™E DAILY BRITISH MONDAY, THE SEAL THAT PROTECTS It would be business , suicide io put 2 Srademark on poor everyone would know that ae a trademark stood for isthe only guarantee of satisfaction that anyone needs. In 1 and 2 pound sealed tins-- never in bulk---at your grocer's, 111 CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal. Xi ' AD MO Yoin PILE ny ASEING YR SASH AND FACTORY Frow 5: Anglin & Co, Foal #f WPL } GATHPEDC. HOSPITAL } 130 47ST BLOGA STAEEY, TORONTO, ONT, Srthor by di atom of persons affected with SPINAL CURVATURE, WEAK FEET, PARALYSIS, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Lr {D hf ATI Na YORK CITY Bard lo Sans for and 8 City em Sa TT and Map YI aciiva NYY a sr FE RES ARS 2 SA : STAR a 8 KING ST. W. Tatinny: Cood os is Covad which bures iL Jimmy: Good Coal is cml which is free lean slate, Good Coal is - coal whieh dees not clinker, MATERIALS THE WHIG, 77th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at { 306 210 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, 8 ber J year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages in parts on enday and lay morning at $l & year To States sharge for postage had maki g price of Dally $3 1d per year i Atiae hed) is on " a the best Job Print- { Mig Offices in Canada; ra stylish, {and cheap work; nine improved pre 2 The British Wiig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. B. PENSE, Rianaging Director. HGRONTO OFFICE, $ and 20 Queen City Cham- Chu teh Bt, Toronto, H. ii i', representative. Bulte J bers, 32 | Broallpeice, Daile Wing. INSPIRED BY JEALOUSY. of the Globe, of do not kas small Macdonald, the people. They Pre, {inspired . jealousy some minded see ind his advocacy of tariff revision or the work. of one whose has * He was reciprocity | public been worthily exer cisedr tioh to go to Washington and mingle spirit not under any obliga Lwith the public men hand the the capital. He mating public ! the Inne, i of president there ang learn fient currents of thought at desirous of esti both when in Washington was personally opinion on sides and Albany and the heard the meeting between the governor-general and brought, by timely service, the the conference. A reached on finance minister into What followed better under is very well known, tanding was ertain points, and if success follows | negotiations which are now in fhe to hi the progre Macdonald will be en titled meed of praise. Some of the critics see in his diplo macy an interference, and such as wded as humiliating to No at at least on the government side, reads that light. Dr. to. Washington was might be reg i the government, ane (Miawa, passing event in Macdonald's amply visit enthn- | he great journalist and of opportune, as an insti Canadian, influence, bsied himself vght do, enmity He eriti as any without exciting envy or afford the thi and can to grnore They without a petty at time are merely jealous, cange, | MEETING A CIVIC CRISIS, { makes of is opposed to the appro I'he the that mayor no secret he priation of the fact i water department's re- | the in the passing of the munl budget, He asked if his could 'he attached to the budget i venue, including & part of depre- tion account, was name which will be presented to the council this evening, aod he consented, con- | ditionally, that he should be at liberty | to dissent fromr the action of thie | who appear to be in the majority, { { The point is made that the serious which has been made to the | addition chool an- | other mill on the dollar, ¥ the amount | That the way the school board expect their budeet. means addition of i* to be raised by taxation, is | needs to be provided. The suggestion | trustee that raided the cause of education may It solicitor of the his letter does i not made by any water department be in order "~ that properly supported. that the city proposed grab is given out the water depart- endorses ment's funds, but that deduction, not warrant He says that | he does not define, all- do so), the surplus earn- under certain conditions, (which because is he not ¢ ed upon to ings poses, may be used for general pur- but "may" is one thing aad | is another, the shall" aldermen do the Of course may anything--that is majority of | thera. The