eart MFor two years 1 had pam in Joy heart, back and left side. aot draw a deep breath lie on left side, and any little ion would cause palpita- ; Under advice I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine. J took about thirteen oitles, amt in better health than 1 ever was, and have gained 14 "MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, a Upper Sandusky, Ohio, For many years Dr. Miles' / Remedy has been very a in the treatment of Heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart | nerves and muscles. Even in severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope, as proven by thousands of letters we have re- ceived from grateful people. "Price $1.00 at your druggist. Ha should you. If he does not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO. Torents, ey : i [he connoisseur s insists ye ; he favorite drink for cénturies Money cannot buy a better, or more nutritious beer. teases the palate, EASTER IN GRANDEST CELEBRATIONS CATHEDRAL'S HISTORY. A Description of the New Altar and the Other Embellishments--The Music on Easter Day Was Finely Rendered. In St. Mary's cathedr impressivens andeur of B al and gr Eas- tions were more apparest this year than ever before owing the recent i nts of church. Of the decorations and other improvements only on expert could J ously speak, so fe are they, Nek a thing was left undone that could enhamee the vision as well as devotion or add to the beauty and harmony of the entire coloring an semoadiing reveal a well-cop- ceived plan admirably executed, Glance, for instance, at the angelic figures that adorn the arches, so live and real and winning in their gorh of gold and glory | With what delight does not the eye equally greet he two rarest representations of to Virgin, so bright and fair, on either Iside of the smyttuary, the "immacu- late Conception" and the ~Assump- ition." Behold, likewise, the paintings showing the "Passion," wherein sor- rowed, agonized and died the Som of Man to whom a seditious murderr wan preferred, and see, in ome of them, how sweet His face as Veronlea, with 6 trye oman's heart and instinct, wipes blood and sweat from it, and how similarly appealing is cach {succeeding image as the dread dramas unfolds. ; And the altar i That masterful crea. ticn of the sculptor's art pow being completed, We have seem not a few of the finest churches both in Europe ard Amasea and doubi if hay of them ean boast a richer and grander ssession. Of choice Italian marble, iradilian onyx and gold, elaourately catved and ornamented, with ogives, pyramids and shafts without num- ber, showing at the base the *'Last Supper," the "Paschal Lamb" and the i or "Pelican feeding ita young with its ewn blood," then rising gra- dually and symmetrically till it stands superb and majestic, an object of graw, richness and beauty incom- parable | Such is the igh sitar in St. Mary's cathedral, a credit to the firm of Rouillard & Co., sculptors, Ap gers, France, whence it came, and a pride to the Catholics of this ty. Ite work of putting it up is in the hands of BE. Flavien, who is acguitting himself of his difficult task most suc- ceashilly and satisfactorily. Pontifical high mass was celebrated on Sunday at 10:30 o'clock by. his grace Archbishop Gauthier, assisted Sy Reve. Father Hanley and MeDom- ala as deacon and subedeacon, with Fr. Mea as high priest, the sumptuous covemonial of the church being 'ar i "Healthy es always use Salvador! INHARDTS' F TORONTO Sold Everywhere' .. @ . r the birds are singing ; ings er Toright: 's to us bringing ething to delight. 'at all the gladness 'Neath the heavenly"ome; pt a Wormwith-Weber 0 in your home. 8 ST sold. Some bargains in nd-hand pianos and he ried out in all its pomp and majesty. Flowers which had been offered by la- dics of the co ation for adorning the altar lent their freshness and fra- granee to the feast. At the close hie grace fmparted the apostolic ben» iction. : Excellent music was furnished by the choir ably kd by N. E. 0'Cornor and effectively accompanied by Prof. Denys. At the offertory the Hae je," a bright composition compos Cin tc the day, was delightiully resdercd, the duo in the picee being takin by Messrs, O'Connor apd Cress. At Vespers the savetusiy boys, under the direction of Rev. Fr. Halligan, did their part well. The sermon--a Jugid expose of the scenes enacted that glorious morning the resurrection, with all that it means--was presented vy Bev. Fr. Derling, of Torontdy whose manger and words have the incom: parable charm of one wha seeks rot applause but the supreme good of souls, Hewee it is a people prouder with their church and everything com- tected with it than St. Mary's con gregation world be difficult to find. Shooting Pains in Side, Arms, Back. Nervilines--Rub It In. Pains in the muscles, in