THE DAILY a WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1940. VIEW OF MR. HARTY IN FAVOR OF DRYDOCK EXEMP. A Busy Woman Appreciates 2 Bank Account TION BY-LAW. Any woman who has to look i after" the many details of He Says it Would be a Great Mistake housekeeping finds it a great on the Part of the People if They convenience to pay her house- . hold bills by. cheque. With a ha a Vote for the By-law on checking account one finds it unnecessary to carry large sums Hon. of money in her house or in her asked, this morning, for his view of purse. the Kingston Shipbuilding company's | Her account is balanced by J |request for the exemption from taxa- , the Bank seh Mont, apd She tion on the government dry dock can thus v n which it proposes leasing. He said : cords. Her cheques, when re- "It would be a great pity to miss turned by the Bank, are re- fl... opportunity of estal ing an in- | . ceipts for al. payments. At this §l4u try that gives promise im the fu | Bank we pay special attention {liu of being ome of the largest, if | to Ladies' Accounts. uot the largest, in the city. There is Our location, right in the heart of the shop: pl Sigtiiet, is a point wort ering In. Rl the near futu addition to the safety and sub- § |)" 3 eh : gement is made it will be i . 1 stantial standing of this tnatitu- ¥| C00 overnment ty aid dry dock which will accommodate any | BANK OF TORONTO William Harty, MJP., was i the Welland canal; that must be done When such en, for the purpose of securing this dry dock one of the very ey to no doubt about the enlargement of gored sw. INCIDENTS OP THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re porters On Their Rounds. Bibby's pew hats, $2. Willisss Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at MoAuley's. Phone 778. New shipment English automo- bile coals just arrived at Waggoner's. Miss Lyons, Kingston, took part in the St, 'atr2k's day concert in Athens, Ont, - "High class imported cigars.) See the beautiful assortment st Gibson's Red Cross drug store. See Bibby's smart $2 hats, Neil C. Polson, jr., is on his way to South Africa in the ifterests Po iam, fr H. Cunni piano' tuner from Chickering's.. Leave orders at Mo Auley's 3 Two battery horses got logse (un the. stables during the night avd wan- oy. No trace of them has ound. U.H.A. throat tshlets clear the throat at once. Sold in' Kingston cnly at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, At a meeting of the building com- mittee of the School of Mimng, on Friday evening, it was decided to yet been craft which can then be used, and if | Kingston wishes to be in the field KINGSTON BRANCH: . 107 PRINCESS STREET. George B. McKay, Manager. be given therefore is that we have au aries, contribute anything to the compe which proposes to lease the dry d BOW in existence here, trary the school will be benefited to some extent See Our Window Display of Motor Boat Supplies. We have everything to make your Don't worry about @ give you manufacturers' prices better than you can send away boat complete. the price and get, First Comes. the school ' as we have everything to gain the conditions past 1 think it mistake on the part of our people they do not now offered, and vote for the next." A Checker Competition. Odessa, March 19.--<In the checker tournament, held here last night, in first-class shipyard within our bouni- "The city is not being asked to On the von revenue of our city » by ndel i N F i tax whick the company oh 3 I a gly in offers to pay upon a fixed assessment "The prospect of the company's sug ing of a nurse, A y rr rei, Saran Finn's Lats Sh rey and : i . nothing to lose when compared with Opening of spring that existed in the We BOW keep would be a at Toomey's hall, between nine Copper Palat for the Bottom. |, i of the Cataraqui Club, and | Chats, Chocks, nine picked from the Odessa Club, it! Lamps, Fenders. resulted in favor of Odessa, 24 out of | 27. After the Rope, Anchors, Celleuloid for Spray Heads, |spread was prepared for them, and a jolly evening was spent in "I told you'| Flags and Paddles. so's" and fine Estimates Furnished on complete out-| @8tch will be ater on. The Cataraqui 'hoys were fits. voted a jolly bunch, Henry J. Smith, W. A. Mitchells Hardware, 85 and 87 Princess St. Special i out of 9 games. Bibby's 82 hats are special. worth '36¢., for 28c. {men's socks, worth game, both clubs re . colors idered stock-| paired to Sproule's hotel, where a fine atack a ie speeches. The return {nddi-essed played at Cataraqui i, session there. Sam Hughes ! was calle Odessa Club, took the cake, scoring 8 jyor's address. revolving rubber heels. men's, 18e, '25¢, and out extra charge. advertise for tenders for the mining and metallurgy building. See Bibby's dressy hats. Extra' strong corset clasps, side (steels, bones of every desaiption for repairing of corsets. Sold only at {New York