: Si 7s PACE TWELVE, aan fn : j AVERTED NA mn oniéns, 81 bag; pota , 35c, to 40ec. "pests woperly cared for or destroyed. : ¥ Meat Beef, by carcase, Te. to Se; The Cause of Soft-shelled Eggs. It is a general belief that soft- shelled eggs are due to a deficiency in the supply of lime to the laying hens. At the Aansas Experimental Poultry Farin experiments were carried ouf 'witch throw some light on the sub- et: I appears that bens subject to much nervous excitement sre very able to ley soft-shelled eggs, due to ne réolis shock 'and analogous to abor- tion in other animals. It is known that on the ordinary diet & ben's system usually, contains enough lime fur the shells of five or six eggs. MH lime is withheld, then, after laying five or six eggs, the hen ° will cease laying: but i Be in limited amounts prime western beef, $10 ewt, by ear case; cuts, 6c. to 15c; Hoe, to Ide by quarter; pork, lle, by = carcase; lamb, IZ. to ldec.; ducks, $1.25 to $1.50 pair; geese, $1.15 to $125 each; turkeys, 20c. to 22¢c.; chickens, Me. to $1 a pair; butter, 2c. to Be: fresh | eggs, 20¢.; maple syrup, $1 gal 4. A. McFarlane, Brock sweet, re ports flour, feed and grain selling as follows : Oats, 40¢., local wheat, 9c. buckwheat, 65c.; barley, 3bc; rye, 65¢.; peas, $1; yellow dorn, SOc; flour, bakers, $2.90 to $3.10; farmers', $2.50 to $3; Hungarian patent, $3; oatmeal and rolled oats, $5.50 per barrel; corn meal, $1.90 to $2; bran, $23 to $4 ton shorts, $25; straw (baled), $10; straw You spend every year, for amusement not so good, more than would buy an Edison be given the hen will lay eggs in pro- portion to that amount, though the shells on examination may prove to! Johm MeK be Somewhat thinner than usual, Inlag follows: , washed, 200; sheep, addition to grit, lime must be sup- rendered, Gc.; de- plied in the form of shell-grit or oys (king, 75c.; veal skins, 18c. per Ih; ters. Old plasier is also very satisfie- , No. 1, Se; No. 2, Tei No. 3, tory. : B¢.; horse hides, ¥3. Dominion Fish Co. reports prices g follows: Salmon troit, 124 to 15¢.; a-lb.; skinned digh/ herring, 20c. 1b. white fish, 124c. to 33% 1b3 pike, Wa, Ibs Chinook salmon, He. ib; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, de. doeg perch, 30c. dozy Atlantic salmon, 30c. Ib., salt coldisn, Te. to 15¢.. Ib; halibut, 12jc. to 20c; fresh fiaddook; 10e. lb; bullbeads, . 12}c. Ib.; red herrings, 20c. box; mackerel, 16e. 1b.; lake herring, Sc. lb.; finnnan haddie, 10c. to 12jc. lbs fresh lob stefs, 25c. lb; sea bass, 12}, Ibs pitkerel, 12je. lb; mackerel, 15c. Ib. ts, 100. to 20. LAST OF THE BUFFALO. loose, $9; hay, loose, $15; pressed, $15. Phonograph. There are Edison Phonographs 16. od , "Brock street; reports at all prices; which means your price--$16.50 to $162.50 each. No home that cares for music and enjoy- ment need be without one. If you should ever hear one, you will not want to be with- outone. You will make every effort to get one. Nothing gives so much pleasure with so little trouble, at so little expense, as an Edison Phonograph. « : There are new Records of all kinds every month, both Standard and Amberol Records. All Edison Phonographs now play both kinds of Records, as well as the Grand Opera Records, giving a whole world of music for you to choose from. Keeping Record of Dates. Uncle Josh has received the follow: ing communication from D. FF. Arm- strong, Mallorytown, Ont. As a reader of your valuable pa- per and a I tec many articles of great valae. Ope which 1 Sonsides woithy of rial pote appears in the issue p Februar + ih, belpg an Bd: dress by C. F. Whit'ey, of the Dairy Commissioner's Branch, in reference to cows milking ten months of the year. x I wish to say that [ have been cerry- WS. CHARLES M.PLFVERE. GLORGE PAGRAMAM. ing 'out this practice for ten years. I Ww . find, huwaves, | that. 8 can be ve ¥. 8S. Fielding, Canadian minister of finance: George P. Graham, ministér of railroads of Canad plished: on conducting everything throngh their conferences with President Taft averted a trade war between the United States and ro Fvematicaly. The dairyman with a . herd of any considerable size : keep a record of each cow so that he will know wheh she is due to ealve. Then with warm stables and proper [Manitoba Free Press. feed dnd the cows can be Kept arations > for the final round : Gi S For producing n for ten months opt of up of the Buffalo herd = purchased p the twelve, If the farmer is careless four vears ago from M. Pablo, of about jing a record he will be the , Mont., by the Dominion gov Ghe Farmers loser; . I {hat it pays to keep a ernment, are actively in pro BY UNCLE JOSH. an Bdison Standard Records © ~ - =~ « #e, ison Amberol Records (play twice as long) 65¢c, Edison Grand Opera Records . 