a mad Baa Ll «digestion *ha pH Ss a Lae seiBain¥ § EEN ARSE re Hoe a met PAG. OUR. . " Thet's what Mr. E. 8 "toronto, wrote us last Ma (had tried and proved '/ #tora" for Indigestion. He said: ¥ '1 wish you would send me another box of your "Littie Digesters."' All , the members of my family bave been "using them and have obtained the most "satisfactory results, 2 '1 congratulate you on your success "in putting up s tablet for the cure of Indigestion. 1 suffered for years and "tried sversthing that was recommended to me. Nothing gave me relief until I was persuaded to try "Little Diges 'tera." Now I never suffer from Indi- gestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to beease I know = "Little Digester" each meal will digest my food. M14] recommend them to all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and would : forther say that you may publish the above if you wish, 1 kuow there are / thousands of people suffering from In. be g to know there is a safe sure eurs for them." £4 Little esters " are positively . guaranteed to cure or money is re- unded. At your druggist's or by mail from Qoleman Medicine Co., Toronto, at 25e, «er box. . 33 'YoU CAN ADD TO YOUR PILE BY PURCHASING YOUR ee = a)" NF : nr ; ZI "BASH AND FACTORY MATERIALS From "8. Anglin & Co, Foot of WELLINGTON 8ST. SCIENCE SCORES AGAIN. A Preparation That Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ Discovered. Finally the scienti afoveted aeortain r for dandruff, hen it first became knw that dan- druff is the result of § germ or para- site that digs into thd scalp and saps the vitality of hair at' the root, oaus- ing falling 'hair and baldness, biolo- bigists set to work to discover some sitropacation. that will: kill the germ: After a vear's labor in one laboratory, the dandruff germ destroyer was dis- _tovered; and it is now émbodied . im Yess, stops falling hair and . speedily 2 Newbro's Herpicide. 14 prevents bald: peadontin dandruff. "Destroy the ou remove the effect." Bald by loading druggists, Send 10e, In stamps for sample to The Herpicide Uo., Detrgit, Mich. $1 bottles guar Tanteal. GG) Muhood, special agent. OUR ROOST ROOSTER BRAND "OF 10BACLO * Bmoking ' at SE WP tario Lm AL Aw WAOUP men. OUR LABOR BRAND isons" i woman {isn er wiueed ole the ANDREW MACLRAN, amr-- "REE student has dis- ath ber 78am. Eaiions at 136 or) EK) ¥ BRITISH WHIG. 10 pages Se, Nor He boi evhen od ie of Ro wos ob Print- : stylish, Eine linpruved Dresses: British Whig fis Gs. Lad. | Managing or. wilt 1 and I uty Oe TE. Bor Siipaion J fx representatives Daily Wimg. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Thro is a growing feeling that the secondary schools of the province are being largely run as feeders for tha college. 'lhe programme of studies TORO! Suite 19 and culated to develop the students so that they, with the education they re ceive-and limited in many cases to the high schools--may make the most of their opportunities. The thought of those who have been looking into the facts is that the se condary schools in Cafiada should be ilike the high schools of the United States. To this end time §s not spent 'ins preparing lor a matricilation ex- | amination, including a knowledge of | subjects which are not followed in ' professional or commercial life. . It is argued cthat the secondary {school should be a continuation or development of the public school, and "thal the various colleges should take the pupils and fit them afterwards for the higher courses. 'Them the pupils who did not contemplate a college ca- reer--and thesé represent over eighty per cent. of the whole~will not be _wasiing so much of their time, for all is waste. which is devoted to subjects not required outside of the ovollege balls, | The demand for a .common.. sease training has been growing for a long time. It is founded upon a belief that is growing in favour and must, in public opinion, and in the pro- tests of the people, find its way to the respect of the education depart ment, ---------------- A PARTY IN DISTRESS. The republican party of the * United States is in n state of flex; or it js ip a state of eruption. Last week there was a crisis in congress, sud as the 'result lr consequence of differences which have had their origin in the spoils system. The "insurgents" are these who, feeling that. they have not been fairly used, formed a combination with the democrats and stormed the house. The speaker is the object of political hatred. He can recognize