Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1910, p. 2

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. URS er At RENE Wholesale Prices. ~ John McKay, 149-155 Brook St. Our Carpets are lasing Spe = +4 All New Pesigns--heantiful color tones-- great wearers RUGS in all the . vest colorings and patterns, direct from Old Coun- try mills. The choice now Is new and large. Why not make your selection at once and nave it delivered when needed? LINOLEUM. Largest assortment of English and Beotch Linoleums ever brought into the city. All new and best Old Country qualities. Just open- ed up this week. PARLOR SUITES, ODD CHAIRS, Rattan, Willow, Japanese makes. Our handsome American Parlor Suite, 3 pleces, in $5.00 silk covers, for $35.00, is a beauty. These Sleeve and Shirtwalst ing Board, 20c¢ and 25¢ each. handy they are. 20 In. long Repairing and U phols ering. promptly done, Iron- Very 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. Never in the history 2 of the store have we shown such High-Class » Designs and lower § @ prices, vs a ada vide ie The rich man can afford to 9 pay rent, but the poor man can't, yet we find the rich own- § ing their homes and the poor 3 Now let us help you solve Thi vat Pruhin. Homes and Lots all paris of the city. Come in and tet we sxplnin to : you. a for Sale in g lof Howard 8 jion of a wing to the King: T0 CONSIDER MATTER WILL THERE BE AN EVANGEL ISTIC CAMPAIGN? After Dining Together Christian Workers Will Diecuss the Question To Hear a Britisu Deputation. A meeting "of the Evangelical Alli ance was held at the YM.C A, Mop- day siterncon. After disposing of rou- tine business, the proposed deputation from Faugland was considered. It was agreed to fall into line and invite a visit from the deputation which is composed of Archdeacon Madden and Dr. George Hanson. They come in the interests of the alliance and are ex- pected to arrive about September or (October next. H. M. Gooch will be here in: May to arrange for their visit. The wisdom of planning for an evan- gelistic campaign in our city next fall or Winter was very freely and favor ably discussed. If was thought wise, however, that a matter of such 'great importance, should be considered by a large gatheking of Christian workers, before any definite steps were taken, Is okder to secure time, and if possi ble, a large attendance of Christian business men, to consider this subject, it was resolved to eall a meeting, to be held at the YMCA, on Friday evening, April Ist. Tea will be served at 6.30 o'clock, 'and after tea the mat- ter will be taken up. Rev. CX Sykes will give a brief statement regarding the campaign in St. John, NB, in which he. took part. ¥. Gi. Loekett, Rev. 8. Sellery and the secretary, Rev. D. Laing, were appointed a committee to arrange for this meeting, DEATH OF MRIS. O'HARA As Result of Burns "Received Weeks Ago. / death ocenrred in the Hotel early Tuesday mormng, of Mrs. O'Hara, of 257 King street, as the result of burns received a month ago im her kitchen. Jt will be re membered that Mrs. O'Hara, while working at a stove, was seized with a fainting spell aud fell across the stove and was fearfully burned before sh: toppled on to the floor and was short: ly afterwards found, . Exer since she was coufined in the Hotel Dieu. e- ceased was the widow of the late Henry O'Hara. Each of this 'aged couple met a tragic death. A year and a half wpwsMr. O'Hara fell from a fruit trees in the customs grounds and received injuries which resulted in his death © a few hours afterwards. Mrs. O'Hara was born in Ireland, but lived sn Kingston nearly all 'hér life. She was a woman of wonderful hos vitality, and very unostentatiofis, She had no children, hut sowie relatives live on - Wolie Island. She had a great number of "warm friends, She was a member of St. Mary's cathe dral congregation' and belonged to vie rious relglous societies. CIVIC BUDGET FOR 1910 The Dien, Mary To be Prepared for Next Monday's Council, «he civic budget for this year is to be taken up by the hinance committee uv Thinsday evening so as to He for presettation to the city council next Monday evening. The committee will be waited upon by a deputation from the Orphans' Home, who will ask for a grant for the extension to be added to the orphanage. The Mowat Memorial Hospital also wants a grant. The revenue this year, under the same rate of taxation as last year, will be $3,000 greater than in 1909, In order to get