Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1910, p. 9

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YEAR~77 NO. 66. 'AMOTHER'S LETTER. Mrs. Samuelle Vigneau graphically | describes the iliness and the recov- ! ery of her daughter. All Mothers Should 'Read. DAUGHTER OF MRS, SAMUELLE VIGNEAU, RS. BAMUELLE VIGNEAU, Ame herst, Isle de La Magdsline, Can, writes: #1 write to tell you that 1 am per: fectly well. I took only three bottles of your Peruna according to your ad- vice and the directions in your book, and it restored my health, "1t also cured my daughter, who 1s 17 years old. She took one Lottle accord- ing to directions. 1 assure you that ne doctor 18 equal to your book and your advice, Ihave recommended your rem: ody to s number of persons." A Woman's Remedy. I Mrs. A, E. Stouffer, Caploma, Kansas, writes: *"Peruna has given me health and Strength; it is the best medicine that wus over made for women. My friends say 'they never saw such a change in » womsn. I camnot say too much for Peruana" e314 Thitgs Look New with i 3 at all dealers, of postpaid with free Booklet "How to Dye" from FL BENEDICT &C0. 75 Montreal St. Margaret's. College S----. ------ Residential and Dey School ander the management © A Ca No Ory 'ano 'ollege, ICRBON. Dns, Groner D A Qzonoe Bah to the Secretary, SL ollege, Toronte, ~~ liliexteaWeaknage of the atom. ach nerves which control the desire for food. Itis a sure A hae eons. Sommer 8. BENNETT & 00, FARMS FOR SALE We have them. I J J. LOCKHART |. ope inten, 4 AMERT HE WANTED ASTATUE| ECCENTRIC MILLIONAIRE IOUS TO BE REMEMBERED, Left Half a Million for Monument to Himself in Detroit - City Park-- Clergy Oppose Erection of Monu- ment, Alleging That the Man Was a Professional Gambler, Mich., March 16.--According provisions of his will, James Scott, a Detroit Millionaire, who died last week, bequeathed the sim of 850, 000 to the city of Detroit; the money to be used for the erection of a mag- nificent fountain on Belle lsle, a popu ar city park. The will Detroit, to 'the also provides || shat a life-sized statue of the donor is to surmount the fountain, But a storm of protest has arisen in certain quarters against the accept ance of the gift because, it is alleged, the dead milhonaire wus a one-time chird sharp and professional gambler. The *Detroit Pastors' Union, at its meeting, put itéel on record as being unaltefably opposed to the aceeptance of the money by the city, on the ground that a monument in « public park to the memory of the donor would exercise an unhedlthy influence upon 'the morals of children as "tend. ing to immortalize a man whose wealth was acquired by gambling." Friends of the late My. Seott, while denying that he was ever anything but an edeentric business man, admit that he 'might have played poker a few times," and it is practically upon this admission that the Detroit clergy oppose the acceptance of the gift. In the event of the city refusing to accept the gift the fortune will revert to the state, A peculiar phase of the whole affair is that the dergymen say they will pot oppose the acceptance of the gift if Seott's statue is eliminated. COMING RACE ASK. | KINGSTON SHACKAETOR 3 FURTHEST ey I Win Boll ily i FO Jon OY AND BRITISH ROUTES TO THE SOUTH POLE Announcement that both American and British expeditions are to siart for the South Pole in the coming year has added unusual interest to tie work of two sides of the Antarctic ice cap ovr which the expeditions will make their way. the British expedition, hopes to mak cated as closely as conditions wiki permit. Land, and will have to travel about eleven hundred miles over the ice and possibly wait to reach the goal. Antarctic exploration, his base ou The hing Rdward's Land, SH FRAUDS EXPOSED. Solicitors Victims Swindle, March As a se quel to the suicide of George Frank- lin, builder, aged forty-nine, of South anipton, who cut his throat in the Holborn public baths, Endell street, London, last Thursday, an extensive series of frauds is coming to light. These are ull connected with real es tate in Southampton and Eastleigh. As yet the full extent of Abe defal- cations has not been revealed, but it is estimated at close upon £100,000. Neatly every firm of solicitors and nearly #very bank in Southampton has been victimized by Franklin, Ome well-known bank has¥ost about £16, 000, and one of the leading firms of soligitors amd their 'clients have lhpen defrauded of £20000. Many other firms and ipdividuals have lost sums ranging from £3,000 upwards. A pathetic feature is that people are absolutely ruined, having fost all their savings. The victims are nol, confined to Southampton alone, for people in various parts of Hamp- shire, ret, Wiltshire, and elsewhere are among the sufferers. Franklin was one of the best-known men in Scuthampton, and once a J.P. for Hampshire by virtue of his chair- manship of the South Stoneham rural council. A builder and land specula- tor, Ms plan of operation was to cut up land he had acquired [into plots and raise money several times over upon the same plot of land by means of leases, On some plots of land he raised money nine times over, and apparently the money was lost in speculation, Until recontly