the members in the house*as he pleases, and it is charged that he has ignored the men who are not. his admirers. A year ago 'Uncle Joe got a warning of what was coming when an attempt was made to amend the rules of the house and cut him out of all the committees or places where he! corld be the dictator. He triumphed then, but in a 'manner that gave him no particular comfort. Again the party is in revolt, and endugh of its members joined the democrats to hold up business for twenty-four hours and threaten the administration with de feat. The strain has been lifted for a while--the suspense has been broken long enough to let the leaders confer and reason together--but the end is in sight, and it means an ond to Cannon- ism. Nor is that all. The parly js a suf- ferer through the tariff revision as well as its distribution ol patronage, and there is the premonition of an early rout for the republicans. The president has not been able to en- may well take alarm over the prospect of a democratic = vietory. New York, the pivotal state, is slipping away from the party. The Conger-Allds "scandals show how corrupt the repub- licans have become. There is an af tempt to cleanse the state legislature, but it comes at a late hour and un- der circumstances which do not augur of success. The president out himself | as a messenger of peace to Canada, on the tarifi question, tells the story of his anxieties as nothing else can. YEAR daily in' ! | _ SEND ME ANOTHER BOX}3r Morsien spo. puvishe a is loaded with (tems that are not al | company carried everywhere MONDAY. BRITISH BAKERS FOR NEWER LONDON. its | . {he | Forest Clty Real Estate Men Talk of Reprisals on Their Bread-Makers' érican inventions, ownibg American plant and equipment valued at ¥700,-| : ,000, and doing a business of $1,- TALK 800,000,000 annually. i Tis. success has depended upon deceptraligation policy. It is survival of the fittest. Its members are graduates of the college of Hard} ~Compariton of 'Prices. Knocks. Notwithstanding all that] London, March 21.--H London bak- has been said of it ite offence is sim-,o18 attempt to enforce a proposal they are considering as a result of the re- ply that it has succeeded. Ida Tar Loni pread bill to put on the market a bell has made a study of the Oil joaf weighing twenty-four ounces for Trust snd has filled the maghzine with six: cents, the Real te Owners' As. her fury, but *'she is an honest, bitter, (Secintion state that. will ds nod talented and prejudiced person who * BY | 3 a on Bs Se of one. {AE os Bankr ard kpew tho oil business, and knew |ery, that ibtder Standard rule there bad | From correspondence with places in been proper where belore © there this vicinity. the association has learn- was the doufit that disturbed, dis- ed that Fhe Jollawing prices are being . Re : (cha or : tressed, dissolved: "lhe oil ny New Hamburg, a four pound loaf is were abodes of peace gnd plenty. The being sold for lbe., equivalent to ga system, two pound loaf for 5c. order, safety. » met. jts obligations. youn: Deydym, 21 one and one-half It never defaulted. It supplied the : { i wn Parkhill, 21 and one-quarter pound world 'with a high quality of goods! ork for 81. at prices regarded as reasonable and] Strathroy, right. éach,_ for 81 Mr. Hubbard finde in the history of | Wingham, the Standard (il company the = evi-\" go forth, '20 one pound aud a quar dence of ability, enterprise, > foresight and energy. It gots no fa-| Hensall, 21 one"pound and a quarter votrs. It sought mone. It took loaves for lv th : + Newbury, 20 one and one-quarter ite chances in the great game of busi- pound loaves for $1. ~ 20 loaves of 22 ounces 21 one and one-quarter es for $1. and the government against the dan- [pound loaves for $1. a ger of knocking without a cause. Lacan, ots and a are pound The pamphlet is the 'most powerful [loaves at five cents : . philippe et has met pas on tho. In view of thess fifures. and the ef subject and it appears, strangely enough, just when the world is at y tracted by a double event--the at- SIF Asadsh ition Squier hey ate jus . a tempt to diseolve the company, on {EC CR, pecially when the ground that it is ageinet, the Puv- |1 Gndon bakers are shipping bread -in lic interests, and the retirement of every direction and delivering it far Mr. Rovkeleller, 'not to live in aflu-!into the country for the same prices ence and ease, unmindful of the peo they are charging citizens now, the oie. hn in:alloged. 