sufficient money to cover all that has to be covered: this vear, it looks as if the rate ol taxation would have to he increased a mill and a half, bringin the rate up to twen- ty-two mills... ¥, however, the finance committee decides to confiscate an: other $10,000 . from the waterworks surplus fund a tax increase mav not he necessary. Valuable Document. Alderman W. Gi. Craig to-day ham ed over to the =weretary of Kingston St. Andrew's soviety a membership cert! eof the soviety siwmd in 1343 by John A. Macdonald (after wards the Canadian premier) as re sident, The certificate is of parchment and contains one of the finest pieces of engraving that was éver produced. {The precious dtument was found by Mr. Craig among the papers of the late John Carruthers, then a leading member of St. Aprdrew's wociety. The document will he carefully preserved. Appointments Reuftivied. On the recommendation of Consul Johnson, the United Statés govern ment has reaffirmed the 'appointments 8, Folger as viee-counsul and Mise Ina Miller as clerk in the | Kingston consulate. The office at 8 | Trenton will be retained in this con- 2 [sulate, bui that at Deseronto will be abolished on Mr. Johnson's' recom- mendation, Addition to Post Office. It is the intentions of the public works dpartment at Ottawa to wall for tenders shortly for the constiuct- ston post "The probability is that the dl commence within a monib office has for years been in need of increased floor space, and tho joer erection of a wimg is not staring any too soon. office. er ------_ Piles Cured in 8 to 14 Days. "Neilson's lee Cream Bricks." in Kingston ouly, at Gibson's Cross Dros Store. Phone, 250. Money will buy = Solg i y "Flake Moth C kind is sold in 3h Red Cross Drug = The fifteen ounce fo ithe mighty little returns § 9500000 000ctsttccrecncacstctatnnnncrcatnotitesesstoetonecsantees MILLINERY PF . mean. _ - THE DATS EPISODES DES EXTENDING THANKS LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN| FOR THE Goon WORK PONE FOR! GENLRAL. BI-LAW. Quearrgnces ln The City And Viamwny Kingston Has na Piogres --dither Brier Items of Interest | Split in neeplag rast Faslly Read And Remembercd. | Mito ye----The Company ust Faster cards, 8 for 3c, at Make Good. \ { Peanitentisry Warden J, hingspon, Maven 22. (To the ii went to Ottawa to-day. toc )--Um behali of the burectors of Lhe Pigreed beass and outfits, half price, hmgston Sniphuildgng Company, Ltd, at O'liorman's, King street. Purmit us 10 express our sipcerd ap- William >waine, piano tuner. Orders preciation of the grand victory achiev: @ received at McAuley's., Phone 778. el yesterday, tor the endorsement of © James Mills, Portsmouth, left, the by-law, and t¢ thank the good noon on Tuesday, for Calgary, Alta: people of nimgston for the large pupu- $1.50 cloth bound books, all in per: iar vote they rolled up wm its favor. fect condition, 23e. each, O'Gormap's, | 1he press did nobly. Our three pap King street. 2 Jers, The Freemnan, Wig and Standard P.. McMaster, Pine street, leit, to |[semed 10 vie with. each Other tor © day, far Torontd, to visit his brother which could offer the most assistance. for a few weeks. ls was very encouraging indeed if, tunningham, piano tuner from | those in charge of the campaiwn. Clackering"s. Leave orders at Me- Ihe mavor 'and. atderman worked . ley's bookstore. iatthiutly to secure x good, safe bar W. 1. Denthson, who has been home | ga n for the city, and when completed, on a visit to his parenis in Ports! worked line Tre pans, mouth, left, today, for Vancouver. the board of trade, A good chance for clubs to fit them: | prés deat and sseretary and with 1. selves with bats, catchers' mitts, | D. Minoes as campaign organizer, did gloves, etc, at "Dan. Egan's clearing | eftic eit work, and then sale, invaluable, Subscriptions have come for the! . Hoth our Mowat Memorial Hospital, from | ism Harty, Odessa lodge, 1.O.O.F., 85 from A. Friend, $1. "Kentucky Lawn Grass Seetl"' no equal in making beautiful lawns. Sold in Kingston only, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Jennie Newman, 366 Barrie seed, is very ill in the general hospi ive « Ar A A li a. NNSA » wn NU hauox's, re Come in and see our fine display of Ladies' Trimmed Hats About two hundred different styles to choose from. No two alike. by paying $1 we will lay aside any hat until required. : CORRIGAN'S. Tettesttssessssatasies 0000000000000 0000000000° G0000000000RCOROOOIRNOS 2 ISTH WENTHER | Sudden 'hanges from cold to mild the and damp are forture to the asth- W000 00 0000000000000 matic. Breathin - e diffi- Altogether, we think Kingston hus & becomes mote diff] shown a progressive spirit, which is cult and wheezy, and natural sleep : in keeping with her past history, and | Impossible, EEE Ea Te oo it ie now up to the company to make | tal. She is the eldest: daughter of |eood, and prove their fitedictions Cri pp' s William Newman, of the Simpson jth: people in a bride company, Toronto. Hiram A, Calvin, Open'ng ol spring stock of corsets. | J. Fair, We now keep the wellknown WB. corset, all styles. Sole agents for the I'D. corset, made in Belgium. New York, Dress Reform, 200 Prinegss Relieves the hard cougn. Relieves the suffocating wheeze, Relieves the heart oppression Gives easy breathing. Gives fresh energy. Gives wholesome rest. 000000000000000008 5 CPPS P000OG0D 00000000000 CULUIOROOSISS at to through their Be city members, Hon. and W. F. Nickle, | deserve our best thanks for 'he advice an! attention to has | De essary from time to time ot ganization of the compan, Muy their hl : det ails m OUR LINE OF EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS 1S THER LARGEST AS WELL AS THE FINEST IN THE CITY PRICES FROM Gc UPWARDS. ALL NEW STOCK FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, to reasonable Aime John MeKelvey, Start Work on Thursday. Before leaving for Collinwood, at noon, today, James W. Smith was asked by a Whig representative about the plant to be iostalled at the gov ernment drydock. He stated that James McKellar, superintendent of the Collingwood Shipbuilding company, would be here to-morrow night and would take charge of the property and | installation of plant. Mr. Smith will come down every fortnight or so. The It is a tonic and contaihs no nar- work of installing the plant will ie | 50c¢ large bottle. TEER RE onl's DRUG STORE it i¢ expeeied thai in a month a PRINCESS and BAGOT. Iver EASTER POST CARDS from 6 for to 10,000 to select from in price Be Hc each. street. One lone drunk made his hon to the mag' strate this morning and recived ¥2 and costs, or twenty days in jail, A friend came to his assistance and pati the necessary $3.50, Dan. Egan's show cases, counter, stove, ete, for sale. Slaughter sale for nine Saye of lish tackle, ete. Rev. T. E. Burke has been secured by the Nona People's Society. of Grace church, Gananooue, for their regular meeting next Friday evening. His ad-} company wil be ready to repair ships drese will be alony temperance lies.' that may tome to the dock, ' Ser our childien's school shoes, 75e:1- The first' thing to be doi is to erect men's working boots, $1 ond up; wo- | 4 building, two storeys in height, for men's skppers from $). Save money the punch shob and the mould loft. by joining our boot club. Deposit | This building will be fireproof, and te. onl up, bonus four per cent. Dut- | of steel frame. It will be erected on ton's "hoe Store, 209 Princess street. | the west side of the drvdock and will The island people are anxiously lke 125 fvet long and 65 feet wide awaiting the breaking up of the icein | 0 company intends to build the harbor, so that the ferry steamer | jaunch boats ou the west side can run agatn, It is pow almost im- does property and also off the possible to come over with a horse. side of the dock into the dock itself? ker. Garrison & Foster buy- "Don't' experiment" with your lawn | All will be side launches. Mr Smith [ets in this section. Horses are ruling urass seed. Kentucky Lawn Grass | is already figuring on the construction | Very high, also At one sale Reel makes more beautiful lawns in a 'couple boats that will give Bear here one buyer offered to take all Kings on than all other seeds com. | plenty of work from the sprisg until | the milch cows 'at $40 each. Small hined. Sold in Kingston only, at Gib- | next fall. He says that the new com- [Pigs are going at ten dollars a pair von's Red Cross Drug Store. pany's business will not interfere. with William leicester and wife were the For dainty Easter Gifts we Hand-colored Prints on Water gilt frames line of 1 in specially mention our x 8 Color Stock Framed handsome A membership in the College Nook Stare Canada) is bound to be appreciated THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 200 PRINCESS ST. 