the sides, carry with them great dis If the inflammation rs oe i i if al lowed to continue they are dangerous. Nothing so quickly cures local inflam- mation and drives away pain as Ner- Nerviline does his hudaune it penetrates so deeply. ervi is not only powerful but soothing. wr i tion it curse pain. It does i Spy It cannot fail be it is a true antidote for pain. in STMARY'S perhaps the | Prove the Presence of Rheuntatic Virus, Which is Cured Quickest by the back, the peck or the chest--they ngs | Muggins, THE DAILY --_ - _-- HAS GREATEST RUNNERS. f Greek Athletes Have Rightly Earned ds Fame. | Fourteen years age, when the of the modern Olvn rads was held at | Athins, Greece, the first three min to] toish in the Marathon rem were Greeks. The en'rance of Louis, the| wine, Into the stadium, wh greeud | by ashout that reschaud around the) whole country of Grewe. Even the thousands oi fordgrers, {or many na-| tiors were represansed otf that doter- national met, acelaimid Louis a hero. For wes not the Marathon a institation--a tradition of the that mire then 2,000 years ago was the ruling natien of the workl? It seemed but proper, them, that = a Griek should wan that clasiic event, And when two other Greeks follows Loves across the finish line in the stadium it seemed to be definitely «oi - ted that in Greené the greatest distance runners in the world were bred. But to-day at American, John I. Hayes, holds the Marathon trophy by virtue of his winning the Marathon ci bopdon in 1908, He finished Jecd of the rs of all pations, although Dorando Pietri got into the stadiam ahead of him. But the Italian oo! lapsed before react! the tape thus lost to Italy the distinction clajming tre greatest Jonmdistue rupnar of their time. It was the revival of the Jiynpic games in 1806 that created the recru- deseense of Interest in long-distance run ning as a competitive sport. Tru, the Englich revived the most wneion. and most simple of athletic whin the pation awoke to a - ney interest in rumming. Prizes were of fered im competitions all th country, and from that time until th~ presint the English have oroducel more good runnas than any other country. $ Last : Grok race and of Sports over The British go in move 'or lon: distance than for the fast work, -------- as is easily son by a scruting of th records for all distance events. But the s{imulus givin distence ron ning was the first Marathon in tho Olympiad at Athens in 1896. Up to that time the runner who could sover twenty-five miles or more was a rarity. The public made no demand for run i the had kimsod bun ning ovents except in England, Ire land and Wales. Here the twenty five mile race was known, although ¢¢ a competition it was not frequently Seen. When the world evinced an est in the Marathon, after the Olym- | pic games in Athens in 1806, athletes in all of the co ntries par ticipating in the Olympiads took thes branch of sport. and in these countries a new gencration of runners was born. Puior to that time no ome in the United States thought of offering prizes for men doing the Marathon distance. Now the Marathon is the most talked-of race in the world. An eviden'a of this [act en in Qondon in 1908, when the na tions sent their best runners to re present them in the Marathon. Fog nd, proud of its runmers, got terrific. shook whan ite best lagged behind the rompers of other countries. laly motrned when hittie Dorando fell exhausted after arri ing in the stadium' cight minutes, head of second man in, Ames ea sang the praises of Johan Hayes when he was officially clared the wimier of Marathon trophy. And the other nations whose sons were in the event said nothing but vowed to mend a wilh four years hence who woukd carfy off the honors fa this greatest of Olympic sports. So the sport inter-! was giv a ronners wer ta bas grown in favor the world over. Especially is there wide-spread interest in this country Marathon runs are numerous, and throughout the land the youth is earpestly training in the hope that some day he will be the greatest Marathon runner in the world. Natural ly this deep interest in the Marathon has turned a channel of thought to- ward the old Greek sports from which the Marathon sprang. Greek history is replete with incidents setting forth the prowess of the Grecian runners. But the chronicles dealing entirely with the: Marathon as a feature of the Olympic games are fragmentary, Obviously the Marathon prize was not more eagerly sought than those Sven dor excellence in other sports. Referen ce to many books dealing with the ancient Olympic sports fails to bring to light aby detailed story of any Marathon, In- cidental references are made, but apparently the ancient Greek did not consider the victor in the Marathon a . greater hero than he who slew his antagonist with the cestus, Nil Desperandum. Percy Parkington rose and brushed the dust from his knees. Then draw- self up to his full height, he gazed re sentfully upon the form of Miss Muriel who nonchalantly fanned herself the while. "Very well, Miss Muggine," came in bitter tones from Peeey.. "Oh, very well | You have spurned me, it is gras . Indeed, vou have spurned me tw : {turning the page calmly But, though despair eats my I" heart, I shall not die! 1 mean to go is linto the busy world. I will fight! 