Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1910, p. 11

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¥ AH HET iii y THE DAILY BRITISH ERIC, SATCRDAT, APRIL 2, 1910. THE HIGHEST THIBETAN AUTHORITY [1 Abounding in stimulating goodness, a most health ful and pleasing beverage. Its sustaining and invigorating qualities are beyond dispute. Our source of supply S * il | : Nga | A i 2. 4 : ps The OXO cattle farms are far and CH RRR ue i E ; +h i away the biggest British cattle farms cmi-~ ready 1 # TET AD ' : EE Eh : . bri | in the world amewled ouiright in the uid beef industry, iE (TE oF CORR CL SO i OXO isthe only British fluid beef whose ot cS | ell IW. he : 3 + SE 8 Bs ed FEA makers guarantee that every ounce of ; : i LH oe ERR ahi al their beef comes from their own cattle, Yau would he careful in buying 'vou would give your custom to the "hia Bl oe 3 St RT enh milk from a milkman who bought man who got a4 the milk from his are absolutely ! ! Shae Fins of o> i ol e i supplies from other people and own cows--wouldir't you? apr | Hi el " : J YEN : eS 4 Ah \ i mixed them with hisown--wonldn't fa de . } iy v % 5) ¢ ee 3 : you? In fact,if a lot of milkmen It is just the same with find nd Right | | ER ; Fs bs 4 hah ei \ i came along, one of whom got all beefs, Firms whe have to buy raw : $ i ! AL cE ; Ss his supplies from his own healthy - material from somgpedy else cannot . : cows and the others got their guarantee from awfwal personal supplies partly from their own cows Fos ledge that the beef is abso- and largely from outside sources, lutely healthy, "n THE H. D. BIBBY 29. OXQO guarantees every ounce. INSIST ON OXO MADE BY THE FIRM WHICH OWN THEIR FARMS 2s = FrEET------. ) TioEDT oS NEW SULT. VISITING A MONA. D TERS 3 And do not merely lend their/name to somebody else's. FROM THE SODHFRE f The Pontiff of Tashilhumpo, says Lieutenant-Colonel Waddell, in lis "Lhasa and Its Mysteries," is OXO is now sold both in Bottles and iff Cubes (boxes of 4, 10 or 80 Cubes) known to KEaropeans as the "Tashi (vulgarly "Teshu") Lama, after his place of residence. He devotes him- by all Grocers, Drugristh and Genoral Stores. \ Self more absorbingly to spiritual matters than his brothek Grand Lama a Lhasa. In consequence of this he has a superior reputation for piety and learning, so that hevis given the title of "Great Gem of Learning" (Panchen Rimpo-che). » ree % * ---- a -- A " " A -------- - EE ------------------ HOO CROHORCROROACIOROROROFORORORORORHOOE ; OH 5 FORORORORONGS | laughter that he craves. Younger, mid and fresher hice n, in beauti- r "4 hil clothes, and With soft, white . THE WOM AN WHO WAITS hands, smile upon him, and among \ thm he fmds vee to whom he whis pers the words of love and lavishes y y > a, th: money that belongs to the wife. W ife Ww ho Giv cs All- Asks Nothing in Return The wife knows this, and she knows { Ry DOROTHY DIX. that = she ig powérless to help herself Kee he Brain Cl d K veuth and beauty, She cannot invest ps ear an een, OOOO OTO00 GOONS She cann rt summon back her own Be P AWhat sort of wives do men want?" x knotted and callguyed bi, hard herself again with the romance oil cause it romotes Health. a Woman writes Ih' A letter to ie. § work. i "Which her hugband onee saw her, She : then she goes on to say, "I am al Her bushand is gay and pleasure: ganor appeal Xo his a0 a u 3 ws To serve--heat'in oven, pour'hot milk over it and salt to poor woman, married to a poor maw, | loving and selfish, and he has lef [POT2U5¢ NO md 3 ve Jeb joved jor Jha taste, Sold by all grocers, 13¢. a tatton; two for 25¢. but I know how to work. i am] Lis dall home, ard the tired woman | fa%e of Ty he sannol even hold 3 , . jadustrious ard. thrifty, and 1 keep [in it, to follow the light and thy | Ued at home against bas will, - . v : cal my home as neat as 4 pin and there TSI to, be & pe night alley 3 igh gos greatest toe 1 it is mover a pesny wasted in it. When \ - Die yma fons. 0 nao ag ainst inal --nguinst and : nry husband "comes home of an even: Stops a Cough Tab to the W waste Boe do the n q : ing there is always a gogd, hot sup- ~ able, goes to x n rioting ' ¢lean ass, ve t that the family needs, rhay ! per Waiting for him, and I and my S Let Agepto help you keep * Yualitis sterilize cleansed little blue-eved haby girl of three' are In One Night saving thé wife a De i 4 tnt to gi y to id a lonely, dreary your home clean--"sur- < ne, -- the h always de an and tidy waiting to wel: | py Story of Sufferers From Bron iv } ailing for him to' com HE cap." fhe ides, nr "But