remedy them. Kingston Laundry |

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