85. to $1.25 A gS "Spring Fever" won't catch you -- ounded in Montana fer Ship- R up i Montans ? » There are Edison dealers everywhere. (Go to the nearest and hear men the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from uns. $ National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Ave. Orange, N. J. U.S. A. MEN-WE CAN GURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. "YOUNG OR MIDDLEAGED MEN who need the services of expert specialists why waste your money in treating with doctors you kenow nothing of, why waste your money with worthless electric belts or drug store postrums, when you can get guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment from these Master Specialicts. Dre. K. & have treated patients throughout Caoada right now to take Abbey's~> Salt regularly. A dessert- spoonful, in a glass of water, every morning' rids the system of i ities-- : i orkin te all impurities starts the liver w g properly Waskingion has berm. Sshesing | dats and purifies the blood. When eggs are hought from farmers . x . it 15¢. per dozen the consumer pays Abbey's Salt is the : : Ye, por dosen. 1 we take the same best spring tonic for figures for Canada, snd our conditions young and old. Are no better than" theirs, during 25¢ and 60oc a bottle. record of all important [arm matters, gress. The details of: hue ® prepar and I am very ' particular. about the ations are fully outlined in a let selection of seeds, The amount of ter from M. Pablo to A. Avyotte, seed sown per acre is vofed and also of St. Jean, - the Dominion govern the yield each yvar. ment immigration agent at Missou i li, Mont. Mr. Ayotte is the gentle Good Live Stock Pays. man who first succeeded in interest. | It 'is becoming mere and more es- ing the Canadian government in the! sential every year that only the great herd of buffalo on the Flat- | best class >of stock should be ep head range, and who has been very | the fa tm The Joss sustained by closely identified with the arduous | hes who maintain inferior stock work of corralling and transporting | must. be enormous in the aggregate. the herd Mo" this country. = Several The capital DOCesSAry to stock a Shipments have already been made, | farm with well-bred arAmals is but there are still in. the neighbor-] for over 20 years and are respgbsible pan ourse, considerably darger than tha 300 head of buffalo on the| cially. Théy aceept only curable cases and o 3 2 £ . . ¥ .. required "to - obtain an inferior class | k should your case prove incurable iL Deed . : not cost you i cent, I you are unable to f stock: but there is little or no the intention of M. call at our fit e for & personal examination of stock, | hut : BO. {0 have them ready for we will send a Question List for you to fill up difference in the outlay in connec Ed from which we can diagnose your case and tion with the maintenance of ~ the bowl the end of April or high-class or the inferior animals. It firet week cin. Muy. Huy. is when the marketing takes place OMe Very wi g tell you whether you are curable or not. that the great supetiority of the chasing, and the efforts The department of agriculture of Washington has been gathering data the, year 1909, when approximately 2,00 may have 'been paid the farmer: for 'los eggs, these same eggs cost the consumer 325,000,000. That is, that for a farmer to market: in is home country, at a home market, 15,000,000 worth of produce cost $10,- 0C,000, This is not fair, Why should it cost nearly as much to mar- et "produce ? The system is urely at fanlt. ) Pablo shipment a- | during the have be constant made to the. past eesult are resembling a has extend- | into the! over 850. 8 to Then we will prescribe specific remedies + 0 i high-class - stock is wn. In the round them up during for your individual case which ye OAD take at home. We have vo cure-all remedy that we send: to everybody alike as most specialists do, but we PheacH io the rem. a Ni . edies required for each individual case to ' tase of horses, when an inferior | #bree Fonts, dynd i a complete A pire, That's oneof the secrets ' : : Very 'wary « anythin Hoard's: Dajryman says many oases {class of 'mares is bred from, andj CF, "00, 0 Novever: ave been répbried- in past years of [mated with cheap stallions, it ed corral wings far back iliatfa that. showed > lietle wigns .of life | hndly © reasonable to. expect good Te mountains at. a cost of "i the early apring, whieh, when thor- | sults, The: same conditions apply 0 ond has' purchased a hundred mghly ~ dirked, "vross-didked and har-| to "cattle, and thousands of dol ars ' of our wonderful success when others fail Send for our Free Booklet on Discases of rowid, s ivprived the Seighborbood. by | are lost annually by indiscriminate und oi the hioet. porses. JJroouta | {showing a strong grawth in two | breeding and selection. Also p- | 8 Men (Hlustrated.