'PHONE 919, Library (the best in HIGH PIICTS AT YARKER $000000000000000000000 Airactive Spring Productions Of Sterling Silver, Glass and Gold. Live Stock--Adult Bible "At Home." the Yarker, March 21. west (reached the ten dollar For Class and | lave Yar- Hogs mark in- are the of COWS, of o' jeal rendy motuing, to buy a carload of horses anything--except it will enable you to oa hv 1999 Princess street. : efor. W. Las Graves, North Battleford, the Davis drvdock rompany the guests of John Ewart. Ther came Sask., von of W. D. Graves, of the lo- Kingston Foundry compan The here on their wedding trip. The bride, customs, arrived in the city, this | imaller tvpe of boat that may be | Miss Ethel Barton, was a former resi sought from the new company will be | dent of Yarker. They will locate at turned over to the other concerns. a place called Allen, on the G.T.P, in e---- Saskatchewan. Alfred Wullett,. . of The Official Figuves, Pickering, was the guest of H. Pur City Clerk Sands announced the ofli- or worth for the west. Mr. Graves looks well, Weéar Wood-Milne revolving rubber hoels. © They save boot hills, keep boots in shape, prevent worn-down heels apd protect the nervous system from jar of hard streets. Sole agents, Dutton's Shoc Store, 209 Princess street, No clue has vet been found by the (police to lead to the capture. of the men wha held up and robbed Joseph Fletcher og Saturday gvening last. The officers are still working on the case and hope to run the thieves to ground. : "Kentucky Lawn Grass Seed" will grow mow. Sprinkle vour lawn with it and rake it in. Sold in Kingston onl. at Gitson's Red Cross Drag Store, I Roy Aylesworth, formerly of King- ston, "has resigned his position as as sistant advertisi manager for the Rae tore in Mdrrea, to accept a simi'ar position with Stanley Mills & Co., Hamilton. He is a son of Nr. and Mrs. B. PP. Aylesworth, of I? ton. Sale of cashmere stockings, all wool, worth 33c., for 20e. Special line of men's soeks, worth Bbc. for 3c. black and colors, embroidered stock: ings, Be. Bc. and 75 New York Dress Reform, 209 Princess street, The first call for recruits for the Hh Regiment was made on Tuesday evening, 'and a goodly number re sponded. The. work of reorganization is well under way, and company drill will commence shortly, Not many re cruits are needed this season, as all be old men are coming back. Ee Cream Bricks," Neilson's, from Toronto. Sold in Kingston, at Gib- Suis Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone, LL) Gilbert McDonald, Sunbury, appear- 'ed helore Col. Hunter, at the court house, this afternoon, charged with se- ducing, under promise of marriage, imember, attonded the in Roline Smith, daughter of David | body. Smith, Elginburg. The case came up I A meeting held on Saturday Hor hedring a week ago to-day, and {evening for the purpose of organizing was enlarged for a week. {the busebait team for the coming sea- * The gardiners' favorite," Kentucky son. Ueorge Bliss wax elected mana Lawn Grass Seed. Way | He has loos jger. H. C. Orser, captain, and George trouble with it amd it will grow acy | Pillar, SSrCUAry Srensuper. place, Sold in Kingston only, | Tha Bell Telephone company Gibwon's Rel Cioss Deng Sive {build ng a line through here no other seed. summer. Cornwall Cramer, of Seat- The proposed game between "Chau- tie, Wash., is visiting his parents ATTENTION! Elliott's junior team and the jun. here. Mr. snd Mrs. John Burnett, We carry a full line of GOLD. «= Pendants, Poa eg, Rinsw, Nog lea Hime ters, THICK cell, Mr. Mullett is an extensive land cial returns of the dry-dock exemption [Owner in the North-West, Miss Edna by-law vote at noon, to-day. The fig- { Dupuis, of Kingston, spent Sunday at ures are: For the by-law, 1.955. Allen Martin's, William Montgo against the by-law, 62. " mery, of Kingston, is at Amos Hufi man's. RB. 8, O'Loughlin, Mrs. J. V, Burn and Miss Bessie Benjamin leave Hor New York City Thursday. Mrs. The Kingston Whig has been seeking T. E. Benjamin is in Toronto for a to put some, scientific or co-operative fen days. Mrs. (Dr) Oldham, spend ginger into the business of the Lime |iNg a few days in Kingston, stone City. It advocated a special of Mrs, C. spring opening day by all the mer-| Camden counc il will charge a two chants. This has been taken up cor {and three dollar rate for dogs this dially by the merchants and in three {vear. A new cable was put up for the days they will have special window [Wheel factory. The Methodist church displays, special prices, and even spe- {choir presented Mrs. Hiram Shang cial attractions