he. paid' the interest on his loans and thus averted suspi- S08, When he could no longer do this, and' the interest became. due, the holders of the leases served notices upon the tenants to pav the = rents. Some tenants reteived ag many as nine notices of this kind from different people, sight of whom had, of course, advansad their maney upon worthless documents. As soon ad this fact came out in- quiries were instituted, but the full extent of the defalcations was = pot guessed until Friday last, when Alex ander Paris, Prosideny of the Hamp- shire Law Society, called a meeting of a few local stlicitors ER 10 hold these duplicate deeds. News of this meeting spread in the Profensic oo, and, 10 the detonishment of Sonor, aver fifiy wolieitory { Banks and of a Southampton, 18, several Be von attended, o "all ut whom held deeds of the kind wentionad above. It was then discov axed that the frauds had bean on rr TO SOUTH POLE. The accompanying picture shows the whence he will follow the line indi- American expedition plans to establish i ---------- " | Will British ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARC Captain Scott, leader of its base on Coats found, it was stated, in Mr. PFrank- Iin's pocket "I am sorry blé about, but all this trou- brain is eracked and 1 am mad. 1 have been wandering about all day. Arrange for my burial in London, and in no case take me home,™ to bring my A Word to Mothers. No matter whether baby is ack or well Baby's Own Tablets should © be kept in the 'home always. They not only cure the minor troubles to which babyhpod and childhood is subject, hut will prevent them coming om ii the child is given an occasional dos: of the medicine. Mrs. George T. Walker, Mascouche Rapids, Que., says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation ani. others disorders of hidhood and am so pleased with them that | always keep the Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25¢, a box from the Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville," Ont. George M. Brady, assistant captain of No. 8 station, Ottawa fire brigade, has been selected by the Brockville fire and water committee as the new chief of the brigade The fine residence of R, G. Murphy, Brockville, has been disposad of to R. L. Joynt, North Augusta. Red Rose Tea 'Is Good Tea" If you use it you know it ic good. tell: your H 19, 1s10, CUT OFF MARRIAGE STARTLING SUGGESTIONS FROM G. B. SHAW, Er ---- wl Would End Property and Kill All Un- desirables--Every Man Should Be Allowed Full wviberty. London, March 18.--Bernard Shaw, addressing the Fugenies Fdacatioh Sodety at Caxton Hall, advocated among other things the abolition of property and marriage, and the au thorization by the state to kill un- desirables. "It is most obvious to everybody," he said, "that before we can begin to breed the human race with the view to 'its improvement we must go further in the direction of political revolution than the most extreme socialist now ventures to suggest publicly. "it is evident that we need the en- tire abolition of property and mar- riage, as now understood, as a pre "minary step. | do not seo any wav out of 'that. 1 have found when ad- dressing audiences on political ques- tions that they immediately get extra- ordinarily interested whenever I touch upon the subject of marriage and im- provement of the human race. "They already feel that if it ie de monstrable that property is incom- patible with achieving a high level of humanity, property must go, and it is evident that if they could be made to ¢cnive that marriage is also incom; patible with reaching that level thay would be prepared to consider wheth- ¢r marriage should not go." Briefly attributing the existence roverty, ignorance and idlencss property, Shaw did not elaborate on tls point, merely adding : *Let na cnly eet rid of property and we shall set rid of all that," He them concontratéd his remarks ¢n {he marriage question. "It was the experience of almost everybody regarding marriage," he said, "That instead of people finding themselves mn a great commuity of marriageable persons of their own age there were only about three persons within reach and they did not like any of them. Nevertheless, they had to make the best they could of these three. They were driven into a marriage whth cen-equently hardly ever represented their natural impulse, yet natural im- pulse scemed to be the only thing which is to be trusted for the im provement of (he race." Dealing at length with this point Shaw contended that in order to give natural impulse a chance to operate satisfactorily there ought to be a seri. ous effort to make the whole »om- munity intermarriagable and to widen the sphere of sexual selection. Eugenic politics should be directed to those ends. ot to Eom -- Mating was now mainly a matter of focome. A man might sp an at: tractive scrubwoman, but he could not | very well marry her. Then he might | see a duchess who would not want 10 | marry him. In order to improve thins the state would have to provide in comes for everybody and see that! each person earned his income. { Eugenie polities would, continued the lecturer, land us in the extensive | use of the lethal chamber. It would be | necessary to