10 have robbed, Hie Prices being: tuesity one pound: and. 4 immense wealth is to be devoted to Oe the world's philanthropies and his son will devote his fife to the admin- istradion of the trust with this end in view. The late vision of the man makes some people think that after all Hubbard is right, that Rockefeller has been greatly misunderstood and greatly abused, that for years he has becn cursed without reason, add that he is geing to repay his enemies by a dispensation of charity without a parallel, . : pr -------- EDITORIAL NOTES. Bob Fleming, manager of the Toron- to' street railway, has never studied law, but he seems to be exceedingly lucky in his interpretation of legal enactments. * thirty-three one pound loaves are now Calcutta Review. 3 0 has. a real help- mate in his charming wife, who iy a most gifted woman. She is @ keen atist that Bismarck, the iron Chancellor, once said of her that she was too clever for most of his ambassadors. When Lord Lansdowne was Viesroy of India, 'Lady Lang downe managed to acquire a won- derful knowledge of native life and affairs. Her information was not gained second-hand, for disguised as a native she used to visit the est. quarters of Caleutta. She was once able to save' an innocent man from being dor murder. The j who was trying the case was Cining at the Vicerega Lodge. i the evening Lady Rp" Lansdowne t. him aside and The republican leaders of New York charged ¥faté Tae quarrelling | among them: solves. Conclasion--for which there is he murderer lives." scriptural authority--that a house wal pit Lady . Tamdo ho the divided against iteelf must fall. pocent.: man set A <anght she * would pot reveal how she 'ghined ber knawidige of the actual {acts of the case. incident made her very popular _ with the natives of = Calcutta. with Senator Root is for widening the scandal 'enquiry in New York state, and, to the end that there may be a ing of the legislature. iin pea og No Star Route. P y pe. 8 Saturday Evening land. Senator Bacon tells a story of a negro. in Macon who wanted to be carrier on a rural free-delivery route. Nine thousand gallons of milk and 1 The negro made his application and $200 worth of ice used in the School vert Dry ne po : and of Domestic 'Bejence ! Who's. been re- bers were men he had known all his sponsible for that bally rot! Surely |jife. no member or ex-membér of the school | "What's you name asked the ex- board.' pminer. "Deed, boss," the negro Yoplied, The Queen's Own (at ihe expense of §'vou doue know my name. ols Sir Henry Pellatt), will take port in nse yoo gl} your life. the army manoeuvres under the Alder-| «, 3 : shot command, This will be an honor "Well, Mr. Johnson, where were you i born aud He eapesieuts that our Canada "Now, look yo, boss, you dons knowed where 1'se bawn. I'se. bawn Mr. Flett, labour organizer, hopes to right oh your ol' father's lahm. see ihe labour party grow in the "Never mind that, Mr. Johnson. You were born in Macon. Now, Mr. John- federal house, and receive representa-|g on, {ell this hoard how many miles tion in the senate. Will the govern- {it is from the earth to the moon. ment give the senate appointments' Hub, loss, Law stall dat, ana ot Allan Studholme, too, will have to Bot or on no such Tun as dat." get help in the Ontario legisfature. El OR I it " Cement and its Uses. There is nothing so interesting to the farmer in the line of building ma- terial as cement, and the different uses In England to-day the question is whether in a legal sense the sin in She (and looking 10.4 divorce) jt may be put to. The Cement Show is greatur than in the men? Some |. Convention to be beld at London, think it is. Some otherwise. The ex- io, March 29th, to April lst, tent io which blackmailing is carried | will on in these days is simply shocking. Si wha esa, spare 15 ---- x In the Lumsdea enquiry the late a rates hove Bn Oe icky chief ehgineer of the G.T.P. company | and securing certi says that if he had to write his let- ter of resignation over again he would say that he differed with his convention is. free. fh -------------- : | HUBBARD ON ROCKEFELLER. 990 7956 oF cour a T0)S OF COAL mined yearly. We did not . Si it up ourselves, but we soli & Jot he it was And what's more, our customers are satisfied. NO WONDER For 'our fs the bast which coal know could select from those 990 tons. ; The pamphlet of the times--attrac- tive, grilstic, aggrewive, appealing in Elbert Hubbard's on the Standard lors, county cougiifiors wh ale who ave : - mandgemen eagineprs, not that be had lost confi- roads and bridges dence in them. The right word does to hand, MARCH 21, thrift, ter loaves for 81. 