torage For Valuable Furs Avoid worry-- Telephone 489 or send a Post Card Our Fur Waggon will call John McKay, 149-155 Brock St. ~ APRIL House Cleaning Monthi= a Leave your address for the BIG VACUUM CLEANER. It will be here April 20th. Our Spring Stock is in. It's great. We're in shape to help you in refur- nishing any room or the entire house. Our Parlor Furnishings Rugs, Car- pets, Curtains,' Draperies, Parlor Suites, Fancy Chei © and Tables--is larger and handsoiuvr than ever. SPECIAL PRICES to those furnish- fng throughout. Repair and promptly done, Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. THE UP-TO-DATE HOUSE. Upholstering Work Never in the history ) of the store have weg shown such High-Class © Designs and lower § ) prices. A s Now Is The Time to Get a Home - You who are a renter, have no . doubt long been thinking about getting a/home of your own. Why not Ahla gpring? Perhaps vou think it is be- yond your means, but it may be Wwe can show you how you can qT i You are dealing out in reat every month money that ought We can I preach ¢ {public are offer you a choice 4 ON RiSH_PROpLE REV. T. W. DAVIDSON DELIVERED ! FINE LECTURE. Spoke on Subject, "Lights and Shad- ows of Irish Life," at Sydenham Street' Church----Lantern Slides Used for Hiustration. The lecture given in the Sunday school hall, at Sydesham street church, on Thursday evening, by Rev. T. W. Davidson, of Belfast, Ireland, on "Lights And Shadows Of Irish Life," was very largely attended, and was a most interesting and instruc tive one. Rev. T. E. Burke, presided, and introduced the lecturer, with » few happy remarks. DuMng the evening Miss Edith Orser sang very sweetly "Killarney," and during the singing of this beautiful selection, some of the scenes around Killarney were thrown upon the "| screen. rendered "The Minstrel Boy" and "The Harp That Once through Tarw's Hall," in - splendid voice. Both the selections provided a fine treat. y In his opening remarks, Mr. David- son referred to his extensive trip through Capadn, from séa to sea, but while he was favorably impressed with the country, he 1 say that the charms of his own country appealed to him. The lecturer gave views on the gcreen, of Ireland, Dublin, Cork, Pel- fast, Londonderry, the west of Ire land, and he also gave scenes illustra- ting different aspects of Irish life, in- cluding the life of the peiisant, and life in the city. The speaker referred particularly to the better condition in . the vountey. At the present time, he pointed out, there were 600,000 farmers in Ireland, who, because of the land * act, had bought out their farms, ahd the fact that they were the new owners, made them all the more contented, and it was expecied that in the not far dis- tance that Ireland would be within the empire. Mr. Davidson spoke of the hopeinl- ness and also referred to the morality of the Irish people, statistics going to show that womanhood there was the purest on earth. The politeness and matners of the Irish people was also touched upon. rt nm A WARRANT ISSUED Miss Peal Wolfe Island Man for Assault. On Tuesday a warrant was issued by (+. H, Hunter, J.P, for the arrest of Henry Henderson, Wolfe Island, charged with breaking into the resi- dence of Richard Goslin, and assault ing the wife of the latier, doing her actual hodily harm. The man, in some mabner, got wind of his coming arrest and fled to the United States to esca the constables. The war- rant will be held, however, and should Henderson return to this country he will at once be placed under arrest and brought before a magistrate. The assault took place some days ago and Mrs, Goslin was very badly treated, For Arrest of Good Acts at the Princess. All lovers of high-class music and singing were treated to something out of the ordinary at the Princess theatre last evening, the 'occasion being the presentation of "The Roma Trio," America's sweet Italian singers and musicians. The singing of Miss Stella Rosette brought forth great applause, and forced her to respond to many encores. All those who prefer singing and music of the highest 'order should avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing this talented trio, as there remains but two days more. In addi tion to this great act, a strong pro- gramnig of pictures is offered, which makes this theatre one of thelmost popular amusement houses in the city. Tea for the Patients. A most enjoyable affair was the tea given to the ward patients at the general hospital, on Thursday after noon, by the members of the Charity Circle, of the King's