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We Guarantée to Cure Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases, Varicose 4 Veins, Kidney, Bladder and salis. : te aad tt ed by his riders in the last great | Urinary Diseases Re ONES ho 3 portant o ne drive. He has declined all overtutes | L$ be Nanerally kepb.on a farm for | of the American Bison = sotiety to they ab {wo years, 'and the extra jeave even the outlaws of the herd profit on their offspring over. that {oH the range to form the necleus 'period, and the outselling price of of a Band lar Live Lnited Slate ye- ewes as compared with an inferior Meve ai » a bi par es m iam good toy on the wheat and the |[olass, are very marked. The greater big ee Pe a he ho us n plino: presents every: Appearance of (outlay in the original expenditure is a h - at 1 Lo ie on vigorous fife, Now is ries trying time, | infinitesimal when the ultimate profit liv i ns ey Soup . and however, Sunny days, dey winds and | 48 considered. Rams of a pure Wry ig ay ne of go gold nights make. a. bad combination, | strain from the best flocks should os pod thi - ante nd thst x " Bo far ne damage appears to have ; always be secured. A few dollars h hay i, it i do hoof by heen sustuived. . pore 'or less in the purchase price | t ert 8 permit a single NOO! h Jo of a good ram may produce an enor- remain for the United States herd, mous difference in the collective val- he will hold a grand buffalo hunt ue of their progeny. Farming at the and shoot every straggler in the resent: day can best be made to pay mountains. Mr, Ayotte and the Do- p minion park commissioner i" by 'keeping good stock, not necessa- A = ' a. . iil} Douglas, will go to Montana in the rily greed," but stock = that wil near future and assist in the work grow into value for com- : produce or of the round-up and superintend the mercial purposes. {final shipment. M. Pablo states that : tthe total cost of the final round- Ringing Pigs. up will far exceed his, first expecta- This operation is apt to be neg-itions and in point of fact will cost lected. It does not appear so much 44 much as the Dominion govern- to matter when the animals run at ment will pay him for the buffalo. large in a big straw yard in win- He has been so conscientious in his ter, but as soon as deflgnttsring be- efforts to fulfil his contract that it gins in spring Abe neglect tells, It is suggested that it would be only pear |is marvellous the wer a pig bas just for the Canadian government to paslla, or pear blight. 'It further in its snout, and ow S00D a lot make some concessions from the ir provides that on petition of twenty- jof unusually strong pigs will man-'on bound terms which its represen five frull growers; who dre'ratepayers, | age 'to make a turf field look like tatives were able to secure. the council of a municipality may ap- | ploughed ground. They are capable | point an inspector whose daty'it will | of positively ruming a pasture, and Develop Social Sympathy. bo to see that orchards in which these | therefore a free run thereon is Bot | ronto Globe. to be thought of for a moment un "¥ducation is the development of a less ringing all round hasbeen car-inanial attitude," declared Prof. W. 4 ried out. The difficulty is with theig Fils, of Kingston, in an address : heavy inpig sow. It is hardly pro hejore the high school principals' sec- 1 dent to 'operate on her lest. the! tion of the Oftario Educational asso- : struggling may cause WISCAITIARE. gigtion. ~ Fducation, he said, concern- PX . She should have been attended to od itself with putting the individual RY : earlier, and must stop indogre until j,i, sympath ith. the sodal Don't bother cooking porridge--idon't she is in a fit state for ringing. a a ogi work with pots and pans. Eat Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes for breakfast--if's : ready to serve, needs no preparing. : is always wise to Btopats Aha worse; hetng a Sashual and necessary see % tah: f hysic. This is di iy uence of t » primary school. At least Contains 