he does not potice either ane chitis, Asthma and Catarrh Proves : . - A - 4dapto Steriliscs every. dlbnincitne Itis for far more of us, He does not even kivs the the Value of Catarrhozone. Ly > Om. a os re : a8 y faith i ua i pha w whom oe woman waits it washes. § than that. a our wash. 8d, and he oply growls at me to A cough may be catarrhal, but | sh knows all about the other wo- ; 4 adie : HONUMENTS 3 ched by Yager i'w dry ticking in the throat, it must {man, and her friends tell her that she has be. accompanied hy parti al stoppage | hould divorce the dastard who has fug~on an 6 way In Harry up and put the meal on the fw § as soon as it is over he fixes him {of he nostrils shortage By Yon \ HE & . ~ and only a le io Sits bt i 6 don't have to | self up' and' goes: out to (spend the | oe nostril and ris age of | 11 wed her; but she loves him and | x roy coil Handsoimest an - CE rede0tevi Be ; cleanses rr iN you. ' table. Thin he gobbles it down and Uv there js a gagging n + white --watls ihe left absolutely them to soak in water abe Just. pu evening: with his' men and women {0 ften there is a gagpug. i : : ihe iy 2 : af throat, and every vough tears and | \ wr, bles ars for the tine i 4 I Signs sweet and clean, fri ods. Often he doed not. get home pyeie, > } comb whe of u kK dn x : there intil three' or four o'clock in the # dE them for Coughs Have Hundred ~ diffcrept | ua G i d M . -s . wighs AVE a hundred " dificrent . he, too, haa been forsaken § y iranite an arble arily the ° 1 tion of hours and then rinse them and iT ng: | canes, your's may be due to any oll. me one younger and handsomer, and ; f ! consider. hang out to dry. dut Love him and try 16 be pa- | ipa sellowsng " ; Hin ! ' k able 5 is : . te will La i ; Asepto) Am lemed Throal ; ) ; ! } v it susblen on to lo caity.on Or for washing dishes and greasy, the time is bound to come wh n he jas Rims anf ned, Thy ha Soapetime the woman who waite is | : ne 4 i . ATE RER TT wir Soukig wieslilar-uis Atpio. will got sick or old. 'and thin Ws lpi een Tonstls it {a mother who watchs for the com: | A woe Finest possible Exe cution ME without, any any lo pac of + companions won't want him and| |. .mmation Croup | mi back of a wayward son. Hour af- | ran by pneumatic wachiners nd mak to two he'll come back to me." Sromach Ds des Pleats {ter hour rhe sits listening for the dd Cl Re ? or 50 » y rior \ . the Downe nd Ki soft soap you ever used: he best This is a bona fide letter that 1 The one reiedy upon Abullie ofl a drunken step coming up ay mueh superior to hand work Fet Asepto is more than mere} * will cost you only five cents, too, have copied word for word, just as it ! which Phygieions Bee Lo stroet, hor soul ten Nb on ; 5¢: Best equipped shop between an oer oLe th than a Tell Ja proce. 4 to Jhclude a rth pdt Cody the most + lying Jo Sa} H -- shames, her hands waiting to drag bs ; 8 Toronto and Montreal, package arrhozone, amo § TOSS e reshol id : owier--as go good as re or rier! go geveers sel fui i have ever Ay 1t has in Gt the tra- ay ves the cause Of the him. fr. a -- a hold Suze Win . S. J KILPATRICK & i) 7 on the market. five cents. v i pedis of unappreciated loves of a dog as cough : a TO eA wa od gh, doesn't smother ~ © onetimes it | 2s Tika devoticn that Heks thy hand that 3 Ht. Catarthozotin id A gmstimes it is: s.protigel daugh T . , ter who has run away from home for : Fanaa i { strikes' it, the humility that gives all | , & I soothing, healing," di # ™ of RL y "Kir 810 THE ASEPTO - 'MFG. co. i rand sks nothing in retin, the lop fet po a2 inal SHires the whom the mother waits. Everybody 0g tor n, Out. nows of dark nights of deseron, lit (conditions that 'eatise" has forgotten her. Reeryhiody else cordsms her, but her mother THE ARTIST WON. ton y by fhe, faint a the wan the congh. . | keeps the light always buming in the neon sil rome back whest every: other Catdrrhorone is in |g indow, and whaits--and waits--and ur s door is closer tor him. f H findrely superior tol gait for the wanderer while her own His Nerve and His Drawing Made Such a woman as this and such a 3 cough medicines, ta Phair bleaches har Editor Meek. . with sorrow and soome. ax she deséribes has been the LE lets; sprays snd emal- | oo eyes grow bind with straining | New York Press Weik Men - -- - thme of a great painter. In the gal 74 ons, which for the looking down the broad road for the! The editor bad given the artist an fom at Keerdamy hangs a pleture by AE " most Part. ara of no pitiful figure, broken and bruised, that] order to illgsirate the story