¥ -- Unqualified Endorsement Is the Logical Outcome of Unguestioned Satistaction--Sample Bottle of Warner's Safe Cure Gave Relief and Three Bottles Made a Complete Cure. Mr. Roensch is filled with gratitude over the benefits he received. "1 acknowledge the receipt of the samples of Warner's Safe Cure you kindly gent me. | have used your medicine with the best results and thank you very much for your kindness. - "1 suffered very much with backache, but after using three large bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, which I bought at a local drug store, the pain disappeared and now 1 consider myself a well man again. | thank you again for your great medicine." Adolph Roensch, Box $37, Wash ington, D.C We receive thousands of voluntary testimonials like the above from Lr patients, who cannot say enough in praise of Warner's Safe Cure, which has cured them of their kidney liver, bladder and blood troubles. DO THIS: If you suspect that your kidneys are dis-\ eased and discover that your urine is cloudy and milky, send us a sample for analysis and SMUGGLERS OF DIAMONDS? i CRITICISES ROOSKVELT. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. Detectives Follow Man and Woman Ex-President Made Mistake at Cairo, Thinks Prof. Schmidt. : From Toronto to Border. man| Chicago, March 31.--Prof. Nathaniel |THE FIGURES AS SET FORTH IN London, Ont.. March 3L--A to | Schmidt, head of the department of THE BLUE BOOK. 1 : i t---------- dia- |Oriental languages, and literature 'nt {The Quality of Recruits is Improving! monds passed theouyh this ety on Cornell University, Just returned {from --3ten About Average in Physique, | Monday morning and close on their {a protracted A residence ? od Favpt, ducati 'haracter. track were two American customs de- |Synia, ang rabia, criticire ornier a oh ang {tectives remdy to aurrest the pair as | President Roosevelt's recent speech at i eral annual report of the {Fre a Pik Ay Col ioe e reports | S00D as they crossed the border. {Cairo at' a luncheon, given by - the o a) | | were Chicago Association, to dav. ity its for the Tt is said the American officials - : that' the Salley Be hi that | "tipped off" that the pair wouki try There are plenty of Americans in the men enlisted are above the aver to enter the States with the diamonds Egypt 2 Arabia, to-day,' he said, Phe in physique, education and char-|in their possession and detailed : 1wo | 'who have dwelt more tactfully with | acter. = men to follow them. those numerous questions which gO to |The following table shows the estab-| At Toronto the couple staved three make peace between nations then did lishment and strength of the Regular {days and during that time wers con- [80 ex-president of the United States, Army, Army Reserve, Special * Re- | stantly under the eve of the detectives, who spoke in Cairo the other day. serve, and Territorial Force ; of* the | They came on to London and changed | The speech was rather uncalled for, 1 Militia and Militia Reserve Division, | trains here. When . (heir train pulied think. Now a German would say that SYNE A IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway and a woman who were Supposed "he carrying £30,000 worth of Homeseekers' To Western Canada Low round trip rates good going April 5th, 19th; May 3, 17, 31; June 14th and 28th; July 12, 26; Aug y 3% Sept. 6th, 20th. Good for §0 ys. i ' Low Rate to Pacific Coast One way Second Colonist Ticket 7 $45.10 on sale dally until April 15th. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, G.P.A. ba UTA To the Canadian North-West, Kpril Sth, 16th; May 3rd, 17th, 31st; June 14th, 28th; July 12th, 26th; Aug. 2pd, 23rd; Sept. Gth and 20th. All tiokets good to return within 60 days from going date. Settlers One Way Excursion to Western Canada Marek 15, 32, 29, April 5 and 12. PARTICULAR ATTENTION .. .. Is called to the fact that these rates ply to points on Grand Trunk Pacific Hiway, & new territory full of golden opportunities. Low Rates to Pacific Coast One-way Second Class Colonist Tick- ets on Sale dally until April 16th. For full particulars, apply to J ANLEY Agent, Corner Johnston Ps and Ontario Streets. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario rest. 4 ly (Munday excepted) Br $43" Sonfam Napan ee, Deser- to, Bannockburn and all points north. 