Daughters. tea followel a most pleasing pro- gramme of music, and th: patients were cheered avel benefited by the visit. Toft a Visitor Here. "Jack" Toft, the ex-Eastern League catcher, was a visitor in the city, to- py He came in from the west on hursday afternoon, to see his numer- ous friends here. Toft caught George Sullivan when he threw in the East. ern League some years ago for Provi dence and Torohtos. Ice in the Harbor. To-day, the ite in the harbor shifted out from the shore, and all that 1s needed now to take it away, is a good stiff wind. The ice is taking a great deal longer (0 get away this year, than it did last. It will be re membered that last vear, the ice dis- appeared in the one night. Shop License for Gananoque. It was learned, to-day, on good au- thority that a shop liquor license would shortly be granted hy the com- missioners in Gunauogs . This will be good news to many who have been ad- vocating it for some time. A petition was recently circulated and was large- ly signed, jo Chalmers Church Anniversary. The anniversary services in econnce- tion with Chalmers' church will held on Sunday next, April 3rd. Rev. J. A, Macdonald, LL.D., of Toronto, wil morning and evening, The cordially invited. Inland Revenue Collections. Collections at the inland reveaue of fice for were © Spirits, ¥ 302.85 malt, $525.42 tobacco and a IL trier retain = bea i of € tal, $8,581.29. ; : The be Nelson McCartney Won Contest for 5 the Championship. Th: contests for the local Y.M.C.A. association indoor athletic champion,,| ship and ba medal, given ind former secretary, Alfred Stokes, as | competed for last wight, on the local | ficor antl there was some good sport. Nelson McCartney wom the contest, | with a score of 38% points, although | Brewster beat him in the high jamp! nnd Roy Wand set up a new record in| the 12 tb. shot put, of 32 feet. Ward | i* a pew man at athletic work and be wil bear watching in the future. § The contest by points resulted as] follows : N. McCartney, 385 pots; J. Brewster, 327 points; R. Ward, 3034 | points; G. Fleming, 2867 points; FE. | Summers, 215] points; BE. Kennedy, 21% points: R. Moore, 203 points; J. Adams, 179 points; 6, McConnell, 109 points. . The association feel very grateful to Vr. Stokes, for the interest he has shown in the Kingston association, and his trophy helps make it péssible, for a strong physical work. AN ANGRY ATHENS GROOM. Wun Shots Followed a Marriage Cere- mony. Methodist parsonage evering last, says the F. A. Read uni- At the on Wethuesday a Athens Reporter, Rev. 0 ted in re Elijah Siznett and Misy Maggie Whitford, both of Athens. Af- Fier the ceremony the happy couple re- pisred to the residence of John Karl, Mill street, where they were la- ter serenaded by some of the village youths, A fair sample of music was put up, but the musi ians were flatly told they "wouldnt get no dollar and as this. declaration was accompan- ied by a couple of gun shots, fired at close range, the boys took this as a hint that thor music Sas not aps preciated and retired. The chigf was on hand, but contented himself with confiscating the gun. THE TRUSTEES WON'T PAY The Ottawa Cliffsides' Bill of $228 for Expenses. A despatch from Ottawa says (-- - The Allan cup trustees have register- el a kioc with: the Cliffsidés over the latter's expenses on their répent trio to Kingston in quest of the amateur trophy. Clifisides put in a bill for $228 but the trustees apparently comsisler it to) large. They have asked the Chfi-) sides to furnish them with all particu- lars of the trip, including the number | of wen carried. Last year the Queen's en} Clifis.des' accounts for the match played here were reduced antl it is likely that Clifisides will find their bill cut m hali by the trustees when the settlement" arrives. The Queen's club also objected to the Clifiside bill alleg: 'nz extravavance on tie pat of the inter-provincial champions. The King Edward. Onee more the King Edward theatre has something good. The horse which dumbionnded tie German professor by it: marvellous displays "of intelligence will ve shown in many its orm- ances, some of which are astonishing. "Frequeen of the Burlesque" is a most laughable affair. This is the film wh ch a Toronto audience insisted on h.inz repeated before they left the theatre. it is one series of comical « tant ons: he third picture is "The Konan," ib which is reproduced early Yonsn costimes snl surroundings. The story is obe of itical intrigue, and combines the exciting coutests and disagreeable features connected with a d st) rberd