907, food value--is more nourishing than or phy tie BY nocks : Hh off all the al reduc: fone hour's study in the school build- | heavy, heating porridge dishes, - ing the hay, 'and i warm Mean jing--in a suitably furnished study | mashes for CONSULTATION FREE 1 unable to coll, write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed | to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ss vient in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat po patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. Our Name on Bottom ¥ of Each Chocolate "To make it easy for particular people to avoid deception and to procure, with certainty, the finest flavored, smoothest coated, richest of all chocolate bonbons, we engrave the name MOI/R'S on the bottom of each chocolate, None genuine without the name. ' Each box is a series of continual surprises--so widely varied are the delightful flavors, He who brings Moic's is assured "her" sweets est smile. Fram the fall swhent ser tion of On- fardo, with the possible, exception of Rent, veports as to thes pondition in which the crop came zout from under ithe snow are whelly (favorable. There win ensues rear CF | All Three Sets COMPLETE BREAKFAST SET | ,nsdfrecy i S| FREE VOW GET ALL THREE SETH IN ONE IN OUR GREAT COMBINATION SET La . Look At This Man 1 Fis word is as good ns his Kaden; Look J honest olfer--a litethan Shanes" is un a In order 5 guickly mjvertise snd fntrodics the Dr's world famous New Yegetuble Rity rotnedios we bave popoerted 1500 of these bandsoms sombin. ER Lally , in pedi and cuanatead alse for faraily nes, without eon a Fo box. We farm ox -------- Farmers in Ohio, 1linois, Wisconsin and low are telling the same story, says Farm, Stvk and Home, ie., that mich af the corn' this year fs _of low vitality, or will not germinate at all. his, as the journal quoted' says, is a most serious state of affairs and © it behooves all farmers who intend grow- mg vorn this vear to look to their sped supply. full it bo gous he nil ach Sul} 1 Boxes of thes you six different & of tha taste it rel Mond Tene and Nerve Pills. Liver sod siomach po headache, Ia grippe, and cold ours and cotarrh: ™ 4 ry customer ix eutitiod to Focuive a han ame exits praent | wrware. Wha sold return as the pity wend the handuoroe combination set (ucloding -- Zr } . Fa thew In 040s without rest and sreange to stand be Bll charges right 80 your peorest station. Ladies don't miss this | I guarantee this offer to ny, You will he $0 have sueh handaone dishes | be genuine and honest. ew 133 * ata] t a8 ones fo THRE NEW LIFE REMEDY C00, Dish | My fone snd We don, rerutation stand deliind § a rT -- THE BEVERAGE FOR ALL WEATHERS. + EPPS'S Bees COCOA "" Grateful A cup of " Epps's" at breakfast Warms and Sustains Comforting : Disease in Fruit Trees. A 15H introduced by the Hon, Mr. Dufi makes it an offence to import any plant affected by codling moth, vel- little peach, black knot, Allows, you for hours. As a supper beverage it is perfect. ideas that have controlled the face through M-- the ast. Compulsory Prepare Horse for Physic, should go on until the age Unless there is great y, itlor seventeen, the secondnry school education Af sixteen MH or 36 ' Y {oaggeitom he done each day by to administering the this ie {every scholar ander the supersision of | done, a smaller dose of .aloes suf-ia sympathetic, broad minded teach- fices, and the medicine acts with er. 'greater celety and efficiency. Alter administering 'the mashes should be and iwater until the physic has ' i Twenty-four hours after the ball has joeen iven, especially if the physic has shown no Go of acting, the { horse should be led outfor a few { minutes, if it can be done without AWARDED GOLD MEDAL at DOMINION EXHIBITION © MOIRS, Limited, Havirax, N.S. SR Journalism in China. Clevelard Plain Desler. r Mandarin--Who wrote this te ious article %h the SEs well? rembling 'Hy Editor--Toe | Whoops, a mew "reporter, vour inel-{-- fabidity. i Mandarin--Toss him in the | exposure to wet and cold, or walk ed round a logse box, but on no , ac count should a horse , be worked "while mn physic, or be set to any The caldron of bubbling oil. Things will be boiled down on this paper or 1H confiscate the sheet! Special For April Iron Bed, Brass Top (any labor until the faeces have resusdied size) 4. Beds, $2.50, al istence. prac- . he i : Shed a r dems i ia 3.50 Brass Trimmings. thout Alm, on handsome artistic a fi : / ir {id I Hall Seats, $4.50 to 20.00. Mirrors to matebh, $3.50 up. R.J. REID, Ambulance 'Phone, 577. 8