0 Secute uick despatch to Bannock n, ynooth, and points on Central On oxo te your shipments via Ba var, For further or - ars, & iY R. W. DICKSON, Agent. one, No. on Onr strongest argument in favor of our Bays' $1.75 & $2.00 Shoes is tin Shoes themselves. The: efore, ofr best argu- ment is lost unless you try 'a pair. They are built strong and have plenty of style. H. JENNINGS, King St. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILA. FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY TAKE. OFF THE EAT WHERE 11 Most women suffer much numitiation because of great quantities of fat, so everybody sees that they are abnormal. This is the day of the slender figure, and fat women are simply not tolerated either in business or social affairs, Women may not know it, but men when they see a fat woman pass them on the street or in public places make all manner of sympathetic remarks about her. They do not mean 10 be unkind or to seem upmanly; but it is natural for a man to dislike fat on a woman. Where fat shows the most there is where it must be removed, and as quickly as possible. This seanon"s dresses seem to be made for the fat woman's misery and the slender wo= man's delight They expose all the charms of woman and her ugliness as well. Exercise and diet will not remove fat. This has been proved. The famous Marmola prescriggioy which has met with such phenomeal success and has s0 many of our society women as its sponsors is now being sold in tablet form to meet the demand of the puble for this style of treatment These little tablets go Into your system' Just Ke food. They stop the stomach and diges- tive apparatus from producing fat and reduce the fat upon the body at the rate of from 12 to 15 ounces a day. They are harmless and can be carried in four yurse and taken even after you have indulged in a Weariy meal away from home They are sold at all drug stores at 16 cents a case, or if you pre- fer you may write the Marmola Com- HE MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNDERWOOD I8 80 PERFECT THAT - THE MACHINE CAN BE OPER- ATED WITH A RAPID- 1TY OF FOURTEEN SEPARATE AND DIS- TINCT STROKES TO THE SECOND -- AND THE WORK 18 AS 'GOOD AS THE MACHINE. IT COM- BINES WITH SPEED EX- SEPTIONAL DURABIL- x UNITED TYPEWRITER C0., LTD. J. R. 0. DOBBS, KINGSTON, The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantée prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. "BICYCLE SUNDRIES Be Prices Send ter Cut Price Catalogue. so YerBronTo d ¢ like other 'countries, must rely on other of the world for necessary articles of consumption. Our total imports for the six months end- ing September last amounted © to $17,200,432. We bought almost twice as much from the U. S. as from the empire, Our principal sources of sup- BUA, 201,978 SL Wn DE West Indies oc wo siess 751 jocated that, ne matter how they dress, | pany, 1188 Farmer Bldg, Detroit, Mich.' {that will injure eighty-five of and of the Colonial Militia and Volun- teers on October lst last :-- Establishment ' {Army Estimates). Strength. Regular Army: Regimental Establishments; British estab'ments ...176,995 Indian estab'ments ... 76,000 Staff aml departments and miscellaneous de- partments ..... . Army Reserve 137,000 Special Reserve ..... .. 90,664 Territorial Force : Territorial officers, non- commissioned officers, and men Permanent. staff 175,55 77,566 3302 320 134,556 649,051 270.642 2499 13,691 2,666 734,319 5,13) 800,207 Militia sion Militia (Chaonel Isl lands, Malta, and Ber mula) : Permanent Militia... ... Volunteers da): Permanent staff 'Volunteer officers and volunteers us , (Bermu- 5 214 General Total ... ...... 07,952 746,166 According to a table showing the ages of the non-commissioned officers and men aa the Army the proportions per 1,000 men in the respective groups. were as follows :--Uptler 18, 21 : from 1% to 19, 38; from 19 to 20, 83; from 20 to 25, 468; from 25 to 30, 239; from { 30 to 35, 89; wom 35 to 40, 51. ; The nationalities represented aie cs {follows : Born in England, 183,702; 3,240; Scotland, 18,530; Ireland, 95h; India or Colonies, 8,344; British, subjects born in foreign countries, 317; foreigners, 12; not represented, 105, Of the various religious denmomina- tions represented 166,717 belonged to the Church of England; Presbyterians, 17,463; Wesleyans, 10,630; Baptists or Congregeationslists, 3,725; other Pro- teatants, 1,587; Roman Catholics, 34,- 77, Wows, 221; Mahometans, Hindus ete., 2,181; not represented, 4. Wales, 2 22, REAPING HARVEST Ot Recent Imperial Press Confer ence. Montreal, March 31.