majority may not, how-| ever, be wiser than the minority, am they will certainly live--unless sogon---to see the The of- | make They die suddenly and very folly of robbipg the utilities. will be to committees careless of resulta. will "reason that it does not pay and it will | fect of this practice be earefal and economical, not be long until the city hag inatitu- tions that will be éfficient, and there hopeless than a crippled plant. is nothing more Ald. this, and so does Ald, the chairman of the Water Department and the other the chairman of the Electric Department, and it will he surprising if the coun- cil presumes to ignore their protests. The school bogrd is a responsible | "hody. IF it ealls for an appropriation of money that F the taxes it antl not the eity eouncil. a ---------- Craig knows Elliott, the ove means" the raising of MR. BORDEN Every leader of the position DILEMMA. a political party, whether comes to him by. its spontansois yesrtlt of bis ambitious scheming, hax his experiwness, and Mr. Borden, thromgh (he revolt of cortam conser: vatives, is in the limelight at at. His ivoubles began when menthers of hiv folowing, the aggressive or assertive of them, duced him to chunge his policy on the naval question; The opposition and ithe government were as one a year ago: The discussion then seemed to be academic. As soon as it becims 'evident that the issue was something "more the anion wpased. Mr. Borden wind to meet therionrs. of Bis party. choive pres oo soe more | n= i Hy Fv realized that sd i Ottawa and candidly last fourteen years, {ane can labour {them | Without {plants may 11 hia i= { | taught in the college gymnasium they ! a matter to very poor and in- | will be held to account | or as the! A FINE SHOWING His exam from Cu He power, spared Howrases x. yoy Bank of British North Ame! deputy leader i I out he could dis those ot go as he ipline uently Views 1a express, not ter 3 but ud there was murmuring. 1 national problems, feeling Mr. Bor some local or factiom ben ba wis being held ta 2 coant for the confusion that prevail The culmination came last week when vi dead t what some Canadian have apprehended, that the Canadian bank part asdigr out, not recent incrense in due 1 of British « country 8 is alleged by the Toronto World a N s ed alse, deputation waited upon the leader av | informed targe (that, in the party's interest, he ou 8 is great to the to go. The Toronto News does not | fa Co the depo nest nts this security we that be any would now If SAVE yreTIey party s advantage. afte should he digpleased it Mr. Monk is that man, as he has failed to make any impression for his patty in the He reason can very wal for the to his advantage, be replaced, that his is not a name to conjure with, There is no one in sight, according to our contemporary, who can take the place of Mr. reflection taorden. This may be a on the conservative party and upon the men who presume to lead it the of Me. it is the judgment of a conserva- in nhaence Borden, but and it is given eahnly tive journal and candidly and with only one ob- ject, that of stating the truth. It is recalled that the lot of opposi- My. de HAMILTON Named f the tion leaders is .not Whitnev, a happy one. as one ¢ "was The others, one. of {now Sir James), ime | provincial asd nounced within his party.' three muna transport at jog tients mated, had cursed gned nd to party nve the with the bench, reign going his grave amo 1 Wer two to idorabily still f Blake without broken heart, and CON more than the and Mr. one to become chief justice. served liberal party MacKay but little applause what iation of his opponents. to further appears to SUC, is serving tt now, and finds among friends tant humil Mr. Borden depression, bu ale i he does and the oo culated ane. becn Is alisfae may submit the tio limit be rehrly reach ea Ihe and elusive ion ed, party appreciation is thing EDITORIAL NOTES, It is the department hein yg raid d this Next will be the light departinen both te he mn may it the pul £1.860 6 It contro Americ it ate "w ital 530.666 water that i year, year electrio a depreciation account be expected ere lond veh the serap heap. Philad 4 that the They when they It looks The sympath tic strike That well