Dress Reform, 209 Princess treet. See Bibby's smart 82 hats. accord al to have medical in- spection in the schools by the engag- YeAr or more ago stock of corsets. the well-known W.B. corset, all styles. Sole agents for P.D. corset, : tt. - § See Bibby's nobby $2 hats. Charles Hay, Glenburnie, who re ceived a bad fall on Clarence street, on Saturday last, and has been laid up ever since, is slightly improved, to- day, and will be able to go home ricked shortly. . [treated to Picked | See Bibby's swell $2 hats. {from Mrs, Sale of cashmere stockings, all wool, Special line of Blc., for 3bc.; 2%, 260, B0c. and 75e. Bibby's hats, $2. The mayor of uttawa attended and the Grand Orange lodge Un motion of Col. kev. W. F. Fitzgerald upon to reply to the ma- See Bibby's dressy $2 hats. . Save money by wearing Wood-Milne Prices, wo- and 25¢, per pair, nun's, 36¢c. per pair. Put on with- Sole agents, Dut ton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. The Ladies' Aid Society of Chalmers' io Friday afternoon to con- & sider ht Sin a rating the great fundamental reasons for thanks- interior of the church during. the com- giving, and delighted her hearers with Y ing summer. The undertake the work. society will likely Bibhy's $2 hats. ALLIANCE REPORTED." = Soc wuss +s IN Members Meet Dally to Train Off : Obesity. PEOPLE OF FORMER NATION| Muskogee, Oka, March '19.--Mus. ALARMED BY RUMOR. kogee has a Roller Club. its members are all young women and they roll Declare Pact One-sided--Also Insist | '0emelves to reduce thew flesh. They { belong to the best society of the town. They Must Not be Put in the Posi-| 1: u.] started this way: A pretty but tion of Opposing American In. over plump society mation astonished terests. = hoy Seems by "losing" het pg . : i 1 1 St. Pets ig, March 19~A Ruseo- |}, h she explamed that she did it J mfhd 3 Linted in I { by roliing, which was still more mysti- (Japanese alliance, hin at in Rue- fying untsl she elucidated farther. She .said that she began by rolling over Japavese dispatches to have | any over on the fioor as a morning | actually been completed, is arousing a | Aero hat s 16m storm of protest from the mass of the | Gaercias ani ound that it > Russian people. All attempts to learn | uni, she was refed to what she con- from the foreigre office just how far! i ; ' toad | sidered . Megotiations have proceeded for an |jorm, the witra-fashionable. ; hipless j understanding or alliance with Japan | i i jhave met with diplomatie evasion, {i The result, was the immaliste organ. though it is stated that no actual al- i i apg a Sa id of society matrons and maids, who are he, Mw Shan semen 0 Se 9 ps Tos a (rs A BE Ss Aa ella is being pre- | may be seen scurrying to the home of pared and foreign minister lswolsky | one of their members. Thy members, is coming in for severe censure from | in kimonos or other garments, lie One of most Russian politicians. The real finds zation of the Rollers' Club, composed | i .D. made in Belgium. | grasp the opportunity | York Relat, 200 Prjucess \ assage of the exemptiofi, by-law on } onday objections to suck. an alliance, however is the fear that America and Japan will eventually become i in a clash in which event, if the threatened alliance is broad emough in its terms, Russia would have to take sides Against her traditional friend, Amer- ca. eee LADIES' AUXILIARY, Y.W.C.A A Successful Meeting on Friday Afternoon, The Woman's Auxiliary of the local Y.M.C.A. held its annual thankoffering meeting yesterday afternoon, in the (association parlors. Owing To the ever-increasing activities of the aox- iliary, there was a very large attend. | ance, and an exceedifigly liberal offer- ing. "The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs, Wright, who is an untiring worker, and one whose boundless enthusiasm permeates the entire band of workers. After the opening exercises, the ladies were does not wrap around and bind { limbs. LEGISLATURE SENSATION. {A Suffragette Spoke From the | Speaker's Gallery. | Toronto, March 19.---A sufiragette (demonstration took place at the pro- {rogation of the legislature, this morn ing. Just asthe - lieutenant-governor |concluded the reading of the speech from the throne a lady rose in the speaker's gallery and in distinct tones proclaimed : "There is one thing that you have forgotten; 1 object to this | parliament closing without doing jus- !tice to women. Women are just as entitled to vote as men. I hope that {at your future meetings yon will do 'more justice to the cause of women, This is all 1 have to say at present, thank you." The incident caused a mild commotion. Sir James Whitney, turning in his seat, said : "Will sqme one kindly assist thai person to re New York | hot lent. Addresses tire." A couple of attendants hur Dyde, as well as a delightful solo, a ried towards the woman, but she left titled "The