1: will win! My name shall become | known, and my riches shall become en- v ; "Pardon me, for interrupting you, Mr. Parkington," interjected Miss Mug- "but when you shall have ac ished all that you may try me Tmo seit. A Story of Charles Reade. . Charles Mathews was fond of tolling # story of Charles Reade when the curtain fell at the old Queen's Theatre Landon pronounced fai no for the wathor. The he audience from th i shak invisible foe, still in melliffuous ac BRITISH WHIG, _---- FASHION HINT. PHOTO COMBIGHT 1990 IW KEUTLINGER BO USIVE COPYRIGHT. NEW YORK HERA! &0 White satin cloak, bands cerise satin with ol tica G Th Patiick F. $£h «dy, well-known gambler, alvays eo: men against gamb £0 SCPesS late wil gamble," he sa.d, y in his art shop, to a Yeo reporter. *'A pambler, in despair, will take life and honor to win a dollar or two desperate gambler Ole 'Never ter his The ike his is, in fgot, 1hat poor fellow who rinted a steam- | cold wnter, Ninsty-Sewin:h heated flat, omy very Eight Hundred snl street, As this man sai read ng hs overcoat ad gloves om a little group of livemen burst him * fthaiek 1 they ered. The house atie I" Viry h* man Trerlid and sel ving & frovh cigar. 'Very goed tnd od It will be the firet time this flat's bLeoy warm this wintce. fom your. coed,' The Taj Mahal. w York Americar ihe Taj Mahal, dt Agra, India, said 10 be ihe most beautiful stra ture in the world. I built Shah Jehan as a tomb for A Was his wile and is of the purest white marble. I i in the sun that wx Sor darzlingly scarcely look at it except the morning or Every £ oxquisite au marble of differ<nt finish boing sp perfect be of ite workmanship one evening. is inlaid with the 5 : signs color that the entir pail Fhe delicacy of those Chinese caskets of ivory #hany which aré now Furope and America. nr may SO cowimon in The marriage of Mise F. 1. rereton, eldest daughter of R, Irereton, Admiral Road, Toronto, Fraser Aviesworth, D.S.L., Madoc teok place quietly on Wehmesday. At ths home of the bride's parents, on March 24th, Mary Tenbel, of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hope, of Ont., and R. 8S. Hamer, Perth, were married. Act Directly \ BR.A., on the Liver Billiousness and headaches quickly cured by Dr. A. W. CHASE'S KIDNEY and LIVER PILLS. When you feel irritable, and downhoartel, yoa ean blame 'the liver, for their is ro gan in the human body whith quickly throws the system oat sorts as torpid, sluggish liver. You don't need to be in blues loog # vou know about A. W. Chase's Kiduey and Pills, for by their direct the liver they relive promptly prove lastingly beneficial. One of the principal of this medicine is known or 20 and mgredients to liver derangements. Quickly, natur- ally 'and certainly it awakens sluggish liver and .dvives ant poisons which cause headaches, iousness, bodily pains and a pressed fecling over the whole system, Vigor, strength and good mature will 'return when 'the Liver is 7 set right by Dr. A W. (heads Kid ney and Liver Pills. One pill dose, Mets. a box, ull dedlers, or Edmanson, Bates & «Toronto Write for free cooy of Dr. Chase's Recipes. ~ BETTER You enjoyed s package six months age ine! in} : } even ng, moon! 1s 1 by | prart i de | $y the | sail to resemble in | and | cranky | usually | of § the | Dr. | Li es action on | the | medical profession as a specific for | i MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1910. ORF OSE ENDS INDIGESTION, 04S, .~ | | HEARTBURN OR STOMACH HEADACHE. Diapepsin Now Will Make , You Feel Fine. w {A Little There {take else better to | Stomach and and intestines, nothing Vas from the the stomach besides, and the blood as cleanse 0- | mo: Land, digest liges ate indig Lion! linto the blues | good eat, |. | goo ab lwould do Diapepsin = to! who Dispensin ices working. i Peete rot it self dyspepsia ip--and then you eructations when you come feeling like al : {what you lump of lead i or | abeolute { heartburn vd lies re i or, and JED Misory is | Bess, un I vour f not fer-t_o tment and poison breath with i nauseous oflars i i Why not iment, and {Stomach trouble and A dicted stomach tand grambles tithn take {start the There will belching of gas {undigested foo get some n« w--this forever rid § yonrseil one prepare all sound for your food the healthy stomach gets Give it Pane's