--The recent: Im- perial Press (Conference seems to have benefited Canada in a variety of ways. The latest aspect of the question is put forward by C. B. Foster, the traffic agent of the Canadian Pacific at Vancouver. Mr. Foster says that ever since last fall there has been a steady increase in both passenger and freight traffic by the steamships running between Vancouver and Australasia, and the only way in which he can account for | it is that it is a result of activity on the part of the journalists who passed through Canada of their way to or from the conferénce in England. "Those jotrnalists," said Mr. Fos- ter, "had a splendid time in Canada, out the two detectives were seen board it, n fact 'that no arrests have been repert- ed, that the 10 It was surmised, from the diamonds were transfec- réd to other parties at Toronte, ~ WHIG'S FASHION HINT. ee ------------ rere ey } tiahs {1 think the truth is that the English {eountry and developing it commercial- Mr. Roosevelt was just right. It the German policy to lay down 1 law, and, if necessary, to lav on he J lash. They would think it wholly proper that he should tell the Egyp- now to manage their affairs. "But there ix a question in my mind. 1 lived over there for a long time and 1 used to read the Egyptian nationalist pewspaper every day. There is really a tremendous feeling. policy of pour money into the ly and at the same time allowing ex- treme. freedom of speech is the best | one in the long run. You can't use force effectively on those people and whip them into amiable subjects. They have long memories. And as for free dom of speech, they have got to have it. It is in the blood." ---- STRONG PULSE BEATS. Cases in Which They Are Perceptible | to Eye. @ PHOTO COPYRIGHT 1990 $Y REUTLINGER La EXGLUSIVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORK HERALD CO White erepe de chine gown with pink silk embroidery. Origin of Handshaking. In the early times, when every man was his own law-giver, judge, soldier and policeman, and had to watch over his own safety, when two people met, especially if they ha, to be strangers, they of- f each other the right hand--the hand that wielded the sword," or dagger, or club, or tomahawk--to show that the hand was empty and that neither war nor treachery was intended. man cannot very well stab another while he is in the act of shaking hands with him, unless he is a double-dyed traitor and villian and strives to aim a cowardly blow with the left hand while giving the right and pretending to be- on good terms with him. It was probably in some such way wus this that the cus- tom of handshaking originated. » Painfully Frank. declared to little Clorinda that dearly loved children. It may that she said so Hecanse she sho be heard | as you probably "remember, and they wiote enthusiastic descriptions of the dominion when they got back home. 1 amy certain that this is the cause of the big jump in Canadian-Australian traffic. It has focussed the attention of the Australian and New Zealand on the All-Red route to England, and has. opened their eves to the wonderful | possibilities for the exchange of trade | with this country. 3 "| notice that a direct stegmship | line is to be started this vear between | Montreal 'and Australia. 1 don't think freight traffic to Vaun- | couver in the least. That traffic is growing too rapidly. And besides, the ning up of this trade direct with Maniral will advertise the dominion in Australia, and doubtless cduse a still further increase in the passenger traffic between Australia and the old country via Vancouver. -------- MONTREAL WAKING UP To thé Fact That It Has Many Saloons. Hentreal, apil 1.~0f the thiee hupdied odd restaurants | the itv. there ave, ac ing to an official 1e- port before the License Commissioners that do not fill the requice- the i Law, which states that "every restaurant "" {she asked. | yards says the Scientific American, the con- must be suitably furnished to pro- vide meals for at least ten persoms at Pat the distant swish of the Clorinda"s mamma; but, whatever the cause, she repeated it urgingly. Then, as the small lady with the et cat made no move in answer to pee invitation to come and make friends, "Why is it that you love vour kitty better. than me, rie?"' And Clorinda's mamma entered. the room with an ill-concealed she heard her daughter "'Cause she purrs as if she it." skirts of answér, meant Quicker Shipbuilding. Time was when it took nearly six vears to build a battle ip in private in the Unit States: but, struction of the Connecticut at the government yard at Brooklyn set a