Swallows," rendered by heraatt, ue. Edmund Holeland, on "The | After Muskrat Offenders. | Ideal: Home and Mts Relations to the | Alfred Hunter, Belleville, game in Association," brought out some very |SPeCtor for Kastern Ontario, was in efittive points on the necessity of par- 1h? ¢ty yesterday, en route to Gan ents taking more interest in the young 3POYe to try a case against an Ivy men of to-day, emphasizing particular. #8 resident who is charged. with ly the great hon igor more individual |OPeming muskrat houses. There have hospitality towards strangers. There beeri a lot of violations of the muek- | are many young men who are coming "AY law recently, and the game in ito the Y.M.CA. from time to time SPtors are getting after the viola !who are strangers here, to whom a Po Mwsbepe ng wood do sll i or Be. each. ow they bring #1. kind word Si welcume a great boon, is reported that at Blg Bay, Wolfe Is and frequently Metng e turning of tand, thave is a° wholesale slaeghter of the way from visappointiment an muskrats and that 1,000 of them were | failure to prosperity and happiness. : . Mrs. Dyde, in her own characteristic sold in the city this month. ! way, brought home to the ladies the Marine Paragraphs. 'the coal docks at Charlotte, N (., are to be equipped with electric power for loading and unloading vessels, The steamer Arundell has been sold the way in which she strengthened her arguments as she went along. The president read a telegram re- Sale TO-NIGHT, 7.30 O'CLOCK 180 Pairs Impo ed Kid Gloves Latest shades of Tans and Browns, regu- lar values 90c & $1.00 Pair, Sizes 6, 61, 64, 64,7 For 69c. Pair Incldded in this Special Lot are 38 Pairs Heavy English Dogskin Gloves. Sizes for Girls and 'For mall Ladies, worth $1.00 pair. 69c. Worth 15¢ each. On Sale 9c. Each. ~~ A Pleasure to Have You Examine héldren' hool shoes, 75¢.; | ceived from R. B. Nelles, of Ottawa, =... 8 Torking ate Nand up; wo- iin which he remembered their meeting men's skippers from $1. Save money and wished them all success in their by joining "our boot club. "Deposit 1t¢. and up, bonus four per cent. Dut- ton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. Bibby's $2 hats are favorites. The signalling class of the R.C.H.A. closed its work last might. It was made up in the bommencement of about twenty men from both batter- ies, Some dropped the work alter the first week but a good large class contintied, Bibby's $2 hats for comfort, Wear Wood-Milne revolving rubber heels. They sav® boot bills, keep boots in shape, prevent worn-down heels and tect the nervous system from jar of hard streets. Sole agents, Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street, Bibby's #2 hats for style. There was a double shooting affair at the police station on Friday after- noon, with Constable Samuel Arniel in the leading role. As a result two stray canines are no more. The re mains were laid in state in the cells and were buried this morning. The Tivst and Gurrantee Company, lotonio,have boos appointed guar- dian «' the state of the Inte Edward 2 Kobivsun, late of the town of ingham. estate ° consists of mortgages and insvrance and real estate hn Minneapolis, the al inven- tory valve amounting to $6,000. A fine hockey souvenir of the win- ping Kingston teams was placed on sale in many of the "ity stores on Friday afternoon avd in nearly every case sold rapidly. The souvemir is on attractive book of sixteen pages, contain'ng cuts of Quesn's, Fronte- nacs and Collegiate teams, with an outline of the year's work in all the leagues. The cover desig is a pen sketch, with the colons of the three teams worked in on the page. | Heavy Weight Lifter Coming. James E. Barnes, champion heavy- weight lifter of the world, afipears at Checked and Embroidered § Sus mi = oi fist agth ever seen. His (harness) hft 5 pou alleled, This act was booked from New York at a heavy is the Sampson of F Reg ug Christy's, Scott's and Buckley's Celebrated hats at\Campbell Bros'. a oie 2 oa of arte , involved in the wage with their employers, an ' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Ji ivi 5 oni 5: increase of two cents an nd Sold in Kingston 'st Gib fn & future work. | Refreshments were served and an en- joyable half hour was spent by the new general secretary, E. F. Trimble, in getting acquainted with the ladies. Judging from the large and enthusi- astic gathering, yesterday, one be- speaks a great future for the work of the. auxiliary. It would be a great pleasure to the president and the members generally to have even more come out to their ular monthly meetings, which are on the third Friday of each month. Y.M.CA. Notes. There was a large turnout of the Scouts Jast evening at the Y.M.C.A. Signal work with lamps was conduct- ed by Sergeants Lemmon and Wood- rowe. Mr. Mooshi, of Persin will atiiress the Sunday morning boys' class at 9.30, on Turkey and the Turks. A col lection will be taken up in aid of the work 'M#, Mooshi is conducting in his own country. 