at the theatre. Last |Withsa handsome hanging lamp, autumn also the Whig urged that busi {the Sunday school gave nes« places keep their windows lit table. during the evening hours. This was Yarke: adult Bible done, and hundreds of people strolled j very nice "At Home" at the down town in the evenings 10 see of Mrs. Egerton Vanluven, specialty fit, specially levening last, Miss O'Hara dow displays. | Scotch ballad," FF. Hufiman - reading; ('. Dancy a recitation; Winter a reading, the choir gave seve ral selections, and Rev. J. Batstone, ran address. Light refreshments iserved. F. Martin was chairman, Gh. ASS. V Apes, dwiclh Mates ead Trays Comports Oils, Howls We have a beautiful display of the latest ideas in tier Pp : SMITH BROS., Ladies' |i} a Suits 830 KING STREET A big shipment re- Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 0000000000000000000¢ reived to-day. Call at once and see the styles before the lines are broken. Nobby Suits at $10and Up To ve FERLING SILY ER heoge Pot Sandwich ates felis Marma ls Comports ates Putting In Ginger, tenfrew Mercury on the guest Hoves, is home again. New Feather Boas raw and her an eRe class held a residence Thursda, sang " the designed wins gave a -- ~ "lee Cream Bricks," Neilson's, Toronto. Sold in Kingston, son's Red Cross Drug Store. Friendship ought from more than dollars standpoint. Easter praver books, O'Goarman's, from at Gib- Phone, were be veckoned and cents 40 ------------ Glenvale Gleanings, Glinvale, March 21 Mr, McDonald, ja Quén's student, preached in the { Methodist church on Sunday after jnoon. The funwal of the Tate Earl I"onington was held from 8. 8, €or {bett's undertaking rooms to Catara- qui church, where the setmon was (preached by Rev. Mr. Cassidy, after which the remains were placed in the ivault. The Poresters of this place, [of whose organization deceased was a all Prices from $2.5) up. In half price, King street, at s2e is to buy. colors and sizes. Newman & Shaw : THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. | : il iH W. F. Gourdier. SOEV ice a mt ts hc -- Was { { { | il Sassosssstsssssssnsnts intend *H a | | I as Fake ql i Walking Gloves We are showing a great line of Walking Gloves at One Dollar a pair---better oy of course at $1.25 d $1.50 and all from the world's best makers, Dent's. At "The Hat Store." jor Frontenacs has been declared off, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Burnett and Miss owing to the lateness of the wmson, Maude Pennington visited at Joseph and because the local hockey fans have Cramer's recently. had about enough hockey for the sea- son. The game would, undoubtedly, have drawn well, but would not have heen a fair contest to either team on account of the soft ice Order Your Sutae Bow . eet it ranted, price 25 up Ret {aac a specialty of hygiens waists, Re inal supporters, shoulder braces, No city agent. If unable to phone 27% measurement will be redfdence. Miss Dutton, New York Dress Willetsholme Doings, Willetsholme, March 22. Many from here attended the social at Mrs. 8. Armstrong's, on Friday night. James E. Wilson left Monlay evening, for Deloraine, Manitoba, to spend the summer months. Mrs. W. Smith, Way- burne, Sask. is visting her sister, Mrs, Orr. Miss Mand Wilson is visit- ing in Ganavogue, Mise Josie Root and ©. Mills, of Gananoque spent Sunday with Miss Enig Wilson. J. Wilson paid a flvine visit to Lans downa Saturday. Recent visitors wore: BW. Weir, at John Bermett's; 1. Wood, at Jam Wilson's: MeAlpin, at T. Bell's: fi. Cowan, at J, Wilson's; J. Hyland, at J. Cortis; Miss Nettie Bernmett, wg Sanday with Mss Ella Wilson. Miss Hattic MeNeoley, has re turne! home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. *(. Closudening, H. McNeeley and H. Fis er spent Sunday, at Sumbury. . satisfied with our LAUNDRY WORK tell your friendseif dissatisfied tell us, MILKING TUBES. TEAT SLITTERS. TEAT MILATORS, ett i and That's snr platforme--n platform constructed on ma "iL" bul it's strong cupagh und bg enough fo support you sad sour (flends. Tested Once Trusted Always Kingston Laundry | Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sis. taken at : CATTLE SYRINGES, ¢ . Conference This Afternoon, 'A comfurmre was arranged oA this afternoon bhetwebn ot tatives of the striking / Dr. A. P.Chown, Pruggist and Optician, I85 PRINCESS STREET, "Phone 343. rosettes Sob bdd Ss} PICS IIISIIRNS HITT eoe

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