m over, means CAr men may as surrender. mad a serous mistake refused the naw ux if they recout conference. will he The Her ald nominiticn by the bar of the the to be beaten. Hamilton suggests the pro be- wen who are Would the political bias ? It vine of come judges, bar from that is polities to our contemporary wants get ff school--what is it? The "approved" The school that meets every demand J Blood Jossett. : + . Flute 8 F of the inspector, reasonable or unrea- : sonable. He can put his stamp on ii, examinations that and certain be jomit ted, liority ? can EE s deposits E30,460,000 It holds 1 and imme of the for Ia a agn of super: the cure high production. to cattle pasturage Md wa- the for ngh Armor in meat it pay stook 7 Give says A s kept ready a time of nding number prices is greater : si1 088 raise Po 8 our farmers it has been éxt ite i Lar tre | ranches CRuUS? Hues Lesh and they will do that not | ter, m summer {rest. Does mum of labour ? one tell why mean a ming year its mw wancne Te © provinces appealing ast sished mo thy prairie : " to' boxing 12 . ? As] advo- cated, it far in the alleged bouts that mem are knock jod out * lsn't there something of tha prize ring this Can any financial netitutions, of the 05, a good imcrense over e of 1803, They, with the from the preceding vear were pristed, '8340,665 in dividends shareholders, $97,333. to tie fund, aml $73,000 to reduce tl 1 remis: passing tT otfiesrs profits year reported of exercise it muy' be bala; appr to but why earry 20 about item in the a pe Rat a An American jury has been 310 upon the that it of ewmrrent profanity. {the mattée in New {nheut Cenidas or Kingston ? | does the Rotice magistrate rule ? merab ered, atx to the The through a ereditable one, co---------- word "'damn'" and declared | siafl record was al is 'mot a vuss word or sample This may settle Jersey, but how What Washing wed « minor The ton have been con in for cox sons, i to receive minimwm tariff. It is reported that eight Filled or wounded ates eraiver Chavleston bn joie of a enn during t tice. DYSPEPSIA CURED § Was Weak, Now Strong, "Far nearly threo ve ats, Mes. Ferrie Jove, of Sarma; fered aetold misry of dy I wae Hjousht up the Umited State Poses : i t and attribmte weak conditio ivisitor who said he was one of {hot ® id attritated x Cak niki tion « ¢ jr tomark to hasty enteng Poorest min in New York, and yet bel oie jer wate at mest was rich with blessings that no stounach vould rob him of. Bartel my ence to Rockefeller, tanff pegotiations luded Han the Un return CON ad- the daes has press on what that Mr. Hen lie, of Hamilton, 1deesd a letter to the | Ant bill. And he Precious little Fnevd be fe {lest pack ament be stampedad on He musn't when is no need of Hen Wore United the + the on the Gambling say ? can pra fearial tha orinp wed remembered fsubject. worry there it. Bible clare has question, "Is money The man class with him was a! | Rockefellers boon | discasshnz the | curse or a blessing ? {carried the a who he sper in ih The mor ons {hod comlition of on {my Bver, ed also ftom a other : after eating witer the food had poseed stomach, . My appetite fday=, having Bitle, then as Hf 1 could not rat enomgh and bitters failed and seed sever i copstipatiof hd me to use Dr, Hani jHton's Pills, Cha vou magne ov after repeated fatturer Yo There was po refer g YE ways I sulfered 3 Brees To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative-Bromo Quinine Tab-| lots. Druggists refund money if is fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on ench box. 25e. from There js trouble at Peterboro tween the 57th Regiment and | the bundy that getually will sore. They band, and the musicians may break | pn a wondmtul pill In their action away from the regiment and form an {spon the: stomach, Hver asd Lidueys, independent band. jand their mild getion makes then ; -- your winter garments, by ue Poll the more sited 0 teople ing "Cedar © re, ¥ Mebeod's Drag! ave kT am sell B Tans of Store, earner King and Broek streets, Hami'ton's 10% nud 1 FRE Sin and corner Montreal and Peper Jie o weatituds far the slroets, ¥ of be- ind mM ARCH i bladder and are the the reserve | anads | ted States | a8, 28, 1910. v i8is 12 the Shape on (hem Tae: weet breath fr ay voli eath; relief Fussy COUGH DROPS -- THE CANDY Q RE | -- GOOD FOR BAD THROM DELICIOIS TO 7 PuCTORS APPROVE 5 cenis 8 Red-and-Yellow Box fuil 1 BRANTYORD ) MADE DY v2 HON OF Do You Realize What an Important : Work the Kidneys Do? Do you know that every drop of your | blood goes to the kidneys hundreds of | limes every day? lio you know why? To be hitered sand purified from its impurities. That is the Er st work the kidneys have w do. They vr the bLinad. Then these impurities go to the passed out of the body sloag with the urn: Bo vou-th well, uni the kidoeys do this work 088 impu thet es os rhewnna nee, ete I with the w bole 4 rities this unfiltered backaches, head. diabetes, Bright's tern, kidney trouble let do for you w for thousands of others. wins of kidoey trouble, to stay eur D Charlot '1 was troubl ears have done cure all they ih on, ttetown, 1 with my They were so bad 1 Hd not cross the floor | but he i to a doctor, all. ive 1 sent to the boxes of Fins - ain have three years I was cured. le for nearly eeits per box or 3 for $1.25 Or mated T. Mill The T. urn Co. ¢ specify "Toan's™ DEM VIRIE TTOMERS OF ARE HE BENEFIT THEIR ADVICE CHARGE, AC {OR OF WITHOUT " UNITED TYPEWRITER C0., LTD. J. it. C. DOBDS, KINGSTON. INVESTORS Do ¥eu Want To Make Money? Profits bs rs Patriarche & Co. Stoek Dealers, Patriarche Block, Scott Street, Toronto, Canada. 'To great Uterine Tonio, and awe 7 wale effectual Monthly 3 ron which women cag Sold in thrat degrom $1; Loy box, cht Gone Reomage." as Oni. g Foetond | § dis | arming Snsatioms | the | wonthd vary for! it would sedi | Teomsee § i i »| | steeseactaasatamaat ae LAMAR AAAMADALMAASAMAIAN it-possible for vou to be | poison and interfere glad to say that | direct on receipt | Limited, i ik. Cut messi en i in. A > ce rE tee treet tate tessets tie teat teat tat sei ttit etal Mens Easter Suits Our Spring Wearab'e as gales are now open vs, and as to s¢ 1 " for buyers of we're always I't addy LO Show o 12 7 of) Eat Su wt EY See Qur Great $18.00 The H.D. Bil The Big Store With v pa ' e Little Prices ALALALLAALS Ln I te i se A Re rE EYER ERYYN ese POPOV IIVIIIIT VIO TIVO VIVIIISIIIIVY Chiver's Marmalade ers Mar mals Davis Gasoline Engines Ben y year our Engines are grows ing wore popular among all classes P e 'S of motor boat owners This proves \D. COU FR g [that they ure alway reliable and S418 Princess Bu . Prompt Delivery DONT FORGET)... mM. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROCERIES, | | 538 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffee be beaten 4 4 < 4 4 4 + Maearoni Fine d ine Chesse, Fresh Oysters. | Phone 76. when re until will keep Engin will ped The Day required they are siart going is and top 810 ks and ' and we order how our feel sure yout with us 2 line of Gasoline Fittings il ana €X : OG i line Engines Newman Princess St OAS m DOCK G0. 420, Be at H.W a Se and 35 i at ZoC and n Phot 0£06400000000000000048 HALLEY: 5 bono Late THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST,, near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, but none itpprosch the Club for homelike sur roundiugs. Located in centre of city and clos 0 principal stores and theatre Charges are moder Speclal rates by the Furniture Articles » nnd Specialty. Antigue Odd P0909 0veo0e 'e000 9441 le wit kir L. LESSES, Prine wed Chatham Sts, PEEHO4 300909348944444 le Week fav PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. TRE FRONT ENAC TOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY A card sent ta 817 Albert Stroet or | ESTABLISHED, 1863 eft at H 8 ¥ rson's Bi prompt attention Best references given President ~Sir Richard Cartwrignt, Mouey tosued on City sand Farm Pro- & tiny Municipal and County: Debens | (res Mortgages purchased Neponite i reeaived and interest allowed 0 Me hy ITCH will Waddington' i} } il. Manusging Director Turnnre of roam lew Things in Shoes the Here are a few of Spring Shoes : Men's Pan Patent Oxfords, $5. Ladies' Patent Oxfords, Le avy soles, broad toes, $3. 50. Ladies' Gun Metal Pumps; $3.50 ; Ladies" Tan Dutton Boots, $3.50 and 94 Ladies' Broad Toe Pate igh Shoe 4.00. ¢ Patent High Shoes, $4 If Anything i is New it it Will Always e newest creations in 11 sil