ancient city. This picture is educational m character antl most intecesting in detail. To-night and to- mer ow afternoon and evening. Why Turkish Women Go Velled. Mrs. Kenneth Brown, in Metropolitan Magazine Turkish jromen do not wear veils bo- eaure of their religion, as many sup pose. Jt is merely the sartival of an old enstom. When the Turks still lived in Tartary, before the tims of Mohammed, it was the habit of th mon to steal such women for wives us attridted them, This led 08) much' fighting that about the second century after Christ the Turks came together and decided that beneeforth the women should go veiled and should not meet men, but dwell in hares, as soon as they arrived at womanhood, which was at about cle en years of age. With the Eye of Faith. Chicago Tribune i "Dr. Fourthly, don't you believe the time is coming when the swords shall ve beaten into plough<h res and the spears into prunitg hooks and wen shall learn war no more?' "Indeed 1 do, Brother Millsap." "But when?" "About the time when that other prophecy 1s fulfilled--'and then shalt the end come." : Saturday Night Fruit Sale. Two dozen Little Lady (Sunkist) oranges for 2c. One doren bananas and ono dozen oranges for 2e. Two pounds Malaga grapes for 2%, Sa turday night, at Carnotsky's, ---------- The. contagious disease cases report ed to the medical health officer during March, were : Typhoid fever, 5; diph- theria, 1: measles, 5. There have been no typhoid cases for over two weeks Went Down for a Month. There was a brief session of the police court to-day. Ons drunk was the oniy offender, and he was taxed $1 and funds, so took the month. Lawn Grass Seed. at "s Drug Stores. The Y.M.CA. harriers will start their daily runs shortly. The runners will start east, just taking a short run every evening and increase the dis tance until ten or twelve miles are covered *Garden and Bower seeds," all fresh at Gibson's Red CPoss drug store. a world" aetially owes the kind ality living earn. Comme and fancy ds Be. O'Gocman's, King street. bargaind every day next week at x's ing sale. | Hckering's. ' ber of passengers costs or 'ome month, He was short of | i ing variety, just received LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN| GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Vicinity | of Interest g Other Brief Items Easily Read And Remembered. See Bibby's 315 blue suits. Visit Knox's daring thew sale, week of April 4th. 4. J. McCann, formerly of is opening a store én Westport, A large assortment of pictures, each. (VGorman's, King street. | Pibby's $2 hats are wonders. oc, Willisin Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | received at MeAuleyv's, Thome 778. Dr. €. Curtis is lying quite Sora ously ill at his home on King street. tiuby 5 the swellest 52 bats, H. "Cunningham, piano tuner Leave orders at Aulev's bodkstore. "Phone 23" for drug store wants, Gibson's Red Cross drug store has from {prompt delivery. The steamer Pierrepont had a num- from Cape Vincent and points -bevoml to-day' libby's $2 hats are wonders. Mrs. Babcock and family, of street, left, on town, N.Y., where they will reside. "lee cream bricks," Neilson's, from Toronto. Sold in Kingston at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. Libby's $2 hats are wonders, Caurds_have besn reecived from C. Polsgm, ir:, who is present Colon, Panama, on a busivess trip. Hie. paper novels, 15. each for Sa turday. O'Gorman's, King street. Sale of women's patent leather $4.50 boots for $3, men's $5 Goodyear welt patent leather boots, £1.75. Dut- ton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess sireet. Bibby's for the best $2 hats in Can- ada. Lindsay Malcolm, of Queen's, is on a visit to his Malcolm, at Stratford. sce Bibby's new $2 hats. "ilaud's lron Pills," are a spring 'tonic pill. The genuine sold at Gibson's Red Cross good ar: drug store. See Bibby's new $2 hats. Delbert Snider, of the upper station is enjoving two weeks' tion. out muskrat shooting. See Dibby's nobby $2 hats. For hot, perspiring and bad feet, also for corns and bunions, I'r. Hog- yus' asbestos insoles. Sold only at Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. Magazines, King street. The street railway employces are busy double tracking the.line on King street, from West to Barrie streets. It will be quite an improvement when piety, e Bibby's new Oxford shirts, $1. Dr. Luxe Eradicator removes stains, grease spots, from clothing, makes kid gloves like pew: dn 25¢. boxes at Prouse's drag store, opposite St. An- drew's church. See Hibby's special 22 