revise our views of the i sacredness of human life. We should find ourselves committed to the killin ¢ of a great many people. Some would have to be removed simply because it wastes other peo ples time to look after them. Un th other hand we should leave livin many people whom we now kill, W, should have to get rid of all ideas of apital punishment. i It is right to kill a man who eannot i be trusted to go about in aceiety with- | out injuring others, but a man may commit murder and yet be a perfectly kale and desirable citizen afterwards. Indeed, it might have been a desir able thing to have removid the mur- dered man. A man ought to be al lowed to commit a certain number of crimes just as he 8 allowed to have a certain number of sieknesses. Recurring to marriage Shaw put hvpothetical case. "Suppose ywro- perty has been abolished, a whole community made intermarriageable and a department of eugenics estab- lished. This department in making experiments might introduce a man to a woman and tell him he is tc marcy her. The man might object that she had a bad temper and he therefore lid not wish to live with her. "The department would reply tha! her temper was the very reason we withed you to marry her. We think that crossing her temper with vour temperament would produce a highly d sirable MH seas to be that to meet cases of that kind | we shall have to make some provi | sion by ! moth:rs without having to live do- | mestically with the fathers of their children." : This drew applause from ihe aw'- ence, whereupon Shaw said: "1 no tice that immediately I begin to talk immorality 1 get a rpspcnse. 1 am #0 gratified with that success that will not try to improve an it bet will sit down." : Killed With an Axe. Houston, Texas; March 18--The lo- cal police were called upon, yesterday, to solve one of the most remarkable | murder mysteries in the history of Houston, as the result of the discov. ery of five dead bodies piled in a heap in the home of Gus Schultz, in Hous- ton Heighte. The bodies were those of Schultz, his wife, an ynkhown man and two babies. It ix believed all five bad been killed with an axe = widow ahs sbiey, died Sus sis o Mor Mes. Margaret Jane Ashley, of the late Ja ob which women ean become | ® Whig -- SECTION. SE( OND. ANOTHER MIRACLE IN NOVA SCOTIA Thought the Disease was Cancer of the Stomach "FRUIT- A- TIVES" Cured Him SYDNEY MINES, N. 8, JANUARY 25TH 1010 "For many vears I suffered torture from -- stion and Dyspepsia. Two years ago, I was so bad that J vomited my food constantly, The agony I endured all these years, I cannot describe and 1 lost over 25 pounds in weight. 1 also suffered with Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse. 1 consulted physicians, as I was afraid the disease was cancer but medicine gave only temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever. I read in the "Maritime Baptist" about "Fruit-a-tives"" and the cures this medicine was making and I decided to try it. After taking three boxes, 1 found a great change for the better and now I can say *'Fruit-a-tives' has entirely cured me when every other treatment failed, and I reverently say 'Thank God for Fruit-a-tives' ! |" EDWIN ORAM, Sr. * Pruit-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, increases the flow of gastric strengthens the stomach muscles, and insures sound digestion. The i powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than in curing the apparently hopeless dases of Dyspepsia and Constipation. §oe a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. At dealers or from Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ET -- Er Ce] io Fo i] wu ---- a RS TAILORING Waoollens iu the city nx! wll] {SSRN CRAWFORD & WALSH, Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts | oe [0 eo fT oe 3 te n SER oe] 3 1) J To To Fe oe GRANU LATE D > SUG, AR Ew » - The cleanest and most sat- isfactory way to buy Granulated Sugiar is in 20 pound Cotton Bags. > Ton Every the bag beur register: d brand as slo n on this cut MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd. MONTREAL. Handsome Watch and Chain, Gold Ring, Cuff Links and Tie Pin or oy Tree, for selling sends for greatest seed house. Gir s and Boys, this is the spportunity Write uesodas Ae we will send you only $a de famous ered to sell at our wholesale price of only § cents [hey will go like hot Oakes 3 in, a Leausl a sold. fins riobed. ig, god Tie Mya and a beautiful will give you this benwtife!, genuine Dicey Air Rifi-, handsomely nickle plated mrrel eronized stock and bus, I tatest style sights, compiete for seifin only Sudo worth Kemensbur our famous on sell St om § vents per package, Act at once and be the first tu be sel Domision Seeds' Dominion Seed Co. the fagons Dept. 188 Toronto el ---- gp Th Wout CURED AT HONE disorders always yield Yeiy Peginning of the to the mild bout effec. Lliy. Within ¥ commencing we lmproyement becom and this Improves es until the patien: js tly cured, OFENgE "Liye led or local tr Rd mtd Sir off the Ww moving the SLOINE aly sirergihening the peryes, sod ne storing perfect circulation fn the the 'Rive of this age trata oatebiutaly Res FRANC E. CURRAN, Windsor, ' ry

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