digestive ¥- vour stow arder, eleans works, -aeis in be no or ae feel calng to the will do from tahle, YOu the st ue by for you assoon take a little Dine druggist and at rood sok } ¥ } walting decide Tell Tare's to 1 Tau pepsin wen to VOY Pispepsin. beeause breome thorough ¥ | Pape's Biapepsin costs only 50 ots lor a large case at any drug stoie | tie j here, "ahd will relieve the most ab-| Remember, ii I stinate ease of indigestion and Up- | out-of-order set stomach in five you. can want cured this your stomach feels and uncomfartade now din five minutes minutes reli At thie meetinr of the Prince Edward atv council, Donald Fraser, of Sophiasburg was reelected ward acclamation, R. E. Tavior supninted Tod ensinsep I'he lava flow Mount Etna slower than a few davs ago, but visit Perth» fon inside the : Pom Tog wel, Baibarst, is | awed 63. cans "be { He cut band ¢ la wea'iiiv Fa Eodor blocd paiso a. to wild hay, Heyas nh ia &1 b Was i Panoamip, Lucmss. Napanes re { Dresented w ! 'riend Crossl vy enl { pext fall nx pold hoaded cane iw leaving for Hunter will at 18 3, be'ore a went volcano is mare - Bn 000000000000 000000000 0000000000000 0000000800 Easter Footwear AT THE SAWYER SHOE STORE The newest Footwear in Dots and Oxfords. Fine Footwear Heaps of variety and lots style. Hf you want shoes strictly up-to date core to The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. Phone 159 i - Gabe Joi are different from any that Cowan's always give Perfect results. Housekeepers say that : Cowan's kings are uniformly satise other, in factory. Eight delicious flavors 80 ~--at your grocer's. || we) HE COWAN CO, LIMITED, TORONTO. It! a Hal to} daughter | Perth, | of | Bigin your Library now by buyinz a Sectional Bookcase. As your Library increases add a section. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Davenports and Writing Desks, in Oak and Mahogany, at | 2)' The Leading Undertaker. James Reid's," "ii { Spy Apples, 40¢ Pk. Cooking Apples, 25¢c and 30c¢ Pk. matocs, Celery, Sweet Potatocs. All fresh this week. R. H. TOYE, | 302 King St. Phone 141 i Se00tessssrtsteserattesttstetseseststststts & Brass Cstings, Bronze Castings, Alor inum Castirgs. : WRITE FOR PRICES. THE CANADA METAL CO, LTD. } i single dose will | assimilation {oppor jets on Sale daily that vou | n om | the | SE e-- TRAVELLING. GRAND TRUN RAILWAY SARE Settlers One Way Excursion to Western Canada March IE, 22, 20, April 5 and 13 PARTICULAR ATTENTION .. Is dalled to the fact apply to point Rallway, a . that these rates un Grand Trunk Paelfie tervitury Wil of golden to Pacific Coast ¢ Class Colonist Tick. wt April 15th. HOLIDAYS kets will be issued at RST-CLASS FARE redaye March 24K to 1 inclusive, good re- Tickets sold i! and Toronto t Holidays and 4, ¥ wiars, apply to J. . nt, Corner Johnston and Low Rates One-way Secs SIN Jood goin Monday, M turning STER I Telp Ti GLE F1 ® s & > LHIANLEY, {ontario Sirveel i i reeve | IN CONNECTION WITH . Canadian Pecitic Railway --------------- EASTER HOLIDAYS Round Trip Tickets will be Issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Good going Thursday, March 24th, to Monday, March 28th, inclusive, good returning until March 30th. HOMESEEKEBS' TO WESTERN CANADA. Low round trip rates good going April 6th, 16th; May 3, 17, 31; June 14th and 28th; July 12, 28; Aug. Z, ; Sept. Sth, 20th. Good for 60 da (Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast One way Colonist Tickets on Sale daily. March 1st to April 16th daily. F. CONWAY, G.P.A. 8 BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario et, 4 pom. dally (Sunday excepted) ; , Sydenham, Napanee, ser. mto, Bannockburn and all points north. Io secure quick despatch to Bannook- | burn, Maynooth, and points en Central ntario. route your shipments via Bay ff Quinte Rallway culars, apply R W i 'Phone, Ne, 3 or further parti- DICKSON, Agent. A COLD PREVENTIVE is a cellar filled with Coal. I can supe Ply you with an excellent quality. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL», FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETO, PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY Clarence end Ontario Streets, Toye's Building, O POCOOOOOOO0CO00VVOOQAOOOD vv COAL! The kind yon are look the kind we se! Scranton Coal Ww is good ronal and we guarantes prompt delivery . BOOTH & CO, FOOT WEST STREET. O & © 0 2 g OOOOOOC fog for Is Le 3 3 Q OOOO 0OCOOVOOO0OV00000 OUR LABOR BRAND of Canned, Salmon ia. choice: ¢. No finer fish ever wagged their tails in the Ocean, Pacific ANDREW MACLEAN, Who said 'Sour Kraut? It is now ready for use and you can depend on ite being clean and properly m as I . oJ. Brock St. "Phone 570. TO-DAY THAN EVER-- JUST TRY + TORONTO, ONT. } | But much mors eo made it myself, H MYERS, $0 ------ NOR, -- r---------------------- 9 EY REAM