'one ness and the author warns the people | Granton, 22 one anda quarter iation. isting bread war in St. Thomas, where | on sale for 81, the Real Estate Own-| They both ascended the ladder, got S------------ Lady Lansdowne, Detective. i is pleasant politician and such an excellent dip- | (he best tomic pill chtainable. Price, merely can government poor- | said. { ered t. you will F. will "show he name ?" very sternly. joicest gowns by " {and itching scalp 1910. Inflamea and irritated throats can be srelieved quickly and pleas- ' antly, and the fife WOTSt cough made to vanish, if you'll pay five cents for a box of PATERSON'S %* «4 COUGH DROPS _ GEhe Candy Curve Made by Paterson of Brantford TO RESCUE A MAN. Heroes Who Went to Aid of Uncon- ' scious Steeplejack. London, March * 21.<An extraordin- ary feat performed by twé ohm David McWhirter and William Mell. Jond, io hon; the king has awarded e wa 1 She Edwai medal of the first eins, Twa steeplejacks were a, in" fixing new lighting tu 5 - chimney, about 180 feet high, at the {Coltness Iron Works, Newmains, Ldn- ,arkshire. The two steeplejacks, who were at the top of the chimney on a |scafiold, consisting of two planks, 'about nine inchés broad, were affected 'by gas'fumes from the chimney and of them became unconscious and fell on the scaffold. The other, after tying his mate to the Weaffold by a rope, was able to descend by a ladder to the ground, and received medical There was hot time to obtain the as- sistance of regular steeplejacks to go {to the aid' of the man on the seatiol, ond = McWhirter and McLélland, who {were employed at the iron works, vol- unteered. on to the narrow scaffold, and ' suc- ceeded in placing the unconscious man in the ""bodtswain's chair" used by the steeplejacks, and in lowering him aafe- {ly to the ground. Neither of them had previously had' experience of climbing chimneys. Pleasant to Look Upon. A smooth, rosy, healthy complexion to look upon. Pimples, blotches, carbuncles and all skin dis- eases are removed by using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They are great blood" makers and werve strengtheners and e., at McLeod's Drug Stores. A ------------ . No Need of New Treaty. * Tokio, March 21.--Details of the story published in America to the ef fect that Japan had proposed and out- lined a new agreement with the Ameri? have been received with much surprise here. The foreign office denies the report |positively, stating : "There is not the slightest foundation for such a story. 'A new agreement is absolutely unne- cessary. Agreement of 1908 covers any questions outstanding between the Un- iteed . States and Japan, and will be to both in the spirit and jin the, letter." \ a -------- Pateat heir curlers to form fash- ;onable "Marcella wave, 'do not: break the hair, | romfortable fo sleep in. Sole agents, New York Dress Reform, 209 Princess strect. David Mitéhell was found mn bed at Hamilton, unconscious, with his bed in flames. He was taken to the hos pital and it Us feared ko is fatally injured. | Earl Grey and President Taft * ad- {dressed the University Clubs at Albany {Saturday night. Germany is preparing to begin a great trade propaganda in Canada. RADIANT HAIR New York Society Women's Matched Only by Parisians. Hair While much attention is given to " New York society {women; the turbulent fad just now is the care of the hair. For many years the clever women 'of Paris have heen famed for the magnificent beauty of their hair. "Glorious hair," a Virginian calls it: "so radiant and luxuriant that it imot only attracts but fascinates and { compels unstinted admiration." i But now that the elite of New York, lever anxious to improve their beauty, have learned that Parisian Sage, § remarkable and almost marvellous {hair nourisher and beautifier, is al most entirely responsible for the charming hair of the ladies of France, the demand for it has become enor- mous." Parisian Sage i now sold all over {Canada and in Kingston by G. --~W- | Mahood, who is glad to guarantee it to eradicate dandruff, stop falling hair in two weeks or 3 3 reps egy den Bibby's $15 Suits : . Our Fifteen Dollar Suits stand right out from the crowd, The values are extraordinary. These Suits are made for the man insists upon having a good looking, perfect-fitting, stylish Suit at a moderate price. : The fabrics are new and stylish--the Suits are cut over the same patterns and models used for our = iced suits. We've several choice styles, and can fit any | form, 3 3 Fine English Worsteds | : Fine English Cheviots Fine English Tweeds | New Blues, Browns, Greens and Fancy Mix- tures, . See our Fownes' English Gloves, $1, 1.25, 1.50, The H,D. Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices, Arsene pE------ we " STRIKE IS ENDED. Y POOR MAN'S DISEASE. Penrose Forced the Railway Come pany to Sabmit. Philadelphia, March 21.--Senator Boise Penrose broke "the strike, last night. One by one he called before ah reluctant directors of the i ransit company and foreed foompetent, and with hard : them to accept the terms outlined Inst -- ng ao ih 1 iy cid dd. Friday night, by powerful financial in: fger of the disease, the problem laf terests. As boss of the situation, he $tul erpulosis in bo ohonl of Nw sigh be would break the Rapid Trans {y,rk js a most serious one By it company into smash andl scatter the | Mr. Ayres, associate director of Abe pieces over the streets if they con-|gepartment of child hygiene of the tinued to hold out another hour. HelRuggell Sage Foundatiqn, said that even more than hinted at a receiver- | Now York city - loses Annually 8250. ship. As a result the transit officials {p00 from the unnecessary and revin- caved in and agreed to everything }i 11. deaths of school o Lp who Penrose demanded, guaranteeing terms Lo. 4 cated only toglie. He plead ¥ . that give the Carmen's Union nine- | = I h techs of verytiangy i. demanded, for open-air schools, and showed that Even regognition of the Amalgamated Union, through a grievance committer, is included in the capitulation. S-------------- Terrible savages of Tuberculosis in United States. Albany, N.Y., March 21.--With, an annual loss of millions in wasted edu. vation, with' mor#" than® ten vent. of the school children phyvically in- under-fed, badly-pnourished children who were liable td"contract tuberoul- osis could be improved by such schools: Dr. Goler, who is health of- ficer, of Rochester, went further, deo- claring that every school room should be opened up, and suggested leaving the top sash out of all windows. Dr. Ea Yonkers, demonstrated that tuberculosis is a poor men's dis- ease, and that fifty per cent. of the A few years ago the liberal ' governs adult population 'of the country ment carried through the commons a | MONS the working classes die from bill to abolish it and to establish the it, principle of 'one man one vote." The tories fought it tooth and nail in the commons and when it reachod the lords it was, of course, thrown out. The Westminster Guazetts places|corn salve has of curing a corn. the number of plural votes, including | Nothing g,ves such, satisfaction as the 43,952 voters for the English apd [Putnam's Corn Extractor, witch Scotch universities, at 643,006. It cures yainlessly in twenty-four estimates that not more than one in (hours, Use only '"'Putaam's." five of the plural voters are liberal. - - Taking the plural votes into account it concludes that in the recent elt tions the actual Hberal majority ex- ceeded 600,000, In the 1905 elections the tories had a surplus of votes, ad- ding the plural votes of 310,632, and out of this they got a majority of 213 seats. The injustice of the plue- al voting system is as evident as is the tory reason for resisting its abo litlon. But "the world do move," and the plural vote must soon Fo. Plural Voting a Weakness. Hamilton Times. The plural vote is one of the don- key engines of toryism in Great Bri tain, and wherever it has been pro- sosed to abolish the evil thé tories ave been found fighting to retain it. Will U.S. Annex Canada? Uncle Sam has about as much chance to do #0 as 8 cheap acid Sir Edward Shackleton, the Antarce tic explorer, sailed for New York, Sa- turday, to undertake a lecture tour of Canada and the United States See our shoulder braces, 50c. a pr. Prevent curvature. Children's hy i waists of every description and price. New York Dress Reform, 200 Princess street. Germany has a fleet of fourteen great Cdhrigible airships with nine others nearing completion, . ---------------------- A strike of coal miners, which will Everybody appreciates goodness--if affect a million workers, threatcns in money back. Large bottle, 50 cents. it's the real thing. If you are, you had better pay our Travelling Goods Department a visit. All New Goods just in. - Trunks and Suit Cases