and, had srasle, Ww ows 8. poor, © pliib a practical valoe -exopiiiin come stumbling home at last to | drawn a resgh diagram of the kinel of women, sitting in a poor, plain room. 3 10 ease 'the coughs for}, ther. sketch he wanted. Jt must show a Send Name and Add Address Today {or hands are: quielly folded in her 4 : the time being. = Often | (ji thé women who wait by sick [dior vaulting in a high leap over a Y Can H | plap, asl ar. atid y on of dal), | § 8H Squid cough remedies 4, ds while the "fasht fof life and {cluep of bushes. The artist read the ov ave 1 Free and Be hope ® aney or face ie furn-] § contain opum; amor fgeath gees on! Ch, the women who | manhscript, mare the picture and sent ' rd toward 'a window through which hE Shine: . and: cocaine. bicoit in the Bleak shadow of the walls [it in. It was well dove. The devr was Strong and ¥igorous, oll cannot see, t in her eves, in +l With Rbashasgme FOU of penitentiaries {0 have gen intola magnificent fellow, with a pair of hee, whole' Sues are the passion and Fou Fon ta hoy rege. their paticnt arms the dishonored {antlefs that the most ambitions Bick | 1 hase in my possession 's prescription for 1 pain, elo we and the ane | - EE you 'employ ature $thody from the scaffold, or to take might well be proud of, The editor | nervous debility, lack of on, a akenad guish of every woman who ever | sat oN way---just td daz ihack some som, or husband, or broth- | took ome look at the drawing and bet ht pg ad 1d ne rk, agd waited. - BREA tarthozone x, soathing, er who is forever branded with pet jthen in disgust returned it to the art wien ot 3 Youth, that: hes cured 20 nny I A = a pleture that is sodden, as ix) 4 healing vapor aid. re- boon stripes! What agony js theirs | ist, with a letter stabing that the ONE ALY men right in their swe this letter | havi quoted, with the tief and care follow ilfow Jong the hours fu which they figure mud) be redraws becwise "the Boel additional help or medi- date ol The woes who iy : Ny 3 ¥ 1 ik fren man who wishes to n wal . : only wait. story plaioly states that the buck wae | fegsis Bis ply ¥ Joger sad virility. quickly i s the women whi wait--what. Lg | ka simply wopder-L God pity (hs woman who waits, [a vesrling, consequently he would] 3°4 SE have a copy. So 1 hive pond s sterhdod of grief they make ! : to hia! how guick- ard God pity the man who on ths | have had only epille homs snd hot Aral ay pre an Theire 1° lodge of sorrow that x.a bad throat OF ca day of judgment shall have the tears jthe kind of sotlers vou have dGqiNt will write we for it. kaows no distinotion of rank or clase, | ee tarth can be curedlihat he has made her shed rise up god." A i om 6 Physiciay fob every Woman, wich 6r poor, bigh | %it Latanhotone. Tis rich brlsgmie {0 aceuse him ! The ariist was not, however, | dis am sosvigeed § Fra rere. Biden By pure he hae sat with guiveri ng i od _-- slang with i 2 --------in mayer. He stood pat for smtlers. With n for fe eure 2 Seficient manhood and it, und helpless a impotent | breath (to the rp Zia? 'outa mm of wahle convieti Thin ve i a man hinds, fet waiting for the man she [> Juags, bronchial Cubes hud chest, Taking Oue's Own Pulse. {he ath 3 hw _-- alert LU ie 1 owe to, 27 Siow ma any an lovey to eome back to her. is a sivter making it impossible for the germ Being able to "take" ome's own the editor and wires him: "Com aay where ho fs weak sod discouraged with *o every ther who has bided of aby disese to Live. Thus sarences | ules S failures may stop dragging Dimerif b r - woman in the ch al) pu is a doubtiul accomplishment, | t; ion demands sotlers Chappe atl ! patent med Medien secure what x ont in Gethsemane. 1 chest 8 at ones evidied-- | hocause the heart has some pecaliiri- Fp Lo "teree-yonrald buck / ss. Bror GOCE nay restorative, At Ys a wile whose te A fr i loosened and ejected from | gigs the importance of which are sre S pditor was siruck so dtm the throat, old standing coughs wre io be overcelimated except by phys 118 manifestation of weve that he oe : | Clans and much wwasineds otessioned setually took time fo shudy the draw- EMBER THIS, you basathy "in consequence. irregularity the ing He Jet his imagiunstion picts | he : sail spike buck mstend of the majestic | beauty and meekly deci | mpl » fean- | tod that the arti knew 5 thing or } two, =m the editorial i Joti pencil wae rn 5 bronpiy ? . y mirien, and the periodienl io BY noth 2 3 3 i & 2% Hd again howe. sient andl just walt for 1 know that | Raised letters

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