'The final ¥ ae in the Meadows Cup basketball league was played last night, between the Irishmen and Gala- tians, and proved to be a good fast strenuous contest. The Irishmen got away to a good start, slthough the Galatians were going some at the end. The final score was Irishmen 24, Gal- atians 17. Teams s--Irishmen, R. Day (capt.), centre, D. Pound, F. Gillespie, forwards; R. Harris, R. Ward, defence. Galatians, (Capt.) J. Stagg, M. Lem- mon, forwards; H. Singleton, eentre; R. Atkinson, D., Wightman, defence. Referee, James Bews, of Queen's. Junior indoor baseball games scheduled for Tuesday are as follows: Hykers ang = Pikers, Crescents and Scouts. Police Court--Saturday. Three cases were quickly disposed of by the magistrate to-day. A first ap- | pearance drunk was given a to { reform. Patrick Bard an old offender, | was given $2 and costs or 'twenty days 'and as he did not have the necessary two he will go down for twenty days. A voung man named Shame, wanted jin December last for robbing the * grocery store of L. W. Murphy, was arrested Friday evening upon his re- Jakre to town, and when arraigmet! this morning pleaded guilty. He was given a severe lecture by the magistrate, and then, as restitution had been made by his parents he was given his liberty. f don, Ont; T. B. Allan, Toronto; D. C. Nix, Toronto: D. ¥. Longshaw, Bos- i ton; Arthur Gibson, Ottawa; W. T. Panlkinwon, Toronto: Robt. J. Flah- erty, Cobalt. ; | : | Go to Wa 's for you spring Lomwit, SRT: I o a Chvago shipping company. She will no longer run on Lake Ontario. This coming season she will be put on wn passenger route between (licago and the Soo. Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That depressing "used-up'" feelin and pallid face can be quickly ex changed for happiness and rosy cheeks by a course of~Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They Wuild up the constitution, make new, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Price 25 cents, at McLeod's Drug Store, The Cup and Medals Here. The new junior O.H.A. cup, won by Frontenacs, arrived in the city, this morning, and is on view in the win- dow of J. Sutherland & Bro. The cup is a fine one, better than the old mug by a long way. The seven medals also arrived to-day. The window is neatly decorated with Frontenac colors and looks attractive. ~~ Campbell Bros. To-night. For new 82 and $2.50 derbies. Bibby's $2 hats are it. Frederick N. Miller, a Kansas City attorney, is under sentence, imposed by Judge Tathsaw, in the criminal court, to marzy the first woman who will consent to become l.s wife. "For five o'clock teas," parties or lunches at country club Neilson's ice cream bricks, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Bibby's $2 hats are ready. At Yokohoma.more than 500 houses are in ruins as the result of the great $3,000,000 conflagration on Friday. "Dr, Wilkams' "' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold in Kingston at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Windsor post office has almost doubled its business within the last If You Are Going ro'Have a New Suit or Gown this Spring You Simply Must Have a CORSET a iss ttre This Corset is the secret of up-to-date slimnecss and our French Model Qorsets are made especially to pro- duce this result on figures that are not naturally slen- der. Cut by a wizard in the art of Corset shaping it fits jo fF the, figure comfortably at every point, flattering the back across the shoul der blades, defining the waist and giving the long hip without curve, which is needed under the gowns of the day. : FREN' H MODEL CORSETS, $2, 2 50, 1.75 FRENCH MODEL CORSETS, 1.50, 1.25. THE PREMIER CORSET, a particularly make at $1. : : THE MARCEL CORSET at 75c is excep- tional value. soem GT SPECIAL SALE TO-NIGHT, 7.30 to 10 During the past few days we have had the opportunity of securing some very special barging and To-Night we of- ~ fer the following 2: : 113 Ladies' Umbrellas English Paragon frame, covered with a good quality Silk and Linen Gloria Cover, which is fully guaranteed to wear. A splendid lot of new and stylish handles, all different. These Um- brellas range in value from $1.50 to 2.00. Your Choice To-Night $1.10 137 Pairs Men's Black English Union Worsted Wool Sox A make slightly hea- vier than Cashmere, but very durable. Reg- ularly sold at 25c¢. Yours To=Night 15¢ As long as the lot lasts. A Special Sale Of 340 yards Wide Pure Silk Duchess Satin and Taffeta Ribbons All new shades, worth 250 to 30e, Yours To-Night 18c Yard A Great Display --OF Spring Shoes All Our Dorothy Dodd and Empress Spring Shoes For Ladies shown. Slater and Regal Shoes for Gentlemen, and the Rochester Culture Shape Shoes for Children. The Lockett Shoe Store ROA TNS ar Ys ne Pa