hats. Rev, A. M. Currie, 2A, who been taking a post graduate in New York. has received the degree of BI. and PhD. Dr. Currie is a graduate of Queen's. The government steamer Scout was busy in the harbor, to-day, laying out buoys. Four large gas buoys were painted on the dryv-dock property, to- day. before being placed in the water, See Bibbyv's dainty 81 shirts, Sale of leather pest cards, 10, picture post beauty pins, 2 for turday only, 2K Princess street. fire Te. each. haus course 3 for cards, 12 for 5c. Se. Friday and Sa- Libby's new $1 shirts are fine, Fhe Kingston Amateur Hockey As sociation holds its annual banuquet aut the Iroquois hotel, this evening. Over fifty guests are invited and a fine time is lodked forward to. thby's new Oxford shirts, 81. "It makes more beautiful than any other grass seed. Sold in drug store. Bibby 's 32 hats for mine, John H. LaRock, who has had cent. breakwater dnce that structure was built about {en vears ago, \ been transferred to Feorse, Mich. See Bibby's elegant $1 shirts, The tug Thomson of thé Montreal Transportation' company, went on the men the morning, to be calked. Twenty were put to work at her during day. : Pay & Martin's Shoe Polish, black and tan. Wear Wood-Milne Revolving heels, save money and strength, from 15¢. 'up, put on without extra charge. Sole agents, Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess stveet. » See Bibby's elegant $1 shirts, The €.1.B. baseball team will start regular practice on Monday and will be out every evening getting in trim for the opening games. not likely open until after Victoria day, but a few exhibition games will be played before that date. APRIL IS HERE SO COME TO "THE HAT STORE" FOR A NEW SPRING HAT We have bad the pick of the Hat makers to represent : we bave picked the best blocks our picked makers had ; that's why you can nowhere find such shapely shapes as we offer. Woodrow, Stetson, Hawes, Tress. Piccadilly, Waverly. New Caps that are swell. Dent's Gloves. Seog Wilb $C + 82 hats for ne vie Importers of Fine Hats, spring | Stoco, Me-| Vine | Thursday, for Water- | N. ST in father, Vice-Principal | of the Collegiate Institute, | vaca-d He is one of a party who are] 0'Gorman's, | New York Dress Reform, lawns" | Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross charge of the hghts on the Cape Vin- has ways at the government dry-dock, this The league will | e000 120 pair of Long Waist Corsets, worth One Dollar r, in sizes |18 to 30, white only. Special at al a 75c¢ a Pair. our range. : | I Ladies' Trimmed Hats Before buying your Spring Hat come in and see We will lay aside any Hat you. may choose by paying a deposit of One Dollar. CORRIGAN'S. 00000000000 0000000000 0000000000000 0000000000 0000000000000 0RRCRRROT 000000000000000000000000 © $1.00 Corsets for 75c. A A ANNI Pt to If You are a feeble we have an offer to make you. Because we know that our cod liver and iron - tonic VINOL con- tains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting bodies -- ward off dangerous colds -- ahd replace weakness with strength--we make you this offer: -- Come to our store and get a bottle of VINOL. If it does not help you wonderfully -- you need not pay us for it. That is-- we will refund your money. VINOL has actually prolonged the. life of many old people for several years. ~-This is a fact. A Fionn Drug Store, Princess & Bagot Sts. { NEWS i LOM ATHENS. Several Events Held During the Past Week. | Athens, March 31.--James Hender- ison hus opened his cheese ipgtory fof the season. R. J. Foitune and family {left on Monday for their nly home Inear Swift Current, Sask. Mrs, G A. McClary and son, Claude, left on {| Wednesday to join Mr. Mellary at | Bassam, Sask. Harold Kennedy, of {the BB, and W. station, has been trans {erred to the station at Brockville Frhe-B. and Wowall ran a special ain lon Friday evening, the attraction be jing "The Girl Question," at thie {opera house, Brockville. 