nace which has steadily nocelerated. The Missiskippi, whose trials ' took place as recently as October, 1907, took 44' months to construct. The New Hampshire, December, 1907, was built in months: the North Caroli- na (cruiser), January, 1908, in 36 months; Michigan (battleship), 1909, in 34} months: the Delaware (bat- tleship), October, 1909, in 27 months. Indi- [their offspring, and serves as well to eae The caller didn't look it, but she | smile as | "It i=. not such an uncommon thing" said a physician, 'to find a person whose pulse beats can be plainly seen, and vet 1 suppose there are but few outside of the profession who realize the fact. In most persons the beat of the pulse cannot be perceived, but the mere fact that the beating is per ceptible does not mean that the pulse is other than normal. 1 have come across a number of cases where the throbbing of the wrist could be plain ly seen, and yet the persons rarely gavé evidence of abnormality in tem- perature. They were Furry feverish and were in good physica condition generally. Pulses of this kind, from this view, which is based upon ohser- vations of cases, do mot indicate any- thing more than an abnormal physi- cal condition in the formation of the wrist veins, "I have met with one case which was possibly a littleextraordinary in that it was plainer and much more distinct than any 1 had ever seen be- fo It could almost be heard. The artery would rise to a point almost as large as the ball of the little finger of a child and would change from the white of 'the skin to a blood purple with each beat' of the pulse. I found it easy to count the pulse beats with- out touching the patient's wrist. I could sée plainly enough to. keep the record, and in order hot to err in my calculation I tested it in several ways 'and found it was correct and that there was no mis in. my counting with the naked eye." m---------- CAN'T TIE A KNOT. Something the Chinese Sailor Can Never Learn Correctly. "I don't kmow why it is," the captain of the tramp steamer South Brooklyn, sixtys days out from Hongkong, "but you can't teach any of those Chinese sailors there to tie a real knot. . "There isn't mach need aboard a steamer for the rope knowledge that used 'to be so much the part of a foes'le training, but we do need spli- ces and knots now and again just the same. "Those Chinese, there, signed on as A. B.'s, can thing needed in the way of splices that would make an of tar green with envy, and they will fix up dead- eyes better than most of the men I have shipped. But you can't get one of 'em to tie a rightknot. Teach 'em a- gain and again, they remember the said in who do were any- diagnosis. is we will promntly give you the result of our Sufferers will be glad to know that Warner's Safe Cure will surely relieve and cure the physician the kidneys, equals Warner's Safe Cure. most distressing Constipation Warner's Safe Pills, do not gripe or leave any bad after '25 cents a box. Sample Bottle and Box of Pills and mention having seen this liberal this offer is fully guaranteed. They are made in all at ' TORONTO, ONT. Wow A White Mercerized Paper Bag is Found in Every Package of cases. No living can prescribe aay other medicine for liver, bladder and blood that It is put up in 50c and $1.00 sizes and sold by all druggists. vgs and Biliousness purely vegetable, su- gar-coated, absolutely free from injurious sub- stances, a perfect laxative, cure indigestion, biliousness, torpid liver and constipation. They effects. - Free. To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, and blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will absolutely cure; a sample bottle and also a sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will be sent FREE OF CHARGE, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Toronto, Ont., offer in the Dally British Whig. The genuineness of 53 Classic Shoes "For Children Are the best wearing, the best fitting and the most satisfactory shoes on the market to-day. leathers--Patent Colt, Vici Kid and Box Calf. Inspect our line of Children's Shoes and convince yourself that they are the best. Sold only at REID & CHARLES wer ut y- a RANGE MEAT This is to Protect the Food From Taint or F sibenebt wed Foreign Odars. Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum Castings. WRITE FOR PRICES. A THE CANADA METAL CO. LTD. Leng Distance "Phone, MITES. EPIGRAMS BY SOCIAL LEADER. 1 -- Book by Countess of allyrand-Peri- gord Attracts Attention. lesson for half an hour. Next time there's a straight everyddy knot to be tied the Chinese foes'le hand makes up the same old granny. "The Lascar and Malay and Kana- ka learn the right Inot easily e nough. In a storm that's one of the things we have to guard against if we ve Chinese sailors." cgi SALTING NEW BORN BABES. In Parts of Asia and Europe Custom is Still Followed. : In certain parts of Asia Europe the custdim of saltin, babies is still practised. varies with the differing nationalities of the peoples employing it. The Ar menians of Russia cover the entire skin of the infant with very fine salt) This is left on the body for three hours or more, when it is washed off with warm water. A mountain tribe of Asia Minor is even more peculiar in this regard than the Armenians, for it is alleged to keep the new-born babies covered with salt for a period of twenty-four hours. The modern Greeks also sprinkle their and newhorn method The mothers imagine that this prae- tice brings health and strength to evil spirits, keep away fi! i i : f iF E Xi During a discussion on vnanes in the United States i id of the history of the , their development and on the days of barter to the days of gold hae married beesuse of her wealth : An immense amount of attention has been drawn in the last few days to extracts from a Nttle book printed for private circulation, of which the Countess Vera de Talleyrand-Perigord, the well-known society leader of Paris, and the wife of the distinguished dip- Jomat, is the author. Its title, "Pensecs et Souvenirs," sounds trite enough, but admiring ciftics say that sine La Rochefou- cauld's time few collections of epi grams containing such keel points of satire and such profound and philo- sophic glimpses of human nature have seen the light. A few citations will indicate its character. The countess of Talleyrand has evidently studied her own sex at least as carefully as the other, She does not approve of fickleness in love. A coquetle," she says, "takes the desire 'to please for the need of lov- jug." "He who would please women mish be faithful to one woman." "When woman loves she pardons even crime when she no longer loves she pardons not even virtue," "Woman is like the dew; if this tear of the dawn fail upon the purest mar ble if is a pearl, ii it falls upon con" mon [soil it is mud." "A woman is like an army; if have no reserve she is lost." "Womén never come of age: ronson irritates them and sentiment {s their guide." » Tul first thing that women know is that they ' are beautiful; the last thing they perceive is that they sre she "Label for a very thin woman, who ; 'Closed on "Of a thin woman whom a poor man "The plank of salvation." " Providing for a ¥ ortgage. Don't break vour back or worry yorrsell sick in purvhing a morigage | memo or sEAMORSES. About 150 of Them Aquarium. The Aquarium has now on exhibi- tion 156 sea horses, a greater number than were ever before shown here, probably more than were ever bel. exhibited anywhere. There. are so many of them and the attraction ol the sea horse is so great that they have been divided ameng three tanks, two on the gallery tier, salt. water side, and one on the gallery tier, fresh water side, These sea horses, which all came from the waters off Atlantic City, the majority of them having been esptured within the last 'few weeks, range in length from two and one-half to six and one-half inches. The two largest of six and one-half inches to five and one-half inches, hate been here since September 23rd, 1908, at which time they were of about hall their presefit size. » The sea horses are fed on gammarus sort of fine marine = "Toe qam- marus is a tiny shrimp-like crusia- céan that grows to be shout ball an dpch jin length, the youdg being flor smgller than tliat. / Hy othe crustaceans, the g ite and bigger old shell as it "gels Clumps of the vegelation in which m Big and grows a8 new the gammarus thrives are sea horse tanks, and ju this mass the ses horses' nose shout in search of the prey that serves them as food. The little sea horses select the little ganmmarus, finding them little shedders that have put their old shell and not vet grown bard in their new, Thé sea horse has often been describ. ed, but it remains no less ofie of na- (are's wonders, Its body and head have in form and outline a striking resemblance to the neck and head of a horde, while its tail is long, tapering and prehensile. Often it sails . quite upright, down snd perhaps with end of it, but 0 bead carcied