'the 10.0, F. held an enjoyable "At Home" last week, about fifty being presat, Warm sugar made a pleasing addition « to the menu. There" was» banguet at the Asm- strong House on March Mth, wider the management of Rising Sun lodge, IAF. and AM. District. Deputy grand master of St. Lawrepee distriet, "A. Langstaff, Kemptville, was the guest of honor. Mis, G. F. Donnelly Has issued invitations and will entertain on "the evening of April lst. The choir of the Methodist church will spend a social how together after practice Friday evening to guy "good-bye" to au member, Mrs. J Patterson, who P leaving for For- est Under the auspice Pansy Imission board there was a sugar cial and lecture on "Flowirs Rev. (. J. Curtis, on the 22nd inst The annual thank-offefing of the W. M.S. was held in the Methodist church on the afternoon of . Geod Friday. Musical and literary sel tions and an able address by Mrs, 8 1.1. nughes, of Kempiville, wife of a former paste, made a good | programme. Kefreshments were served {at the close. I'roceds amounted to {200 I Rev. ]. N. of the gy hy serviee | Beckstodt has accepted {call to the Presbyterian church Lansdowne, and will leave for his {new fiefd in 4 short time. Rev, Wi land Mrs. Anderson, of the Holiness Movement church, have bees attending jeonventions Smith's Falls and Prescott. "Rev, Thomas Brown, pas [tor of George street church, I rock- {ville, is announced to occupy the pul- pit of the Methodist church on April | 3rd. i - --r Death at Inverary. Inverary, April b.---Wilkie Akroyd, is rushing the work om his new brick house in the village. Thomas Thomp- | sors has arrived from the west. Mrs, Iraves, sr., an old and 'respected resi: fdent of this place passed away Tues: day, at Wiliam Lindsay. About two wieks ago she was stricken with pmemmonia- 'I he fureral services will be conducted im the Holiness Movemen{ dhurech, after whch the remains will be takem to Cataraqui vault. Three sons and one daughter and an aged husband are lef, A wee daughter has arrived at the home of Wilkie Akrovd., Mrs Ormsbes is at Ira Darling's for a n at at Battersea, where she will i the sumw,,". Frederick Porter, Pin spent Sunday at W. R. Tolls. Mise Myrtle Freeman, is spending her holi- davs in Kingston. Dr. A. E. Freeman, is having a boathouse built for his new motor boat. Miss £. Smith, Sun- bury is clerking in H. Knight's gener al store. "Moths cannot live" where f:ke camphor &s used. The strong Kind uy sold at Gibson's Red Cross crag store. A physician of the Paris hospital saves he has discovered a serum that will cure rheumatic fever. Your money will go a long way at Knox's spring sale; all next week. Money worshipping always interferes with Maker worshippi Bibby's for the best ada. toa 2 hats in Can 8 Old Person | the home of her son in-law, | shdrt time, prior to her departure for - Friday and Saturday at o and MUSIC SALE Over 1,000 Copies of Instrumental and Vocal Music on Sale 10¢ per copy PICTURE SALE - handsomely framed. > 4 Our 25 2 from 50c to $1.00. - ---- a -- 260 PRINCESS ST. A special lot of Burlington Proofs, Price, $2.00. Pictures comprise Ahn Conniseurs in colors, The Burlington Proofs are from the greatest pletures'of Biugope and America painted within the last : two years ago in England to meet the demand "Tor genuingly pictures for home decoration at a low price " 200 years. They were issued fine over 100 Subjects usually retailed at v THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 'PHONE 919, 00000000000000000P0 09000000000 0000800000, V000000000000000000000 THE BEST KID GLOVES One Dollar a Pair all sizes and with French make. in the trade at All shades, guarantee ® THE BEST Line of CORSETS in the trade at One Dollar a Pair Six different styles in. sizes 18 to 30. Perfect models THE BEST Line of LADIES' HOSIERY at 26c a Pair. Sizes 8 1.2, 9, 9 1-2, 10. .Cotton or Cashmere Perfect goods at. a popular price. THE BEET LADIES ver shown and up. WHITE in Kings- Range of WAISTS « ton at 95¢ THE BEST of LADIES " SiITS, SKIRTS, UNDER- SKIRTS, UNDERWEAR, COl-~ LARS, BELTS, FRILLINGS, ete., that money can buj Range COA » THE BEST Of evervihing GOODS LINE. ia the 'DRY Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. DIAMONDS | of JDiamends Mounted in Rings is most' com- Our Stock plete, Many that : Diamond Ring at $325.00 $30.00 cannot bé good, but we ssure you that 44 is. 5 hide | 1 BROS, people think @ or oa p intogdhe { desfPed. - The prj Hundreds SMI Jewellers, TH] Opticigns. 350 KING STREET, | Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Remodelled and repaired, also stored for the summer. W. F. Gourdier. ATTENTION ® ' We carry a full lipe of MILKING TUBES. TEAT SLITTERS, TEAT DILATORS, and CATTLE SYRINGES, | PIPPI IIII III VII III III PII PIII IIe Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. SALEEM EESEERRSSS é Good System Good system fg not a gues tion of doing well, hut of doing the uimost In This Laundry we do gur utmost avoid errors in deljv- ery, and 18 Ig meldogh ~--yory seldom thant - mistakes In thik direc tion occur; but when they do, we gquick- iy remedy them Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts. ! ER pr ------ i ------ a------